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Eijh Watei at Auckland—lo.lo a.m.; 1C.32p.m. „ Manukau—o.9 a.m.; 0.31 p.m. Sun-Rises, 7 6 a.m.; sets, 4.3') p.m. Moon—first Quarter. Monday. 8.29 am.

WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin telegraphed yesterday : — "West to south-west unit south ca:e; glass rise ; weather much colder ; tides decrease. '

ARRIVALS. , . Moura. e h., Kit. Norman Beaumont, from Southern and Mart toast ports. Passengers: Miss Downes, Captain Bart. Messrs. Burton, Wilson, and ecvtn steerage.-Lniou S.te. Co., agents. , . Wellington, s.s.. 275. E. Stephenson, from Whan gate;. Passengers: Mi. and -Mrs. Aiasofield, Me«damc3 Xlioruiirn, South. Pearce tciijiett. Misses Thorlmrn. injfym. jJavig, Downard, Messrs. -Jumn. Hall, Black, Dempster,' Heywood. Smith, ferry and child .J. Thorburn. Hoigate. H. 1!. Cooke, D. McKensic, Beattie, ami 10 steerage-Northern fc.fe. Co., accents. , . , . ~ Muritai s.s., 225. Joseph Dutbie, from the Great Barrier. l ; as-ein;trs: Mesdames Blackwell and .-haw. Miss illaekwell. Messrs. Aitkin, Hazard. Shaw, Master Martin, and three Steerage. —Northern S.S. Co.. agent-:. Waitana-i. s.s.. 197, P. A. Stein, from Tauranga, WliansaHi.ita. and Tairua. Passengers: Me=?rs. Davie;. Andrew, Duston, Harvey, Vanity, Curtis, and one steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. N'gtinguru. s.s.. S'». Scott, from Whangarei. Chelmsford, a.*., 70, J. Taw, from Whan,'apotta. DEPARTURES. ... t-i. .Scott, lor vV'hangarci. Chelmsford, s.s.. 70. J. Taw, for kv'hangapoua and Port Charles. „-,„,. Carte Blanche, barque, 760, G. F. Torje=en, tor Maiden Island. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. iCT'PC^T: r Jekoa. 8.5., direct, sailed May 1, duo about Sunday. ~ ~ , „ Eawke's Bay. s.s., via Australia, sailed May 4. Pakcha. S.S., 'lire-!, sailed June 7. Star of New Zealand, b.s.. via Australia, to sail. JA.N FRANCISCO: Ventura. 8.M.8., July 8. Kr.w rouK : Cereda, s.s.. via the South, due about Jnly 4. Gadsby. s.s.. dire-;, sailed. Tomuana, a.!., via Australia, sailed April 23. «tar of New Zealand, s.s., via Australia, sailed. Banffshire, (-.-,., sailed. Mimlro, s.s.. via Australia, loading. Indraleme. s.s.. via Australia, to sail. Herbert Fuller, barque, via Wellington sailed. Alice, barque, via Wellington, sailed Star of the East, barque, via Wellington, loading. CALCUTTA: Obra, s.s.. to 6?.i1, July 15. SAMBnr.tJ: J.a Bella, schooner, sailed December 7. BIPKSVBlins.'.niite. s.s., Monday. SAMOA : Hauroto. s.s.. early. TIJI: Bauroto, s.s. early. HEWCASTIiS : Kathleen Hilda. br.rqtlO, early. Clan ilcLeod. canine, sailed. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. BAN rEANCISCO: Mariposa, 1!. M.5., July 4. SAMOA: Hauroto. s.s., July 3. SYDNEY; Zealandia, 9.5., Mondr.y. tth: Oralan. s.s., June 26. Hauroto. U.S., July 3. fOJJGA. Hauroto. s.s., Jnly 3. UNION S.S. CO.'B MOVEMENTS. To-day: Oraapcrc arrives from East bays. Saturday: Moura leaves for Southern ports at noon; Omnrcre ie:'.ve3 for East bays, Gisfaorne, and Napier. NORTHERN 3.9. C'O.'S MOVEMENT..-. To-da;. : Claneiuan arrives from Northern ports early; Ohintwmri arrives from Parenjfaretvga. Honour i. : nil Te Kao; N'Kapuhi arrives at Unehunga from New Plymouth early; Muritai leaves for KuaotUßU and Mercury Jir.y at 7 p.m.; V,'aitu:i;;i leaves lor Taurauga at 7 p.m.; Wellington leaves for Marsden Point, WMngarei, etc.. at 10. p.m.; Ngungura arrives from Whansarei Town Wharf. Thames Service: .-steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. See advertisements daily papers.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Btar of England, 5.3.. at Queen-street Wharf. Houra,. s.s., nt Queen-street Wharf. Elmsville, s.s.. Nt Hobson-street Wharf. Margarita, barque, at Railway Wharf. Elisabeth, barque, in stream. Defiance, briirr.ntine, at Breastwork.

