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■•■•.-: ■■■'.:■.■■■'.:'■'■. ••.■-■■. : ■- ■■■: ■■-**:.:•■;■;,-iv>:-.:v :.■■,■■. •..' ! -. :'■' \ »;•':;■: " ■: - ■•' '■■ i .>•- .■:.•.■.-.--...■■■:..;. •■ ■•>-;^>:-';^ : ;: ;■,-.'■' '.'■■■■.';;..'•.:'::'■; : '.'■;"".. W„;i':-:'-:v..-,,;; : ;'■:.; :■"■:.::■ .'--.. -■:■; "v ::-::,. .•■/■.'-■. ■.-•.*..- ; " 5 -' v,•%;:.:■■-;■;■ .'.-."■■.'; '■'■:-■.'' =■ -i ■."'■ ■■'•■";■'.■; ,-•.'■•. v-: ,'•■■ -H.v.;". :■'■'<■-::■<■'. '■;.- ~: ■:■■- •'■;■■■■ , ■'■•Vi ■■.•■•■■.'•■■ .■-.-.■,.-.»;<■.. ..•.■,:,-■•;'';■'■''<*;;■■■ .>■■>.■.'.■.■'-;-. v : ,■'-~ v'.|,'"-.;--.-;:■ ,-'-■--;.,/;::,:',■',' ;,:'v-.-':■■: -,>;..- :,:'■:■•:::.■■"'■.:,■■>.■.■; ■ ■>;■■•;'.;»>.■£• First Award at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1889 & 1890 j :■ 4wnfi3*B* l. D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors. • a-riveH^ pto—- i, „,'....__ _ .__^__^______^_.___«____« m __™_______ „i„ 'sssszsssßSSs&aasm •'■ n l , ■i 1 sggg ■ g ■ «■—■j . . * TTnn«o anii ; -r«« 1 i ,:: ' I "'— «T~ ~ ~7T "■ T ~~ ~ "—, ■ _. , ~~ " "" ~————-— , .... . I 1 Business Cards, Board and Residence. Board and Residence. «. upases and Land. \ Houses and Land. ! Houses and Land. Educational. Educational. Jiam "' M> £_- _ __ _____ if .-.-■ "____,,- ___;„__,''■' •^ /:v -' ■ , ''--''- ■-■-.-■ "' ; "~~ ~" ' ' ~* """" .■-...■' ■ " ~~ : ■ : ~ "-""*" ■ " :■■■,. : ~-—— - . ■T> , *prrRIGIIT AND • QONS. 75 0 T 0 K■• U A. |\ETONSHIEE HOUBB ' , ■«!. THQRNEB, SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, T. ° __ . B * !__fMi@_ T ra I/"™ C 0 ™" _*_«,,_*; _",„___.«d ,__.,,L» n - u j^r.- mi i»m ."■ ■ "-__- ~ . " '.-• _„ .... HOOKS T,ANT> '*. I?«ATF AfJimTK PT-cimPWPPq "V___*<HS_«siM_yr . . . SCHOOE DP MUSIC, DELIVERY AGENCY. , ROTORUA. - Proprietress. MRS. WEBBER. ,y HOW !*», _*>____ __»_ "»j™-* ■_*•__£•■ .ST -JSSS. - , «_. »<»» nn™ -CHOCK „™™ ™ HOUSE. ? «__»_-_ «-. H-J-. «. Omta** "a"JjS,«» PA „_,__, stot , a ,.—„, w '*'' ■' :, j ■-;- LAND AUCTIONEER. LAND AND HOUSE AUCTIONEERS, ■ with FORTY-FIVE Acres nearly all in grass, ix XX O (For Boarders and Day Pupils of All Ages). Wharf Office. Telephone 142. \ zoning tannics. . Government Bathe. ■: : {'-sv" ,-••. ':';■ WVFRTORq o-j? n*PFi'»T, 1 22s 6cl per week.- - *'■ 1902. ,- ■ ...-.-. : _ : : ' The Grande3<- Sight, in the District. :•_■'■■-. / ■•'.--•"-'•■"■ '•■ ■ _ :/.'. . . -M V QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. *,™SS ,C. <> n£r t=?7™ ' VIKW BOAD-6 moms and/scullery on one FO_ BOYS AND GIRLS Resumes FEBRUARY 12 (Term I.). General Depot and Coal .fend Firewood Yard, > '-— > .- '■■ _ Sf : ; Electric Light throughout. ' - •I ■ ■■.■:.. ,--.'-■:■.- /-•■■ ■■■:;: -,/.W T'' ; TRUSTERS ui\l>!vß ?V ILLS. ETO. floor. larges allotment. Beat. Ms. (Founded 1859). Principal: ' Great -North Road. Attached to the House is the famous Hot ' ___ . . , -'■.■:.:■■.-. —'.■'' ATTORNEYS FOR BESIDBNTfI OB ANGLESEA-STREET-8 rooms, well fitted. K ™ MEg S. A MO ORE-JONES, M.M., M.R.C.P., —— ■ Chalybeate Mineral Spring, Terms Moderate ' ,1 '-;•.■* '-..'---'" ABSENTEES. nwrKw '-; rnnnw ' lis 6d' ' „,,„„„„„_ ' ; ' 0.M., S.K., London. Telephone No. 955. ■ And Premier Bath.- free to Visitors. V. h.i.'n,.'. i,,,,,,,.,,, , ■ .'• ' . ' ■p: EXCELLENT FARM PROPERTY. CWLBCTOBB OF RENTS AND INTEREST. THREE JtWUTES I? WALK FROM THE POST HEADMASTER: , Vice-Principal: T7ILECTRIO TIGHTING. ~ •«„,„„„.." —' . ■ "_M , •■■■■; — . \ ...V OFFrcE-E'ine Residence of 10 rooms, with J. W. TIBBS. M.A., Koblo College, Oxford, ; MISS A. F. MOORE-JONES, A.M., N.Z. Ij] I '"' li THE CUISINE A SPECIALTY. BUSID6SS Notlges. lam instructed by Captain Jackson, Razor- ; .'■'• '■«-', ATl ct'm every modern convenience. Grand view. sometime Tasmanian Scholar. I The Staff consists of Five English and Foreign Estimates Given. . ' : ——-———- > •'■i-'-S^Hvt°„?^-*} s; -' UA ? PROPERTY and . 95» Q Uhi/1 ' ( * SiIIEET < Rent, £2 103 per week. Governesses and 12 Efficient Visiting _„.„-.-,, ■ ■ ■mwrarq Terms: 5s per day; 30s per week, or longer, t EVIEN, ■QHALLCRASS, AND Hi) ' RESIDENCE, 11 rooms, situated on the Great - * JUi ** MOUNT EDEN-FURNISHED HOUSE of 7 ASSISTANT MASTERS: Professors. |?LECTRIOAL CUTOLNGS. __ Jj » O " JW -'* u (J u '< -w Station i flllieS m the Pokeno Rail- ____ ' rooms, all conveniences ; large garden. w. j MORRELL, M.A., sometime Scholar of I French, German; and Italian taught con- *-* „ - '■-/■ i .-,""'.' ; . NOTE.-On arrival at Rotoma, ask for Sed- , ATrrvrrnKmhta T Vhis Farm consists of 68 acres, with all ' TfiX,BPHON E NO. 1«. 35s per week. HOUSE of 7 rooms and ? all , i -° 1 , College, Oxford, 'Classical and ' yersationally and grammatically. n Repairs of all Kmds. don's " Lake View." AUCTIONEERS. | re !'.,y l^ l alp „~ iiMrHOrra NO. 1«. PONSONBY-CHOICE HOUSE of 7 rooms ■"* j. English Master. B.SC London. Science Students received for Special Subjects, & „. OROSHER AND SONS. , I _____ W _ TT O,US E. _ FEII1T » PRODTTrP A m GENERAL 1 ' «?,ri i^i e - o well fenced .•——-: —— — — pantry, bathroom, etc. £1 per week. J H HOWELL BA BSc London Science Music, Singing, Languages, Pamting,. etc. . . "WM. ■ OROSHER AND SONS, A R A W A , -TT O X7 ! S E, ! PRODUCE, AND GENERAL i ■ Nacres standing i ? R P in- CHBAP AND COMMODIOUS MOUNT EDEN-Very Choice Dwelling of 13 J " aster * ' ' Pupils prepared lor Matriculation, Civil HIGH-STREET AUCKLAND. A JO. U -•-".. °-:-f" . MERCHANTS. . ' , ! SferrV Town \?°? se ' handy to , Quee - rooms and grounds of 3 acres. .