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'' " *' AGENTS FOR / I Ijß raTjk 'if •' Bwwb| Jrfk jj|%J| ICll " General Grocery, Teas, Coffees, and f Oilmen's Stores . .fj si^ss^s;crar2«-»iw.» E3 IL# a 118 r 8 ! .I is I*ll \i %X , w w i|. ■ ..": V' *>».««<>*■» : • Co '' m,ltea ' MMlflW . " " [Established 1840]; \ , ;/ " ■ Tobaccos and Clears ' ' The Distillers Co.. Limited, Edinburgh ' - . . ' . 11, „ * i -if Stirling Bonding Co.'s Gaelic Whisky ■ ■<<#!■•-■ ■ - 1 i7+J "jl '"" Hotel Requisites -iff Messrs. Biscuit, Duhouche & Co.'s Brandies. Jarnao Cognac OilOrtlPilO' Oif66t ' * ; f-v ££ SS? KES mi Of Bass's Ale and guliuicbb'b Stott . . > ' 5 ' . * SilHard Tables and BlUiard.Sui^^^^^™ • '. SSSSSr GENERAL MERCHANTS SHIPPING, AMD INSURANCE AGENTS """"~m»„ ■' •"- The Fiji' Sugar Company, Navna, FiJ.i ■ ■. . ... ~,.... •-.;.- 1 ■~ 1 ,-. v . 4 .-■,... >. ...... ~v <■ Allen's Celebrated Lung Balsam er KAURI GUM. FLAX, AND PRODUCE BROKERS; potent Medioines and Stationery 1"| ■ Sons, Ltoi ted; *1 'erth° ndon ■ ' A_ - 1~@• A& I F*\ , Oornsacks, Woolpacks, and Ore Bags ' George Goiilet's Champagne - ■ . ■■■■-.■ S%. IS ■> Cj |\ > 0 I\ I\J ij Saddlery, Bioyoles, Oils and Paints I -Lindeman-s N.S.W. Wines . ' * - A I I 1 n¥\ i.. fiA I\f B J Saddlery, Bioyoles, Oils and Paints •; The Apollinaris Company, Limited it & toV .a fcia **a \a a ° . , ■',SrtswS^ wraU : - LOSDOH ADDRESS: 28. FinsbnrvStreef. London, B.C. , General Cable Address; " SYLVIA." I ; »• ■m| s ' .. ••• — •■■ ■ , w ■■■• y • --■■■••■••■■■■■•■■■ •■■•• •'•••-■ ■■ i ■"■-■■ i— urn mmwnini .rwatfgwm.i n—iwwrwiwwm—u— iM»aaM——uiwhu—*«' ■'"■■■ ====== ■■■"■■' ■_»- « '. . 1 ... ■in i ujjnatwa»nw.wi. M ii«.„ —-i ■■nmwaj _ . . ' ? : . • Dross and Fashion* Custnxd. Powder* . . ? m - . -■•; - Plumbers, etc. Wines, Spirits, etc. • . • - , uress.ana xasniou . - ■ ■ ■■■■■• — — . —--• •■■ ---- — ■■■-; -•• —__—:— „ • ... . . : ■ -'■ •;■' • ■ ■■■" - ■"• ••• •• • ' —-v. \ , , . ... .. .... : : ' ' " - . 1? ° a 6A c * 51! f. >T # ™ : 95 3 . ; .fe*;.- TO every LADY TO MAKE I>l v — ilia lamp Dell & fibrenfried Co., Lid. H notes notes notes li LJL, til delicious custard I BEST ENGLISH capital ... LL °! DS ™ ia ... £300.000. 1 ' == • >- ==- r . 11 PROPOSAL;; ll|^ - 'CORRUGATED IRONS 43 QUEEN street WHAR^T"" 3 '""' 1W °' '1 • > - . ■•* . P ' ll! 11J Ifl^Ck 6to 10 feet sheets. I. LOGAN QUEEN-STREET WHARF. THE ALBERT BREWERY. QUEEN-STREET. It! ..