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. MAGISTRATE'S COURT. "The business at yesterday's sitting of the Magistrate's , Court- was disposed of by Mr. H. W. Brabant, S.M. Undefended Cases: His Worship entered ". ' •■"■( Judgment for the plaintiff by default in the following undefended Benjamin J. M. Kemp (Mr. Burton) v. T. Oliver, claim 035 Bs, costs 25s 6d; G. Richardson and Co. {Mr. Baume) v.. Eliza Parker, claim/ £4 3s, costs 15s ; the Union Packing Company (Mr. ' , Gillies) v; Annie Baker, claim £30 18s. 3<'costs.. £2. 4s; Archibald uClark: and C Sons, Limited (Mr. Baxter* v. ;E. Roddy, claim £2 ',3s 2d, costs 10s; Thomas Meredith v. Mr. Curson, claim 13s 6d, costs 6s; Thomas Meredith v. Mrs. Taylor, claim 7a, costs 6s; the Great Northern Brewery Cbmpanj, Limited V. Alfred George Howard, claim 1 ; £1 16s 2d, costs Ss; tho Great Northern Brewery Com- - pany, Limited, v. John Katterns, claim £1 JAn, costs 9s; J. EL. M. Carpenter (Mr. Bax'ter) v. Adam Byers, claim £7 :18s 3d, costs ' 87s 6d; W. Galbraith (Mr. Barter) v. Robert .Wilson, claim £3, costs 10s; Benjamin J. M. . -JCemp (Mr. Baxter) v. Robert Wilson, claim ■ £3, costs 10s; Benjamin J. M. Kemp (Mr. Baxter) v. W. Hughes, claim £2 12s, costs 10s; Palerspn and Ob. (Mr. McGregor) v. /Johnston, claim 10s, costs 7s; F. /W. Smith and Co. v. George Colebrook, judgment for costs only, 153; Paterson and Co. (Mr. McGregor) v. J. Proctor, claim 55,; costs 7s. R. B. Pearson v. Wm. B. Evans: This was » claim for £3 as damages for alleged , wrong- ' ful dismissal. The case was partly heard . somo days ago, when it was adjourned, to allow the appearance of a. witness for the /; defence. Yesterday, however, His Worship, after heating further, evidence, gave judgment for the plaintiff for £I,' and costs Bs, being the balance of a week's wages. Mr. J. R._ Seed represented the plaintiff, and, as bliore, ; defendant conducted his own case. Alleged Breach of Contract: Ah Austrian named Allesick sued : Martinovitch, a fellow countryman, for £10, \ £5 being a refund of a deposit and the other £5 was for damages for an alleged breach of contract. The case was adjourned..; from last , Thursday, when some of the evidence was taken, and yesterday, after all the evidence had-been, heard, His Worship reserved his decision. Mr. Gra- . ham appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. Stewart represented tho defendant. Claims for Rent: Annie Wright sued Pat- /#// rick Raill, a claim for £3,. for rent due on a tenement in: Newmarket. Defendant, » farmer, residing at Koru, Taranaki, denied liability, and gave . evidence ,at New Ply-. % mouth in support of a counter-claim. . After hearing the evidence of plaintiff's agent (Wm. ..Ilattray), His Worship held the claim proved, and ■ gavo judgment for the amount claimed and. costs. Mr. J. R. Lundon appeared for tho plaintiff and Mr. ; Mahony represented ' tie defendant. Edward Whitehead brought !an action against Annie Lake for a claim of •-;,.'i£2 5s for three weeks', rent. Mr. Burton •appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. T J. R. Lun--don 'represented the defendant. Defendant •• admitted liability for two weeks' rent (£1 '30s), but' disputed the claim for the third ■■'] 'week's rent.:. Plaintiff's son gave evidence ■ I t»n support, /and by arrangement judgment '-'.Jlwas; given for plaintiff for the two weeks' ■tent and' 6s costs. ■ Thomas Meredith claimred £1 5s 6d from Mrs. Wailfcs as rent due. [After hearing evidence Hio Worship gave ■:■:'■ (judgment for the plaintiff for the amount : --,■:' •claimed, with 8a coots. • . : ['. James Brown v. H. I. Simpson: This was• ■: i* claim"for ; 9s, being the. price -of three : : j.window-blinds alleged to have been sold by ; [auction by -defendant, which defendant " de- '■_ jniod. Evidence was called in support •of it; |«aoh side, and eventually His Worship non- "_'" the plaintiff. Mr. McGregor appear'■ie'd,for; tho plaintiff and Mr. Basley ropre'sented the defendant. .- Alfred John Smyth' v.- Fred. Murfitt: ?■;; fplaintiff claimed the sum of £9 10s, : being •. ■"': (the price of . a liorso which it was alleged : : (defendant sold to plaintiff, representing it /..-■to be a quiet horse, but it eventually proved '[■]>~ ■to bo a buckjumper. '; At a late hour in the ;. :x,■afternoon, and before the conclusion of the ; '. •plaintiff's evidence, the case was adjourned ..Htill this (Friday) morning. j ■ POLICE COURT NEWS. ',■ The Police Court bench yesterday 'was ;. •trcoupied by the Hon. S. E. Shrimski and Mr. J, Gordon, J.P.'s. : : _ I Drunkenness: Three male first-offenders .';. (for inebriety were dealt with,}; two being : ■■ ■cautioned 1 and discharged, while the other, 'who was bailed out and did not appear, had JOs deducted from his bail deposited. Thomas 'C.Landlass, a provionsly-convicted offender . [for inebriety, was fined ss, with the option ; <oi going ;to prison for -24: hours. S Charge of Indecent Exposure: A young man '. w .'named Robert Bosoendell was charged i that Jm i6n: the 22nd inst., in the Auckland; Domain, I 11F me did indecently expose his person within \ [the view of several: little girls..