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AGENTS FOR—. * 1 .ITiil IS%_l ffm 1 n@l iftk 1%1 __£*_£ It 8 1 General Grooery, Teas, Coffees, and Oilmen'* Stores ~ : v : | «, m. n -, and Albion Shinning Company, idmitea S' M *1 H H' I El x Wines and Spirits Se China Traders Insurance Co.. Limited (Marine) [Established 1840]; TobftOCOS and Cigars j ■~• Norwich Union Fire Society - • '~:, X-, •:>■,-:;■:■ ■.• ' . , - . ■ ":,;v^';o ' '• ' ... Hotol e« B ii<.m« 'H-'#', : *' )S The DlstUlera Co., Limited, Etorturgn ■ AU Hotel Requiatte, MSSSStfDu^e U te cJ?Sa»di«. Jarnao Cognac ShOrtlanU Street 3 Billiard Tables and Billiard Sundries Thenars T. Lowndes & Co.'s Key Rum f. _, _ ._„.,_ Bto «* ■ "' ' .•• ■*■-'/■ ■■■■■■■■-...■ :■■ '..■-.■ •>■■■ .:;.'■ ■..■... ■..■■: •* .-.:...;...-■-■-• . .:'.-"v;. : i; i! -■'■ Messrs. Bead Bros- 1 Doe's Headland of Bass's Ale and Guinness s BWW '-._-_• ' 4 _t--* *««ttim » nniTTTI Cutlery, Platedware, and Lamps SKfflrSSsSSr ' GENERAL MERCHANTS SHIPPING, AND-INSURANCE AGENTS , > :8 _,8_,. '■'' - Messrs. Lever Bros., _siri£«"« i , . . ..■■■. ■ -■■ •-■.■.-■■.■■. ■ - ,, ■■• ■■ ~ .■■ .** :.■.'.■•■■■ t Sa'SS'iaS'SKSSL KAURI GUM. FLAX, AND PRODUCE BROKERS. ' »■ Patent wmui and st.tton«y ■ ■'' £__s_s&ws»»-- •■ ■ .._-,.,. *\ lg -v ,««*«**-.».* ■:) sasswsssr"* ■. AUOKLANiD s "- Eio ' eles - oilaMd p * ta - ' Lindeman's N.S.W. Wines /"% \Jf | U# % I !-✓ a ■ ' The Apollinaris Company, LJmiwo « , «i«viW!l»l ' \'^SSiSST aaam ■'•■ LONDON ADDRESS: 28. Finsbarv Street. Londsn, E.O. General CaMe Address; SYLVIA. i ■ - ' '■■ ■ ' ' " -'■" ' gggg a■. == " — ——

.;,:'; —.————»———«^— —— M "^^^*^^* M " - ii —————— ■ "" . ■■-■■■ " """~ I"'* '" Monumental Masonry. ..'' ; r Dress and Fashion. _ . ■__ jH T. It PO B T ANT NOTICE, g SjZT wfl 1 Em Si : ,T7FvANK JJAEKIS AM) QO., § J f& I™* |"" g ' ■ MONUMENTAL MASONS, - g $3 » Ei_____l y__l__ *&"''" VICTORIA-STREET EAST. Jgß ■ . • _, -— i : ■ =_=:_ /'; |C HAVING purchased the well-known Monu- 2£ . • "" 5& A mental Business of J: and G. Buchanan, 2» . ,; . , _ «... «£ Wellealev-street East, we are now Selling the ,jg . _*»» _„— -tit i*& ■ 6\ • Sr" Large Stock of Marble : Monument* Heart- : S jlk_» * i «#•'■ S -£-ffi* £ WELLESLEY-BTREET EAST (opposite Public §_ jjfij ©/ <__t 2^ ; Library); and also at'■•■'..-• 55 v, i S» VICTORIA-STREET EAST (near Albert Park).. __\ . , . . *gs» The largest stock of ».finished Monuments ___ JSb» . and Headstones in the Colony. Estimates «sgj . ' , , , »» . and Designs Free. , : 5S .' o : kv 3* ' FRANK HARRIS AND CO.. ■.