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Officers:—Patron: His Excellency Lord Eanfurly. Vice-patrons: Messrs. J. H. B. Coates, J. Marshall, S. T. George. President: Mr. O. E. McCormick. Vice-presi-dents: Messrs. Leo. Myers. G. Dunnett, F. W. Edwards. Management Committee: Messrs. E. Dacre, W. S. Dickey. C. He3keth, jnn., W. H. Mercer, J. Farquhar, A. Williamson, W. H. Martin, A. A. Davies, H. Cooke, W. W. Pilkington, W. H. Toy. S. W. Somerfield, G. Henning. Judges: Messrs. C. E. McCormick. W. C. Speight, L. Myers. Field Judges: Messrs. T. B. O'Connor, W. C. Speight, Professor Carrollo. Timekeepers: Messrs. J. Marshall, F. Macmanemin, G. Bead, and G. Dunnett. Starter: Mr. Austin Smith. Referee: Mr. T. F. Upflll. Judge of Walking: Mr. J. Mahon. Clerk of Course: Mr. J. Buchanan. Marksmen: Messrs. J. W. Winks. J>. Farquhar, W. Mercer, W. S. Dickey. Press Steward: Mr. W. H. Toy. Marshal: Mr. Seymour T. George. Result Board: Messrs. J. Gunson and C. Waters. Laptakers: Messrs. R. Dacre and F. W. Coombes. Stewards: Messrs. S. Somerfield and J. Farquhar. Costume Stewards: Messrs. C. Hesketh, jun., and G. Henning. Handicapper: Mr. W. ■ B. Evre. Hon Treasurer: Mr. C. E. Palmer. Hon. Secretary: Mr. F. J. Ohlson.

Though the morning boded ill, the authorities of the Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club were favoured with a delightfully fine afternoon on Saturday, when the club's 42nd carnival was held on the Domain Cricket Ground, tho scene of many brilliant athletic feats and many gay and fashionable assemblages under the auspices of this longestablished and popular body. For a season or two public interest in amateur athletics has been at a decidedly low ebb, but Saturday's gathering seemed to indicate that the tide has turned, and that the carnivals arranged by the Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club are again to rank among tho popular outings of ' the season, just as they did in years gone by, as the attendance was quite up to old —there being fully 5000 persons presentwhile the ladies, who mustered in force, once again availed themselves of the opportunity of displaying their summer finery, of seeing and being seen, criticising and being criticised. This happy state of affairs encouraged those responsible for tho management of the sports and the competitive members of the club to put forward then best efforts to make the gathering as pleasurable and interesting to patrons as possible, and in this they succeoded, as the arrangements were of the most complete and satisfactory nature, and the various events splendidly contested, everyone nresent agreeing that better finishes had never been witnessed on the Domain Ground. A special word of praise is due to the hon. secretary, Mr. F. J. Ohlson, and the hon. treasurer, Mr. C. E. Palmer, both of whom worked most untiringly to promote the success of the gathering, and the handicapper, Mr. W. B. Eyre, is to bo complimented on bringing about such well-con-tested races, both in the pedestrian and bicycle events, and Mr. Austin Smith, the club's honorary starter, for getting the fields off in such good lino on all occasions. Impey's Brass Band enlivened the 'proceedings with an enjoyable musical programme, ■ and the afternoon tea, provided by Messrs. Stilwell.and Gilman, proved most acceptable T o lady patrons. The Domain caretaker, Mr. R. Yates, had left no stone tinturned to havo the ground in order, and as a result of his efforts in this direction both bicycle and running tracks were in splendid order, while nothing better could have been wished than tho specially-prepared track for the 120 yds Invitation Hurdle Race. With such favourable conditions, and little or no wind— there was, was against tho sprinting and hurdlingit was only to be expected that fast times would be recorded, and so it proved. The piece de resistance was, '•/ course, the 120 yds Invitation Hurdlo Race, in which O. W. Smith, Australasian and NewZealand