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SeTmo«|iiilLectTiili»: Soirees, .. ■ ; ■''-iidiV-' m- kinli 'r »iiiii ii ' * *"-■*■■ ST. ■ PA tJ L'B.-' BTtfONDS-STREE'T.-O , 8 MB.. Holy: OoHmnnttioaJ I* "*■«•: * p.m. Baptism*-. 7 p.m. Aatheni; "The Son Shall Be No More" (Woodward). ST. MATTHEW'S, HOBsbN-STREET.-Holy '•■* Communion, '■ 0 tk.m.i Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a.m.; Holy Baptism, 4.15 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 7 p.m. , A'' « J - AINTSV^PONiQNBY''"' : '' ROAD- , 4tk Sunday after Trinity.—B a.m., Holy Communion (Intercession lor Missions); 10.30 a.m., Children's Service; 11 a.m., Maiming Prayer - and Sermon i 12.15 p.m.. Holy Baptism) 3.10 p.m., Catechising, Infants; 7 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon. ■ >-.':<. %''■ :,y ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. PARNELL;* 4th Sunday after- Trinity, June 26.— Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 11 a.m.; Cziildren's Service, 3 p.m.; Evensong and Sermon, 7 p.m. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. UNION-STREET O 4th Sunday after Trinity, June 26.—H01y Communion, 8 a.m.; Matins and Litany, 11 a.m.; Te Deum. Smart in F; Evensong. 7 p.m. Canticles, Mann in A Pint. Anthem, "O Love the Lord" (Sullivan). ' '■"_.. (CHURCH OP THE HOLY SEPULCHRE (KhyJ ber Pasß)-TUESDAY. June 28. at 8.15 p.m.—Organ Recital, by Arthur Towsey. assisted by Madame Cliamliers and the Choir. Collection in aid of Fund for Water Engine. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, LOWER END OF SYMONDS-STREET.-Rev. Henry B. Gray.—Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ■,■.,..■-, ■ ■ ■,•■..■-.■■■■■■■■,' ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, Symonds-street.-O Evening service, solo, " God's Slumber- : land," by Miss Arthur. ' ■■<} ■ \ ■' ■' ■;; ■ ST. JAMES' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ! O WELLINGTON - STBISET—Rev. R. L. Walker, M.A.-11 a.m.. " A Miracle of Connpassion;" 7 p.m., " Profperity, a Touchstone of Character.". ..'■■. • ST. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ■, KHYBER PASS ROAD. ■ ANNUAL THAiraGTVrNG SUNDAY. U a.m.—" Energetic Through Love." 3 p.m.—Children's Service. 7 p.m.—" St. Paul at Damascus." Preacher, The REV. W. CRAY DIXON, M.A. til. ! I' i H ' 5 I'm I"' »»i ■■■ i i ii rr ox CHURCH. par nell REV. J. B. RUSSELL, M.A., B.D. Morning, II~REr~G~B MONRO. Evening, 7—" Our . Searcia, God's." REV. J. B. RUSSELL. Offertory Solo. " God Ifl Near Thee." Special Collection* for General Fund. ST. PETER'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GREAT NORTH ROAD.-Services at 11 and 7, Rev. W. Woollatt. Evening subject: " Our Neighbours: Who ire They?. A cordial welcome to all. ■■'. ,- . Pleasant Evenings for the People—Wed new. day, June 29, 7.30—Monthly Social Gathering. Solos, Recitations, etc. Silver Coin Admission. , ' :•;■' ■■■ ■ ■..