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/\ : -;.: . •■'"■"' Medical. " — . ; : — — — ~~ — CTCTM » raa « I KTHE MIGHTY HEALERJj * Cougn ©too uoio MM! 1 -nONNINGTON'S CARRAGEEN IRISH MOSS is undoubtedly the popular remedy for Cough j J^ffi||^^^S .jj and Cold, Bronchitis, Influenza, and ail Chest Complaints. To the many I i^Slll^^^^S of the general public who have used this medicine, it is needless .to say anything; , |f«Sfiß 9( ! but there are still some who have never tried it, and to them the proprietors say, give it a j [^^^^|S|Bii^iL^^ trial and let the article Speak for itself. When purchasing, it is neccsary to be j rice _i, 2*. and ««6d. ? _ _ . n , j ME . OLIVER SUTTON*. Oamarn, writes; — | guarded against imitations, and see that vou get \ Twelve months ago I injured my leg. i tried b u<iiut.u < l fc>"" » *,[manner of cures without success. A friend' ' | recommended Ksd Cross Ointment. I got a I * { small bor, and. to my surprise, it completely «. v — ] cured in two weeks. Send me one dozen boxes gpgftv B JL 3 ■ -..■-.- :j to sell to my friends. ( !■' SHS» sa a 1 §£$ a & Qsstf? | 26, Cumberland-street, Dunedin. r I A SMALL LEAK will sink a great ship. ...■■■..l ~—r i i M,,ii,,ji nnT i Wfm /tw !^'f " •"- A Slight Cold leads to Consumption. .naMPßaßunaama ■ « »■■ ■■"■ —»«»» " Takg BINGO EUCALYPTUS in time. One Shilling will Buy a Bottle anywhere.

I __ __ - — ¥¥ _r*9 THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BROMITIS, ABTHMA AND On m ci i im pti ft R» Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in Australia. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful infl■««*«• Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, hoarseness Pam or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest It is invaluable, as it, effects a Complete Cure It M most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice and neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become Chrome, nor» to «evebj i Consumption has never been known to exist where " Coughs have been piop*!? ™JJ with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. r.msumntion. Extract from a letter since written by the Consumption. d hgr gon _ Mr Jo]m g _ Mortime r, TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. Llewellyn, Katunga, Victoria. A COMPLETE CUBE. BEE DA UGHTER HAT > BEEN VERY ILL. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,— am writing SPITTING UP BLOOD, to tell yon about the wonderful cure your _„,„ medicine has effected in my case. About he DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD threa years agro I began to cough. At first BE DONE, the cough was not severe, but it gradu- ™. pv] ,.(, xiT»r>XPTrrTT<; OHEF. ally got worse, and I became very weal; and CURED BY HEARNE S BROIvCHITIS t-uia,. troubled with night sweats, pain in my cheat. extract , runs as follows:—" for my and great quantities of phlegm. Or. several f thank the Lor d, lam feeling: strongei occasions there was blood in the expectorant y, T Jlave for yearg . i nac an attack oi matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who BrolU ,} in November, but Hearne's Bron pronounced my case to be Consumption, ana p]litjg Ciu , Wflg aga Buccess fi. }; feel quite various other treatments had been tried, but v . ell Rn({ wal ,„ into town j ee nK quite strong without benefit. It was at this stage tliat I „ j must ask vou to send me six bottle: heard of your Bronchitis Care, and sent to mQTQ of t]le me j licine , as i wish to have ; yon for a course of the medicine. When it mvy in the house. I have tried get i arrived I was too ill to leave my bed. but i made up here, and let my chemist have a bot commenced taking it at once, and gradually tle to see wljat he CO uld'clo. He tells me thi: improvsd. I am glad to say that the two week faft can make nothing out of •♦.. ho neve lots of medicine yon sent have effected a gaw ailTtng i ike it before, so there is onl: complete cure, for which accept my very best one thnt , for mR t0 d of send for more, thanks.