-£3l3s per J. F. SLOMAN, B.A. (Sydney), late Head Service, or Royal College. of Music Momma- .■■ , HIBB^ 1 ' adokuahd. ROTORUA. ' -„--~^ w,,,™^, ing to Caitain JackH I P fvi^S Jurf?:!; street; 8 rooms, bathroom, large shed, gas week. FURNISHED. ' Master Girls' High School. - toons. . . . - f . ..;..,.„. SITUATION UNRIVALLED WILLIS-STREET. ; WELLINGTON. the priced tod it ti.^ t * s ,',oX eMt i blinds ' . „ etc - Allotment. ' VCtS ' UXV __ J. a. TBEVITHICK, Drawing and Writing • Individual attention given ■to ..backward --».. . PTT P T?» T1? ■". EYORDLENT TESTIMONIALS - _____ 1 £WoMtai the eatat^>• Doable ifdSilSd" ?by n l . Price, £350.-Samuel Vaile and CTTTvrm?TT«S Master. Instructor in the Workshop. .pupils. K. : ; Ay UiljKlli! • - £300 cash and £600 mort-a|e ft's ner feoD s. 95, 6567 SUNDRIES J. H TURNER. M.A, sometime Senior TAILOR. ma D GRIFFITHS 10 -.r lGHi \ CONSIGNMENTS OF NEW POTATOES AND " cent uer -lnnum mon,ga_e at a per ~ „__ „„,-„„,.,„ ; SHOP IN VICTORIA-STREET, with Good Scholar University of New Zealand. The College provides a cheerful homo, with AJUI,UI "' „„ , •_- MRS. D. GRlitiilita, . , _,_,„-._--. .: cent, per annum a V '■'■■;« «■'/; ' l . 3732 •£.H2O~ 1 S AT LITTLE HOMESTEAD of Rent, ftw, at £1 per week. 11. J. D. MAHON, 8.A., English Master. ; refined surroundings, select companionship, 233, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND .. Proprietress.-.. ■,•....-.,.- ALL PRODUCE J- IHORNES,. Agent, 91, Queen-street. 24 acres, all flat land of superior WAIROA SOUTH-?., rooms, with 30 acres in J. P. DAKIN, B.A. (London), French and and maternal supervision. „ , (From Hill Bros., Old Bond-street. West End, Tit uanff Reasonable. 0 ,,_,._ '■■„. mr „L ,„_ „„._, _,„ „_,_, „„„„ - . '. ; : quality; all well fenced. -.11 acres young w , orchard etc Rent, 16s per week. German Master. Its Grounds, comprising 10 acres, afford l ' London) Letters and Telegrams prompt attention. HANDLED AND SOLD TO THE BEST PARNELL-FREEHOLD BARGAIN. -S™ V ln i??.i « 3 condition; 8 acres MOUNT Acres, stony, volcanio REV. .T.K. DAVIS, M.A. (New Zealand), some- every facility for healthy recreation. FINE Has on hand a GOODS; Q*° *T " OPOTIKI , ADVANTAGE. rr»Onn~OFF CLEVELAND ROAD annn ESS < « 0 ™-i ,UI ? Honse ., of " ro °™. S; wa » h ' land; good grazing. £20 per annum. time Senior Scholar University of New , PINE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER GOODS, QP ° NOTICE J ' PUBLIC. - £200 G °c?t? te C 'ls tSSftST S Sr^V& wMgfiw-Jgn. 5 172 acres; 100 acres grass. f ealand Accommodation for horses of pupils riding NOTICB pußtKJ# S!le4t te allOtmentfenoed ' 39f^ 7 £320.-Samuel Vaile anil Sons,, 95, Queen- N f w __.__JT ""FINE DOUBLE-FRONTED E ' University „ NewffiT™*, j" seduced - Fares bf-Rail and 'Bus, Inspection Invited. J SHIPMENTS OF FRUIT SOLICITED. 11l feet. Cheap ■ 3729 A ? street. _.-. _.„ . 6685 gHOI' with 8 dwelling rooms, storeroom, P DRUMMOND, 8.A., sometime Scholar, Uni- Prospectus on Application. ' ' _ ~ * ; MAIN-STREET HOUSE. J. THORNES. 91, Queen-street, rtQwr-COMFORTABLE HOUSE of 5 1 stables, etc.; best position; rent,, £75 per versity cf New Zealand. .: Telephone No. 808. T)RITOHARD AND TIOBBS x ——— o=*™, : ' ■ *^« D .rooms and bathroom; fitted with *&££*£* ; ■' _- Queen - to iB T ,«,7^T EES s EB! [ Ii °°""" at Home. — L *«**, (Late White) i; sh OES S«S"S«1 The Situation of our Premises in the SO K. 6 r„« ment,,33. by 83ft. Near tram; 15 to 20 "SgESS fencin loader MISS E. G WALLACE. F~" ——J FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN. AND dock for hor.S. * Sp^ofeo Qoo<i pad Connection of Buyers, enables us to rctaSj '^450-^lah H Tfh 6 g a o|f ffi\WA, M.A.. , , J Imported clock for top for all consignments ship. : - 65C9_ _____„___ _ Jgotar Y^^ --v *** " V-V.^V.l,-, r GIVE US A TRIAL. CAMBRIDGE - . \. grates, .concrete paths.' iron roof; Well-fitted POAA-FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM of _ _ _ . _ n TrxrAYTE UnWersitr of New ZeklnT 0,-n* „ rt w rr. cw m, C ; _1_ /" . Reference: £?2L 6 and a^r e cW n d early E""' ;;--^>^ E ' msKT^icE^ Zcaland - . - - „ A VI°OTOr1?-S°tIe!t H ° P ' FOUND AT LAST. THE VERY BEST PLACE HE NATIONAL BANK OF N.Z. . - -: Termr'if desired. ; " , -... ■■ oufb#ild£. " d NS_^U.-&"or H ™dal_2 HOUSE, ESTAI% INSURANCE. AND PRACTICE RESULTS FOR : 1901. - -- ■' - ■- -■ ______~ ■TO SPEND AN ENTOYABLE HOLIDAY. . , _ .- C. • J. THORNES, 91. Queen-street.'" ing; well watered. Well situated, within 1 !' GENERAL AGENT :: , VISIJ.ING MASTERS: JT „™ .«„ mARRING AND, ■ CJANDING. ' „ft MRS. S, Tn -tap™™ AND An '•;". :. ~-~ ... .:. mile of railway station, post office, school, _NT AND INTERi ST COLLECTED, ETC., K. WATKINS. Freehand Drawing. . . 55 POSITIONS WERE OBTAINED FOR •J^A-Utift--. ~ • ___ x WAINONI. CAMBRIDGE. Tjl T? JACKSON AND QO. # MOUNT ALBERT etc.;' Auckland, 15 miles.— Vaile and AUCKLAND CHAMBERS. W. M. OARROLLO, Gymnastics. PUPILS, AT SALARIES Visitors will receive the best ef attention, ■*■ • •*--•, " v/ ' ; " . * Sons, 95, Queen-street. 6692 ■tiT/irr cmpirom /nwrinaitn T? M- Oorirtt From £35 to £150 a year. The season is now on. .We are prepared to comfortable beds, and excellent cuisine. ; _ - _ _^ Q _ Aim nm(wi~« BUILDInTsEOTION • nmn v TO Y rixmrv CTqTBFNTTAT t,_t,sK fiS SO hv 165 Gentle- Tll ° Headmaster is prepared to advise RECORD omUTIWATES - Highest Speed , lo anytM - you want at Lowest prices. For Splendid balcony, where one can enjoy the WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS, in* 4f\n tVpi> writ pndTD t-wvpt' dK-19,9 i~XSH t CI IP ICE : ■ RESIDENTIAL PARK AVENUE—Freehold, 50 by 155. xienwe- Parentß m the matter of Boarders attending l • Certificate ever granted to any lady 111 New R , , y "* , . . ... * .T1 fresh air and scenery without fatigue. •-P1 IAS PER JdOOi.