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AUCKLAND AND SUBURBAN POULj TRY, PIGEON, AND CANARY SHOW. The second annual show of tho Auckland and Suburban Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Association was opened yesterday, in the Agricultural Rail, and was attended throughout the day and evening by a huge crowd of fanciers. The entries wore very large. Excellent accommodation was provided, considering th'J space at die disposal of the committee, and the. judges nt * officials are to be commended* for tiioir promptness in awarding the prices so that the results were available at the opening. The best bird in (he show was Messrs. Tonar Brothers' black single-comb Orpington cock. The second best was Mr. J. H. Priestley's Minorca cockerel. In the lion or pullet class the best wss Mr. K. Clcndon's, The best pigeon was Mr. .J. Walker's English carrier (winner of the cup at Newton}. Mr. W. Fricker, a well-known homer exhibitor, Wiin the cup for the best working homer, with a bird which easily stood head and shoulders above its competitors. Mr. ,J. M. Thomson, the popular secretary of the club, won the cup for canaries with a dark erected buff Norwich, which has an unbeaten record. This competitor scored the majority of points in this variety. Mr. T. Hanson occupied a somewhat similar position in Yorkshires and cinnamons. Mr. Nelson did really well in Belgians and Scotch fancy. Mr. J. Walker (of the Model Poultry Farm, Mount Albert) was most successful, winning first, special, and cup for best Poland, first and special trophy for beet black red game bantam, and first and special for best rose-combed bantam. In pigeons he, also won the champion trophy for best pigeo:a in the show, in addition to fully 4-0 other first and special prizes. SILVER CUP AND SPECIAL PBIZE LIST. The following is the tup and special prize ' The" president's (Mr. C. Grey) massive silver ciio for til? best cock or cockerel in the show (bantams excepted), won I%'o by -Mr. d. raves: Awarded to J. Tonar. The patron's cup (Mr. N. A. Nathan) for the best, hen or pullet in the show, won 1900 by Messrs. Curiae and White: Awarded to B. J. Clendon (Thames). ._ Silver cud, presented by Air. 11. Bonn, Co. the best bird in the Polish classes, won Wt'J bv Mr J. Walker: Awarded to J. Walker. Silver cup, presented by Mr. P. Baliin, for the exhibitor scoring the most points in Lie Hamburg classes, lirst. year: Awarded to-B. Clend m, Thames. Silver cup, presented by Mr. S. Coombes, for the best bird in the Spanish, Andalusian, and Minorca classes, won 1900 by Mr. James Coleman: Awarded to J. 11. Priestley. Silver cup, presented by F. 'iwinamo ami Co., for the best bird in the Leghorn classes except whites), won 1900 by Mr. li. Tattersail: Awarded to Tonar Pros. Tropin', value £5 3s presented by Mr Ay Scott (Thames; for the most points in bantams, won 1900 by W. A. Hanson: Awarded to P. A. Hanson. Silver cup, presented by the committee, for the best bird in the Hamburg and. Wyandotte classes, won 1900 by Mr. E. Clendon (Thames): Awarded to E. Clendon. Subscription cup, value £10 10s, for the best working homer in the shew, won 1900 by Mr. J. Hopkins: Awarded to W. Pricker. Committee's silver card stand, value £5 ss, for the best canary in the show, won 1900 by •'!' J. M. Thomson: Won by J. M. Thorn-

