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SfSffo-- Sigh Water it Auckland—4.43 a.m.;" 5.11 p.m. „ „ . s.m.; 7.1U ji.ia. ?",\V Sun—Rises, 0.18 >.m.; »»t»,'6.29 p.m. Moon—New, Saturday, 9.85 WEATHER REPORT. ;'3;\ . The following i* tain Edwin's wsstber report % Strom Now Zetland stations at five p.m. yesterday ~i,'t '.v Manukau Heads: Wiivd, south, breaj«; barometer, dti 50.30; thermometer, 67; weather, Cue; sea. smooth. • • ifew Plymouth: Wind, *outn-west, light; j>»roineter, 30.22; thermometer, 69;" weather, ftp? »?$, ■n-.ootta. •J " Oastlepoint: 'Wind, north-north- lijht; lisrs- ■ meter, 80.10; thermometer, «3; weathtr, fine; m, Moderate. * Wellington: Wind, north-north-west, breesa: hatOTflster, 50.15; thermometer, 01; weather, fin«. We»tport: Wind, uoutb-n'est, fresh; barometer, SO,11; thermometer, 08; weather, ftn«; eei, slight, avoll. Kaikcara: Wind, calm; barometer, 50.39; thermometer, 82; weatner, fine; *e». smooth. Oar.iaru: Wind, Berth-east, lljjht; bjiromctcr, 50.13; thermometer, 03; weather, calm; sea, smooth. , , • Bluff: Wind, south-west, moderate ffais: baroteeter, £0.01; thermometer, 05; weather, lute. arrivals. Sonoma, R.M.s., 6000, C. F. Herrimnp, from San Francisco, Honolulu, and Pago Pago Passengers for Auckland Saloon: Rev. sud Mrs. E. R. Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. W fckeet, Mr. and Mis. M. M. Gilchrist, Air. and Mrs. i. til. Apploton. Mesdames O. Cambridge and infant, G. H. Risley, Messrs. W H. Ecteon. J. S. McArthur. W. Sucrer, G. Schmidt. Second saloon: Miss Flora Donaldson, Messrs. .Tames King. Walter Savory, F. 11. Savory, John L. Evans. N. M. Kiu-.dson, Gavin Spencer, ami two steerage. For Sydney: 19 saloon, 10 second naloon. and three steerage.— and Macfarlane, cents. ■ Zealaudia, s.s.. 3000. W. J. Wyllie. from Sydney. Passengers: Mesdnmea Shannon, Brown, Clapcott. Pasiev. Tempest. Oallopp. Cook. Vauarh. Wood. White, Misses Stephens. Clarke <2!, Field, Hams, Moore. Hoyle, Dr. Ferguson. Messrs. ScliulU. Sliatmon, Hawthorne., Brown, Ciapcott. Harper, Cobb, Wild, Holmes. Lo Qnesne. Gardiner. Baker, Blair (2j, I.dwards, Lewis, Tempest. Groome, Hammond, Galiopp. Bliss. Blundell, Vaugh, Wood, Woodcraft (21, Diivip. Kemp. Mscdonald. Houston, Sullinss, Williams, Watson. Cook. Chapman, Daly. Qnelch, Quick, Rich, Turner, Morrison. Rogers (2-. and 55 steerage.—L. D. Nathan ana Co., agents. Stella, s.s., £<7, A. McKensie, from the coast. >-L«yland-O'Brien Co., agents. DEPARTURES. • Wsstralia. a.t.. £585. J. B. Rainey. for Syd- >■; ney. Passengers: Mesdomes Bartleet. Adams, Young. Sinker and boy. C. H. Johnson, Gedge, Clarke, Maboney, Perotti. Misses Lade, Littlev.ood. Seidenburg. Macnamara, Rediord. Cadi gnu, Gedge. Bridgens, Pcrotti t25, F. Araitaste. IT ran. Messrs. L. Webfear. Tucker. R. . Or.»ill. Manning. J. Oman, R. Lewin, E. Walklev. Hicks, Clarke. McAdam, Jowett, Gutlirey, Cole, Bartleet. T. W. Ariuitace, Pollock. Q. H. Johnson. 7.incke. Horsefall, C. Dewdney. Dr. Adams. Captain Read, aud 40 gtserage.—L. D. Nathan and Co.. agents. t . Terranora. p.s'., KO. Edward McLeod, for llercurv Bar and I'auranga. Clansman, s.s., S>J. W. Earqnhar. for Rus- . tell. Whanjtaroa, and Mangouui. t«V. Stella. s.s., 267, A. MeKeuiie, for Waipu. Wnitaugi. s.s., 197, P. A. Stein, for Tairua and Wbanpramata. Chelmsford, s.s., 73. H. Richards, for Ho hot'.Ta. Awanui, and Wailurara.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. torn or:' Indra, s.s., vis Australia, due about April 15. r, s.s., via Australia, due about April 27. WaV«cui, s.t., doe about April "5. 2Ciwaru, s.s., via Australia, to sail April 7. - Star of Australia, s.s., vi» Australia, dus about . ■ Mav 9. " Hawks'* Bay, «■*■» via Amtrslia, due about May 16. lima, hjsrcUJTiclse, IaVT.F.POOJ- - M Ifatatua. s s-, direct, filled March 4, gAX Francisco: Sonoma. R.M.3., to-day. Kaw York: Suffolk. via Australia, at Melbourne April 10. jf Amsterdam, barque, put into the Azores dis- :• masted. 9' 'Anglo- *.a., via Australia, sailed March 1". ;©■ Bcceros, s.s., via Australia, to sail about April 30. PHILADELPHIA : Pelleti Hovering, bJr.; :s, jailed. STBSBT: .Waikan;, s.s., Sunday, ! Samoa : J > Haarcto, s.s., April Si. Tosga : ■ Eauroto, a.9., April So. ■Fiji : Hauroto, s.s., April 2S. JTewcastl* : Aldebaran, barque, early. Hsnda Isle, fcarqaentine, sailed. i Pendla Hill, barqueatine, sailed. Tahiti : /. Taviuni, s.s., Thursday. Barotosga: . :V Tariuni, s.s., Thursday. Calcutta: Aparisia, i.s., about May SC. PROJECTED DEPAETrBE3. •, LOSTSOS: • P ; Mimiro. s.s., about Thursday, Sa» Fb a set SCO; • i eoEoma, R.M.i., April 29. SEw York: . Aiiglo-Bformao, barque, to ♦«- •• Tosga : Hanroto, a.a., Kay 4, Samoa: Hanroto, 5.«., Majr i. Stdskt: - f? Sonoma, 8.M.5., to-day. JXararoa, a. 3., Monday- . rial: Moors, s.s., April SO. ; . mnosr S.S. CO.'S MOVBMP.NT3. • v Wedceiday: Rctoiti arrirta from Wellington,JKelson, and s,'ew Plymouth; Moors arrives from Westport; Ksioitt lsaves for Stvr I'lymaatb, Wellington. and Nelson at 3 p.m. (2.13 p.m. train); Herald '"•rrivea from East Coast bays, and isavs# for East Coast buy*, .Olsboras, and Kapiiif (raeaatinie). Tharsd'ay: Taviuni arrires from Eastern Pac.fis; Tariwsra arrival from Bsssdln, Lyttßltsn, Wslnagten, Napier, and QUborae. M Friday.«;.Takapuna arrives from Wellington ana New Plymouth, and leaves for Sew PlyaoutU only •t 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. trails). 'iir Saturday: Tarawera leaves for Qlsborns. Kapler, ."Walllugton, tytteltoa, and Baosdia si IS noon. AKT-PARKER CO.'S MOTEMEHT3. T«-iiay: Zealand!J learea far the South at 3 p.m. NORTHERN 3.9. CO.'S MQVKMETT3. ' Ts-day: Kanieri leaves for Wlianjfarel T«wn ■Wharf at 4 p.m.; Barsw# arrITSS at. Onehonga from Sew Plymouth and leaves for tli»_sinu port »t 4 p.m. (passenger train, 9.54 p.m..); Kgapahi if- ! r riTes from Whtn?arei; Waiotahi leftfe* for T*Uransa and OpotiKi at 3 p.m.; Glefielg leaves OneIjuriga for Opuaike and WanKSani at 1 p.m. Wednesday: Waltangi arrives from Talraa and "Wliaagamata, and le?vse' for the Braat Barrier &t 9 p.m.; Kanieri arrives from \Vtss?arsi Town Wharf; >'gapuhi leaves for WUaagarsl, Sfarjden Point, etc., at 9.30 p.m. ' ' '• ' Thames Servic*: Steamers leave for Thames and :.P«eraa daily. Sea advsrtisameati daily papers.

