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[ . ' ____ ■ ■:■•■■■■'<;,- :'•' Medical. f z '■■"> ;, ' HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness. Pain cr Soreness in the Chest experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, a it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voire, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic nor consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where Coughs have been properly treated with this medicine. .So house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a, dose ii generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. " V; "•*- ; of oouo-as! A LADY IN LONDON. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION 'A MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRON- V \ '' [ HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN CHIAL ASTHMA. " I used your Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and it cured eaoh of them in CIRCLE. CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARNE'S from one to three doses.-P. P. MULLINS, Cowie's Creak, Victoria." „_ _ . .." _ ' .. Office, CLRED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARNE W «« The Scientific Australian Office, BRONCHITIS CURE. * "Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four ~-n " m Queen-afreet, Melbourne. „„., , Tni , _... ivrimuLTTOn TWiT doses ' and have some of the medicine yet; but lam sending for another bottle in case I „ ,ar M l\ Hearne,—The silent workers ™^ D n?P should want it.-D. McDONALD, Trinkey, via Quirindi, N S.W." re fr^ uent >' , the m effective, «id. ,f HE CARRIED OFF THE EMPTi. - ___ ' there is anybody in Victoria who during „., „ ■ BOTTLE. ' " Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.-A. B. SIMMONS, No. 7, Rennev- - he st V ea " has been repeatedly work- ■ "Mr. Hearne. . street, PaddingtQn> Sydney." ' ' 7 'ng for and smgmg the praxes of Hearne 3 Orange, S.W. 8 ' J J Bronchitis Cure it is our Mr. Phillips. "Dear Sir,— enclose for your own pri- « M .- . m ~ , T IT" , T ~, . . , .. . "This gentleman some three years ago vate perusal portion of a letter received from Blon M , w £?" £?*£" „-' S ,'1 i% i 1 f",-? *» inform you that your „ recommended to try your Bronchitis my mother, Mrs. ,of London, England, %th WX&VW *£.£ Pr-Il T\\ u W'." haVing °- ulpkly cured u * C » re by Mr. Barham, accountant, Collin* from which you will glean, that your medi- both —- BASSEIT, Strath Creek, via Broadford, Vivaria. _ Btreet> and the effect that it had was so cine has been a perfect God-send to a martyr << _ , , , i , T , -. . r, • , , ' marked that he has ever since been eoiitinuto colds and bronchial asthma. Ido not ' . * . bav ? «•«» °" bottle of your BroßOnitut Cure with great benefit to myself, as the ally recommending it to others, wish any names to be mentioned, but you bothering has completely left me.-(Mrs.) JOHN RAHILLY, Glehmaggie, Victoria." "We are glad to add this our testimony are at liberty to make use of any portion ,< T , , , t, ,-.,-, to the value of Hearne's most valuable Bron•of this letter you choose, and you can con- J. hav found your Bronchitis Cure a splendid medicine.—JOHN MADDEN, Skip- chitis Cure, which has eased the sufferings fidently refer anybody to me. ' ictona. of hundreds and hundreds of people even in "I heard of your excellent remedy, and ( . _ . our own circle of acquaintance.Believe us sent it to England. You can see for your- . " I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, and am amazed at what it has done always to be, vours most faithfully, self what an immense success it was —Yours m the time. The difficulty of breathing has all gone.—J. HARRINGTON. Bingegonge, , "PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, AND CO." faithfully, ." ' Morundah, N.S.W." ~ -, . Extract from letter alluded to above: — ,•_ ■■ , „ OUEENSLAND TESTIMONYj "You will be interested in hearing that . My cold, bad as it was, disappeared after two doses.— J. CURRIE, Solicitor, *«»**«. imiuhuihi. I think the Bronchitis Cure really excel- Victoria Chambers, Queen-street, Melbourne." FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE lent. I was very bad when it arrived, and ■ " CHEMISTS I immediately flew to it. That was last •• " I lately administered some of your Bronchitis Cure to a son of mine, with splendid ' * Friday, and it has quite cured me. Dr. effect.,., The cure was absolutely miraculous.— A. PACKER, Quierea, Neutralßay, "69 Queen street Brisbane Queensland —- is very much interested in it. He came Sydney, N.S.W." " " Mr. W. G. Hearne.-Dear S(r,-Pleasd yesterday, and carried off the empty bottle , , -— — _;„*.,»,-, r, t L send us 36 dozen Bronchitis Cure by first to find out if he could get a full one from "Your Bronchitis Cure, as usual, acted splendidly.