son. Silver cup. ...resented by the Union S.S. Coinpan v, for the best pullet in the Dorking, Cochins, Brahmas, and Eangshans, won 1900 by Mr. Beid, Motutapu: Awarded to B. ii. Gold medal, presented by the Auckland Plying Club, for Ibo best working homer in the riving classes, provided such bird shall belong to a 'member of a bona-fide hying club of not less than 10 adult members: Awarded to W. Fricker. Cash, £2 2s, presented by Mr. J. M. Thomson for Die best Orpington in the show: Awarded to Tonar Bros. Cash. .£2 2s. presented by Mr. J. M. Thomson, for the best pigeon in the show: Won b-. J. Walker. "Jr. L. D. Nathan's trophy, value .£-1 A3, for mast points in poultry: Won by W. J. May, 7/ points. Mr. J. Dal ton's trophy, value £2 2s, for most points in pigeons: Awarded to J. Walker. Mr. W. G. Griffiths' trophy, value £1 15s, for most points in canaries: Won by J. JI. Thompson. Mr. J. Walker, cash. £2 2s. for the most points in Minorcas: Awarded to Tonar Bros. Mr. C. Grey, cash, £2 2s, for the best bird in the game classes: Won'by J. Trayes. Mr. C. Grey, cash. £2 2s. for the most points in AVyandottcs and Plymouth Bocks: Won by J. 11. Priestley. Mr. A. H. Grainger. £2 2s, for the second-best cock or cockerel in the show: Awarded to J. 11. Priestley. Ngnrtguru Coal Company, £1 10s, trophy for the second-best hen or pullet in the show": Won by G. R. Hutchinson. Messrs. Seegner. Langguth's £1 is trophy, for the best white Leghorn in the show: Awarded to .7. B. Kyd. '

THE EXHIBITS. The game class on the whole -was only medium, there being only one. or two birds of exceptional merit. In (he Indian game class the majority were extra good, especially the cockerels. The winning ben was of exceptional lacing quality. The Plymouth Keck class was on iho whole very good, a few of the birds being fit to show anywhere. 'The winning lieu was 0110 of tin; best teen, and many thought it should have had the special instead of the cockered. In the Cochin class the buffs were very good, but the partridges, with one or two exceptions, ware of an inferior class. Brahmas, both light and dark, were very good, scarcely a bad one being .shown. in the Langshan class there was an cxceptionally good show, some of the best seen in Australasia being amongst them. There was great competition in the Orpington class, most of tlio hards being of a good standard. In the Dorkings (ho silver grays were an exceptionally good lot. In the Wyandotte classes, tlio goldens shown were mostly far too young. In too silvers the winning cock Won easily, and was a, grandly-laced bird right through. A silver-laced hen shown by (ho same exhibitor also excelled, iter only drawback being shape. The whites showed a vast improvement. The only one of any merit in the Polish class was tlio cap hen, which stood well ahead of anything else. The brown Leghorns (cocks and bens), as far as numbers and quality were concerned, did not quite come up to previous shows. Th" cockerel c'ass were fairly strong, and the placed birds were of high merit, especially (he first and special and cup winner (Tonar Brothers'). in the. brown pullet class tho birds were fair. In the white ctclc class the placed birds were a very good lot, probably the best of their hind shown for some time. The white pullet class was very strong, and the