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Medical. : :* he Father ©f Wellington Eighty-eight Years of Age; Cured of Rheumatism One Bottle Made the Cure, f Ayer's' Sarsaparilla .v Mr. John Plimmer, of Wellington, New Zealand, sends us his photograph, from which the above illustration was made. He is known as the "Father of Wellington." He is eighty-eight years of age and one of the best-known residents of the city. His letter, which we give below, was written in a strong, clear bold hand. He says : ."'*i "I consider Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla a great remedy for the rheumatism. I had suffered from that painful disease for many years. 1 -was asked to try Dr. Aver'? Sarsaparilla and so I purchased a bottle. This one bottle of it cured me and I hare not felt the slightest return of the trouble since. I always keep a bottle oX it in the house, for I find it a very refreshing remedy for many conditions." , " e After reading this letter you are certainly not surprised that in all parts of. the civilized world people call Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ~, > "The World's Greatest Family Rfledicine." This great remedy takes out all poisons from the system and makes the • blood pure and rich. You cannot have rheumatism, scrofula, boils, pimples, nervous exhaustion, and general debility if you will use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. , , During the trying hot. summers a few doses of it will rest and refresh you. It is a wonderful medicine for weak and delicate children, too ; it gives them all the strength and vigor that belong to youth. ■••',;■ AYE R' Sarsaparilla . Restores the Sick to Health. AYER'S PILLS are, the best liver pills you can buy. 1 ■■■■.•-.".... '.■} :■ 1 .''■.'' '■■■■ • ■i'-:r I Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is remarkably effective with ; I delicate children. They all like it and take it readily when they Ik' cannot be induced to take cod-liver oil. Bland, soothing, creamy, I ' delicate children. They all like it and take it readily when they 1 cannot be induced to take cod-liver oil. Bland, soothing, creamy, I J and a splendid tonic, it is just what the little ones need, and it is 1 | really marvellous in many cases to note the rapid improvement. if 1 They eat better, digest better, sleep better, and gain in weight,. | I strength and colour. Give it to the children if they have a cough I J or a cold ; if they are pale and thin; if they are scrofulous or 1 I rickety; if their food does not digest, or their bowels are out of 1 I order. It is invaluable for Whooping Cough and all trouble- 1 I some coughs. The medical profession prescribe it largely in §, I these different cases, and it is used in the Children's Hospitals. Pj I m ® 9 §f™"* i ® I {PETROLEUM WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES) | Prescribed by the Medical Profession and used in the Hospitals. i " : | UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS., j I | - A STEADY GAIN IN WEIGHT; Si 3, Laurel-grove, Weaste, Manchester, I U/isof inn I ° car Sirs,—Three years ago I had a little boy who began to W, WaSXangJ j waste away from birth through inability to digest milk or any I i k 'nd of food. At five months he only weighed 54 lbs. I com- l ! frOSTI Birth. °gimthe Emulsion and he steadily improved till | Prescribed by the Medical Profession and used in the Hospitals, i UNSCLIG9TED TESTIMONIALS. 1 | A STEADY GAIN IN WEIGHT; I U 3, Laurel-grove, Weaste, Manchester, fl U/acfinn ear rS ' —^ hree yyars ago I had a little boy who began to B V¥«a»Ony waste away from birth through inability to digest milk or any B I kind of food. At rive months he only weighed 54 lbs. I com- H frOITI Birth* I menced to S ive him lll e Emulsion and he steadily improved till I I " j at twelve months he weighed 2 St., and now at three vears he n ! M I weighs 3 st. 7 lbs. He is a splendid, healthy boy. I firmly H i believe that we should have lost him if it had not been for the I I Emulsion. (Signed) (Mrs.) J. T. BARBER. & — ==== i " ,TS EFFECT WAS MARVELLOUS." I j Kingsland, R. 5.0., Herefordshire, Oct. 28, 1900. |1 Uflinnnmn I Dear sirs - _ l am m ".ch obliged to you for the Emulsion, which 1 WnOOping arrived last night. Although as a rule rather sceptical about § ' ! Physic, 1 have the greatest faith in your preDaration. I kept gg . COUOh* Imy e,dest h °y on il last winter during a 'severe attack of H - .' ** a Whooping Cough, and its effect was marvellous—from a puny, H I delicate child it changed him to a strong, robust boy. „, N I (Signed) (Mrs.) 'E. 11. FITZ-PATRICK. . 1 "WE HARDLY THOUGHT HE COULD LIVE." J I • / I 34, Thirza-street, Sheffield. '■ Eg 1 Brrtnrhrti« 1 , Dear Sirs Our baby, now eighteen months old, has suffered B.; $ ■»*ii«.iiiMo | rom Bronchitis ever since he was three months old. We have 1 Ma. a. . ' 1 had him under the care ofa doctor nearly all the time, and have ■ ■3 ever SlflCe J tned numerous remedies, but all to no use. He seemed to ■ g| I steadily grow worse, and we hardly thought he could live. A B §3 3 months I few weeks a 2° l read one of your advertisements, and sent for m | " I a sample bottle of your Emulsion. After only a lew doses his B ' | [i J f ou S h was greatly relieved, and, what surprised us still more, B ' PJ Old., j his appetite, which had been wretched, showed marked improve- B H | ment. He has now had four bottles, and is still taking it. His 9 H ! cough has almost gone, and the general improvement simply ■ M I wonderful. (Signed) (Mrs.) A. BELL. - I \ TAKEN COD-LIVER OIL FIVE YEARS. \\ |i I 129, Beach-street, Deal. fe ' ! __ Sirs,—Some three weeks ago I had a sample bottle of your Eg h) f}fi,Ufafe* \ Emulsion for m y little boy, who has been very delicate since H » ***-»■*-«*•** j birth. We have tried other Emulsions, and have given him H JH c* r>*± R*»*!U. ' tod-liver oil for five years, but nothing lias done him so much ■ JU Since uSrtll* j good as your Emulsion. After taking a few doses he had gj • J better nights, and his cough was not so troublesome; in fact H g| I your Emulsion seems to do him more good than all the various H | I medicines I have tried. His age is seven years next June, j£j M ■ 1 (Signed) JOHN EDWARDS. g A FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE | | On receipt of 4d. for postage. Mention this paper. | 1 CAUTION! _ou,s '-? , the ordinal Petroleum Emulsion. It is made with* I ''< £7ritt?A-"£. •—■— * st*""' o«! obtained from particular wells, and carefully g . : •"? Im««+i. y WUI £*'" process. Imitations made with ordinary petroleum cannot B g nave trie same effect. Simply asking for Petroleum Emulsion will not do. M § BE SURE TO GET ANGIER'S?. | I In two sizes. Of all Chemists and Drug Stores. I! |THE * Ntt,Ea CHGMgCAL COMPANY, LTD., 7 BARRACK ST.,, SYDNEY. N.S.W. fl

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11986, 7 June 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)