champion, and M. M. Eoseingrafve, the famous Irish hurdler, were brought together, the event being run off «t three o'clock. As these two great rivals emerged from their dressing tents, and walked across to the starting point, they were closely scrutinised by the experts present, and the general pronouncement was that both had undergone a sound preparation, though there were those who wore to be found contending that Roseingrave would have been the better for a few pounds more in weight; he looked perhaps a trifle on the light side. After a preliminary canter, they stepped up to the mark, shook hands cordially, and then took their places, Smith being on the right, or inside, flight of hurdles. Once satisfied that everything was in order, Mr. Smith did not keep them long on the mark, and when the pistol cracked it was seen that he had effected a beautiful start, Roseingrave being, perhaps, slightly quicker than Smith into his stride, rather a surprise to the onlookers, as the Aucldander is usually off his mark like a startled deer. There was little or nothing in it as they rose to the first fence, but once on the landing side the Irishman, who fences beautifully, was a shade in front of the local man, and he showed the way to Smith over the next four hurdles, but as they rose to the sixth jump there was nothing to choose between them, and they landed simultaneously. With a supreme effort Smith could be seen to draw out as they strided to the seventh hurdlo, and as they topped the obstacle he was seen to have an advantage of inches, and improving this over the eighth and ninth he was better than 2yds to the good on the landing side of the latter, whero the Irishman found the cracking pace at which he was being carried along too much for him, and stumbled and fell, leaving Smith to finish by himself. Continuing at a great "bat," the Australasian champion ran over the last hurdle in faultless style, and finishing strongly, snapped the worsted in 15|s., a phenomenal performance, and only l-ss. behind the world's grass record, held by the greatest hurdler of tho age, Alvm O. Kraenzlein, of the Pennsylvanian University, U.S.A. Unfortunately, as Smith ran up to his last fence, the excited, cheering crowd, anxious to do him honour, rushed the ground, intorforing with one of the official timekeepers, Mr. G. Read, who was thus prevented from snapping the time, which was returned by Messrs. G. Dunnett and Frank Macmanemin, whose watches agreed to a tick. Mr. W. Dickey, one of the clubs officials, who, at tho request of the secretary, also timed the race, returned tho time as 1535., his watch not recording fifths. The watch was immediately handed over to the secretary, togethei with the times of Messrs. Dunnett and Macmanemin, and, although it is not known what will bo the result, application will be made for the performance to be recognised as an Australasian record, it being two-fifths second bettor than the previous best, 165., the joint holders being Harold Batger and A. H. Holder. Smith's performance was undoubtedly a brilliant one, and that it was no mere fluke was demonstrated later in the afternoon, when he succeeded in winning the 120 yds Hurdles Handicap by better*than 2yds, owing Campbell, on scratch, 7iyds, and breasting the tape in the splendid time of 16 3-ss. Congratulations were showered upon Smith by his many admirers, and it will be decidedly hard luck for him should the figures not be accepted. A word of praise is also due to his formidable rival, M. M. Roseingrave, who is undoubtedly a great hurdler, and would have been responsible for a splendid run, as far as time is concerned, had not the pace carried • him off his feet, while Campbell's plucky fight with Smith in the handicap event proved that in him we have a good second siring over the fences. The Irishman (Roseingrave) must have derived <?ome consolation for his defeat later in the afternoon, when he turned out in the long jump, and, starting