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Medical. •- ___4 : '^i PEockle s Anfinilioim Pills™ 1 * 3 || ' "I do not hesitate to say it is the best made pill in the kingdom."—Dr. G. F. Collier, in the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal Collage of Physiciaas of London,' ▼"v ' '' \> ip FAMED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. Invaluablo to Mother of a family* «|

__: ; '■'. ••'••, ' ■ ■■—~~—■" . ■..- .-i "*' ———- 1 HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure ! THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine lit Australia. : - :vQS| Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful inilueace. Sufferer* : from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Sore- \ ness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are, >- subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluably us it effects a Complete Cure. .It is mo** T ' \ comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it • neither allows a Cough or Aiithma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop- . ;. ; Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treatj ed with this medicine. Ko house should bo without it ,as, taken at tha beginning,, *, dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ■„ 7 1 \ A Lady in London. Gratitude and Appreciation. ! i : .- ■■"-, ,:-.:• ■.-..'•■;■>?■■: ::?%sWh A MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL HUNDREDS CUBED IN THEIR OWN CIRCIA ASTHMA. , ""She Scientific Australian Office,* ■ , . ',', ] CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OP HEARNE'S " 169 ' Q»««wt»«*» Melbourne. BRONCHITIS CURB. " Dear Mr. Hearno,—The silent worker* aw* THE DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT HE L'TlwLt,? JL*W CARRIED OtE THE EMPTY BOTTLE. &?££'& l^^J^iS^tOrange, N.S.W. and singing the praises of Hearuo's Bronchitis "Mr. Hearne— i Cure, it is our Mr. Phillips. [ "Dear Sir,—l enclose for your own private "This gentleman, some tinea years age* I perusal portion of a letter received from my was recommended to try your Bronchitis Carer mother, Mrs. , of London. England, from by Mr, Barnaul, accountant, Collins-street, which yon will dean that your medicine has and the effect that it bad wad so- marked been a perfect Godsend to a martyr to colds that he has ever since been continually ro- : , ' i and bronchial asthma. Ido not wish any commending: it to 'Others. I names to be mentioned, but yon are at liberty "We are glad to acid this, avr testimony, , ,; % to make use of any portion of this letter yon to the value of Hearna's most valuable Eronchoose. and yon can confidently refer any- chitis Cure, which has eased: the suffering hodr to roe. of hundreds and hundreds of people even in , : . 'I heard of yonr excellent remedy, and our own circle of acquaintance. sent it to Enprland. Yon can see for your- ' "Belidve us always to be, self what an immense success iii was.— "Yours most faithful . fully. —." ° " PHILLIPS. ORMONDE AND CO." - 'Extract from letter alluded to above:- \ " .•>>', "You will he interested in hearing that I ' • ' ,' think the BroncHtis cure really excellent, i Queensland Testimony. was very, bad when it arrived, and I imme- a ! chately Hew to it. That was last Friday, and PROM BRISBANE :■ WHOLESALE CHEKIBTO. it has traite cured mo. , Dr. is very much ■: "69, Queen-street, Brisbane, Qneensan: X V^S^J 0 s ?'v?.i'^* t s'*f j 1, 4- "Mr. W. a. Hearne. Dear Btr.