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C |foV Highest Award and only Gold Medal for Tea at the Auckland Exhibition, 1898-9 1 First Award at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin. iß3p s c 1890 | L. D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors. >§ •t^icus^

- ;.!•*- ; ..,,. =•*••■:.■ ■.;..■;,:,■.■■. Dress and Fashion. ; ; V. : "J ; ■ ■"' : .' '■ ■'.'.'.':;':■.: •;.■'■. - *^^Xs^»%>V«%%:»:«V«>>.«.«.«. ♦,«.♦.«.*.♦••.♦.♦•••♦•♦•••♦ •♦•♦■•■•♦ •.♦.»♦.••.«.♦.♦.♦.•♦♦♦•♦ ♦♦•«•••♦ » • • ♦■• •♦•••••••• ♦ • ♦••.♦••♦.♦•.•♦..♦.«.•.»•.»♦ . . , . ~,., ....... » . . . ».♦.«...».».».♦.•.♦.♦.».».« ♦...«.« 4................ ♦.« •.•TgraSsS^ I"•.:-• •i ' : : . if s ■■~-.. ' I I ' msmmm> \- : Autumn and ||||||||| - 1 • I/...',' =' ~ " ~ Winter, 1903 I I •«*.:" —?—«■■ | .. -PWW.; » V a J The >*g o g o PapatOa," now in Harbour, direct | I from London, has brought for SMITH & CAUOHEY, Ltd., I ; ; y I . ;; -'■ ' r the first consignment of | • l+Z l .mi ajaMfW ■■-iwi■■■■!■■ I ... 1 .... —.... •—- ———■■■■————————..— rrrrr 4 —■ ' - "■■' -- ■ £ 9 I ■_...■"■.:■ 1 I '*" for present and approaching Seasons. I I This is the largest single shipment ever received by the firm, | | and will he ready for inspection almost immediately. § Wholesale and Family Drapers.

***"•■ ■■-■-' ■ Medical. L '. _____^ ''. - " ' HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUS TRALIA. "•.,.;'.. '■. ,'.?;.';■ -.V; .; '.■'•■... • Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness. Pain or Sor*. : ließS in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, a it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic nor consumption to develop. Consump. tion has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this, medicine.' No house should 'be without it, M, taken at the beginning, a dose in generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure ia certain. • , * . ' ,; #. •'■ ' ■ ' .'■ O!£P COTJO-BS I ' .CONSUMPTION-- 1 THREE OASES COMPLETELY \\ HER -DAUGHTER HAD'BEEN VERY -I remain, sir, yours most respectfully, ' ' • : -'- : •■:■>'■•:.•. -•' :, : CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEAENE'S: '*V:-'.- :::•'::-..-.■.' 'ILL. - r i --v.- i.r, , ''■■,' ■'■«- / " WILLIAM CROCKET.' -, ; BRONCHITIS CURE. Baker s bwamp P.O. via Dripstone, New TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. "7 " ._ .. ; ; :' v■ , SPITTING UP BLOOD. -, South Wales." :..,: .:.■;£ —- SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, > — ■• - '..'._ _, TTT _ __, _ A COMPLETE CURE. CURED BY HALE A BOTTLE. , THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE A FIVE YEARS'CASE. Mr. W. G. Hearne. < Dear Sir,— am writ- ~ COULD BE DONE. . >. /''"rmwi'Tiv mm wjtt nrvnmrT. ing to tell you about the wonderful cure A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ~ ■— -) P CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. your medicine has effected in my case. At . . ENGLAND. CURED BY HEARSE'S BRONCHITIS Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Kind!* '■',' first the cough was not severe, but it gradu- « Llenwellvn, Katanga Vie. ' CURE. ; -'■'• 'v' '.'.: send ma one large bottle of your Bronchitis :, ally got worso, and I became very weak and „,, »„_,. . ' . s ' - m , '-:■-'. -■ ,- -'if 'mw..' «j,f n ,™ir Cure - lam more than 'pleased,: with the troubled with night sweats, pain in my chest, .'