—o. H. RADFORD, Casterton, 1 boat Wo enclose our chorine to ™ a chemist who is in a large way here." Victoria." . amount of order * * The names are withheld from publication, ] "We often par vour bronchitis Cure but will be supplied privately when desired. "Kindly forward another bottle, of your famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as I spoken well of. A gentleman told us to-day " ~~ : ~ r - find it to be a most valuable medicine.(Mrs.) J. SLATER, Warragul, Victoria." that he had given it, to a child of his with AGONISING COUGH. . most remarkable result, the child being quit* "I am very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The result was marvellous. It cured by three doses.—Wo are, faithfully vt\to ifnMTtic rrn-DrrTT-mj- eased mo right off at once.— SEYTER, Bourke, New South Wales." yours, NINE MONTHS TORTURE. •' TfIOMASON) OIIATER; AND CO., RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OF "Your medicine for Asthma is worth £1 a bottle.— LETTS, Hey wood, Victoria." . " Wholesale Chemists." HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, AND „T , ~,,. , ~ . .■" ~" . .-. . , _ CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. „ -~1 h * v ° tnetl lots , of m \° ur f w a ft- e **& T « aV V™ r MX am recom " CURED IN TEN DAYS. ______ , mending it to everybody.— STEELE, Yanko Siding, New South Wales. ______ " Dergholm, Victoria, « T , a- .1 , r-i . ."I TIT .... , ~I T .... - ,- _ THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWS- " Dear Bir,-I wish to add my testimony , .., J i 1"? suffered from Chrome Asthma a " d Bronchitis, for which I obtained no relief PAPER IN VICTORIA EXPRESSES to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis 5™ I tr >ed your medicine, but I can truly say that lam astonished at my present free- GRATEFUL APPRECIATION. Cure. I suffered for nine months, and the T d ° m - a , dlr ' rt „ resulfc of m ? bnef trial.-JOHN C. TRELAWNEY, Severn River, via _ cough was so distressingly bad at nights I lnverell > & -"- W. G. Hearne, Esq. Dear Permit was obliged to get up and sit bv the fire. , iT . T „ . . , _ .... ~, , , , , _ ~ me to express my grateful appreciation of I had medical advice, and tried other . La'* year I.suffered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor to whom,l paid seven the value of your Bronchitis Cure. I had 'remedies,' without avail. I tried yours, and apneas, did not do me any good; but I heard of your Bronchitis Cure and two bottles some n . o nths ago .a severe attack of bron, never had a fit of coughing ajter taking the j )f lf ma , ( ,' me I mt3 well.—H. HOOD, Brooklands, Avoea-street, South Yarra, Mel- bitis. and took your medicine, with the refirst dose. Though I have had but two DOUr no- ' suit that at the end of ten days the complaint bottles I feel lam a different man, and the ! f t . , ' • : , ~ '~ _, ~ . had completely left me. We are now never .cough has vanished. You may depend upon .. Please send mo half a dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This medicine cured me in without the medicine in the house, and at my making known the efficacy of your won- * he winter, and has now cured a, friend of mine of a very had cronchitis.—A. ALLEN, the first indication of a cold it is taken, derful remedy to anyone I see afflicted Uzor " 3 House, Lome, V ictoria. ' with immediately curative effect.—l am, my Yours faithfully. JAMES ASTBURY." ~_. _ : dear sir, yours faithfully, V". the undersigned, have had occasion Your Bronchitis Cure has clone me much good. This is a new experience, for all "R. QUARRILL, to obtain Heame's Bronchitis Cure, and we the medicine I previously took made mo much worse. Inm satisfied that the two bottles "Editor Geelong Advertiser." certify that it was perfectly. and rapidlv sue- °f Bronchitis Cure I cot from you have pulled me through a long and dangerous illness. cessful under circumstances which undoubted- —HENRY WURLOD, Alma, near Maryborough, Victoria." "Upon looking through our books we are ly prove its distinct healing power. Signed —— ■ struck with the steady and rapid increase in by the RFV. JOHN SINCLAIR, Myers- "The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I cot from you was magical in its effects.—CHAS. the sales of your Bronchitis Cure" street, Geelong, and fifty-nine other leading WHYBROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingford, Victoria." ELLIOTT BROS., Ltd., Wholesale Drugresidents. I gists, Sydney, N.S.W. PREPARED ONLY, AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. 0 l ■*«».& 6d , ; Large,*.m, j^^rS^ M^9^<^'\^.^^oat» t 3 7 °' 21/, Moray Place, Dunedin. lorwarded by Post to any address when nob obtainable locally. - Agents—SHARLAND AHD GOSVIPAIW, Limited, Auckland and Wellington. !