The Northern Company's steamer Wellington arrived from Whangarei last evening with passengers and general cargo, and leaves for the same place again to-night. Last night the Northern Company's steamer Mnritai arrived from the Great Harrier, mid leaves this evening for Kuaotunu, Morcury Bav. and the Great Barrier. The barque Margarita came down "rorn Chelsea, yesterday, and berthed at the Kailway Wharf to take in sulphur ore for .Sydney. At 7 o'closk this evening trie Northern Company's uteamer Waitsngi leaves for Tauranga. The barque Carte Blanche "'as tewed out of port yesterday morning by the tugboat Admiral, and railed tor Maiden Island with a fine fair wind. , This morning the Danish barque Elisabeth •will be towed out of port by the tugboat Admiral and resume her voyage to Kru'sia. The Northern Company's steamer Wastangi arrived from Tauranga. Whangamata, and Tairaa last night. The steamer met •with very dirty weather all through her trip Dp and down the coast. Yesterday the schooner Awarwi arrived at Tairna from Gisborne-. and loads timber back to that port. Last night the tugboat Awarua left lor Whananaki for a raft of logs. The brigantine Sarah and Mary sailed from Port Chalmers yesterday for Whangarei, to load timber for Duncdin. THE STAR OF ENGLAND! •the Tyer liner Star of Enzland was busily engaged in discharging and loading cargo throughout yesterday, and up to a late hour last night, in order that the steamer should be got awav in time to work Gisborne, for -which port "she 'eaves at noon to-day, proceeding theivrs- to Napier, Wellington, and Wanganui.


The mission yacht Southern Cross is expected to arrive at Auckland from Melanesia and Norfolk Island about the end of tins month, and after a short stay in port leaves on. another cruise to the Islands. THE PAPANUI. The Auckland passengers, periodicals, and iargo, per thy Nor,' Zealand Shipping Company's steamer l'apanui, which arrived at Wellington from London on Wednesday last, will arrive lr. the Hnddart-Parkci steamer ZealarGia on Sunday next. THE GADSBY. The steamer Caiisby is now on her way from New York to -New Zealand, with a full cargo of general merchandise. Auckland is to be the first port of call in this colony, and Messrs. Carr, Pountney, and Co. are the local agents, .Messrs. Russell and Somers acting as Chip's brokers THE ARCHER. The Premier lias received information that H.M.s. Archer will probably visit Auckland, Campbell, Antilles, and Bounty Islands in July. Instructions have been issued for her to convey as much provisions: as she can conveniently carrj to those places from Lytt.ilton. THE CEEEDA. The steamer Cereda arrived at Port Chalmers from .New York yesterday, and on discharge proceeds to Lyttciton and Wellington, and then comes o. to Auckland. Messrs. Carr, Pountney, and Co. are the local agents for the steamer. Messrs. Russell and. Soraers being the ship's brokers. THE MOUP.A. The Union Company's steaine. Mourn. Captain Norman Beaumont, arrived from Soutnerir and East Coast ports shortly before six o'clock last evening, after a long passage up from Gisborne of 31 hours, having met with Strong lead winds and seas across the Bay of Plenty, which greatly retarded her progress. Mr. Peny Isaac, the purser, reports that the •steamer left Dunedin at '» p.m. on the 14th list., and called at Lyttelton, Wellington. Napier, and Gisborne, leaving the latter port at 8.45 a.m. on the 19th. and arriving a3 above. From Gisborne had strong head winds and heavy seas, necessitating the slowing down of the engines for several hours. The Moura leaves for East Coast and Southern ports at noon to-morrow. THE PENGUIN. H.M. surveying ship Penguin, which left Auckland on Wednesday morning, was passed off tho Alderman's yesterday afternoon by the Wahansri. The Penguin is engaged in surveying round the Alderman's, and proceeds on to 'i aisr;'r.*T .'.. THE ROVAfj ARTHUR. The flagship Royal Arthur left Wellington for LytteitoT" yesterday, to await tho arrival Of the Royal squadron. PORT OF ONKHUNGAV DEPARTURES. Rotoiti. s.s.. J. Robertson, for New Plymouth. Wellington, and Nelson. Passengers: Mr. aiwl Mrs. Gladden. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. R. Mair, Mr. and Mrs. Kretschmar. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eennell, the Hon. and Mrs. R. T. Rowley, Mesrtames Mathcson,* Qnillan, Hughes. Hancock, Hunt. Howe. Black, Robin, MnHardy, fctainton. Colmer. Bayley. McKay, Ballard, Hellson, Geiskittg, Misses Parkes, Reid, L. Wiggins. Avery (2), Hughes. Hancock. Robin, Cook, D. Wiggins Blowon, Langford. Ellis. Dodd. Atkinson (2). Scott, Perry, Paterson, Carter, House, Smart, Beal, Lieutenant Bob-

