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■~-?--~r-: .. : ——„. ~..,.,.-.. ~.,,.-.-..,.,:..- -,--,. , j; ,,-^ s ■■■--:,,--..-- v ..-..-.,.,,--.-. .'• '■ : '' ; '-"38C , -^BC-*3E3' x '""■' ;: -- ;; ■!:'"■'■'■•■'"■■'Si'' ;; .' vv^", : , '--.'/ I 'v v -7"' ■.'"■."■■"'. '■■•:':■"; V;" •'-:."'' ■.".'.• -' : '7; ■.7 ■'-"'.':"'•.:-.'■ -''777" 7- " . ' "i * > ■ : : : .-.■••.■-;...-'*• *.-•■ .',';-:■';■.. :■ ■■''.'■■■: •. -......_'■»...-:..■. ■..:■■. "■"/ ■ ?-, ■*■ ». .'..-."'.■ . ■■.■...••■'•.... " , - • . - • 1 First Award at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1889 & 1890 j I ''''• :,: '- < '•ft ■■■inn |||M| .— .-a,., ~,,,.., '■.!»■ -i,,t—...,— —.'" ...,ir ■r,if"-""" J ™ , °'"^-" i, ~ , """"" t -^—-———— mpj.—.-■■„—>n nfiiii i Hum niiiniimi ■ 11 ■■ ■ ■ iimrni mi n ;-'■■-•'-'. "R AD£ ;- ■>■ «. . D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors. .ostrich 6l [' §

~ i——— - *— ' ""»■————ill Dress and Fashion. •- , -, ■■.'.' -jL...: y M V' ■ ' . ' I LINENS I)SC Direct from the . DSC best Belfast Linen - DSC Manufacturers. . DSC Double Damask \ ■ DSC Tablecloths, Double DSC Damask Tabling, 2 ' DSC yds. wide, Double DSC Damask Serviettes, DSC Damask D'Oyleys, ..= DSC Linen Sheetings, . DSC Glass Gloths, etc. \ DSC Exceptional value . I DSC will be found through- ' I ;:DSC out this important DSC department, as we = DSC sell direct to the :" DSC public at Wholesale i DSC Prices ■ VELVETS [ DSC Silk Velvets and DSC Velveteens, in all the i r DSC new shades, Tartan ' DSC and Half-mourning, j DSC Silks in great DSC variety. DSC Evening Shades : DSC in Mervs, Peau de DSC Sois, Japanese and j It DSC Liberty, from 1/3 to DSC 5/6 per yard. DSC A full range of DSC Black and Coloured DSC Satins. : - ■■-•-■ . ■■ -■ ,■ ■ •■ DRESSES :i DSC Navy and Black DSC Serges, fast dyes, DSC 1/6 and 1/11 per . DSC yard. i I DSC Fancy D ess DSC Materials, new ( DSC weavings, 44 inches DSC wide, 1/6 and 1/9 DSC per yard. DSC Dress Tweeds, DSC Lustre s, Fancy i DSC Black Materials, ■; DSC from 1/6 per yard. HATS DSC Now showing the DSC very latest producDSC tions in Ladies' : DSC Hats, Toques, and DSC Bonnets, trimmed , DSC and untrimmed, reDSC presenting the fashDSC ions of the moment. DSC It will pay you DSC handsomely to purDSC chase from us, as ~ DSC we sell at Wholesale DSC Warehouse Prices. ' GENTS. OUTFITTING DSC Men's Felt Hats DSC Men's Straw Hats DSC Men's Silk Hats DSC Men's Special Hats DSC Men's Tweed Caps DSC Men's Tennis Shirts DSC . Men's Regatta „ , DSC Men's White „ DSC Men's Coloured „ DSC Men's Merino Singlets DSC Men's Merino Pants DSC Men's Hats & Ties DSC Men's Collars, Cuffs DSC Men's Winter i Clothing at DSC Wholesale Prices. ,-„ ■■ .< ■. - , ■ ■■■ . ■ ~■■ • ■/ . -

'' Dress and Fashion. ' V; 11 eM 11 cM 1 cM 11111 cM 11 cM li eS*f II w JL A JL. JR. JHL varvfr HgPW- J3&&& J**» <*!* Jtfc/ / -.~>~- Iftjl Limited. k«j X GREAT g mmmmmmmUSBUBBBB ==== *§ is ®^ : ' ■..■-.■■■■■.. '-.-■. - - ■ * A "_. ■ j . ■'■ i' ■ '■' -'-':'■' *.'•■.'..'-"■■ ■■'...■.'■ * " ; ■■. ■■ ■ ' ■ :■■ :'■■"■ '.- ■ ■ *•■ .■.»'■'.■ ■'■-'■'- ■*.'■..■■■ i. ■" ..' _ ■..:-■. -.'.-.■"...■ " '■ ■■ .■ "■■■ ■-.-..•■!■ «....■■ ■' '-.' - ;.;.-.-•". ■■ ■.- >■ ■ ■. ._. Wholesale and- Family Drapers, „= COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. K * 111 M 3 111 *1P Si *C* 111 11 MP 111 HtP ill «sfpTT^ "-• ■■"■—' hi —»■-■■.. m.».ii.iilii-i.i ai-..ii J i.i.i-»»...«.i.iiJJJi«»iLi|i..JJMIIiIJ,IEI.«Jl l IIU«lllJJMUWI»llMlli|llllll»lJUiBWTl 1111 I lIIMMIHW «!■■■—«Hmil»l»lllllllMMlMJM—Mm■—» II i»i»iiin»»u ■ llil m ———■ «« 111 ||||l«IHl»m I

