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The annual show of the Newton Pigeon and Canary Club was opened yesterday in the Foresters' Hall, Newton, and promises to be the most successful held under the auspices of the club. The number of entries is about 600, which is probably the record for the colony. The exhibits are of very good quality throughout the classes, while in some cases they are superior to anything that has l>een shown in the past. Among the pigeons the owls, magpies, and clean-legged rollers .ire* particularly noticeable, and the bird winning in the English carrier class, which is owned by Mr. J. Walker, the well-known breeder, is the best bird that has over been shown in the class. Short faces and kites are also represented by some Sue birds. As usual, Mr. J. Walker scores heavily in the pigeon classes. The collection of show and working homers is the finest that has ever been brought together in Auckland, and the even quality necessitated some very close judging. With regard to canaries, the position birds are the best that have ever been shown in Auckland, and the Norwich and cinnamons are very good. The judges were: —Mr. W. H. 0. Johnston, fancy pigeons: Mr. Ponsford, working homers; Mr. .1. Moon, Norwich canaries; Mr. Hunter, position birds (canaries). All the officials have worked very hard to ensure the success of the show, particularly Mr. F. Niddrio (the president), Mr. 11. Wanioek (the secretary), and the committee—Messrs. T. Davis, 1). Evans, F. Evans, S. Havcrfiold, (1. Davis, G. Oniric Grindrod, J. Edwards, and D. i'ugh. The- silver cup for the best bird in the show among the pigeons was carried off by Mr R. \Varnock, with a fine black magpie", bred by ju\ J. Walker, just beating Mr. Walker's splendid English carrier. In the canary classes Mr. Niddrie annexed the silver cup lor the host position bird, and ul-o the cup for scoring the most points: while Mr. T. Sliewring won the cup for the best Norwich bird. The cup for the best position bird oeeomes the property of Mr. Niddrie, who has now won it twice in succession. .Special prizes wore kindly given by Messrs. C. Cliilcott, J. ,i. Craig, McColl. E. Saunders, W. H. O. Johnston, T. and S. Motrin and Co., Ross and Ansenne, 0. Potter. Charles MorJey, Nubbie, .1. H. Hendry, E. Porter and Co., arnock Brothers, F. Prime, G. Ford, J. Macnamsra, ,T. Bollard, M.H.R., Henderson, Howie, McLeod Brothers, Auckland Roller Mills, Kiripaka Cord Company, and Brett Printing Company. Tho show closes this evening. THE PRIZE LIST. The following is a list of the awards: — PIGEONS.

Carrier, English, any colour, cock: J. Walker, 1 and special, 2 and 5. Carrier, English, any colour, hen: J. Walker, i.

Dragon, blue, cock: J. Walker, 1 and 2. Dragon, blue, hen: J. Walker, 1, 2 and 3. Dragon, white, cock: J. Walker, 1 and 2. Dragon, white, hen: J. Walker, I, 2 and

Dragon, any other colour, cock: J. Walls tr, 1; (i, Carrie (bred by Goodaere), 3yrs, 2: J. Walker, 3.

Dragon, any other colour, hen: J. Walker, 1, 2 and 3.

Antwerp, long-faced, any colour, cock: J. V. alter, l.

Antwerp, long-faced, any colour, hen: J. Walker, 1, 2 and 3.

Antwerp, short-faced, any colour, cock J. Walker, 1.

Antwerp, short-faced, any colour, hen: J Walker, 1.

Working Homer, blue chequer, cock: G. Ford (bred by F. 11. Wilson), lvr, 1; G. Davies (broil by J. K. Parkin), 3yrs, 2; W. H. Schmidt (bred by AtcKeov/n), 3. __ Working Homer, blue chequer, hen: G. Ford (bred by MeQuarrie), nine months, 1 and special; G. Davies (bred by owner), 18 months, 2; S. J. Comas, 2yrs, 3. Working Homer, blue, cock: C-eo. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs, i; Geo. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs, 2; G. Carrie (bred by owner), Syrs, 3. Working Homer, blue, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs, 1; G. Currie (bred by Fricker) nine mouths, 2: G. Danes (bred by owner), 18 months, 3. Working Homer, red or red checker, cock : S. J, Comas, 2yrs. 1; G. Davies (bred by Vv. Cochrane), oyrs, 2; G. Ford (bred by F. H. Wilson), lyr, 3. Working Homer, rod or red checker, lion: G. Davies (bred by MeKwin), 4yrs, 1; 8. M. Howie (bred by Coates), 2; S. H. Howie (bred by Coates), 3. Working Homer, black or dark checker, cock: G. Davies (bred by owner). 4yis, 1; S. H. Howie (bred by owner), 2; S. H. Ilcwio (bred by owner), 3. Working Homer, black and dark checker, hen: .S. H. Howie Hired by owner), 1; G. Currie (bred by Nickols), 18 months, 2: W. H. Howie (bred by owner), 3. Working Homer, pied, cock: S. H. Howie (bred by Coalcs). 1; G. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs, 2; G. Currie (bred by owner), 2yr.--, 3.

