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AUCKLAND. MESSRS. ALFRED B'JCXLANI) AND SONS' KEPOIiT. Horses: At tile regular weekly sale at tho Haymaiitst, on Friday last, we, had an average entry, and a good attendance of buyers. Very little business was done in draught stock, but ail hacks and light harness hordes sold freely at tin advance on late quotations. .Several vehicle--, ami harness, and a lot of saumery and sundries were disposed of, also a gig, noise, aim !tarne=s, at £.sy it's. Cent hacks »oirt up to X'M: medium unbroken draughts, £14 to £'/2; cobs and usefni light, Uaeivo. £4 to £16; aft**! ami part warn horse*, suitable for farm work. £8 to £14. Hay and ftraw: A g.»on supply of the former, and prices lower, but straw was lyraree. ami at High prices. Meadow hay, J*s to 40b; clover, io* to Ws the ton; straw. Us to 'Ms the small load, and up to 4js lor two-horse loads. . jjioes. Skins. Tallow, etc.: We submitted a much Heavier catalogue titan the average. Alt lines sold lrecly. ana were cleared, at, late prices. Ox hides, 6il to 7d lor oest heavy, Ha to Cxi for medium; cow, up to 4u, 3»d to Sid for the greater number; calf, 2ju to 3Jd Ist t-hirib. at late values; wrwaair. 8d to M: horsehair, Sd to Hid. Tallow, at late value*. 30s to zis Uie cut for best, and lis to 18s Cd ordinary; rough fat, lid to ljU lb. Grain, etc.: Oats made a sharp advance down ;<uuth this week, and higher prices may be looked for locally. Maise also advanced Id per DUjsKel on account oi short loupiihes. Prime draft, scarce, but etiil at low prices; interior bird to mat. We m»ot€:Jss Mors, oats, 2s 'id to 2& s<t. interior and damaged 1* yd; liiK-io, 2* 7d to is ikl; wheal, 2s ldd; feed bai-lsy. 'U 2d bushel; chaff, £2 15s to ii; interior, 3Us to 40s; earrotu, 22s 6d to as; bran. C'< '..,; sharps. £5 -■*; bay. £2 10s to £3 10-: -:iiw. £2 lis per ton; maize, ex v.iiari, _- ..; per bushel. At I'o.'.eio en Monday there was about the usual number of stock yarded, and fair values ruled throughout, tat cows bringing - lrom £5 to £6 exch; dairy, £4 ,o £6; lbmouths steers, £2 to £3; strong calves, £1 t.) £1 lis. There was but a small muster of stock at i;uiß-;ijian on Wednesday, the time of the vear and weather net being favourable, Ihiirv cows of good Quality sold freely. bringing from £5 it's to £7 os each; backward tyriugers, £3 Ks to £5 ss; dry cows, £2 Us to jjA 10s; strong calves ware better worth, and brough* from £1 js to £1 15s; no grown steers yar '-.d. 'the tteumera varus were well tilled on Thursday -~iui stock of all clashes, which : said ireely tiirougrlnrat, dairy cows bringing i from £6 to £3 17s cd. lew store cattle \ -arded; those sold at late value-;. Fat and ! voting calves, penned in average numbers, were at late vaiiife; fresli-droyped, 4s to 8s; meaiuui. l?.s to les; heavy, up to 47s each; 60 sold. The beef nens were well filled with a prime lot of ctittia. which fully sustained late quotations; 19s to 25-- iL'Jlb for steers and Leifers; tgiei caws, lis to 17s; steers ranged in price from £5 to £11; cows. £4 to £7 2s fcd: a draft of 30 slears from Kr. ,7a-. iluir, of Wairangi. averaged £9 16s Oil; 2s! sl-IJ. There was a better demand for sh3ey U.'