—Yonr3 gratefully, J. BbAitt. bave never icept in be d o ,i o day since I com Westminster, Bridge Road, S.E., London. nienced" to take it. I used to be- in bed : fortnight, at. a time always, and after tha —— for months I was as weak as I could possibl: be, and was always taking; cod liver oil, 6' Sever* Cough. you will nee at onco it is quite worth wliiS a PTVW vPAtiq' PAR'S! sending for it such a long distance. A FIVE YEARS LAfefc. "Something more I must tell you. Chai RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY lottc has been very ill since I wrote you. He CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, cough was so bad she never had a night' V.UH.UU .Di iiu/iic rest, and was -.spitting up blood very much Dear Sir,—"l suffered from a severe cola on Tlle doctor told her husband that there wa the chest with cough, for five years, and dur- no thing more he could do for her. So on th ing that time got treatment from different p un< i av i tent her half a bottle of the Bron sources, but derived no benefit until I used cu i)i s Cure, and told her to try it. and i your Bronchitis Care, which gave me renel Khe (j(] not nEe jti nofi to w; , F ( e it, but sen* at once, and completely cured me. I am it hark again. She had such confidence-ii delighted, with it. It is really a wonderful i lPr .doctor ], at , I thought she would not tr: medicine; does good at once, and cant be t Qn ie "Wednesday I sent over a grail licked."—Yours sincerely, TOrOTrTPV and she was much letter, the night's res W. rßEMJ!ilj.uo-ci. was V!!rv p- oor ] t aIK conch and bleeding fron Modewarre, Victoria. the lungs hotter. She sent for another halt * bottle, and on the following Sunday sen over to say that she was quite cured am did not require any more medicine. So yoi A Child Seven Months Old. see what, great good it has done, and sin A SUFFERER PROM BIRTH. wisheS to haVe SOme ° f my U€lt SUPPIy -" CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Mr. W. G. Ilearno. Dear Sir.-Kindly for- 12 Years;' Agony. ward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis DISTRESSING SUFFOCATING DRY COIJG7 Cura as won as possible as I cannot speak ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES, above a winner, owing 10 a coia. J. cau •* bottle from von before for my little girl kq OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVE? when she was seven months old. She had EASE IT. been suffering from bronchitis from her birth, » . __ My wife was for twelve rears a . suf and now she is three years old, and has not ferer frnm a most distressing, suffocating had a return of it since. It is a splendid dry 00H?ll tl) . cori](l not ~e r<sffiovetl or ever medicine for bronchitis or colds ot any sort. eased by any remedy, doctors' prescription.' I remain, yours truly, and patent medicines having bc«n tried: bnl _ MRS. 11. KAJftAua. iam happy to say that the conch, pain in tin Violet Town, Victoria. chest, and difficulty of breathing, etc.. wen —— entirely removed by the fifth dose of youi Bronchitis Cure.—l remain, sir. yours mos Three Cases Completely Cured by respectfully. WILLIAM CROCKETT." On© Bottle of K«arne's " Baker's Swamp P. 0.. via Dripstone, New Bronchitis Cure. So " th Walcß- - COLD, WITH LOSS OP VOICE, CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. A FSv© Year's' Case. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. ENGLAND. Mr. W. 0 Hearne. _, „ „ , „. "Dear Sir—Kindly send me one largo bot Llewellyn, Katunga. Vic. tle of your Bronchitis Care. lam mor< Mr. Hearne.— than pleased with the result of your wonder " Dear Sir,—l am very much pleased with ful mef iicine. as a small bottle cured mthe effects of your Bronchitis Cure. Bast litl]e ff!rl( who ]la( , I)Pen goffering for m winter three of my children had very bad 7car . 