—bPLEriDlu DIiVEJj _vdt_jV/ SITE of 23 acres best volcanic man's Residence, 9 rooms, every conveni- th o.i,i " Zealand, lipid by Alias Ponsford. bale—lar, Dy tne oaiiei, <tja gal., uest nnArqTpi TV „„ NOT TAKEN TT^mm „„„„__ . TT „ T^r ~^ , 3&1 1U BUILDING SECTION, fenced; land, clear of stone, and commanding an ex- Sic"; genteel neighbourhood. _ 4002 the School. . .. | CEIiTIFLCATKS-60 Speed Certificates were Shingle Sand, 4d bushel. !i^ fe _^^ l TAKE.N. ELLIOTT-STREET. AUCKLAND, shelter trees; rich volcanic soil. ~ About two oeptionally fine view, Epsom distriot. Price, CLARENCE-STREET, PONSONBY-House, 5 Application for admission should ho made obtained by my Pupils during 1901. .. .__ rnE AROHA HOUSE. TE ; AROHA. minutes from tho'bus line. . 7 372° £420.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen- roams; wash-house; gas and water, to the Head Master, or to Mr. Oliver Mays, OERTIFIOATES—Th» following Speed Certi- AM TirTmrr| , ANT) nn i PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE. ' wavt? to ttant» . ■ ' J. THORNES, 91, Queen-street. > street. 6507 ; FARM, MANGERE-125 Acres (1; acre orchard), Palmerston Buildings. flcatos were received for my Pupils from Sir Sl AM - l/V - - A!SU (J u - This House has just been built, with lofty HAVE IO HAND, £■ „__ -.-,_,„„_.«_,-. ___,„ TTn-rro-i? <? grass and crops, partly 3 bounded by salt- FIRST TERM, 1902, begins on February 10. Isaac Pitman and Sons, London, on Decern- *r * ' rn ;_; ■:■,...,,... rooms and ■ comfortahly-fumiahed DrawingCITY PROPERTY. £0^7 K-DEVONPORT-CHEAP HOUSE, 8 vater cre ok; good fishing, House, 7 rooms; W WVTLAPP KIPD her 24 last:- CUSTOM-STREET. ; - room. Smoking, an- Ladies' Parlour.^Visi- FT TOWHAUTttrt VICTORIA-STREET WEST (near Hobson ~,V *«-» : rooms, bath, gas nd -7 water. wash-house, barn, stable. buggyhoUse, cow- • vv.vv.___-au,_, _. 370 words per minute, Miss Dora Ponsford. '' ' ■ ■ --■ - - tors will find first-class accommodation, and JiA _.». l-UftUAUUSU. --'.-'"■:-. V, .-■■)■ Valuable Allotment, having , Allotment, 47 by 220 ft. Pleasant situation, E - n ed, etc. Never bailing supply of spring (secretary. 130 words per minute, Miss Alice Gillett. receive every attention. ' '. f-;:-,-6in to Victoria-street, by'looft. Also, entrance close to Victoria Wharf. Price, £«5.- water > Only •11 miles from town; near 130 words per minute, Mr. Harold Bleakly. HIANFIELD. "D OTTER. AND f(0, Near to Hot Springs and Railway Station. r, m vr A pa-j-«kt?vwat>t? riT a<3cwa»tl ; < from Victoria Lane; level; with all buildings Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. creamery, churches, etc. Low price; easy BOYS' SCHOOL, 28, ORANMER 130 words per minute, Mr. Arnold E. 11. X . JT \J Terms Moderate. UtUJNA, _,AHTH_,«WA_b. UJjAbbWAJte . thereon erected, comprising shop and dwell- - ;__ „ .___ sz=__ terms. . . . _ . V_/ Harrison. . ..-_-:.--: ; Now opening ' • : -G. LOVEGROVE. SEN.. "Proprietor. ': ' .Trpiron— <s - ing. 6 rooms; Cottage. 5 rooms and scullery; £iis iv pnnT_ETT,E7?qTiTE close to £550—3 ACRES; new House, iron roof; dairy, SQUARE, OHRISTCHUROH. 120 words per minute. Miss Entrican. A MAONIPIOENT SELECTION OF NEW ——~ 5B ~ ~ .-••-• a""w~"n~s7« _r_asv*ix_.o, ; bandsman Cottage. 2 rooms; gas and city £1-15 tb? Station -Several verv good Stable., cartshed, etc.; fine land; near 120 words por miimte, Mr. Joseph Stanton. A .j.w.-iiua u_ . ««m''H E LAW N S," water. Price. £1000 for the lot. y ic each about 50 by 132 ft. : near stSt- Principal: MR. WILLIAM WILSON 80 w ords »** minute, Miss Dorothy B. Col- Comprising every Description TOILET * LOWER SYMONDS-STREET AND j- STATIONERY TWINE. CUTLERY, i J. THORNES. 91, Queen-Street. |«se. 6 r00m.2: outhouses; large concrete „ rf He,.dmaster and Lecturer on 80 words per minute, Miss Adeline M. John- ORNAMENTS. AND TOILEP fewVnSS 30l Post Office. ELECTRO-PLATE nAKTWiNOOffB ROAD ' aw/, '„ , FOR ITIJ MOUNT 'EDEN-Corner Allotment. School Management at tho NormiU School). per minute, Miss Agnes O'Meara. Wholesale Entrance, Lome-street, or through Symonds-street entrance'next Dr Lindsay's. MdflJUiO PJ^xJS. 6 jfiAOO"^ 1 " 1 ™-^ 8 40ft an I 140ft7 volcanio j modem House, 6 80 words pw mmute Mss rX Queen-street. Every Comfort. Handy Situation. KITS, PIPES. VASES, ENAMELLED IRON ■ dt4ooran-e and two Srnall Cottages of. %*. i>™-lamuei' rooms etc., and outhouse. £425. Healthy Owing to tho increase in the numbers, an 80 words per minute, Miss Jennie Fraser. ren(l ._ . .Excellent View. . 2and^Vooms«iohfstable md S&e W n «?w KB site Low price. .-; . ,_.■__ i O ,? 5 . Additional Certificated Teacher has been en- 80 words per minute. Miss Frances Cooke. EspeciaHy suited, gentlemen engaged in WARE, LrntrscXn,4Ht\o Carlton oSro Road. A Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 6543__ «| gAIiE _ SEAFHiLD VIEW ROAD-Allot- ga&ed v and ffiore little boys can now -_ ad . .80 worda per miimtc> Mr. Edward J. Pat- „_ a _ 33^__SBO __ B _ u ..„ u ...... J m MM -«— hnsmoss In cxty. ..,„.. „, rtv _,„ ««« n, mroTvfl<J . ." good sacculation; ■ -- A 169 rtnAn riisfnv parti nf on a rr M all ment, 99ft frontage. House, 7 rooms, box- mit ted. terson. - i___-_-—-«_»__-€ ..«■-■ Perms moderate. BASKETS. TOY TEA SETS, TUMBLE^, • J- THORNES. 