placed birds of groat merit. Jn the Minorca class the exhibits were good in quantity and excellent in quality. The winning cock was a wonderfully wellkept bird. The second cock was an imported bird, and one of tho best-bodied of the lot, but owing to his comb not being in good form, he bad to take second place. ! In hens the Hrst (the winner of tho cup last \ year) won easily. Nineteen cockerels wore penned, the first, special, and cup being a well-deserved win. The second bird was shown in excellent condition. The third bird only wants ago to develop into one cf tlio best Minorca cockerels ever seen here. In pullets the first and second birds stood clear from the rest, but great difficulty was experienced by the judge in picking fluid prize-winner, as there were several birds almost of equal quality. •

The Aii'lalnsians (cocks) were an average lot, tho winner bene; sound, but rather ( 11 the small side. The winning hen was a really splendid bird, with hardly a fault. The cockerels were a good Jot. The winning pullet was a fair bird of good size, and well marked. In flic Hamburg class tho winning silverpencilied hen was of a magnificent type. winning first and special in her class, and also the cup for tho best hen of any variety in the show. The winning birds in this class were particularly good right through. The black, first and special prize, cock was worthy of special notice. There was very strong competition in the bantam class, and some excellent birds were shown; in fact, some of the best ever seen here. 'Che judges bad diilieulty in allotting the first prize. Bed-caps and Houdans were also fairly well shown. 'the canaries, though of good class, not shown in specially good form. The cup for tho best canary was won by J. M. Thomson, and it now becomes his own property. Ducks' were shown in .splendid quality, and do gave considerable trouble in judging [lie winners. Tim pigeon (.'lass was splendidly represented, many hue birds being shown. The homers especially wore a good lot. PIUZK "LIST. The following is the prize list: — POULTRY. Game.—Judge, Mr CI. A. Fawoett.—Blackbreasted red cock: Currie and White, i and '.'.-, Adam N'hon, i. j{lacl»-hrep.sted red hen: Currie and While. 1 and special, and 2; V. Wren. 3. Ilkick-breasted red cockerel: (i. Fell, 1; fume and White, 2; .1. Duane. 3; V. Wren, vary highly commended. Blacki.r«.-.. ted red pullet: J. Dunne, 1 and 2; Attain Nixon. 3. file cock: A. Auarnson, 1. file lien: Cvurvio and White. 1. '■'. and 3. Pile cockerel: (Jurrie una White, 1. Bile pallet: Uurrie and While, 1. Duokwiiig cockerel: .1. Duauc. 1, special, and 2. Diteliwing pullet:

.1. Dnane, 1. Indian cock: G.I!. Hutchinson 1 and 2; James Hamilton, 3; Adam Nixon very highly- commended. Indian hen: J Trayes, i and. special; G. R. Hutchinson, 2 3, and very highly commended; A. Adamsou highly commended. Indian cockerel: G. It Hutchinson, 1; a. Trayes, 2 and very hist);. commended: Ad he Nixon, i Indian pullet: G. it. Hutchinson 1. L, and 3. Any other variety hen or pallet: Car' o and White, 1 2, and 3. Braiunas.—Jndw. Mr. V,'. Wiiinray.— cock: James Keid. 1 an" 2. Bark hen: James Raid. 1 and 2. Bark cockerel: JamcBeid, 1 and. 2. [(ark pullet : James Reid, i and 'l. Light cock: B. A. Clow, 1 and 2; P. R. Svers, .5. Light hen- B. H. Clow. 1, special. 