from the scratch mark, cleared 21ft' lOin, in his second attempt, thus establishing a fresh record for New Zealand, a performance that has only once been equalled in this colony, and then by Mr. T. F. Upfill, who, however, was denied the honour of a record, owing to the take off' not being in accordance with tho condition laid down by the rules of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. Roseingrave took an unusually long run up to the lump, and his flight through the air was high and clean. S. HeaJd, A. G. Fooke, and A. R. D. Watson were prominent in the sprint races, while in the distances, C. E. Hanson singled himself out for attention by scoring a triple victory in the half, one, and three-mile events. Hanson ran with good judgment, and great determination. lhe club's Victor Ludorum trophy this yea: going to the cyclists, was won by E. H. Cucksey who carried off the One-milo handicap, and finished second in., the half and two miles events, riding consistently well in all

races. W. Reynolds (League ' amateur champion) and H. H. « Brook (Alliance amateur champion) figured in the majority of the bicycle events, but, as the times fhow, the nace was so strong that they had :no chance of beating the handicap men, thought both must be credited with riding well. The following are the details of the racing:— .; ''__ j : ONE MILE NOVICE BICYCLE * HANDICAP. j A. Green ... ... ... ... 1 S, Hanham ... , ... ... ... 2 i N. Todd ... ... ... ... 3 1 . There were no other starters. Todd was in front when they entered on the second lap, and ho remained there until they entered on the last lap, the pace being only moderate. The pace became a bit merrier in the final circuit, and Green, going to the front as they rounded the hospital bend, came away and won by half-a-dozen yards from Hanham, Todd close up. The last lap j was done in 365., and the full distance in ! 3m. 325. 100 YDS FLAT HANDICAP. ! S. Heald, <%ds ... ... ... 1 P. P. Myles, 7yds ... 2 A. R. D. Watson, 7£yds ... ... 3 Run in three heats first and second in : each heat, and fastest third in final. First heat: P. P. Mvles, 7yds, 1; J. Miller, 6yds, 2: E. Williams, Byds, 3. Time, 10 l-ss. Won rather comfortably. . G. W. Smith started, but was only out for a "pipe"opener. Second heat: L. Mayson, 7J>yds, 1; G. M. Dodd, 6yds, 2; H. G. Bell, 7yds, 3. A closo thing. Time, 10 2-ss. Roseingrave was in the heat, but did not start. Third heat: S. Heald, 4.', yds, 1; A. R. D. Watson, 7£yds, 2; A. G". Fookes, 7yds, 3. Time, : 10 l-ss. Won on the post, the placed men being almost in line. When the men got i on their marks in the final, Fookes, who was 51 , entitled "to start, was an absentee, but as some delay was caused through the men breaking away, resulting in Heald and others being penalised, Fookes eventually put in an appearance, and no exception being taken by the official starter, he was : allowed, to compete. The pistol crack saw the eight competitors jump away in beautiful line, and. in a clinking -. race right to the worsted, Fookes, who came with groat determination in the last 20yds. won by a matter of loss than 18in from Heald, who was going very fast at the finish, Myles and Watson deadheating for third place. A blanket would have covered the whole field, so close were they all. Time, 10 l-ss. Heald, considering that Fookes' late arrival on the mark had given him an undue advantage, inasmuch as that he had not been on the ground when the false starts that led to his (Heald's) being penalised for breaking , away, protested against the race being awarded to the runner mentioned, a protest that on submission to the referee (Mr. Upfill) was upheld, tho first place being accordingly awarded to Heald.This left Myles and Watson with a deadheat for second place, and they were sjivon the ..option of running off at a later stage, but Watson not caring to jeopardise his chanco in other events for which he was entered, conceded second place to Myles.