-Pka*esend KiL to f T ty bottle *' flnd^ out if n9 x dOTOtI Bronchitis Cure by flreTboaA. ]»■ he in a large way here." a chemist whe we etlclose oar cheqoo *° C °™* fttpAea » ° win ae -„^?^? I fr0IB i I1^l < ?l2? nt OT "W* oflra *«* Your Bronchitis Cure, .^tj but will he supplied privately when desired. spoken well of A gentleman told us to-day H ■ " - that hei hart "given it to a child of his, with • i*,' .„„„__„„ ™™» most remarkable results, the child heinsqnttt',- '•, AQONJSINO COUGH, cared by three dose?'. ', , NINE MONTHS' TORTURE. . CO . : ~J RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OF HF.ARNE'EI THOMASON. Off AW 3 A ChStatt - i'^9| BRONCHCTTTS CURE. AND CURED * tn««UB. • -( ~ BY TWO BOTTLES. ' ■ „ . (■ Jj i .'"' Ipllli „ n e . T u Der B holm, Victoria. Cured in Ten Days. <,' Dear Sir.— wish to add mv testimony to THfttimrpoTt CiV vtrv tv ~,t-4-r imnL .", the wonderfnnl effect of your Bronchitis Cure. * ■ pjjnatm »*&»«« J < I suffered for nine months, and tho cough \TTn§■"? - f Hffl was so distressingly had at piehtg I was „ _ "SATEFUD APPROBATION. . ; obliged to get no and sit by the are. I ", G. Hearae, Sot., Bear • -Permit 1 had medical advice, and tried other 'raue- ™*> to express mr in-atefnl tijmrrriation of ■ ! rtiw' without avail. I tried yotirs. anil never ™* 'atae of your Bronchitis Cur*- ! hart. >' had a fit of couethma after talung the first months ago, a 1 severe a.ttack of Bwm- ? ' dose, ana thousrh. I Jinve had but.'two's-hot* c™'»*^ mm- took yonr medicine, with the re> ' ' ties I feel I am :i different man. and the ™ 1 ; that at the end of ten <ln.y» the comprint cough has vanished. Yon may depend'upon bad completely left me. 'We ni 1 *- now i-.pv*" my making known the efficacy of your won- without the medicine, in thp'htciße, and ..* clerful remedy to anyone I sue afflicted.— the'lSrst indication of a cold ibis tafcey.-with jj v ours faithfully. ' JAMES ABTBTJRY." immediate ourative effect.. . -.- ,i . ' am, my dear Sir. yonra fatJifnJly, | "We, the nndersijfOed. hare had occasion to :' » "Editor 'Geelcnj' Advertiser.* v obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Core, and we eerti- ~~, ■ ; J\ fy that it .was. perfectly and rapidly BtJCoess- Z<- "tToon looTtine -thrott'irh' ''am honks w* nr* 1 .%""•' 'i" • fnl under dreamrtanoM which undoubtedly atracTwltfi £• it«SS SfeaHl prove its distinct^ healing power, fligned. by tbejialea of your Bronchi tin >'r •■Jj-KLrOW ' " J the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR. Mvers-strpet. Gee- BROS., Limited, W,iol««I« "firt \aMat* «fodtt#vv '* ■' ■'. " "' long, and fifty-nine other leadte* residents. N.S.W. ff ™w*m* unifSplM, waisey.' ;, 4 A PEW EXTRACTS : FROM : XETTE^S:;A^S® *™« I J^ c ! Bronchitis Cure for three.'of my family, and it cured «acfc 'of mem {»•'■■' .'V from on. „ *. doseg.-A. P. MULLINS, Creek. VictorK™ aJI7 01x !,? r0n '*'^Jt i 9 Cure.«l:ie*»a .my «ou vrmtlerfnUy Wrick I onlv gum him rqiw doses, and have some of the medicine yet; but I ant eendbiir for another cab* I should want it.-D. K-BOKALD, IM»te ? . ,i, Q-,i, }:,<,,-..: -'"'• """ "f "" .„ ' -r » v.> '■:''-^ Padd^nn 1? ' Car * to »..w>««rW Medjlcine.