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J Custard Powder. '' ". - \ > " ■ ' -'I Medical. V ■ - if _____^ m^^;; __ m ____ m _— \„ ~ HEALTH 1:3 mEALTE. [" ' A ___5K Trt n****** LAM' * v mJkP ■' •■ I Tho Suffering and ' Adin«r from - Fa.-j. *'• A Jl__St 1U CVCKI M"J_ IV'.AIM'; I Tho suffering and Ailing from FaQi™ 3 3 JS tSSsftweft ftiri, VJTYAffTC (f*?T""ff»*r»»\ I Health. Nervous Diseases, Depression, .»;-.. ** W£& ! £l DcIiICIOMStUiTARD- | . pay. Irritability, Sleeplessness, Weak Back 1 t V? ' . ■'■■'. V\ ■ I Headache, Heart Palpitation, Lack of Energy' £ ; ff_rtl_Rl___ _! A I \sSifm, ■ ■ ■ <■ WITH * 1 Excitable »? Temper, Loss of *? Flesh, Ntirva \ ___V__*»<9it \ ! Power, and Vitality. Buzzing in Head. Bid |It S\\Jf&- _?_•_*■_4 .»SS*m ~-*-~ S3 __#& F___s ___ i Memory - Dizziness, Twitching of Eyelids and v £$»$» Bffl Wwk s§»^h^JlWi : Muscles. Pimples, Bladder and- Kidi'sn- t N3 I§S? *®S ta Jlsl-• 'S^lS'^ , 'Si!l"l : ' Troubles, and kindred 1 Complaints \ (coi,t-i< jllli*? /y fin ' M\ i 243, Oxford Terr ace, Christchurch ,{! ! 't/%S& r ~\' /*[ 111 * _pf__ ' /' ' (Third House East" of Baptist Tabernacle). ,f \l fyl Wm I i ©^M^M^O-Hill smarantee a thorough cure and forward cjeo V - /r/ J JlLwfi mm 1 1 'ill-Jl -''IllviSraHi tricala »P l,ances and* concentrated treatment /^fcr- 2 \ II I ! Mill* ~ Thames, Auckland, ; October 15, 1900 I 2, / J f ~2""7 /__/- JI % If '.ill I wK«*B«Gm m « . 1 . Dear Sir,—Since writing you 2 last month I r"-| -/IA. )' /# 'tete- Wt/y/i ' I *WV> K^aHlslHffH^^''<■" 3 .have improved beyond expectation; iu fact. - * 1 *r>_Lv $ I ftf'W P*l S 1»« IBS" Us ®' ; l'" m y relations are wondering,what; has con» i wJWffi&L M$4L NM-rlim 1 yff wisslffi - ! °™r me. I used to bo so irritablo and this. - M%$$M£?S^VMU&mUi flnMf ' '•"•-. '" •■ ■■■*' --■• ■-' I:I l am getting; quite ..stout, 1 , as my i weight has v -f? ' : 'I IS^Qs&^SSi* : nil B' I increased 151b. f I rest and -Jeep well. end ': s - \Jr~Z a ff% -«* fl.*r » »»T_-/ran>n_ n I iwaken refreshed and fit for work, ml I ftsl ' t'l J _}___/ YB iIXURY& S l weU nothing seems to trouble me now I - _TS§& V _»_---?*« S . ■ Wli recommend your treatment to those ■.■ — *<"i__>i_£? ■'■r =^*^si&Z2z2g': -- '" "" '"' ■ ■■■-. ■'- ■ i : aujeted as I was /with pleasure.—"Wishing ■ —__.«_ a yo\ every success, I remain your grateJul .'\ I BIBB'S Custard Powder makes a perfect High-Class Custard at a minimum I *""^ nt »>:' FRED E. URESSOX of cost and trouble. Used by all the leading Diplomas of the South | ■ — —— -», ; | I Kensington School of Cookery, London. Invaluable also for a variety of. f I [f~lQa«tr&*a (C?