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The gold returns to hand since the publication of last Summary, three weeks since, amount to a total Of £67,170 O3 lid. This result has come about notwithstanding the fact that both the Thames and Coromandel particularly the former — been productive of totals smaller than usual. On the other hand the return from the Ohinemuri district is the highest ever recorded, amounting to the gratifying total of £61,242 Is 9d, the nearest approach to which was the £56,355 produced during the period ending September 27 last. The gross output for the current year now amounts to a monetary value of £636,764 Is 4d. Last year's total returns amounted to £635,033 19s 3d, or £1730 2s Id less. There is no longer, therefore, the slightest room for doubt but that on the completion of the year's returns the yield will prove to be a considerable increase upon that of 1900. The industry would thus appear to be in 110 danger of deteriorating, there being plenty of evidence on the contrary that the steady progress and vigorous development of the fields, which has marked the last few months' operations, are beginning to be felt.

It will be seen 011 reference to the tabuJ lated details of the gold returns to hand since the publication of last Summary that the Waihi Gold Mining Company's output once more constitutes a record. From 12,747 tons treated an average yield per ton of £3 2s 7d was obtained, giving a total return of £39,904. The total output from this mine to date now amounts to 1,905,166. The company have declared another dividend (the 35th) of 2s 6d per share, and, in addition, interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the new issue of shares. These payments will bring the total disbursements of the kind to upwards of £300.000. Gratifying as such a state of affairs is, the stability of the property has been further demonstrated by the developments at No. 7 (the lowest) level, where an ore body has been penetrated for a distance of over 130fb without lie intersection so far of the second wall. On the completion of the transference of the stampers at the Waikino battery from the dry to the wet crushing process the amount of ore capable of reduction will be largely increased. Since the award of the Arbitration Court in the miners' dispute the Thames Miners' Union have bad before them a recommendation from the Waihi branch for the payment from the union funds of a sum of about £220 to the Waihi delegates who conducted the union's case before the Court and Conciliation Board and to certain members who were thrown out of work at tho commencement of the proceedings. The executive met on November 22 to discuss the question, which, after some discussion, was adjourned until the annual meeting in February next, in the absence of a statement showing the expenditure of the Waihi branch in connection with the wages dispute. At the same meeting the following resolution was passed, " That this council expresses its appreciation of the action of Captain Hodge, Mr. G. S. Clark, and other mine managers in Coromandel in not reducing the wages of the miners in that district to the minimum fixed by the Arbitration Court."

Shareholders in the Imperial Gold Mining Company met on November 12 for the consideration of an offer made by the Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company for the purchase of the Imperial property at Karangahake. The proposal laid before the meeting by the directors was that the mine should be transferred to the Talisman Company in return for 2000 shares in that company. Mr. W. Gorrie, who presided at the meeting, pointed out that no better offer had been procurable, and that if it were declined it would be necessary to re-form on a limited liability basis in order to. raise fresh capital for the erection of a small plant. This, he remarked, would of course necessitate the payment of further calls by shareholders. In reply to a question, he added that at the time the offer was made the market value of the Talisman shares made it equivalent to an offer of about £3500. though at the present market price it would only be equivalent to £2500. After some discussion, it was decided to decline the offer, and the directors were authorised to sell the property for £50C0. On the local representatives of the Talisman Company being apprised of the Imperial shareholders' decision they replied to the directors to the effect that their offer having been declined the matter was closed.

Though the Woodstock and Union Waihi Gold Mining Companies' batteries nave temporarily suspended crashing operations, the Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company have once more entered the ranks of bullion-producers, their initial return from the new plant being included in the present three-weekly output. Owing to the low grade ore put through the mill at first the return was not a large one, 6928 tons having yielded an average of £1 5s 9d per ton. The bullion won by the Woodstock Gold Mining Company from the final clean-up from the solutions and zinc boxes was valued at £618.

The directors of the Tairua Broken Hills Gold Mining Company intend submitting to shareholders (it an extraordinary general meeting on December 5 a proposal to increase the capital of cue company by the creation of 50, shares at 2s each. The return just published from the Kauri Freehold Gold Estates, Limited, constitutes the highest yield obtained by that company since August, 190 C. During the four weeks ending November 13 bullion valued at £2118 5s lOd was won from the ore, tailings, and slimes treated. The following are reports from our goldfields correspondents: — OHINEMURI. KARAXGAHAKE.