Working Homer, pied, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs, 1; S. H. Howie (bred by Coates), 2 and 3.

Working Homer, any other colour, cock : G. Currie (imported), 3yrs, 1; G. Cnrrie (bred by lucQuarric), nine months, 2; G. Davies (bred by owner), 4yrs. 3. Working Homer, any other colour, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), lyr, 1 ; G. Davies (bred by Coates), lyr, 2; G. Currio (bred by Fricker), lyr, 3. Working Homer, best pair: G. Davies (bred by Coates), syrs, 1 and special; G. Davies (bred by owner), 18 months, 2; S. 11. Howie (bred by owner), 3. Working Homer, under 12 months, blue checker, cock: G. Davies (bred by owner), eight months, 1; G. Cnrrie (bred by MeQuarrie), nine months, 2; G. Davies* (bred by owner), eight months, 3. Working Homer, under 12 months, blue checker, hen : G. Davies (bred bv owner), eight months, 1; G. Cnrrie (bred by owner), nine months, 2; G. Davies (bred by owner), eight months, 3. Working Homer, under 12 months, blue, cock: G. Davies (bred by owner), nine months, 1, 2, and 3. Working Homer, under 12 months, blue, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 1, 2 and 3.

Working Homer, under 12 months, red or red checker, cock: G. Davies 'brel Lv owner), 1, 2 and 3.

\\ orking Homer, under 12 months, red or red checker, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 1, 2 and 3.

Working Homer, under 12 months, black or dark checker, cock: G. Currio (bred by J. Thomas), lyr, 1; G. Davies (bred by owner), 2 and 3.

Working Homer, under 12 months, black or dark checker, hen: G. Currie (bred by owner), lyr, 1; G. Davies (bred by owner), nine months, 2; G. Currie (bred by owner*, lyr, 3.

Working Homer, under 12 months, pied, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 1 and special, 2 and 3. Working Homer, any other colour, oock: G. Davies (bred by owner). 1, 2, and 3. Working Homer, any other colour, hen: G. Davies (bred by owner), 1, 2 and 3. Working Homer, best pair: G. Davies (bred by owner), 1, 2, and 3.

Show Homer, blue or black checker, cock: D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by exhibitors), lyr, 1 and special: 1). and F. T. F. Evans (imported), 2yrs, 2; D. and F. T. F. Evans (imported), 3.

Show Homer, blue or black checker, hen: D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred bv exhibitors), lyr, 1 and 2; D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by Swan), 2yrs, 3. Show Homer, any other colour, cock: D. and F. T. F. Evans, 1, 2 and 3. Show Homer, any other colour, hen: D. and F. T. F. Evans, 1 and 2.

Pouter, any colour, cock: Goo. Davis (bred by J. Moon), 3yrs, 1; J. Walker (bred by owner), 2; Geo. Davis (bred by owner), 18 months, 3.

Pouter, any colour, hen: Geo. Davis (bred by owner), IS months, 1; J. Walker, 2 and 3.

Jacobin, black, cock: J. Walker, 1. Jacobin, red. cock: J. Walker. 1 and 2. Jacobin, red, hen: J. Walker, 1. Jacobin, any other colour, cock: J. Walker, 1.

Jacobin, any other colour, lien: J. Walker, 2 and 3.

-Nun, any colour, cock: J. Walker, 1 and special.

Nun, any colour, hen: J. Walker 2. Owl, blue or powdered, cock: G. Ford (bred by .1. Maud), 2yrs, 1; G. Ford (bred bv J. Maud), Hyrs, 2; D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 18 months, 3.

Own, blue or powdered, hen : G. Ford (bred by Van Sendeu), 3yrs, 1; G. Ford (bred by Van Seuden), 3yrs, 2; D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owner:,), lyr, 3. Owl, silver, cock: 1). and F. T. F. Evans (imported), 1 and 2 specials; D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 2yrs, 2; G. Eastwood (bred by owner). syrs, 3.

