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AUCKLAND. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED). Auckland Wool Stores, November 28. Horses: On Friday, at the Durham Yards, there was a very large muster of horses and a good attendance, no doubt- attracted by a draft of horses from Sydney. Heavy draughts brought from. £20 5s to £36 17s 6d; medium ditto, £18 15s to £25 12s fid; hacks, £4 15s to £15 12s 6d. A sulky made £10 15s; spring cart, £12 12s 6d. ' . Cattle: At the Newmarket Yards on lues- , day, fat stock was penned in barely average numbers, the greater number being cows. Steers sold at from £1 to £1 3s 1001b; cows, 17s to 19s. Steers, no heavy weights yarded, made from £5 5s to £10 2s 6d; cows, £3 153 to ] £7 12s 6d; dairy cows, yarded in full numbers. sold at from £4 23 6d to £6 12s 6u; empty cows, £2 18s to £4 Bs. No grown steers yarded. ' , .*, Sheep: The Newmarket Yards were well j filled on Tuesday, and for those of good : quality there was a good demand. » ethers j sold at from 13s 3d to 19s 9d; shorn ditto, J lis 6d to 17s 3d; ewes in their wool, 12s 9d i to 16s; shorn ditto, 10s 3d to 14s; lambs, 1 very numerous and most of them good quality, sold at from 9s 3d to 133 9d; store ditto, 4s to 7s 6d. Pigs: Scarce; porkers sold at from £1 is to £1 lis; weaners, 7s to 10s 6d. , At Waiuka on Saturday, there was a good muster of all sorts. Beef cattle made l'ully Newmarket rates. Dairy cows, from £3 15s to £6 ss; calves, £1 Is to £1 16s; a singleseated buggy made £22; spring cart, £8 10s. Hides, skins, etc: Large quantities were offered 011 Tuesday under good competition. Hides: All weii-flayed are in good demand. We sold as under:—Prime stout ox, 5d to 6id; stout, 43u to 53d; light and medium, 3|d to 4Jd: cow, 3£d to 33d; kip, 3d to 3Sd; calf, sound, 4d to sid; cut, 2d to 31d; stag, 2d to 3d. Sheepskins: Easier; badly saved neglected. Large salted, 3s to 3s 4d; small and medium, 2s to 2s 9d; pelts, salted, 9d to Is Id; dry. Id to 6d; lambs, salted, 9d to Is 4d; dry, 2d to Bd. Tallow: Best, 18s to 19s 6d. ' Wool: In hags, etc. Crossbred, 3Jd to'4jjd; pieces, ljd to 3d. Horsehair: Lower, 8d to Is. Tails: 2s Id dozen. Maize: There being no Sydney orders in the market this week, local buyers are holding off and the market is weak, good lines being sold at 2s 4*d to 23 sd, ex wharf. Oats: Are worth Is lid c.i.f.; 2s ex store for wholesale lines. . , Potatoes: Southern potatoes are finished for the season. Locals are worth £8. Chaff: Market is steady at £2 17s 6d to £3 per ton nor trnckload at rail. * Wo held a special horse sale at Papakura 011 Wednesday and Thursday, when 400 odd hors?s were offered, the farm and draughts, in many cases being exceptionally good. Competition was keen, and the greater mini per changed hands: medium to heavy draughts sold at from £20 to £36; tram and light I f. rness do.. £13 5s to £19 17s 6d; hacks, £3 to £22: weeds, £1 10s to £4. MESSRS. ALFRED BUOKLAND AND SONS* WBEKLT REPORT. Horses: At the Haymarket on Friday last we submitted an unusually large number of horses to a full attendance of buyers, and a good sale resulted at the following prices:— Heavy draughts, £40 and £35 for good quality; lighter and medium draughts, £20 to £27 10s; spring cart, active, and useful farm horses, £12 to £18; well-bred good dogcart or buggy horses, £14 to £22; common sorts, £8 to £10; and light gig hor.-es or hacks, £4 to £8. Hay, straw, chaff, etc.: Not much hay offering; by the small load, delivered, 8s -to 14s the load; by weight, 3s to 4s cwt; straw, lCs to £1 is waggon load; and 10s to los single-horse load. Grain, etc.: Damaged and inferior oats sold by auction at Is 4d to Is 6d; barley. Is 8d; chaff, £1 Bs. Ex store: Maize, 2s 3d to 2s lOd; oats, feed, 2s Id to 2s 3d; wheat. 