2, ana 3. Light cockerel: B. H. Clow. 1, 2, and 3. Li silt pullet: ii. H. Clow, 1, 2, and 3. Cochins.—Buff or cinnamon cock: Sirs. It. B. Lye, 1. Buff or cinnamon net:: .Mrs. Jl. H. Eye, 1. Buff or rinz..:iui'jj< cockerel: Mrs. 11. B. Eve, 1 and special. Buff or cinnamon pullet: Mrs. B. B. Eve. 1. Partridge cock: H. B J. Bull, 1. Partridge hen.: H. B. J. Bull, 1, 2, and 3. Partridge pallet: V. It. Syers, 1. Langshans.— cock: Charles _ Hartley. 1 and. highly commended: J. li. Prk'stity. ':. and 3. Black hen: ,1. <, ! . Priestie.i. 1 ami special, and 3; 0. W. S. Patterson. - and very Inghiv commended Black cockerel.- J. 11, Priestley. 1: G. W. S. Patterson, 2 and 3: Charles Hartley, highly commended. Black pullet: f. H. Priestley. 1 and 3; G. W. S. Patterson, 2; Charles li.ivley, hishly commended. Orpingtons.— Mr. J. Kelso.—Ross canto i,lack cock: IV. .». "day, 1 and 0; J .1. Wh.teho-.ise, 2. ha =e comb bl-ic-k hen: \Y. .1. Slav, 1, a, and 3. Bote comb blacK cockerel : W. 0. May, . '■'• -■■■ como luacl: pallet: W. J. May, 1 and 2. Smgie comb I .-Inch took: Tonar its .... 1 and special; < . 11. Hutchinson, 2: A. iledley, 3; li. Tattersail, ■tery : -'hly coinincn-P-d. Single coin-, b.acli 1 --a "-0,, ~ .-si and 2: A. .■;■.>' df, ■;-; 11. te--sall very h- ; "ov co.miiiittuou. hmg.c comb black cocked: A. iicdiey, 3 and 2; "oir>r 'ire-- 3; m Tatter.-.ill. very higlu.V comVucmted;' A. C. Mason, hiirhly commended Single clack pullet: G. it. Hut-cam-on 1; O. S'.cvf.iS. 2; A. iiedtey. -i; das. l'eiJ,' very'highly commcialed: H. Tattersail hieTJv comiaciaicd. halt' rose ecmo cock: \V J 'May. 1: A. Batsman, 2. , coin! ben- J. 3. Whit.thottso. 1: W. J . ..ay .2 and 3 Buff rose comb cockerel: W. J. May, 1 ,' i ''• A I; i+'onan, 3. Bun' rose comb pinif!-- W. .!.' May. 1. 2, and 3. Bull' single comb cock W. J May. 1; C. Hall. a. .Hah j single comb hen: 0. Stevens, 1; \v. J. May, 2 end 3. Bull' shade comb cockerel: O. Ste- ! vena, 1 and specie.:; F. C. Bel! 2: \v. J. M.ix-, 3 and very lv.Khb commended. BuH simle comb nailer: A. Calk-,- 1; W. J. »Un, - and 3: (i. Steven . very hi. hh comenende;,. Uorkiii'-ts.-Jadgc, Mr. C. A. wcett.—Bark ';:;;■ ■'.'■ -a 3, 2. and 3. uark hen: G. Fowler 1 and 2. ' Sib.->r gray r.-.-rl:: .la . Teal, a"'-f " M %s? KeiA^l:' \\~. J. M.iy. ?: »V_. Win-.tont. 3. Bullet: Jus. 3 Boi'ish'-Jcdw; il'y.'.{. To' cock: A. Parker. 2. (doUi.-spamja-.. hen: A. Parker, 2. white crested: J. Walker, cup, 1, and special. „ , _ jio-adans.-Judg:. Mr. J. Tonar.-flock: J. D |>ii"h. 1:. Hen: J. 'C Bngh. 1 and special. "Plymouth Hocks,- -Judge, Mr. W. Whinwray. -Barred cock: .1. Carder. 1; .1. H. Priestley, 2; Master Yates, ... Barred hen: J. 11. Priestley. 1 and very highly coinillimucid: Master ' Yat-. 2; .1. Carder, 3. Barred ooc'oav!- 0. ii. Erie-die v. 1. special, and 2; II C Tonks, 3. Barred pullet: J. 11. Priestley, i. 2, and 3. White hen: Charles Bowcu. 1. ' White pullet: that!-, Boyen, 1. ' YYvini'-ot*"-- ---andao. Mr. ,1. Tonar: Goldlaced cock: P. M<'B.df, 1. Gold-laced hen: W. Whhi-.vrey, 1 : .1. E. McGill, 2 Coldcockerel: W. Whinwray, 1 and 2. Goldlaced pullet: W. V/hmwray, 1 and 2. Sliverlaced cock: B. Bunion, 1 and special; \ v. WlPuvrav 2; A. Biuck, 3: C. Taylor, highly commended. Silver-laced hen: B. Bunion, 1; G. Taylor, 2; W. Whinwray, 3 ere! hignly conimeudcd: B. McDulf, Jiignly commended. Silver-laced c/u-ktrel: H. Danlop, 1; A. Bluek, 2. Silvcr-laceil pullets: B. Bunlop. 