Owl. silver, hen: O. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 3yr», 1; D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owi eis), lyr, 2: i). and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 2yrs, 3. Owl, any other colour, nock : J. Walker, 1. Owl, any other colour, hen' J. Walker, 1. Owl, African, white, cock: P. A. Hanson, 1 and 2.

Owl, African, white, hen: P. A. Hanson, 1 and 2.

Magpie, black, cook: R. Warnock (bred by J. Walk-?'-), 4yrs, 1 and special; J. Walker, 2; E. W. Saunders (bred by Saunders), lyr, 3.

Magpie, black, hen : 11. Warnock (bred by owner), six months, 1; K. W. Saunders (bred by owner), 2vrs, 2; J. Walker, 3. Magpie, red, cock: E. W. Saunders (bred by .Saunders!, lyr, 1; K. W. Saunders (bred by Saunders), 2yrs, 2: 11. Warnuck (bred by Saunders), 13 months, 3.

Magpie, red. hen: K. W. Saunders (bred Ivy owner), oyrs, 1; K. Wurnook (bred by Saunders), IS months, 2: •'. Walker. 3.

Magpie, any other colour, cock: ':'. W. Saunders I bred by owner), £yr». 1; I'.. W. Saunders bred by owner) 1 yr, 2: K. W. Saunders (bred by owner), lyr, 3.

Magpie, any other colour, hen: H. W, Saunders (bred by owner), lyr, 1; K. W, Saunders (bred by owner), 2yiv. 2: 1.. \»'. Saunders (brad by owner), lyr, 5,

Ttubit. black, cock:D. ant* F. T. F. Evans (imported), 1 and s t >e< ial : I), and F. T. F. Evans (bred by Hamon), ?.; lb and F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 5.

Turbit. black, hen; E. W. Saunders, 2vrs 1: 1) and F. T. F. Evans (bred bv owners), 2 and 3.

Turbit. red, cod; : I), and F. 'I'. F. Evans (imported), 1. 'ffrbit, red. ben: D. and F. T. F. Evans (bred bv owner'), i.

Turbit, hi v other colour, cock: T). and F. T. F. Evans'(imported), 1: lb end F. T. F. Evans (bred by owners), 2.

Fantt'.il. English, anv colour, cock or hen E. W. .Saunders. 1, 2."and 3.

Fantcii, Scotch, white, cock: .1. Walker, 1 and 2; K. W. Saunders. 3.

Fantttil. Scotch, while, lien: J. Walker 1 and special. 2 and 3. Fantai!. Scotch, anv other colour, cock or hen: J. Walker, 1. 2* and 3.

Tumbler, short-faced, almond, cock or hen: D. and F. T. F. Evans (imported), 1, 2, and 3. Tumbler. short faced, kite, cock or lieu: .1. Walker. 1 and special; Thos. Davis (bred by l-luinou), 2yrs, 2: D. and F. V. F. Evans (imported), 3. Tumbler, long-faced, black, cock or hen : E. W. Saunders deed by owner), lyr, 1; Thos. Davis (bled by owner), six months, 2.

Tumbler, lonpj-faced, red, cock or hen: K. W. .S.'oiiidi.r? (bred ! >y owner), nine months, 1: Tims. Davis (bred by owner), lyr, 2. Tumbler, long-faced, yellow, cock: Thos, Davis [bred by owner), 1, 2 and 3 Tumbler, long-faced, yellow, hen: Thos. Davis (bred by owner). 1, 2 and 3. Roller, clear-legged, badge, cock or lien: Thos. Davis, 1, 2 and 3. Roller, clear-lopped, rosewing or mottled. cock or lien: (I. Ford, 1 nod '■?...