-•; ST. STEPHEN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, JERVOI9 ROAD, PONSONBY.-Morninis at lit Evening at 7—Rev. T. F- Robertson. ONEHDNGA PRESBYTERIAN OHUBOB:.--Rev, A. C. Weddersjioon. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. •" . •'■■.- ■-•'' • - ' .':;'' .•";' ' IjIPSOM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SPSOII !i HALL.-U a.m. ; 7 R. I. Maonicol. Sunday-school. *10 a.m. EDENDALE (Mount BaskM) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Rct. J* M. Fraeer.Services,, 11 a.m. and 6.45 p.m..-. '.'■. ■■.■■■ ■■[.y/ :^ OT. LUKE'S PRESBYTERIAN ÜBIIRCH, O REMUERA.-Sabbath, a6th.-ll a.m., Rev. J. Russell,' A.. 8.D., of Knox Church; * 7 p.m., Rev. G. B. Monro.,-. .-. . : ",..'.^''•.;',"*. ' ■*■:'■■■■ METHODIBT CHURCH. '.:'. PITT-gTREET•; IDD2OUIT. TO-MORROW, mm 2ft> 1904. J

PITT-STBEET.-U, Be. J. A. Lfl*f ord; *.«i. Rev. 0. IL Garland- --. ■_■ „ ■-; ■'....•• r .„ ( ST. JOHN'S.—II. Ret, C. H. Garland; 6.4t1, Bey. J. A. Lnxford. , L MOUNT ALBEBT.-U, Bey, -J, Wilson; Mb. Mr. H. Stwtt. -*~,? KENGSLAND.-11, Mr. ir, W. ShiwfkeUord; 6.45. Rev. W- Grig*. .^ .. MOUNT BDBN.-11, Rev, T. W. Newbold; 6.45. Mr. Manning Pipe*. = ARCHHILL.-11. Mr. H. Ford; 6,30. Bet. T. W. Newbold. - ■■■ -'. ■ ■.',.x--f---^. i -.;- ! —...u,..;-,,.,;- - BAYFIELD.-11, Mr. W. Brakenrig; 6.K1, Mr. S. O. Bftwden.'"■:' > - ;i: s;■■ ,''■■.■■ ■ .*■ •■ :••■ ■. -^,; '- j AVONDALB.--11, Bey. W. Grigg; 7, Mr. J. Astley. ' Q.BAFTON BO AD '01 BOD IT. '■ GRAFTON '"ROAD.—II.' »«▼. O. Griffin ; M 5, Rev. J. J. Lewie. Chat to Young Men, *' Th* Sydney Art Gallery," to be followed by tine Home Reunion. -'.•■ •.'■' NEWMABKET.-11. Bet. J. J. : tA*i«J' 1. Ml 1 . C. French. --■.; (■.■•■ l -.-'».vrv.. ,^i I :^'-'i^r'-t PABNELL MI6BION.«U, Mr. O. French; '7, Messra. 0. Bandereon and G. Sneddon. :; OBTH SHOES METHODIST OHURpHES.--DEVONPOBT-11, Bee. J. H. Simmonds; 7, Rev. S. Griffith. BIBpNHEAD-11. Bev. W. Greenslade ;■ 7, Mr. S. P. Benton.? TAKA-PtrNA--tf, Bev. 8. Griffith; 6.45, Mr. G. Wilton. NORTHOOTE—II," Mr. J. GillingLiam;: 6.45, Be^.:W. , 'Qrc«a>tadie.'.i':jv.'.f ; .;a ; ': :> =; .■,.;•■■ ■'■<' . RIMITryE METHODIST " CHDBCHES.FRANKLIN ROAB^tl a.m., Bev. W. 8. Potter, "How to Edify the Church;" 6.45 p.m., Rev. W. 8. Potter, "The Great Alternative." WATEEVD3W-3 p.m.. Bev. W. ». Potter: 6.30 p.m., Ut.- Burrow. BICHMOND ROAD-3 p.m., Mr, Munio; 6.45 pjn.. Mir. Goldie.- .. , ..- -, :'"A;, ...';• .■ "...- .' '■ PRIMITIVE METHODIST OHDBCH, ALEIC-ANDRA-STREET.-Sgrvicea To-morrow: 11 a.m., Rev. J. Bcnning; 6.45 p.m.. Rev. 11. Hall. >;;: : '■;;;.';": ;; ■'- r ' ;' : v- ■;■; v^': REE METHODIST aHCECH. MOUNT EDEN.—II. Mr. S. Murdock. and M 5. Bev. J. Benning. Subject: "An Anticipated Journey.'." ■ 1: . All ; teats ■ free. A book and'» welcome. i .,."'.. ' ••'■."'.• ; : ' ■■A TJCKLAND I '"''" BAPTIST fs TABERNACLE.' il Preacher: JOSEPH CLARK. M „ Morning, 11- The Pro<»f of DißciJ^le#hi|(^.' , . Evening. 