Milk. , " "> | | t; LARGEST SALE BRAND f JMllKflldln •" LARGEST SALE BRAND ; in the Mi-fife P WORLD. iliUIJ 1 j§ LARGEST SALE -. BRANd «.'' |: *$& 19? 9jn a II 1 ; WORLD. -. ffiiUft LARGEST SALE BRAND \ , 1,1 tbe lyptlli? I WORLD. M*4»fi. ■If LARGEST SALE BRAND See this Trade Mark on every Tin, * WORLD*[V.-> JLwJa'AjLfl®' It PURE' full Nourishment, partly predigested. . Sterilized^• \ m THE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS IN ALL CLIMATES. . | „ C * T e IN POWDER FORM/ i J&!EJ*l* KEEPS ™ Efl % the world. INDEFINITELY. „ stores. Tailoring, &c . '■ <M . ■)£ VENI ! VIDI I VICi ! ■X" I High-class Tailoring & Gents.' Outfitting. 1 Up-to-Date B™5!5L Up-to-Date I FASHION r 1 '" |P IT AND %\ j J All Things. I inish. All Things, 1 Newest Goods in each Department for Coming Season. E G. McBRIDE, Merchant Tailor, '. 1 Habit Maker, Gents.'Outfitter, Importer, etc, X VICTORIA ST., next VICTORIA HOTEL, AUCKLAND. W I 1 And at HAWERA, DARGAVILLE, and WAIHI, _ #% '

Boots and ShoesDSC Ladies and GentleDSC men who desire to DSC be suitably shod will DSC be delighted with DSC the new importaDSC tions of Boots and DSC Shoes, just landed DSC from the best AmeriDSC can Makers. The DSC prices will be found DSC even below those DSC ranging for similar DSC Goods last season. tgsfPai %y* W» * ————— ■ m Wines, Spirits, etc. ®®®®.®shs®®&®® § GUARD GOOD Iff • HEALTH TO®®®® • ® ®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®® ® ® $$ From Heat, Cold, $& • Wet, and Sudden ft ® Changes by drinking ® ®®®®®®®®®®®® TO®®®®®®®®®® ® ®®® • W Oil G S ®®® ■ ft nvMv<a ®®® ® C h y ® ®, ®t ®®®®®®®®®®®®; ®®®®®®®®®.®®® Ij; Most diseases originate ;§; H in small troubles, but || S WOLFE'S" Schnapps || ;J£ is a key to preserve J|; S health J* «* ' J> j* ; |g ®®®®®®®®®®®® I $ Avoid Counterfeits. ft ® ®®®®®®®®®®®® I ®®®®.®i®®@ ®®a Guns,. Ammunition, &c. SHOOTING SEASON; D. evittv GTJNMAKER. FTBEARMS AND AMMUNITION: OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. ■ All Kinds of " SMOKELESS AND BLACK POWDER. '■ CARTRIDGES, BREECH AND MUZZLE-LOADING guns; TO SUIT ALL BUYERS. CARTRIDGE BAGS, BELTS. GAME BAGS. GUN COVERS, ETC.. ALWAYS IN STOCK, GUN REPAIRS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THfl SHORTEST NOTICE. ■ FISHING TACKLE. ' SEA AND RIVER TACKLE IN GREAT . VARIETY. _.';■' ' RODS, REELS. PLIES, LINES. HOOKS. MINNOWS. SINKERS. ETC. Dffij evitt;, 236. QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. Price List Free on Application. W. H. HAZARD, GUNMAKER, 175, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. IMPORTER OP GUNS, CARTRIDGES, AND SPORTING REQUISITES Of Every Description. Repairs of all finds executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for New Illustrated Price List. Spectacles, etc. T PEACOCK. Ophthalmic Optician, 218, . QUEEN-STREET, opposite City Hall,— The Sight Tested by most improved methods and Spectacles accurately fitted. Artificial Eyes of all colours in Stock. Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments in Stock and Re -._ paired.

