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■■■:■■' ■'■.' ? ■- . <■ "ac.jHt El %;, vv ! I Highest Award and only Gold Medal for Tea at the Auckland Exhibition, 1898-9 j §'•:., ■ v _ [ ''yy First Award at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1889 & 1890 | , ■ ■' L. D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors.,- ©stfvic*i^ ' ; ■'"■■' :':.'.■L-...:.".^ r •.'.-■■■'•- ; ■ _ : _ • . . „ mtttmmammamm „„_,„,„„ nmmmm „.,.,,,.,„.,.,, , .., in mtfL^._^Jl _ n ' . ■ ; .... - ___ ■ - -- .-'-'- --•'." *. ; - - ■'■'■■■ - -; __ Dress and Fashion. __________ ! Furnishing Goods. ' . ■';

'* W. be, ,0 direct SPECAL ATTENTION to cur fc'V"? 1 '..4 Ciothing and Mercery Departments tef^S! . . • which are now heavily stocked with all the newest goods for present wear. )fe'4? '" ', ' H 'ff HEN'S-NAVY SERGE or VICUNA SPECIAL ATTENTION to to 55/-. If' T/W Clothing and Mercery Departments M| In which are now heavily stocked with all the newest goods for present wear. ||S^'-! 'iP§r MEN'S NAVY SERGE op VICUNA SUITS, 29/6, 39/8, 47/6 to 55/-. |& W ' ' MEN ' S ALL-WOOL TWEED SUITS, 21/-, 25/6, 29/6, 35/- to 49/6. lSfl#^l -• . • ■■' SPECIAL LINE FANCY WORSTED SUITS at 32/6. ■ §§ ysf i " ' MEN'S ALL-WOOL KAIAPOI TWEED TROUSERS, 6/11, 7/11, 9/11 to 15/-. IIM p|S I ■ ■''■"*'- ' ' ' N.B.—All our Suits are QUILTED and PADDED, and in sizes to FIT ALL FIGURES, whether TALL, .' Mm IS | • ' • SHORT, STOUT or SLIGHT. M M I fetf ||| High-Ciass Tailoring at Lowest Cash Prices. |i|l mm J ■'■'■' ' '■ «t,xt.'c, vn K pmxr cinTTc- '■■' r? P - ''"' "~ X i '!« C MEN'S ALL-WOOL KAIAPOI ■ MEN'S NORFOLK SUITS, <t . _ , _ _ _ 3f%sSfflgil | A TWEED SUITS, 29/6, 35/-, 39/6, 45/- *»L jHI CW Newest Patterns, 21/- ' SPECIAL VALUE || j H SPECIAL VALUE ■ Sll HI ' Gents', Youths' wSk ' JHI Gents' Hard §fgf§ ■ B| ■-■••'••-'■'■ --"? '■■ *'■■"'■ .■•■-" sftfe<!* &sk& Immense Assortment of OENTS' TENNIS GENTS' LINEN COLLARS. f^^^ws^'^^ 'i^fe^'A!fV^ i wJ® Immense Assortment of GENTS' TKNNIS JSA WM)3 SHIRTS, from 2/11 each :;'•■. .\ 84 each, or 7/6 per do*. V ' ' f> iS^fek Boys' Clothing a Speciality H E^ Parents will always find our Clothing well made, perfect fitting, ■ - tf , and the materials thoroughly reliable. I fe%-'-' -'' »4S '' .: - BOYS' ALL-WOOL SERGE KNICKERS from 1/11 per pair.."..:. " BOYS' COTTON KHAKI-NORFOLK'SUITS from 4/11. •; ■ //"'• <'i>~^X§ t '• ; -.' : -' < BOYS' TWEED AND SERGE SAILOR SUITS from 3/6 to 25/-. «^|f and the materials thoroughly reliable. fMgjS BOYS' ALL-WOOL SERGE KNICKERS from 1/11 per pair. Jig, j^T BOYS' COTTON KHAKI NORFOLK SUITS from 4/11, ||| ' ?jM BOYS' TWEED AND SERGE SAILOR SUITS from 3/6 to 25/-. %£s&& || '..:•"■ • BOYS' GALATEA BLOUSES (made extra full), an immense assort- R^S^S ■ •'• .- ' ,'#« mWM ' .'■''-'"...""' •■' ' " •'■ ment and Special Value 'P«el|l'" ' ' f§K# BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS, in Tweeds, Serges and Fancy Worsteds. I#J^SI . ' ■ ■ ' • s Mr -.If ■ ..-•■■■■.■ J» |p ■ . "' ■ . " ..■'.'.'.■■',-. .'. ...'..J.; :,■ '. ~.,■ .■ :,, . .. -. ■' .; \ •. ■. . I-:,;./-.'':. ■-■■■ - ■

