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Medical. ' I, i i i- -— ■ i ■ lit* I "Wellington, N.Z., October 27th, 1902. » | Mil La;\E.—Dear Sir, I 1 I f**l it my duty to let yon know | I w}ut vaiir Knmlsion, and fresh air, had I I done for me. '( 3 Twjlirw months ago last September 1 a I wad no ill with lny'lun?:* that 1 had % 9 to ro into the Wellington Hiwpital). k /'l r '' 4 lb! Ik-mi under the care of five (5) G . .^ 3 different doctors, who said ray case was 1 > a one of consumption. 1 was told that R ■ }■'■' 9j my only chance whs to ,;o ciSicr to the 8 -.j « " liiue' Mountains" oi the hospital. 1 ■;■' 5 After being in the hospital six (("•) V. a weeks I lYttmicd home somewhat re- V A lievcil, but no:, curc'l. I had a very f< 3 nasty, hacking, hollow cough, and iras P y frequently spitting blood. Owing to f IS the ccnghin? being so bad at night, R 3 morphia tablets were ordered to enable K Pi me to .sleep a tittle at night. My Ueah 't | was gradually but surely leaving my i 3 body, and ["was getting weaker and j>; pj weaker, and was tired all the tfsne. In a 3 April of this year (190*2) I commenced fe $3 taking 1 ? V & ll la H «n J tn. s I; M JisjUL JU.& I «s# jifcif' £ 1 MTlflKlflft 1 Ii thronph reading little book, vlrteh 1 a throt-'.fih reading your little book, vlrlch M 0 was put under the door. The doctor M M who was attending me said I was doing jjj§ P rigid, and advised use to continue with W '1 it. I think he said this just to please |1 Si roe as much as anything. At this time « - | ■* my stomach was so weak and my diges- Q jH tiou so poor that 1 could hartUy retain as j? the Emulsion, but by persistent efforts H £"5 it gradually strengthened my digestive M K orpin:!, and" after a while I had no diffi- C*. •1 culty in keeping it down. It must have a 3 been ;i. month er six (0) wee-s before I a A could tell there was any .in»r«vc!u<inb. !| w In f.:ct, I was beginning so lose hope £| Si of your Emulsion cloins me good. E a Heading the testimonials from time to if a time t hey induced me to continue. The ft 3 testimonial of Trouper Orr, and his 6 I statement- about how he retrained his fc 3 health through being persistent with g 3 the Emulsion, -rave me fresh hope. IE; | ant now so thankful I was persistent. B i It wain about this time that an improve- p ;J ment began to be noticable. The g H coughing was still very bad, and the 1 '& bleeding had not entirely stopped, but ft § there was a kind of feeling that I was ft « getting a little better strength- This V '{ helped me on, and gave mo fresh hope c I that I might still be well again. Right {.' a up to now, seven months later, I have 13 1 kept on taking the Emulsion. At first Is y one bottle each week, then two, ami as w I I got stronger the dose was increased, g 3 For the past two (*2) months I have been Ii I taking tlnee (S) bottles each week. I | | sun now on my forty-fourth (44) bottle. V A It lias been money well .spent. Lane's K R Emulsion, fresh air, and persistency,' S 3 have given me a new lease oi life. R il last February my weight was 2 ,| pa stone 0 pounds. 15 April I had de- | 3 creased to 7 stone. Since then 1 have > M gradually increased and have now g -.'..;. ■■: "a gained 10 pounds. Last February and | * .'