1; W. vniinwray, 2 and highly commended: A. Carter, 3. White cock: B. Bniiloji. 1; Barsley and Masse.v, 2. White hen.: W. .7. i.lay, 1- >\ (Jailer °. A. Bices, 3 ana higiny comniemied. White cockerel: P.O. Massey. 1; A. Black, 2 and 3, White pullel.B A. Lluck, 1 anal 2. 1 Leghorns.—Judge, Air. ft. Rov/ies.—Brown 1 rock" d 11. Peterson, I: Tonar Pros., 2. ■ Brown hen: J. H. t'aterson., 1; Tonar Bros., 2- G Bid. 3. Brown cockerel: Tonar Eros., 1 and Rppetat: Tattcrsai! and Co.vle, 2 and o; T \ Beaker, very highly ceiamcnried: 1. Tidd,' highly commemUsl. Brown pullet: L B. Batersoii, 1; it- Donovan, 2 and 3. Wilite cock: J. B. K..vd. 1 and 2: Tonar Bros., 3 and highly com'nu-v.acd. While hen: Tonar Bros., 1; A. Caller, 2; ,T. B. Kvd, 3; B. Donovani"'very hiably commended; W. C., Soar, highly commended. White, cockerel: J. 15. Kyd 1 and special; A. Carter. 2 and highly commended; J. J. Whilchonsc. 3; Tonar Bros very highly commended. White pullec.: A. C-tUf-r, 1 and very highly commended; lonar Bros., 2 and 3; J. B. Kyd, very highly commended. Any other variety, cock or cockerel: J. B. Kyd, 1 and special; W. J. May, 2. Any oilier variety, hen or pullet: J. ii. ft.ya, -; W Siinbfh.-Jud g e. Mr. W. Scott.-Black cockerel: Chas. Hartley, 1 and special. Minoreas.—Judpto: Mr. H. Tattersail.—Black cock: Hartley and Ma.-ray, 1; Tonar Bros., 2- \. H. Bedford.. 3; A. Ik Stones, very highly commended: J. Coleman, very highly commended. Black hen: J. Coleman, 1; Tonar Bros., 2 and verv highly commended; A. B. Sd.-nov 3- J. M. Tho-uuson, very highly Mil-i-ccidc.i Black cockerel: J. H. Priestley, cup', 1, and special; A. Moncnr, 2; G. R. Hutchinson 3; Toner Bros., very highly c0m].,(.a..,( - .1. Colcn'-.n. verv liiehly commended: Hartley ana Massey, very highly commended: J J Whilehouse, highly commended. Black pullet: Tonar Br .is.. 1 and 2: 11. J WedhaiP. 2 and very highly commended; Niddrio and Crindrcd, very highly comincn- ' Andalnsians.-.Tudge, Mr. W. Scott,-Cock: G. R. Hutchinson, 1 and 2. Hen: G. R. Hutchinson, 1. special, and 3; W. Wlih.wniy, 2; T. Tidd, highly commended. Cockerel: G. B. Hutchinson, 1 ami 2; T. Tidd. 3: E. Noah very highly commended. Pullet: G. B. Hutchinson, 1; T. Tidd, 2. Ilainburgs.--Judge, Mr. J. Walker.—Goldeupencilled cock: J. 1). Pugh, special; B. Clendon, 1. Golden-neneilieil hen: H. Lowe. 1; ii. Cleudon, 2; J. J). Bngh, 3. Golden-pen-cilled cockerel: it. Lowe, 1; Thomas Bach, 2; ,1. D. Push, 3. Gulden-pencilled pallet: E. < lenaon. 1; Thomas Bach. 2; .1. 1). Pltgll, 3; 11. 1.-i-.'ve, very highly eoinmeud'isi. Silverpeucideil cock: K. clendon, 1. Silver-pen-cilled .Leu; E. Clendon, 1 and special; J. B. Pugh, 3. Silver-pencilled cockerel: K. Cleudon, 1. Gold-spangled cock: Thus. Bach. 1; K. Clendon. 2. Gold-spangletl Iran: 10. Clendon, 1; Tho.s. Bach, 2 and 3. Cold-spangled cockerel: B. Clendon, 1 and special; Thos. Bach, 2. Gold-spangled pullet: li. Clendon, 1; Thos. Bach, 2 and 3. Silver-spangled cock: E. Clendon. 1 and 2; Thos. Bach, 3. Siherspangied hen: E. Clendon, 1; 'thos. Bach, 2; W. O. Soar. 3 and highly commended; J. I). Push, highly commended. Silver-spangled cockerel: E. Clendon, 1; W. C. Soar, 2. fciil-vcr-spangied pullet.: E. Clendon, 1 and 2; Thos. Bach. 3: W. C. Soar, very highly commended. Black cock: E. Cl.eudon, i and special; E. Benton, 2. Black cockerel: K. Clendon, 1 and 2. Blank pullet: E. Clendon, 1. Red Caps.