- Mr.. Baume ."• '["represented accused, wht pfoaded not guilty.' . j Sub-Inspector ; Mitchell said that within a '■ij] . ''recent period numerous complaints had been ;:■ !received ;by the police concerning offences : ';-' lof a similar description having been comrait-i-tod .-.- in ■ the; Domain grounds,' and in order j -.ithat the present/ case might receive proper . - rand sufficient investigation;: he would " appuy ■for a remand: till this (Friday) morning. Mr. oßaume /: raising no "objection, accused was ■.';..;_.; accordingly remanded till to-day. _■ Bail was , allowed two sureties of £50 each. -■: ;//*' Illegally Von ; Premises: /William-; Henry /:,; Whiteside was brought ; before tho r Court on 'a charge : of being found by night illegally -..;-. on the premises of "John Whiteside, residing : lii Aberorombie-st-reet. :' To give the : police f .; ; opportunity to subpoena several material '•' witnesses for the prosecution,; a remand was 'granted till this morning, ' : ■ ONEHUNGA MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Mr. Thomas Hutchison,' S.M., presided at /: the Onehunga Magistrate's Court yesterday ■ ■.'••'■;. ■■ morning, ; when the following cases were ; dealt with: —Herman Schmeidel ?v. George Clarke, claim £2 18s. Judgment for plain- '■:,■ tiff for the amount claimed, with 5s costs. C.H. Green v. A. Syers, claim £6 Us 7-^d. ; Defendant, who did not appear, was ordered to pay £1 per month. ; ' - ONEHUNGA POLICE COURT, ? Mr. T. Hutchison, 5.M.,/ held a sitting -" 'at the Onehunga Polico ■•'. Court yesterday ' morning. /,-.;: Alleged Obscene Language: Joseph Wale was charged with using obsceno ianguago in Grey-street, Onehunga, on January: 6 last. Defendant was represented by' Mr. J. r R. ; Reed, who pleaded not guilty. Constable MoCarthy deposed to hearing the defendant use : the language complained of after ten * :.-/ o'clock on the night January 6. By Mr. Seed: He , had never: had to speak to dc- ./•-•/ fendant about his conduct before Evidence ' was given for the defence by Sydney Wade ' and George Leak, both of whom stated that they were in the; company of the , accused at ■■;, the time the language was alleged to have been used, and they did not hear it. -The ease was dismissed. ' < ■•■';/"/ Theft: John Tichfell was charged with the ,: theft of three : . ducks, ; the property of Sergeant ; Greene.' Defendant pleaded guilty. .He stated that he got drunk the night before, and had no knowledge of the thctt. When . he woke up the following morning he found himself lying on the side of the road with- ■■•; out, hat, coat, or boots on, .and.- two dead ..ducks lying beside him. He pleaded guilty , /because he had been told that he had stolen "■'•'.the ducks, but .he was positively unaware ■ of; the fact of his own knowledge. >. When -'./:' ho found the ducks beside him, and saw they ware dead, he thought the best thing to do was to eat them. Consequently he took them home and cooked them. When he ■-.: found : out that they belonged to -Sergeant :■.:. ■> ; Greene ho offered to pay for them, but the latter refused to take the money. Sergeant . Grocne corroborated the last statement. De- . fendant was fined £1, with 3s costs, and ordered to pay 6s, the value of the ducks. Depasturing Cattle on the Road Samuel . , Smytha was charged with allowing his cattle to graze on tho Norman's Hill Road;';; Wil- , liam McKeaevor, borough ranger', deposed to i . seeing the defendant - herding six cows on ■Norman's Hill Road on the morning of January 13 last.-;, Ho also saw a daughter of '; Sinytho's herding the cattle on the evening .. of the same day on the road. Mr. Smythe , . , ;•:,denied ,■ the charge, and said , that the cows .were being driven to and from the paddock. -■ He was fined 10s and 17s costs. Charles 1 : Roule;; for a similar offence, was fined 10s, "V ' and- costs lis. ::: Driving Without Lights: William Pendrich • ■■'.;. * a a" charged with driving two horses and a « dray without lights down Queen-street, Onehunga, on the night of January 13 last. He : ■ oid, not appear, and was fined 10a and 7s ■;.■' "■'.-costs.;;; ■ Biding on the Footpath: John Noakes was : fined 5s for riding his bicycle on tho footpath in Onehunga on December 27,1901,.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11871, 24 January 1902, Page 7

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LAW AND POLICE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11871, 24 January 1902, Page 7

LAW AND POLICE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11871, 24 January 1902, Page 7