The mining operations of Ohtnemuri have suffered somewhat during the past two weeks, owing to the dry season having approached so quickly. The river, from which source motive power is generally available for driving the several batteries in the district, is now veiy low, and as a consequence the Woodstock Company, who have prior claim on the first 100 sluice-heads, find that there is not water sufficient to run the air compressors, let alone the battery, and so thr latter h:>.s been stopped. As there were no means, therefore, of treating the quartz obtained from the mine, the underground operations have also been temporarily suspended, excepting the sinking of a winze from No. 5 level and the extension of the low level. This step, rendered compulsory upon the management", has thrown a good number of men out of employment, and naturally a feeling of depression exists. However, it is hoped that operations will be resumed again about March next. In the meantime I understand that the installation of a steam plant is being considered, and if the scheme is adopted it may not be so long until the Woodstock is once more affording employment to a large number of hands. The runs of the battery, Mr. Rich informs me, were remunerative, and it is a very serious drawback to the company having' to stop milling just now, when the big scheme of development works had advanced to its present stage. He also added that contracts were stopped on good ore all round, but it was useless to go on breaking ore until there was a chance of milling it. Operations at the New Zealand Crown Mines are being attended with success in the various sections being mined; and it is anticipated that the next return will be a good one. A contract lias just been let for sinking the shaft a further distance of 126 ft, whilst driving south from No. 4 level has also been commenced. Communication lias now been established with the south section. A distance of about 1800 ft has now been opened up for development purposes at the level in'question, during the whole stretch of which the reef has proved of a payable nature. 'the company ha v c here a line, block of ground. A contract has just been let for stoping out 1400 tons from the back .of this level, and another

' contract for 2500 tons at No. 2 level. Altogether contracts are now in hand for stoning out 8400 tons of ore. A large amount of development work is also being done at the upper workings, and. generally speaking, the mine never looked better than it does just now. The Talisman Consolidated Company's first return from the new mill came to hand since the publication of last Summary, 6928 tons of ore treated having yielded bullion valued at £8923. equivalent to a yield per ton of about £1 5s 9d. The yield is not on the whole a satisfactory one, though it is stated that during August and September very low grade ore was put through the mill, so as to clear paddocks which liad accumulated during the time when the mill was shut down, and to give the new plant a thorough trial. During October a slightly better grade of ore was treated, and it is anticipated that still better ore will be obtained during the present month. The No. 8 crosscut is making very good progress, and it is expected that the reef will be intersected before the end of January. This crosscut will cut the lode at 200 ft " below No. 7 level, and will open tip a stretch of several thousand feet of ore on the main reef. Other important development works are also in progress. The machinery and plant at the new mill are working admirably, and all that is requisite to make it efficient in every possible way is the addition of another settling tank for slimes.

The Imperial Gold Mining Company were made an offer for their property by the Talisman Consolidated, but at a meeting of directors the offer was declined. - WAITKKAntI AND KOMATA. ' At Waitekauri the Waitekauri Gold Mining Company, New Alpha, Huanui, and New Zealand Jubilee mines are continuing their operations, but there is practically nothing fresh to record from either; excepting the fact that a reduction of hands has token place at the Te-Ao-Marama (Waitekauri Gold Mining Company's Komata section).

At Komata the Komata Reefs Gold Mining Company completed their crushing for the four weeks ending the 9th inst., for a return of bullion valued at £1095. This is the product of 1230 tons. At the Byron Bay mine a parcel of ore, about one ton, from the recently discovered reef was taken out, and forwarded to the Thames School of Mines for treatment, with the result that the assay showed the value to be £5 4s 6d per ton. The reef has, I understand, been traced some 600 ft along the surface with encouraging prospects. It is intended to form a company, and erect a plant for the treatment of the ore. MAEOTOXO. At Marototo the New Waitekauri Extended Company are at present engaged putting through the battery a small trial parcel of ore, which will no doubt keep the hands going until Christmas. Operations are also proceeding at the Maratolo Gold Mining Company's mine, the new crosscut having been extended 240 ft,

