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—. ... " «**' .. -, ... , .= ' .... ... .. = . - " ' 'V \ ' ' :WM ■ AGENTS FOR-- J 1 IFli \ml 'II T Iggjl Mjk l\i I MS G«m«r»l Ornery, Teas, Coffees, and Otlaem's ' Btor«f mo Shaw, SJLViII, and Albion Shipping Company, Limited . .rt ■ 8_ _ •If M 1 .• I i^e- ; IF'ni If fi 0 Wines and Spirits -'ASS^III I Ettfidart, Parker & Co., Limited, Steamship Owners, ilelbouTM tad Ijrfiftlf GsSHH 9 • fMtfflr g tea tl o*B . B H» - ™ / ' ,- p .<- i I The China Traders Insurance Co., Limited (Marine) y-_/y - " ~ 1 V.;': .V : - ,« " " ;/.■ . * . . ' ' ' .V" rEstabiished IS4OJ; . - -.-.J"y ''-. V --v*'" •/ -' - ToDaooos and Ci*ars Milt Norwich Union Fire Society > v r-i .: •■•,.. v.. '■ v., :,'.>•?■ wy: ■ - -* v : , ''V- LBsraDiiine "" • \ •' - ; ■■'■ '. ■- > --y V, ' -. 8 3 iff!! The Distillers Co., Limited, Edinburgh ■ >■ ,x.-.\ . ■•: y<• ' •■ v". •' '■" : '. " AU Hotel Requirttj- ' '-:5 : I ssissssssfi's^m,««.«*» . . Shortland Street, - ' • v^fi§| * Messrs' T. Lowndes & Co.'s Key Bum " t v.'./'- WIIUI iiai IU « l,vv4 Billiard Tables and Billiard Sundries •• > ifMm Messrs Read Bros-'Dos's Head Brand of Bass's Ale and GuiaaeßS'B Staal •., . ... N , • •.;■_, ;•■•• ..> ~■... ■•>■.* ,~. ; -. - ' * ; « , , s I ■^SSSGENERAL MERCHANTS. SHIPPING, AND INSURANCE. AGENTS , ""Sr-. ' ' KAURI GUM. FLAX, AND PRODUCE BROKERS Patent Hedioinia and Stationery CO., London ■:....: . . . - __ .. Cornsacks, Woolpacks, and Ore Bags •••:••. ' ino Dewar & Sons, Limited. Perth A |J jf*\ 1/ I llt J\ SNj 1 ) '■ Saddlery, Bioyoles, Oils and ceorge Gonlet's Champagne A | | | "g« B Ul\| g J Saddlery, Bioyoles, Oils and Paint* ttodeman's N.S.W. Wines £ \ | % lesss $ vs. H a ' The Apollmaris Company, Limited — -• .. ... . /- _ , -. _ " ' 1 J A~j\ Kartell's Brandy LONDON ADDRESS: 28. FJnsbarT Street. London, E.C. - ' ; . . • > _ . -