■ ■ ..*■■■■■.■'■■., >..■■.....■ .:.-■■. ... ■' '■■:'.'■■/.,■ •. .. - : . :. - ■ .!■■•-!-. •'.,■-.. /atSia:.' S ••■■■■ ■'.■.■. .■■...-■.'■ .. ■ ' . '-~ . .•-..,.-■■ ■.--...,■ -■■.-■. . . ■-.■■--.■ ...■.■•'.-,'..■■., ■■■■.• •■,; ■ ■': • . . -■. .' ' r..,-.,.,. _ »,„,,■..,.. tußmaßmssstSßsea §[ " a "* Pi M /i % u I 'II ■■■■■■-. B ■■;■ fti mi«w ~,., *■* '■'■■-■ ■'■■■■ ■'.-■"■.'.'■ ' ■';■'''" ■ '■■''■'■..".■ .-■ ■ ' ■"■ - ; - • '•■ .:.:.■'.;./:<■' i& ' *

Prior to Stocktaking THE WHOLE OF OUR _-. ■ £* #4 (\.(\(\ ' .MAGNIFICENT STOCK, >RwtU W J&*so'^\|\J\J - ■ To Select from, at a Reduction of ■'... ■■. '.■;.'■;- • •"■' , ■ .•'■.',".'"• " .'■." ' .■■■.•'.'. •■■ i ;' ■■ ■■■■ ■:.-:\-ifi-: :i " ', ' ■ ' "'- „ ■ ; '■• '-■■• • _«*. UJJ * m * >l< . . ~™ . « . iinii i ■iiiiinim ""V."''. ALL REMNANTS REDUCED. TO HALF-PRICE. ■ ■■..■.■;■;■.' »■' . ';'.,- , ;"■_■■ ..;■■. ■ ■ .\. -"■■ ■•;-,:, ..*." '■.-■■ it'--.- ■;■-;.. -;'.; '■:.:■;■■" ** ; . -•'.-- -.• ■■ ■ ■'.-'"- - ■ .■-■ ■ -/,.-". :■ ( --'v. ■■'■/*.'•.■' r .. ;^" * ' '._. '.' ' ; ! ■._■■ ;. ; ",-"';' r j' ... .;;■■--' ' '■ '■■ ' •■. .. ■■ ■■ ■'.■■'■ ,■><■■■ ;■;■ This is a splendid opportunity to obtain the most modern and Artistic Furniture, Linoleums, Floor Coverings, Carpets, ' -v and all kinds of House Furnishings at unusually low prices, and intending purchasers should not miss it. ■.■■■'".■.■"■"■ '."■""'■ : - •..,;■'".■...■■' .'•:•' .'■ .■■.■•>•,-; • ....,-. ■„,.■:■-:-, .■■■■■:■. '•;-•■ •,;.• ■ •■; •-.;■.-■; .■...•_■„■.. ;•■- ; ; v, - -;v, ;•■ •: ;..;-. „•■ ]:^f, ALL GOODS BOOKED WILL BE CHARGED USUAL PRICES. ; PLEASE NOTE THE DISCOUNTS-: ; 2s. to ss. in the £. ... . '. ' ''''''■■ ■■■'.■:'■ :- : '''%,-'.. .-...■ ■;"■■•.>"■ ~;.";':■ '\-^i'#s-';:/f -.■'■• ... ■ '■,-'.' ':■' / . ..' i; '■ ' : •-.. .', , , "'' ; ; ■':'"', -'-. ~/—^ '•'■ ~ : ...... ■..-■■.■• . ' '.'. . ■■.'■■■ . • ... •.■■...■■•'■:■.■■'.■■ ■'-:'••■■ ■■■ ■ •■•- ■ ■•■ • ■■■'". .. .. ■'.-■' '■ --■ ... ■■■''■■ ,- . ■';' '. ' : -' -■'■' : . .'■ . ■ ■':.■: ■'';'■,'::.;'..:.! The People's Furnishing Warehoyse, ■ ■;,..." -^^^^^304-312, QUEEN ; ; STREET, AUCKLAND. . .-■■"'.'' ,'. '' '..'.'.:. .:,'■■ '.■'■'', ■ ■-"■•«, ''■'■■'■''';■.■: ■ r ■■■■■■ ■ ■;■■ - ■■■ •■■■■ .' ' : - •■'■-.'-..■: .■..:■: * ' -w .." / ■"■ -- -■■ : . .-"-■■■ ■ .■-.,• '? -. -. . ■■ . ■ : - ■' •'■ .-. .■ " -'.-..-■; ..--." -.—"."- ■-;.':■.:■'.-;■:-.'-. '..; \"~-.y£#&*:}