HALF-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. E. A. Thomas, 50yds 1 ' .. E. H. 'Cucksey, 25yds, and W. Hendry, 50yds (dead heat) ... 2 Run in three heats; first and second in each heat, fastest third, in final. First heat: A. Cooper, 15vds, 1; F. W. Medland, 45yds, 2; W. Reynolds, owes 20yds, 3. Wilson made tho running for the first lap, and was still in front at the hospital bend. In the straight he came down, leaving Cooper to comb on and win comfortably from Medland (Waikato), Reynolds, who rode splendidly, third. Time, lm. 9 3-ss. Second heat: A. Green, 55 V 1; E. H. Cucksey, 25yds, 2; H. H. Brook, scratch, and W. Hendry, 50yds (dead heat), 3. Green made the pace over tho first lap, and after falling away at the back, came again in tho run home, just scoring from Cucksey. Brook, who came with a rattle, and Hendry, dead heating for third place, both close up. Time, lm. 9s. Third heat: E. A. Thomas, 50yds, 1: S. Hanham, 55yds, 2; F. H. Wilkinson, 40yds, 3. Hanham carried the running over the quarter, but the finish was fought out between Thomas and Hanham, the former just winning. Wilkinson was "third. Time, lm. 9s. All started in the final, Hanham setting the pace over the first lap, at the close of which there was little to pick and choose between them. Running into the back of the course Thomas was just in front of a bunched field, and though Hendry, Cucksey, and Cooper threw out a challenge in the run homo, he hung pluckily to his task, and lasted long enough to win by half-a-wheel from Hendry and Cucksey, who could not bo separated by the judges, while Cooper was close up next. Time, lm. 8 2-ss. ONE-MILE FLAT HANDICAP. C. E. Hanson. 60yd3 ... ... 1 J. 11. Kelly, 70vds 2 J. W. Tizard, 50yds 3 Twinamo made the running over the first quarter, but when they entered on the third lap Tiaard war, just in front, closely followed by Kelly and Leydon, tho others bunched close up. Hanson and Tizard were in line entering on the final, but when they came to make their-effort entering the hospital bend, Hanson movEd away, and drawing out from Kelly, won comfortably by a dozen yards, Tizard, who could not foot it with them, easing up in third place. Leydon was the only other one to finish. A. Twiname, 90yds, and S. Falls, 100 yds, also started. Time, 4m. 38s.

MILE WALK HANDICAP. C. J. Barr Brown, 80yds ... 1 J. C. Dickey, scratch 2 A. J. Pople, 110 yds 3 The starters were: J. C. Dickey, scratch; C. McAffer, scratch; C. J. Barr Brown, aOvds; E. A. McQuillan, 80yds; A. J. Pople, 19.0 yds. Pople, on the limit, led the way over the first two laps, followed by Brown, McQuillan. McAffer, and Dickey in that order, tlie scratch men closing up gradually. Pople was coming back in the third quarter, and when tho field entered on the final circuit Brown was with him, 20yds in front of Dickey, McQuillan dropping out and McAffer bringing up the rear. At tho back Barr Brown drew out, and, having it all his own way, carno on and won by 30yds from Dickey, who headed Pople entering the straight, the latter, eased off, about 10yds away third. McAffer also finished a long way away. Time, 6m. 435. '

ONE-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. K. H. Cucksey, 45yds ... ... 1 A Cooper. 45vds ... 2 P. C. Wade, 70yds ... ... 3 _ Run in two heats, first, second, and third in each heat in final. First heat: Ewen had worked his way into the lead before the half-mile, but when they entered on the third lap tharo was nothing in it, but Reynolds bad caught up to the bunch. Half-way round the back in the last lap Ewen got a break on the field, and, holding his own, easily won by several yards from Reynolds, Cooper close up. Time, 2m. 30s. Second heat: E. H. Cucksey, 45yds, 1; W. F. Wilson, 90yds, 2; F. C. Wade, 70yds, 3. Green, on the limit, took the field along for a couple of laps,', but Wade and Spragg were on his wheel entering the third lap. Setting out on tho home run Pelham was just in front of Miller and Cucksey, but the latter, taking charge at the hospital ' bend, succeeded in winning rather comfortably by a wheel; Wilson second and Wade third. Time, 2m, 265. In the final Wilson made the pace in the opening quarter, but as they entered on the second lap he gave place to Wade, who was still showing the way to Cooper and Pelham when they opened up tho third lap. Cooper was first to enter on the closing circuit; where, he was closely attended by Cucksey and Wado, but the two latter drawing up again 40yds from the tapes, a great finish resulted in favour of Cucksey by the narrowest of margins from Cooper, ho, in turn, being separated by inches from Wade. Reynolds found the pace too hot, and did not finish. Time, 23 4-ss.