■.*£; Hea .- _ : VV ; ' .... ■ •'■ The extract runs 'i 8 follows:-• A« for my- results' of-ybitr: wonderful medicine, as V ' and great quantities of phlegm. On several ( , "Dear Sir,-I am very much pleased with self, thank the Lord, I; ; amieetmg sponger lbottle . cured my>little - r] w \ as h » | ; occasions there was blood in the expectorated the effect, of your Bronchitis Cure. Last than I, have for years. . I .had an attack, of been suffering; for. five years, and now Ido - ! matter. I had been treated by a doctor, winter three of my .children had very bad Bronchitis in November, but Hearne sßron- , , feel , safe * to b . _ reman - who pronounced my case to be Consumption, coughs and one bottle cured the three of chitis Cure was again successful. feel qute yours respectfully. ' remain, ". :. and various other treatments bad been tried them. The housemaid also had such a severe we H and walk into town feeling quite strong. ~ ,^, AGNES F. KENNEDY. - but without benefit. It was at this stage «M that she entirely lost her voice, but "I must ask you to send men bottles , . Bethanga, Victoria ■ that I beard of your Bronchitis Cure, and half a bottle cured her. I always keep it in mere,of the medicine as I wish to have a sector*. Li- * n v™, fni- n 'Miirw nf the. m o,iinmi> the house now, and recommend it to anyone supply, in th/? house. I have tried to get it ■-.•>.-. , ■ • ! ; wtnVarrivecl IwT too° ilfto Wmy TO™? a medicine of that kind! \ ., ■ malfup here and let my chemist have a A SEVEN YEARS' CASE. i, a A Vmf T .-.ommpncpd taking it at once and * now want you to. send. at once four bottle to see what he could do. ,He tells me : — gradually lam to "ay that bottles to England to my , -?- the? 'n^ is. this week he can make nothing out of it he EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND , the two lots of medicine you sent have effect- suffering greatly from Bronchitis. Thei ad-; never saw anything like it before, so there MATTER, ed a complete: cure, for. which accept my dress is enclosed. „_:--„ ■ : , s only one thing for me to do-send for ;_ • ,^ :■; very best, thanks—Yours gratefully, „ T^™"JJ»*ftD „ : . more _ I have nee "** : ? X sd c °? tl \ COMPLETELY CURED. : ' T -d T AT „ "JOHN S. MORTIMER." since I commenced to take it.. I used to be , _ *" , ~ r, i „'« n- \ The relative in England, who is 80 years in bed a fortnight at a time always, and Mr. W. G. Hearne. _ •- Westminster, Bridge Road, S.E., London. o i<j ; was aso cured by Hearne's Bronchitis after that for months I was as weak as I bir,—Your medicme hag / : . ■■■ Cure. could possibly be, and was always taking cod of Bronchitis and j Asthma, from .which I "; —— ——--'i ! -':-. •.■:.;■:■ liver oil, so you will see at once it is quite . suffered for upwards of seven years, during c-pvrT>T»Tt omTCTT worth while sending for it such a long dis- which period 1 was scarcely ever free from : SEVERE COUGH. : WAS A GREAT SUFFERER: S " ' coughs,: and frequently the.. difficulty of '. ','::. ■.•';.:• ;'.