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High Water at Auckland-£.43 a.m.; 7.3 p.m. ~ „ Mamtlian-S.4Za.rn.; 9.2 p.m. Sun— 6.43 a.m.; sets. 4.52 p.m. Moon-Full, to-morrow, 0.43 a.m. ARRIVALS. MAT 9. Je=eric s« 4484. W. Shot ten, from New York and Southern ports.—Arthur H. Nathan. a _fafcanoa, 5.3., 2246. George Holford, from Westport.—Union S.S. Co.. agents. Clansman, 8.3., 300, W. Farquhar. from Whangarei Passengers: Mesdames Beecham. Millin"ton, &. Carter, Murckie, Holmes and child, Misses Canavan, Goodley. Steward. Benfield. Knipes. Speitz. Myers. Messrs. Knipes, Speitz. • 'Mate, Snow. Vivan. Vate, Graham. Brown, Quibble, Fraser, Moses. Cooper. Harris. Watts. Wilson, and five steerage.—Northern S.S. Co.. agents. Waitangi, s.s., 397, P. A. Stem, from Mercury Bay, Kennedy's Bay, and Knaotmru. Passengers: Mesdames Bell, Day. Misses Bell. White, Messrs. Menzies. .Tames, Stewart. Davies. Shei'a. Gov?, Dykes. Bon?, White and family Northern S.S. Co., agents. Paeroa, s.s.. 92, T. De Wolfe, from Hohoura. Waiharara. and Awanui. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. Miss Thomas. Constable Sefton. Messrs. W. Hayes. A. Thomas. E. Howard, Coldicutt (2). F. Thatcher, C. Moller, Williams, , Captain .T. Taw.-Northern S.S. Co.. agents. Chelmsford, bjb., 70. T. Scott, from Whangarei. Passengers: Mrs. Shalton. Miss Hutcliings, Messrs. Roberts, Bout, McLean, Tmdall. -Northern S.S. Co., agents. Chili, barque. 657. Fooke*. from Durban, South Africa. L. C. Gillespie and Sons, agents. Neptune, barr-uentine. 343. Schultso, from Newcastle.—George T. Niccol, agent. MAY 10. Westralia, s.s.. 2384, ,T. B. Rame_v, from Southern and East Coast ports. Passengers: Mesdames Stephens. Smythies. Ormandy and bor, Swafliekl, Stanly, Butter and child. Slaue and three children, McLeod, Smith and infant, : Pees. Kay. Misses CouttS. Gresham, Livingstone. Cruf.t, Hine. Giles. Cpin. Purcell, Alexander. Williams. Climo, Wait. Parateno, Matthews, Bee-. Lawes, Coppin. Messrs. Purdie. Young, Ward. Blakev, Haywnrd. Beresford, Slottery. Crowe. Gnrr. Ever, Vial. Diokerson and bov Tunes, Rice. Br. Bntter, Forest. Scott, Plane. Crawler, Thane. Walton, Chilsholm, Cottle. Grant," Thornton, .Tacobi, A=hrroft. Mair. Matthews. Adair. Winson. Emanuel, Bowler. Smith. Daly. Ingram- Dtu-rance. Nicroll?. and 23 steerage.—L. D. Nathan and Co., agents. Muritai, s.s., 223. A. F. Johnson, from Tanranga. Passengers: Mesdames Stephenson, Booth. Palmer." Simpson, Robertson. McBoberts and child. Misses Robertson. Earie. Rev. Gocfdvear. Messrs. Caldwell. Lidyard, .Tame?. Conway. Pepper. Colebourno, Paries, Kerr. Sergeant-Major Coleman. Master Kerr.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. MAY 11. Zealandia, s.s.. 3000, W. J. WylHe. from Sydney.— D. Nathan and Co., agents. DEPARTURES. MAY 9. Tarawera. s.s.. 2003. J. T. Bolls, for East Coast and Southern ports. passengers: Misies Green, Richardson, McCline. Harke, de Latonr, Churton, Macaleer, Mesdames Harvey, Grace and infant. Barrett, Salmon, de Latoar, Harkins. Lee and infant. Adeane. Ghivers and child, Richardson, McCline. Ellisdon and child, Messrs. Chivers, Adeaue, Lee, Hutchinson, H. Wiuidram. J. Gnnson. de Latour. Barrett. P. Salmon. Hawkins. Eathbone. C. Dunn. A. J. Podevin, C. H. Pake, H. Plumtner, W. Sydenham. H. G. Manisty, Swanson. Masters Jfacdonald (2), Furguson. and 20 steerage. Greyhound, auxiliary schooner. 100, A. Subritzkr, for Russell. Whangaroa, and Awanni. MAY to. Chelmsford, s.s., 70. T. Scott, for Wbanga-rei. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. r,ONi)o?r: Indradevi, s.s., via Australia, duo about May 16. ICumara. s.-s., direct, due about Kay 29. Indralema. s.s., via Australia, sailed. WJoakatane. s.s., via Hobart. sailed May 5. Nrwaru. s.s., via Australia, early. SAN VUANOISCO: Siena, 8.M.5., to-morrow. NEW YOEK.: Bapallo. s.s., via Australia, sailed March 19. Louise P.othe. s.s., direct, sailed. Omba, s.s.. direct, sailed April 30. Star of New Zealand, s.s., via Australia, early. King George, ship, via Fremantle and ellington, sailed January 30, TUT: Hauroto, s.s.. early. TONGA: Hauroto, s.s., early. SAMOA: Hauroto. s.s., early. NEWCASTLE: Defiance, brigantine. early. SYDNEY: „ , Waikare, s.s., Sunday. CALCUTTA: Fazilka, s.s., via Lyttelton, sailed. Gracchus, 5.3., via Australia, early TAHITI: Taviuni, s.s., Thursday. RAROTONGA: Tariuni, 5.3., Thursday. PROJECTED DEPARTURES SAN FEANCISCO: Sierra, E.M'.s., May 29. * NEW YORK: I Chili, barque, to load. ] SYDNEY: | Westralia. s.s., to-day. Sierra, E.M.s., about to-inorrov.