120 YDS INVITATION HURDLE RACE. G. W. Smith ... 1 M. M. Roseingrave 2 Both men trotted over a hurdle or. two by way of a preliminary, and then, after a cordial handshako, took up their places > on the mark, Smith being on the inside running. When everything was in readiness the starter did not keep them long on their marks, and when the pistol snapped Roseingrave, mucn to the surprise of the onlookers, was the quickest to move, but his advantage did not amount to much. There was little or nothing to choose between them as they topped tho initial fence, but Roseingrave was first down, and, drawing out slightly, he had a trifle the best of it over the second,-third, fourth, and fifth fences, whero Smith made an effort that brought him on terms with his doughty opponont as they rose to the sixth hurdle, the two touching the landing aide simultaneously. Then the Aucklander, could be seen to assert himself, and, taking the seventh jump a few inches to the good of the Irishman, he improved his advantage to a yard at the eighth obstacle, and was fully 2yds clear as he dashed over the ninth fence, oil the landing side of which Roseingrave stumbled and came down, leaving the Aucklandor to finish by himself. Taking his last fence in fine style. Smith finished up his task in most determined fashion, and when tho time was hoisted it was found that the Australasian champion had covered the distance in 15 3-55., an announcement that was received with prolonged cheering. Unfortunately, however, the crowd rushing tho ground in their anxiety to witness the finish interfered with one of tho

i official timekeepers, and unless the time reI corded by an official .of the club, who v was instructed to check the timing of the others, is accepted, the performance will not be accepted as a record. The two official watches agreed to the 15 3-55., and an outside watch also snapped the same time. ', -1 100 YDS SCHOOLS* HANDICAP. ''":. A. R. Gatland, syds, ... ... 1 ' J. :N. Marsdon, Iyd ... ... 2 ■ T. H. Cotter, scratch ... ... 3 Also started: R. G. Todd, scratch; G. G. Hill, 2yds; B. Calder, 3yds; D. Rosewarae, syds; G. Alexander, Byds. Gatland was one of the quickest to move, and running strongly I right through, lasted long enough to win by half a yard from Marsdon, who finished well. Cotter was third. Time, 10 2-ss. 220 YDS FLAT HANDICAP. A. R. D. Watson, 13yds ... ...\ 1 H. G. Bell. 13yds ... 2 J. Miller, 12yds ... 3 Run in heats, first, second, and third in each heat in final. First heat: G. W. Smith, scratch, 1; J. Miller, 12yds, 2; H. G. Bell, 13yds, 3. Time, 235. Smith tackled his men entering the straight, and, finishing with great determination, just won from Miller, Bell a good third. Second heat: A. R. D. Watson, 13yds, 1; G. M. Dodd, 11yds. 2; E. Williams, 16yds, 3. Time, 23 4-ss. Watson won after a good race, finishing strongly. In the final Watson was in front rounding the hospital bend, and running with great gameness he won by a couple of yards from Bell; Miller close up, third. Time, 22 3-ss. HALF-MILE FLAT HANDICAP. O. E. Hanson, 28yds 1 E. Sutherland, scratch " 2 J. McKean, 12yds ... '. ... . ... 3 Also started: H. A. D. Anderson, scratch; N. Bradley, scratch; J. E. Leydon, 20yds; A. ,G. Fookes, 36yds; A. Steven, 40yds; A. *Twiname, 42yds. McKean and Hanson were together ...when they entered on the second lap, with the others well up, but the latter moved out at the back, where McKean dropped away a bit, and Sutherland and Anderson closed up. Hanson still had: a dozen yards the. best of it at the hospital ■bend ,a.nd though Sutherland made a very game effort in the run home, he won by syds, McKean, a couple of yards away, third. Anderson faded out in tho straight, and finished easing up. Time, 2m. 1 2-ss. TWO-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. A. Green, 190 yds 1 E. H. Cucksey, 90yds 2 F. C. Wade, 110 yds 3 Also started: W. Reynolds, scratch; H. H. Brook, scratch; A. Cooper, 70yds; F. C. Ewen, 70vds; H. Miller, 120 yds; E. A. Thomas, 120 yds; G. F. Pelham, 140 yds; G. W. Spra E g, 140 yds; W. F. Wikon. 