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Amusements; Amusements. i ■ pI T Y HA'LL. QP B E I I V Every Evening at 8. ■p „_ UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MP «. •111 DIX'S n AIETY, nOMPANY. ■, MUSGROVE. - 0B«1 'iiM US {jc AX _Z . \j MESSRS. HARRY MUSGROVE Attn. 11 iii? ■„_?■_ -.aa .stag- Gii ™ os «"""£„ ill Those Inimitable Entertainers Students and all Lovers of the m™? 5 . H *_._&_!: __ THE HA|TOHS. Art (Mus ie). should not fail ?01, 111 THE HAYTORS. MEE gAYTOHb. neas the p ro , lucti Wit- « H THE HAYTORS. r_n_ HAYTO-.b. MR GEORGE MUSGROVE? !■ CONTINUED ENTHUSIASTIC SUCCESS ggAgg OPERA COMPAQ | » Of Everybody's Favourite, Mr. GRAND OPERA COMPin-v' M FRANK YORKF. ALL OPERAS KEXDE ED v y v „ - H ■ MISS MOLLIE BENTLEY. And M H • MISS MOLLIE BENTLfcA. „ PRODUCED ON A SCALE OF MAOVip,^' H MR. JIM MARION. MR. GEO. DEAN. Unsurpassed in any part of'the » H ME. JIM MARION. MR. GEO. DEAN. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING &''' ' I'l MR. KARL BROWNE. Second Production o[ ff ,1( 1- H -■ :■ MISS ETHEL GWYNNE. Sublime Work "* a 0« |H MISS ANNETTA BODIN. ' _ LOHENGRIN. ■ LOQENGRtv |:M And Received Friday last with Intense EntW .' I M Our Complete Double Company. . Not f-- Lohengrin, "Wagner's beanS 3 * 1 *- i'H u \ singularly dramatic Opera: combini. si Hi TO-MORROW (Saturday) EVENING. mv sticism of»ythol o» he f^S , |'<| Another Complete Change of Programme, in gje *££*£■ ffSftW ' I THE hSoRS SSS ° VerUlrC " U MaSter '" inCe I : i THE HAYTORS V LOHENGRIN II THE HAYTOES . (Dramatis Personi- iSf-'l Will appear in their Fourth New Sketch. Lohengrin (Knight of the Holv Gnir, '' " lIP Hi entitled .... ji—™"' "..'•KjBH glt_iliS: *—." the *"*r (Ki "VeLlf? I mondlyText. p Frederick Telramunt l (XoWe of i| -.'- First Abearance in Auckland of The Royal Herald - . Lawrence S? 1 : i'l THE WORRALL SISTERS. Elsa of Brabant - -Madame ffl_£2S» i| THE WORE ALL SISTERS. Ortrud wife ot Telramund) . ? w »Htu g■■ Serio Singers and Dancers. Paeg tQ E . D'Amcle^ 'WM Orchestral Stalls and .Dress Circle, 2 ?: _$ Sfl Stalls, is Box Plan at Wildman and Lyell s. Mug£cal Dircctor; iII Boohing Fee. 6d extra. __ TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). JuS ,' 118 "" ~ " The Most Beautiful and Popular of all i - II I Meetings. ii_& Opera?, 01 aU *» 11 ■ , : : — —— ■ . MARIT AN A. Ipf ■ * S , SPECIAL NOTICE. K i^^i^f^ft.'^^r 1 * First Production in* Auckland of w aopA B&I Grand Music-Drama of the 'Sea*' Mil c s__3^S&^^~* THE FLYING DUTCHMAN ' ', PQ AUCKLAND RACING- CLTJ B. Note—:' The Flying Dutchman.". •' A p ;|S A uoAuaw cat Inspiration." .The symbolic represent- ' Wm , », x- <• m „,i„ 0 tion of Wagner's own personal sufferingTT ;: ' mS The Annual General Meeting of Members the time of composition. ler n?s « M will be held at the Office, Durham-street East, a masterpiece of musical delineation n II on MONDAY, August. sth, at 2 p.m. weird atmosphere of the northern' <S:i fit _,„,,„„,., breathes in every note of the music, iron, iS Rl BUSINESS: -- Overture to the grand Sailors' Chorus inn ' ; ll« To Receive Report and Balance-sheet, and .i as t Act, and the most costly product!