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TO CORRESPONDENTS. ->:'.:; CHESS.' ■ Problem* V Uo». 3053 and 2003 Solved alto by " i.P.»" Huntcrvillc. ■';■ Problem No.tSuiti.—Solved by " M.M.," " lenei,'.' "Knight." " XXX," and " D.D." :"Problem ■ Xo. 205.7.'—Solved by ,'• " XXX," " Knight."-.'." TeneJ,"-V«ail " M.M." - : " , D3APGIITS. ':[** Tehfei.V-i'tou will s««*by solution of Problem No. > 1267 in next "column" that notwithstanding the " magnificent.retreat to -Harbin"^- (which under the circumstance, is the l beat move) the- Blacks (Japs) with the exercise of the usual a strategy dislodge the enemy from the double corner base, and compel either surrender .' or t annihilation, c.> , ■ SOLUTION" OF PROBLEM No. 2054. Whitb. 'V'': ; -' > • BLAOK. . \ ' 18-E7 . : ' ,• - ...~ ~. ; ~; , fm ■ •■■-•■■-, »■■ ■; i.: t- , i: y SOLUTION OF PROBLEM No. 2055.' > WHITK. < ■;';. buck. •\ ■ 1 -BBoh Q-B3 • ..' . * Q-QKtorb. . Q-Q3 .. 3 Q-Kt 3 Q-Q 5 4 Q-K oh . ...T or. Kt cows 5 Q-B 8 ch And 'White wins, ' t *' •

PROBLEM No. 2058. (By F. G.tilAGßi Honourable Mention Tt»mp»te»d and Highgate ' Kxpress Tourney, 1904.) " • • , Black, 7. '-..'■■*

v Whitk. 8. 3R2rb, IKQO, Cktl, lPlB3b, 6rl, 3kP2q, 8, XKt2B3.' White mates in ; two mores. PROBLEM No. 2059. (By W. B. H. MaiKBRS. ■ Pir»t Prize Nederland- ■.."■.' «chen Shaakbond Tourney.) y , • .- , Bi-ack, 9.

.' , J ■ ';' ' White 7. okt3, 3R3b, sKpl, IP6, plfcp4, P5pQ, lpPsb, SKtJ. ;"'':?-' j White mates in three more*. N.Z. CHESS ASSOCIATION. The ' adjourned annual general meeting oil the New Zealand Chess Association was held at the Government Insurance , Buildings, Wellington, on Thursday, June 16,. when the following clubs were t: represented:—Auckland, Wanganui, Bangitikel, | Palnierston North, Wellington, Wellington Working } Men's Club, Canterbury, Timiru, ? o»ra»ru, . and. j'OUgo. '...:'.,':■■'..■ ■"<-: , f Mr.; Benbow, the local vice-president, being :- ab- ■ sent in Australia, Mr. C. W. Tanner was voted ; to the chair. ' . t [~/ A. Tetter was read from Mr. S. 8. Blackburne, I of i Christchureh, ; making* further objection; to the I Council's r cancellation'.'of .the Revision Committee's I poll regarding new rales. On the motion -of Mr.* J Barnes .-■ (Olago) it was ; decided ; to reply ; stating j that the.Council does not withdraw from the position it has already taken up. ~ I .The... Otage .Club wrote ;■. with reference to f the i proposed Mount Memorial, ; and stated that .it .was j prepared to repeat its = offer to find a trophy of'; a I minimum value : of £20, provided the association I contributed £10 towards same. Tot club alio stated i that the; amended proposals departed 'from the conf. ditions which "it" had previously" laid down - regard--1 ing the ' proposed series :of interclub< contests to j decide possession of tha trophy. After :' some dig. . cussion the following motion was carried on the j i proposal of '■■■■ Mr. Barnes; •*' That the',Otago; Chess ■ Club be informed that In deference to their wishes ' . the number of players has been fixed at eight a-slde (unless » higher number is mutually agreed to), and that the rules and regulations t for \ governing . the content have not yet; been drawn up; ; that the Otago Club be ■ asked to forward" their: views on the matter, and' that ■ the hon. secretary inquire whether ; the ' club, or any jof . its members, :;. will do anything in \ the matter of supporting : the proposed Hookharo Memorial . trophy." Regarding the proposal that a chapter dealing with , "Laws of < Play'' should be embodied ;in the new i mien, the i Wellington, Club wrote agreeing to the insertion of, No«. I to : 9 inclusive and No.; 11 of Chapter 2 of the Code, Other clubs were divided on the motion, while Some desired further information regarding;;the*;matter.- Mr. Barnes ' therefore" moved that consideration of the proposal I and the correspondence/ thereon be deferred until i the final "stage of the revision of -rules la reached. | This was seconded by Mr. Brown .and carried i unanimously, , The election ;of officers resulted as follows;— Patron, Sir Robert Stout; "president, His Honor Mr. Justice ,Dennlston; vice-presidents (North Is-' land), Messrs. Grlerson and Hosking (Auckland), Hon. P. Arkwritcht (KancitiK-e;), and C. W. Ben- : bow (Wellington); ~ (South "i Island), >; B. W. Black (Christohurch), * Gordon P. Wood (, \ Dr. i Stenhouse, and" J. Edwards (Dunedin); hon., secretary and treasurer,"J. A.'Connell (pro. tern.); audi--1 tor, W. Mackay.V * , " i Mr. Brown's motion, " That the next Championj ship Congress be : held during the Christmas-New Year holidays," ; was taken . next, the result showi Ing that clubs are unanimous in preferring the j date named as affording more scope than any other season of. the year for getting a satisfactory " field." (.-... Mr. Barnes-moved, and Mr. Connell seconded, I " That the next Congress be held in Christchureh." Carried unanimously. ; A hearty vote of'thanks; to Mr. Tanner for presiding closed , the meeting. ; .

CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS INTERNA-' ' TIONAI, TOURNEY; .y i -.PKißory Dbkekcb. White, Barry; Black, Napier. 1 P-K l-I'-K 4 SO Kt-Q 2-*-Q-Q 4 2 Kt-KB 3—Kt-KB 3 ; : 31 BPxP_PxP 3 KtxP~P-Q 3 ; 33 Kt-B 3—Q-Kt 6 (f) 4 3—Kur ' 33, PxP~QxP (Kt 6) 5 P-Q 4-P-Q 4 '/"■■, 34 B-Q 2—Q-Kt 6 6 B-Q 3—B-K 3 35 BE s—lMi 7 Castles—Kt-QB 3 ' 36 Kt-Q 2—Q-Q 4 ; 8 B-K sq_B-KKt & 37 B-B o—Bsß ' 3BxKt(a)—Pxß 38 Pxß—Kt-B 5 ; JO BxP—BxKt ■ 3') KR-K—QxKt (g) 11 Qxß-KtxP 40 QIS-Q-Kt-K 7 ch ki'sJ 12 Q-B 3 (b)-Kt-K 3 ■-..• 41 K-R— - 13 Kt-Q Castles 43 BxQ—Hxll - 14 Kt-B 3— 3 * 43 Qxß—p-R 6 15Q-K-Q-Q4 44 Q-Q 5 (h)-.K-Kt / 16 H-QKt (c)—F-QR 4 45 P-Kt 3_KtjßP 17 R-K 4—QR-Q (d) 46 Q-K fU-R-Kt 8 oh 18 P-QB 3—Kt-B 4 47 K-Kt 2_r-R 7 (i) 18 R-K Kt-Q 8 48 Q-K S oh K-B 3 20 Q-B-P-R5 40 QxP—P queen* v 21 PQR P-B 4 SO Q-B 5 K-Kt : 22 R-Kt sq (e)—R-Q 2 51 Q-QB 8 cli—K-B 2 23 B-K 3—KU-Q 62 Q-Q 7 ch—K-B 3 21 R-Q—Q-Kt 6 63 Q-Q 6 oh— 4 25 B-Kt—P-R 3 '■■'*' 5f Q-Q 7 cb—K-K 5 26 Kt-Q 2—Q-Q 4 • 65 Q-Kt 4 e!i—K-Q « 27 Kt-B P-QKt 4 66 Q-Q 7 oh—K-B 7 28 R-Q 2—Q-Kt 6 ' 67 B-B 3 eh—K-Kt 7 ■". 29 B-K 2-P-Kt S . : Resign*. Notes by Napier. .;■.■■:■:■.']■■, (a) After forty-five minutes' deliberation Barry concluded not to play into the fashionable variation, 0 P-B 3. P-B 4; 10 P-B 4, B-R 4. However, in the line chosen Black's ending is rather favourable. ■ ■■ '■ . :: -, >' ■'<■■.■- "(b) The usual move is Q-Q 3; the text is no Improvement. ' ' • • . . '• -(c) A finesse played to gain time for the development of his bishop without losing the knight's pawn, "but the retreat next move shows clearly that it, was a misconception. After this Black's superiority on the queen's side speedily manifests itself. (A) The wrong rook. It was better to have the option of R-R 3, though, as it turned out, there wan no harm done. (e) Played before B-K 3 to prevent the exchange of two pieces for rook and two pawns by KtxF.tP, etc. (fl The attractive 32,.., KtxKtP; 33 RxKt, BxB; 34 Riß, PxP; 35 B-Q 2, P-R 7; 36 ItxQ,. BxB; 37 Kt-Q 2, B-Kt sq; 38 P-Kt 3; R-Kt 8; 39 Ktxß, P queens: 40 K-Kt 2, seemed insufficient, because White will give up one piece for the remaining PP and very likely draw. . ■ (g) Black has a choice here of KtxKtP, Kt-R 6 ch or the sacrifice actually played. The last is the quickest and the; quickest-is the best. (lit I' <* Q tKt < P-R?, etc., or 44 Q-R qq, P-R 7; 45 P-B 4, Kt-B 8; 46 Any, Kt-Kt 6 wins. (i) If 48 QxKt, P queens; 49 Q-BBch, K-R2; 50 Q-B 5 eh, P-Kt 3, etc. As it is, the-checks are speedily exhausted. NEW SOUTH WALES V. VICTORIA. This annual inter-State match took place on June 6, and, as in the two previous years, resulted in a close and stubbornly-fought contest. One game onlv was unfinished at close of play, that between Messrs. W. 0. Melville and' T. A. Thompson, and this was subsequently siven by Mr. H. Charlicon, of Adelaide, to Mr. Melville. Mr. W. H. .forms played over the , board at Melbourne. Scores:— '. •■■■■■.■..„■. Victoria. New South Wales. 1. C. G. Watson ... 1 1,. 8. Crakanthorp... 0 2. E. B. Boughran ... * W. H. Jonas ... * .3 0. A. Russell ... J B. ,T. Hill 'r> f '4. F. . Wilson ... * J. K. Christensen... * 5. H. E. Grant ... 4. A. Bnnvan ... ... 4 6. ,T. G. Wltton ... 1 H. Taylonr ... 0 7. A. .1. Noall ... 0 P. S. Hunt ... 1 8. P. R. Hav ... " P. Crakinthorj, ... 1 9. T. • A. Thompson 0 W. O. Mflvllle ... 1 10. F. Dierich ... ■>. A. Miller ... .:. i a. *<