■■■ Mkj • «C Victoria-street East and Wellesley-street East. ■ ' JB ftm asP ■■'■: Telephone 1112. . ■ . . HH • ag 1 MF HEAVY REDUCTIONS All Round. . I •-.Printing i === = • ■ i 1 ;•; Of erory conceivable description-* ' • ,A a special feature. ss» - ~ ' v . . ... ,• gg v _ Lithography I>■ J■-, -* 1 - , - : -? g In all branches of this varied busi- 3 . • " STREET. * ' '* g| noss —from a beautiful Ciiromo-litho.'- ' ■ • # ■ "' ;^C ,C. graph to a Koteboad. "^lllll^lWl^iWMllWS^MS^ The Herald Works are famed for \nr\rv hieh-class work in this " Department. ,"'" 'V- .',■■''•!•■':■■■■■•;" ■ ■■■■ , '■'■•-'' '- ; '■■■■ ■■■ ■• '■■ ■■ ,; --- ■ - »■■•/'■.. .■■;•'' "■- m " '■ ... '.'■'■'■' * : '■-■'■• ' »»M^«IUiruUIW«MI»MIJIIWIIUmMIM[MJLM^ —, ' "-•' •' Glossed ! Labels a special feature. • *r-°™™- _ . —: —_. , r ..,..„ >v . , .. ~ — .... — .. ........... ~,■.,■ ■ •■ :-,/■■■•■ ■ ~ X - < - *■< ■ .-; : . ; ■■- ' Wines, Spirits, etc. •- . . Ironmongery. ■ _____ « _ BB • ■ THE ' * USE ■ Engraving .C" ' THE ' ' BRFWFRY "- USE RFAT NfIRTHFRN iRFWFRY -• In Wood or Copper, by skilled work LIMITED. "f* . men, from a Visiting Card to a Bra« f--: Telegraphic Addrete—Seccombe, Newmarket. s-- • Telephone— 475. < /-vt>t/~VAT Door or Name Plate. . ■' ESTABLISHED 1856." * - . '■~. . "' OKJLOJN CAPBTAL . . - - - £200,000. _ ".,, - ■ q , ' r""7T " ,:■ DIRECTORS: - . '-.-.:... K A IN IT J2j O. , ';.' .:"••'. ; ' ■ . ' ,-'"-/. ''--•. -' ':■'■:'■ "- ■■'■''- : ,■ '-'J■■■■■ :v ■ -- -; •-"'-,' > .. .■• ■'- .'•-.'. ~ v - ■-~ ~ - ' '.:■-, "'■; '::•-. : ' • . _ ' - • JOHN MOWBRAY (JTanaeinff Director). - *■. ~ ', ■.- ■- - B^Tlfiii fl IP r \ L H. SECCOMBE. ALFRED BECCOKBH. Ul® B.^.mp.ii»-v ■ ' . SKaraMItTOJIE - ■„•,.;' . A LL ponmongers. R nd Embossing BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OF THE CELEBRATED ', ■ = == . = ■ In Gold and Colours, neatly and WON BRAND ALES AND UNRIVALLED STOUT. ambers, etc. _ promptly executed. " • , , ~ . _.y .' ■ ■ -:' v-' "' _ KHYBEB PASS ROAD. AUCKLAND. ]£ ° B sale. .'•f," .■"'*'': : '- ■■'■"-■ ■''-."*-.'_-"' •, .■. ....:.-' -."..- ■■■-■•■ *■ ■ ■'. ■ :■. ■'•-'■„• \■■ m \ i..-; .;■;■:■■" ■ ■ ■■■ . ,7 .- | ■ : '"- ■ ■■■' : -' -■■■•';■■: : .. • ■ ■,■■ ■ ■ ■■" ■' : .-' "' : " ■■■'■'■ - ' ; " i ,■■• ' ■■■*'- ■ ■:■■■■■-■.>■.. .. .;.."■■.. .-.■.■..■- ».j. ..,...■-■' .. v;.'r ..-.'■ V.. -■ '■ "V ..■■..!■..'......--■.■■■ .- ,:■ ■'*";."' ■-. ■ i ■ ACOOUiIt BOOK Address "Beehive.* t Telephonjb: 9P3. • BEST ENGLISH Ma »»^cturi ng The Campbell & Etafried Co., Ltd, corrugated iron? :J.., , LLOYDS AGENTS.. *♦« m wprrn fIWEWM. The output, of this branch continue. .CAPITAL ." w .„ ... ... V. ... .