Roller, ciear-legire'l, white, rock or lion : F. M. Clarke (bred by owner). 3yrs. 1: (I. and E. ('opas (bred by T. David. liyr, 2; G. and K. Copas (broil by owners), seven months, 3. Holler, clear-legged, red, cock or lien : P. Myles (bred by owner), 13 months, 1: K. W. Saunders (bred by owner), lyr, 2; Tlios. Davis (bred bv Sorenson), 2yrs, 3. Roller, elear-lopsed, black, cock : Tho«. Devis (bred bv owner). 2yrs, 1; Thos. Davis (bred by owner). 3yrs, 2: P. A. Hansen (bred bv owner), ?,vrs. 3. Roller, clear-legged, black, hen: K. Warnock (bred by Saunders). 2yrs, 1; P. A. Hanson (bred by owner). 10 months, 2: Thos. Davis (bred by owner), six months. 3. Roller. clear-lcjr<red, yellow. cock: Thos. Davis (bred bv owner), 1. 2 and 3. Roller, clear-legged, yellow, hen: Thos. Davis (bred by owner), 1, 2 and 3. Roller, clear-legged, any other colour, cock or hen : Thos. Davis (bred by Warnock), 2yrs, 1; Thos. Davis (bred by owner), lyr, 2; (J. Ford (hied by'lTainon), 3. Roller, -legged, speckle, cock or hen: J. Peorce (bred by W. J. Taylor), 1, 2 and 3. Roller, in (Mettled, while, eoek: U. and E. Conaa (bred by owners). 2yrs, 1 and special": G. and E. Copas (bred by W. .1. Taylor), lyr, 2; Thos. Davis (bred by owner), lv, 3. Roller, muff-legged, white, hen: (-. and E. Copas (bred by owners), 2yrs, 1; Thos. Davis (bred by owner), lyr. 2: G. and J.. Copas ibred bv W. J. Taylor). 3yrs, 3. Roller, muff-lefrcjed, red, cock or ben: Thos. Davis (bred bv owner), six months, 1, Holler, muff-legged, black, cock or hen: Thos. Davis (bred by owner). 1. 2 and 3. Holler muff-legged, any other colour, cook or hen:' Thos. Davis (bred by owner!, six months, 1; G. Ford (bred by Damon), 2 a" : ' 3. ~ , , .-, Roller, feather-legged, black, cook: K. Warnock (bred by Johnston), 1 and special, 2 and 3. Holler, feather-levied, black, ben: lv. Warnock, 1, 2, and 3. Roller, feather-legged, red, cock or hen: F. 0. Tomlinson (b:ed by owner), 2yis, 1. Roller, feather-lorded, any other colour, cock: R. Warnock, 1, 2, and 3. Roller, feather lestgod, any other colour, ben: R. Warnock, 1. 2, and 3. Baldhead, any colour, cock: R. Warnock, 1, 2, and 3. Beard, any colour, cock or hen: .1. Walker, 1, 2, and 3. Bloii-dinelte or satinette. any colour, cock or lion : .!. Walker, 1 and special. 2, and 5. German Toy, golden and red griescrs, cock or 'ecu: E. W. Saunders. 1, 2. and 3. Gorman Toy, chimney-sweep, cock or hen: E. W. Saunders, 1 and 2; F, Niddrie, 3. Any other variety of pigeons, cock or hen: J. Walker, 1, 2, and 3. Selling class, any variety, cock: Thos. Davis, (bred by owner), 1, 2. and 3. Selling class, any variety, hen: Thos. Davis (bred by owner), 1, 2, and 3. Selling class, pairs, cock and hen: Thos. Davis (bred by owner). 1. 2, and 3. CANARIES. Scotch, fancy, yellow, ticked, marked, or variegated, cock or hen: F. Niddrie (bred by owner), seven months), 1 and special and silver cup. .Scotch, fancy, buff, cock or lien: F. Niddrie (bred by owner). 1, 2, and 3. Scotch, fancy, buff, ticked, marked, or variegated, cock or hen : F. Niddrie (bred by owner), 1, 2, and 3. Yorkshire, clear yellow, cock or hen : T. Hanson (bred by owner), IS months, 1; F. Niddrie (bred by owner), 12 months, 2; T. Hanson (bred by owner). 18 months, 3. Yorkshire, yellow, licked, cock or hen : T. Hanson (bred by owner), nine months, 1 audi special : F. Niddrie (bred by owner), 15 months, 2; C. A. Grindrod (bred by owner), 10 months, 3.

Yorkshire, yello-v, marked or variegated, cock or hen: O A. Grindrod (bred by owner). 10 months. 1; IS. Haverfield (bred by owner), 9 months, 2 and 5. Yorkshire, clear btiif, cock or lien: F. Nkklrio (bred by owner), eight months, 1 and special and 2; O. A. Grindrod (bred by owner), 10 months, 5. Yorkshire, buff, ticked, nock or hen: ]''. Niddrie (bred by owner), 12 months, 1: S. Haverfield (bred by owner), nine months, 2; F. Niddrio (bred by owner), 12 months, 3. Yorkshire, buff, marked, or variegated. cock or lien : 8. Haverfiold (bred by owner), nine months, 1 and 2; 0. A. Grindrod (bred by owner), 10 months, 5. Norwich, clear yellow, cook or lien: J. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 1 and 2; S. Haverfield (bred by owner). IS months, 3. Norwich, yellow, ticked, cock or hen: .1. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 1 and 2: J. 1). Pugh (bred by owner), eight months, 3. Norwich, yellow, marked or variegated, cock or lieu: J. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 1; W. Masker (bred by owner), 2; .). Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 5.