Merchandise. rOOLD MEDAL, Health Exhibition, London. BJ*SBIMSS J j For INFANTS, - INVALIDS, and . THE AGED. Delicious, Nutritive, Digestible. Benger's Food has attained a worldwide reputation, not by extravagant or . sensational advertisement, but by the •• -constant recommendation ot those who use it in their families, and of those members of the medical profession who know its value. Conger's Food la sold in Tins by Chemists, So., ', everywhere. i !i. /"%•' -i TEA OR MARK '." •-* • , ' [ SJmA'T BLfcAOH clean* straw hats'ln 3 minutes. § . ;.■ foUakesun old hat 03 good aa new without Injuring { j the straw Every man vroman. and child needs it. {lam iss li pies Malawi). ! t■-" ..1 ■■■ SEWARE OP IMITATIONS. J .; 1 ( Sie thai tpcb box bears above Vradf 4 vtaik- ; K S - Price per box (clean* 8 hats). One Shilling. I ! f— «— Of all Grocers aud Storekeeper* " ~ '^E ' j r BOfcl! AOSRTS MS AUt)TRAt.AMA- • ', • j il 'HEATHER. ROOERTON & C 0... | j i(A AUCKLAND, W.Z. .''l |fcgBEaHBHBBBBBHBBMBraH3BIBM2BBaaaBaB j^/J- VELLOTJ ALI3 E. " ' NEEDED IN EVERT HOME. jJIHE " QLEAN QUT" JgREAD J£NIFE, ' ONLY • D EACH. ' '.. ■ Size 14J. ' Free by Post, lid each. W M. • MEETOK ' L 1 ™ QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. ; USE SHACKLOGKS '•■S'/ r ORION/■ -y: ' ranges. j ■ALL JRONMONGEH3. : ' Boots, Shoes, etc- ■ Qomforf and J Combined in Our iMm Combined in Onr Men's Chromes. j$ n Cheapest Boots ever il||l|| Offered. I•' li I A ' Wear Guaranteed. ; : «13 & 6D--54" lo Same as sold elsewhere ' '■ at 15s 6d, I • r / . ; : PKITCHAED & DOBBS, ■{■:. . (Late. White).. Established 1884), . . v . BOOT MANUFACTURERS, ■ , •;..; ';y; VICTORIA-STREET. .. - "VOU ARE wanting - a fe : °'#OlDCNftl9f'" > li: NEW PAIR OF BOOTS. t" That's Good. ft fcffiWßlPy YOU WANT •- BOOTS THAT •j ■> - . , :- YOU CAN RELY ON. " • ' ' y -'That's Better. >>?t K -i«.... BECAUSE THE GOLDEN FERN BOOTS AT?.F. ~ ;.!.NOTED, FOR BEING RELIABLE AND ; • MODERATE IN PRICE. ' " v G. N. HENRY, Boot and Upper Manufac- • !*- 't'- . turer. PONSONBY ROAD. '•'>>• —TvT. • , ~' ■ ■ • ■> Undertakers. .. I T. J. Mcivoß, | '« ■ FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND S E: J. Mc IV 0R ; I FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND | EMBALMER, I tANGAHAPE ROAD (next Newton ■ '. Post Offloe),. Telephone. 689,; / 6 >;^yg C. LITTLE, | ; yy* UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, 8/. Ml! MARBLE ARCH, | Mm-} i HOBSON-BTRiBT. B-. Telephono s*l. 9 •'mi— 1

Dress and Fashion. ' " . i * BPtAPEES, CLOTHIEHS, AND OUTFITTERS, 364, 866, 3GB, & 870, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND.

"" ' Medical. ' ' HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE .IN AUSTRALIA. ' |||| Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence Sufferers from any form of Bronohitia, Cough Difficulty of Breatliing, Hoarsened fain « ; H Soreness in the Chest experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it » invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. ,stt.«W«t|fS| Srtingin allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and t neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chroma nor consumptwn to develop. Op? (sumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken. at the beginning, * dm is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. " * - " • V BEWARE OF COUGHS! \||' PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, - ■; . « w. 6. HKAEOT, Ctabt. Geeion- Victoria. Small J*. 2s 6d; Large, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Now Zealand Br-1 0« M! 217, Moray Plm- ' vv ' w ' ' Duaedin. Forwarded by Post to any address when not obtainable locally. Agents: SHARLAND & CO., Limited, Auckland and Wellington