-A..8. BIUMONRNo:f;»anWHrt.;.J«I| t .iQuington, Sydney.-, r^./,;/;*!,;^ l^--'.^:-;:^ My^if ■*§* re!lrg ."'?• and I , am 75 - «md lam glad t* inform you at your Bro*^ffli * PAss^ as n 8 b l th i[l wo £ d * r *s a ?*Lf' «9° A ' qnickly cra»dl us boatit. BASSETT. Strath Creek da Broadford, Victoria." •! >' "I have used one bottle of yonr BronchiU, >fnr« with (treat beneilt to w«*S. « th» V Jl •mo ( heri: has completely ,„ft me.-<Mr».} JOIW RABILLT. Glenmaggiej V^ria.*'^* Victor! h " T * foUnd y ° Br ]3ronc l"t i » l iC * W '* medichie.-JOHN WADDION. S3dj«to» ■'.': V-".' B "J have flnished the Bronchitis Cure you sent and am amaised ai what It has dono » ' dan N a -nrV 10 A iflcalty of breathing ha » all eona.-a. HARRINGTON. Biuffog-onsr. JCoraifc '; t , ; |^| ■ *S & cold, bad M it J»: ' disappeared af t«r two do«w.-0. ,;. CURBiCE, S'licitflr, ?l* ',i\ , tor Chambers, Queen -sir t, Melboorne." *■• ' «"} la m Sly admtntat«t«d some of 'yonr BroiiohJU« Care to a ion of mine, wflfc splendid ' effect v a^. was absolutely miracaloui».-F. A. PACKER. Qniera, »:»utrai B*y, Syd- > ney ' N.S.W. - tori " ttUr Bronchltis Cnre> *" nsnal> actetl •*l«ndidly.-*O. H. RABFOQK. CwAerton, Vie*, .', *j _ ''.Kindly forward another bottle Of yonr famous Bronchitif Cure without delay, m % ■ find it to be a most valuable medicine.-(MrB.)J. SLATER. Warrant, Victoria." i- ■ '.H;*i^Sp| 1 "I am very pleased with vour Bronchitis Cure. The result was marrtlloM. 2 Ki«M»4 ; me right eft* at oncfl.-O. BEYTER, Bourka New South Wales.' . • | ""Yonr medicine for asthma is worth £1 at bottle.—W. LETTS. Haywood, Vie-ir.ria, ** i . "I have tried of medicine, hut yours is th» best I ever bad. I sol recommending; it to everybody.— STEELE, Tanbo Biding, New South Wales." "I suffered from Chronic Asthma and Bronchitis for which I obtained no relief until , I tried vour medicine, but I ran truly say that I am astonished at my present freedom, m a direct result of my brief trial.— 0. TRELAWNEY. Severn River, via Intersil. *$ysw." . .-■-;.': % "Last year I suffered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor. to w',<.;n I paid eevett , , guineas, did not do me any food; but I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and two bottle* of it made me quite well.—H. HOOD. Brookliinds. Avoca-rtreet,' South Tarra. Mclbonro*,^^;^^ 'Please send me half a dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This sif-dJcms cured moitt the winter, and has now cured a friend of Kline of a very bad , li 4 Js,'-A. JffISSX; ' " l lt i i Ozone House, Lorno, Victoria." '-■:.. "-■'.■■::■■:. ■r:';^ : :'-:^':''-r-^»\%i: [ '-*:y^ "Your Bronchitis Cure han done me much good.' This is a new experience, for &lt the medicine I previously took made me much, worse. I ant satisfied that tr-i two bHtmi of Bronchitis Cure I trot from you have pulled me through si Ion? and dsuigetoQa ill- ; neas.--HENRY WTJBLOD. Alma., near Maryborough. Victoria." '■'■'''■ ■ ;'_ "-..". '... ". .■'■:•.'•.: ■ V ■':'--^^V- ; ::;/^'\:^'if^&?,^!?tSi3K^ ; >.;i' " The bottle of Bronchitis dare I got from you was magical in its effects.— WT BROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingford, Victoria." - i||| " :'"■■' Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprieto?, W. G. HEARNE. chemist, geelong, Victoria ".--■-.■'":-■-"- , : - " ■ •- •'-'■' I' ■.