91, Queen-street. £30(^™^-_Sd?__ O 7 padaocks; .S There are aMr Vacancies for Boarders, for ■G. M*A° "" *' - MRS. A. FIEDLER. Proprietress. , :;f' :■ „_.„ _"—" v v acres grass and aCre ? mixed bush; perma- Adjoins residence of Mr. Wa>tc. which early application should be made. : Quce S.?treet (opposit^ ,Hn RAM Office). ' UNDERTAKER AND S BMP. ALMER. Ti/r oKO'A ■' VEW PRIVATE ■ = ' „■_> rnnnWmflrL, S' rn™,. S t . C n rMk 'uJ CUS6 Q L 5 c : - -.■.■--■-.' - .-:-■•■ ■ ~~~~" Pupils are prepared for Matriculation and MR.' OOLWILLIwiU Enrol Intending Pupils UPPER SYMONDS-STREET. M " BOABDINGHOUSE - 5fi265~ H n?S intir S?'W 118 "OUKUHIA TESTATE, T7S7AI-ATO. for Junior Scholarships at tho University of . on. MONDAY, tho 3rd of February. ~'— -, Opposite .Post andl &nh Office '' QTEUABT AN D ' ]?"•>'>' !SSJn> MA *!« flit fenced 3718 r ? Und " '-^J^ M f^\^ P 4nok X"V &'■'■' ™> New Zealand. The Sisth Scholarship in 1899 PROSPECTUS to be had at School, and choice Assortment of Wreaths and " PJ and' Near the CelebrS " » ■ : J5: *' . « to^g X -—••,. ' and tho Eleventh in 1900 were taken from this from Glass Shades. - PIOEOT. _UCTA_TIIS BA__ffl. ;; FORT-STREET AUCKLAND. AND AT , ' ' e7s"o¥. - 95. Queen-street. . 66% - o^h |f 6t^e Lo^ Prospectus on application. __ ___ _____ 'J- __ _______ , Telephone TO. __ Terms:^^gg 68 per day. , T7LECTRIOAL U "pNGINEERS AND '' OPLENDID NEW HOUSE. 10 large rooms. .OOAA-CHEAP LITTLE FARM of 12* u ld^ e _ E&UtG ' compiism_ , . , WOODO ARVING-Relie! or Ohio Lessons __ B ___ aß _________ a __ s - JDi .J? 1 b with every modem convenience; splendW pEINOE ALBERT pOLLEGE, W°°l?s C 6c? S^qtmrler; to °6d V>r" horn- HB S YOUNG. j • CONTRACTORS. views; elevated and healthy position. 3 acres fallow; 1 acre goott oicnaru, .111 * v r^ J " «J/-or.t mn X Xi. V-/ I Artinlna rlnwrand -Miw R Avlin? ram of : • Proprietress. .' . V; . oSnmds are laid out in nice garden, etc.; ploughable land, watered by a large pereu- flttfrflass,pasture^ X « (^ °g^*?^£Sr Arcade & 9 "OARiaNSON'S DINING ROOMS. u QUCOESSORS. TO -^LECTEIOAIi Electric Tramline. ' 3700 (3 years old); 14 mlles from station, telegraph 3 miles frmn Ohaupo; l a, AU f^i - =^ CT -.~--~ !r A^ feg==g _ _t C o__NLav VICTORIA A>D ALBBET ,W AIWS^ ofiUA SOUSE, .' & piEPARTMENT. ~ . -, ~ ,-J. THORNES, 91. Queen-street. office, an only !1 ;f --g ffi or dairy farm: will carry a large amount Booksellers ang Stationers- CIIRISTMA3 MINCE PIES, is now carried oif formerly _'_£„, J' on . T T^\. h?g material), £200. One-third cash, balance W mnN L-540 Acres• 100 acres good land, Delightful and healthy situation. , Hopie Made, and of Best Quality. of Waiwera, near and latterly of TOHN OHAMBERS AND GOV. T TO. J -. (Near St. George's Eay). 95, Queen-street. 6560 flav land qualitv; 240 acres UIUJIN .cllNiJ KjKJ • One Shilling. . h w S„ a l ? OUEe -' Best situation CONrRACIS FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OP,, 'CO KA-COMFORTABLE FAMILY HOUSE. noor PARTLY IMPROVED FARM close BwampTe miles from Frank- T.FPA-RTWPMT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS IN : * Afternoon Tea. Sixpence. __„ PriSff %_%_^ XB, i e '-n? Un^ te !l. i ''S? 1 - °* ELECTRICAL WORK j UNDERTAKEN.- ... ton; 26s per acre. SEPARATE BUILDINGS. A FULL STOCK NOW OPENED. Service and Appointments uneaualled for moderate, Addrels,'«Mß&P I T TemS DYNAMO" LAifPS CAM BSERIES.! JfesSSrTS'S,'S:: subdivided; 13 acres in grass and crop; 40 ! SECTION H HEADMASTER (Resident) : l -— - Comfort and Cleanliness. .aa,,.: a,™™- ETC.. STOCKED. aee in flower garden, lawu, etc. This is With- acres rougn feed; 1 acre orchard: 6 acres good farm; 5 miles from irant.ton.smau l/nranw nr a Tlni*a*-alt*i ' Address: Rotorua. ' —- ■ '■ ■ ' ' . In the penny circuit of the Electric Tramlmo, goo swamp; permanent water. One house house and stable; 100, acres m grw THOMAS JACKSON, M.A. (Londoni University). X ETTS' ILLUMES. ■< Qfl9 ___ Tr .. X T AZA R D ~ ; —- ' " — FancV Goods and would suit for a payable private board- of -4 rooms and one of ?. rooms; stable and balance improved swamp and unimproved Assisted by a Large Staff of .LETTS' 1> lAMBS, li)\J£, - , W. ... H. TT AZA RD, T>OTORUA _ T ___ft „ L 'L"' HOUSE ' ; M .-r;-fcancy ■ .' ?ng establishment. Terms: £500 cash, balance i o{t . 2J miles from station and township. ploughable land and swamp. Very cheap (Eight) Resident Masters and Mistresses. • ______ '** « •"-• JLJ - K pi^A^4n4n« a^ *SiU k »iStb r " ' at 5 percent. ■ .33 and only 12 miles from town. Price, £325: at 26s acre. ■.•"■!.■ ;-■/;.■ .. ; . With Four Visiting Masters. GUNMAKER, 176, QUEEN-STREET. PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIDENCE. V MAS "PRESENTS. VALVS "PRESENTS. . J. THORNES, Agent, Queen-Street. £125 cash, -balance 5 years at 5 percent.- GEC TION 0 500 Acres; 540 acres in splendid r- rtnrßß of irstn , c ti on includes preparation ' EW r A HSS Tli4sS§'l QH9I '-——- This New and Commodious Establishment is' ___. X A.. I — _, ' Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street 60 acres now ploughed for rape; J?pf£ T f™ G R ™ Fishing Tackle, Guns, Rifles, Ammunition.' situated within a-half. minute of radway sta-; USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. NEAR PONSONBY ROAD. , , „.,__.