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[BY SENTINEL.} The Thames Naval Band has been ip. ' pointed the official band of the No." 2 Battalion Auckland Infantry. - ■ ■The "A" Battery Artillery and Auckland ' Garrison Band i will * parade . for Government inspection this evening at 1 half-past seven ~V - ' '-""v S - A considerable number of men aro already at work levelling: the ground and preparing for. the erection of the new Drill Hall for the Auckland volunteers. v Major Craws haw, who distinguished himself with ihe. Second®Contingent, failed" to pass the medical examination for the Eighth Contingent, , and will, therefore not go to South Africa. On Saturday next the Auckland Amounted Rifles will pay a visit to Howick, whore they will remain over night and attend a church parade on Sunday. En route to Howick escort and scouting work will be indulged in. A meeting of officers of the companies forming tho Mounted Infantry Battalion will bo held to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, at two * o'clock. As far as I can hoar, the majority - of those concerned favour tho adoption of a light green uniform, with scarlet facings. •/" The Mount Eden Rifle Range will be at tho disposal of the Devonport Coastguards and the .Victoria And Newton Rifles on Saturday ; - , ( v next, tho last-named company being entitled to the services of the resident marker. Captain Napier will bo in charge of tho firing. Another valuable addition has been mad® to the list of trophies that the Firing ■ Committee have in 'hand, . the latest being a, trooper's regulation bridle, with Pelham bit, etc., complete, which : has been presented by > Sergeant-Major Potter for - competition oil the rifle range. ■< ■ • The 'members of the Akarana Rifle Club will hold two competitions. at the Avondalo ! range on Saturday afternoon next. The "A"; class shots will '■ fire" for Mr. G. Read's medal and tho "B" class shots for Mr. E. T. Buchanan's modal, the ranges in both' oases being SpOyds.loOOyds and 600 yds, seven ! shots and two sighters at each range. I Tho loss of Captain IConrick, who has decided to take up his permanent residence in .. the Waihi district,- will bo keenly felt by the Coromandeli; Rifles',' of which corps ho was for some years commanding officer. An enthusiastic supporter , of the movement, a capable and efficient officer and a first-class rifle shot, it will, be'.no easy matter for tlio' company to find . an equally good . man to fill Captain Kenrick's place. A telegram received-from Wellington last week states that the New Zealand Riflo Association's ' annual prize-firing meeting has been fixed for Fobruary . 27, ,at Trentham. - -. Tlio cash prizes . will total £950, and there will be trophies valued at £210. Up to tho- present the programme has not reached me, but I am V. pleased to note that the Government will encourage medium class shots instead "of al- , ;h' lowing all the plums to go to the first-class- '}f, : marksmen. No doubt events under service conditions will also be provided for. ' On Saturday week the Auckland Mounted j-' Rifles will probably - fire a ; teams' match against .the Onehunga * Rifles, and on Febru-• ary Bit is intended to have a company com- V,' petition for Mrs. Holgato's trophy, a valu- ' able shot gun. Entries close on Fobruary 1 and the officers will prepare a sealed handicap * for tho event. This latter occasion v will bo an open day on the range (Penrose) >•-. and all 1 members and honorary' members are : : requested' to be '• present • and. bring their friends. •;Afternoon, tea . will bo dispensed [\ and it is to be hoped that tho members will 'if. do everythingjwithin;their power to ensure '■ ian enjoyable afternoon for the visitors. A district order, issued; yesterday, states • , that from date no rifle' practice will bo al- . . lowed on tho Mount Eden rifle range at any " distance over 200 yds. Thus- our volunteers ■ will have to content?themsclevs with firing at pistol range 1 until such time as tlio Government provide a now range, which'seems 'l as far off as was the case three years ago, when a promise was made that a new site - would bo speedily 'fixed upon, owing to the r <£ dangerous state of the. old range. * For. some *ft time past the j Defence authorities have been;'-• negotiating for a site at Penrose, but so far have not come to terms with the owners of 5 <s" • the' property, and for - that matter do not - ' seem likely to do so." 1 1 t : f I have' noticed a suggestion to have a-./ tennis court laid out in the new drill-shed, and -3 -; as far as. I can see at present the idea seems -'/J a good one. VOf course the court could only £ be -.used when the floor is not required for drill 'or other purposes by the volunteers., I should think there " would bo plenty vof 1,. floor space for one; ,or possibly two, courts, and''.as .the originator of the idea says they y would be a constant source of revenue, . especially during . the winter months. There ;' ; would also bo the "additional advantage to J| many of being able to get a little practice i at night. Tennis, by gas or electric light is not unknown in' Australia, but I rather .: fancy the. idea ,' is r quite a novelty so far as • •New Zealand ,is concerned,. and I am inclined .to think would tend to popularise : : the. building and possibly in some degree aid the ■ volunteering movement. A teams' competition for the Gordon shield -P' will take place at the Avondale Ratige, under : >l the control of, the committee of the Akarana >g< Rifle Club, on Regatta Day • (January 29)..: One or more teams from anV volunteer corps," riflo club, or civilians in tho Auckland district may compete, each team to consist of five men. The ranges will lie 300 yds, 500 yds. \ and 600 yds, seven shots and two sighters at each, and a time limit ■ will i" t; bo.r|jJ; fixed for each range. , The . wearing . of uniforms is optional, but if .' slings arc used with rifles they, must be adjustedfrom the two lower swivels. The shield when' won -is tenable for 12 months. but * remains in the custody of the Gordon Shield Committee. Money prizes wjll be awarded on the same liberal terms as last year. ' Entries (£1 V per team, including sighters) close with.*the ■- secretary. Mr. A. G. Maughan, on Saturday, January 25, and shooting will commence : c-: about "eight o'clock' on the morning of tho - 29th. ' Before writing my usual little paragraph I should (says my valued contributor,;". Enthusiast") like to thank " Spotting Disc" for his notice of soma of my previous letters. I think that if some other members of the volunteer force wrote for the volunteer ; ; column occasionally, either criticising or giving items pertaining to volunteering generally, it would tend to enhance the interest ; : taken in "Sentinel's" weekly notes. . Then, again, if there are any questions on military £■£ subjects, -etiquette,', drill, or discipline that; readers of volunteer jottings are. in doubt: about, if they write asking the question I ihavc no doubt but that " Sentinel" will at - > any time be only too pleased to answer it through those columns, or if it lies in my... power to help anyone in difficulty, and .a. full explanation is made to tho writer of this column of what is wanted, I will be glad to try to answer it through tho column, thereby -rS giving the information to all those who > take ,; j an interest in the movement. I have it on - J good authority that tho formation of the mounted companies into a battalion is at last :*1; very nearly accomplished. This will be welcome news to most of our mounted men, as : the much-debated subject of uniforms - can' now be settled; in fact, I understand that there is to be a meeting on the subject during tho present week. The .iniform that seems most in favour is a dark-green,.: with red facings, black belt, etc., and black slipover leggings. The question of headgear it* a moot point, some favouring helmets, others slouoli 'hats. The companies that have been : gazetted to form the battalion aro the Auckland Mounted, Seddon Horse, Waiuku, Pukekolie, and Franklin ' Mounted Rifles. There ' is one great acquisition that is being talked of. and that is a mounted band for tho bat- •.'. talion. I understand that at present there ■ -is not. a* mounted band in New Zealand, ' but - - '<j both the New South Wales Lancers and Aus- ' ; :: tralian 'Light Horse .boast -bands; It would% be a big undertaking for the Auckland battalion, as the cost of • the upkeep' of such a,; ' band is very considerable, but were it an ac- . complished fact no doubt it would bo ex- - : tremely popular and well supported. - Failing n.,;* a brass band, it is to be hoped that a bugle band will be inaugurated, as the battalion would be incomplete without a band of some description. • "seddon horse. : The monthly / inspection ~ parade of ; tho „ Seddon Horse Mounted Rifles was held in the , ; . Domain -on Saturday afternoon. ..Tho corps . was under the command of Captain A. Reid. and there was a good muster.. Tho corps was put through a series of mounted ..move-> ments, which were well done.. After the parade there.was an election for a third lieutenant. There were three candidates— vgeants Houchon, Kelly, and Thomas.: The V-; latter • two retired in favour of Sergeant : Hcuchen, who was elected. ;:" '• J : . 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 3

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VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE JOTTINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 3

VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE JOTTINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11870, 23 January 1902, Page 3