150 yds; F. H. Wilkinson, 150 yds; F. W. Medland, 170 yds; W. Hendry, 180 yds; S. Hanham, 190yt13. Hanham, Wilkinson, and Green were in front when the half-mile had been loft behind, when it > was noticeable' that the scratch men had lost ground. A couple of laps further on Hendry had drawn up to Hanham and Wilkinson, and this trio were loading the way just clear of a bunched lot the scratch men now picking up a bitbut, with half a-mle to go, Miller was taking a turn at tho pacing, with Cucksey and Wade hanging on to his wheel, and the others in closo pursuit. Miller was quickest into the homo lap, but coming to grief a few yards further on, left Cucksey in charge, and ho looked all over like winning until they entered the straight, where Qreen came with a rare spurt, and heading his opponent off he won by 3yds, Wade on Cuckeey's wheel, in third place. Sove'ral others were bunched well up. Brook and Reynolds both dropped out half-way round the first lap. Time, sm. 3 2-ss. THREE-MILE WALK HANDICAP. C. McAffer, scratch 1 J. C. Dickoy, scratch ... ... 2 Barr-Brown, 180 yds, was the only other starter. Tho scratch pair, Dickey and McAffer, were slowly creeping up oh. Brown over tho first mile and a-half, where they were within about 80yds of him. Continuing to wear him down, the gap that separated them, with a mile to go, had been reduced to 40yds, and with half a-mile still to go the scratch pair had headed him. Dickey, making tho pace,' was a couple of yards in front entering on the last quarterßarr-Brown having meanwhile dropped out —and thus they continued to the back of tho course, 'where McAffer came to the front, and, spurting right away, he finished strongly, 30yds in front of his opponent, who had done all the paring, and conserved credit for his effort. Time, 24m. lis. HALF-MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP (SCHOOLS). C. F. Miller, 25yds , ... 1 A. Armitage, 80yds 2 J. Armitage, 65yds 3 Also started : C. Hart, scratch ; J. Hooper, 90yds. A. Armitago showed the way over tho first lap, but half-way round the second lap Miller ran ■ into the lead, and coming on scored easily by syds. Time, lm. 12 l-ss. 120 YDS HURDLES HANDICAP. G. W. Smith, owes 7|yds ... 1 J. Campbell, scratch ... ' ... 2 These were the only starters. _ Roseingrave not taking part. For breaking away Campbell was put back a yard, and when they got away he led over the first three fences, after which they jumped together up to the seventh hurdle, where Smith was quickest to land. Graining inches only over the final jumps, the crack landed a yard to the good over the final fence, and gaining a yard in the run home, scored by better than two yards from his plucky opponent, who, as a matter of fact, started a yard behind scratch owing to his penalty. Time, 16 3-ss. 440 YDS FLAT HANDICAP. E. Williams. 21yds 1 A. R. D. Watson, 17yds 2 H. G. Thomson, scratch 3 ■ Also started: H. G. Bell, 10yds; L. Mayson, 11yds; J. Campbell, 13yds; G. M. Dodd, 14yds; A. E. Stych, 17yds. Williams, on the limit, made the running right through, and lasted long enough to win by a foot from Watson; the scratch man, Thomson, who ran with great determination, was 6yds away when the other pair passed the post. Time, 52 2-ss. FIVE MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP. G. W. Spragg, 280 yds 1 W. Hendry, 370 yds 2 G. F. Pelham, 310 yds 3 Also started: H. H. Brook, scratch; F. C. Ewen, 140 yds; E. H. Cucksey, 180 yds; E. A. Thomas, 220 yds; F. C. Wade, 220 yds; F. H. Wilkinson, 320 yds; W. F. Wilson, 320 yds: F. W. Medland, 330 yds; A. J. Bond, 340 yds; C. Henning, 