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, ——— TOzb Water at Auckland—9.*? A.m.; W. 7 p:ra. 'ft"fcTTT.. Mail aim»—ll.49 a.m ; C.6 p.m. Eise«. 7.48 a.m. sets, 4.48 p.m. ' Moon—last inn*. May, 9.21 am. WEATHER REPORT. Tie following is Captain Edwin s weather import from New Zealand stations at » p.m. y Wind, north. fresh. barometer. 29.79; thermometer, 69; iwa tiler. ««•

' C XfW Blvmonth: "Wind, N.N.E. hreese; haroeter. 29-58; thermometer, 63; weather, fine; sea vt*r«' heavy. , Castieiwint: Wind, north-wist. st«m?: fearometer. 2?.©; thermometer, »«; weather, overcastl: sea, heavy- , . . ~t, Wellinsnon: Wind, calm; barometer, 2».55: ; thermometer. 63: weather, rainy. K __. West-poTt: Wind, north-east, light; barojafcter. 2933: thermometer. 60; weather, eve.- -, a se: sea- ramrh; slight fresh. . Kaikonrß™Whid. ponth. light; barometer, 23.6?: thermometer, 50; weather overcast, Wind, sonth-eiist, licii; harorae"ter, 28.73; thenftoaseter. 45; weather, rainy; : Wind, sooth-eofS. fmh; barometer, t»o SS thermometer, ; "wither, fog'cryGales from between north and west sr.a poath-we?t ate to be expected at- all P\ace> northward of Thames ana Marsnksn. Ki.d from between nnrth-oart and north and wf->t ihance »oathward to I.yttAh<c>r. ana Hokitika. and stro.nsr easterly winds eisewheire-. t».ain is probable generally, ana a heavy pea on the eastern coast' of the t-otitn is4an~.

ABPJTALS. Wellington, s.s.. 279. E. Stenhenson. from Whsnsrarei. Passengers: Mesdaroes wphen. JVrever. Misses Pickird, Archibald, Cut ford. Oiewßs. Holder, Freeman.'.dson. Sankdv ©'!. Messrs. Turner, Carter, Green, Solon, Hflford. >!cGre~or. Fryers. SewelL Maxwea, Powell. Wilson. Morrison. Collins. Taylor, Terce. Wri-ht, Mclvensie. Stephen. Lyon. Clarke, Ramsay, SneU. Ward. Cooke. Foot., Qninn. Nicholson. Woofer, and six steerage. —Northern S.S. Co™ agents.

departures. , Eiingascite, s.. I&SS. W. J. WrlJje. for East Coast and Sonthem ports P^^n?¥rs : k..vdames Napier. Johnson. Ooombs. Bell. Kanie, Kisses Levy. GaHangher. Ropery Sidels. Messrs. J. Gill. J- Kearney. W. J. Pettier, Siael. Jotoscai. Coc mbs, 3. asters J£*^«ton <2>, 20 steerage, s*d criminal from »yd-

n< Waiot&hi. 5.?.. SB, A. F. Johnson, for Tanraises and Ohiwa. . „ . Waitaagi. s-s.. 197. P. A. Stem, for Tairua, Whangamata. and Tawranga..

UNION S.S. COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Tx"Mia.v.- Eawea arrives from Bluff, Oamam, Timam, and Napier; Waiport aiTives from West port; Eouatl arrives from New Plymonth. Wellington, and Nelson Thursday: Reteiti leaves for New Plynaocth. Wellington, and Nelson at i ipjan. <il~ r. m na-Nsearer train; Manapoun arrives from Sydney, via Islands; Te Anau arrrres from tie South- _ , ' Friday: Herald arrives at Osseaunga trom Grejuiouth. , , Saturday: "Te Jinan leaves for Southern ■ports at noon .cai go till 11 a.m.i; JTskspunaarrivfs from We'l-ngta® and New Plymouth: Waipori lea-nes for «estport s« noon; Hawea leaves for the Bluff at. noon.

