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'■■i r..-;,: •■" Wanted.'". si ■■ ;■.':>■ .■■■.:■. ; . , ' v % jITr/ANTED-Work by the day, washing c* W33 Iff," cleaning. — Address " iieb," HKB.*T.n -Si Office. •■..."• ■ .: — ■ - ■ i WANTED >to Buy—A fltoWll«*LlgiU Hand- - : Si cart.—Pagan, BtitchfiK, Kara agaAapa '.■'/;■ 'Road. ~- ■ -■-: •,,..■'■■;■- - WANTED— Situation lor Housemaid, assist "fl *.' bar, Gislwrne preferred.—Apply : lira, ■. -^ Lockley. H.M. Arcade, W'i-'^X'h; '■■;■■. '■;'■% WANTED— Coaching for Matrio., including VV.!,. •German.—Kindly s*ttite terms to A. -t ! ". Gilbert, HERALD Office. ' ■ ANTED to Hire for s■»■ months—Piano; -^ "II private family; every care guaranteed '% —Address '' Musician." G-.P.0. f% ' »: ■ ; "J ? riy ANTED—A ' thoroughly '" experienced '-| '.tt* Ostrich Feather 'Dy'ir.—Apply L. D. • Nathan and Co., Shortland-street. . ; » _ ; , ■ ; .:^ I\7*ANTED to Purchase— House, - near Be* i * muera Station or Newmarket, £550.— B. Clay. 12, His Majesty 'a Arcade. \XTANTED-Situation for good! Housekeeper ■• M. l f or General, with little boy three years' *"M old.—Apply Mrs. Locklej\, H.M. Arcade. ?M ANTED for solicitor's office, in country— si T». {shorthand Writer and ■ Typiirt..—Apply '; with references to Box 229, P. 0., Auckland. WANTED—Si!nation ts Porter or ' place of '"'' .Trust. Excellent tesUnioni£; : aged .!' 26.-" W.H.C." care of Poet Office,■■; Auckland.- *;' TITAN Situation as Housekeeper to on* 11/ or two gentlemen.- 1:1 years in last situation.—For address, apply Sirs, aid on Newton, v : ■ ... ~.:s*V. .', :,'.'.- ■• " '-V^ TITANTED — .Employment by, decant sober -V, V i Young II an, milk, groom, (rood gar- raS dener, flowers, fruit, vegetables.— Ex- ,> change Lane. v ' • .'., ;, - •< ,-• IfJtTANTKD—Dairies on shares,, by several i TV. Families of Milken;. lumber of cows in each dairy ranging irons :25 to 60.--McLeod, I', Ex charge Lane. , . \7|iTA ?TED—Cycle Mechanic •. immediately; . ?»»* good lathe hand—Apply, stating experience, references, and wage* required, to ' Bennett Bros., Rotorua. ANTED, by Intelligent;' Energetic Mai— '''i ■' Collectors kip or fenployment, any posi- j tion of trust. Town or country. — Address. ' "0.R.T.." HERALD Office. . . :-M XKT ANTED—GeneraI Sei-vanit (12s) for family -r-;^ i'»Trt of two; housemaid kept; oms cow to ' .-'.} milk.— Mis. Bowman,-Papatoitoi* (ten minutes' walk from station). : rr _ ; ;—, —___.;,,,,,,,h- lv , L'r ~;.\j^m IHITAJN'TKD, Vy Experienced Canvasser— ' '; ''*, t;ion to represent Pirrct; 10 years' refer- . .'; ences. Known alt North Island, New Zealand, , ! i thoroughly.— Alee. Turner, HBKAIJ> 1 , \i <.<Bce. WANTED— Is.. Girls to assist; House- ' i: ': maids, Waitresses, Waiting Barmaids, "S •■■i.;;-)^ Cooks, Barter, Sawmill Hands. ;uid Family to ' " milk 60 tows or shares.—Webber, 30, + Snort- • laud-stre;t. ' . _ "IHIjTANTED-Phiee by KeHiablc Man; keep ■»».*. house for gentleman,': I'annln?, or as ! caretaker; good cook and bread baker. Good.. local references;— "E.G.." HBaAID Office, Auckland. —-■ ... t, , ■, , ," ;',;::■■.. '■' ■ - ■"'• -.■•■ f S;:S,J •■rjf4 1717"ANTED - Situations! <qi'' all- clasaen v ot'*Vf|j!| li 'Men Co© is. Porters, Waiters, Parr« find .Station Bands, ■ good .Married Couples, i Housekeepers, Barmaid's, etc.,, etc., %Si waiting. I -Mrs. Lookley, H.M. Arcade '■ ,! " Wm _, — '. l l;.'