- ~ ;-:" Something more' I must tell you.;. Char- ■ breathing was so. distressing that for night* ; A FIVE YEARS' CASE. HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS, lotte has been very ill since I wrote you. Jin succession I had to sit up. I write you 7 . • — '■' Her cough was so bad she never had a night's this . acknowledgment from a sense of duty.- -. RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETE- ALWAYS AND IS QUITE was fitting np,bloody much ■^^ - „ „ v ,„ WiiLL. The doctor told her husband that there was laiieu. .xor.a year previous -l had been:get- ; • LY CURED BY HEARSE S ; _ I nothing more he could do for her. So on the ting very much worse, and at .the time I oh- . BRONCHITIS CURE. FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS Sundav I sent her half a bottle of the Broil- tamed your medicine I was confined tombed • Dear Sir,-I suffered from a severe cold on ; "DONE FOR YEARS. - : chitis Cure, and told her to try it and if she jgg™« ™ * ***T SS the chest, with cough,v. for five years, and «8. Watson-street, Burto'mon-Trent, , &<* »<»* use 3 * no ' [? waste •it but send *' &rad ofiSff^KT'j • during that time got treatment from different ■■" Staffordshire' E and. ; baclc again. She had such .confidence in-her recovery V lhe ,? * *A , , sources, but derived no benefit until Fused <. Mr w G Hearne Geelonl hnslma ' ' doctor that I thought she would not. try it the ZY^^^&V*^' your Bronchitis .Cure, which gave me relief *£ W. U. Hearne, (.eelong .. . , On the Wednesday I sent over again, and stead ily impro wdasl continued the treat., at once, and completely cured me. lam --Dear Sir-Your letter and Bronchitis B he was nuch better, the night's rest was me ™> " ntll I.became, as lam now, quite . delighted with it.•■/ -It is a really wonderful Cure to hand quite safe. I am sure you. very good, and cough and bleeding, from the wen. ■ " - . medicine; does good at once, and "can't be will be ; glad; to know that your Bronchitis lungs better. ■-. She sent for another half : n. WALKER, Balmain, Sydney." ■ dieked."— sincerely, Cure . as 'I 1"* cured me. I was very glad bottle, end on- the following Sunday, sent ~'•..• -■; —— . ..... : to- TREMFLLEV when it came, as I was suffering from a ■ over to say that she was Quite cured and did ,«, ASTHMA Moilotoorro V,vtn,.;a ■ severe attack of Bronchitis at the time it not require any mor3 medicine. So you see *""' ~-■*■: ' '•" Auonewarre, victoaa. arrived. I had sent for my own doctor, but what great good it has done, ■ and she wishes _, ,■■ -> ~ % ~~~' " had not had one night's rest for a week, to have some of my next supply." ' PREVIOUS TREATMENT FATLEDi ■ A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD: I started taking the Bronchitis Cure . three .; ' ■-.:■. ' '~"'■ ; •, « T «mU *% TWELVE YEARS' AGONY. A SEVENTEENTHS' CASE. ' A; SUFFERER FROM birth. took it twice a day( and tnen only every ~ CURED by three bottles. - - ~, night for a week, as I was so.much better, -nTflTP'E'cißTxrr' c;TT^^ , A r^T'^CP, TiPV « ouniiU3. . CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HE4RNES when, thanks to ; the Lord for adding. His m31 „~ feIRELY EEMOVED pv M i' & Anders °' °-. <*&*«*• TVRnxmTTVTQ PTrRT?