J Life Insurance, AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY HOLDS THE WORLD'S RECORD FOR LARGEST BONUSES. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: ! HEAD OFFICE, CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY, '"'.. I' _, WELLINGTON. ' f LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS : THE HON. MORGAN S. GRACE, M.D., C.M.G.: M.L.O. (Chairman). THE HON. CHARLES J. JOHNSTON. M.L.C (Deputy Chairman). ALFRED DE BATHE BRANDON, ESQ. > - THE HON. EDWARD RICHARDSON, C.M.G., M.L.C. JOHN DUNCAN, ESQ. THE OLDEST, WEALTHIEST, AND MOST PROSPEROUS AUSTRALIAN LIFE OFFICE. And the LARGEST MUTUAL OFFICE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. THE ONLY MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE Which. Declares A BONUS EVERY YEAR. * Tho Method of Valuation adopted by this Society is of the most Stringent Character, and ensures a Larger Reserve to meet Liabilities than that held by any other office in the Australasian Colonies. ACCUMULATED FUND '£17,864,514 (SEVENTEEN AND THREE-QUARTER MILLIONS STERLING). ANNUAL INCOME £2,432,482 STERLING. POLICIES IN FORCE ... ' 169.307 SUM ASSURED £49,366,565 CASH BONUSES DIVIDED ... ... '£9,253.771 • BONUSES, CASH BONUS FOR ONE YEAR, 1901, £538.725, yielding: Reversionary Bonuses amounting to £1,000,000, after making SPECIAL RESERVES. . ._ ._. CASH BONUSES Declared for last FIVE YEARS. OVER TWO MILLIONS, yielding Reversionary Bonuses exceeding FOUR t MILLIONS. ASSURE YOUR LIFE In the A.M.P. SOCIETY And Secure a BONUS EVERY YEAR.. - EXPENSES OF MANAGEMENT, Ol PER CENT. ON THE TOTAL INCOME. EDWARD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. Branch Office, . . ... Customhouse Quay. Wellington. C. W. HEMERY, District Secretary, Auckland. Watches. Jewellery, etc. »Q L. JONES. ►3* PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. A First-class House for Cheap and Reliable.Goods of Guaranteed Quality. WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS. CLOCKS AT ALL PRICES. . GOLD AND SILVER Every description of English and. - Foreign Watches and Cleaned and Repaired at Lowest Prices Spectacles to suit all Sights. KARANGAIIAPE ROAD (Opposite Alf. Moore's). Dairy Produce. rPHE T»JEW J7EALAND T\AIRY A SSOCIATION'S CHOICE CREAMERY TABLE BUTTER May be had of ALL • GROCERS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. And Always of FINEST QUALITY. Each Pat bears the Trade Mark. DAIRY In the Centre, surrounded by NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION. Wholesale Depot? WELLESLEY . STREET. NEW. ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION, LIMITED.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 7 (Supplement)