™ . Ife Elect Six Members of Committee, in the Operatic Stage. "w 0! IfJ terms of Rules. The scenery is worthy of the grand Mn«l V™ To pass, " That all Members' Tickets must Drama it illustrates. * If be paid for at time of issue." The Dutch Phantom Ship-The H«tou« .Wk „.,. „,^,„ AT the Waves—The Spray—The Storm of lh,i„ IP YVM. PERCIVAL, de , and Lightning-are most vividly realto 111 Secretary A.R.C. and j\ marvel of stagecraft. ■ ' . |M-N.8.-Candidates for Election oh Committee Gounfl?lminortaMVork i'"• must be proposed and seconded at least seven uounoiy* unmonu worK, |||, clear days before meeting. j n response to numerous requests ■ 111. : : : ' (Farewell Production.) - ' IfjS.. AUCKLAND CYCLE CLUB. WEDNESDAY', JULY 31. I M A. ______ Wagner's Masterpiece. fe- ~—~~ ,■■■:■.■■.■■ T A N N II A V 8 E R. |. ' The Annual General Meeting of the Ancle- THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 W land Cycle Club will be held THIS (FRIDAY') Farewell Performance of Verdi's' Sublimi m EVENING, at 8 o'clock, in Club Rooms, j L tEoTaTOEE. " I«' Upper Pitt-street. Every member requested Dress Circle and Orchestra Stalls, 6s-Stal'. ft' to attend. '. • 4s; Pit. 2s. AFTER 7.15 O'CLOCK, OSi l ' SP' .- 11. FIELDER, Secretary. SHILLING. .'• ■ ' ' m — Doors open at 7. Overture, 8 sharp. ■ p ■ _____ Box an now Open at Wildman and Lyell'i 111 Sermons, Lectures, Soirees, etc where Seats may be Reserved Six Days in ad. fit; ■ , vance. K QT. DAVID'S CHURCH, U- PER SYMONDS- co^ SALE at Partrid S« and Co.. Tote* , ' j| J? _, • 'S BEI -Ere-CommuTiion Service and Advance Representative: BENNO ECBmt- J SI ! Public Reception to Confirmed Communion. |__ __™ ___ THIS EVENING, at 7.45. Preacher : THE ' : ~ " —- SK REV. J. J. CAIENEY, of St. James'. XTOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION IP ~ —J i. FmSV LECTURE OF THE WINTER '. fi I W«-,« ma l FIRST LECTURE OF THE AVINTER -' M W Educational. course. - Kg I — —— THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK |*J I ' crWs?Mssa*> STUART CTEPHIiNSON Esq., K.A., ' H Subject: '" PARODIES." " R| Att/vut axtti rv> aatmat? RrwnnT, Tickets for the Course— 4s; Siw!s 1 I UCICLAND GRAMMAIt fc(j_UU_. 0 fi . <sint>-]» AdiT)is<;inn 1k nt flip Jlnnv KM Established A.D. 1369. 2 " 6ci " Single Admission, is, at the door '-;^Pi-i FOR boys and GIRLS. . Money. Ep|. Headmaster : TITONEY TO LEND at a moderate rate ot R't J. W. TIBBS, M.A., Oxford, assisted by a full .i-VA interest.—Apply Jackson and Russell. |'i* Staff of University Graduates. — : : — — -lis. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION ONEY TO LEND on First Mortgaje of III ; •v r Includes AWL Freehold Property. —J. Thames, 91, 1., ENGLISH, LATIN, FRENCH. GERMAN. Qneen-street. J| MATHEMATICS AND COMMERCIAL ARITH- Y?KA TO £5000 _ Moaey to Lend, in ran 1| onTT?xrn_' unntf -k-wptnr SHORTHAND dJuXJ as above, at lowest current rate.-^illllp f_SS_OAi°ANr?FRE#IiAND° DRAWING. Wm. S. Cochrane. Cochrane's Mart, IBS.Qoec. M GYMNASTICS. 6treet " :ffi THE FEES are. for each of the three terms. T)0 You Want Money ? We 'can get form |u under *!• »1„ 16s; over thirteen. £3 10s : -* J large,and small sums on,mortgafe «l- : «HH.; SnS'Hintnf IS.SM I _S_«d GXt:raS ° £ any kiUd WhateVW bCing MONEY TO BE LENT on Interest & \% ' The Headmaster is prepared to advise IVJL Wills. Freehold, or other -approved u^l Parents in the matter. of , Boarders attending cunties. : in sums to suit borrowers. - Apft ;t < the School ' to P. A Vaile, Solicitor, Legal Chambm, mm Application, for admission should be made Queen-street, opposite Vulcan Lane. |, to the Headmaster, or to the Treasurer, Mr. ' " - "— ' &' Oliver Mays, 15, Palmerston Buildings. "jl/TONEY TO LEND on Bond Warrant!, w MM SECOND TEEM,' 1901, began on June 3. AVX Scrip, Promissory Notes, and other ty px|: m „r.iTATOVTrm proved Securities, at Lowest Eates of Interest. wesk W. wadeach. KLUu, _ The Northern Estate 'Agency and Finance fig ».;--,-■,,. secretary. Co. (Limited), Legal Chambers, Queen-stred , M —— ; ; . |H ri li E N _.;■ V B A G H. MONET TO LEND on Mortgage of First. 1 %J' ■■■■■ . : -:■'■• -;-';. i class Freehold ; Securities. |'w BECKHAM PLACE. UPPER GRAFTON W. COLEMAN. / f ||| ROAD. Solicito- and Notary Public. I .;!*? -■■•'' — ■ „„■: 109, ; Queen-street. . /..■■"■; B BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. . — r— uM Principal: TITONEY 'TO LEND ON MORTGAGE, I>~ ■ '-■ MRS. YOUNG. "'■*-*- At Lowest Current 'Rates. §&, Prospectus on Application. Apply to '••'•-' I©l Second Term began; TUESDAY, June 4th, 1901. HESKETH AND ' RICHMOND, f'.?i _____ :—-—— — : : > Solicitors. National Bank Buildings, K piELS' COLLEGE, ALBERT ROAD, Corner Queen and Wyndham Streets. __ |g ; IX DEVONPOET. M ONEY LENT ON PROMISSORY NOTE, £/' Principal: MISS MATTHEWS. L.L.A. iVi HOUSES. FURNITURE, ETC /■I ; St. Andrew's, late Head Mistress of the Girls' ;'"———. ■^y y ||||; 1 High School, Napier, and formerly of the ptttq' T»TQrnnvTi?n TtATT,Y ' '•■''• Mount Eden Collegiate. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAU/i, g|| ■; ■■ ■•..;■■.'.-' .■'■■■ -.■■.", - Mortgages Negotiated. ¥$%■ 1 Miss: Matthews, assisted - by Miss >McHarg, _____ &;".' has Opened a First-class Boarding and Day E% 1 School for Girls. Pupils prepared for Uni- JOHN W. HAEDIE, 7 S COUeS6 and LAND, COMMISSION. AND ESTATE AGEK 'JM Associated Board Examinations. m __ crrlT)r ._m _SH; Special Terms for Weekly Boarders. . HIG-H-oIE-LI. i ESff Half Term, MONDAY, July 15. ■ ——-—— — ™~^^'Sllt , MONEY TO.- -EM S |..