2s 9d; chaff. £3 ss. Maize, ex wharf, 2s 5d for wholesale lines. Hides, skins, tallow, etc.: We catalogued an average supply. Prices were similar to , last week, but we may quote hides a snade better; sheepskins, no alteration, and the : same remark applies to lambskins, pelts, tal- j low, hair. etc. Ox hides, 4d to sgd; cow. , 3Ad to 35d: lighter ox. 33d to 4id; cow, 2jd I to 3id: calf, 3Ad to 5?, d; sheepskins, up to 1 3s W for heat salted; fresh. 2s to 2s 6d for | fairly good; and Is to Is 9d for dry country j skins; lambs. lOd to Is 4d; pelts. Is. Wool, in single bales, dumps, and bags: | The highest price realised was 4jd for a bole of longwool, the most of the longwool in , dumps and bags selling at 3id to 4d; I merino, 4Jd; crossbred, up to 'Id; pieces, 2d \ to 2Jd for clean, and Id to lid for rough ! and dirty; horsehair, lOd to Is Id lb; no pood tallow offered; medium, 15s 6d cwt; bones. 5s cwt; rough fat, lid lb. v At Ptemuera on Thursday dairy cows, penned in average numbers, improved on last week's values. Prices for those at profit ranged from £4 to £7 each; no store cattle j yarded. Fat and young calves, in full num- j bers, were required; fresh-dropped were from ; 5s to 10s; medium. 12s to 16s: heavy, up to | £2 2s each; 70 sold. Fat cattle, yarded in ; average numbers, brought from £1 to £1 3s ! 10011> for steers and heifers: aged cows. 17s to 19s; 210 sold. Steers ranged in price from ' £5 15s to £10; cows, £4 to £7 10s each. There j was a fair muster of sheep, which were . freely competed for, shorn wethers bringing from 10s to IPs; ewes, 9s to 16s each; 1000 sold. Lambs, plentiful, scarcely kept last ; week's values and bronchi from 9s to 14s j 6d for heavy weights: lighter sorts, 4s 9d to 7s 6d; 500 sold. Few pigs were yarded. I Those sold at fair values: Porkers, £1 to £1 7s: heavy, up to £2 16s; 20 sold. On Monday, at Pukekohe, cattle of all classes sold freely, dairy cows bringing up to £9 ss. The Helensville yards were well filled on Wednesday, and good prices were obtained, only some half-a-dozen heat! being passed. There was about the usual muster at Tuakau on Wednesday, and everything sold at good values. ' MESSRS. G. W. EINNEI AND SONS' REPORT, j At our weekly sale hides, sheepskins, tallow sold freely, and we cleared an extra large catalogue. Hides: Extra stout, s>d to 6d; stout, 4kl to 4|d; medium, 33d to 4d. Cow, all good lines eaeerlv competed for, the bulk selling at 33d to 3|d; seconds, 3:kl to 3s; damaged, 2d to 23d; kip, 33d to 4d. Calf, well flayed, 5d to ' 5Ad; cut. 2d to 3d; stags', 2d to 23d; bulls', id to 2d lb. j Sheepskins: Prices again easier, owing to the prices advised for wool in London. Local green, large, 3s 6d; ordinary, 2s 9d to 3s; small, Is 6d to 2s; lambs', 9d to Is 3d; pelts, 9d to Is each. Tallow: Good mixed, in shipment casks, 19s to 19s 6d; broken packages, to 19s cwt; rough fat, lid lb. Hair: Horsetail, Is to Is 3d; mane, 9d to lOd lb; cow tails, 2s to 2s Id duz. Bones: Best dry, £5j wet, £3 to £3 10s ton. Horns: Wanted; prices advancing. GocM lines average from 10s to 12s 6d per 100. MASTERTON AND PAHIATUA. Messrs. Lowes and lorns' weekly stock reports—At Pahiatua last Friday we submitted a very small yarding of sheep, empty ewes selling at 10s Id, rams 15s and £1 13s; other lines were passed out unsold. We had a j ifair yarding of cattle, which elicited good competition throughout, and nearly every lot was cleared under the hammer, the passed lots being disposed of privately at satisfactory figures, with the exception of a few odd lots. Very forward bullocks made £7 7s; forward bullocks, £6 9s; 2J-year steers, £4 9s to £4 13s; empty heifers, £3 10a to £3 13s; store cows, £3 5s to £3 10s; yearlings, £2 