340 yds; S. Hanham, 400 yds. When a mile had been left behind Hanham and Wilson were showing the way to the long markers, half-a-dozen of whom were well up; the last-named was just in front of Henning a mile furthor on. There was nothing to choose between the , bunch at two and a-half miles, where Cucksey and Brook dropped out, but with two miles to go Thomas was a couple of wheels in front of Wade, with Hendry third, the others still within striking distance of the loading trio. Thomas continued to make the pace over the next two laps, and was still in front of Wade and Hanham with a mile to go, an order that maintained to the last couple of laps, where Hanham took up the lead, only to give place to Thomas at the back of the course, and ho was still leading when they opened out on the final circuit, Hanham and Hendry close up. Half-a-lap from home Spragg shot up, and then turning into the straight Hendry made a dab for the leader, but Thomas, who had been practically making the pace for several laps, and J had ridden with great determination, still had a trifle the best 40yds from the tapes. 'A few yards further on, however, Hendry, who was wobbling slightly, touched Thomas' pedal, bringing him down, with the result that several others close up had to run off the track to avert a catastrophe, and in the run home between those remaining on, Spragg just succeeded in winning from Hendry, Pelham right up third. Time, 14m. 4s. Thomas had decidedly hard luck in thus" losing his chance after riding ' go pluckily. THREE-MILE FLAT HANDICAP. ' C. E. Hanson, 150 yds: ... .... 1 i '•' J. H. Kelly, 200 yds ... ... 2 | F. P. Goldie, 150 yds 3 | Also started: E. Sutherland, scratch; H. A. D. Anderson, 40yds; J. McKean, 70yds; J. W. Tizard, 100 yds; A. Steven, 120 yds. Kelly, who was going well.within himself, had lost very little ground at the close of tho first mile, where his nearest attendants were Hanson and Goldie,. while McKean dropped out, having had enough. : Half-a-mile further on Goldie and Hanson, who were running together, had closed up .to within half-a-dozen yards of the leader, with Tizard well up next, and Sutherland 40yds away, Steven and Anderson having by this time retired. With a mile still to go, Hanson was just in front of. Kelly and, Goldie,. and this trio remained well together for the next half-mile, but when the last lap came to be entered on Goldie could be seen dropping rapidly back, and Tizard and Sutherland, having given it best, the finish rested between Kelly and Hanson. Going round the back Kelly went into the lead, but Hanson was not to be denied, and coming again with great determination, ho was once more in charge a few yards further on. Drawing out from his opponent, he came on and won by half-a-dozen yards from Kelly, who had put up a most stubborn fight. Both were cheered for their plucky running. Goldie also finished some distance away. Time, , 16m. 18 4-ss.

LONG. JUMP HANDICAP. ']. M.'M. Roseingrave (scratch), 21ft lOin ... ........... ..,1 A. E. Stych' (with handicap Ift » 9in), 19ft Biin ... v: < ...>... 2 H. G. Thomson (with handicap 2ft), 19ft 7±in ...-...:: '... 3 Also competed: A. G. Fookes (with handicap 2ft), 19ft 6£in. Roseingrave contented himself with two efforts, his first being 20ft 7iu ; and the second 21ft lOin, which latter constitutes a fresh record for New Zealand. The Irish crack, who was warmly congratulated on his fine performance, takes an unusually long run to the -take-off, and in his flight rises much higher than most of the jumpers we see here. LAWN TENNIS. V Three important matches in the first round of the championships were brought off on Saturday. At the West End lawn Hooper met Brabant, and beat him by three sets to one. Hooper won the first two sets rather easily (6—l, 6—l), but Brabant made a determined effort in