£300,000. HHbMa., .. ~, to give every satisfaction, the pro- . ESTABLISHED 1840, LOWEST-MARKET PEIOB. ductions of the Hxbai,d Works being , 1- ' ' , V noted for durability and .superior 43. QUEEN-STREET WHARF. AND THE ALBERT BREWERY. QUEEM-STREF.L - ,' ■ a . K ' SIR JOHN L. CAMPBELL (CHAIRMAN), ARTHUR M. MYERS (MANAGING . T A'H T?T*n f? T>TT\O.TXTn flnlßh ' , 1 , ~ DIRECTOR). SECRETARY: ALFRED S. BANKART. LllUA \J-rjIJIJVi IflUbMlMji, . ' BREWEEB. MALTSTJ-ldS, IiOTTLEKS, AMD GENERAL .'. a. » e and 9 feet lengths MERCHANTS.. •'. * ', ' i Bookbinding " ■; jg PRIZE MEDALS 18- o, °- "*■* BPOUTINGi .** General " Including , . ' , ' ■■■*ffi ::; *.C£Tai CHAHPIDNSHIP OF AUSTRALASIA. .^JI bound in any style, and at lowest - * :.:- » '• , •51 ' x* 7T,i.j 1 llfesssesasllii lii -.•.»-/-■ •♦!.■-"'■ «1 1 "• Against ail comers, for our celebrated . pricKiS consistent with good ■'~ work. :•,.-•••'•: . & ■■■ .......>, 5 .--r..•.-:■• ;'.-■.■ 'sE^^^ ififfl^^^^ffi^w -- ■.;. GOLD finishing. BP9 ciaity. jg u ||| anc | Bottled Ale and Stout. WKm Brewed from the purest of water, obtained from a ' ' ! |||Bij~' depth of 1200 feet, and the best materials only. * H^^^' Stationery wm^^^^^^^ George m°cauk manufactured I ♦^^^S^^^ I Te,0,,210ne No Datiijig Stamps (opposi^brar,). Rubber Stamps * ' ? , v ' " ; - always in stock and for sale: ' * , ——--——— wmmsawmiiiam&&wmmK&Bz*mwwm& BBgrp BEaNTJS op corrugated iron. 01 every description, by an Improved ja / - i-i'ij tj -/-nx ""J'"" m9B boa. Try them! Jgk , Toslau - Goldec, Hungarian Claret, | £EB^bbrated otfPPßD lead-headei Specialty. nailb. ' Special Liqueur Whisky. ' BHBET . ZINO ~ EDGB RIDGINO . BOXeS OUterS Very old Cognac Brandy, "Old Pale," luting (all sizes: - '■■ A» M^K a4v h *~ JaSwilßiSll l» and "Old Dark." Guaranteed 10 years in Bond " « aCarODOdra - ■ ' ' -"- - OiJ3T lEON enamelled BATHS. sinks *~~ ™""~ WHISKY AGENCIES 8 ■ jaw boxes, and basins ,'.. . For Bottles, Oor.!eoi!oHery, Cigars T> 1 , eery r, n " l » (With Patent Overflows and' Plug's). ' and Cigarettes, etc., by modem JDUchaiian s House 01 Commons; ' Watson s LAVATORy basins, and all kinds ',:■* American machinery/ "*** Glenliyit > " Campbell & Ehrenfried's sanitary ware. —— Special Blend "BOBS;" Walker's Kilmar- north bri'iish 3-iy i. r. hose. * - : • '", y%IW nock;" Dunville's "V.R.;" Power's "Irish ;" sheet and pig lead, block tin. to ■ • UAia, at th. herald wo*., Queen-trest W " Braemar ;" "Canadian Club;" etc , etc. plates, solder, and soldering M BINS OT Telephone No. 178«youdeiiwu W, < / EBONS. visit from our traveller. -~»—» 01 .Bo»»«it«»M»»«i««»e»»» M «—'-~~ BHEET, BAR. AND INGOT COPPER. ■ wire™ '* woRTON THE GAMPuELI « tHntNFivl:U GEORGE M°CAUL; ■ WILSON & HOKIUJ>i. COMPANY. LIMITED. '*&ik**m**m.\ AUCKLAND I :;;fc;^;r; 4 . ■ ■'.■'...■■;.:■■'• .. ......