■■■'-. . i * ■• ■ ■■ ■"..■■;■■ ■ ,:■ ■' ...'■;■■'■,' J Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Large, 4s. 6d. ■■ ; " Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors. : :-;s:'--'::^i 1 :>: i?, ii , ■■;4^^ii^^^ . -■-'.' " ■ .—- :...-• ■, • •■ ■...■; -- 1 ; ■■:■■'' ■ N.Z. DEPOT: OFFICES, 9 AND 11, HUME'S BUILDINGS, WILLIS* STREET, WELLINGTON. : ; - ■ " ' "' : ■ ■-■"■-''■*•■"<■

4« I Ipm' $*% I I W K % 'J BB8 * I™% Al|k I ■ ¥¥Eli vUnt a fkl IM I i / ui» THE DR AUSTIN ELECTRIC BELT U is the only never-failing cure for Rheuraa- K] i^ ■ tism > Lumbago, "Weak Back or Kidneys, -j / MffiijifiA'fL pt f «f "V'Sk.'/'L Nervousness, Liver, Bladder and Stomach I V"- *K%*P> . ' • &vvW Troubles, Pains in the Head, and all those 'j t ~ v iV '%^ k \ ailments from which men and women suffer, a V. r It cures after all other remedies have failed. \ h f3W«§ t *>x*% \ /t' « We don ' as,t anyone to take <] 13 „,' '' *-«■ chances on our invention. . . 1 ' IIiSS»L V ««i/'lte3& ill '*' doaan,t c ° 3t you anything If j' Y>*®>?.il Wlii"}. ¥1 All you lose is your time, and if our bolt fa '\% L.wi' Jt&S&ft&i ft' fails to cure you will have the satisfaction £ tri UMwKviM of knowing that the best, strongest and finest ■ M K W.-'/ r i 'i's Fy„, i?/®*! electric body apnliance in the world— g m \^ i m^^i^^'^V ; * V^i! 1 u with 60,000 CURES to its credit | S| /^^l^§!SiX*--^'c —has failed, and that there is no cure for L' a iiki y° u i" electricity. < ! 1 Remember, our terms are— PAY WHEN CURED. j] ■ FREE! Dl AGWOSSS.—We do not charge for advice, written or personal. [.] ■ FREE BOOK. —Write for our beautifully illustrated Medical Book and f Jj Letters from cured Patients, sent sealed, FREE. Write to-day. I The Dr. Austin Improved Electric Belt Co* 1 Depfc. C] 19 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. H

MedicalAnd all MEN'S SPECIAL COMPLAINTS, no matter how long standing, QUICKLY, THOROUGHLY, AND , PERMANENTLY CURED . By New Perfected Scientific Methods that cani not fail VICTIMS OP DISEASE, reclaim your health! Sufferers from overwork, ill-health, regain : your st'ength! Don't despair, even in the last stages! Don't be disheartened, if Quacks have rot bed you! Let G. E. BRUNSWICK show you science < and business honour still exist. Patients living at a distance who cannot cot.\eniently visit, when, writing?, should state their case in full. Old Standing and Incurable Complaints specially invited. Blood and Skin Diseases Cured. Poison eradicated from the system, and that, too, in the shortest possible time. All Chronic Ailments and Complicated Diseases of Men are speedily cured, no matter from what cause arising. None need despair. No fee for advice or examination. Tile Remedies are pleasant to take, and free from Sandal Oil, Balsam.Copaiba, or Mercury, To Country Patient*—A Course of the S.P. Herbal Remedies posted, under cover and frve from observation, to any station or address on receipt of 20s. Recent Wen's Cases—Cure guaranteed in three days, without hindrance to work or diet. I Guarantee a Speedy and Lasting Cure, and no caso undertaken unless a Genuine Cure can be made; nor is any sufferer passed off my hands until every particle of the Complaint is out of the, system. EXTEAOBDINABY TESTIMONIALS FROM .. N.Z. MEN. • tMR. J. PEISI.EY, South fit., Auckland, states, March 