'">'■''-- Medical. A __________ ' — --~" " ' "" ' i 4 V•■ ' LIGHTS BROWN ■ PRE. EMINENTLY SUPERIOR ffOR DISEASES OF THE THROAT, GHEST, SKIN, DEBILITY, RICKETS, RHEUMATISM, &a EDGAR SHEPPABD, Esq., M.D., says: i Sib G. D. GIBB, Bart., M.D., says : * '•; " A pint of Br.DK JoJfoH'flOillaof more I "It will sustain life when everything else value than a quart of any other." • ■■„■"■ :/ 'fails." * • ;.*• - * ■*:;.■:■■:■ * • ,'«■■>..■ Sold ONLY in Capsuled littbrial Half-Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Role ANBAR,HARFORD & CO., Limited, 210, High Holborn, London. % CAUTION.—I? mercenary attempts to recommend or substitute inferior hinds. m ■-.--. jt i ii ■ ■ . I I Liver, Kidney and . ' ji I I Stomach Complaints • °*F "*oV m '■''■■"'b Brought to . •'■"•:•'■••.•'•■'••••'••'.■•"•"•"'"• m , It- : A FULL stop :" I I*'!. By the timely use of \ ' 1 "jmpeifs jtfay' Jffpple- j Tnls Brilliantly Successful Remedy Is 1 I ail MBDieiNB-Not a Mysterious ©on'coction. . 1 .This Brilliantly Successful Remedy la |i nn HONEST MBOieiNE-Not a Mysterious Ge.ncocttoa. M ■ ■ IT CAN BE TAKEN WITH CONFIDENCE. ffl - ' ** Itnnev'i May Rpola" Is made from the prescription of Mr. Matthew )■; H| I Impey!the eminent lecture" and botanist. Its principal constituents are frankly B& ...; -acknowledged to be those old-fashioned but sterling vegetable extracts >- . gg ' 5 n. v nnni.. Dandelion, ©ascara and Turkey Rhubarb, fc* 1 - wmponndidlfa scientific up-to-date fashion. There is no better restorative in the , M 1 world for derangement of the Digestive Organs or Sluggish Liver. ; ■ ■« —. , Kg m a 2, *C'' CHEMISTS AND STORES. *3b> '~ 2/ _J| ' y^^^^^^^^^ l^^-— — . ~,t „ n V thfi stomach Children,DelicateFo- . The Universal Remedy for A « l^ ty males » and the Sick. Headache, Heartburn, ■.Indigestion, Sou. Eructations, » ess of Pregnancy. . :-~ , BilloiisMeotio^^ r-r _^..,.^^^ a^s^^^ •-- • Sold Throughout the WopmT N.8.-ASK FOR JWNNeFJ^KD'^MAfiNESIA^

\ ■' '•■ "Merchandise. -:.; <:■■'■. - :-,■■■• :' : /.'V ; §, Goe; Fabjhejt Exquijite Flavor, ,

. Local Industries* <n> TTEESING, ' pUMMANBi eL AND CO., 11 i COOK-STREET WEST, :¥;. :. AUCKLAND. AM Telephone No. 637. f —„ __S"V * LICENSED WATERW* ImLA_ = /WOE_S PLUMBERS AND 1 . ;. GASPITTERS. Drainage and Sanitary Work done in all it* Branches. ; ESTIMATES SUPPLIED. ' Electric. Poll, and Automatic Bella on Hand and Fixed.' Thorough ■Workmanship Guaranteed, and messages by Telephone (or otherwise) attended to at any hour „ ■ . rAV Q ANEOED 1 AND QjOK ft, . * PISH AND OYSTER MERCHANTS. j Oysters and Receive;! on Oonsiffnmrot} from Coastal Settlers. Registered fe ,S 11-rf^^\ Trade Mart, FRESH PISH DAILY, Prom .Steam Trawlers, j AT MART, CUSTOM-STREET. QO-CARTB AND PERAMBULATORS. D 9 0LD MEDAL AWARD. Jr Queensland and A nek--8 / IKS! V land Exhibitions. Oaah i. $Sml_, \ or deferred Payments*. 3- /\V \ Liberal Discount alI l lowed to -wholoaala \ • (PHARLES QIDTH. QUEEN-STREET. «sasafsv AUCKLAND. _____ ... _ ______________ **\,£__ : pEE AMBULATORS, •*• GO-GARTB, AND 8 - \MfW&§&' WIOKERWARE. I is CHEAPEST AND BE HJ j « Mcleod, BROS., ; ? QUEEN-STREET, , s<«y X«.*>' / Branch Karangahape Ed, ;|

itmmmMmanwiiKaaKmmiMiiiJNauiWiiwiiuuMtiimii i ■ mi —m—ma— | ■fr , ii i w I HIGHEST AWARD— GOLD MEDAL—PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900. I MELON'S FOOD yields a complete diet for the youngest • infants, in all climates. _ MELLIN'S FOOD retains its properties for any lengtn ot 1 time and is adapted for use in all climates. ; Samples etc., may be obtained of, GOIXIN & Co., 562-4, Bourke Street. Melbourne, 172 Clarence Street, Sydney, Grenfell Street, Adelaide, and Wellington. ' ' " ? MelHii's Pood Company for Australia and New Zealand Ltd., 56. Cannon Street London.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11714, 25 July 1901, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11714, 25 July 1901, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11714, 25 July 1901, Page 2