__ C6 IL ' beautifully situated, overlooking a pretty / , ——- ' . h?S,. nd ty m% four minutes from §*vernment Unrivalled Opportunities for tl- 0 f »f»OrTK-GOOD-COTTAGE, six rooms (one _-_ TIAWTIV rrn Tfiww "n Acres all * lake; 5 miles from Ohaupo; 2 miles from EXAMINATIONS. ; ■ «,._,., fo _ 116 ., m ~ 0 Tllu«trated Catalogue post ■ 'M B -, J'.l ■■■ oonrenienoe and uomlort. Ofiered -i '"' '""' _b075 -storey) and bath; scullol-y,.water. £2?;S in 4 T_iSstonj' Rukuhia Railway Station; one of the best - r pOLLINS 1 TkIAKIES. ■( QAO , Send for n ?-» a S 6 X ™ atetl oatlUo^le ' v °f First-class. Table., Electric Light throughout. aooio u_oi,a .it laid in; large -workshop, 20ft by 10ft; all fJ-iAO wel ifen.Md,mj4 sufl amsmns ;? pieces of land in the Waikato. Applications for admission of pupils, or for UoLLINR' 1/lARIES, 1 JU__. free. . Terms very moderate. (TIOODSON'S T ONI-ON ARCADES, buildings iron-roofed and IB ,^ eß^^%*°^^ _.{e_-tree.-nnd SECTION P.-450- Acres; 150 Undulating cop i e3 0 f the Prospectus, should be made to -— , — — — W. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. -jj^-r __,_„_,_, - 1 - A"'"-" s-r?s»tl« ®« ai #iH&3HS€ t-r draM,OT ' prtocoJ,,,erl coUBB " A " ot P ooraT d iame " g. a. b»tT ie - irss ho P s E . »» "CTSssrs^ ; : S ■ SraSSCiSL,...-- S T - J" C OUJ3,SIiTB S OT00t " aominpniaßi . w««sriu«« S-Ae/MaSSI'-SSSSS EAZ 'VS«S£Si? D wri OO " ' . . '.;: ' ;■ PUKEKOHE EAST. street . / . .7 _ _ 6652 similar to above; 660 acres swamp; .car- ~s ; .. V 7- *-> No 5N Z INSURANOE BUILDINGS, attractions unsurpassed. ■ Botanic gardens,' ; _;■ ijIBMtALL^ DEALT WITH. • ■ ADVANTAGEOUS FARM. ; ; >» !-. ri-.-n- ahi . " Twin- M ries rough feed and can be easily drained. -..;_.-£ „ „ -._,. „ ' ■ k " , " < u - «• • lnm _ ~m . romantic walks, yachting, fishmK. shooting. (Note-No Packing Charges, and, Freights . - m A A Sq VOLCANIC SOIL.--NICE £?n- GR F AT n B t A „ 50 £??*• PHcp Six miles foom Ohatipo. Price. £1 1.7s 6d.. «• npHS pAH." NEAR ONEHUNGA, TT T3 HT AAT AND n<TV AUCKLAND. and bathing. Terms, 7s 6d per day, £2'2s prepaid or discount if preferred). V ! 171: HOMESTEAD, five rooms; Pantry. SSL^^S2S & ■ ~n -10(W Acres; "0 acres good pas- 1 JT. " . ,U iTj 1U i\ V> U.S _ per week. : Regular communication by Those unable to Select their own Goods can 7'?nleTvatory storeroom, workshops. £20.-Samuel \aile and Sons, -o. Queen street. ture; 900 acres, rough run; 6 miles from -.._-_—■ . • . ■ nT __ R „ : Telephone No. 631. , . Coastal S.S. Co.'s Steamers only. 'N.8.-Cot- with safety leave the : Selection ; with us. •• nn, stabling for 5 horses; _____ : ___f2__, Hamilton. Price, £1. VISITOR- THE MOST REV THE PRTMATE • . UijL^"biKJjlj .____ i s ——— . tages to let.-Further information of CoasUil (Satisfaction Guaranteed.), , SsiaiS rf S U S, £350iTJe«T£ S^»SKS£ I 'S.S - — N o t__i « ■ Goonrar. L o™» A «mm . ir s sir 01 ' -"»-■»-»■«"-• : Fn?T assrs „ r « ? . Sea£n „ T , WiLDSffIAH, lyell, a arey ™ WAED nTOOT . ______;____ qp-_^__»Ai--A___Ai«_i>, , £5 lbs pi" acre; or, with homestead and 80 wash-house, etc.; 12 miles from town by'bus, SECTION M.-300 Acres Unimproved Kahika- §£•' wiwi aononie. .new-, /.eafanci ,uni , jj T3RENT'S BATHGATE ' iaOUBE,, ,-.?--- -__=_rr-r--r_-_=__= ~ ■__■■ to 90 acres; orchard, and buildings, at £6 per a „d close to post office,'stores, .etc. Price. tea Bush, fern land, and swamp; SECOND ASSISTANT MASTER: Vacancy. ' .. CHRISTMAS, 1901. I PAINTER PAFERHANGER. GENERAL ; -*;*. ._. • %i gOTORUA. ~ r, ' ' ' Eestaurantq ; acre. Crops in ground at valuation erms: £ 35 0.-Samnel Vaile and Sons, 9a, Queen- splendid country when brought in; 7 JUNIOR MASTER: il. H. BEDFORD, Under- . — { DECORATOR 7 GLAZIER, ETC. This Favourite Establishment has been cmv -tCSTOU-antS. _. : £400 te remain on mortgage for 10 years at atreet. --. ./ . ■■-., ■■■<■> "501 miles from Ohaupo. £2: . . . graduate New Zealand University. . / NEW ANNUALS NOW TO HAND Next Door to Dr. Neil's, Herbalist. : . £'SotiX" Sftf Sta m «, Tm „ T r- ~ •/ ♦ percent. t „wJ«T J?>7 --DEVONPORT-FINE LEVEL AL- THE HOMESTEAD. 3440 acres; one of the VISITING MASTERS: . ;.- - ANNUALS NOW TO HAAD - Ne _ fc Wellesley-street. Herbalist. (^"* if has Si been T HE C ENTEAL T.UNCHEON J. THORNES, Queen-street, Auckland. £7 ODE LOTAD3NT 50ft by 150£t; fenced; {£/*f>»Mj Chums-(Boys-Annual) ... ... ... S B ' 0- 0 n Sale at . Lowest Prices: Paperhangings, l U ' .. MAIN ROAdTmOUNT EDEN. «%3»A |»n ; F ffiKWU == IV M Glass, Mixed : —« be « UPPER " X>OOMS. ' ::.■■■^Q^_.v etc. on section 961t front rt 9Kn _nouSE AKD AN ACHE OF VOL- shed, stables, men's cottage, stockyards. For Painting and Drawing: HERR W. DITT- chatterbox Cloth 6s Picture Boards "' 3 0 accident. , rropnero . S QUEEN-STREET . ~;.::•'_■ _bOOU- rooms, etc.. on .-section V - N Qp _ 0L- gh ed. stables, men's cottage, steckyards. For Painting and Drawing: HERR W. DITT- cimtterbox Cloth 6s Picture Boards *** 3 0 accident. , &._. H---M-. rropnewr. .QUEEN-STREET *_ebyl64ft.TOteanwsoiL. ;^9m _bd5U CANIC LAND AT MOUNT EDEN : , good garden and orchard .:. ■. ■;, .«• "W -. mamimt, v n.w B_?lte&TcaS-fris. Ptetm-aCrds' 3 0 __. ._ _ '-' —— :; QPRING ' GROVE. MAHURANGI HEADS.- (Next Metropolitan Hotel). J. THOKML., Agent, vtui.*. , . ; -Now House of . 6 good rooms, with range. LAND TRANSFER TITLE. . Dental Surgeon:. DR. MAITLAND, Graduate Woman at Home ... ... ... ... 5 0 ~ - ' S POPULAR SEASIDE RBSOaT FOR SUM- .■;..._: EASTTAMAKI. &.^S X : EASY TERMS. ' V olSsVlvaS 1 - - - ~? 8 M pRESENT ATION Q.OODS. » X / _ Open from 7 a.m. to 1,30 a.m. g Price, only customers driven round country free of - ~— . BUS .. <: Z'Z Zlt ,! X' ■ V,.;. ;., ridmg. Adaß^iXrs^e 1 tofSm' tennis On Sundays, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. , BARGAIN-SMALL FARM, £300. ,_ and Sons, Land and Estate Agents, 95, Queen- charge. ,:. :. . AUTUMN TERM Begins MONDAY. February Good Words (cloth) ,-... ... 