The Christc'aurch Chess Club has lost another of it* old ; : member*/: in the '! person.? of ' Mr. : J. " J. Myner,; who' for, twenty.. years had \ charge '•' of the club's - finances. 'The deceased! was ;held in high esteem :by those with ! whom 1 ; he Associated'. ■> Several 'i members sof ■: the : club were presents on i Juno' 18 at '; the funeral, which was largely attended. : A chess ; match, by;telegraph, was commenced on Saturday, June 18, > between 'teams ? representing the Canterbury ami Timani Chen Clubs, twelve a-side. The Timani umpire wan Mr. Martin, while Mr. • Coats , acted In the same 1 capacity at 1 Timura for the Canterbury Club.'-: Most of the games being In * the immature s »tag© '-■ the. probable outcome • could not be '■ indicated. % ~ • i-, . ' ■; The Brooklyn Daily. Eagle report* i. thatj Champion characterises the : writ announcement "of. the . postponement■' of ; the Lauteer-Tarrasch match as both ■ " unauthorised : and;. incorrect." , He: had not contented to such an arrangement. > On the contrary, he had : informed ;;;. Dr. Tarrasch, in ;. explicit. terms, that he, as champion, " had no right to enter into a long-drawn-out agreement with any particular • challenger, v whereby other aspirants to championship honours were thrust aside.". Champion Latter added ' that he regarded the. negotiations »is '„' off,", and held himself open to. "challenges under ■ reasonable conditions from allcomers of acknowledged rank." ■■ ■''"•" '■■/

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)

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CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)

CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 4 (Supplement)