fi-'yf,. . VESSEL 3IS HABBOUR. F»yehe, M.?., la stmai. • Iris, cable steamer, in stream. .Sonoma, B.H.S , at Qcaen-atreft 'Wharf. Zealand!#, «.a., at Queen-street Wharf. Northern Chief, barque, at Sugar WorifS. ;C. 'Tobiaf, barque, St BaUwav Wbsrf. Lairs, barque, a k Qaeen-.treet Wharf. Neptune, barquectine, in «uek3i. Elfriede, scho&net, on »lip. Eoluma, brigattine, at Bsilway Wharf. imports. Per Sonoma, from San Francisco: a 4 P°*e| anil 55 packages metal polish. 10 cases (tried fruit 20 cases codfish, 40 boxes evaporated lrnit,' 1190 cases canned fruit, 20 eases asparagus, 20 kegs casing, 43 packages engines, 65 cases bicycles and parts, 11 boxes and 6 ersfctes automobile?, 70 cases canned goods, I*3 eggs, 120 boxes and 23 bundles dmd fruit, 25 boxes codfish, 30? sacks plaster, 110 roll? paper 130 case? and £0 bandies raisins, 165 case? ealmon, 11 cases oil engine*. 50 oasau gas enCinea, 16 case 3 periodicals, 14 casei cash regisIters, 81 cases slides, and a quantity of machinery and sundries. . Per Zealandia, from Sydney: 609 packages tea, 2500 spokes, 200 sacks bonftdust, 260 cases currants. 50 cases schnapps, 1360 boxes sultanas,*3lls bags rice. 41 keg? cream tartar, 63 bags tapioca, 51 cases emulsion, 200 bags bottle?, 109 sacks phosphates, 26 packages periodicals. 20 case? plait, 25 packagss Ohme.a merchandise. 16 ingots tin, 227 bags oxide oi iron, 42 length? .galvanised pipe, 7 bales millet 82 wrought iron pipes, 20 cases sardines, 1Z sacks seed, 37 empty hogsheads. 10 bar? iron, 75 cases preserved fruits. 20 paciiajces samples, 2? cafes beer, 19 crates furniture, 10 hogsheads "bottles. 10 cast Iron pipes, 10 casus pines. 22 cases boots, quantity general merchandise, arid cargo in transit for East Coast and Southern ports. F.XPQHTS. Per Westralia, for Sydney : 31 bars bullion, 627 cases and 99 sacks kauri sum, M bales tow. 3C cases frozen fish, < bales leather, J) cases canned mullet, 122 bales flax, IS empty cylinders, So sacks hides, 3 horses, and sundries.