NORTHERN Sis. CQ.'S MOVEMENTS. Todav: Marital leaves for Great Barrier at midnight: Wellington leaves for Marsden Point, Whangs-ret. etc™ at 12-* pjca^ Nsrungarn arrives from Wbmrainti Town Wharfs Ncaonhi leaves OaefiLimca lor New Piymouth "at 4 p.m. fpiissenger P i.i ; Ohinemuri arrives from Awaaai. » asharsra. and Hohoura; arrives at Onehsnca from Waitars: Gieaei? leaves for Opotfld and Wfcakaiaae at 5.3. p.m. (wanshippinsr at Ohi*a: Waimana leaves for Wnanrapona and Port Charles, as T Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. See advertisements daily

papersVESSELS IN HARBOUB. Archer, H-M-5... in. stream. 1 irxrft HJI-S-, in stream. Waimale, ss., at Queen-Street Wharf. OraJan. at Queen-street Wharf. floatfana Cross. Mission yacht, in dock. John A. Briggs, ship, in stream. Charles G. Rice, tsanxiae, at Queen-street

Wharf. __ , Solveis, barQue, at Qaee-.'rftre?t Wsart. Rio. barrjnectiae, in stream. l'endle BiU, barqaeatine. at Railway Wharf.

EXPORTS. » . Per El in rami far the South: 3301 bags. - . ;45 sacks, 3o cases. 9 hogdieads, arid 5 kegs i ! -sugar. 161 packages fruit. 51 packages groceries. 44 packages hardware. 9 packages rope. ?, 5 cases plants, 6 packages Tarnish, 13 packayes drapery, 7 packages fancy goods, V,' pieces and 65 lengths timber, 60 boxes soap. '.*42 packages oonlectionery. 18 cases mineral ''l waters, S boxes metal polish, 12 packages C -joinery. 3* bundles mouldings. 12 sacks oysZH'btvx.-'* cases fish. 5 packages stationery. 14 .'.bags rice fibre, 4 packages saddlery, 66 cases tobacco, 137 sacks snaiae, 5 bales brooms, -x I', -empiv casks. 26 bags hides. 4 caste petto. %■' 435 bundles laths. 23 drums bermaline. a bate ;T V* leather, 6 casks cocouuit oil, 7 "bales wooi4!«lens,' 1 case engine, and sundries.

* " The Hud dart-Parker steamer EUngamite left for East Coast and Southern ports yes- « " terday afternoon with a number of pasaen- , trsrs *nd a large- general cargo. Yesterday afternoon the Northern Comjiauy's steamer Wsiotaiu left for Tamraaga "and Ohiwa. _ • - The Northern Company's steamer Wenmg- - ton arrived from Wb&nrarei last, evening with Si., passengers and general cargo, and leaves for ••• • ihe same place again to-night. • " Last night the Northern Company's steamer f!|.WaifcsEiri left for Tairna, Whaagumsta, and ■ Tanranga. .. . . » T%e Northern Company steamer asrffiu 1 leaves" for the Great Barrier at 12 clock %fs to-night. - _. — ... iil. Yesterday the battiuentine Rio finished cis- • i, charging her cargo of hardwood timber at •the Kailway Wharf, and went to an anchorJ;age in the stream. B . ■ The MeJanesian Mission schooner Snam < Cross was floated into the Auckland i>ock yesterday for general overhaulidt'h' On Moudav evemnsr the steamer Heathcratg i'" left WeJlington for "Hongkong with a cargo - of West port coal for the Brnash Admiralty. ' The Northern Company's steamer Ngunguru is hsirbound at Waangapoua. _ Yesterday the Tv»sr liner Niwaru arrived M si Wellington from Auckland and Napier. The barque Northern Chief, with a part, . parrs ci timber iSZ.OXSV for Sydney, is winds' 1 : boaad at itarsden Point, awaiting a chance idS to sail for Kaipars to complete her leading. To-day the auxiliary schooner Greyhound is dee from the North. _ . Th» Union Company's steamer Hawea left Napier for Auckland yesterday afternoon. ' . jLod should arrive to-morrow morning. _ To-day the Union Company S steamer ai- ' jssri is due from Westport with a cargo of ejeai. * .. . . . -The birsine Helen Benny. which amved at . WeStizigMaa trom Newcastle on Sunday last. >i-' is to rail on discharge for to lead timber for Australia. _ Yesterday the bartjueatme Pencie EH was : berthed at the RaQway Wharf to discharge h« cargo of coaL on conspfetMsfi _of wtoca . she sails for Wh&ngarei to load timber for . - Melhourae. .