wnmmsmmm ' = , — ; . ■ = ' ■ Merchandise- : . , ' •"'* "" :/v " r "* w * ~ •r[ „ZZ7~*'— PURE full Nourishment, partly predigested. Sterilized^ " TOE BEST FOOD fOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS IN All CLIMATES.*, „.otST .4, IN POWDER FORM. di* >XCHE ' f ••• in the •r - ■"''■.'. KEEPS' .* * O*^«n 0 E *% ifWlm THE WORLD. INDEFINITELY. ) STORES. J ? v — - V "-V. ■ ' " —- BREADWINNERS! Until the necessary legislation is passecf CHECK THE FLOUR MILLING TRUST'S GROWTH By using only ( mSC CHAMPION FLOUR, fgm 1,1 W COPY OF TELEGRAM RECEIVED ( by the Secretary of tne Trades and Labour: "* Council, Auckland, from THE EIGHT HONOURABLE R. J. SEDDQN, Jsnuijy. ■ •9,1602: .• .v , ' " I trust your Council will not hold mo responsible for what appears ;in Obristn' Aurch Press or any other newspaper. lam not in favour of the Milling; Trust or any •? combine, more especially ifr>hen the avowed purpose for such is applied to the food supplies of the people. . ... REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO ME BY TH? TRUST HAVE BEEN DISPROVED BY EVIDENCE ON OATH. . I have not at any, \ '■ , time made .the: statement, that; I • was in favour of the Milling Trust ; and ! aon not/ ' and am still of opinion that protection should, be given to the publio by, passi^'#>♦ •: ; necessary legislation." , ; Y ; " - V,;..,;' , , ' >"» (•> . . . 1 ."■■■' is Sewing Machines. ■ '' V : 1. T HE SINGE R THE SINGE R j/ SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. ; : ' ' j ALLOWANCE FOB Q l,r) CITRISTCHUECH—COLOMB CuSTREET f X WELLINGTON—WILLIS-STREBT. 285j ' TO ® NSET ' ;• V - ' UCKLAND. ' 1 ' ■ —————n-nrum,^——, ' " ' '■"' ' "'''

• Medical- ,y'[ (Joints gs«ow —Tw'mges of GoutKheusraatßC 'Pains—Digestive.troublairspisinollnatlori fop ©x©s*ts©w —Backache. In tlie majority of cases when a person gets to be over tlia age of forty, a diminution of energy subtly makes itself felt. Nothing particular to grumble about, but still there is something that forces him to admit to himself that be is not as young as he was. In a large proportion of instances, however, the advance of middle age is heralded in a more emphatic manner. The joints become stiff, twinges of gout are felt, rheumatic and neuralgic pains begin to trouble them, there is a sharp pain in the back when rising from a stooping posture, a good meal is eaten with the consciousness that presently they will be sorry that they ate it, the bladder becomes weak, and there is pain, difficulty, "or unwonted frequency in posing urine. Now, although '; there is,_ unfortu- ' nately, no means of preventing the advance of age it is possible to ward off its effects for a long period if adequate care is taken to see that : : . ; THE KIDNEYS AND THE LIVER y are in good working order. When these vital prgans are efficiently performing their , office the encroachments of age are always gradual and painless. " The Kids-soys.—lfc is the duty of the kidneys to aid the body of certain urinary poisons. The kidneys of the average person filter from the blood about three pints of water every day. In this water should be dissolved waste matter, produced by the wear and decay of the tissues, to the extent of one ounce of urea, ten to twelve grains. }in ; weight, of uric acid, and other animal and mineral matter varying from a third of an ounce to nearly an ounce, r If the kidneys are weak or diseased a'certain' proportion of this waste urinary matter remains in the system and causes us to suffer from RheumatSsm, Gowt,' S-wiTubago, Sciatica, Persistent Headache, Neuraßgia, Anemia, Debility, GraveS, Stone and Bladder l Tir»oi3fj3es. When the kidneys are properly doing their work none of these complaints can exist, as the causative poisons are then "duly removed in a natural manner. People approaching middle life are very prone to suffer from kidney disease, the commonest first symptom of which is PAIN IN THE BACK.' A simple test to make as to the condition of the kidneys is to place some urine, passed the first thing in the morning, in a covered glass, and let it stand until the. next morning. If it is "then cloudy, shows a sediment like brick-dust, if particles float about in it, or it is of an unnatural colour, then no time should be lost in adopting remedial . measures, or Briglit's disease, diabetes, or some other serious illness will be the result. It is nearly thirty years since scientific research, directed specially to diseases of the kidneys and liver, was rewarded by the discovery of the medicine now known throughout the world as Warner's Safe Cure. It was realised, at the outset' of the investigation, that it was necessary to find a curative agent which would act equally upon the kidneys and upon the liver, these two organ i being so immediately associated irythe work • of dealing with the waste products of the body. Since the discovery of Warner's Safe Cure it is not necessary for anyone to suffer from any of the complaints mentioned above ■as resulting from uric poisoning, nor from indigestion, biliousness, jaundice, sick-head-ache, nor blood disorders, which are all caused by the retention of biliary poisons due to disease or inactivity of the liver. Warner's Safe Cure cures all diseases of the kidneys and Jiver and all complaints produced, by inefficient action of those vital organs. ' • yiy.yyMr. Chas. Brown, of 5, Rule-street, Richmond, says: —" For quite ten years I suffered from kidney and bladder complaint, and, although I consulted doctor after doctor and spent a small fortune in medicines, I obtained no relief whatever. until I began to take Warner's Safe Cure. I had great difficulty in passing my water, which was full of slime. I used to get up four or five time in the night to urinate. As soon as I started taking Warner's Safe Cure, the difficulty in passing my water grew less, and it became much clearer. I continued to take the medicine regularly, and soon a marked improvement in my health took place. lam now as nearly in perfect health as I can ever cxpect to be. My .urine is now clear, and I never rise more than once during the night to make water. I am very thankful that I heard of Warner's ' Safe Cure, and * more thankful still that I gave it a trial, as I despaired of ever, obtaining relief." . A treatise setting forth full particulars relating to Warner's Safe Cure, and the diseases it cures, will be sent free on application by H. H. Warner and Co., Limited, Australasian Branch, Melbourne, Vic. ' j ■« ™Sgggg^g^gCTg