-. FIJI: ' Moura, s.s., May 20. \ CONGA: ! Hauroto, s.s., early. SAMOA: Hauroto, s.s., early. EAP.OTONGA: Taviuni, s.s., May 19, TAHITI: | Taviuni, 3.3., May 19. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Takapnna leaves for New Pfymoutu find Wellington on arrival of San Francisco mail. ~y. , . „ t Tuesday: Butane a leaves for Westport at 12 neon. . , rr»-„llJ«r» Wednesday: Eotoiti arrives from Wellington, Nelsonr and New Plymouth. Thursday: Te An an arrives from the Soutli, taviuni arrives from Eastern Pacific; Rotoiti leaves for New Plymouth, Wellington, _ and Nelson at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. passenger train). Friday: Moura arrives from Oamaru ana Tiniaru. . rr-»Ti,-- . . -n-^i^o. Saturday: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth; Te Anau leaves for the South at 12 noon. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Terranora leaves for Marsden Point, Mangapal, and Whangarei at 9.u0 p.m.; Muritai leaves for Mercury Bay at 9 p.m.; Clansman leaves for Russell, Whanga : roa. and Mangonui at 7 p.m.; Waitangi leaves for Tairua, Whangamata, and tauranga at 9 p.m.; Chelmsford arrives from Whangarei; Oliinemuvi leaves for Awanui, Waiharara. Hohoura, Parenga, and Tetao oX I p.m.; Kanieri leaves Onehunga for TV aatara at 12 noon; Paeroa leaves tor Wbangararu, Helena Bay, Tutukaka etc.. at 1 p.m. Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames find Paeroa daily. See advertisements dairy papers. IMPORTS. Per Jesevic, from New York-. 1100 reels barb wire, 500 boxes candles. 2256 cases flour, 231 cases meats, 326 kegs nails, 25 casks oil. 10 organs, 117 bundles paper bags, 164 bundle* steel, 55 casks was. 6500 cases kerosene, 529 cases tobacco, and sundries Per Rukanoa, from Westport: 1900 tons coal. Per Neptune, from Newcastle: 430 tons coal, , 40 tons coke. " , ~ . ■ Per Westralia, from the South: 14 sacks : rice, 25 cases jam,. 85 cases coffee, 60 cases ; cornflcur, 75 cases wine, 102 bars iron, 15 ca-es starch, 64 packages ranges. 79 packages ironwork, 25 cases meats, quantits scenery. 830 sacks oats, 1840 sacks wheat, 30 packages alt. 40 sacks oatmeal, 730 packages flour, 120 sacks bran, 490 packages whisky. 812 sacks potatoes, 560 bales straw. 2650 .sacks chaff, 40 sacks onions, 100 cases matches, 20 cases soap. 5j cases tea. 13 sftcks bones, 42 sacks hides, 28 packages skins. 53 paclrages tallow, 29 bales wool, 10 boxes butters, 60 hides. 23 goats, transhipments and sundries. Transhipments per barque Port Sonnachan from Glasgow arrived by the Westralia from the South yesterday. The Union Company's steamer Tarawera left for East Coast and Southern ports on .Saturday afternoon with a number of passengers and a large general cargo. On Saturday evening the Northern Company's steamer Clansman arrived from Whangarei. and leaves this evening for Russell, Whangavoa. and Mangonni. The Northern Company' 3 steamer Wellington has been floated into the Auckland Dock for general overhaul. Yesterday morning the Northern Company's steamer Muritai arrived from Tauranea. and leaves at nine o'clock to-nisht for Mercury Bay. -~„.,. The Northern Company s steamer vvailangi arrived from Mercury Bay and coast ports, and leaves at nine o'clock to-night for Tairua, Wliangamata, and Tauranga. On Saturday morning the Northern Joinpany's steamer Chelmsford arrived from Whangarei, and left for the same place again yestera'ay morning. The Northern Company's steamer Paeroa arrived from the North on Saturday with a cargo of kauri gum, etc. On Saturday afternoon the auxiliary schooner Greyhound left for the North. The Northern Company's steamer Ohmemuri, which has been undergoing a thorough overhaul, resumes her