76 I BEST VALUE IN THE CITY. orchard and use of piano and boats, free. „-„„„__„,„ rro ACRES-DAIRY AND POULTRY FARM, »_?_&__ : _ __-- For further particulars and full list of pro- 10.1902. Woman at Home /> I ~ VAUUU 1 , Riding horses on hire. Fresh cream, butter. ; . PROPRIETRESS - - MRS. FIELDER. ,r .73 14 miles from Auckland; uow run- pr PER FOOT-SUPERIOR BUILDING rties, apply , ' to™2%L ~* "'tn, - "~~~" ; eggs, and vegetables. Special arrangements nlng M head of Cattle, and 150 head of Poul- site AT PONSONBY-Level Lot, 54ft w Qnm™ AND CO.. Prospectuses may be had at the Diocesan JuTw '" '" " ■-■'-*" 7 2 ..tii HICKENDEN, for families.-Address Miv Morgan, by letter, SPECIAL INTIMATION TO COUNTRY iSen,. ° r 0U aP^° atl ° a lEW^^i-S^ 1 A -DibStI«RTEB and^sSo VISITORS. and mIW. of good ciual-ty; about 20 acres laid etc.. with concrete floors, stand on the land, Cambridge and Ohanpo. _______ . . M£^&S||- 0 -" 1 « ~,__ BDI ™ boab. F. Powell, Grocer, 265, Queen-street. Full _ _,-■—■■; . -_■_. above :; ; : SSwn in grass, balance good firewood bush prfoo, £5 per foot.~Samuol Vaile and Sons, S »fL |M ' f « "THE BUDGET," KARANGAHAPE ROAD, information at the McGregor Steamship Com- MS FIELDER intimates that the above "vith plenty, rough grass .feed.,,. Two-roomed 9 5,, Queen-street, ■■;■-: - ■■ 6473 , ! — —■» «- O UNT T?DEN ' COLLEGE ■ Ml ?% Cloth 25,. BoMdS ... 16 , ixl . _____ pany. - ■"■■} Restaurant, is ■ now. opeii to the '• :-i -wrfiiTiff Good market garden and orchard. , -....—,-... — ~ • - • -_. ~ _, a iyj -11* 8j ine Prize, Cloth 2s, Boards ...... 1,6 —— : —•■ — —-— ——. ■■ . .... ... : - Public under the sole management and nnr. ■■■' eachSe acre d All well-watered by creek. «; />D PER ACRE-MANGAWAI-80 Acres J 'A' 'T A.» . ES ' iYJL ■______,-'- '- Royal Magazine ~ ....-......... 4 6 Inspection Invito. : T5 UTHE'S ISLAND, WAIHEKE -Mrs. Butto SO nal: suporrision or MONS.T BMOUELY. : ■■'■':■-*$ miles from creamery. ■ ; ,3712 . T t> Open Land, being Allotment 5. O. J±. U .■■■■!■■' ■ . „..._. . '"" " Cffl . _ ni , nTt . TO narmsworth .„ r . ... - -.6 6 mspecuoii mv Xt desires to intimate that the Island is an .experienced chef of recognised reputation ■ kyc JI THORNES, Queen-street, Auckland. Parish of Orfiawharo, 5-mile from To Arai. HOUSE. LAND, ESTATE. AND COM- BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. . . -.-., . ■■ -. ■■•■■■ ____ _____—___ Re-opened to Visitors as ;a, / Select Homo, lor :NO EXPENSE;; has . been spared to make ' -';-- .■.-- : . .:- : .-' Price, 7s 6d pel-acre.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, * MISSION 'AGENT,' - '- ■ "• : VICTORIA ARCADE, SHORTLAND-STREET, i -'-"'i, i -'mU ! 'i,™'_' th - Coming Season. The island is .Situated: this Cafe one of the foremost establishments •• 1 WAIWERA PARISH- Vi 95. Queen-street. . 6610 ; '«; gHORTLAND-STREET; ' AUCKLAND PBINOIPALS-THE MISSES BEWS, ;: ' AUCKLAND. . MEKQEANTS AND, near whiheke, andlis oho of the in Aucldaud. and no trouble will be spared -' rPAiMP, npniTAPD i ———-.. ' "~— : ' «. w ,n««nc,UA AiioTrinrid Olnb) ? Assisted by an Efficient Resident and Visiting ;'__; ;.v — ■_-_: ■■ ,—_—_____- __' : . %Jt - ing spots for a holiday resort near Auckland, m Catering in the .VERY^ BEST STYLE for ■,' , -S K ™ ORC ™~-.> m Ifl -PA i - VEBY *. CHEAP PARTLYJM- (Opposite. Auckland uraw. . . ' ; ; , staff . . -. ,■:.—■,,,-,,-.* - ;.. : ~ , r There are lovely = bays, splendid, flsinng. those who favour it with- their patronage. • «r>o ACHES; Wliangaparoa .Wharf ,tho S^4!:OU PROVED FARM-700 Acres Lease in - - Third firm began TUESDAY Sontember PiiaßfflDTHl fB.BO £> (PffUlßEl? ' — grounds, lawn, and light rowing boats av ,-;,,v;;v. ; ______ --; v,,- OH ,e. i S ■ZO-w - Property; also frontage^-" Wade Perpetuity, at £17 15b per annum. Fenced T^TfRAKrKSEPFCTED . ■ 94th 19 01 S TUESDAY. aopiemoer ; . |||fAn|t'l ALUUr & UUUrCII ' the disposal of visitors. _. . ; <n . n ■■■ River; House, six rooms, barn,^ dairy, etc.; 100 into 4 paddocks ; 300 -acres • grass. All level INSL^ COLDECT'ED a ffiia on atrallcation to Messrs U»ton -'unOKWTTk*! atmt. A rpTr.m-n=! HAVING ■■'■ Terms: Moderate. , _ A Daily Luncheon from 12 to, 2 p.m. of I acres in grass; 4 acres orchard (peaches, an d undulating good land; permanent creeks. BEN ™ ° MONTY TO LEND n«rt rS /S-;? W»n™■ °- MeSH^^Dton BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. iiaviiNi* : Boat meets daily Coromandel steamers. Seo Courses (Poultry included). Is. r: ' plums; oranges, lemons, and apples); 3, acres House, 4.rooms, trapshed, etc. ,With the aid i ■ -MOMirau mm and C 0.,. or at the College. . , ■. ■ . . ~+ _ _. .• T apoe CITORAGB ACCOMMODATION time-table. „ ' ' ~ • oats; balance in rough grass feed; good of turnips the place will now carry from 150 —- ' ; — ~ —™ , CHRISTMAS,- 1901. TARGE QIOKAUH a« _ _ Meals at any hour at 10 minutes' notice fencing: four i.addocks; several springs ot to 200 cattle all the year. Five miles from sta- POULTRY AND FRUIT FARM—2O Acres; 5- •« HE WILLOWS," WYN YARD-STREET. ' •; > ~- ■ •—' WA'L'DBIE.EE. TT OUS E, . . ■water. Price, £650, on easy terms, with £350 tion and post office, and 120 from Auckland. roomed House; 12 miles by main road; 1 '___ \ CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS, m annra l*»-i On Beach at -O. Picnic Hampers at shortest notice cash, or to lease with -purchasing clause, b _ Bam uel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. , near station, school, and store; 14 acr-s _ - >»• , -~ f : :. ■■ . CALENDARS 1902 FOR FREE GOODS,, MAHURANGI HEADS. Grills and" Suppers a^Specialty THORNES. Queen-street, A_c_l._S --—■-- rnn , .