WAIHI. The suspension of operations at the Union Waihi Gold Mining Company's mine caused a large number of men to be placed on the unemployed list, and, as a consequence, affairs at Waihi do nob present altogether too bright an aspect. This, however, has not dimmed the prospects of the properties working, and it would seem as if the big plums were as a matter of course falling into the hands of the parent mine. Already the Waihi Company's property has made for itself a world-wide reputation as a bullion producer, and one of the best paybig properties in the Australasian colonies. This prestige it will maintain for many, many years to come, as not. only do the'returns of bullion increase in value, each succeeding yield establishing a fresh record, but it would seem as if there was no end to the quartz below the surface. Thousands upon thousands of tons of ore reserves have already been opened up, but one of the most important developments which has yet occurred in the mine is the intersection of the lode at the No. 7 levelthe lowest level of the mine. Here an immense body of stone has been worked upon; in fact, at the time of writing its dimensions are unknown, as already it has beea penetrated for a width of 120 ft without any sign of the footwall. Another pleasing feature is that it is of <a remunerative grade, and what such a width of payable ore means to a company is incalculable. It is to be hoped that the other companies carrying on operations at Waihi will meet with the same measure of success as the low levels are opened up. That those who are on the same strike of the reef system will eventually have some share in the gains goes without saying, for such immense reefs most probably continue on their coarse for a long distance, and when the companies carrying on operations beyond the Waihi Company's boundary get the same lodes there is hardly a doubt that Waihi will become an immense town. The brilliant results being achieved at the Waihi Company's mine should certainly act as an incentive to adjoining properties to push ahead with development works at low levels, for it is only as depth is attained and the pumice deposits penetrated that the auriferous stratum reveals itself. The company's latest return is £39,904 from 12,747 tons of ore. Another dividend (the 35th) of 2js 6d per share has also been declaerd on the old issue, and interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the new issue otf shares, payable on December 2 next. The Grand Junction Company is once more about to attempt the development of the large lode intersected in the northern crosscut at the 500 ft level, and with that object in view pumping has been resumed, the doors of the large dam having been lifted. The Waihi Extended and several other properties are still carrying on prospecting operations.

As already known, the Union Waihi Company, Limited, decided recently to suspend operations pending reconstruction at Home, the finances being too low to carry on the development of the properties. Ah it may take several months to bring the present scheme of reconstruction to a successful issue, the management applied at- the Paeroa Warden's Court lor six months' protection for the Union, Easement, Amaranth, Silverton, and Silvertou No. 2 special claims, also for a similar period of protection' for two special sites, three water-races, and one tramway right. The granting of this application was objected to by the Waihi branch of the Miners' Union, the principal ground of objection being: " That the prospects of the said special claims were never better than at present; that the last return of bullion was much in excess of any previous return; and that better ore was being obtained in the lowest level than any upper level." The union desired the Warden to compel the company to allow the mines to be worked on tribute. Mr. Jackson appeared on behalf of the applicant company, Mr. C. Rhodes (attorney) and Mr. H. P. Barry (general superintendent) being present also.' Mr. Drunun represented the Miners Union. After hearing evidence for both sides, the Warden granted the application for the special and water rights, etc., but adjourned his decision on the question of whether he should grant protection for the special claims until next Court day. TIC I'TJKE. Developments on the new lode at Le Puke are of a most satisfactory nature, and the manager of the Te Puke Gold Beefs Company is satisfied it will turn out a material addition to the value of the property. THAMES. Since the publication of the last Summary matters in connection with the mining industry of this district have remained somewhat quiet, and very few gold returns have been banked. Still a considerable amount of work lias been accomplished in many of the mines. It is believed that with the commencement of the New Year operations will be renewed in many of the properties at present idle, and also that greater energy will be thrown into the operations of those companies that are now working with a limited number of men. There is no doubt but that there is plenty of room for improvement throughout the entire Thames district, but with the employment of a larger number of men, and the institution of more elaborate develop-