— W. J. May, 1 and special; AY. Gorby, 2. Han: W. J. May, 1, 2, and 3. Cockerel": AY. J May, 1 and 2 Pullet: W. J. May. 1, 2, and 3; B. Corby, highly commended. Bantams.fudge, Mr. C. A. Fawcett.—Black breasted game cock or cockerel: J. Walke;* 1, special, and 3: G. bell. 2. Black-breasted game hen or puliet: G. Fell, .1 and very highly commended; Currie and Wlide. 2: J. Walker, 3. Brown-breasted game, hen or pullet: J. Clark. 1 and 2. Pile game, cock or cockerel: I'. A. Hanson, 1. special, 2, and 0. Pile game, hen or pullet: P. A. Hanson, 1 and 2; Currie and White, 3. Buckwing game, cock or cockerel: .1. Clark, 1, 2, and 3. Buckwing game, lieu or pullet: J. Clark, 1, 2, and 3. Black rose-comb cock: A. H. Bedford. l; P. A. Hanson, 2; J. Ik Makgill. 3. Black rose-comb lieu: A. ii. Bedford, 1; P. A. Hanson, 2 and 3. Black rose-comb cockerel: .1. Walker, 1, special, and 3; A. 11. Bedford, 2. Black rose-comb pullet: A. 11. Bedford. 1: .1. Walker. 2; P. A. HansSn, 3. Any other variety, except game, cock or cockerel: P. A. Hanson, 1 and special; J. Clark, 2. Any other variety, except game, hen or pallet: I*. A. Hanson, 1, 2, and 3. DUCKS. Aylesbury.—Judge. Mr. C. A. Fawcett.— Old drake: .las. It-aid, 1 and special. Old duck: .las. Beid, 1 and 2, Brake under 12 months: Jas. Raid, 1 and 2. Buck under 12 months: .las. Keid, 1 and 2. Rouen— Old drake.—Je.s. Paid. 1 and 2. Old duck: Jas. Bed, 1 and 2. Brake under 12 months: Jas. Held, 1 and 2. Duck under 12 months: Jas. Keid, 1, special, and 2. Pekin.—Old drake: G. 11 or wood. 1 and special: Master Yates, 2: (i. If. Hutchinson, 3. Old duck: G. Bovwood, i and 2; G. K. Hutchinson, 3. Drake under 12 months: G. Horwood, 1; J. Lindsay, 2 and 3. Buck under 12 months: G. Horwood, 1, 2, and 5. Indian Banner.—Old drake: J, 11. Priestley, 1: if. W. Cower, 2; 0. I£. Hutchinson, 3. Old duck: J. 11. Priestley, 1: 11. W. Power. 2; G. 1!. Hutchinson, 3. Drake under 12 months: G. Downey. 1 and special; A. Caller, 2; J. H. Priestley, 3; G. U. Hutchinson, very highly commended and highly commended; H. W. Power, highly commended; Hartley and Massoy, highly' commended. Duck under 12 months- .1. It. Priestley, 1; G. B. Hutchinson, 2 and 3. Any othu- variety, drake: 11. W. Power. 1 and special; Jus. Reid, 2. Any oilier variety, duck: ,1a.7. Keid, 1. SELLING CLASSES. Judge, Mr. J. Walker. Game.— and hen: Adam N.xon, 1 and special; G. B. Hutchinson, 2. Asiatics.--Cook and hen: Hartley and Massey, 1; [>~ ii. clow, 2. Dorkings. Plymouth Bocks, and andottea.— Cock and ben: J. .Makgill 1, with a pair of Wyaiulolfcs. Polish, Orpingtons and Huntiiins.— Cock and he.ll: A. Mediae, 1; Tonar Bros.. 2; G. B. Hutchinson. 3. Spanish, Andalu.-aans, Minorca*, and Leghorns.—Cock and hen: Tcimir Bros., i; J, B. Baler-.11. 2 ; A. Black. 3. Ducks, any variety—Drake and duck: John Lindsay, I and 2. ; Cock or cockerel, a ay breed. .ill 2s or under. — B. 11. Clow, 1; G, H. Hutchinson, 2; A. Iled'.ev, 3. Cock nr cockerel, a.iv laced, .21 la or under. —.1. 11. Priestley, 1 ; W. Wi-inv, 2 ; ii. if, Clow, 3. Ilea or pullet, any breed, "1 1 or under.— B. li clow, i ; G. li. Hutchinson, 2 ; Tonar Bros., 3. Hon or pullet, any broad, 2! 1- or under.— B. ii. clow, ? ; G. 11. Hutchinson, 3. PIG!-DNS. Carriers.—Judge, Mr. W. 11. O. Johnson.— Any colour cook: J. Walker, 1, special, 2, and champion trophy. Dragons.—Bine or blue chequer cock: J. Walker, 1 and special, 2 ami 3. Blue or blue cheriuet hen: J. Walker, 1, 2, and 3. Silver