Motors. V - V 1 near6 ' st rt on *k e most l America for $650.00 factiOT. • They sell in . - J America for $650.00 ! ■ ■,•■.■■ . • i£ l 3°) and freight to this '.' I ! point is not large—quick delivery. - - ■ '- : i | , — Sn TheOldsmobile will run over any passable road,climb Amovßoa steep hills, is almost noiseless, has a speed of 25 miles sasneS an hour; will run 30 miles on a gallon of gasoline. s Mpg3®d The construction is simple. There is no fire, no faeiPS boiler to burn out; nothing to watch but the road ahead ~ and nothing to get out of order. Starts at ease from I' &m&FSssa steep hills, almost noiseless, required to run. it. sssscS an hour; will run 30 miles on a gallon of gasoline. sSiSgsss®ti The construction is simple. There is no fire, no boiler to burn out; nothing to watch but the road ahead 'J op and nothing to get out of order. Starts at ease from the seat —and no experience is required to run it. a very Write for handsome illustrated book sent free. reason* 5 $ aM© ' ©Ms Jif I ■ , eSPaG& Sm A a W. A. RYAN & CO, LTD., mm lSi Are the Sole Agents for New Zealand V — Fflu the OLPSMOBiLE. pHgiEium in w^iniiiw[n*imiFnwiHiiWwiwm»BW | m—n—iimi 'imn taw—■ mw—a—jcaaji iMmimiwuw wct—a—khpwb Opticians. . • ' ... ' Fop failing sight, strained vision, painful EYES, . INFLAMED EYELIDS, HEADACHES, INSOMNIA, CROSSED H. MAGULES, EYESIGHT AND SPECTACLE SPECIALIST, PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, ■f\ CERTIFICATED MEMBER OF THE SPENCER OPTICAL INSTITUTE. Who -will Examine and Teat your Sight, based on Reliable . Scientific Methods, and absolutely Correct those Defects. No Spectacles aro recommended unless found to ba necessary. r ........ r • , Sound advice. 'No Consultation. Fee. Charges for Spectacles made by H. MAE" GULES are Reasonable. Patronage Solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.' ' Address: H. KARGULES, SHORTLAND-STREET (Opposite Post' Office), AUCKLAND. . ——iiiHUUM—n Minim———a——bctbm——win, .i<—a—— Plumbers and Gasfittera. . l r ' PEACE & f . SANITARY & GENERAL PLUMBERS, v C WATER. STEAM, AND GAS FITTERS. ETC. NEW ZEALAND AGENTS FOR JARECKI PIPE, CUTTING AND THREADING TOOLS, ETC. . IN QUERIES SOLICITED. - ■ SHORTLAND-STREET. AUCKLAND. ' ■ • 1 " : r J ~~ ■ Hats. ~ " • ' ~ , , •••• • - ~~ ' '