7s, £2 Bs, £2 10s, and £3s 3s; springers, from £3 7s to £5 10s; fat cows, £5 10s to £5 12s 6d; bulls, £2 12s, £4, and £6. Pigs show more animation, weaners selling at 5s 6d to 6s. At our Masterton horse sale last Saturday the catalogue submitted comprised upwards of 50 horses, embracing all classes, draughts being fairly well represented. For this class we had keen bidding, with the result that we eleared the bulk at good sound rates. In' light draughts and express spring cart sorts the demand was not equal to thai of previous sales, only a small number finding purchasers. In hacks a fair number offered, and, owing in a great extent to the abundance of feed, we succeeded in. selling nearly all. In really fine geldings, or mares up to six years, we made up to £45, several reaching £30 to £35; good farm sorts, £18 to £25; spring cart or active express kinds ranged from £12 to £18; fair class hacks, £5 to £3; poor sorts, £2 to £4: drays and spring carts. £10 to £15. At Masterton 011 Wednesday we have to report a fair yarding of sheen, which included good wethers and medium ewes, all selling at sound rates. In ewes and lambs the class was only fair, these all .selling under the hammer. In hoggets we had a special line of wethers, these being well competed for, making the price of the season. In shorn sheep only two pens were offered, the class only medium, and prices made being good. In beef we penned some really good heifers and cows, the bulk of which found purchasers; in stores we offered a good yarding, and for every pen we had spirited bidding, selling every line. Some odd lines of dairy stock sold at fair rates. A few store pies made fair prices. Best wethers made 17s 10:1 to 17s 60; forward wethers. 15s lid; fat ewes, 14s fid; forward ewes, 13s to 13s 6d; first-class hoggets. 149 9d; shorn hoggets. 8s 8d; ewes and lambs, 14s 9d; fat, heifers, prime. £6; cows, £5 to £5 lis; forward bullocks, £6 ss: good stores, £5 7s to £5 8=: young steers. £4 8s to £4 15s; 2-ycar-old heifers, £3; yearlings, £2 12s; calves, £1 15s; forward cows, £3; store pigs. Cs to 10s. WANOANUI. Messrs. Freeman P. Jackson and Co. report on November 21: At St. Hill-street yesterday wo had a full yarding of stock. Cat.Me sold readily at auction at advanced rates, and were keenly sought after. The purebred cattle on account of Mr Adam Wilkie elicited spirited competition, also the young bulls and heifers, though they lacked condition, sold in excess of reserves. Bidding for sheep was not quite so keen as of late. In some instances, the vendors not caring to reduce their reserves a few lines were turned out unsold, but 011 the whole we have to report a very satisfactory sale. We quote: Cattle: Fat cows, £5 6s to £6 ss; 3 and 4-year steers. £6 2s to £6 15s: 2* to 3 - year steers. £5 13s to £5 17s: 12 to 18-month steers. £3 Is to £3 15s 6d: 2-year steers* £4 5s to £4 12s 6d; forward cows, £4; 10s 6d; store cows. £4 to £4 2s 6d; 2-vear empty heifers (medium!. £3 to £3 9s; yearlings (mixed). £2 lis to £2 17b 6d; wean en (mixed). £1 14s: milch cows. £3 to £5: purebred Shorthorn cows. 62 guineas to 191 guineas: do., yearling heifers. 4 guineas to 54 guineas; yearling bulls. 6 guineas to 114 guineas; 2-vear bulls, 63 guineas. Sheep: Store wethers, 14s 6d to 15s 3d; hoggets. lis to 13s: forward ewes, 13s 6d; store ewes. 10s to lis fid. Pirri': P.aconers, £1 13s 6d to £27»; porkers, 15s to £1 Is; jßßiall pigs. 7s ?d ti» ija, 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 11543, 30 November 1900, Page 3

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AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 11543, 30 November 1900, Page 3

AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 11543, 30 November 1900, Page 3