-au of late, wethers bringing from 14s to 11- Cd: ewe*. 10s 6ci to 15s; haabs, 2s to 12s £J each; 1203 sold. Tile advertised ewes in lamb brought from 9s 6d to lis 3d. I'ife-i.-. ><*«ijv>vj in lair numbers, sold freely. porkers brifl«-ing from £1 to it 10s: wsaiwrs, 7s cd to lis each; no heavy pigs offered; 30 sold. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED). Auckland Wool Stores, June 19. Horses: At the Durham Yards, en Friday, horses were yarded in more than average numbers; the attendance was very iu-e«, and competition Ke<-'n. Wo (juste:—Heavy draugats (no extrn heavy yarded), from £27 5s to £3» 10s; n-.eaiuin draughts, £20 2d fca to £28 15s; light harness diangiits, £3 li's 6d to £10 17s ed; hitclts. £4 15a to £16 ss. Trio fctc-ejilei-liaser Kainiule realised 24d guinea;,; ftiot, 23 guineas; St. Elmo, 20 guinea?; fiin«-,wn. IB guineas; a polo pony, by Lebei. dam Luna, 14 guineas. Spring CR.rts realised £7 10s, £9, £12 It's, and £14 lis each; a s-ulKy. £10. Cattle: At the .Newmarket Varus, on luesday, cattle of till descriptions were yarded in" lull numbers, and bidding was spirited thrcashont fat steers were firm at from IBs to £1 3s per 1001b, nearly all the beet being of excellent quality, (Steers sold at from £0 5s to £10 12s 6d, most of the pens of Krers bringing over £") per beau; tat cowr. £3 15s to £7 17s 6d; dairy cows from £4 5s to £S lis ud; dry cows, £1 13s to ii 5= A. draft of small, well-done steers and stits? from Mr. F. W. Manning. Paparata, average-?., £9. Sheeo:' 'fU? Newmarket Yards ware well filled on Tnesuay. and the market throughout shoved a better tone. Wethers sold at from 12s to 19s 6u: ewe.:. 10s Od to las: mixed sexes 10s 3d to 15s bd; hoggets. 5s Od to lis hi. The advertised ewes made lrom 9i 6d to 12s od. _, . Pigs: Porkers sold at from £1 6s to £2 4s; weancrs, >.• to 7s 9d. ii ; d= n Skins. Tallow, Etc.: Our catalogue on 'I---.-d- y wis a huge are' representative ov . P "'.";'.'.• lit." it being active. .Stout ox hid"e=i v.ere in Keen demand, the well-flayed of all .-;•■;- ieir,." well competed for. ;-kiiLs were i -;■•;•> firmer than the previous sale. I'ric-rs re'.iiswi were as follows:— Prime stout '•- j'.'d to ft : d- stoat, 5d to s*d; medium, iiC"\ to 4*u-, 3Jd to 4d; cow, 33d to 4(1; sieut? 4.i'd; Stag, 2;d to 2JJ; calf, 4d to 4*d; kin i.'i to 5-id ~er lb. „ , , Sheenskir.s: Large salted, 2s to 2s 6. : U M medial is id to Is 9d; dry. 3d '"faliow: Beit.' 13s to IPs 6:1; tanners', to 2'is ')er iv.-t. t»<-i.e:- ".es*. 5s per rwt. li-'\v- : Lfaizo is worth'2s 4d per bushel on \vh-u-i7'';.iies are small. . h-.■■.■'■ "O,: SculJicrn market has again adv...,'„:,;•', jire. j c-it quotation hero being 2s Id '']].:■' -. 15s per ton at rail, by the truck 1:;: ,V 1 'i..,..-,.- The market is very light, and is slicing. applies are worth £0 to £5 os on wLari'.