Local Industries. T PEACOCK. Ophthalmic . Optician!' 2iß. X • QUEEN-STREET, opposite City Hall.— The Sight Tested by most improved method? and Spectacles accurately fitted. Artificial I Eyes of all colours in Stock. Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments in Stock and Bo> paired. - Q.O - CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS. ■ GOLD MEDAL AWARD ' '"jt IiPSsFV Queensland and Anok- ■■ r. "•" bSM X land Exhibitions. Cash La ■ \or deferred Payments. /\V frrs ' :A Liberal Discount ali • Jlowed to wholeaolj V.jSMw QHARLES ra ™' ■ QUEEN-STREET. i ■ ■ AUCKLAND Asanford AND SONS. I il.- FISH AND OYSTERy MERCHANTS. Bezlstwed . Fresh and Smoked Fish Daily. AT MART, CUSTOM-STREET.' Brown Paper Parcels Retail. " VOU MU S T SEE iW ~ P AEKINSON AND C O.'S - 'NEW AND VARIED' STOCK OF AKBLE AND QEANITE "j^TONUMENTS, ,J " . JJEADSTONES, ETC., ' 1 ' -- To understand . , THEIR RICH AND UNIQUE CHARACTER. ■ , .'■•/' Telephone, 9M, „< » Iron Tomb Rail Catalogue" on Application, >; .Note the Address: . ... VICTOIiIA-STREF/" WEST . (Between Hobson and N«laon Streets). - Timber. . , fjpHE J£AUEI £JO, LIMITED, " CUSTOM-STREET J WEST. AUCKLAND . ABOHITSOTS. BUILDERS, AUTO JO£N«R» 1 ; v ; Baauirin* (KiUiiu uLi'-SEASONiSO < .TIMBER; -v . Should Apply. to tb« KAUR! TIMBER COMPANY. LIMITED, Who have ia-JStoek OVER 3 MILLION FEET OF SEASON TIMBER, FLOORING DOORS LINING . BASHES IiOULDINQS , . TURNER! MANTELS , ATD ITERT DEeOSIfTIO!! 0» ' J O XW.aSS.3E?. "ST., MANUFACTURED I*o* rHOBOHGHLY-SE ASONED TIHBFb ' Architect! and int«&*itas BqlI4«r« cat bays r.o Higher Guarantee of Good Material *nl Bound .Workmanship than by l|Mlqf thai frlatrr la fcrudad K.T.00. i Kill iai Ordwr ©See KltihoH, X*. lit, \ , fife* °p- IK I!® I ftpsi Z• 5 SIM| l . •* w|i! i i l