worth, Messrs. Bisaop. Jenkins, Butler. Hutehesou, Brown. C. If. Gansland, Coyle, Price. Billiard, hove, Bushes, Hilson T. Scott, 11. Cape., V. Cockeran. M. O Riley, Oliver, D. Elliott, Bayley, F. if. House. J. A. Butler. K. Russell, Gciskinpr, Haw Kins, K. Cook. Loverhk-e. C. B. Bruce, MclJ.irfiy, 1.. '.-. (v,rnfoot. TinJine. W. May. Hamsa;., Hutchin-. Jowitt. Hancock. Buchanan. Paget. W. A. Kimr. Loclthead. J. Hudson, Richards, and 350 officers men of the volunteer force. Knjiier., s.s., If. Day. for ilacmn and Kawhia. The Union Companv's steamer Rotojti left yesterday afternoon for New Plymouth, Wellington, and Nelson. . . The Northern Company's steamer Kan.en sailed yesterday for Raglan and Kawhia. BY TELEGRAPH. MAR-DEN POINT. June 20.—Arrived: Kawan, s.s.. from Mangawai. Sailed: Pokapnka, and I'r '.'..•-. scows, for Auckland. KIRIPAKA. June 20.—The scow Havoc sails to-night for Auckland. RUSSELL. June 20.—T0 sail at 0 p.m.: Clansman, s.s.. for Auckland. TAURANGA. June 20.— ?.s. V'aintalii arrived from Auckland at twelve o'clock !'":'. iticht. NEW* PLYMOUTH. .Pine 20.—Arrived: Ntrapuhi, =.".. from Onehuntja. Sailed: Na-ipuhi. s.s., for Oneaiin?a. WELLINGTON. June M.-Arrived: Waihcre. 5.;.. from the North ■ Zoalonlia. '■-■■ from too South. Snil-'d:' Royal Arthur. 8.M.".. for Lyttclton: Westralia. "s =.. for the South,. Hobart. and Melbourne; Zealandia. s.s., lor cons ports Auckland, and Svdocv. Passenwrs for Auckland: Mi-- 5 V-.<'',■■ rr.rdie. Birk?r;-A L -',\' lor. Bowie, You-ir. Mevlamej Rell JS «T)ona,i . Wl"'»'T»- Mansf.'-IU. Colnnil Cudireon. Cantain Whi*i>?y, Bi-. Wheeler ami Leahy. j(,», Mi"er *rika (2i. Cillctt. Ismail, Pvke ShePon, Thoma?. Wehh. I'ettie. Ncilson, Sevcriie. Bel', Man-field. Parker. Swinolev, Brown Master Parker, and "6 steerage, i !kiipuma. ."».. for New Plymouth and Ouehimsa. Passengers for Onchunga: Mi--e=; Cnttley, Brown. Burnett (2i. Ca'.tley. Bowie, yonn-.. Mesdames Clark. Brown. Mc--r- Ae-Ker. Ooker. Tliomnjon "I. UrafSn, Smith, Clark. I/ic'jer. and 'even iteerag?. HVTTTT.TOX. June Kl.~.Sailc:l: Corinr'i. =.?.. Jfararoa, !..s., for WeJins' ■ Gothic, s.s., for London, via' Rio and Ter.eriffe. FORT CHALMERS. Juno 20.-Arrived: (erode., S.s.. from New York. Sailed: Sarah and Mary, hrc-r.inmc, for Wlianjjarei: T-Mbella Anderson, schooner, for Kainara: Alic'a, harciue, for Surprise Island. ' T ,„_ BLUFP. June 20.-Arrived: Wakefield, s.i,. from Durban, for orders. Sailed: Butesaire. s.s.. for Port Chalmers. SYDNEY. June 23.-Arrived: Monowai, s.s., from Wellington. THE GOTHIC. LYTZLTON. .Urn- 20.—The Shaw. Savin, and Albion Company's steamer Gothic. leJt to,l- v for '•:<. do Jane-ire,. LonCn Pa« c ?ers Mi=sc« Blades. Coue. HarriBon' Jones McLean. Malioosy (5). Martin. Mbv Stewart Thomas. Washbourn, Wilson, Wn'oflhon Carralin, Metcalf. Oldham. Trumper.;Yonn,, Me.dames Holmes Joijes. Reid, Richard?. small , i2». .J*?™*' ,^ c . , Marchison, Oldham and bud. .ilk. laton. Reed. Simpson. Messrs. .1. E. U. Allen, c.. it. Blarkwood. A. Dernier., Gordon. Holmes (2). K„.?rairs"'^xi i "S'..;o4 Mela-Wan P. Marriott 0. Mc.Wepuin '. Murehi«on. C. Palk. C. Palli=er. A. W . he,.'. \ Boil Smpson. Dr. Slidders. A. Tavlor. H. Vergette, Masters Thomas, Oldham. Patort.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11685, 21 June 1901, Page 4