running to the North this afternoon. _" , .. , On' Friday the barque Dilpussund sailed from Wellington for'Kaipara to load timbet for Australia. Tito Northern Company's steamer Terranora leaves for Whangarei at half-hast nine o clock to-night, instead of the Wellington. To-morrow afternoon the Northern Company's steamer Paeroa leaves for Whan garuns, Helena Bay. Tutukaka; and Whananaki. The Northern Company's steamer waiotahi leaves for Tanranga, Ohiwa, and Opotiln at twelve o'clock to-morrow night. THE SIERRA. The mail steamer Sierra is duo from San Francisco. Honolulu, and Pago Pago tomorrow, but it is probable that the steamer may anticipate her due date hv some hours. Tho steamer proceeds on to Sydney a few hours after arrival. THE ZEALANDIA. The Huddart-Parker steamer Zoalandia arrived from Sydney early this morning, and anchored in the stream to await medical and Customs inspection, which will be carried out ,at seven o'clock this morning. I

THE WESTRALIA. The Huddart-Parker steamer Westralia, Cantain J B. Rainev, arrived from Southern and East Coast ports at 10 a.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf. Mr. F. Chambers, the purser, reports that the steamer left Dunedin at 4 p.m. on Tuesday last and called at Lyttelton, Wellington Napier, and Gisborne. Left the latter port at 11.20 a.m. on Saturday and arrived •is above. Fine weather and smooth seas prevailed throughout 1 the passage. The Westralia proceeds on to Sydney at 5.30 p.m. to-day. THE RAKANOA. The Union Company's steamer Rakanoa, Captain George Holford, arrived from Westport at 5 a.m. on Saturday. The steamer left Westport at 5.30 a.m. on Wednesday, passed Capo Maria Van Diemen at 5.30 a.m. on Friday, and arrived as above. Fine weather prevailed during the passage. THE CHILI. The barque Chili arrived from Durban, South Africa, on Saturday afternoon, and anchored in the stream for medical and Customs inspection, on completion of which the vessel was granted pratique. The Chili. which loaded at this port for London several years ago. is now under the command of Captain Fookes. who reports having experienced light, variable winds and weather during the 50 days which occupied the passage. The Chili is in ballast, and comes to this port under charter to Messrs. L. C. Gillespie anil Sons to load kauri gum and Sax. THE NEPTUNE. The ?)arquentine Neptune. Captain Schultze, arrived from Newcastle on Saturday morning, and after medical and Customs inspection was granted pratique. The master reports sailing from Newcastle on April 24. and met with strong north-east winds and heavy seas for nine days, followed by moderate south-west winds until making Cape Brett, on Monday night last, light south-west winds and calms prevailing down the coast to arrival. The Neptune will berth at the wharf this morning to discharge. THE JESERIC. The American and Australian Company's steamer Jeseric. Captain W. Shotten. which arrived from New York and Southern ports late on Friday night, berthed at Quay-street Jetty No. 2 on Saturday morning, and commenced discharging her cargo of general merchandise, consisting of 1700 tons. The Jeseric, which is a comparatively new vessel, having only been launched at Port Glasgow last year, is one of the most up-to-date vessels of her class which has ever visited Auckland, the appointments for the rapid loading and discharging of cargo being of the mast modern type. The steamer, which comes into port in splendid order, has a large cargo-carrying capacity, being enabled to stow away 8000 tons dead weight or 12.000 tons measurement, A report of the steamer's voyage to Dunedin. where she arrived ■->- April 18, has already appeared in the HERALD. On discharge at the Ota go port the steamer called at Lyttelton and Wellington, and left the latter port at 4 p.m. on Wednesday last, arriving at 11.30 p.m. on Friday after a fine weather passage. Mr. Arthur H. Nathan is the local agent for the steamer, which proceeds on to Brisbane to-morrow, for which port she has a considerable quantity of cargo, and on discharge returns to Westport to load coal for Hongkong for the British Admiralty.