ment works in the various mines, there is every reason to believe that the output of gold would be considerably increased within, a comparatively short period of time. So far no public information is available as to what steps, if any. are being taken tor the renewal of pumping operations at the Thames Hauraki Company's shaft, so as to enable adjoining companies to proceed with the opening up of their low levels, but it is understood that negotiations are proceeding in London between the parties who are most interested in the matter. It is also publicly stated that Mr. C. A. Karris, one of the attorney;; for the Thames Hauraki Company, intends to leave for England shortly on business in connection with his proposed scheme for developing the low levels of this field, and that before leaving he will visit the Thames for the purpose of placing before a meeting of the County and Borough Councils, Miners' Union, and other interested persons full details of his scheme for securing control of the ground of mines on the flat below the 500 ft level.

The tributers' operations in the May Queen Hauraki, Moonataiari, and KuranuiCaledonian mines have not been quite as successful in the matter of gold returns of late as was the case a short time back, but it is anticipated that some good returns will be forthcoming between this and Christmas. The same remarks apply also i to tributers working in other mines. The Gloucester Gold Mining Company are meeting with fair prospects, and are bagging a little picked stone. The May Queen Extended Company's operations upon what is known as the Hokianga reef have turned out very disappointingly, and that company has decided to start a new prospecting work in the Adelaide section of its property. The Thames Talisman Company, whose property is at present under a term of prolection from the Warden, are making preparations for resuming operations in January next, at which time their term of pro-, tection expires. No public information is available re the prospecting works proceeding in the T'araru mine, as at the present juncture that pro petty is in private hands. The usual works are proceeding in the Eclipse mine in the Upper Tararu district, and crushing is continuously proceeding, but no return has been made public since the issue of last Summary. The directors of the Puru Consolidated Company are hopeful of being in a position to resume operations in its property at an early date. Boring operations on the foreshore section of the Victoria Gold Mining Company's property have not proceeded very satisfactorily during the past three weeks, but it is anticipated that better progress will henceforth be made. So far, no important developments have been met with. An improvement has taken place in the Karanui Company's prospects during the past week or two. which it is hoped will eventually result in a largo block of "payable ore being opened up. At the present juncture a rise is being put up on what is believed to be the deep lead specimen leader from the 40ft level below the main adit tunnel level. The rise is now up a height of about 25ft, and the leader, which was somewhat small and disturbed when first started upon, has opened out to a nice compact body of ore about 20in in thickness, carrying "strong colours of gold. So far as known this leader is intact overhead, but future operations will prove whether such is the case or not. It is situated in a most likely position for the discovery' of a run of payable gold, being between what are known as Barry's and Hunt's lodes, and also in the vicinity of the big slide, whilst the country encasing it on both walls is all that could be desired for the existence of gold. The mine manager, Mr. T. H. Crawford, is very sanguine at the present outlook, and if 'the leader maintains the improvement for the next few feet of rising he proposes eventually to intersect it by means of a crosscut at" the tunnel level, and to systematically work the same from that point.