30, 19041 " Nothing in the world gives me greater treasure than to thank you for the wonderftol way your great Remedies have cured roe, and sufferers who consult you will thank roe for making this statement public. Publish my photo. to show this testimony is genuine." EX-CONSTABLE THOS. McINNESS. Howkfe, writes to say:—"April 30, 1894. Suffered for two years with Blood Poison in the leg, which prevented me following my occupation, and all treatment failed until I had the luck to consult you. and I cannot let your services pass without informing you and the public your treatment is genuine and a cure made.— Witness, J. Dunstan." Hours, daily: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. 2.30 to 6. 6.30 to 9 p.m. Sundays, 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. to p.m. ■--..'■, ,:■:>. ''•■,'■■■• T>OSTON TTERBAL TNSTITUTE. SWANSON-STREET. Four Doors from Queen-street (opposite Chamber of Commerce), Auckland. A~KIKOKGX-IM»WN .SYSTEM. This is a condition (or disease) to which doctors give many names, but which few rjf them really understand. It is simply weakness—« break down, as it were, of the vital forces that sustain the system. No matter what may be Us cause* (for they'. arc almost nnmberless), its symptoms are much the same; the more prominent being sleeplessness, languor, lassitude, sense of prostration or weariness, depression of spirits, and incapacity or want of energy for all the ordinary affairs of life. Now, what alone is absolutely essential in all such cases is Increased Vitality—vigour—strength and energy to throw off these morbid feelings, and to secure this there. la nothing to equal that wonderful restorative THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, THERAPION NO. 3. This successful and highly-popular remedy, as employed in the Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Eostan Jobert, Velpeau, and others, surpasses everything hitherto employed, and so surely as it is taken in accordance with the printed directions accompanying it, will the shattered health be restored, the expiring lamp of life lighted up afresh, and a new existence imparted in place of what had so .lately 'seemed worn out, "used up," and valueless. THERAPION is sold by the principal chemists throughout the world. Tries in England, 3= Od and 4s e<i. Purchasers should sen that' the word " Therapion" appears on the Government Stamp fin white letter* on a red ground) affixed to every package by order of Her Majesty's lion. Commissioners, and without which it is a forgery Sold by Kempthnrne, Prosser, and Co., Chriatchiirch, and Branches. Sold by Kcmptliorne, l'rosser, and Co., Christchurch and Brunches, iWIAUKENEZIE" (Wanting Easy),, A CERTAIN CURE EOR COINS. One Shilling; per Bottle. | PARKER AGENT, QUEEN-STREET. I ' .' :. ' - ; ' ' pHOCOLATE WORM TABLETS. CHILDREN TAKE THEM READILY. Need no Aperient. In Boxes, Is each. Prepared only by ARTHUR. G. KEND.BRDINE. Ph. 1 rmaceutica 1 . Chemist, 100, KATIANOAHAPE ROAD, Telephone, No. 411. Newmarket Agent; GEQ. CAWKWEIi. Queen-street Agent: CFAS. RaTJEN. Chemist. BOTH SEXES—Write or Tree Books of vital interest, concerning yourselves and your welfare Posted free.--Write to Mons. Gourand. 82. Little Flinrlp'-a-atrppt. yplhoarw. . Guns, Ammunition, etc. ! SHOOTING SEASON. D. EVITT, p UNMAKES AND TMPQETER, OP f\TJEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. TfIIREARMS, AMMUNITION, pISHING rpACKLE, ETC., OP EVERY ( J. DESCRIPTION. PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION, I TELEPHONE NO. 1250,