- .1 ■ £*& I- W I' — I— . MI J& ' • Kl«ll^ • . J, LOGAN CAMPBELL, ESQ. (CHAIRMAN). ARTHUR M. MYERS (MANAGING DIBECTOE). ® / M k ' A T • M -■ . ' >Offl :8- ffl m' WBP ■ TOWFC.T MARKET PRICE SECRETARY: ALFRED 6. BANKART. M the HI 1 ' AT Mil . W '/pi r lH W w i , ™ Ti, n | bbe ™' all for our celebrated /| ' ~ iijn.UL# ——- , | A DAILY^LUXURYI y Against all for our celebrated" * g i >1 DAILY LUXURYf mosm fflBB)! Bulk and Bottled Ale and Stout. 8 ts NOW <> *« ■ ■ • « 1 i =„ t l JI,Z7.ZSI« HW .c,„c„ to a j ijlMp' -• wed from the purest of water, obtained from a W ' ° .fft' 1 S£S,S£S£.S2:nS£SS M . • iiii I lip ■■ , depth of 1200 feet," and the best materials only. - m j>t> OnTil'R'nTW fr M Wm i M iMIICS i i m S ***** Dishes, recipes fopwhioSl accom » aay ***** packet., - .j .. j |!| jj| |||j _ . - 1..';;, ' g X HJT. .. ffl |' NO EGOS! ;; NO BISK! no TROUBLSI I GEORGE M C CATTL- bSBwPwH I 1 9 THE STOCK or drapery, dress goods, hosiery, boys- and men* I -—? •» • - ... •"• -■ 5 nweiewj <i!»the mm CLOTHING, etc., etc., is Second to None. This 'is a chance for buyers AM ■1 ■ ■ MllK. - * , ■ ■ Telephone No. 364. . gfg not to be m.sscd. g .. .. . , .... . . __ - / _ ./. . Q,; .^jj .IMMlim'. . B GOODS .in all Departments ore Ceatlv Rekookd ,», Pk.ce and numerous SPECIAL \ A |URE - Full Nourishment. predigested. J "ATim ' ; > ' ■ ' :HI LINES bought from Manufacturers and Warehousemen afe a Big Discount Mk .. IM/ ' 'a " at ? 1 1 will be run out during M iKCn jf * £ 9 '• "M IMPORTER ALL TRADE REQUISITES, M fc •r •" M WITH 'tL ' " ' IGId H % t 1 "' " Come.and see us! A Visit will well repay you M'' AND' - ALWAYS IN STOCK AND FOR g * ' . ' I| ' EY *ff \ 1 m uameiddd 16-year-old Special Liqueur Whisky. 1 JRltShfoPOOk <& . BrMgOiatlf - F Saturday °" H 'I • ' —- . • Very • old Cognac Brandy. "Old Tale," 'i 364, 366, 368, 370, closing at 1 p.m. on J — M ' ' : ——** '~ i j ■ • sheet an lead-edge ridging. and " Old Dark." Guaranteed 10 years in Bonj ■ fiueen Street AUCKLAND j Wed " eSday ' . I fa ——— —""' . i SPOUTING AND DOWN-PIPE (ALL SIZES)., — — — 111 (jueen Oil cA, Hut,iLLAtyv. ■ M - ' . ; ■ | —~ . . WfiBIISSW WHISKY AGENCIES! S , ' II THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS.IN ALL CLIMATES.; ; . rj .cast iron enamelled BATHS, SINKS. a® aii's "House of Commons Watson's II ' M re ST C IK POWDER FORM.- &x ichfa,, " ; JAW BOXES. AND BASINS WWSf "** .* Glenliyit •"■ Campbell & Ehrenfried's 11 NOTII-Ordera by Post, accompanied by remittance, executed at Sale Prices. » . inthf KEEPS " AND /| .1m I , s '? ccmro 7 1,.. _g ' "•■.«£?