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The fortnightly , meeting of the AuVdand City Council was held last night. Mr. Alfred ; Kidd presided, and there wer* also present: Messrs. J. Stichbury, J. Court, C J. Parr, J. H. Hannan, J. T. Julian, J. W. Hewson, A. E. Glover, H. T. Garratt, A. Rosser, F. E. Baume, J. Patterson, T. T. j Masefield. Gift of a Seat: A letter was read from Mr. S. W. Buck offering a seat to be placed at the Three Lamps for the convenience of those waiting for trams, 'buses, etc. The gift was accepted with thanks, the question_ of site being referred to the Ponsonby Ward members. - • Fire Brigade: Superintendent Gladding, of the fire brigade, wrote as follows:—"I .have received a communication from the town clerk dated July 12, terminating my engagement as superintendent of the fire brigade as from September 30, 1901. I do not dispute the right of the" Council to do so if in their opinion my efforts have not proved satisfactory to them, but I am of opinion, in fairness to myself, had I had an opportunity of proving to you whether with proper appliances, means of timely warning of an outbreak of fire, I could have done work equal to any superintendent in ether parts of the colony. The last clause of the town clerk's letter is one which I want more especiajly to bring under your notice. It reads thus:—'lt is therefore my duty to give you this notice that your services in the employment of the city corporation will not be required after September 30, 1901.' I understand that the Fire Brigade Committee, although recommending that my ' engagement as superintendent of the brigade should be terminated, never intended that my services in some other capacity of a subordinate nature should be dispensed with. I therefore respectfully ask whether it is the wish of the Council that I am to accept the literal meaning of the town clerk's notification as to my services being wholly dispensed with after September 30 next V The Chairman said he had already explained tc Superintendent Gladding that .it would be unfair to saddle the new superintendent with any resolution as to the retention of i Mr. Gladding's services, . but he had personally no doubt that Mr. Gladding's local knowledge would be of great use to the new man. The letter was received.

Flooding: A letter from the Auckland Bowling Club complaining of flooding of bowling green was referred to the i Streets Committee. . Footpaths: Messrs. Briscoe, MacNeil, and Co. wrote asking the Council to form footpath in Gore-street. The letter was referred to the Streets Committee. An offer from Sydney to supply compressed asphalt slabs for footways was sent to the Streets Committee. ; Grand Hotel Fire: The city coroner forwarded the rider of the jury in the Grand Hotel inquest censuring: the Council for not carrying into i effect their building by-law regarding fire escapes. The letter was sent to the Legal Committee. - ; ■ Letter-box: The Chief Postmaster wrote asking authority to place ar; iron pillar letter-box at the corner of Ponsonby Road; and O'Neill-street. Permission was granted. The Government Arch: Mr. C. R. Vicker-., district 'engineer, wrote, forwarding copy-of telegram from the Government, as follows:—" Government has decided to give arch erected ' on occasion of' Royal visit to corporation on condition - they pay cost of removal, . and ; undertake to re-erect it at their own expense in socio suitable position." The Chairman moved, " That the Council most respectfully decline , the offer." About half-a-dozen councillors rose to second, and the motion was carried. The Chairman stated that the Government had been requested to remove the arch, and this offer was the result. - :; ; Permits: Messrs. E. Mahoney and Son 'asked for a permit to make additions to the Royal Mail Hotel. H. L. Wade, architect, asked permission to reinstate premises in Upper Queen-street,, belonging to P. "Walsh, of Otahuhu, recently partly destroyed by fire. Both requests were referred to the Legal Committee. Water Supply: The Remuera Road Board wrote asking if the City Council could supply the district with water. The letter was referred to the Water Committee. ; Whitaker's Lane: Mr. A. Hanna wrote on behalf of the Assets Board declining any responsibility for maintenance of Whi taker's Lane. The letter was sent to the Streets Committee.