■■ ... ..... .. T"' Ship, Yacht, and Boat BuildersQHAS. JgAXIiET, JUNE., \ " : 1 AUCKLAND. ! ORDERS for Yachts, Steam or Oil Launches, , Boats, etc., promptly executed. Designer and ! Builder of champions Bona, Meteor, Tielma. ; Laurel, Speedwell, and others. ' 1 jr. 8. BAILEY.] [W. G. LOWE, TjL. . " JgAILEY AND . , LffigX. SHIP. ; YACHT,' AND BOAT : ; 4 BUILDERS, CUSTOM-STREET WEST. AUCKLAND. ' I STEAM AND GASOLINE ; LAUNCHES BUILT ! ; ~, TO ORDER. \ : ' . i. . Small Pleasure Boats Always on Hand. \ New and Second-hand Boats for Sal* or Hire. Builders''of Clipper Scow, Vesper, 24ft L.R.; Miro and Eulalie; also, Bona, Niobe, Rose, - : Alma, • Edna, Boomerang, Kangaroo; steam ■ launches Hinemoa, Tongariro, liauturu, and others. j : . ; PATENT SLIP FOR YACHTS. | Guns. Ammunition, &e. i (Q UR L E w;' g'EA S ■ ON. | ' - - 7 t # D. EVITT, ■ Q.UNMAKER AND- JMPORTER, 236, Q UEENSTREET ' ! "p IRE ARMS, A MMUNITIPN, 77U6HING ' ! fMlf Mws '"Hi |KJI J" f&i ip t" :• rpACKLE, ETC., OF EVERY .' - - ' DESCRIPTION. PRICE LIST FREE] ON APPLICATION." WiM TELEPHONE No. 1230.1 (| •' ' -

• Boots and Shoes. JF NEW. SHOES ARE r NEEDED, = r , . TRY : '■ : ' j JOHNSTON BROS,, KARANGAHAPE ROAD , - ' (Next Foresters' Hall). SOEV3EE' SPECIAL LI MIES > : ' Gent.'s Chrome Balmorals, 10s 6d. 1. Large Selection American Boots.; , Ladies' Chrome Shoes, 7s 9d. ' ' Big- Variety Babies' - Shoes. - V Gent's Tennis and Bowling- Shoes. Ladies' Glace Kid Boots and Shoes.' y - V-':y .' ■ >'> Pianos- 'y. -y-'y ■■ yyavyyy . A SILENT PIANO FOR PRACTICE. • " y'y ■; y A ; SILENT - PIANO : FOR ' PRACTICE. Strongly recommended by Paderewski, Yon Bulow, Pachmann, Jossefy, > , Rosenthal, Scharwenka, and other great pianists. THE VIRGIL PRACTICE CLAVIER is in use at MR. W. H. WEBBE'S SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Grafton Road. Importers: THE LONDON & BERLIN PIANO CO., Shortland Street ——■ ii nil ■MQgatgMßWCT.MViyartmaeßpmaMWMwwMMaßßaaßggowaßaßWgaßWßMwwMMwwr

Ales, Stout, etc. i S P E I G n T'S ! jgOTTLED AND gTQUT. ' r i ' " \ BOLE AGENTS:', k i - T - «*£'& Jj. HIPKINS AND COUTTS, ,1 -.-XiA * ;->if'-i-a! -V WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, - ELLIOTT.gTIISET. AUCKLAND. '' ( Order Direct, .''and-, -* Get, the yi Genuine i §| - DUNEDIN SPEIGHT'S, J- iffljamm % $ -it V'Mk

Saddlery, etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERS, 156, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND.' i MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY KIND OF ' [J | . - TRAVELLING REQUISITE.I ' * Horse Collars made to specially suit teHder j"l ' ' ' - - Shoulders. . ■ Tennis Racquets Repaired and Restrung with ' • Best Gut. v-1 To the Ladies— Kits a speciality. Picnic Baskets, Dress Hampers and Straps, I. Hat Boxes, Ladies' Hand Bags, - , etc. ? 4 * . '{Telephone 690. '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12210, 4 March 1903, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12210, 4 March 1903, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XL, Issue 12210, 4 March 1903, Page 2