Norwich, clear buff, cock or hen : A. Chilton (bred by owner), eight month?. 1 : F. Niddrio (bred by owner), 2yrs, 2; A. Chilton (bred by owner), 2yrs, 3.

Norwich, buff ticked, cook or hen : .1. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 1; W. Musker (bred by owner), 2; J. D. Pligh (bred by owner), eigli* months, 3.

Norwich, buff, marled or variegated, cock or hen: A. Chilton (bred by owner), eight months), 1; J. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 2. _ Norwich, green, any variety, cock or hen: J. D. I'ugh (bred by owner), 2vrs, 1 and 2.

Pair Norwich plain heads, any variety, yellow or buff, in one cage, cook or hen: A. Chilton (bred by owner), 10 months, 1 and special): .1. Cornwall (bred by owner), lyr, 2: F. Niddrie (bred by owner), 3. Norwich, clear yellow, dark crest, cock or hen: W. Cook (bred by (owner), 1; .1. L). Push (bred by owner), eight months, 2. Norwich, clear buff dark crest, cock or lien: J. ID. Pugh (bred by owner), eight months, 1 and 2.

Norwich, buff licked, marked or variegated, light or dark ere.', cock or hen: T. Shewring (bred by Richardson), 1 and special and cup : W. Cook (bred by owner), 2 and 3. Norwich, buff ticked, marked or variegated, light crested, cock or hen: T. Showring (bred by owner), 1.

Norwich, green-crosted, cock or hen: .1. D. Pugh (bred by owner), 2yrs, 1; T. Shewring (bred by owner), six months, 2. Crested bred, plainhead, yellow, cock or lien: T. Shewring (bred by owner), seven mouths, 1.

Crested bred, plainhead, buff, code or lien: T. Shewring (bred by owner), 10 months, 1 and special and 2.

Crested bred, yellow ticked, marked or variegated, cock or ben: J. D. .Pugh (bred by owner), 2yrs, 1. Crested bred, buff ticked, marked or variegated, cock or hen: W. Cook (bred by owner), 1 and 2; J. D. Pugh (bred by owner), 3.

Cinnamon, yellow, cock or hen: T. Hanson (bred by owner), nine mouths, 1 and special and 2; C. E. Potter, 3. Cinnamon, yellow. variegated, cock or hen : J. D. Pugh (bred by owner), 2vrs, 1 and 2.

Cinnamon, buff, cock or hen : T. Hanson (bred by owner), nine months, 1 and 2; J. D. Pugh (bred by owner), 2yrs, 3.

Cinnamon, buff, marked or variegatad, cock hen: O. K. Potter, 1; J. D. Fngh (i>r»-i by owner), 2yrs, 2.

Cinnamon, crested, onv other colour, cock or hen: .1. I>. I'u-h (bred by owner), eight months, 1 and 2.

Fair cinnamon, piainheods, one yellow, one hurt, in one <-•_'•■, cock or ben: T. FJbnson (bred by owner), nine month-, 1.

Fc.:r of canaries, in one rajjo. for which a c>u-s U snot provided, cock and lien: F. .Niddrie {' red by owner), 1.

(.';>-<- of four bird*, any variety, exhibitor to (bill own c,i>_;e, cocks or hens: T. Hanson red iv owner!, nine months, 1 and special; F. N'idd:: ■ (bred by owner), 2; A. Chilton, 3. C.nirinrh. cock: T. Hanson (bred bv J. Co.T.v-ul-1, 1: .1. Cornwall, Ivr, 2; F. Kiddrie (bred by owner). 5. THE CUPS. Mr. R. Warnock won the cup for the best bird in th- show, with Ins four ceroid black ma-pie <•■ -.•';. bred by Mr. .1. Walker.

Mr. ,'. Wall; t won the silver cup for moat points in poolers, je.cobin?, magpies, fantabs. blondmi'Tte:. and any other variety, seerlj.jr in a!! 9'j points.

Mr. Geo, I):.-. is won the silver cup for most points in curriers. dragons. Antwerp.'. homers, (m-b'ts. and owls, scoring in all 107 point*. Mcssr*. I* and S. Evans made a ji■') "i second with It. points.

Mr. T. I>.r. is won the silver eon for most points in rubers, tumblers, and German toys, - jring in all 95 points.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11686, 22 June 1901, Page 3

Word Count

NEWTON PIGEON AND CANARY CLUB. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11686, 22 June 1901, Page 3

NEWTON PIGEON AND CANARY CLUB. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11686, 22 June 1901, Page 3