-Fire-alarms: J. Dawson, electrical engineer, wrote offering to tender for the work of installing fire-alarms as recommended by Superintendent Hugo, or to supervise the work if it • was to bo done by the' Council. The letter was referred to the Fire Brigade Committee. ' ■'-' ""' '"""* " "" Finance: Mr. T. M. Stephens, Parnell, wrote, suggesting that in- place of the Council floating a loan for £100,000 they should get a Bill through ; Parliament giving them power to issue debentures of from £10 to ss, winch could be used as bank-notes, and would be legal tender to pay all debts, public-'; and private, including rates and taxes. "The debentures to be convertible' by interest alone, and the Council to be pledged to pay every year £4000 to the city treasury, who would then redeem £4000 worth of notes, and destroy ' them, thus redeeming the wnole £100,000 in 25 years. Mr. Stephens also submitted an alternative scheme of raising the money v through ,the , Government • on the same principle. The letter was referred to the Finance Committee. . Claims for Compensation: A letter was read from Mr. W. Coleman, solicitor, on oehalf of T. C. Kerry, stating that injury had been done to Mr. Kerry's property at Waikumeto through the Council's water-race being taken through it; that Mr. Kerry bought the property three years ago for £420, and that he -was willing to sell it to the Council foi £400. Mr. H. M. Wilson/ the engineer on the water works-, reported that in his opinion the property was worth £52. It was nonsense to say the water-race spoiled its value, and if the water-race was converted into a road the value of the property would be considerably enhanced. The city solicitor wrote that steps had been taken under the Public Works Act to take part of . Mr. Kerry's land for water supply purposes, ?.ad when instructed by the Council he ) would prepare papers to complete the taking of the land, and if the amount of compensation was not then privately adjusted between the .Council and the owner it would have to be referred to the Compensation Court for settlement. The letters were referred to th.3 Legal Committee. . Mr. A. G. Pilkington wrote on behalf of Mrs. McCaslin, whose premises in Newton were burned during tf.e plague scare, asking for compensation. This claim was also referred to the Legal Committee. ■ . - Nightsoil : Contract:""'•• Mr. A. E.tDevore wrote intimating that Mr. John Peach, of Remuera, was prepared to receive a transfer, of all Mr. L. McDermott's interests in the nightsoil and dust contracts if the Council consented. The letter was referred . to the Legal Committee. Street Lamps: The Streets Committee recommend the erection of additional street lamps in,the following positions, viz.:Ponsonby Ward: Douglas-street, 1; "Vermontstreet, 1;' Prospect and King Streets, 1; Clarence-street, 1; Arthur-street, 1; Johnstreet, 1; Sentinel Road, 1; Cox's Bridge Road, 1; Dunedin-street, 1. South Ward: Nelson Avenue, 1; Nelson-street, 1; Wolfstreet, 1; Whitson Terrace, 1; Franklin Road, 1. North Ward: Graham-street, 1; Hobson-street Wharf, 1; Darby-street, 1; Custom-street (low levels), 2. East Ward: Rokeby-street, 1; junction of Queen and Turner Streets, 1; Mills' Road, 1; Chancerystreet, 1. Grafton Ward: Edinburgh-street, 1; Gundry-street, 1; Burgoyne-street, 1. The recommendation was adopted. • The Grey Lynn Borough Council-requested the City Council to erect gas lamps on the city side of Richmond Road, to intersect with those on the Grey Lynn side, in accordance with a promise made by the City Council about' 15 years ago. The letter was referred to the Streets Committee. The Ponsonby Ward members reported with reference to S. H. Bayliss' application to remove the lamp in Hackett-street to oposite Swift Avenue, that having visited the spot, they recommended the Council grant the application. The report was adopted. " Streets Committee: The report of the Streets Committee was submitted as follows: As to formation of Cook, East, West, and Centre Streets: The engineer having no further recommendation to make, the committee adheres to its former recommendation, that a reply be sent that the Council cannot see its way to do the work. Petition from Sale-street, asking for repairs to street: Reply that instructions have been given to ha\o the work carried out. A. Sanford, asking permission to erect smoke-house, Albertstreet : Application granted, the work to be carried out to the satisfaction of the city engineer. R. and W. Hellaby, asking permission to erect iron gable, Chancery-street: Application granted, the work to be carried out to the satisfaction of the , city engineer. City engineer, as to roof over' asphalt yard; for road roller, carts, machines, etc.: If|girieer to prepare plans' and specifications' for these ■ works. Building : inspector, report on hotels of 4 the city, also reporting on City Hall and Opera House fire escapes: Referred to the By-laws Committee to take prompt action to make necessary by-law to give effect to the report. Waterworks engineer, re water pressure for fire purposes: Your committee reoommend that the Mount Eden reservoir valves bo altered from Syruonds-street, and brought into Khyber Pass reservoir yard, and a house built over them at a cost of £50, for labour and connections out of stock; that r 3in:

main be laid down Symonds-streefc from Eaststreet to Karangahape Road, at a cost of £150, and that whea pipes are available the mains in Commerce-street and Elliott-street > : be increased in size to give an efficient supply to the lifts. M. A. Fulton, accepting terms as to determining contracts No. 8, 9, 11, and 12, Nihotupu: .Received, and effect to be given to previous resolution of the Council. Tenders lot completion of No. 8 contract, Nihotitpu: The lowest tender, that of H. Eraser and Son, accepted at £289. Tenders for engine shed for stone-breaker, Mount Eden: The lowest tender, that of W. Blakey, ' accepted at £142. City engineer, suggesting the carrying of a 9in pipe up Berestordstreet to the manhole, and a 12m pipe from manhole to existing culvert across ileresiordstreet: Your committee recommend that the work be done. Fire inspector, asking for , fire-plugs to 4-in service mains, Ponsonby " Road, supplied with Mount Eden pressure: Your committee recommend the work bo done. bo first clause was, on tho motion of Mr. Hannan, referred back to the committee, so that the engineer might report on a cheaper scheme for the improvement of the district, the price of formation being £600. Remainder of report was adopted. _:"--. \ Legal Committee: T:ie Legal Committee reported as follows:—Your committee -re- ; commend that as Mr. Hewson intimated at ,' a meeting on May 7 his intention to retire from the committee, the vacancy caused thereby ■bo tilled by the Council. S. D. ' llanua, re Swift Avenue: Your committee 0i recommend that a reply be sent that tho Council is willing to stop the street, and to submit the land for sale by public auction. A. B. Roscruge and others, re Parnell 'bus traffic; report thereon by traffic inspectoi :. Reply that the traffic inspectoi takes tho :> time of starting of these 'buses several times during the week, and finds that since the recent prosecutions the starting times are more ';;- regular, but that a lot of time is lost in - Queen-street, which can only be obviated by .=_.■. the adoption of a time-limit. The Parnell Borough Council do not fix the numhet of ); passengers to be carried by these 'buses, and '/' it is not marked upon the licenses. A. C. ' Whitney, re advertising in public places;/ traffic inspector reporting thereon: Reply. \ that when the offenders can he found they ','y~\ are notified to remove any such advertise- ", ments. Waterworks engineer, re price of ; coal supplied by J. J. Craig; sub-committee's f : report on expiration of Craig's coal contract Your committee recommend that from July ■■■?■-. I,'-to {the end of the three years' contract, : ; the -i Council .accept Mi. Craig's offer to supply coal at Is per ton advance on contract ; price. Taupiri coal: No claim lor othei than V; contract price as to past supplies. Direct, i Supply Company (Limited), asking for extension of lease of allotment in Stanley- ?, street: Reply .that the committee cannot" see ".-'..<• its way to comply with icquest; the allotment : : ; being portion of Domain. Lieutenant-Colonel; " White, asking remission of claim in Contacts ": Hospital fire: Claim to be made against in- „ surance company for amount of insurance. Superintendent of park;, re damage dona > to Domain by volunteers; ; Captain Roid offered £10 l'Os in payment thereof: Offer ac- . - cepted. 1 Scenery Conservation Society, as to. planting row of trees along path in ! } Do- . < main:' Reply tliat the Council cannot;see its way,to carry out this planting this'season. Board of Advice t. (Library),:; as < to 1 printing list of books , under consideration:;" Your ;; committee do not. approve of ( the", cost of' -:• printing. Board of Advice (Library), suggest-, •> ■ing joint meeting of board and -committee: : '-vi ! Committee cannot' see their way. to adopt '.{'■ proposal; Librarian, submitting -list of "'. '■> books recommended by- Board -of Advice: '„•• ; Adopted, and to be ordered at a cost of £30.-. ■ ; : Maekelvie trust, re changes of attendant in .;'■;.- -Art Gallery: Reply that no changes have been made without responsible ; men known ; to the Council being employed, but if there : is any objection to any of them, the commit- ,;;: tee "consider the same. A. M. Myers, offering to loan picture, " A Reverie," to Art Gallery: Accepted, and * the donor thanked. Board of Advice (Art Gallery), (a) re proposed loan of swords,* helmets, etc., by Mr. T. Wills; (b) hours for students copying in gallery; (c) appointment 'of caretaker; (d) applying for permit book, etc.:; (a) Declined, articles * not being," suitable;,* (b) your committee adheres; to , its \ previous recommendations; (c) previously dealt with ; (d) forms to be issued by , the ) town clerk. Licensing Committee,!re: fire appliances for hotels: Suggestion to bo;adopted,' arid" incorporated' in by-laws. Board of Advice (Library) recommending acceptance of Mr. Le Bailly's gift of books arid purchase of "Ancient Laws of England" at 30s: Agreed ■ to. The report was adopted, with the ex- j : ception of the first clause, which was deferred. ' .■ " ' ■:-- : -' ; - Finance Committee: The Finance Corn-'' ; mittae's report was : adopted, as follows: —~ Royal Reception Committee, declining: Council's offer of £225 in full settlement ;cf;'v ; claim for expenses of Royal reception: ; Your, : committee adheres to its former decision. .