<wwiwijiayaßiiiHi»igwro Milk. ■»!"■"■ ■»■■ mm y —mm ~■■ ■ mm-mmm . ■■■ ■■ mmmmm —.■ ' "1) | NOURISHES THE BABY. jf J If the baby must be supped on tho { <[ bottle, lob the bottle be filled with )[ jj "HIGHLANDER" j CONDENSED j muE3: | \ tUSaSX 88033R51 H > It is rich in cream, and rich in pro- j| < teiu. It is very nourishing and <| > strengthening.' Babies thrive on it. ]> ] / "Highlander" Condensed Milk lias ,[ \ a gilt-edged reputation for purity J f { ) and quality. . ■«, i| • ■ ) "* -o- J> 1 .■'<[ It is scientifically prepared under j» < ■<! the strictest sanitary conditions. / > J ! 11 I 1 5 Sold at nil Stores. j, J .I. ' ——'■■ g ""—""• ] Patents. i BALDWIN & REWARD | J. H. MAOKiS. District Manager. OBTAIN ___xj?^JV p ATEMTM I FOR I JfWEftnQjfci n In all Countries of the World. Inventord' Guide FREE on application. MERCANTIIE CHAMBERS, QUEEH-ST , AUCKLAND. HENRY . HUGHES, REGISTERED PATENT AGENT (ESTABLISHED issa.) TRADEMARKS tf I registered and -fr' j\ J 1 J/ly* obtained I 9 /i.,' in ail Countries 1 throughout the World. "Advice to Inventors" iv#« on application. . © AUCKLAND OFFICE: 103, QUEEN-STRHEI!, '* E. BROOKIE-SMITH. Manager. —— a Opticians.. rr\o BE FREE PROM HEADACHE? WEAK .1 AND PAINFUL EYES, DEFECTIVE VI» RION. NEURALGIA, etc, and to enjoy the EEAL COMFORT prod need by wearing ' Sr>e<>tacles for Reading, Writing, Sewing, or Dili* tatice. CALL OK A ■ piIEEN, D.M. E. 0 . 1. (Successor to II Margnles). Great Experience in Berlin and Vienna. Will Assuredly Benefit You. O, MentTING ROOMS. SHORTLAND-STREOT (Opposite Post Office. AUCKLAND. , \vtificial Eyes, in All Colours, fitted with j satisfaction. m PEACOCK, Ophthalmic Optician. 2iß, X . QUEEN-STREET, opposite- City Hall.The Sight Tested by most, improved method* nnd Spectacle* accurately fitted. Artificial Eyes of all colours in Stock. Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments in Stock and Hev aired. WIWW.WMMM. 'lill.W.'K.i.llMni.a ~..lW,illliliil I — ■— .will —1 ■ ,l Undertakers, 1 T. J. Mo IVOR, I I FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND | 1 EMBALMEE. 1 | KARANGAHAPE ROAD (tieit Newton S I Post Office). Telephone, 689. | IT IS NOT HARD TO UNDERSTAND WHY £? The chief reasons arc Absolute Purity and to-5"*J Excellence, combined with $3? QUALITY AND QUANTITY. J?~ 12 for SIXPENCE. I* ]

■»Man«iCTMPM«aMM>———a—— ————— Ship, Yacht, and Boat Builders. W. 6. BAIIiIiY.J tW. O. LOWS. *a "OAILET AND TOWE. tfSfes. BHIP. YACHT, AND BOAT -JjHlfeft . EUILDEEB. CUSTOM-STEEET WEST, AUCKLAND. : STEAM AND QASOMNB LAUNCHES BUffi* TO OKDEB. Small Pleasure Boats Always on Hand. )\ Now and Second-band Boats for Sal* or fare. Sailders of Clipper Scow, Vwpiflr, Mft ; L.E.; Mrro and Eulalie; also. Bona. Niobe, Base, Alma, Edna, Boomerang, Kangaroo; steam launches Hinemoa. Tongariro, Hauturu. and other*. ~. PATENT SLIP FOB YACHTS, * J

~ . '".'.'-. Shooting. ' ' ' '" }:4 ,„ — ■ -J , I ■—■■■■■ . . HAZARD 5 - \m& I - - . 1 .—- - ■ -1 »r» iax»n rm.MHHi mji ii'ilnrili rii wh " ; ' ._-. IS wSs& l '2raß

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 7 (Supplement)