6.46-" The Soul's Refnge." ", : Anthem by the 'Choir.' '■■ Alexander '■HyiriaßV VISITORS ALWAYS-WELCOME. __ I " MONDAY, 7.3(H«lieotare by.' Rev. "J. ■■ B.'; En» ■sell,""'M.A.,■' ■•' 8.D., ■■ ■ B»rirf«'s_"Sentim«ukl Tommy." in aid of Library Fond. Miniseion. 6d. . . WEDNESDAY, 7.30~18th Anniversary of the Christian Endeavour Society. A Addveaaes by the Revs- W. Gray ¥,A-. and Joseph Clark. , Special Musical Items. Admiits. free. Everyone welcome. THURSDAY, 7.30-Senict, Add*«« by Joseph Olark. ■ _____ PONSON3Y BAPTIST CHURCH.*Morning at 11. Bet; Alfred North; Evening at ?, Rev. Alfred North. : BERESPORIIt-STREET OONGBEGATIONAIi ■■.;•■/. .CHURCH.. X ?J -_ Preacher: REV. JOHN WILXINS. ■■'•' s ■■(,'■:•"■ ;.,i '"'-/'■■ ■'....'"■;«■.'•/■ v 11-" THE ENLABGEMIOT' OF LIFE,'' 5^w 7-" THE GREATEST EVIDENCE FOB ; .;.. CHBISTIANITY?* ,;:• Offertory Solo, " The Good Shepherd," by ■ Mies Wood. - v . r , i, i 1 1>i ij"i ~■'- "wffi,~, MOUNT EDEN CONGBEGATIONiJ* CHURCH. VIEW ROAD.-Rev. Wm. Day, Minister.—Morning. -U. * '"The v Lordship 'of Chriet;" Evening, 6.45, "THE OQSPBL.'QF THE QARPENTEB." ':.':-■::■:: ■■■■'■^'■■■^'■^'^ NEWTON OONGBEGATIONAL CHURCH, EDINBUBGH-STBEET.-Morning. 11. V*. Stewart; Evening, 6,45* ft-f^l^'-.: CHURCH OF '■■ OEIHA :, ,r WEST-STREET. * • * ■"- Morning at U«-For Fellowship audi the , Breaking of Bread. Evening at 6.45-MB. GEO. ALDBIDGI will \ Preach. Subject: " WHAT HAS BECOME OF HELJ-P 1 ' Our Annual Tea on Wednesday at 6«;*fl. Tickets: Adulta, Is; Children, 9d. ] ! •* ' v BOSKILL HALL. Morning at 11—Fpr fellpwahip. Evening at 6.45-ME. OLIFFB will Preach. HUBOHES OF CHRIST MEET'; ,"■ . ' , 11 a.m.—For "Breaking Bread.'" Gospel Services at 6.45, as under:—. ; •'.«; PONSONBY ROAD. Corner Pollen-tlJreet— 0. E. HAMILTON (from America). Sabject: "HEAVEN: WHAT IS OTF WHERE IB IT?" F. A. : WILKINSON will Sing "THE DREAM OF PARADLSE." MOUNT ROSKILL BOAD, opposite Prc«ject Terrace - OHAB. WATT. "GHBKT'S BICHES AND POVEBTY." ■ ;"»■ |ITETHODIST niTY TI|IBiSION, | FORESTERS* HAIA NEWTON. ' TO-MOBBOW (SUNDAY) 7 a.m.—Prayer Meeting. -„ 11 Fellowship Meeting s Rev. 3. Wilson. 3 p.m.—Address, Rev. Seamer; subject. "Bm* thusiaam." Solo, Miss Jessie Hanson. "Star of Bethlehem;" Duet, Misnies Willis and Henderson, "Wonderful .' Word* of Life." i,<ut«.- : *:.:,*■;. >. ~■ 7 Evangelical Senice: Rev. J. Wilson. Solo, Mr. Lang don. / ■■>••>. Orchestral Music, 2.30 i jid 6.50 p.m. EVERY WEDNESDAY, 7.30 ; p.m.-Speoiial >: Meeting for Deepening of Spiritual Life. EVERY FRIDAY, 7.30-Endeavour So«iiaty'B ' M"©&tiTl£? ' :,f " : ■' ' '" L ' ■ **"' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT-Open-alr Meet- _<'■(. ing, Weat-atreet,■ '■;'■.:•■:'.■•:>, '. ;,■■ : ■■: '(;'' C',H : Jtt I S' L TA:D gi L P„.H'''l'..A_;iN' FRATERNAL SYNAGOGUE, Eden Terrace Public Hall, New North Boad.—U »,m„ Breaking of Bread; 7 p.m.. Address- S«l> jeott " The Gospel Aoowdiag to Mattliaiw.'i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 2