-r Fire inspector, re hotel licenses covering li- ** cense for billiard-room, and city solicitor advising thereon: A test case to be taken. ■'; Churchwardens,; St. Matthew's Church, ask-, : ing refund of rates paid on property in Wei- :;; lesley-street: Reply the Council is unable to. : ; comply with request. : Ferry Services The Special Committee; ; on ferry services reported as follows: Your committee beg to report having on several occasions: met i the delegates appointed :by . the other local bodies interested in the regu- "':>, lation of. the ferry The conference ; - having taken a legal opinion to the 'effect ';■ that the local bodies interested in each set of termini had the power to jointly draft the ;.;; necessary by-laws, divided itself into separ- . ; ate bodies to deal with the different services : accordingly. As the making of , by-laws ,;in- .;. volves a cost of not less than £50,'.' and ne- ; cessitates the ultimate appointment of an ; inspector at an annual cost of, say, £150, to see that,the regulations are carried out, your committee now place the matter before the ; Council for further instructions before committing tho Council to such expenditure. The report was referred to the Finance Commit- ■;-•■;. tee. "■"■ •'■-■ ■••- ■"■ v-"'-'" : : , 5. By-laws: Mr. Garratt moved, "That it bo an instruction to the Legal Committee to' V prepare a- by-law to protect ; cabmen against : ;j 'unprincipled persons who engage their; set-;::-;;; vices, to enable them to give such persons '>■% in charge to the nearest constable in the event of; payment being ; refused.'' ;; ; Mr. V >; Julian seconded. The motion was referred : ;. to the Legal Committee, several councillors ;. expressing doubt as to ; whether such a by- * law could be adopted. Ponsonby Ward: Mr. Stichbury moved, " That it be an instruction to the city engineer to prepare plans and estimates foi - kerbing and channelling the following streets," viz.:—Scotland-street : (south side to Ire- >'; ; land-street), New-street, Wood-street, Doug- -- las-street, Vermont-street, - King-street, ;: Blake-street, Spring-street, and Seymour--, street, and that the same be referred to the . Finance Committee (as to.ways and means); ; before tenders are called." Mr. Court : f seconded, and asked that Ponsonby Terrace '. be added. Mr. Julian thought this was a rather large. order, and moved, "That it go to the Streets Committee." The Chairman : said the last claim of this sort was for eight ; streets, now Mr. Stichbury had a list of nine, and he intended to supply a list ot 10 for the East Ward. (Mr. Julian: "I will follow with a list of 11.") It was really coming to \« this, that they would have tc abolish the;.■•-; ward system, altogether. There was a '.ong ; list of works already adopted, which, must.; have precedence. The motion.was referred ~; to the Streets Committee \ " Water Supply: : Mr. ■, Masefield. moved, "That with a view of increasing • the iwater :: supply to the city, the waterworks engineer shall report to the Council within one month " the estimated cost of steel and galvanised "■•':;} flange pipes, 21 in in diameter, from ,Nihotupu to reservoir at Titirangi. and_2lin cast pipes from reservoii to Archhill, with neces-.._.■' sary fittings, exclusive of those already at the track, stating quantity of water 'thesesizes will supply by gravitation to the. Ponsonby reservoir, and allowing 12 months for . supply of same; also, to report the value of 9in, lOin, and 15in pipes now on the track, and the 15in steel pipes for which contract, " has ills'- been let." The motion was- adopted. Gift to tho Library: The librarian reported that Captain Mac Queen, Mount Albert, had donated to the library the works of Hogarth, atlas folio, portrait, and 178 large plates, "Early Impressions," half-bound in. red "morocco, gilt edges—a valuable addition to the library. The Chairman said the gift was of great value, and on his motion the Council passed -'J a cordial vote of thanks to the donor. Tenders: It was agreed to call tenders for. Hargreaves-street drainage and Western ■ Park drainage. Four tenders "were received for Elizabeth-street drainage, and the lowest.(McGee, £42 15s) was accepted. Two tenders . were received for Patteson-street drainage: William Hendry, £142 18s sd; Colson, £133 6s 4d. ~ : . Mr. Colson's tender was accepted. Crossings: Mr. Garratt moved, "That the engineer be instructed; to lay a- wooden crossing 6ft" wide at each of the following, s, places, namely: Karangahape' Road, con- ; necting the cast side of Lower and Upper Pitt-street : Symonds-street, opposite Coates', pork butcher, Khyber Pass, from the lower corner of Seafield View Road to the upper corner of Severn-street." Mr. ; : Kidd suggested that as the tram-rails would -; shortly bo lifted, it would bo more feasible.;V_ to lay metal crossings meantime, and on this-. J.understanding the motion was adopted. 'Mr. Herbert Peak, on behalf of the Sailors Home, wrote urging the formation of » crossing from the comer of the Harbour Board , offices to the Sailors' Home, also over Cus-tom-street to the corner of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile offices. > The letter was referred to the Streets Committee.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 3

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AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 3

AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11716, 26 July 1901, Page 3