THE MANAPOFEI. Tie Union Company* steamer Jo-capoim fc, expected to arrive this morning iron Sydy & ney. Fiji, Swans*, and Toags. i ' THE XKBBALEMA. The following is the Anckland cargo ay the Tvsei liner Indralema. which .left Wellington for London on Sunday last:—-Sl* cases kauri gam. «1 bales Six. « bales wool. / 61 cases pearl shell. 40 cases becey. fA cases ' seed, 1 bale rags. 2 cases vanilla. * but skins. 23 bags sand- 13 bales basils. 1? cask? pells. 1 trass, and 22. castes sundries. THE SAMUEL PLIMBOLL. The barbae Samael Plimsoll, which ha* sailed. ?roin CSaafgow for eillin gtoa* -*ss A •part cargo for this port. and will come on to Aa-ekland en discbarge at Wellington. SUPPOSED WSECKAGE. When off Gosdy Bay at aboat 5 o'clock on Saturday morning "it officers of the barque listen Benny. which arrived at WaLington. from Newcastle on Sunday last. observe-i protruding abost sft out of the 'water wnat lbcy sarmised to be & ship's roast with sere:r&i spars attached. It ▼as somewhat- cart at tie tame, and tie officers were mnab'w to ' ■ obtain a good view of the wreckage. THE new ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. The foßewinf is tie latest regarding the . movements of the steamers of the above comijfrfc ps-ny — ~ - m 0 The W&im&te, now discharging mil te&ve at the end of this week lor Wellington, ;,: tfeeap® to Ljttelton, Searing that port finally for London on Jaly 12. The Otaraina, now in Wellington,, proceeds to Waaganai. ratsming to Wellington to complete" coaling, sailing for London ax the cud of this weekToe Papaaai. now in Lyttelton. 'will leave for Heist from thai- port on .Inly 16. The T?.»Va3a.. under charier to the Tyser line for the outward voyage, passed the Cape on June 13, and will be available for borne■ward loading on t« owners' aeeonat. She is expected to arrive here about IS. The Saapeha sailed from Capet-own on toe IS. and is one in Wellington on Jab* *?tb. Her date of sailing for Home will probably be July 3.1. " THE WAIHOBA. Ths Union Company's steamer Waihora. left ILyttelton for the North yesterday, and 'is due at Auckland on Sanday next- The "i .SBeaiaer is taking *p the "S."iitarr's ran. and • ' proceeds on to Sydney at 5.33 p.m. on Monday. T*he Waihora has just undergone a tfij thorough oteriuaal » Port Chalmers. ■s*t,K OF TEE TEKOA. ff Tbf, Chriftcharch Press stales that tbe New Slealand Shipping Company has received cable ' - sidvioes stating that the company'* -weUfv' ■ 1 - 3mown nearner Tekos «3&S been fiftld to the ISeSsmn Line, of Liverpool. % place in the ; ' London-New Zealand , trade *01 be taken np |yr the new twin-screw si-earner Tar&Jnra, whirh was recently laoncbed. . ; - .;;:— — _ "

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12001, 25 June 1902, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12001, 25 June 1902, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12001, 25 June 1902, Page 4