'Cycling. Y'OTJ rjiOfT £TET TOTTER TJBBM rpHE "OEST. 1901 ARE THE pOPULAE TnAVOURITES. WRITE FOR UNIQUE RAMBLER BOOKLET. BICYCLE REPAIRING. ENAMELLING. AND TIRE REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. BEXTER^CROZIER, VICTORIA-STREET EAST. Wines, Spirits, etc. , §®®®fe®®®®®® '§ GUARD Gool>§|§ I HEALTH iff fit ® ®®|§®®® ®®®®®®®to®®§ ® ® $ From Heat, Cold, ® ® Wet, and Sudden ® ® Changes by drinking ® ■ ® ® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ® ®®® ® UTAIf iA> ®®® ® ttOiTcS-'®®® ® ".. M v " V4J ®®® ®Q | ® ® *A • ®®®®®®®®®®®® •®®®®®®®®®®®® ;§; Most diseases originate Ic ' S in small troubles, but W H WOLFE'S - Schnapps gg jig is . a key to preserve S S health j» ,d* .* & I ®®®®®®®®®®®® ft Avoid Counterfeits. ® ; : ®®®®<f®®®®®®® : [ ®.®®®®®®^@®®®l

Furniture. FOE ONE MONTH ONLY, • _.." POR .• 0 ASH. . . / , ' < iWTAT'K'Q AND! ,TT, AT T ' Having to make room for Largo Shipments to tVV,JL.n JXO XIUIJJiJ} arrive, have decided to give the Public the benefit of securing FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE ■ at Prices which have never been offered, to QHORTLAND-STREET, ; the Public of Auckland before. The name of C - WINKS ANT) HALL is a sufficient guarantee of the Quality of the Goods and the Genuiney • ness of the Sale. ! 'DURING THE SALE 10 PER CENT. TO 3o"pER~CENT. DISCOUNT WILL 'BE ALLOWED, THAT IS. FROM 2STO6S IN THE POUND. ALL REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE. "WINKS AND TFALL, SHORTLAND - STREET.