Th' Tluddort-Parker steamer Westrali? left £> ' for Sydney last evening with a isumbsi of 7 r passengers arid a large and valuable cargo. '• Last night the Northern Company's stea;E V "mer Ngapuhi left for Whangarei. The Northern Company's steamei Clansman , left for the North last evening. - - Yesterday the new scow Hoanga sailed from Wf- 7 Ngunguru for Gisberne with a cargo of opal. i The Northern Company's steamer mi- ?,*> "mora left last night for Mercury Bay and V'.v':.; Tauransra. , . . , . it; ' Ye?terday the schooner Aw&nni wa? placed on the hard for cleaning find painting. "-A'i. The Northern Companys' B»eara»v .Vaitangi left last nisrht for Tairuu. and Whangamata. ! . To-dav the barque Lftira sails for Kaipara to load timber for Melbourne, and an disjfc'f; charge proceeds to Edithbur't to load salt s for a New Zealand port. The Northern Company's steamer waiotanl leaves for Bay of Plenty ports at 8 a.m. tokitil morrow. To-day the Northern Company's steamer Wellington will be floated out of tin Auck'land Dock, aftei cleaning and painting. - The auxiliary schooner Aotea was to leave Gisborne foi coast ports and Auckland lust nisrht. s . ! Yesterday afternoon the Northern Com,7"-- pany's eteanser Chelmsford left foi t'nn North, , The Northern Company's steamer Taniwlia : will be floated into the Auckland Dock to-day, v for annual inspection and overhaul. p; • On Friday last the brigantine Carin nailed from Whaugarei for Adelaide, with a cargo ..of timber. ' ; The auxiliary echoonet Waiapn is now on her 1 way from' Gisbonif, and'coast ports to Auckland, with % cargo ©f maiz«. ;