or white cock: J. Walker, 1 and 2. Silver or I white hen: J. Walker, 1, 2, and 3. i Antwerp*.—Mediam or long-faced, any I colour cock: J. Walker, 1 and special, 2 and Working Homers.—Judgs. Mr. E. .T. Swann. i —Blue or black chequer cock : G. A. Ross, 1 '■ and I bine or black c"a«pies hen: U. A 1 Boss. 1 ana! special : W. Fricker, 2. Red chequer cock: G. A. Ross, 1 : Jas. Hamilton, 2. Bsd chequer hen: W. Fricker, 1 and special , 0. A. Ross, 2. Any other colour hen: O. A. Boss. 1. Any colour, for birrs that have flown 300 miles or over, cock: W. Fricker, 1 and 3 ; I. Hopkir.*, 2. Any colour, for birds that have flown 20C miles or over, cock: 1. Hopkins. 1 ; W. Fricker, 2 and 5. Any colour, for birds that have flown 23J miles or over, hen: I. Hopkins, 1 and 2 -, W. Fricker, 5. Any colour, for birds that have flown 100 miles or over, cock: W. Flicker, 1; 1. Hopkins, 2 and 0. Any colour, for birds that have down 103 miles or over, ben: W. Fricker, 1 and special, run: I. Hopkins, 2 and 3. Any colour, for bird* bred season of 18:}')1900, and down SO miles and over, cock: I. Hopkins, 1 and 3 : 3. A. Boss, I. Any colour, tor birds bred season of 1399-1900. and flown SO miles and over, hen : I. Hopkins, l aMI 2 ; G. A. Boss, 3. Magpiesw-Judsre, Mr. W. H. 0. Johnson.Black cock: J. Walker, 1 and 2 : E. W. Saunders. 3. Black hen: E. W. Saunders, 1 an! 2: F. 11. Clark-. 3. Hen cock: K. W. Saund'rs. 1 and 2 : J. Walker, 3. lied hen: E. W. Saunders. 1 and 2: J. Walker, 3. Any other colour cock: K. V,. Saunders. 1. Any other ; colour lien: E. W. Saunders, 1. Nuns—-»»v colour cock : J. Walker, 1 and special. Anv colour hen: .1. Walker. 2. Turbits.—Black hen: E. W. Saunders, land special. Owls.—English, blue or silver cock: G. : Ford, 1, 2. and special; G. wood. 3. English.—Bine or silver hen: G. Ford, 1 and ' 3 ; G. A. Ross, 2. I Tumblers.—Short-faced (kite) cock: J. Wal- ; ker. 1 and special. I Rollers.—Clean-legged, black or 10a. and \ white cock or hen: E. W. Sounder-. i ; G. '< Eastwood, 2. Cleau-lcsrcrod. red ( r red and ! white cock or hen: K. W. Saunders. 1. Clean- , legged, any other colour, cock or 'oca: T. H. ; Clarke, 1 and special. Featlier-legsed. any i other colour cock or hen: E. W. Saunders, 1. j ' Jacobinu.—Bed or yellow cock: ,T. Walker, i 1. special, 2, and 3. Bed or yellow hen: J. i Walker, 1. 2. and 3. ! Fan tails.— White cock: J. Walker, 1. special. 12 and 3. White hen: J. Walker, 1; J. B. ! Kvd, 2 : E. W. Saunders, 3. | Pouters. -Any colour cork: J. Walker. ' j and social; A. if. Collins, 2 end 3. AnI colour hen: J. Walker, 1; A. 11. Collins, 2 i and 3. j 'l'nrbitopn-7. Wondinettes. sntinettes. bru- , nettes, sulphurcttes, blnettp.s. silvercttes, r-.<-I visirs.—Cock or hen: J. Walker, 1, 2. and 3. I Am- other variety of pure-bred pigeon cock: .]. Walker, 1. 2, and 3. Anv ether variety of pure-bred pi tree hen: ,T. Walker 1 and 2. ; Doves.—Any variety cock or lien: John ' Si ovo-u, 1. ' Selling class.