WAIOJIO. The preliminary works in progress at the present juncture with the view of thoroughly opening up and developing the resources of the Monowai Company's mine are being steadily proceeded with, and before long a large staff of workmen will be at work. Recently a. contract was let for supplying to the company 3000 mining slabs, and a fewdays ago a contract was let for the erection of a. wharf on the Waiomo Beach, adjacent to the company's newly-acquired battery site, whilst a contract has also just been let for the extension of the new low level (No. 4) a distance of 400 ft. Each of the above •works are now in hand, and are to be pushed forward as speedily as possible. The prospects in the mine at No. 3 level are of a most gratifying character, and an excellent class of ore has latterly been forthcoming. Stoping is in progress from both ends of the rise lately carried through to surface, and the south face on the course of the lode is being continued as usual. Crushing operations at the battery are proceeding continuously with three shifts per clay, a small engine havng latterly been erected as an auxiliary to the water power available for motive purposes. A shipment of 23 tons of concentrates, the product of October month's operations, was forwarded to the Dapto Smelting Works, New South Wales, a few days ago. In the Broken Hill mine the low level to intersect the Monowai main lode has not yet accomplished its purpose, but it is anticipated that the lode will be to hand at an early date. Three or four new claims have recently been taken up in this district, on the strength of the favourable prospects in the Monowai mine, and it is stated that the owners of one of the claims have under consideration a scheme which will involve boring operations with a. diamond drill as a preliminary part of their programme. Operations in the Tairua Broken Hills Gold Mining Company's mine have been temporarily curtailed, pending the completion of the rise from the low level to connect with the upper workings, this having been found necessary in order to secure proper ventilation. When the rise is completed, which will take about another fortnight to accomplish, the reef from which the recent remunerative crushings were obtained can then be worked upon at four different levels, and a -good class of ore secured. In the meantime the water-race is being extended with the object of securing a more efficient water supply for working the company's battery, and certain improvements are being effected to that plant. The formation construction of the new tram-line leading to the New Year, section of the property is completed, and the rails are now being laid. In the Chelmsford Cold Mining Company's mine stoping is proceeding upon No. i reef at No. 1 level, and a very fair class of ore is being won''.herefrom. Driving is also proceeding at the same level upon both Nos. 1 and 2 reefs, with the view of opening up other blocks for stoping. Crushing is proceeding as usual at the company's battery, and recently the water supply for motive purposes was considerably increased by an additional length of race being constructed, so that there is now an ample supply of water for working the plant.

The usual development works are also proceeding in the Taniwha mine, where the prospects being met with are of a most encouraging character. COROMANDEL In the Hauraki Gold Mining Company's mine since the last Summary a communication has been effected between the Hauraki and Union Reach sections on the course of No. 6 reef, which will greatly facilitate underground workings. Operations at the 400 ft level have also been resumed, which is an encouraging feature. A number of extra miners have been put on at this level. In the Hauraki Freehold (.Sold Mining Company's mine driving westward on the course of No. 1 lode is still in progress. The prospects met with are considered fairly good, gold being frequently seen, but so Far no run of specimen stone has been obtained. There is a further distance of 200 ft to drive before getting underneath the second run of gold. In the stupes which are in hand over this level gold is seen at each breaking down of the quartz. A trial parcel of the ore now in hand is beins treated at the.

School of Mines battery, and. if payable, other arrangements will be made for the continuous crushing of much larger parcels. The Kathleen Crown Gold Mining Company are putting through a parcel of ore at Scotty's battery this week, and from the present indications the crashing is expected to turn out well. Development work at the mine is being pushed on with. The Royal Oak of Hauraki Gold Mining Company "have, since the last mail, cleaned up from 20 tons of general ore and 7271b picked stone for a yield of 5410z 6dwt bullion, valued at £1357 15s 3d. which is a satisfactory increase upon the past month's return. The mine continues to lock well; and the prospects are most encouraging. In the Progress-Castle Rock Gold MinCompany's mine the prospects are very good. The reef has opened out to loin in width, and is a well-deiined body of quartz. Crushing is now proceeding with the quartz on hand, and it is expected the return will be a very satisfactory one. In the Pukewhaii mine the reef has been cut in the crosscut, after 44ft of driving. Colours of gold are seen in the stone. Rising on the reef is to be commenced to connect with the workings in the upper level. In the New Four-in-Rand Gold Mining Company's mine the reef in the low level still maintains its size and favourable appearance, and gold has been seen in recent breakings-down. The intermediate level has been connected with the winze, and driving on the leader, from which such excellent returns have been obtained in the upper level, is now proceeding. The last crushing yielded £322 from 84 tons of general ore, and was a decided improvement upon the previous month.

KUAOTUNU. i In the Waitaia Gold Mining Company's mine work is now being pushed on vigorously at all points. During the past month two crushings have been made, the first (80 tons of general ore) was treated for a yield valued at £320 17s 9d, and the second (90 tons general ore) was treated for a yield valued at £390 16s 9d. showing the return for the four weeks to be equal to £711 14s 3d. This is only from the berdans and tables, and will be augmented by the gold extracted by cyanide treatment. Ore of good grade is coming to hand from the stopes. Crushing is being continued, the battery working one shift per day. The tributers are working hard at the Irene and at the Great Mercury Mines, getting out ore to have a crushing before Christmas.