- blessing, I was quite well, and .walked into L,UUbr±± KNlIKJiby KJi-MUVJiU Cbarlesville, Queensland,- writes:— "After- -. ■ -,- -jjiiuJNUMXiAB uuxu.. town and back without feeling any fatigue. BY FIVE DOSES. , suffering s from, Asthma for .17 years, ■ and - • Mr. W. G. Hearne. ' Dear Kindly I had not done that previously for twelve • having : been under a great many, different 1 ' forward me' a -''small bottle of your Bron- —always went in. the omnibus—as '■ -vrr> oTHPP TRTi 1 4TM'R\!*r rOTTTTV treatments without' benefit, I was induced chitis Cure as .soon as possible, as I cannot walking caused me such pain and distress in ': . vjinnL* A V"- uuu to try Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I the chest. I always walk now, and never : . : EVEN EASE r IT. . . taking three bottles of this medicine I quitehad a bottle from you before for my little feel it, and lam stronger than I have been " Sir —Mv wife was for twelve vears a got "of the Asthma,-'and since , then, which ' ■ E ir Z. hen iff e aS eVen mon *!» °} d - ® he So?/™ 5 : I thank my son; for ,his great suffe rer from a most distressing, suffocat- was in * he of 1885-fifteen' years had been suffering.from bronchitis from her kindness in sending the medicino, and am, ing, .dry cough that could not be removed ?%°T? have not had the sbghtest return of birth, and now. she. is three years old, and dear sir, - ,-_ :,; : ,r: or even eased, by any remedy, doctors' l li: - -The medicine quite cured me, and I have has not had a return of it since. It is a "Yours very truly, prescriptions and patent medicines having pleasure in recommending it." ' - splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of "M. MORTIMER." been tried; but lam happy to say that ; Writing again on the 4th Aoril ' 1899 'h. any sort.-I remain yours truly, Extract from a letter since written bythe the cough, 'pain in the che^ y and difficulty states -3 f g am keeping very well now '' ' ■ r'-.'-,'• V, m ' _. , M . KS - ■ tt - -KAMAGE. same lady to her son, Mr. John S. Mortimer, of breathing, etc., were entirely - removed Never have, the slightest return of the A*ik. Violet Town, Victoria. i Llenwellyn, Katunga, Victoria. i■• " : aby the-fifth, dose :of your Bronchitis Cure, ma." asm* 1 i :>■■, "■■■'."■ '■'"": '.-"■■ ,:: " : 'it ■'■■■- i '"" -...' "■■■■■■ ■:■•,■'■■■■"■',"■' : ■-.\'- : -. '.-. •' • ; : * ',' PREPARED ONLY, AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, : : W.G. HEARNE, Chemist, GeelOng, Victoria. Sma " *™>> 2s 6 i? La^f e ' is J d -' Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors,. N.Z. Branch Old! ' ■'"■''.:". :■• ■,-.-";.',' ; " ,: .. : . 21;, Moray Place, Dunedm. Forwarded by Post to any address when not obtainablelocally. Agents—SHARLAND AHB QOMPAUY, Limited, Auckland and Wellington.

'■<■ '^■: , ':-X , ---' :: . :'s'*'< ?"•■ f 'k' L ' ■-':■.'v : : Furnishing Goods. ' ■" ~ — ~ ■ .;: .. —---—; —r—7 — —— — —-——— '—'\ ' ?';'"- 'J ' ' ' ■' '■'' \'.v" : .■'■'<■ r : "' ■■■■''.' ' ■■■•.•'■ .' '.■"'■■'.. ■;•■',-; ' Early Shipment of handsome Eiderdown Quilts. ~'.■■-.,-•..• . j SUPERIOR IN QUALITY AND DESIGN, . NOW ON VIEW IN OUR WINDOWS. INSPECTION INVITED. Large Shipment of "BISSELL'S" CARPET SWEEPERS NO HOUSEWIFE SHOULD BE WITHOUT ONE. f ■ , .-''■,.J ; /';;-:-V'^ : >'\7L-:; ; v0.v--' : ' : :~^-. : ■ > 1 .;,* I- - PROTECT- YOUR CARPETS GREATLY WHEN • '. : ; - !; y- .;- : r:- } ;.; SWEEPING. /■ v ; .;— : v: -;::': I\ r COLLECT THE DUST AT THE SAME TIME. .'• ' INSPECTION INVITED. j ,'■*■■.■"■■-•■• : - ■' ■' . ' , ■ ■< " ; ■ ' ■ • ■ '.",-.■;'.'' TONSON CARLKK CO. 1., ''';:-.• ;-■•. .. . (Limited), - : .- THE PEOPLED . \: ;' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, ' '/] QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND, [^ ■■■." 0 : . ■ ; ' : -0': i"■ :■'■ ■■■■ '-■;'■-"■], ■■ ] '';.'' ' v "'-■ . ;•■