3i an ,i , 10W ido nat , feel safe to be with coughs, and one bottle cured the three ot out it. I remain, yours failhfullv, ' them. The housemaid also had such a severe •■ P. KENNEDY," cold that she entirely lost her voice, but half «'Bethanga, Victoria." a bottle cured her. I always keep it in the J . house now. and recommend it to anyone requiring a medicine of this kind. " I now want you to send at once four bot- A Seven Yeaca' Case, ties to England to my mother, who is suffer- EXPPnTnT , ATTvr mnnr, anti vaTtpp big greatly from bronchitis. The address is u *- i tu iuuaulnLt hIjUUJJ and AiAiJhn. enclosed. " COMPLETELY CURED. -TmYv fifefei •• . Mr - w - G - Hearne. Dear Sir.-Your med JUiu\ ». mukujlk. cine nas CU! ort !nP of Bronchitis and Asthmr Tlie relative in England, who is 80 years old, from which 1 suffered for upwards of seve also cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. years, during which period I was scarce!; ever free from coughs, and frequently th _____ difficulty of breathing was so distressing tha for nights in succession I had to sit "up. WA<? A ffPEAT SUFFERER write yon this acknowledgement from a sens WAR A UKfcAi BUIJfJi-HK. of dlUj . M,n my CRga m othop inaimm HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS. had failed. For a year previous I had hep ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE getting very much worse, and at the time WELL. obtained your medicine I was confined t FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS nONE Dec ' Suffering from a most violent sough, e FEELS STRONGER TOAIs SHE HAS DUAb peotorntintc blood and matter, and appa i\ju, ii' Aw. ently beyond hope of recovery. The fir; "8, Watßon-street. Burton-on-Trent, dose of the medicine gave me welcome relic " Staffordshire, England. a ml I steadily improved as I continued '.! "Mr. W. G. Hearne, Geelong. treatment until I became, as I am now. qui " Dear Sir,— letter and Bronchitis Cure well.—Yours sincerely, H WALKER to hand quite safe. lam sure you will be >• Balinain, Sydney." glad to know that your Bronchitis Cure has ' * quite cured me. I was very glad when it came, as I was suffering from a severe attack « p(1 ..., of Bronchitis at the time it, arrived. I bad Hstnma. sent for my own doctor, but had not had one PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED night's rest for a week. I started taking the . □„,,„._,„ ,l„,'.p C , „. a L Bronchitis Cure three times a day as directed. ™"^ E EL*£ A J?L, C ASR ' and was very much cased at once. At the I CURED BY THREE BOTTLES, end of a week I only took it twice a day. \ Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park Cliarh. and then only every night for a week, as i vi!!e , Qneensland. writes:-'' After suffer i I felt very much better when, thanks to from Asthma for seventeen rears, and Inthe Lord for adding His blessing. I was quite been under a great manv different ire" well, and walked into town and back without me , , vithout benefit. I as in "need to t feeling any fatigue. 1 had not done that Hearne's medicine for Astlumi After tal-ir previously for 12 months (always went in the three bottles of this medicine I onitn eat v omnibus), as walking caused me such pain of the Asthma, and since lien? which w and distress m the chest. I always walk now in the beginning of 1633 (15 rear" a'of" hr and never feel it. and lam Stronger than I not i, a( , lhe slirflte . :t return of it The mer Have been for years. I thank my son lor cine nnite curcd and I have much n?« bis great kindness in sending the medicine, snro ;,, recommending it" ' and am, dear sir, Writing a pain on the' 4tb April lftqo. 1 " Yours very truly. state*'—'' I nm itoovino. ««.«_?!-• i' ! "if nfrm'PTMirn " " L ' llt --• |. am Keeping very well now. JNeri M. MORIIMLR. have the slightest return of the Asthma." Prepared ©rs&y and sold Wholesale and Retail by th© Proprietor, W- G. HEARNE, Chemist Geelong, Victoria. SMALL SIZE, 2s 6d; LARGE. 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medleine Vendors. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO, and SHARLAND & Co

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 8 (Supplement)