! K March I was quite unable to walk but a ;"; S a few paces, the least exertion would J| I tire mo very much. Now—October— 4 | 1 can, and do, walk quite live (6) miles i 3 each fine day. The walk I usually take i l is from my house, round the I'atent \ i Slip, through Kilburnie, on to Newtown. j 3 and home again. This walk is now no j | trouble to me. Just previous to taking j 4 the Emulsion, my doctor said he could i » do no more for me. Now 1 can sing my | i old songs as well as ever I did, showing r, • j my lungs are strong and sound. ty ™ As further proof that my case was s I one of consumption, I was reported to J; ;>: 0 the Health Officers who visited the i f house in which I was living, and they ) gent me a circular issued by the Gov- | * i eminent giving instructions as to the 3 j care of consumptives. 3 5 | 13 "I am quite certain that | 1 "my return to health and | I "strength is solely due to i I "LANE'S EMULSION and 1 3 "fr'esh air." I I "fresh air." I i pi Ji m I Very gratefully and thankfully yours, m t m I (Signed) NELLY NIGHTINGALE, M 1 63 s bjokistao & IbOE¥ j s ;; MBftICATEP TABLETS. Tins Latest Known and Wonderful Kerned* , for the Relief and Cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, V AND ASTHMA. - THESE TABLETS EXCEL ALL OTHERS BY ? THEIR RAPIDITY OP ACTION. SUFFER- ; ERS FROM ANY FORM OF COUGH OR PUL- . MONARY TROUBLE WILL FIND. THIS ' , REMEDY INVALUABLE FOR RELIEVING THE DISTRESSING IRRITATION OF THE THROAT. FOR REMOVING THE DIFFICULTY .! OF EXPECTORATION AND CURING THE SAME BY GOING DIRECT TO THE ROOT OF THE DISEASE, THEREBY DESTROYING V,, ; ' THE GERM. , .", < CAUTION.—BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. v; All Tablets stamped " 8.5." See that each ' Box bears our signature. :■•'/•-• ON SALE RETAIL AT CHEMISTS'. ' %'};'. Testimonials can be obtained on application. /. i; Wholesale Agents: . '» KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER. AND 00. BJORNSTAB AND STAGEY,: ! PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS, College' Hill, Auckland. Herpasnia 0j^ t : f ' Ointment JM^ Is delightfully cooling: end £•£*■;<s jj£*-»&tg| ■Mrvedously healing, aod ©pa („ imp '' k invaluable as a household \& <%* •£'s%? rvf/edy(or general use. In tasca of Chapped Hand*. IS-'Z£j? '", "i't-i. Eruptions ar.d I'iropies on %', Urolen Chilblains, breaking out in Children's . He;>ds, Sere i;rc»sts, Ulceo.tsd I.«g», licvetaa, , Witrry Humours, &.c, it h.\* proved absoluttij reliable. Many tcaliriwnsals cienicnitratine it* * •fficacy. sold in Pou at i/8 and 2/8 eaoh. Sold in Porz at i/8 and 2/S eauh< Pre/and seltly — SRAWf(/HD.w*« M «»T. KEWIfIH. AMABEL piIOCOLATE WORM TABLETS. CHILD It TAKE THEM READILY. Need no AperientIn Boxes. Is each. Prepared only by ARTHUR O. KENDERDINE, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 100, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. '> { Telephone, No. 411. - Newmarket Agent: Geo. CAWTCWBLL. "•.,■; Queen-street Agent: CHAS. RATJEN. Chimist. ~i BOTH SEXES— for Free Bool« of vital interest, concerning yourselves and your welfare Posted free.-Wrile to lions. Gou- ; rand. 812. Little Flinders-street. Melbourne. Saddlers. , ... i. i -y 111 '-■—tf Gig and Buggy / *,' HARNESS /0/ — / A # Pair-horse I » / / /,^J HARNESS /£?/ p ii ii Sf\ i Special , fUf U" Waggon and L~ /of Harness Plough / J / suitable for : HARNESS / / c '»™'i w " l ' /^'/COLLARS . i *? / Second to none for fi> fl. / / and durability ■ W / / W. S. JONES, /A. * / Saddle & Harness Makwr, ' I Ay/ % mm ST,> AOCKIANO I / * / Prompt Attention to Repairs. j* / fiitablbhed 1871 Telephone SJ« i

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12401, 24 October 1903, Page 7 (Supplement)