—Any breed, pries not to exceed 20s per pair, cock and hen: A. 11. Collins, 1. CANARIES. Judges: Messrs. C. A. Fawcett and James McKnlce.— Belgian.—Yellow cock or hen: W. Nelson, 1 and 2. Yellow ticked, marked, or I variegated cock 01 hen: W. Nelson, 1, special, : 2, and 0. Scotch Fancy—Cock or hen: W. Nelson, 1; ' >e:iow licked, marked, or variegated cock or I hen: W. Nelson, 1, special, and 2. Huff, ticked, ! marked, or variegated cock cr hen: W. Nelj son, 1, 2. and 3. I Yorkshire.— el low cock or ben: Thomas I Hanson, 1. special. 2, and 3. Yellow ticked I cock or hen: Thomas Bauson, 1. Yellow ! marked or variegated cock or ben: Thomas I Hanson, 1 and 2; W. Nelson, 3. Butt' cock I or hen: Thomas Hanson. 1, 2, and 3. _ Bull' j marker! or variegated cock or hen: Thomas i Hanson, 1. I Norwich.Yellow cock or hen: J. M. Thomj son, 1 and 2. Yellow ticked cock or hen: ! .1. M. Thomson, 1 am. 2. Yellow marked or : variegated cock or hen: T. Shcwring, 1; J. 11. j Thomson. 2. Buff cock or hen: J. H. ThomI son, 1, special, 2, and 3. Buff ticked cock or 1 hen: .i. M. Thomson, 1 aim 2. Buff marked ! or variegated cock or ben: ..I. M. Thomson, 1; I .1. K. Way, 2. Green cock or lieu: J. M. j Thomson, 1, 2, and 3. Pair plainheads, any i colour, in one cage, cock and hen: J. M. Thomson, 1, special, and 2. Clear yellow, dark crest cock or ben: J. M. Thomson, 1 and 2. Yellow ticked, marked, or variegated light 01 dark crest cock or lieu: J. SI. Thomson, 1. Butt' ticked! marked, or variegate:!, dark crest cook or hen: J. M. Thomson, 1, special, ! cup, and 2; T. Shewriug, .5. Buff light crest i cock or hen: J. M. Thomson, 1 and special; I T. Shewring, 2. Buff ticked, marked, or i variegated, light crest cock or lien: J. 1,1. ! Thomson, 1. Green crested cock or hen: T. ' She-wring, 1. Yellow crested-bred plainhead ! cock or lien: J. M. Thomson, 1. Bid).' crested- : bred plainhead", cook or ben: T. Shewring, 1, 1 special, and 3: J. M. Thomson, 2. Yellow : ticked, marked, or variegated, crested-bred plainhead cock or hen: o. M. Thomson, 1 and ! 2. Buff ticked, marked, or variegated crested- ! bred plainhead cock or hen: J. 11. Thomson, 1 ,' and 2. | Cinnamon.—Yellow cock or ben: Thomas I Hanson, 1, special, and 2. Buff cock or hen: 1 Thomas Hanson, 1 and 2; J. M. Thomson, 3. J Pair cinnamons, plainheads, one yellow and ; one buff, in one case, coed; and hen: Thomas ; Hanson. 1. Pair paired for crested breeding, cock and hen: J. M. Thomson, 1 and special. ■ Lizards.— of four birds, any variety, i exhibitor to find his own case, cocks or hens: | J. Mi. Thomson, 1 and special; Thomas uan- : son. 2. ... I Selling Canary any variety, price I not to exceed 20s. cock or hen: .1. M. Thomi son. 1. Any variety, for exhibition only: J. • M. Thomson, 1. I Mule.—Dark: J. Williamson, 1; Clem. BartI fey, ~. , i Goldfinch.—House moulted cock or hen: i Thomas Hanson. 1: E. S.vms, 2; J. Williamson, 3. For exhibition only: J. M. Thomson, 1 and special. The show will be open again to-day, closI ing to-morrow night.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11691, 28 June 1901, Page 7

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EXHIBITIONS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11691, 28 June 1901, Page 7

EXHIBITIONS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11691, 28 June 1901, Page 7