Last night th» Bturner Stella left for Waipti for a raft of log;- for Auckland. The tugboat A warns, is at present laid Tip for annual inspection and overhaul. The barque jimpfcza. now on the voyaga from the Thames to Adelaide, has been ll?ed by Mr. Q. V. Edgoiunbe to < load salt at Edithburg for Napier. The barque Jessie Craig arrived at Newcastle yesterday morning after a smart pa*Sftcw from Auckland, ?.ni returns to this port wii« o<?al.

THE SUFFOLK. The steamer Suffolk, en route to New Zealand, arrived at Melbourne from New York 011 Sunday last, and after calling at Sydney, oomes <;it"io Auckland.

THE MARERE, The Tyser liner Ma vet arrived fit Melbourne from London on Sunday, and after callipg at Sydney, comes on to this port, where she is due about the £7t)i inst.

THE NORTHERN COMPANY'S STEAMERS. The relieving of the Rurawa by the Ngapuhi in the Onehunua-New Plymouth trade, announced in the UEftAU) yesterday, will only bo temporary, whilst the former steamer is undergoing inspection and overhaul at Auckland.

TRANSHIPMENTS. , „ , Tlip s.s. which arrived from Sydney yesterday, brought transhipments per from Londonj Neva, from Marseille#; Airlie. from Sinsayoru; Clitua. from Calcutta; Eastern, from Olhnsv; Pritia valqonifir. from Hamburg:; P. and O, steanipr. from London; and Kanottna, Tynan, Time,\Mararainoka, fmd Wyaudia, from Australian ports.

THE 7.EALANDIA The Huddart.Parkor steamer Zealandia, Captain W. J. Wyllie, arrived from Sydney at 5.20 p.m. yesterday, and aftet the usual iitgneetion was granted pratique, and her tiled at tbo Quoen-streot. Wharf. Mr. Bauson, the purser, reports that the steamer left the Sydney wharf at 4.50 p.m. and cleared the Heads at 5.15 p.m. on Thursday last; passed the North Cape at 3.20 a.m. yesterday, aud arrived as above. Experienced moderate to fresh south-south-east winds, with fine weather throughout the passage. Whilst at Sydney the Zealaudia was docked for annual inspection and overhaul. The steamer proceeds to East. Coast ami Southern ports thia afteinoon.

THE SONOMA. Tlio mail steamet Sonoma. Captain C. F. Herriman, arrived from San Francisco and Island ports shortly before 4 p.m. yesterday, and after inspection berthed at the Queenstreet Wharf. The Sonoma's actual time on tin? voyage was 17 days i'u. fim.. the steaming time beins 16 days 25m. Mr. G. A. Hodson, the purser, to whom we are indebted for our flies and despatches, reports: The Sonoma left San Francisco at 2 p.m. on March 24, and arrived at Honolulu on the 30th, resuming the voyage naxt day at 1.35 a.m. Reached Pago Pago at 3.10 a.m. on April 6, and left agrain at 12.55 p m. the same date, reaching the anchorage in Auckland Harbour at 3.57 in. yesterday, Experienced strong head winds and seas for the first three days after leaving the Golden Gate: thence to arrival fresh to moderate trade winds ami seas. The Sonoma is timed to proceed on to Sydney at 4 a.m. to-day, and will take the following passengers from Auckland:—Rev. J. and Mrs. Fussell and child. Mr. and Mrs. G. -Duncan and infant. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mr. and Mr*. Hooker and five children. Rev. Mother Mary, Mesdames McLeod, Ray nor, Inglis. Fallowfield, 11. Wells, Misses C. G. Ireland Mel.eod. Townsend, Irwin, Hon. H. J. Saunders. Colonel Lauterhacli. Messrs. Black. E. Bath, A. D. Shilson, G. W. S. Patterson. A. Hanna. P. O. Shaw, J. Coates, T. P. Dobson, O. Peterson. R. Kiufr. A. Bryan. Blacbie, Hampsou. R.vnner, B. Tooth. W. Stokes, R. Wockner, Oats, E. Hawkeu, H. CBitvlf, McMorrish.