Medical. . ' .„. : ' ; — , J : Mir a n&irm nnnunUlTlO~ Pi lOC Famous COUGHS ' bron chitis, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. - . , , , ... j- • „„ m „, Q ri "„*■ it. wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough. Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Those who have taken this medicine are ™ ed at J*«. Jf»««" 1 tc ? those who are subject to Colds on the Chest His invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cur,. It is most Soreness in the Chest fWf^, 3^^ h^h™**Jjjg; 0 " th£ J and tneSer allows a Cough or Asthma to become chroaie nor coemption to develop. Con°°E*2Jft£ treated with this, medicine. B No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a do*. to generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. , 7 li" ' ;«. A .w**-*« BEWARE OF COUGHS PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, j ■'-'« TrT-AT?TCT7 Chemist. {Won* Victoria, Small size, 2s 6d; Large, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors. *?. M " d *"* Office: 217, Moray Plac*, Iff. G. HEARNE, Chemist, beelong, Victoria.,.;■ Fomarde d by Post to any address when not obtainable locally. • ; ; - . . ; " ■ ~ ... Agents: SHARLAND & CO., Limited, Auckland and Wellington.

"'■' --o— — - ... — _ . Machinery. HERCULES OIL ENGINES. STATIONARY, PORTABLE, HOISTING AND MARINE TYPES. ' ~*teJs& SPECIAL igpli STATIONARY. I Pkioe, £45. • Cost of working Eivepenob. . ..'■.. Cheapest Engine in the market. For light service, low cost and general excellence, no other Engine has given such universal satisfaction. E. POUTER & CO., Sole Agents for New Zealand, AUCKLAND. C ' Incubators, etc. T-irvß RAT E —INCUBATORS, BROODERS, and F° B |^YTfflSerP T OR POULTRY ; FARM—Our new model Incubator, tile superlative "has all the latest scientific appliances -heated for saving oil. waterways ture, flame controller, reservoir lamp reqturtoK filling only once during hatch. Brooders Sonounced "Perfection." Cafli and seethem at work.-COLONIAL AGENCY COMPANY. 53, Fort-street, opposite Roller Mills. Merchandise. ASk ■ ; YOMP """■ v . Grocor For ."■;"■":' , . It is : .,' THE BEST. i Of SEVILLE .V .wy* If i St now hoids the PREMIER' POSSTiON. rii, OANPORD , AND gONS. " FISH AND OYSTER MEROEANTS. Wholesale and Retail. Country Orders Punctually Attended To. Beeiatered &. S %Trwtolfi9rifc, From Steam Trawler*, AT MART. CUSTOM-STREET. Brown Paper Parcela Retail. Saddlery, etc ID — ~" " " HORSE COVERS, WITH EVERY RECENT IMPROVEMENT. a T>EST TWITTING ROVERS ON THE MARKET. '"",, NO CRUPPER REQUIRED.. ~ jj, /COLLARS Q.UARANTEED TO ' JIH pROPERLY. m. S."JONES, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, QUEEN-STREET. Telephone 200. I PROMPT AT/EENTION REPAIRS.