!M: "ItITANTED-'Wttitreaia, ,*"Jsmv Oatobridgf" ' ' » »<- Housemaids, W. (town ,f And cc- \M :V^SS;K|| try), Lady Helps, Cook-ItaraiiaTessesl, Genei-aii ' and assist; Man Cook; £2,'WiJlikato.~lEi.93 W>» , <i (late Miss Bacon), Victoria Arcade. >| 17CTANTED— ftw several Plough. ''s?'ll|kl| fi * men, Fencers, Bush facers, Scmb Cut- *"' " ters, Drivers, Bush, Stations Hotel Cooks, and - -1 Firemen, ■■ Porters, t Ki(ich«!iimen,' Waiters, "< ' Milkers, and others.—McLeod,, Exchange Dane. 1' • -.-. '..'■:■ \i liTSrANTED—Chrißtians to hear Mr. Beg. A.' V*' stadd'e Bible Keadingm on BUi, sth, 7«i, I and Bth Roma tis, Monday, Thursday, l 'SV>i and Friday, 3 p.m., next week, .Central Mis- -S sion. . I ;.:?d WANTED To' Let, ' Mount • Albert—Comfort'■:iv able Furnished Cottars, prettily situa- *-i ted; nice garden.— Hiss Jackron, In- •■*-\t dustrial ; Home. Mount Albert,. ... ti

WANTED-vm People invert , i: , ■■■■■ ■'»> Patent "Atlas" Win* Mattress Grip, only 23 the tet. Does away, with ; tb.o;« dirty. .-''- '■{•■ :.3 dusty laths. Hold* the whw mattress firmly i on the bedstead.— la and ,-Spras? i 3 *& .Kptton. WANTBD-Buyeralor BefSHtiful, FuU-si&etf ■ ■■ J 7 Va»: Brass-Mounted (.(satis, a? greatly ,' reduced price*:, ? 100 , Bediitfea;3a to be * cleared ' i at. ence.—Simmondß,san<i:ep!tog?/Keyrton. - t j WANTED— 1 sa=ta "20a;>i Room* ta'kSlS 111 .«• Let,'furnished and i_nfuTfli_,sd-.—Au- "'■> draws* Eegisky, Ponsonby. , Always open till jf l 9 p.m. " . y .f ". ■ __ jf WANTED to : ; BeU-B*ft-Bliailf' Building Sec- ' !>' M tions at Stanley, North Shore, behind Calliope Dock. Term* easy.—Apply to Buttle ;-■ , Bios., Land Agents, No, fi, Jtnsuranou Build- -i ] "•"•"- •-. ■'■ ■ •-'-■•:■ i:-M .—— .- • -.■•' WANTED Known-That tine Data* for;the f'MA Auckland- Baud Contest are February ' - 13th to 18th, 1906. ■-•" ~;<„■.,••::: •• .?• ~ , :y. ;. p.X\T ANTED Known—Twinaiiiei and ' Baker, ' ; { >'t Tailors and Mercers, HBKJiLD Build- ' .' 1 ings, are showing the very latest in fruition f A',\ and Trouserings. Fit and Style Guaranteed. .;- ~-' ;\;irANTED Known—Twinarae and Baker. - ■ i ,'i Vr» Mercers, etc., HERALD Buildings, hate a splendid selection of 'Ken, Collar, Hats, - •i Bltirts, etc., suitable- for the present season. ; . ANTED Known—Special -Value 7 in Bain-'*' ';;1 • i v* proof Coats, ! Umbrellas, etc. Try «*. —Twiname and Baker, Tailors and Mercers, Herald Buildings., . .id WASTED Known—Central Mission Annirer- ";! vw: "i eary, Sunday, June 25, in His Majesty's * -">'•'<-; Theatre, 3 and 6.30. Reg. A, Studd, 8.A., ex- i 111 cricketer, speaks. Come find sear aim. « WANTED Known—Mrs. is prepared to do Monthly Nursing in Bombay: and- "3*iK*& other districts.—Address, Bombay Post Office. -,:.'<! _ • -i ■ -■----••. ..i-..- A ; - - ,;•■-;-- — vi WANTED Known-The Coastal Company'* : :;? : ;« *V?i as. : Kotiti runs to V,\ilim weekly; Rs« . •-• duced Bates. | . — -.■•,.'' WANTED Known—Central Mission Anniver- j •"»:»>■. sary, Sunday, June 26, in His Majesty'* •* 5 Theatre. 3 and 6.30. I Kes."A.'St_d,' , B.A, ex--' '' d cricketer, speaks. Com* and:hear Mm. -; . ■.<; ;.... j^.-,j ANTED Known — Re?. A. Studd, Hon. ' .::. '».». Evangelist, Anglo-Indian Evangelisation ■ '■ Society;-' conducts .10 : Daya' Mission, Central ' j Mission Hall; next week. ; Come and hear him. -:•■<•:•*-:■ "■■:■■. '!,.,,;:i':.