«Trti a /?w^rx ! Sweet Dishes) recipes for which accompany every packet. f] « s>"s Odsllicl •''■'''''''■■ss& NO ECSGS! WO RISK! NO TROUBLE! 1 Oifl"tf"mrf»«t' /I^it®H. ''' \ Storekeepers can obtain Supplies from ail tbe leedin? Wholeasis Houses. i VlHllllCni f^Sl^P^ ff ■niiiiimiirim mi m — i mi imm ii n iiiii— TrT-M-l iliimni-"— — JI V""""° Is dc'.ightfuHy cooling; and <»K|sf , - '•• •■'■' : - jnarveloosly healing, and <«§lfx« K_§ mm .^«.ij»^j<»i»viw^wi^tnn , M»i«i«wii l ■ : ~: ■■'■ B '"Vf'ilUe as a household <£f •i-MGr-■mwnrmmtmdr~'—*—°-mrmfrrnHnr~i ,M ~ r t-—-r— —" : _,—......——, „,.,.. ._ iimmiii retjedyfor general _*. =In __Jfc__«®f_<* Medical. ■ _ ses . of Chapped Hand*, t2^S3gjSf@^ . JUeOlCajL. Kruptiore and Pimples on _s^^«_MS^« ~ ~ - ■' face, Broken Chilblains, ' E__ B _S ' H__ " B __ __* ,B <tSSS: ■ Breaking out in C_Jdr_'» log*, £<*»». £_o isiooo m ;: :Dy , __r_o &or©s_ ? i ws_y___„_?__,ii_^ ro^\b_i_si •-. '.••-:• :■:■■* :■■- reliable. Hany t„ti_a__b deKocstratin* ia '-T : • efficacy.' ..-,■ *'f M ■■■-■ ;?;;■>; ■ A Great Blood-Purifier and Tonic. , '°!__'»•=<*•«* . „ ; Almost Unbearable Heat of Puts SRAWFQRD,»»«»«i_o'«T, kewtdm.AlffiKUUti One in the Grave. "* A Valuable Fever Antidote. . iA^M^ ' | _n_M____ irl ILJLS ma mi xgss, • :,: '-' i ■■' ■ " ■■ ■ ■ m Are th« acknowledged leading remedy for all Female e«n- -' _«\ _ _ __ ___»__ ©C™ __ V ____ __ : '"\ ' v __. ___ _ _ _.„_ -:;■-•" ! plaints..' Keconuncniled by, tie Medical Facoltr. rh» ' ■< ___ W& W <_? l^^J 4 &% P^ : Pill <(__ '' : genuine bear the signature of W_ Mabtin ( regiit«d &SSk WS BS~S W __ _o__*l m _*___» _ ___! IT -_ _ H_*_L without which none an genuine). No l*dy should S BM SV W' ! k3 _S_H .^arVwSl __!_ _ _ fit _>_ without them.Order of all Chemittathroughout the \Vetli. iff _ ' ' . Proprietor.MAßTlH Pharm.Chemi»t,SOOT!iA_PToilJllQ e ; '.*~-V -'■■'. ■' . Agents: Bharland«Co..Ld.,AucnJand4WeUin_on '■ _%**_l__r W and Mow Zaai:xnd Drui Co., Clirlatehnrohr • I V> • WOEIT TABLETS. ■■■'■'■' *• ' 1 H "^^ , * O CHTLDRBN TAKE THEM REAl>_i_ B WJ Boxe3 - l 3 each - :' ./ '■■■<■:■ ■ '- Prepared i only;, by <■:. >^ : -'i*W^ n fT . ■'. ; AETHUE'--G.-..KENDBEDINE» . I Pharmaceutical Chemist, , • ft • - ' 100, Karangahape Eoad. %%;_, V'' JK •■■'• ... ; Vwr* 3 ... yt' ':'.:.■ Telephone No. 411. /_W ""^%»ii<« ; iff ____ ; Newmarket Agent: GEO. o_w_w__ v - . y^ ' %Wm /( I Queen-street Agent; CHAS. Ratjen. Chemist ,' 1 'V J, >' DOG c^^a?aisafc^ Remedy WWW\ DOa DI STE_P_R y POWDERS-A Certain \ I; ° //Mffr Wl 0 D ° G WA^ e ' and all DOG Remedies. ; ■ ":.'.