Medical- — THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Foe LIVER COMPLAINTS, OBESITY, &c. The "VIENNA MEDICAL PRESS" says:- " Hanyadi Janes may be regarded as a specific for obesity." Average Dose.— witieglassful before breakfast, either pure or diluted with a similar quantity of hot or cold water. &i 1 TfmniOr Note the name "Hasyndl Janos," the signature of the Proprietor, 11111] I lIISI ANDBEAS SIXLEHRER, and the Medallion, on the Bed Oantra Part Merchandise. ■ v Northern Roller Milling Company, LimitedENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY. BUILD UP THE NORTH NOT THE SOUTH. a« wp PURCHASE all the LOCAL WHEAT AND OATS we can get at full Market Rates, and LOCAI/COAL for steam purposes, also GIVE EMPLOYMENT to a large number of hands m maiStuThig our well-known Brands of Flour. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Germina, etc.. if this industrj did not exist. What would our Grain Growers and Coal Miners do ? So when ordering Flour. Oatmeal, " «' Premier "OP " Champion " Flour, and Rolled Oats, etc., keep the foregoing _ .., , ,„*«•', 1 j «;" .. _1 . act. before you, and insist on having "Standard Oatmeal and Rolled Oats, -!«j" WHICH REMAIN UNBEATEN. ''•'.' All are manufactured from the CHOICEST BLENDS OF GRAIN that NEW ZEALAND can produce WE MANUFACTURE Oatmeal and Relied Oats DAILY, so the Public can rely on having a FRESH ARTICLE, and the "Standard" Brand is known by its FRESHNESS and SWEETNESS. , WE also recommend our PATENT GERMINA, well adapted for this climate, and SEMOLINA and WBEATMEAL. . ■ . ' ..- -.; ' .--.-; ■ • '' All our Goods are packed in sizes to suit the trade.. -:■■•■■. . ~ , P. VIRTUE. Makaqhe.: 1 — ' ! 'J PURE Full Nourishment, partly predigested.. SteriHzed-- ;j , THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS IN ALL CLIMATES. : pPSTc IN POWDER FORM. aWfl7/ . KEEPS <* ANO "*& THE WORLD. t HQEF.I NITELY, stores. P—m ' ■ ■ i *"" '■" ' ' mm hi ■iiiiiiiiiii—■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif i ™ | »»» M iJiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii»ir»iiiM»iniMimi 11 maaaaaammamtammmgnmmmm^ammmm^^mmam Sew Machines. Utiequiltcd Facilities pSucoTtKeTt I^H^B L^^ FAMILY SEWING Sewing earth— i^^^W^^^j. V 'i^Sllilßffi ; MACHINES on earth— ; - „• . M ' ;: ' fI "° IHES : gfPSf Auckland: • exchanged. S8 5, QUEEN STREET, Coal. I Seeds, Manures, &c. ( ' SEED . / J; H. M.' C ißrKHT,i ' POTATOES / j SUTTON'S SUPREME, / / COAJLi MEBOHANT. j EARLY ROSE, . /<s& / , ! MAGNUM / &/ j . BONUM, yA. <$/ j UP-TO-DATE,7S QF F n AUCKLAND AND NEWMARKET. / OLLU Etc., /&*/ OATS Etc. /Q) J?/' Extra-screened Duns, ______———- /rti ** * Tartarian,'?, Canadians, , " / $ / Gartons, etc. _" /Vi * ' _r "Three Star" Bonedust. OALIISaUII S\IJHL£ /"Calcutta" Bonedust. I if Blood and Bone Manures. WESTPQRT COAL I / maize?, Oats, Chaff, Potatoes. _U liWH I wrifi-" yf maize, Oats, Chaff, Potatoes. S^gA _•___ AND BEST. w Onio.ns, Oatmeal, Flour, Barlky, eto. ' __• *tea~a Fameiw Coal oan be Parehaaud —: —— — — ■ nJZT*;™*.- FERTILISERS, E" pireot from the BONEDUSTO-" PYRAMID" and f'TRI T ANGLE." WESTPORT COAL CO.'S DEPOT BOOT KAn,ViY IiE P Sii l aEl lo ' (Next Freezing Company). NITRO-POTASH CORN and GRASS MANURE __ POTASH, KAINIT. AMMONIA. Etc. AKO 000 TONS ANNUAL OUTPUT. SEED POTATOES, OATS, MAIZE. CHAFF, Town OScea: SEEDS FOR SPEINtJ SOWINGMINING CHAMPS. EXCHANGE -^^ AND TURNIPS J. 0. BROWN. ' Branch Manager. m S™' W- S. LAURIE D C o ' Office Telephone. 1037. , Manaser'i Hoase, M> 4 - : ', 29. OUSTOM«ffiEET.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12027, 25 July 1902, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12027, 25 July 1902, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12027, 25 July 1902, Page 2