.;. . ' Tailoring, fee- ■. - . . . J% VEN! !'. VIDI I VlCl'l' 'J\ ,- . The Perfection of Fine Tailoring-, Habit Making, Outfitting, ete. HEW SPRING GOODS HOW ON VIEW. t' FABRIC • ... n „ —-■ASHion We Sell [ I For Cash. |. |T and For Cash. WE GUARANTEE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. G. McBRIDE, Merchant Tailor, [•Habit Maker, Gents.' Outfitter, Importer, etc., (■■ y VBOTOR9A ST., NEXT VICTORIA HOTEL, AUCKLAND. V | And at HAWERA, DARGAVILLE, and WAIHI. Jr% | r~Trrr-i i ■nun i iii i n i ii nmmmm y»iuiwm^JimwJi*'i>MmuMri*Bxmnumi*m***Mmmmu\nin*n{m&a ■?:■:'■■•■■■'■";,. ■ •';;.;.", . ■'.': 'Cycling. ' '"■.-.'■" RUDGE-WHITWORTH & TRIBUNE BICYCLES. Telephone 903 'STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE ' "'' IN EVERY VtGTOIMA-ST. EAST. AUCKLAND. FREE WHEELS & BACK-PEDALLING BRAKES. Agents for Wolverine Oil Engines. aggggggggßßaggß m v _ Spectacles. • SJ&8R&&&&**. Fop failing sight, STRAINED s9^&h'ti VISION, PAINFUL eyes, : INFLAMED eyelids, HEAD- '' - • »IWW ' ACHES, INSOMNIA, CROSSED i^^P < '^S^?^K^ J CONSULT H, S¥IAKGULES g PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, CERTIFICATED MEMBER OF THE SPENCER OPTICAL INSTITUTE, SX^ife^^ d '? e^ j; ?F Sis ¥' baßed;o,a Latest; Sellable Scientific Methods, and SttW&W"? 13 !, for eith9r - *•» perary or constant use, which will absolute!? Ko SBectaoW I'r^i 1 ' Pr « v ««> various other DoTelopmentu injurious to health goner. BonSfl v ° * 6co »mcndod mueas found to be necessary. B m&M?on fl l 0 Citation Fee. ■■•* Charges for Spectacles made by H. MAE. B*jJjfcS are reasonable..-. Patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address: » • H.~HA»GTJfeBB, BHOBTfeANfrSTBEE-B (Opposite Post Offiw). AUCKLAND. ' ;/':.--■'■-:- ,';•,' v. ■■:..'".'-.■■...

"'■'■■' Merchandise. "■- ■: ■ • • • . * . ... . I 'Proved by experience, M If-' ' • ' • ' ' : '- ** ",',:,■■' jfe Hl' , ' ;ThreTei*qtiaft'eri^«f v a»ceat'ury' : i j J , the Publie and constantly . i jljj I in' appreoiatiQtt, 11 111 < -1I',1 ', -. . SOLUBLE " I ; !■' ■ " 'is tcwiay TKiff Cocoa of ■ j|, i II the World* Exquisite in flavor, . M t!j ■highly nourishing and refreshing, I ;|{| experience proves l to he > j I ... .The Best of all Cocoas* 1 ' * .111.1 ' " ' 1,, 1.1 a „ "' i„ PURE full Nourishment, partly predigested. Sterilized.^ ' „..i -nil ■__ vmmn!wmmrr^^^^mmxsm^« - I . . THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS IN ALL CLIMATES. rcsT c IN POWDER FORM.' . \. rHPffl v^*L KEEPS tf^ C l m >% { THEWORLD. ' J WQEFIWITELY. STORES. [

~ , Medical. :: for' Infants. v ar ,y/ Children, Delicate Fe--1 The Universal Remedy for Aoidity of the Stomach, > Headache, Heartburn, indication, Sour Eructations, a^g J f Pregnancy. Sold Thpoug&out the . N.8.-ASK FOR I>INMSFORD'S MAGNESIA.


im iimmi mini Patents. HENRY HUGHES, CHARTERED PATENT 'AGENT( . . (establishedwas). ■ TRADE MARKS * Jit |V Registered f\ ® )wf (A W H 1J Obtained \l|_«r it' .'■ In aH countries ¥1, throughout itA World. AUCKLAND OFFICE: 103, QUEEN-STREET. E. BROOKE-SMITH. ■' .;' . • :, Manager. ii . »_»—■»—————»— i« Shipbuilders, etc. wiii'iP'jiiH'W'wrnriTiiiii r" urn mil i 'i'""' "' ■'■■"'■■■■f™-f— 1 i;.': HA S. TO A I L E JUNE., CUSTOM-STREET, - .THCTEST, A UCKLAND, W, ' SHIP, YACHT. AND BOAT BUILDER, i ./'■/..';.'' AND, DESIGNER,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 2