-. ' • 31, Queen-street Wh_rf. , " While In West Australia one ot us had what is known as 'Barcoo Sick- — '• —— ' [ ness,' due to bad food and water, together with, the almost unbearable summer CLEARS THE TUBES AND SAVES I_B heat of that colony. ; This disease soon puts a man in his grave unless he treats v-A f LUNGS. ' ■ it promptly. I came out of it in fine shape because I relied entirely on Ayer's. : _' Sarsaparilla for a cure. ~* . rn oRAL INE ' " Both of us have used this great remedy for boils and sores on our arms and X * '■■•<". hands, as a blood-purifier and general tonic, and as a perfect antidote to fever RATJEN chemist QUEEN "TREET I while in camp or at home. Wo both believe there is no remedy equal to this rnnPFR* rmnrrfirp' vim-riPTA vmvvv I grand old medicine we know so well." COOPER, VICTORIA-STREET, Dowling Bros,, of 103 Hindley St., Adelaide, So. Australia, send us this letter Alii STORES. . ■ and the above photographs permission to use. ■ After such an experience mEED ., r™rr- ATW 'vrTTKF^wm-nnmfl they can certainly call Ayer's Sarsaparilla ' ... rriEbD S CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS. \ ■ ~ . -" ■■■.-'. . '■-''■-'■>:■ A NEVER PAILS. ;:-q| | T_© World's Greatest Family Medicine.'' '.' Use According to Directions. : :: I Be sure you get the right kind of Sarsaparilla— » Ayer's."" Don't let any- A Cure ia Guaranteed. body induce you to try some other kind. You will regret it if you do. i rice, is. .If you are not in good, vigorous health, if your nerves are not so" strong as From all Cllsmist3 and Patent Medicine - f I you wish, if you are feeliug run down and depressed, buy Ayer's Sarsaparilla ' Vendors. I today and begin the certain cure, \ ■ ■■■ / ' ■' : : — ; — .■■-. . ;-v^ A' a nra «__*.*„ <«> /ctv ' ' "DOTH SEXES-Write for Free Books ofsltal _v# ■"'.'■_ 11? ti « dr __. ■•-'-' 1 '■■■'•' •'■'■' ■*-*. interest coneerning_yourselves and your -~W fea Bag '<§%. ■■■ ; -!% Ck f*Q CkY% 'Ch %* S*i i *3I wfiHare. Posted free.-Write .to-Charles'-Gei-Ml II %J$ W.,£! " ;&, In _i Igi ' lach. 300. E. CoUinu-street. Melbourne ui; bsbsem ■ u ■■■ ta : ■ '"■"■■ ...■ ■»■-■ ■•■ .■■ ■"...■■' ■.-. -■ «"■«»,■: '■'■.'..y ■.;'■'■'■.■!.,'.\Vi : ,. f r: ;, ;•,.:■ v.-■,> wy'■''";;'':,«*« I ■ —■' , ■ ■■■ ' "■ '■ ".,..,, .. . . ........... ; „„ , ~,-J==ggS:;^ I Builds'up the Whole System. Dental. !; OYER'S PILLS act on the Siver; they cure biliousness. OTICB -H_ EBMOTMI - j I A. E. HOBBS, ' | I . __ ; . —; ;. ■ . . DENTAL SURGEON, ■ ■■'~ ' .'. .. ■ Has removed to CA IT W /f~*\ 1%. T PONSONBY ROAD. Nest All Saints' Church. jt\. *L J 1 \ A-' L" 'S MxT H> A .M. ~$S3a~S __■__• - _#' A N © OLD ESTABLISHED DENTIST, '; -'■./.•.'■■■•■■'■' .'.■ .:*■.'.:'■•■:•■.'■: ■:■ CORNER : HOBSON-STEEET (OPPOSITE ST ' I ( ______=__=_____=____ --- '• . - MATTHEWS CHURCH). V Artificial Teeth Carefully Fitted. \ . ■- CHARGES MODERATE. PAINLESS EX--Iff T / Y <CC ! A T f^ - 5f TEACTTONS. Iw/I If( V P* a T 1 1 U 1 trC Telephone. 