PORT OF OXEHUXGA. ARRIVALS. MAY 9. " Hinetuoa, Government .s.s., J. Bol'ons, from Auckland, the North, and Kaipara. Takapuna, s.s., J., from Wellington and New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Morrison. Errant. Clayton. Washington. Lennon. Grant, Mesdames Andrews, Paterscn, Skipwitii, Napier, Josephson, Kolluin.. Nalder. Hall, Druce, Wilkinson, Saunders (4). Harris. Weale. Hair. Messrs. WatsoO, Dukes, Bell. Potter. Ross. Sins-ted, Moore, Manton. Carroll. Hellaby, Mill. Gleeson. Brewer, Josephson, Scholium. McCarthy. Howland. Neill, Sadler, Buchanan. Wilson. Tulloch, Stewart, Bruce, Wilkinson. Arthur. Harris. Fraser. Brown. Cottle, Weale (21, Hall. Haines, and 25 steerage. —Union S.S. Co., agents. Kanieri, s.s., T. Haultain. from Raglan ami Kawhia.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Mat 10. Ngapnhi. s.s., W. F. Norbury. for New Plymouth. Passengers* Sir E. and Lady Gihbes, Misses Dunlop, Tuck. Cooper, Pulman, Pascoe. Smith. Featherstone, Whitely. Swanson, Bailey. White. Lord. James. Purcell, Filmer, Fordyce, Lain?. Carruthers, Long. Nixon, Tuck. Cruicksha Halford. Mesdames Kncwles, Dent, Mill*. Nixon. Powell, Noakes. Vincent, Mason. Gifford, Williams. Halford, Pulman. Mason, Stone, Atkinson, Henby, Brumby, Cooper, Andrews. Neill, Jones. O'Brien, Foster. Meredith, Messrs. Malcolm Niccol. Prathwcll. Cresweil. Kirk, Carrie. Andrew. Tresaski, Strirrfeman, Binns, McGuire, Gifford, Champion, Gray, Cooper, Roberts, Knowles, Smith, Brown, Johnstone, Palmer, Parata, Perry,, Simmonds, Fraser, Johns, Hillyer, Curry. Death, Mills, Nixon, Powell, Mason, Crew. Love. Dick, Bsere, Halford, Pulman, White, Newdrick. Mason, Loveridge. Oldham, Foote, Robertson, Wright, Palmer, South, Morley. Chalmers, Sergeant Williams, and 27 steerage.

The Government steamer Hinemoa arrived on Saturday from Auckland and the North, on her annual inspection of the buoys. The Union Company's steamer Takapuna arrived on Saturday from Wellington and New Plymouth. , _ . , Tho Northern Company 9 steamer Kanieri arrived on Saturday from Raglan and KaYesterdar afternoon the s.s. Ngapnhi left for New Plymouth.

BY TELEGRAPH. KAIPARA HEADS. Hay 9 —failed: Helen, barque, for Sydney. MARSDEN POINT. ■\laj- 9.—Sailed: Will Watch and Clio, ketches, Vixen, scow, for Auckland ; Spitfire, cutter, for Paeroa. NAPIER, May Arrived: Hawea. 5.8., from Auckland. .__ GISBORNR. May Arrived: Tarawera, s.s., from Auckland. WELLINGTON. May 9.—Sailed: Turakina, S.S., for London; Victoria, s.s.. for Sydney. May 10.—Arrived: Wakanui, s.s., from Nanier. GREYMOUTH. May- 9.—Arrived: Rosamond, 5.3., from Onehunga. LYTTELTON. May 9.—Arrived: Braeraar, barque, from Adelaide. KIRIPAKA. Way 9—Arrived: Atalanta, Tally'O. Sailed: Altair, for Auckland. SYDNEY. May 9—Arrived: Kongsbyrd, barquentine, from Hokianga: Ururoa. schooner, from Whangarei. Sailed: Chittoor, barquentine, for Lyttelton. m MELBOURNE. May Arrived: Monowai, s.s., from New Zealand and Hobart; Boveric, s.s., from Lyttelton. NEWCASTLE. May Arrived; County of Inverness, barque, from Wellington. HOBART. May 9.—Arrived: Kassa, barque, from Kaipara; Arifilides, ketch, from Whangarei. LONDON. May Arrived: Corinthic, 5.3.. from NewZealand. Sailed: Tokomaru, 5.3., for New Zealand. NEW YORK. May B.—Sailed: J. F. Chapman, shin, for Lyttelton; J. T. North, barque, for Dunedin. THE TITUS. NOEFObX. iSIiANP, May The s.s. Titus arrived from Sydney this morning, having experienced rough weather. She leaves for the Islands this evening.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12267, 11 May 1903, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12267, 11 May 1903, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12267, 11 May 1903, Page 4