-*:*■. ■■K':.". •■■■.■.;--.-i..'-.:;-.< .-ft--, — ;■.""" ---»-«■ "a •»%#■■■■ ■ ■ - ■- ■ ■■ ■ ■ -■■-.■■ ' - . ;.-. •.-.*•.'■' . ... ~.■-.'" ■'.-.'.•-■. ....... .".. ' . • .-■ •'■'..• . , Medical- • ,\ . (r^< :::=::= "~%>c >c ft /** j • <s Consumption. I ■ •■■-. - The only hope lies in plenty of good, rich blood. The only way to fight the bacilli, heal the lungs and build up the strength * is through the blood. That is just the reason why Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills for Pale People cure consumption. They make new. blood. They give strength, energy and health. They actually !-> create life-giving blood with every dose. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a positive cure for consumption— won't cure every -. I, case—but they have cured cases that doctors despaired of. V That's a positive fact—and here is positive proof: ' . a{/ . the Melbourne ; Hospital—here my hip was operated upon. But nothing could-be v•) ft ttl tO A?? Ve my H lUnBS ' the f dead >y of consu D] S^ A week. After each spasm of coughing l sank back on the pillows so white and '' V • exhausted.that death seemed very close. Once a clergyman to. actually called in ■' to : administer the # last rites But I lingered on and wis brouffwtttodi* My friends, hearing of the wonderful blood-building properties of Dr Williams''Phik * . Pills, made me .take them To my surprise they actually enriched my Wood and gave my lungs strength to fight the consumption, 'tittle by little I in power and at last left my. bed. A further steady perseverance Drfw°uiams ? Plnk Pills quite cured me. v Now, lam positively and from every symptom of ■ consumption My, ungj are quite sound again, and am so strong'that;? go away ;: ■ H0 °" e eX^d -'*• "-« J Dr. Williams pink Pills >y... Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,.Wellington. Price. 3s. .box; six boxes, 16s. 6d., post free. r* *&* ''■■'■''■■ r''S/'HS'' :,i,i ■ & ■ '■" ■•■■' :, "'""' v '■ •"''•' _- ■ ■';■:.'V'>'" : . The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the ' Safest and most , - Stomach, Headache, Heartburn,, Indigestion, Gentle Medicine for ■ bour Eructations, Bilious Afectiom». Infants,' Children, , / '--' : ;- : - : -^-, UL I '■'■>■'■ : >. ; - : - :; > , K Delicate Female-, , B w Sicknes'of Pregnancy nil ryyw ft 33 p% HHbI HHR I '• •- ■ V : . ■ • •■ ■..'.. ; - •...• / '.. .■-■ •• - : ■ ■ ~~- ~~ ~~~ Photography.;:-, ■, ~~ ~T~~" , ,/, jdfßfyr A RISTO D HOTOS/ ''*&'■ s#-hi^-4 f Studio™-] M 5-f6 QUEEN ST. J. A.Cl*rX, 1 • .... ...... , • - _ .. y. 7 .