577. ",v; ' W. H. WBIGHT.] [HUGH C. WEIGHT. = ■ ■ ■ : — = ycj- RIGHT gEOS., , '•'; Hotels and Chemists sell "Alol_" for 2/6, small size, (Tjate H F -ro- ind 1 v' • and 4/6, large size Bottles. SURGEON DENTIST'S. The Most Famous Tonic and Greatest Pick-me-up of shortland-street (Opposite General Post Modern Times. ' * p.p. box, mo. ° fflce) Telephone 377. "ALOK " makes you Eat and makes you Strong. In the morning and before each ' tpvtu * h«!tbattaw — — Tm - - meal. "Alok" is a Wonderful Recuperative Drink. TEETH. A^™^ J)ENTA_ | : - ■ TEETH. JNSTITUTE, • I $[lt~Z<st'''"* The Public are warned against buying, substitutes for "Alok" in TEETH ■ (Opposite^Fre^Libraryf 81 2) Hotels, substitutes which cost only a few pence teeth.' Principal; W. surgeon I !' WELL ' Hotels, substitutes Which eOSt Only a few pence TEETH. Dental Surgeon. peP bottle, and yet the gulled public pay 6d per glass for the substitute. TEETH! Faithful Work?Natura? Appearance s^v, TEFTH and Fit ( Guaranteed; ' Reasonable men, to obtain to the Therapeutic and Wonderful Virtues of Mighty TEETH.^iS e Too_i?'fro_ m -". "f 2 ''fa "ALOK," must insist upon being served with the Genuine Article, and°not J_iS TH Gold Filling, 'from -.-" -" 53 -■"■'.•■■ a Cheap and Worthless Substitute. £?£££• „ Extractions Entirely Painless. HI Gas 2s 6d; Extractions. 2s 6d and is. . ' ——• Painless Process.-2s 6d „ -( %s££%■ OPEN .'ON. SATURDAY EVENINGS. , "' _ ~ _.'■__,_•. tfr^ 5 ? '■■'-•• ■ TEETH. from 8 till 9.30 o'clock. . Insist upon the bottle being J Wholesale from '" \ ' ''■■ : "' "' '"" "■'*"■"■■" _ , placed before you bearing fi ifei ' Money. "^ * the Magic Word _ « nM . ~—■ ~—~ —" -__ andthenan^i S her & ftg of j All Respectable Hotels, & CO,, ' : - with Soda Water, 9 <l/ _________PMun____,.Auckland •'. 6d. per Glass. 'M . _ AUCKLAND, *s? c » to Lend, hi 8 6d. per Glass. V J AUUKLAMD, ?«r^ ata^»{lo^«^rS Btreet' Cochrane ' Cochrane's Mart, 185. Qaeen. •In the morning, after taking Fisher * Co. _ Mighty " Alok." f^Yc_lv^_ll_o_; ?We can get fcTyTn ' *" waw|m3iai " "" ■ , .„.,.,„ tfrv low and small sums on mortfc so at Opticians, Jewellers, etc. , "=——ffg very rate of interest, on eood real Opticians, Jewellers, etc. security.-Ewington and Baker,JSstate^Ageirts. RE ATI' BROS " ~ S»SS No teß !°an_ ; m __!___!/ i-IXU^ t>SYMONDS , STREET __ ___ NQ ___ B ROAD . ?__e d !o^ <^** ow BaßS * , V v Co - limited). Legal Chambers, Queen-street. '_*—*_5S_ jPifS TpROM % per cenb.-Money to Lend _, _______*< s?*__*_'^^ - ~""*"_. awn . on Interests under Wills, Freehold nr MANUFACTURING >° ther api)r^ ed ?ecuriti e9 , in ,_ to suit _ TO „ T _ nN #% f>PTTPTAK«? borrowers.