The Kuaotunu Syndicate's (old Mariposa) battery is running full time. The Kapai battery has just completed a crushing of 60 tons ore, but the clean-up off the plates and the cyanide treatment will not be finished till the end of this week. There is sufficient ore on hand to keep the battery fully employed.' The reef at the low level is Bft wide and looking well. GUMTOWN. From Gumtown mines there is very little to report during the past three weeks. The Welcome Jack Gold Mining Companycrushed at their battery 48 tons of ore for a return of bullion valued at £145 9s. The battery only ran eight days on ore from the kiln, the major portion treated being taken from the old mullock tip. The Kapowai Gold Mining Company are carrying out development works, which the manager is confident will prove satisfactory. OPITONUI. At Opitonui the Kauri Freehold Gold Estates Company have completed the sump in the Maiden shaft. The reef in the Rangatira section at No. 3 level, west, is 9ft wide and of fair quality. During the four weeks ending November 13, 1532 tons of ore, 1101 tons of tailings, and 896 tons of slimes were treated for a total yield of bullion valued at £2118 5s lOd, the highest return for several months.

THE GOLD RETURNS. TOTAL FOR THREE WEEKS £67,170 0s lid. INCREASE UPON LAST YEAR'S OUTPUT. The gold returns for the Auckland district for the past three weeks form a record, as compared with all similar periods, amounting in all to £67,170 Os lid. This total has only been exceeded once, and that during the period of five weeks ending on June 14 last, the extra two weeks on that occasion allowing for several more returns from the mines to come to hand. Compared with the previous best three-weekly output, that for the period ending September 27 last, when the total amounted to £63,313 2s 6d, the present output shows an increase of £3856 18s sd. There is now not the slightest doubt but that when the figures come to be compiled at the end of the year the total will be considerably in excess of that for 1900, which has already been passed. This year's output now amounts to £636,764 Is 4d A showing an increase of £1730 2s Id upon the total output for last year (£635,033 19s 3d). The following are the details of the past three weeks' returns: — OHINEMURI. £ s. (1. Waihi G.M. Co., 12,747 tons ... 39,904 0 0 Talisman Consolidated G.M. Co.. 6928 tons 8,925 1 6 N.Z. Crown Mines, 2792 tons ... 6,580 0 0 Waitekauri G.M. Co., 2053 tons ... 4,035 8 4 Komata Beefs G.M. Co., 1230 tons 1,095 0 0 Woodstock G.M. Co. (final cleanup) 618 0 0 Te Poke Gold Reel's Co., 3 tons ... 86 14 11 Total Ohinemuri district ... £61,242 4 9 THAMES. Mav Queen Hauraki tributers, 94' i tons, sib, 191oz 2dwt 519 7 3 New Moanataiari tribnters, 90 tons, 681b, 1470z sdwt 408 5 7 Taniwha G.M. Co. (Tairua), trial parcel, sc\vt 19 0 Total Thames district £929 1 10 COROMANDEL. Hauraki G.M. Co., 65 tons, 501b, 1260z 9dwt 386 14 6 Hanraki Mines, Limited, parcel of picked stone, 450z 13dwt 124 3 0 Hauraki Mines, Limited, trinuters, 661b picked stone. 250z 18d\vt 73 16 3 New Pour-in-Hand G.M. Co.. 84 tons 322 3 4 Progress-Castle Rock G.M. Co., 15 tons, 30ok 7dwt 79 5 9 Eoval Oak G.M. Co., 20 tons, 7271b, 5410z 6dwt 1,357 15 3 £2,344 3 1 OPITONUI. Kauri Freehold Gold Estates. 1532 tons, 1101 tons tailings, 896 tons slimes 2.118 5 10

