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*■-' Palnta. ■ . FOR BODY AND DURABILITY HUBBUCK'S WARRANTER GENUINE WHITE LEAD r fl -.!'■:■ ESTABLISHED : 1765. !; - •;■ ,;.,;■ f,'.:■ :;;;V':;'; MV?'v/.:;.; Hab\buek's: Genuine Red LesflST". Hubbuek's Genuine Vegetable Black. Hubbuek's Genuine Linseed Oil. y Hubbuek's Genuine Boiled Unseed OIL Hubbuek's Genuine Pale Boiled Linseed Oil (dries hard, does- not blister). Hubbuek's Genuine Burning Colza (a speciality). Hubbuek's Patent (special quality). Finest Dry Colours. HUBBUGK'S PATENT WHITE ZINC, The most durable of Paints, df?3 not oxidize or rub off. not affected by atmospheric changes, non-polsnuoni. • • ( THOMAS HUBBUGX & SON, LIMITED, LONDON. KtiTAUUSHED 1765. / AUSTRALIAN OFFICE, 34, QUEEN ST., MELBOURNE, ' ■■'■■■■"I^gg.ri , -' ■ ' Medical. _ Could Not Sleep Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Pills Bring Back tile Appetite, insure Restful Sleep, Give Energy. Felt Twenty Years Younger. >gL ' Mr, A, Moyes, Franklin St., ■_, Adelaide, So. Australia, sends us \ bis photograph, and says: air ' wwu H "IfeelsmotkatitistoAyer's W W?11m H\ Sarsaparilla and Pills that I owe- ; ' roy good health. Previous to ■ J tgSf m*Mli l '■' Mr. this 'medicine, I had no ~ Adelaide, So. Australia, sends us \ bis photograph, and says: mr sfifimi \\ "I feel suie that it is to Ayer's W TOain \\ Sarsaparilla and Pills that I owe* jfcgfjj/' te^g.'jgwlf' 1 m ? S° ofl health. Previous to - takfaff t}lis medicine, I had no ; y&J c** appetite and suffered from loss /# feX' Jlvxbmll of sleep. I had no energy to'do / (W'- ■ ■--■ , 'j&HMfflml « to 6° anywhere. The doctor • l^^w^XwKU told mo to away for a SeiMfkm ,x * did so » a* l * l did not feel an >' '' ■ ?SoPM vMm^SV" better after comin s back * l came ■"'-''*: to the conclusion lfc *"»' oM age : .: : ■■; fߧ!llr# '•■ X- coming on me. = Anyhow,-1 soon > " If altered my opinion aftez taking ■ "~ MS? the Sarsaparilla and Tills. V Now . ■ •■ * can eat and slcep welI; in fact ' . V l f eel twenty years younger. And //\W i " ' when West I need never fear iho 9 »>'" '!' "'}-J' ft diet one has to put up with on the ifiilwW /«$' I fields, when my medicine-chest \..L'.'/'■■-/ "*' '■ I ■ contains a bottle or so of Ayer's' , f • Sarsaparilla and Pills." Why is it that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is such a strong nerve tonic? "Why is it that this family medicine brings back the appetite, makes the nerves steady and strong, and gives sound and refreshing sleep? The answer is easy. Because it removes the impurities from the blood which irritate the nerves and keep them in a restlesa and weakened : condition. When fed with pure blood, the nerves settle^rightMown to their regular duties; .the brain, t stomach, kidneys, and heart all do their work as nature Intended. . j i To get these results you must take Ayer's not some other, kind. The market is full of imitations. AVER'S Sarsaparilla • Purifies the Blood. Strengthens the Nerves. Ayor's Pills Keep the liver active. They aid the Sarsaparilla. Prepared by UK. 3, C. AYES. CO.. "toweU, Mass,, V. C, A. I