-P. A. Vaile. Solicitor, Legal JEWELLERS \ \4|r__P_l <JIIICIAIsb. Chambers, Qncen-strcet. opposite Vulcan OPTICAL ROOMS. TITONEY TO LEND on Mortgage of First ' KARANGAHAPE " claas Freehold Securities.' ; ROAD. W. COLEMAN. DIRECT IMPORTERS of Marble Clocks, Electroplate, and Jewellery of all kinds., ° Ucit L and Notary PnbUosuitable for presentation. > ■ '•'■'■ 109. Qaeen-stroet. ■ i fra C HTTESTING A SPEOIALTY - Gl^^S irately fitted for all defects in Re- TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, '] ■'■: OUR OPTICAL-ROOM is the host u:r-TO-OATi in New Zealand, being fitted with A Lowest Current Rates, tho very lateot Ophthalmometer, Retinoscope, etc.. for scientific . Sight-teeting. Apply to ■-:.Consultation free. Satisfaction guaranteed. Clwirgee moderate. A triaasolioited. HESKETH AND RICHMOND. ' — __ .___ __ _ Solicitors. National Bank Buildings, Fop failing sight, strained _^=^-^^^^^i^_ I \ 1 f > ■ VISION,: PAINFUL. EYES, M ONEY ' LENT on promissory note, < "> !> %b INFLAMED EYELIDS, HEAD- iU houses, furniture, etc • ...;■: 'V «-—<i_ivii__3 ._ _ __j___j_>, __._____. - . ' " S ACHES, INSOMNIA, CROSSED bills Jsscounted daily •|ftfi fftlff! ' ; 'EYES,. Etc., V, , .Mortgages Negotiated. : :.' s| , ' CONSULT ' . .. JOHN W. HARDLE, ' L* '^^%2^-^__S#fl_;' , H„ra mm a _*_ aa a b— _«% LAND - COMMISSION. .AND: ESTATE AGENT. H. MAitGULES high-street. PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, M ° mortgage l3 NDI : CERTIFICATED MEMBER OF THE SPENCER OPTICAL INSTITUTE, " security, ■ Who will Examine and Test your Sight, baaed on Latest i Reliable" Scientific Methods and At L01(:ST ■ OURRENT RATES, make accordingly for cither temporary or constant use, which will abso'lutelv And m ' Correct those . DBfects, and Prevent various other Developments hijnrioua to health eener. SUMS 0 SUIT BORROWER, ' ally. No Spectacles are recommended unless found to be necessary. snv . Y" au "" tvaufiS B __r?2S_*_f_ t a i |e%fllcited a |S &&.*** T , SAMUEL VAILE SONB, _ H. MARGDLES. SHORTLAKD-STREET (Oi,p 0 Post Offlc*), AtJCKLANP. Land ' E * tat6 ' &r?St * ' ' 1 ':.:: ■■■•■.••-::". ■'■,: '■.•.-:.-'. ".■'.. - -■•.■.■■ .■■■:<■■ '■■■;■.■ ~'.-;':.■: ■■'■■■•.■■s '.":'■.•' :■'■:■'.-".-■.'■■. . ■■:■ ■",:■. •■'-,•■'■ ' ■/■■■.. ■ ;'■■■ V"."-.'. ; ■ ■'".'■.'■".': '"", .■; ■■■'■■■■■':--:.:'■ ■ . ■/■.': :'■■■.;■ r: :■/:■;<■■■•:■■.■ / ■■^■■\- : '-"" : '^'^" i '^\ : v ; ''^^ ! ■.■'■■■ .. ; •"■ ■■■■'■■:■:'.■■,■" -<:.,;■:■. y'-.-\ ■■-■■■ ■ ■.■".■ -.'.:,.-:.;;- ■■;.■■,■■.■,:■■ ■, : ■:-■>\ V.^v-/-;:V',:.-../: : ,,;;f .■::^-^;^;.:j^:^^

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 6 (Supplement)