£4,462 8 11 KUAOTUNU. Wait.aia Ci.M. Co.. 90 tons (plates only), 1240z Bd\vt 390 16 5 £4,853 5 4 GUMTOWN. Welcome Jack G.M. Co., 48 tons 145 9 0 Total Coromandel district ... £4,998 14 4 Total Auckland district for three weeks £67,170 0 11 WAIIII G.M. CO., LIMITED. ANOTHER RECORD RETURN. £59,904 FROM 12,747 TONS. During the four weeks ending November 9, the Waihi Gold Mining Company. Limited, crushed and treated 12,747 tons of ore. for the handsome return of £39,904, which constitutes a fresh record. The previous best return was that; of the Septem-ber-October month, when 13.159 tons yielded £39,878, or £26 less than the return now recorded. Small though the difference appears so far as the total value of the bullion is concerned, it will be noted that on the present occasion 412 tons less have been treated, showing that the value per ton of the ore treated (£3 2s 7d) is considerably higher than was the case during the preceding month. During the current year the Waihi Company have now completed 11 four-weekly crushings for a. total yield of £385,040, which is £67,1.68 in excess of the total output for 1900. The total won from the mine to date is

£1,905.166 (of which £754,379 4s 3d has been distributed in dividends) as shown in the. following table of details: — To July 31, 1890 £13.623 July 31. 1890. to December 31, 1891... 36.463 In 1892. 18.297 tons 46,219 In 1893. 19.805 tons 1 ... 64.345 In 1894, 24,864 tons 85,025 In 1895. 33.670 tons 120.335 In 1396, 34,410 tons 155.156 In 1397. 40.764 tons ■ 144.041 In 1893. 77.929 tons 256,494 In 1359. 102.521 tons 302,525 In 1900, 112.012 tons 317,902 Total £1.520.126 Period ending— February 2. 1901. 12.963 tons 29.352 March 2, 1901, 13.335 tons 31.594 March 50. 1901. 12.658 tons 31,712 April 27, 1901, 12.576 tons 32,249 May 25, 1901. 12.431 tons 33.975 Juno 22. 5901. 12.832 tons 32.845 .Inly 20, 1901. 11,873 tons 36.722 August 17. 1901. 12.415 tons 38,449 September 14, 1901. '12.880 tons ... 33.350 October 12. 1901, 13.159 tons 39.378 November 9, 1901. 12,747 tons 39,904 Total to date £1.905.165 Total dividends to date: £754,379 4s 3d. NEW ZEALAND CROWN MIXES, LIMITED. £6580 FROM 2792 TONS. TOTAL TO DATE, £383.556.

During the month of October the New Zealand Crown Mines, Limited, crushed and treated 2792 tons of ore, at their battery at Karangahake, for a return of bullion valued at £6580. This is the largest monthly output on behalf of the company since November, 1899. The October return was £5942 from 2734 tons. The total amount won from the mine to date is £383,556, as shown in the following table of details : — Bullion obtained prior to 1896 £138,104 To December. 1893 62,024 To December, 1899 71,636 To December, 1900 66.615 £328.279 January, 1901. 2930 tons 4.500 February, 1901, 2304 tons 4,502 March, 1901, 2836 tons 4,642 April, 1901, 2883 tons 6.118 May. 1901. 2896 tons 6,995 June, 1901, 2635 tons 5.575 July and August, 1901, 4724 tons ... 11.123 September. 1901. 2734 tons J. 9-.4 October, 1901, 2792 tons 6,580 Total to date £383,556 WAITEKAURI CM. CO., LIMITED. : £4035 FROM 2053 TONS. TOTAL TO DATE, £333,453. During the 24 days ending November 1. the Waitekauri Gold Mining Company crushed and treated 2053 tons of ore for a return of bullion valued at £4035 8s 4tl, which is the highest yield for the past four months. The previous return was £3368 from 2178 tons. The total amount won from the mine to date is £333,453 3s 2d, as shown in the following table of details :• — To December. 1397 £85.492 11 0 To December. 1898 64,052 6 0 To December, 1899 74,276 0 0 To December, 1900 70,749 0 0 £294,569 17 0 January, 1901. 2578 tons 5,097 0 0 Pebruarv, 1901, 1857 tons 3,306 0 0 March, 1901. 1835 tons 3,295 0 0 April, 1901, 1901 tons 3,501 0 0 May, 1901, 2805 tons 4,668 0 0 June, 1901, 3C82 tons 5.004 17 10 July, 1901. 2062 tons 3,296 0 0 August, 1901, 2132 tons 3.312 0 0 September, 1901. 2173 tons ... 3,368 0 0 October, 1901, 2053 tons 4,035 8 4