♦ INDEFIH ' TELY - STORES - ' j . NOME British 3-piy i. e. hose. - - ' " Braemar;" " Canadian Club etc., etc. ■• ■■■ —' ■• - ; j SHEET AND pig LEAD, BLOCK tin. TIN »—»-'oso®o«®*»9«oo««>»<>o»osoec»««»——» ; • • Furnishing. ■ ■ '' -d PLATES. SOLDER. AND "SOLDERING = , OT n 0 fCSBOSCMCOBITffI Mercnandise. ; •' Cycling. ; V • •5 • • , 'IRONS. f] pjj |I tP M l;lll OIJIL II fl fL IL Jfe J L |1 UmL il —■ — — ; — ——~ -v: ■ . ••• - '•: Emnt.■■ BAR."' fSS"?iaorcopper. |HE IjHHrpELL €1. Ll"!liE,flfla iES3 71 . ' • Y™ C AN ' G ET ETTEK T ms T A "M"P A "WTk QMTTTT = : GEORGE M°OAUL: COHP«». tWITEB. lOTmro !o lllttPs LAMJB ANJJb. RliiM, j ~ . . tTELLESLEY-S'l-REET EAST. - . .-,. • g - . . » TRONMONGERS AND QENERAL jTrOUSE "fpURNISHERS, " ~ ; ,T , 7T~ " . . THE . . •••• . IMPORTER OF jTIJ - ■«v \ <rs . '■ ' t ] : ■■>• — — —— -ff&OFjlT MmTlirmi '' Porwchv ® as > Tefoacco, Cigars, Wines, Spirits, Oilmen's Stores, j^ewton. <W, ' - UiltAl - llllfl I ilCilll PllElf ESIIb Fruits, Matches", Rice, Jut© Goods, and Eastern, \j mqdes . -——'. > . -f ' LIMITED. J - A American; and General - Merchandise. . .- ' SPECIAL': J OB PUEC^ A;?E LOF SAMPLB English shipment ok '. Telegraphic Addrets—Seccombe, Newmarket. Telephone—No. 475, _ , . „ 0 , \ . r<r,w,vT>v v p Winie Tobacconistb* 1 „ , T.omAT.TTc.I rr> 1Q CAMPV PflfflfDC Contains a Full Stock of COTLBRY, a.f. W ark, iobacconistb /F m "TV U C ES S HHAIES, &J •.•• ESTABLISHED 1806. FANoi . uUWlle - Sundries Patent Medicines, Chairs, Stationery, Hardwars, _ - _/ % • X* - . V ' °4 -V. -• , '• V CAPITAL ' . £200.000. OEPABTSSEKT Sabdlbrv, Novels, Billiaro Tabmb'ahd Requisites, Etc., Etc ' \ IN SILK. TAPESTRY, PLUS*. SADDLEBAGS, VELVET, Etc., VERY HANDSOME EFFECTS, . | . ' uwmu...w». ;) : ' .• /f \ / \\ \ f \\ 1 ' : SUITABLE FOR pHRISTMAS OR MEW "yEAR piFTS, IWALLIS" & CALEI » . ' • WAREHOUSE AKD OFFICES: CUSTOM STREET WEST, SONOED STORES: ALBERTSTREET, [/' if \' J J NOW SELLING AT OK PER CENT. TO r A PER CENT. UNDER USUAL PRICES. I i-fi STREET Auckland (Opposite ,Na- JOHN MOWBRAY (Managing Director). Gura Store: Little Queen Street. Loudon Office: Dashwowd Housb, 9, New Broad Street, 8.0, 11 —f£Sgp II * II ZO , 50 „ j > ' tio'nal Bank). Telephone. 690 WHOLESALE I. E. SECCOMBE. ALFRED SECCOMBB. • . ——— \\ J/1 \\ JJ . - i '] AND RETAIL SADDLERS BAG(AND POK£ _ • - ' SECE2TABY-H. M. JERTIS. JUN. a IN BOND OR BUTV PAID,- . *" 'TTTQT T, A ¥BPiS-XTEW -■ SHIPMENT LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR- \ ■ . : nr „,rnp- «nn DnTTIEDO nc TUC nCItDbATCn «™* DESCRIPTION OF GOODS CONNECTED WITH THE GRCO»y. PEOVWIOH. A» > J Übl IiAJN JJtl) IN CLOTHS, IRON BEDSTEADS, . '"j E™ 'handbags an^pokes > fjRFVVERS AND .BOTTLERS OF THE CELEBRATED »nia»«»»«» ~ are the . HANDSOME platedwabe, fr 818 EACQVEi ' 3 "• LION -BRAND' AI.E3 AND