■ - - £613 - " Rov. « . PURSHS-A ValSy from Is to 30., lAM PREPARED TO STORE GOODS OF . A "S?SSffl[ " Pie 3' With C ° &ee ' - SENTINEL ROAD ANtTIIwRENCE-STREET; £4 V ?v E K B SW^SaS «S. °ilsteu I ty hfl o S' B em!a oi l& MrS " LETTER OASES AND WALLETS, from 2s 6d ' .. ALL KINDS _ ____ : J ' JACK6ON - Strawberries and Cream. 6d and Is. AMp6AA"™D 7 &TuSth^aiSj;W& B oWto t, « , flB 6t f" S « n^ service and Ma- PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.' .At . '-°SSS Board ß^ 1 a " >«*■<* £(S00~?~ Kr SSI s° n "y Road. Price. £4 per toot.-Samuel MOUNT ! ROSKILL-Comfortahlo House. .6 triculation Examinations. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Tourists and Permanent Boarders. Terms °™^ mt th , at she w * ll . be. »We *? satisfy Agrf Vaile and Sons. 95. Queen-street. 64_33_ ; , f^^s 0 First Term begins TUESDAY, February 11. 6 ORAP ALBUMS. STAMP ALBUMS. . TOW "OATES. Albert, ®ffi E& FrS. B °° a C°°k°rr--T } PEB FOOT-CLOSE TO PONSONBY i gain. Only £340 P ;j r:'A < - :.- ;•,,■-,-; ____ - i__ ' \__ v.: LADIES' HAND AND CHATELAINE BAGS, "" , XV JSSS^S^fITTTT "'V : =================^ S : - lion Jin Icetuition some of tne rooms *D ; ROAD.-Good Allotment, 66 by 125 ft. » MOUNT EDEN-Gentleman's Modern Besi- •)_*- E LMERLY • - from 3» to 30s. - ',;.. , ■- j " pNM)RE." Symonds-street (opposito City -.., ■. ... ; fceinr over 20ft & Kv l"ft and nl? loftv ™7W Price, £3 per foot. . Excellent situation;- dence. 8 rooms, bath, pantry, and every M » - m 1, " « r. SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS at 12 13s 6d — T _J_J . . BoadJ-Vacanciee for Gentlemen and ftHAPFI -CHAFF 1 CHAFF II! - • Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. convenience ; slate roof, concrete paths XWL GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. BWAN 10 -i6 B m. lto 6_. ■' • r APrP nnimwtw. qWfIfAT Pirn Buried Couple ; also. Combined Bed and U - ECCLES AND SONS. ' ; . J. ween street, ■ 6435 stable, lmggyhouso , etc., and J-acre 0 .- PRINCIPAL: MISS __, PELICAN FOUNTAIN PENS. 10s 6d. 15s. 20s. SPECIAL BATES. Srttmgroom vacant.-Mrs. Bach. Telephone, In returiling „ lanl£9 to their - tmeroUß Pa . .' , PONSONBY. RESIDENCE. n A OA-CHEAP GRAZING FARM of 243 ' «.fl ~!.n 0 Z A tonin " Assisted by an Efficient Resident and Visit- DESKS (in Leather and Wood), 2s to 50s ~—■'-" - —-'—■ ' tro for the last 16 years for their steady S'S-o^^atli! Mt4Vo tore? Pupils prepared and A BLOTTING AND n^Q " copper, etc.; iron roof lofty rooms; gasi and good water shanty. Will carry over 200 I acres »» «*«'\ la if r ?, e n ',,X !?_. Junior Civil Service Examination. WRITING CASES, from Is 6d to 30s. OJ»T . QRAI». with board; 'moderate terms; largo double Very .Fine Ohafl, . and thoroughly, dustgas stove, range, and well-fitted kitchen; sheen all the vear round • tailn from «nt docks; there are 8 rooms, also oatn, pan r r „ rm lqn n TUESDAY Februaiw 11. - , _». _» . v-/ rooms- everv convenience- handy to town. screened, suitable for Racehorses, Doctors. verandah, with splendid marine view; all omcj.and school cZmunicaton by road or ; try. storerooms, cupboards, dairy, coach- First Term. 1902. _ leoniaiy 11. pHAMPTALOUP AND AOOPEE, WATER ROAD • rooms, every convenience, nanny _ Butchers. Bakers. .The price is only 4s per securely fenced; corner section. Price. £850. ■«__r"r_o' ; '_»™S_ WZ ■ house, stable, laundry, and every possible Boarders return on, MONDAY. , ,_ ~ \_jW- *" -_-_iu7Ai__ itUAD. "-JPARK HOUSE," Ponsonby Road, next cwt., and for 'Bus and; Express Horses a me- , . Terms can bo arranged. . ,; ;.' 3699, Sons. 95 ''"bnoen-street^'': ■' oul "^ ■ fiian ' convenience. A rare chance of seouung —— -__,_.,„- -•-_««> OTTREN.qTREirT' Anrtrr ant* : -»■»-- ma ™ --«t»V™' .•-■„. , A Western Park—A Good and Pleasant dium quality, 3s 6d per cwt. Waikato and -:..■..•.-■ J. THORNES, 91. Queen-street. ' -"." ' M St eC -—-■ ; ' . 653 .° ,■ j;t an up-to-date home, at; a low ; figure. M- PALMER'S SCHOOL, QUEE..-STREET. AUCKLAND. xwr BLANCH; BRAIN .AND CO.. Mining, Hofiie for permanent Boarders. Visitors re- Farmers' Chaff always on hand, from 2s ;9d MOUNT~IoskILL - : " £320- D ° 16 CARLTON GORE ROAD ■;=== ==~ =■;= ~ = , ;:: B»M c_ ei ve every attention.-Miss Colegrove to 3, - liSSSn, / . ■ -fenced, InrSoS'anaS < An J^™ 1 c ! iT J"»JE^ y S", '' MOS.wte FSSE • B FRST ffi " " fiSSS»£SI» d °.or GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, ■•■; :■: • £ q 9o DWELLING aol? „ WS^^^nt'l °" se au(l FIRST QUARTER. FEBRUARY 3 , • ! late and Patent Chaffcnttlng, Dust- i ;m ;;- 6 rooms ', bath, scullery, and SSfiSS;■^®Alt_?^ ? ™S T?S «' i. ,„„.„,„(„. Girls.' of all Ages, thoroughly grounded in ■ nmvyirarmna™ ' Certificates, and Practical Mechanical Engl, of Naval and Family Hotel. !;* J „ Screened., pantry; Orion range; hot and cold water; hmldmss. Close to post office, school, etc.. . FOREST LAND-1195 Acres. containing all sub j ect . including English Literature, and OUR N.Z. TWEED SUIT, . nee ring. — Corn. Hay. Straw Oats, Bran, Chaff, etc.,' - wash-house, stable, etc.- large section ground and within easy distance of Auckland by; rail ; 4,500.000 ft of kauri: and preparert for p ub ii c Examiimtions, by Mrs. «„,„_,, „„,,, , T . , ' ,_,,>__•, "■'..:■■ ".v.