(Soughs and 1 Bronchitis. Th«:re is positively nothing equal to Angler s Lmulsioa , | &**?£'-'■' " -'i; r t\ for the relief and curoiof tTOubl««ome- Conghs.Bron- ; — ->* „ ai , e w j tll mt specially purified petroleum ithas a won* £J ■ J " '<-,'» derfnHy soothine-and "healing eff«t upon-the-IT.UOWB , 1 v membrane 0 { the throat, and air passages. •- ' ffl SThwe is positively nothing equal to Angler's Emulsion, 9 for the relief and cure of troublesome Coughs, Bron- ■ cbitis. Weak Lungs, and all Chronic Lung Affections. Is Made with our specially purified petroleum it.has a w«n» denfully soothing and healing effect upon the mucous membrane of the throat, lungs, and air passages. tftak ® f nngier s Emulsion i CS|& i| ' (PrrMLKOM WITH HVPOPHcVpHITC*) jj 'v.-, I I v-.'J-SKSSS2S*-->; P vis pleasant to take and agrees with and benefits themosf t] I '■■■<>* dedicate stomach; promoting a healthy appetite, and build- I■ : " i ing up the health and strength. It is equally good for the. I;| IS -Tt !l m££rrs!£t& II ' * cough of Chronic Bronchitis with profuse expectoration M ■:.:.-.||" l gC«PSK s 11 - the dry, harsh Throat Cough;? the irritating cough of §2 ,1 1 fft Interna; and for Whooping Cough and Croupy Coughs ■ I". of children. Thousands of doctors prescribe it. Audi ■ :% ; If a '' > every sufferer, who has used it recommends it. || - A FREE CAMPLE | 1 --—-„. 'Uhl. —** on receipt of 4«J- postage. Mention this paper. | j CAUTION.--Bo net risk utaappoiatmont orwersi tyt.ryla<cheap Imlt*- f. tisms made with ordinary patroleam, but insist upon having Jlnglcr a. |. lit three sizes; of all chemists, h THE ANGIER CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., 7 Barrack Street. Sydney, N.S.W.; H ~. : ~ London, England; Bostoa, U.S.A. .. . . ■ .«• »

GIVES A PERFECTI Cgi bust. paP Remarkable Treatment that develops f%t the Bust. Six Inoho 3 and Rounds out j Mf'\ ©X the Figure. Perfectly safe and Harm- W. . « ".A . less Home Treatment Fully Described, & /^^ Free to AIL " iV "' tofir I ,s, .-..,. s?v flat K ■ Every woman who, through sickness or worry or any \Y* ltC , l^~T|ffltJ? ~fc » : other cause, lucks the natural development of boat &tn Vv „""""^n*L\iL *• ■'> easily regain a ''perfect figure by a new andremarkable treat- | V* * ** *'"•• : t uieut that quifekly enlarge* the host to full proportions. •:" "' *T m ** m TT mm T m ' m^Z^r Mas. Beaut, writes ;■— Sinc«i üblbk ' Piano *my chest measurement has increased »lx inched." Miss Mobotos writmu:—"«l>iano" acting splendidly: already developed two inches." Mas. Crook writes !--" 'Diauo* hashad wonderful elect; bosom* totting, quit* full." Miis Goci.o writes:~"My figure it perfectly developed by ' Diane'" Shall not re. 'lire any wore." Then ladles have in thtfir pleasure to (five their expedience to others. ' 111 ANO*» « luw treat-mint that any lady can easily nee in her private apartments, and it guaranteed to give *«• dwirtd result without the slightest ineoM»eniencc. -...—. . By yonr name, address, and a penny wtamp to MRS. THBSWTOS tf£3, TOILET SPECIALIST, 20, HIS MAJESTY Si ARC ABE. ABHLANS,. Tf» *§ receive full de.enption of this remarkable method which lenabie you to attain p*r!ecfe buat development at home at a very slight expend The description is mailed 1* on free in a perfectly plain and sealed envelope, and yon should have no hesitancy in writing, v You will he ,deligbtedto learn how easily an« mnely the bust can he developed, and it will pay you to J write to-day. Don't neglect to do so. * " a 2 " THE DESIRE TO POSSESS HEftDTY IS KFEHEST WHERE RrFIHEMEMT IS STRONGEST." j

■ ■■'"■', : ' ■ ■■' When you call on your, chemist.or storekeeper for a bottle of Bennington's Carrageen ; you will often be offered a substitute. There is absolutely no reason why you should not get what you ask for. Don't - be put off with substitutes, but-see that you get ... BONNINGTON'S.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 6 (Supplement)