-'' -'' ''''' '''''■''' '' '__ :^.;'H;.^;.': -;.-■' Whisky. '■ .; r . ■-■•',■' . {& Heather, Roberton & Co., & S AUCKLAND J? ■■' ■:■■■ , ; , Business Notices. FIRE WO FIREWORKS. ?TUST to hand, a Large and Specially-selected Stock of CRYSTAL PALACE FIREWORKS. WTnnmf Shma J fC i7?__B\ !% ? KS9Si BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. ROCKETS WHEELS ROMAN CANDLES.' CRACKEBS, Etc., in great variety. Assorted Boxes. 2* oa, 4s, 7s 6d, and upwards. ■ iW. H. HAZARD, G™ s™'5™ ' .■ fk 176, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. ■ \Jp NEW SHOES ARE NEEDED, TRY ■ ... . ; X«j X JOHNSTON BROS., KARANGAHAPE ROAD ; ■ (Next Foresters' Hall). f SOME SPECIAL LINES - —rr; — . Gent. 's Chrome Balmorals, 10s 6d. Large Selection American Boots. . i , -. Ladies' Chrome Shoes, 7s M . .. '-~•' ' Big" Variety Babies' Shoes. '■".- Gent's Tennis and Bowling- Shoes. Ladies'Cflace Kid Boots and Shoes. ~r '\

-• ' ; ■ •' Dress and Fashion. JEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY, .; , ■; QUEW-STREET. • » SCHOOL QUITS. .. /COLLEGE CAPS, TENNIS O _ - '■ ' '• '•' • SHIRTS, ;-,v-: ■■% ■,^ ' ''" '' WETTE' SHIRTS, '% PAEENTS AND■,'-,• .•'.■.'.'. V******^-- v •-.--■.<.■".•■- GUARDIANS , " J-T-. ''j&W : ~ . WASHING BLOUSES, Are Invited to Inspect Onr [j; _W_\ ' -" ' V nd , SPLENDID STOCK KW ' UNDERCLOTHING, , BOYS' SUITS, c f^X/^^^V S \ V GBEAT VARIETY. ,' /Made of /I \ ' MEN'S SUITS,!.''.. N.Z. TWEEDS. , .. ' . Made of • .FOX'S, SERGES. Ill' WMBf) J N.Z. TWEEDS GRAY SEEGES, '"- And ! And '" J ' "'T\ " ' I FOX'S SERGES, ALL THE LATEST STYLES U .. , All with OP MATERIAL. '•. : V PADDED SHOULDERS. KNICKER TROUSERS, all A We can fit tall, short, sizes,'2s lid. , • II i - slender and stout men, and . ' ' v J "II ...-.'.•■■ all Country Parcels above NORFOLK SUITS, from ...... 1 J I 20b are posted, free. 'ALL ThTjaCKETS '■" ■ ;'.if" IS ' TENNIS SHIETS. from 2s ALL THE JACKETS ... Wl U • 1 lldAre Mil jffll YJAMA SUITS from 5s 6d. n.™™'™ mtrr. orrftTrT '"v fli ■IIf" '' HI CASHMERE SOCKS from Is. PADDED IN THE SHOUL- « --*» • IW'-»j _\ I „ „ - rTl ,rr>^T,/,T«mTTT I vT« DEES Md W/, ffll I N.Z. UNDERCLOTHING, a ' - ; < l/i art I ■ Very Pine Stock. PIT ALMOST AS WELL AS • \ W&l ■■ ■ ■ XgF OUR HAT DEPARTMENT GARMENTS MADE TO W' f 1S .' Replete ; with the MEASURE.', "•■ w '-■■-■-■■; ' -■---■■ ' Latest Styles. ..., $ i, , TTALLENSTEIN . TIROS., NEF; ZEALAND CLOTHING (FACTORY, '- ■ ' --■■■■ < AUCKLAND, " ■ QUEEN STREET, Six doors above Victoria St. ~ ■ - ■'~.', ..__ : . Tooth Powder. "AS FRAGRANT AS FRESH ROSES." HASLETTS Quipioe & Rose Tootb Powder. * TESTIMONIAL. v i*- -• Northern Club, -.■•-.- Dear Sir, r r" ' : ' ? ? ' October 23rd, J SOT. Some time since I was prevailed upon, to try a small box of your Q.R. Tooth Powder. lam happy to say it has afforded Ime entire satisfaction, for; while the Rose powder imparts a delicate fragrance to the breath the Quinine gives a peculiarly fresh and wholesome taste to the mouth, which,: no other powder I have tried has succeeded ineffecting. - Yours faithfully, * : '4V£-«.. ' ,„..*,, . ■ E. A. HUGHES, i 5,000 Tins sold since its introduction. ;' Waited Xitfie « (fc., CHEMISTSj .U I : THE ENGLISH PHARMACY. •-—- QUEEN STREET, Auckland. VV. .-' '." 'V." V-;. ..*..' ,' '"\.\,< * -

TO ,„,. BEESING AND CO. LUBE S. i KEESING AND COV. SANITARY PLUMBERS. GASFITTERS. ETC. Give Every Satisfaction in All Olasaes of , EepairWork. Address: (next Salvation Army Baixacfcs). Tejepftone. 637.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12211, 5 March 1903, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12211, 5 March 1903, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12211, 5 March 1903, Page 4 (Supplement)