, r"" . ON FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGE f : 'sS|®' SECURITY, L ■At LOWEST CURRENT. RATES, ' | ffi| •■ And in '■'■'■■■' ; ' ; -"-'^wßSp BUMS''TO SUIT BORROWER. \ ,jHg ■' SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, Wk Land, Estate,, and Financial Agents, s'i',W Queen-street. .j-j IK. • ''v': ; \ : -. Conveyances- |l|j ' ~~—' ' — ; '"'if iH PATERS ON AND C °a|»V ROYAL MAIL LINE OP % '. I . ■'.. '. .:-, ', COACHES, ::-■■■ ■ II , : LEAVES DEVONPORT FOR ..•■■.;,■. OKURA. WADE, OREWA. "ffAfig,; || ' .* PUHOI, AND WARKWORTH. .._ ; » I MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS, at 9 a.m. -| |i ■■■ FRIDAYS, at 8 ; a.m , : through to Wellstoru. ||| •'»•.■■■• ■ ."%f ; LEAVES WARKWORTH FOR D^VONP°, B if TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAY || ■■•'•■' At 8 a.m. ,- . fe'j) ■ Fares-Okura: Single, 3s ; return, ss. Watte...., » Single, 4s; return, 7s 6d. Orewa:- bingie- » return, Bs. Waiwera: Single. 6s; return,_* iSg l», Puhoi: Single,' 8s; return, 14s. WarkW>"*- » Single, 10s; return, 17s 6d. Wellsford: W .= » 13s; return, "6d. ff^-ffli For further particulars apply at o lir „.°, jit or Thos. Cook and Sons. Booking g^ . VTBW ZEALAND HEB'^ J j|| IN ' .;'. STJBSCEIAION: 9d per week, delivered s|_: \ town and suburbs; or 13s 6d per quarter,. . |~ advance, posted to any part of the colony; ng| Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 2a ,6d w ,Hi insertion. These announcements, woicß : r ~O gj : be signed by Ihe advertiser, are also ">**-j H an the AUCKLAND Weekly NEWS and HE***" ; SUMMARY without extra charge. " ;>s♦, Kg ■ • While every care is exercised in. regaro. g ? , the due insertion of advertisements, the -0 Mm . prietors i' do not hold themselves reslW^ r pf l • -for non-insertion through accident or fg&& . other causes; and the Proprietors r£ f r * asp. themselves - the right of omitting adve "',, B| • ments that they may deem objectionau | even although such advertisements may. ; I been received and paid for in the usual co _ t j of business. '•''■♦ hi lIP . Instructions as to the insertion or *}• \ |I drawal of advertisements in the HERALD » • » | be in writing. Advertisements received *' | lip ■ out such instructions will be insert?! 1I ! 1 y. Ilgf countermanded," and charged according mfc ' Orders to withdraw advertisements ; nuTS 1 ■ ■»' at the Publishing Office not later than » . ■,- o'clock p.m. . . '"'^lHIP' For the convenience of advertisers, '»'«' [pp to advertisements may'; be sent to the ||ii : f Publishing Office, but the Proprietors do w HH l accept any responsibility in this B

MELMERLY GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL (Boarding and Day School), PARNELL. Principals; MISS HULL and MRS. GORDON, C.H.L., First Class with. Honours. . Resident English , Certificated Governess to ■ —MISS PLOCK (Graduate of London Uni- " versity, and Member of College of PreccDtors). French Mademoiselle Bouillon. Pupils prepared for ; Matriculation and Junior Civil Service Examinations, also for Trinity College and Royal College of Music, London.'.'---.^ The Principals have secured the adjoining house and grounds, thus gaining additional | accommodation, playground, . and tennis ! court. I Half-term, Wednesday, July 17th, 1901. . Prospectuses at Messrs. Champtaloup and Cooper's and Upton and Co.'s. . Telephone No. 894. pEINCE . A LBERT /-10LLEGE, . AUCKLAND, Exceptional advantages for Boarders. v Delightful and healthy situation. > ; ■ Charming view and splendid climate. DEPARTMENT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS IN ..SEPARATE BUILDINGS. HEADMASTER (Resident) : THOMAS JACKSON, M.A. (London University), Assisted by a Large Staff of " (Eight) Resident Masters and Mistresses, With jTour Visiting Masters. Course of instruction includes preparation for CIVIL SERVICE, and MATRICULATION EXAMINATIONS.: •:; ' ' ' . Applications for admission of pupils, or for copies of the Prospectus, should be made to the Headmaster, Prince Albert College, Auckland. ' :. - OARDING AND DAT SCHOOL FOR • BOYS. S. JOHN'S COLLEGE, TAMAKI. Headmaster: REV. P. S. SMALLFIELD, Assistant Masters (Resident) : G. J. LANCASTER. M.A.. with Honours. N.Z. University, and " ROBERT MCILROY, M.A., with Honours. New Zealand University. Junior Master: R. M. ABBOTT. - Visiting Masters for Music, Drawing, Car* pentry, and Gymnastics. Prospectuses may be had at the Diocesan Office, Victoria Arcade. ; ' , Boys on the Commercial Side taught BOOKKEEPING, - SHORTHAND, and TYPEWRITING. . , TERM BEGINS, MONDAY, JUNE 3. Telephone, 729, ',". . *-■:■: ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 8