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At the Methodist Synod, which resumed its sittings at Pitt-street yesterday, the following amendment by Mr. A. 0. Caughey to the motion referred to in yesterday's report ro connexional secretary was considered: "1. That the office of connexional secretary be abolished, and that no further apnointment be made to that office. 2. That church building district committees be set up in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson, and Wanganui, to bo composed of four members and four laymen, to be appointed annually by the conference upon the nominatior of "the district synods. These committees to have full power to deal with all matters pertaining to church building, enlargement and extension schemes, within the bounds of then respective districts, sunjeo' 1 ' to conference rules and regulations. 3. That a committee consisting of four ministers and four laymen be appointed by each annual conference to administer the affairs of the loan fund, fire insurance department ,- and if the clerical work cannot be satisiaetorily done by honorary officials, a necessary sum be expended foi that purpose. That all applications for loans shall be considered and dealt with by the annual conference alter having received the sanction of the quarterly meeting! and District Synod con. cerned. 4. That the offices of authorised representatives, custodian of deeds, general secretary of church property, bo distributed, and the duties pertaining to same performed by honorary officials, lay and clerical." The motion was briefly discussed and car- ; ried. REPRESENTATIVE TO CONFERENCE. The Rev. J. G. Chapman was elected as representative of the Auckland district at the annual conference, tc be held in Dunediu in March next, and in the event of his being unable to attend the Rev. W. Ready was elected a:; his substitute. CONDOLENCE. A telegram was read announcing the death of the wife of the Rev. G. Frost, of Work worth, and p. resolution of deep sympathy was immediately and feelingly adopted wi'b the bereaved. Arrangements were made for the Synod to be represented at the funeral ( of the late Mrs. Frost, which took plaoe i yesterday afternoon at Purewa. ' THE OUTLOOK. j The report of the Outlook Committee was ' received and adopted. The Rev. H. Bull moved, and it was car- ] ried, " That the Synod desires to express its high appreciation of the literary and j general character of the Outlook; the Synod also expresses its grateful sense of the worth, of the services rendered by tho Rev. T. G. i Brooke as Methodist editor, and recommends to tho conference his reappointment. lieSynod recommends to the publishers that Steps bo taken as soon as convenient f<~r supplying improved paper on which to print the Outlook." SUPERNUMERARY FUND. A motion was carried to the effect that the Synod very heartily commends the general secretary of the supernumerary and widows' fund by the appointment of the General Conference. THE REV. W. MORLEY, D.D. l v he- Synod considered tho approaching departure from New Zealand of the Rev. W. Morley, D.D., connexional secretary, wlio proceeds to Melbourne in Marcl next. The Rev. S. Griffith moved, and the Rev. J. Murray seconded, the following resolutions: "1. That ir- view of tho unique and invaluable services rendered to New Zealand Methodism by tho Rev. W. Morloy, D.D., now about to leave for Australia, this Synod is of opinion that Dr. Morley should not be allowed tc leave New Zealand without receiving some fitting and practical token of tho high esteem in which he is personally held, and the deep and lasting appreciation of New Zealand Methodism of Dr. Morley's devoted career in New Zealand." 2. " That' with a view to carrying out the above, the following be appointed a committee to deal with the matter in this district and to take such measures as seem to them best, viz., the president, the Revs. H. Bull, J. G. Chapman, Messrs. T. McMaster, J Burton, J. Robins, W. Gunson, and tho Rev. 8. Griffith (convener)." Several members spoke of the great loss that the Church in this colony will sustain by tho removal of Dr. Morley, and the motion was carried with great heartiness. THREE KINGS COLLEGE. The report of the Rev. J. H. Simmorids, principal of the Three Kings College, was read, and showed that Maori boys had been in residence this year who, though backward when first received, showed commendable diligence and satisfactory progress. Several elder boys, former scholars, had obtained employment in Auckland, and were well reported of by their employees. It was then moved by the Rev. H. Bull and adopted, " That the Synod expresses its gratification at the successful character of tho work carried on at. the institution, and heartily recommends to the conference tho reappointment of the Rev. J. H. Sim monds as principal." Tho balance-sheet was read by Mr. A. 0. Caughey (treasurer), and adopted. The treasurer reported that the sum of £466 had been subscribed towards the new college, and this matter was commended to further liberality of the Church. It whs recommended that the hearty thanks of the Conference be presented to Mr. Caughey (treasurer), and also to the committee, and that they be reappointed. CENTURY FUND. The Rev. D. J. Murray read the report of the Century Fund Committee, which showed that the total amount of promises to date was £17,968. Of this, £13,576 had been paid. The report was adopted, and superintendents and subscribers were urged to facilitate the early completion of payments. • The Rev. J. W. Griffin preferred a request that the Kamo Church receive help from tho century fund. The Synod agreed to recommend that the request be granted. MINISTERIAL SESSION. The Synod met at half-past two p.m. in ministerial session, the Rev. J. H. Simmonds presiding on behalf of the Rev. C. H. Garland, who was unavoidably absent. The report of Mr. S. Stephenson, M.A., classical and mathematical tutor of the Theological Institute, was read, showing that good progress had been made in their work by the five students in residence. The report was adopted for presentation to the conference. The Synod gave attention to the cases of Messrs. C. E. Godbehear, B. J. James, and A. Mcßean, and resolved to recommend that they receive another year's training. It was resolved that all ministers have permission to attend the conference, provided that satisfactory arrangements can bo made for circuit supplies, and notice be given to the chairman of the district by January 13. On the motion of the Rev. W. Ready, it was resolved that a letter be sent to the supernumerary ministers of tho district, conveying to them in their retirement the fraternal and sympathetic salutations of the Synod. The Synod meet,' on Friday morning in pastoral session at half-past nine o'clock. FINANCIAL SESSION. Tho financial session was resumed at seven p.m. The following motions were moved by the Rev. W. Ready: — (1) "That this Synod, believing that the use of the totalisator has greatly increased the spirit of gambling in the community, and is very disastrous to the moral and materia] well-being of the people generally, and especially of young men, hereby expresses its deep sympathy with any effort in favour of the repeal of that clause of the Totalisator Act which legalises gambling, and pledges itself to use all reasonable efforts to secure its repeal;" (2) "That this meeting respectfully urges that the Government, before determining to grant increased facilities for getting liquor to any section of the Maori race, should appoint a Royal Commission, as suggested in the Licensing Bill of 1900, to inquire into the whole question of the effect of liquor on the Maoris, in order that the. facts may be known by the members of the Legislative Chamber, and the electors of the colony, and they be enabled to determine as to their duty in the matter." Both motions were carried. The Rev. H. Bull moved tho following resolution : —"The general returns for the district were read by the Rev. C. Griffin. These revealed an increase in all the departments of church work, except the Sunday-school section, the . eturns fo; which are at present incomplete. There is an increase of 32 church members, and of 520 attendants on public worship. The returns show a close agreement with the Government census tables. The Synod hereby expresses its grateful thanks to God for the measure of success enjoyed in tho past, and prays that the Divine Blessing may be more abundantly vouchsafed during the coming year." This was carried. ; WELLINGTON. [BY TELEGRAPH. — PItESS ASSOCIATION*.] Wellington, Thursday. The Wesleyan District Synod passed a resolution urging members of the Church to discountenance gambling, and that the Government be a6ked to introduce a Bill making the totalisator illegal. Another resolution urged the conference- to take statements as to the alleged demoralisation of Taranaki natives through drink intc consideration. ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 3

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METHODIST DISTRICT SYNOD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 3

METHODIST DISTRICT SYNOD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 3