ii;;;-':.-i:.-i. c. v >'- binngy AND sons' report. At i.'ur sale on Tuesday we cleared a largo '""llX'i"-'. ■ ' 'v'i stout sold under brisk competition " i-r'ijn;:. i.v'i to o^d: extra stout, s{d_ to i-i-i.' ... ■;• 5d to s*d; medium, 4id to 4"d; ..'.';,', ss-.;" ';.."•'(!• cow best .lines. 3sd to 4d; n-l-'-e:'"-- 1- we;. 3ld to 3 : .d: second.,. 2jd to •d :' 'cyjf, best. 4 ; d to 5-;; cut. 2d to 3d ; Stag 3, ; -ii to 2-' d II). , ~ ,' "i-bee- J -ins" I- irai green run! salted aver--<--e"-/''d'- country from Is £d to 2s 4d: wellwoolletl, <>:•':. 2s 3d to 3s; tern pelts, 2d to 3d ""'railow ' e-' mutUm, ,V? 5: mix"'', in:Bhipm'aai casks .'l9 to £21; neeoliua. £16 to £17 i*r ton- fat, Ud to lid per lb. C ■- till* 1* 8d to Is lOd per dozen. ;V;1--. J<est dry, £">; wet, £3 It's to £4 per l °lkmedust: He«t Sydney. £6 12s Od to £6 15s per ton. :;or:Yiii:i;N cattlr sales. ->!.-,• rs. hunter and Wilson report:—At ITikuraugi monthly -aie a moderate muster of .attic. mo-tJy sold pi ruling prices. A draft of fat rteors from i<f»sr-. A. and VY. (Jailer fetched from £6 9s (id to £3; fat cows, 4 lte W- calves and yearlings. £1 12s 01 to

""■it ■■ >i:;.j. cm monthly sale, owing to '~.,;, \v.-;i-icr. several lots entered diil not coiiTa r-j.-wuid. A iurse number of buyors were IJ.-Ciiftli!.. and many wore store cattle would have found iiurcfcajasr*, particularly -our" cattle. Bt-ei, i'> bold; ethers, £7 Li to £8: cows avid heifers. £4 5s to £5: usiry cow.< and heifer.-. 3'J sold, m good demand. £3 10s to £0 m: ltuwi) steer*. rough, £6 2s 6d- £« ti i-vear-old steers, in low condition. £4;" store cow* and heifers, £2 103 to £3 12s 6:1; mixed tcse» calve*, and yearlings, £1 9--. » ; ' £■>-: Uncoln ewes, in lamb. 9s 6d; fat sheep, 11l 6d; well-bred h.-v*. £10- tight harness horse* £7'to -10. Domes £4 to £4 ss; -privately. 82 acre:,. Situated at Mangapai, for £250; in conjunction will! Mr. A. R. Crane. 10 acres ami dwelling- at Karao, £425. EI/i'HAM AND lIAWEKA. Messrs. Nolan, 'J onto, and Co. report Hawcra. June 14:— the horse fair on the Bth a law number were catalogued, and inCitiiry was good for draughts and light Harness horses, the former fetching up to *Zo aid the latter £15 to £13. At Eltham. on the 10th hist., we had a good yarding oi cattle and a fair sale. At Ilawera. ou l.vui in-'t.. 'we had a good yarding of cattle, principally bullocks and steers of good nualitv. "The bidding throughout was slack, although there were buyers present who required the class, but were not prepared to acrevt at vendors' reserves. However, sales were* made at reduced prices, considerably less than were ruling a fortnight since. ..e note;-At Kltham: Three-year-old springing heifers. £4 5s to £4 15s; 2 to 2»-year heifcra. in calf. £3 10s 6(1 to £3 17s 6d; cows, close to calving £4 15s to £6 10s; 18-month steers, fc3 to £3 7s 6d; store cows. £2 17s (id to £3 ss: fresh cows, £3 12s 6d to £3 lbs; fat cow- £4 to £4 10s; weauers, £1 3s to £1 11'3 At Hawsra: Fresh cows, £3 10s to £3 12s fid- fat cows, £4 to £4 lCri; store cows, £3 lis. to £3 sa; 3-year springing ueifera, £4 5s to £4 15*; 2-year heifers, in calf, £i 5s to a 7* Cd; 3-year bullocks. £4 15s to £4 17s 61- fat and forward uallocks, £5 15s to £0 3b;' weaners, £1 6s to £1 18?.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 3

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AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 3

AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 3