UNRIVALLED' STOUT. Catalogue, of Hoods fa Stool, will be fomarM m applied. , pOPDLAp. juvoOTiraa lace cdetains, table covers,^ carpet squares, hearth rugs. ; — OABH ADVANCES mado against Consignments of Kauri Gum Wool ana other Colonial and Xal&Ed IVEITE FOR UNIQUE RAMBLER BOOKLET. H ARRIS AND CO., - Produee for Shipment to London or other Markets. && V VICT^RI?JtREET A |aST.' I KHYBER P. Skj EOA'\ We are buyers of Fungus, Beeswax, Ho "° Eggs, Butta . . — » IOI %K«SKS!S'' AOT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR novelties now. . I , S»STjSi»S»a.? g—g WIRE AND SPIRIT. W.«Jl.ttmil«nto«iLiag.St..»«llh.B.rtß nWHTOD 4 /TDAVTOB SHOWING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT- ' " id' :To arrive, ex Tongunro— - „ . WHISKY BRANDS RUM, and GIN; also, Imported Ala and Strati, 5 SN, \ IJliKi C ; §t,( J/il KKn' '■■'!, ' «i"i • ' ' 1 ; deen Gra Monuraen d ts toneS I Opticians, Jewellers, etc. DEPARTMENT. ' , ' .i..**-!!—•» VAST. • QROCKERY AND QLASSWARE, JAPANESE gLINDS, JJAMPERS. ETC. I • m\ : The Largest Stock of Finished , , All the Loading Colonial Brews of 15osr in Bulk or Bottle. f h . , • . Monuments and Headstones m R I?, A '"H ]3]>AQ _ ', , t-.t, »vv atjaPl? "ROAW Dunedln Ale and Stout-Our Celebrated "Black Horse" labells well known, and wherever tried « : -• •' - " . * ' ' *' IS «CotwS ? oU o r9twUw at- " " SYMQNDS-STOEEI ANDKAEAiT * V * ' Indi? Patents. ; LADIES ARE INVITED TO WALK THROUGH OUR SHOWROOM. ' THE CHEAPEST , j V.*" *• isSKpsj tended to. - • • ' ' ' Selection, and a good assortment of Australian Wines. • • HOUSE IN TOWN.. • 3&§ia| llllWliß 'Designs and prices free on L- ) Bass's Ale i.nd Guinnesr/a Stout £ packed by W. E. JOHNSON <fc CO., Liverpool, highly recommended for ... ' f f r t. ,®pi ,llca i lo 'J'T l „ ! „ i ,. AND Quality, competes with anything imported. Ftm-^ J . ;•• Ir EAST ai near Albert^arl" 3 ' IIANUFACTDRING • TO W. &A. GILBEY'S WlNES—Agency for the sale of this world-renowned firm's Wines and Spirits. V ' Flour Mills.- • - - •/ ~ "?• -v-Telephone 1112. IAMJFACTLRIrsG J/\k OPTICIANS. ottWß Porte and Sherries Gill, Dry Gin Gilbey's Brandy _ GHbey's Clarets Gilbeys Ru» > ■ — : : ————:— frrrtr^Address: VICTORIA-STREET JEWELLERS JJfir Gilbey's Madeira Gilbey's Schuapp? Gilbey a Champagnes. IN - ' E " 0 |T«M Northern Roller Milling Company. Limited, i FISH AND^OYSTER^ MERCHANTS. ROAD. v : * Q 0 j SJ,muuul Country oKfptomany Attcdoa TO.. DIRECT IMPORTERS of Marljlo Clock,, Electroplate, and Jeweller, of .11 tin*, »*" FINEST BASK SMOKING TOBACCO MANUFACTURED IN TOtQIHIA. U & AND TRADE MARKS ' EMCOURAGE IQCAL IHiIUSTRY. BUILD UP THS KO3TH NOT THE SOUTH. t -| ' • -Buitablo for presentation. _ T „ mT » t p\ v fitted-for „ d {eots in Ee- T. C. WILLIAMS COMPANY,' Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., TEH OBTAINED. : AS WE PURCHASE all the LOCAL WHEAT AND OATS wo can get at full Market Bates, 'and " / _ "***&—SIGHT-TESTING A SPECIALTY. Glasses accurately fatted for all detects v miul. ~ m , D S T>ALDWIN AND ? use only LOCAL COAL for steam purposes, also GIVE EMPLOYMENT to a large number of hands in ! Eesistered. &i i"2 % Trade Mark. fraction XT rr , •„„ ««„,! _; The best Aromatic Tobaccos in the whole ■world are f. L. Williams— rt _1> manufacturing our weU-known Brands of Flour, Oatmeal. Rolled Oats,' Gemma, etc,, if this industry ■ v. OUR OPTICAL-ROOM is the most up-to-date in New Zealand, being fitted with w _ TTmr „ , « tftrTADV » i¥M • ti~4 Af WARD, did not exist-, : •.; • . . .;•' - - . , .•• . .?- ! ' v - • thaverylatecrt Ophthalmometer. Rctinoscopc, scicntific Si„ht-toshng. _ "'HUBY • VICTORY ' —E pi 1\ - , What WOllld OUP GP3m GPOWePS and Coal TVTI dO 0 FRE t FISH DILY. t& ;- Consultation' free. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. A trial solicited, W «,rAT HUM rj/inr *J--"'-- ■ S M Government Patent Agents, Wliat WOIUQ OUF. uPaAll brFOWePS ana LOal Mine PS ClO / .-' . ,AT MART. CUSTOM-STREET. ' , •»,,-, ■■ j — _____ < —. N U GGc. i tjrOJLOjbN EA(3"L#Jfi.. Legal Chambers, v So '," ordering Flour, Oatmeal, "Pl'PmiPP »nn " r.Ldi-vir>ir>vi " AT MAHT,; CUSTOM-STREET. — — • , ' ~ /n«*iAB,VA v«ia«* t \ So when ordering Flour, Oatmeal,- . PrPllllPr np 6i nils*YnT>irk^n Brown Paper Parcels Retail. /•«__, r«<il Mornlicn+<! ffa,rri(>r«J. p.hf>. " ' • ■ ~ • - 1 p Px^ Rolled Oats, etc., keep the foregoing - - - vdlampiOll ~r IOUP,. ano . , „Ht| "on-^1— —' --- —^-— NESTLE'S SWISS MILK : aad Roiled oats - ' 'T' Tr'IiIKHTI'RSON • (Upwards of Twenty Medals awarded for excellenco) - — — ' All are .nanufactnred from the CHOICEST BLENDS OF GRAlNthat NEW ZEALAND can produc '■ *j • JO- JL- \ JiJ f JLi JL\i Ov/ Xi t» v »* E MANUFACTURE Oatmeal and Rolled Oats DAILY so the Public ran ri»lv nn invinvo iJritl _ .... . , a , m _ __ ' riAE'PNTBB • DflliciOUß in Tea or Coffee, a Valuable Addition to Cocoa, flßte , . ARTICLE, and the "Standard''Brand is known by its FRESHNESS and SWEETNESS. ° i PAINTER. fEstablished 1800) ( SIGN* *1* H. M.' C"'«™ Afrr«MWa in Chocolate ' ■*»* ,' ' ; Whlvpmv^ 0111 " 111 " IATENT GERMINA, well adapted for this climate, and SEMOLINA and ! PAINTER. GLAZIER. PAPERHANGER, SIGN. • - Ll ° Agreeable in UflOCOiate, WHEAIML'*L; nl ck»,,in ~ f , , . - WRITER, decorator. ETC., .Excellent for Custards, The Most Popular of all Infants' Foods. YoUf ah 0 « Goods are packeu m sizes to suit the trade. p yjjjijUE Man -p .