TaknpKna, 5.«., Jame3, for New Plymouth ami Wellington. Passengers: Misses Hasten. Hay, Johnson, Brown. llempton, Blakley, \\. Baiter. Armstrong. Adams. Cashe, Balungul, Mursatroyd (J), Owen (2). Shaw, Mesdames Basil all and infant. Marshall, llurgatroyd and two children. 'Braid wood and three eh-'i-dran. McH&ffif. Clark, iieagar and two children, Messrs. Mursatroyd, W. Gamble, J. v\. Baker. W. Uttins?. Tuck W. B. Seely, J. E. White, Young, J. 0. Held, Don (2). A. H. Beeson, W. Brace, McHaftie. J. Hogg. Shilling:, Marshall, Jennings, Oayvkwell, I). A. Hay, Francis (2), Seagar, Champion. A. 8. Dixon, P. "8. Sspeirett, Cottier. Charoeed. Dr. Makgiil, Cant ain Braidwood. and 20 stoarage. _ Kia. Ora. s.s.. .T. 0. Blacklook, lor Raglan, Kawhia, and Waitara. The Union Company's steamer Takapuna left last night for New Plymouth and Wellington. with the Southern portion of the inward San Francisco mni'i. ■ . The Northern Company's steamer Km Ora, sailed yesterday for Raglan, Kawhiti, anil Waitara. ' ■ BY TELEGRAPH. CAPE MARIA VAN DIE WEN. April 10.—A schooner passed east at 6 a.m. to-dav. April I!.—A scow passed south at 6 a.m. today. "WHANG ABEL April 11.—Arrived: Kanieri, 8.8., from Auckland. Sailed: Kanieri, s.s., for Auckland. HOKIANGA HEADS. April 11.—Arrived, yesterday: Balmain, 8.1, from Greymouth. Sailed, on Saturday: May Howard, auxiliary schooner, for Auckland. NAPIER. April 11.—Arrived: Kata Tathatn, barque, from Newcastle. NEW PLYMOUTH. April 11— Arrived: Rarawa, 5.9., from On#huuga. Sailed: Barawa, for Onehunga. WELLINGTON. April 11.—Arrived: Rimutaka, 8.8., from London, Capetown, and Hohart. Sailed: 'l'arawera. s.s., for Napier, Gisboroe, and Auckland. Passenger? for Auckland; Messrs. Roberts, Shaw, Black. WEBTPOBT. April 11.—Arrived: Tni«ri, e.i., from Auckland. TIM ABU. April 11.—Arrived : Dorset, s.*., from Port Chalmers. BLUFF. April 11.— g.s. Mannka, leave* for Hohart and Melbourne at daylight to-morrow. MELBOURNE. April 11.—Arrived.- Victoria, at., from New Zealand and Hobart. THE HADES. SYDNEY, £pril 11.—Armed: H.M.f. Pyladcs, ftem Wellington. ... THE WAIWEEA. WELLINGTON*, April 11.—The 3 = Waiwera, lea-ring: Wellington to-morrow, for London, takes the following passengers: — From Auckland: Miss Whitney, Mis. Lovm, Mr. Lewis. From Nanier: Mrs. McOavin, Dr. McGavin. Messrs. Butters, Clark. From Lj'ttelton: Miss L«. THE RIMUTAKA. WELLir«'QTQN, April 31.-The 'Rinmtakn, which arrived from London to-day, has the following passengers for Auckland:—Saloon: Mr. W. James Mr. A. Ringneli. Second ealoon: Rev. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. C. H. Furneas. Master* Furnees (3), Mi. David Megraw. Mrs. A. Monro, Mr. G. C. Policy, Mrs. B. Rowlings, Mrs. 8. Travis, Mr. C. Wallis, Mrs. M. Wallis, Master O. Wallis, Miss J. L. Craydon, Mrs. M. McLettd, Mr. A. W. Westgate, Mm. H. Storrie, and seven steerage.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12545, 12 April 1904, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12545, 12 April 1904, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12545, 12 April 1904, Page 4