--- r -—; — , ■ ■ , f -y WANTED Known-Ladles'; Gent's, Chil- ■'■ .- dren's ■■'Left-offJ'ajid'-ll'iHat Clothing -, \ Bought. Letters attended to.--Mrs. BotteriU, '< ' Wellesley-strtet East, opp. Milne and ; Choyea. , S Tel. 1420. - ;•;; , , WANTED Ks»ov.a.~k,>u fcf *~i*crihovi Ce- ,\l ment. Hydraulic', audi Garden . lima Bricks, Sand, Pipes, etc. c'Advice on concrete ,■" free.— Wilson and C 0.,: Ltd.V'Halida.y's V". Buildings, 26,'8hortland-»treet. Yard, Cus-tom-street West. ]■~■■■■ \;y'\'y ■■■■*!■:■■'■ \^h?<t-i'f4 ■ i .■■'.■ i i . ... :■ ■'• „. ~„„ ..,.' . 11.mi... _. WANTED -Known—That we deliver Taa- ' < :-. piri, ■ Bay,, of.;.lslands, 1 and .- Newcastle Coal, also Firewood, to any liart of the City or Suburbs at lowest rates.— W. and G. Win- ; stone, Custom-street. ___ , .;;'. WANTED Known—Repairs of every descrip- 1 ■ - J tion 'to Harness,"' Saddles. Collars, Bags. Trunks, Leather Cases, with despatch, by experienced workmen.—J. V/iw_ n and Sons, ! Ltd., Queen-street. • WANTED Known—Tenuis Season, tfc*~ '•''■ Baoauetu ■ Eeetrung . and . Repaired - promptly -J Wiseman m<& Sons, Ltd., Queenstreet. • .. fv TTJANTED Known-Pianoforte* Tuned, 6s. ' . . '»»'-fl. Hood. Norman-street.? Mount Boskill Road. Orders received by Mr, Finch, Stationer, Queen-street. WANTED to Buy—Ladies' and Gentlemen's £,':VM&S New, and JLoft-oit Clothing. Waited on at tbeir homes Highest cash price given. ; —Mrs. Laurence, Hobson's Buildings, Hobsonstreet. , WANTED-- Buyers foe First-class Pianos, no deposit, no interest, no payment in Advance 3 years' credit.—No Deposit Piano Company, 22. < High-street;,.-. Call and inspect. See their advertisement on. Page , 8, Supplement ~J, ... '- '\y,;.,' ; : ■ ■:':\" : :^::,:;•}% ANTED Known—J. Lindsay, 67. and 69. ! V Tit Victoria-street West, gives ■ the Highest Price for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Left-off - Clothing. Letters will receive prompt attention. Gentlemen's Goin Cleaned and Repaired by Experienced Tailor. ANTED Known by Architect!, Builders. I V* and Carpenters—That K.T., Co. stencilled upon Doors and Sashes signifies that the Kauri Timber Company manufactured ,' them. Insist upon having K.T. 00. Joinery. It is made from tlioroughly seasoned Timber. • TV ANTE O Known—That D.I Goldie is preIv v* pared to sell ail kinds of Building- and ' t'other Timber, including Hardwood - Book Felloes, Iron Bark, and Blue Gum iShaft*, Blocks. Palings, and Shingles, at his Yards, Albert-street (near the Docks), at the Lowest Cash Prices. The timber, being under cover, is l»tter than that parch awed •Iwwtorfl. : _ , , . __„ ,'t R|p TIJ'ANTEa) Known—That th« Lunge? Dress- - ;i '.* '** cutting School ia at 32. Hi* ;Majesty's : r, ; ;':s Arcade, j 3rd Floor. r Claea^ievisry;day except- t fl in Wednesday afternoons. Dressmaking and i - \<i Cutting thoroughly ! taught, and Pupils pre- : | paid! for business. Special Closes lor Ladies ■ in Blouse Cutting and Miiiinsr. Pupils pro- . - ,"] vide their own material. Quarter begins from . I First Lesson. : Hours: 10 to. 13, St to 4; al*o. .'.; ******»• *;***. »■■■ .on f PB»°A^ o i*-) . I ' , - -,i:l i '! ill

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12609, 25 June 1904, Page 1