- ..■■■.■.-— ~~~ J — —-—•—-—--■ C_T. HELLERS BAY.-" Bay View "-Board .:;,•;:: .: Always on Hand, ..;, 100 ft by 243 ft,-' ..- 6 3698 ~. °' steam. ,:•; Good reasons for selling. Price, sides rimu, punri. and kahikatea. There _> a i moi . and Staff. Quilted, Padded, Lined, and Finished equal "OATHS--TURKISHBATHS -OPEN EVERY b and Residence, first-class accommodation; .. ■._■„ .** _. _ , ■M THORNES. 91. Queen-street" - Vailo and Sons. 9 3 , Queen- t S^'-^A i - FEES MODERATE. . to Made to Measure, and Perfect Fitting. B toS„ and!SenttSen f7om 9 cfoquet llwn?TtabUng. paddock. Terms ro^ I l^?^~*~n« ri^^ r„ l , « . B ill et :-. _.;; -- 0 ' _n„d mitaSileX : ' ' a* am. till 6 p.m. Charges, 3s; Saturday.- 2s. moderate.-Mrs. Coutts. Comer Vincent and ; V/ellesley Streets. _ BnnniNo l ! amp D ' Q 9 KA-V/AIKATO.-PARTLY IMPROVED I . of securing good marKetaoie : tim « QiTANIj EY." MANUKAU ROAD. PARNELLi ; . At Eight tickets for -Nothing better for pari- „ YNYARD HOUSE," Eden Crescent, near Factory. Chapel-street. Telephone. 439. position-: elevated and opposite a new road SS'Il f«ill ■«,! \iSa ilj miles-'station" '• BUILDING SECTIONS-Kingsland, Glemnore, ■ . """ 1 ™- Id. from 6ft m till ? ._ Lori , o4tMet c J view.-Mrs. Daykin. X CORNER OF , _sfra Road °'hS iS?fftSffl? "*' H2S!" »°Sa™&. aS»»fi V*,"«| St. Hello™. Bellwood Mount Roskill, i>o- PUPILS PREPARED FOR EXAMINATION. Victoria-street East. ~ , TOETa SHORE.-BOARD AND K_l. ALBERT AND WELLESLEY STREETS. Road jJmfflßl l- &en-6tr 3696 _» *_»--__: _SnSS£S*» PBINdPAL-lS . RUSHM AND HETDGMAH. CA- K » B*A L~ fl TINTED. L»« «_y_2_g_SS? &3 _f_S_l__. _i ' w ' £40D i^ffiSff, B^^i I ®B- MUSIO-toS HALLETT - ! S^B£S&& - PROPERTY LISTS : issued Monthly, and and fechllery. situated on main road, corner j'• subdivision to advantage of purchaser. .-,.... ;. MUSIC-MRS. HALLETT. .1 .vr E W YEAR'S GIFT Mirrors.-A. H. Morris. 115 and 117, Hobson- « T uMEAH," Corner Short and Jermyn TheTibrarv covins™ S wla* in > < wjtfbe% 1 n a tt 1 0 ? n a S! 1 at niy omce - wr section of over 3 acres good land, conveni- CITY-A Splendid Building Site, close to ri L E N I V E a Q H aN ' 111 *X' _______? nunutes 3 _____f___________: Streete-Vacanctea for QenUemen hot fj™ various d.l_r__eX^U_t_s_rt^wl_--' ' , will be posted to any address. • ently situated; close to telephone, church, ■ Queen-street. Only, £10 10s. per foot, (* M * ". _____ . * v! A °• a From 21st December to the 25th January. S¥o~T U>E nu T nTvrq Kvl_? W HOB-Miae M. E. CO .- i -,-« T «^^,.,^^ — : school, etc.; commanding a fine sea view. ; HOUSES too numerous to particularise, from _,_,___,, „_,. „„ „„„„_ Ton'.Troitmont of rtr nnnnii>«'» n>mnn> 1-* lu.»r "*■ •■ -_ M OULDINGS laylor. - ■■■■. . ■.„ ,■...-. .■■ .-,. .. :: 2 6ri „,,.-».,. ' . PERIODICAL AUCTION SALES. Would be sold with loss land if desired. 'Bus j £150 to £2000-Po« 3 onby Mount RoskiU.St. BECKHAM PLACE. UPPER GRAFTON t, M *« wffl ffWen free to "ny Srf , and Frames.-The Largest Stock in-New ,rr ~- WORTH ~.»-■-,- ~I ~„ Meetmg for Young Men oh Tuesday 15 and Owners wishing to quickly dispose of their passes the door.-Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95. Hellers. Avondale, Mount Eden, Newton. . .ROAD. ; who hfq U L "O given iree to any ljauy Zealand. Note the price and varioty.-A. H. T< E ?i^^-^„__^P^™f_iVP?X«f S) rt ii too ' 7 • _hm___l« at 1 -7 ?n.-'n__t__ " HOUSES or LAND Properties are invited Queen-street. 6423 Remuera. Northcote, etc., etc. SC,««r„Ti„*l2R«. wi, <~>r ni Mor 115 and 117, ■ Hobson-stroet. .Trams £\^^ f^;^^ ely 61tu W B|ito ittf? SCm rt . send full particulars. ° iJlVlt * u "° - ~T —~~ ' ; — ; CLIENTS.-I have Clients continually inquir- noAßTifNft ant» D\Y KnrrnnT, pnp ptptV Thousands of ladies aro now. using 0.L.. and pass-two minutes west of Queen-street. ; , did views of harbour. ™s S onaiy iray erjieesmg baturdajs. ai . . MOTE.—Tho above are merely specimens of ine for Pronerties of nil dpscrinHonH If UU AKUIN» AND DAY bOHOOL FOR .GIRLS. , hundreds have been saved from operations. : — ___ _Z __ _-.-.„__,-, _~ 7 ~ ■■-~, : 7.30 . ; Bible Class, Sunday, at 3 p.m.; Sunday T- nrwmwpc -™ some of the smaller properties on our .3, wish to effo t a Sale tir mv Awne- ■ Principal: It cures all troubles distinctly feminine. - Tlsr .Ti , „,-p_ ~ a TJAOANCHES for Boaraers at Mrs. CasseU's. Evening: Service in City Ball, at 8 p.m.. , . T rpHORNES. ■'■-,■■■., books. Particulars of others of all sizes and you v,isn to effect a Sale, try my Agency. YOUN<* . Call or send for testimonials W i m ™on, v!,ii h . BAr V 87, Grey-street; breakfast from 6 o'olock. The General Secretary is always .ail to lum'jrmnvrrD " ; prices may he had on application at our ,■ T rTtT-_ Prospectus on Amilioatmn „ testimonials. »t See th Imm nse variety note the . , welcome YOUNG MEN, to show strangers over ■■ MI oSEF 18, " offices., free on application, or „ ;'■' JAMES, . Th rd \f oa »": be»___ %™ t ember P. M. DEWAR, SPECIALIST, Moi^n^lfti—rf 06 . ft 115 and 117, - i » r>JZ 1 ■' the building, and "give them aU needed .in--91, Queen-street. I posted to any address on receipt of 2d. [Estate Asent. 31,, Shortland-Btreet, Auckland, 24th, 1901. lUbtoDAi, boptember j VICTOKIA-STREET, AUCKLAND. 'S P Que9n.-stre"ot, » ass ~ two minutes west J^LLESmE,'' 4 formation, or to confer with such as desire " 1 » k {ma help.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11854, 4 January 1902, Page 2