{ UTn tr.cniißPP'Ti • And can be used for all purposes of Ordinary Milk. ___ ' v '' 1 *' AOEB * j JLiJL\X.IJL O -a, .1A; JLiij .1 • B, . ~, ' . COAL ME CHANT. From the Milk of Cows hating an extensive range on the healthy and fertile sides of the Alps, breathing • . , : — JSIIXED PAINTS FOR HOUSE AND SHIP ~ the pure air and feedieg on the succulent grasses of that salubrious region—the finest milk-producing , POP 1 Timber. Dairy Produce.'; - ,; special BLACK KTSCHOOL BOARDS., . neHPB - S~ ' 1 g KAURI TIMBER no. TDB N™ Z E4LiND D™ 1 I ' . N.B.—The above . executed at Moderate AUCKLAND. AND NEWMARKET. ' W. *G: WINSTONE, ; ANUKCjW uonc,K L,DINBURGH If f h %N umitS). j^SSOCIAtION'S IsW: AQ: iWINSTGNE, • ™, C<K . .■ R<>H K ¥ H fU? umrmi association's V ' ESTIMATETpURNISHED. .; \ ' fJOAL .TITEEOH O. V, G. ' • r |% V A 111 Q : OUSTOM-STREET WEST; AUCKLAND . CHOICE OREAMERYJABp BUTTER - . -—— -•' ' . ... XTX . • | m ' ' , . ... . : ALL GROCERS ALL THE - YEAR ROUND! ! Telephone No. 1213. - (OLD VATTED GLENLIVET) w 851 ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, AND JOINER/* And Always of FINEST QUALITY. ?. . ft , 1 " . .. C~ ETC. • . Reauirins ; . :. ; Ironmongery- ' _ - --_ If \ ' ANO It Is - •, SCHOJLtouUHLY-SEASONED Each Pat bears the Trade Mark ~~ ' GOALBROOKUALE — SPECIAL RESERVE whisky. the Bps? ' TIMBER j In the Centre, surrounded by . ..'USE.. . '' WWSBtaMaa b rrifti FURNITURE REMOVAL " "- - „ • SEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION. USE safcovmnoT nn ai rlmcval, InCalta BoWm , and ________ 6houid.pjirt.ti» WboIHUKI. UUAL> .t.-rrr.- - , .- r— v" KAURI TIMBER company, limited. wmSSKfffim' ' TT A'PTTTiO PTr'ft •' 02EA1E3T AND BEST. STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES. Large Stock always on hand at , \ ■ HSB , + ' , -who have in Stook — I O J-X xjl xx JLi V/ V JA, p „ „ '.. .dtuiid U W*TU*M p..»a _eA ' $0 M vvj> NEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION.' I I ff!i« &feoT» Famous coai can ba PnrohMfid y - -■•■'"■' ARTHUR H. -NATHAN,--' Custom -"Street, : • 'OVER 3 MILLION FEET -LIMITED. g ORION WHOLESALE OR RETAIL . nTTri AP fAAT' -' . " 'II . ■'>' I 0g SEASONED TIMBER, . . Manures. ' Sj ' -n c. ■ ' 01 " M from the villj AT \J 1\ IJ. OSHEB'S WHISKY has for many years past maintained its character as tho most populai vV : '■ wr noRTNG DOORS FARMERS AND OTHERS, • i -r> . ~ -,r, n , d WnldSll It can always be relied upon as a specially good article in every way. eCWIIJi: tfv mm J PURE BONEDUST GUARANTEED. , RANGES. WESTPORT COAL CO f S DEPOT ram ' : ■ aEyiLLg 4. MOULDINGS TURNERY We Have the pleasure to quote you as be- i;:! W&wS rMSa 1 WWi. wu,. w Mkrw ! TATTLERS ,< > ITJRHttnr „ low for our various Brands of Bonedusts and j ' • FORT-STREET , TAT ,4t>tta coat twtvf=? IPTIIIIP lIATIIIIP# "l SRAISSfc MANTELS ... Artificial Manures:- ,|j '.ALL • IRONMONGERS. (Next Roller Mills). MARAMARUA COAL MINES fill 1 Bill SB ffiH I BBFlili O ■- rg a Afll) V™** DasoaiPTlON 0* Pure Bone rio „ Per ton. 3w zh. DEPOT: newmarket - THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO BUY Vv I# .JOIET SSK..IT Pure Boneduat (steamed) ... ... 75 0 ; J ■RffOKCMENTS, Etc.. of New Design and Ex- 363,000 TONS SOLD LAST YEAR. TELEPHONE No. 457. "RELIABLE" THE MOST DELICIOUS TO DRINK I |tl MANUFACTURED FSOU A 1 JjoSaft J ' t ... 1 '." "'. 7 0 'ij 1,1 qnisite Testnre, in Marble and Granite, . ~ T -.„ 0/ _ '# . " Wfe TgOROPSBLY-SBASONED TIMBFL : R„'S Ma°S.™ ' raniir ° Z ~7 0 0 • at W. , Parkinson and Co.. Victoria-street Town Offices: HOUSE COAL ® & A%J«., ■ . & / P®S* lb. > M ® . ' . ■' ' ' v ■■- -- : - Turnip Manure ... Zen CV-f - ; West, next Corner Hobson-street. , Inspection MINING CHAMBERS, EXCHANGE nYPT'tvt?WFT)V " ! have for years maintained their character for excellence, and invariably give satisfaction. They m C> « \ ' laV 'i : Grass°Maiiaro ° ..! ~ "' !'.* 70 0 ■ invited OflMdcneq- TMpnlmnV t«»t - ' (DELIVERED). ttie cheapest, because they cost no more than other teas, and yet they go furthest in the pot. "Relia'blo" no,. Higher Guarantee .of-; Good, Material ; an.) < MiSze Mamue ;;; *" , 75 0 M -m. .' ' ' Telepl one, Acting Branch Manager Tons—2ls GASH ; . 23s Booked. leas are „0..„M0 everywhere, to air-tteht lead packets, 01 In »n, of lull w.teM, It IiOW HOldS the %£7"£SS£ K Special Quotations Largo Lots. / fek —— ' 103 QUEEN-STREET. ' Half Tons—lis CASH • 123 Booked. . ■ ■ J 1' ' . Analysis and Samples on application to _ - HBl |r ; ' Iron Tomb Rails. ( P.O. Box, 57.' Telephone, 1037. Quarter Tons— 9d CASH; 6s 3d Booked. EXQUISITE CEYLON.- STRONG ifiEB&IATJS INDIAN. FRACBANT SLENOED. PREHViBER fP©%2 > | MilJ «id Order Office Telephone, No, 612. v • Durham strwt I 'Auckland v f ■k ° ra "' S " 6 '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11855, 6 January 1902, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11855, 6 January 1902, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11855, 6 January 1902, Page 2