Total to date £333.453 3 2 TALISMAN CONSOLIDATED G.M. CO. £8923 FROM 6928 TONS. The first return from the Talisman Consolidated Gold Mining Company's mine, since crushing operations ceased at the old mill in February .last, is now to hand. Crushing was resumed at the new plant in August last, and to the end of October 6928 tons were put through for a yield of bullion (including that won from concentrates shipped to Dapto, New South Wales) valued at £8923 Is 6d. This return is equivalent to a yield per ton of about £1 5s 9d. The total amount won from the mine to date is £115,186 18s 6d, as shown in the following table of details: — To December, 1898 £39,875 7 3 1899 35,317 6 6 1900 28,645 2 7 £103,337 16 4 Period endingMarch 1, 1901, 723 tons .... 1,662 4 7 April. 12, 1901 763 16 1 October 31, 1901 8.923 1 6 £115,186 IS 6

WAITAIA G.M. CO. During the past two weeks the Waitaia Gold Mining Company crushed 90 tons of ore at the Irene battery, Kuaotunu, for a return of 1240z Bdwt of bullion, from the plates and berdans, valued at £390 16s 5d The tailings are now being treated by cyanide. NEW FOUR-IN-HAND G.M. CO During the past month the New Four-in-Hand Gold Mining Company crushed and treated 84 tons of ore for a return of llloz lldwt of bullion, valued at £322 3s 4d. The previous return was from 60 tons of ore, and resulted in a return of bullion valued at £249 13s lOd.

WELCOME JACK G.M. CO. During the past four weeks the Welcome Jack Gold Mining Company crushed and treated at their battery at Gumtown 48 tons of ore, for a return of bullion valued at £145 9s. The battery only ran eight days on ore from the kiln, the major portion treated being taken from the old mullock tip. The previous return was £281 9s 3d from 45 tons of ore. KOMATA REEFS CO., LIMITED. During the four weeks ending the, 9th inst. the Komata Company treated '1230 tons of ore for a return of bullion valued at £1095. NEW MOANATAIARt TRIBUTERS. During the four weeks ending on the 23rd inst., 16 parties of tributers working in the Moanataiari mine crushed 90 tons of general ore and 681b of picked stone, for a return of 1470z sdwt of melted gold, valued at £408 5s 7d. MAY QUEEN-HAURAKI TRIBUTERS. Seven parties of tributers employed in the May Queen Hauraki mine have crushed a total of tons of general ore and 51b of picked stone for a return of 191oz 2dwt of melted gold, valued at £519 7s 3d. ROYAL OAK OF HAURAKI G.M. CO. The Royal Oak of Hauraki Company treated 20 tons of general ore and 7271b of picked stone for a yield of 5410z 6dwt melted gold, valued at £1357 15s 3d. This is a satisfactory increase upon last month's return, when 105 tons of ore and 5331b of picked stone .yielded £1082 7s Bd. PROGRESS-CASTLE ROCK G-M- CO. The Progress-Castle Rock Gold Mining Company have treated 15 tons of ore and a parcel of picked stone for a return of 30oz 7dwt of bullion, valued at £79 5s 9d. HAURAKI MINES, LIMITED. The Hauraki Mines, Limited, have treated a. parcel of picked stone for a return of 430z 13d wt of melted ore, valued at £124 Bs. Radford and party, tributers, working from the No. 2 level, have treated a parcel of 661b of picked stone, realising 250z 18dwt of melted gold, valued at £73 16s 3d. TE PUKE GOLD REEFS. The treatment of three tons of highgrade ore from the Te Puke Gold Reefs has been completed at the Thames School of Mines, for a return, of £80 14s lid, at the rate of £28 18s 4(1 per ton. This is in addition to two tons previously treated for a return of £84 15s. Mr. F. D. Allen, director of the Thames School of Mines, reports an extraction of 97 per cent, from the five tons of ore treated.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 1 (Supplement)

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OUR GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 1 (Supplement)

OUR GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11824, 29 November 1901, Page 1 (Supplement)