the third . set, and came off the winner ' (7—5). In the fourth set the game was close, Hooper seeming out of condition, and just managing to win by —4. Mr. J. Peacocke acted as umpire. At the Eden and Epsom lawn the match Mair v. Bice resulted in a win for the latter, who beat his opponent' three sets straight: 9—7, 6—2, 6—0." The first set was very closely contested. In the second set Rice played from the back of the court, and gradually wore Mair down, some of his passim? shots being very good. The second match on this lawn was that of Yaile v. A. Brown. The former won the three sets played: 64, 6——o. Brown mad© a good stand in the first set, but afterwards fell to pieces somewhat. * In consequence of Mr. Vaile's projected visit to Rotorua, Mr. Rice has been given a bye for round, and will therefore probably be in the final for the championship. CRICKET. V Owing to the annual spring carnival oi the Auckland Amateur Athletic Club being held on the Domain on Saturday afternoon, the continuation of the cricket championship contests had to be postponed until Saturday next. A few friendly matches were played, however, the following being some of the results : — NORTH SHORE C.C. V. GORDON C.C. Taking advantage of the Saturday off, a team of the Gordon Cricket Club journeyed to Dovonport, where they tackled a scratch eleven of the North Shore Cricket Club. Scoring, owing to the fast nature of the wicket, was exceptionally brisk, no fewer than 401 runs being made during the afternoon. The scores are as'under: — ' GORDON.—First Innings. Gillies, b MoNeil ... ... „ 0 Ansenne, c Denby, b Mills 37 Kallender, c Mills, b Denby 23 J. Seccombe, c Harrison, b Denby ... 11 Moore-Jones, b Burgess ... ... ... 0 Fairburn. b McNeil ... 22 Kyd, b McNeil ... ... ...' ... 20 Fish, not cut ... 55 Cullerno, c Wynyard, b Barron ... ... 31 Pitts, not out ... ... ... 15 Extras 23 Innings closed >.. 237

NORTH SHORE.— Innings. Barron, lbw, b Fairburn ... 18 Smith, *"b Fairburn 1 Quentery, b Fairburn , 17 Hicks, c and b Fairburn 45 Denby, not out 50 Thomson, lbw, b Fairburn 0 McNeil, lbw b Fish 0 Mills, b Fairburn 22 Wynyard, c Ansenne, b Kyd ... ... 8 Extras 3 Total for eight wickets 164

PAEROA CRICKET. [BY TELEGRAPH. OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Paeroa, Saturday. This afternoon the Waikino and Paeroa Cricket Clubs met on the local cricket pitch, and after an enjoyable game the home team came off victorious by 21 runs. The scores were as follows : — Paeroa: First innings—Bennett, 3 ; Newdick, 0; Connolly, 3; Cameron, 34: MoVeagh. 0; Williams, 20; Smith, 5; Walsh, 0 Fielder, 0; Taylor, 1; Torrens, 0; extras, 10: total, 76. The bowlers who were most successful were as follows:Paeroa: Cameron, four wickets ; for 11 runs ; Williams, four for 11. Waikino': Butler, four for 14; Croucher, two for 9; Jenkins, two for 9. Waikino: Jenkins, 9; Brambell, 0; Croucher, 16; Butler, 4: Eagar, 12; Mc•Clutchie, 1; Avery, 0; Hanna, 2; College, 3; .Neighbourly, 0; Browrtlie, 1; extras, 7: total, ■ 55. COROMANDEL CRICKET. [B7 TELEGRAPH.OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Coromandel, Saturday. A match was played to-day between the Coromandel School of Mines Club and the Opitonui Club. The following were the scores : — Coromandel: First inningsßanks, b Carter, 44; Baekeville, b Hardman, 4; Strongman, c McKinlay, b Dawson, 2; Keen, b Dawson, 0; Buchan, b Dawson, 4; Home, c and b Dawson, 1; Murdoch, b Carter, 0; Beckwith, b Dawson, 2; Campbell, run out, 1; Edmonds, not ■ out, 4; extras, 4: total, 66. Opitonui: First inningsHardman, c and b Murdoch, 11; O'Connor, b Buchan, 15; Foster, o Horn, b Murdoch, 1; Carter, ht wkt, 1; Cullen, o Beckwith, b Murdoch, 1; Dawson, c Campbell, b Buchan, 4; Whiting, run out, 0; Edgerley, b Murdoch, 0; Moore, not out, 5 McKinlay, c Strongman, b Buchan, 0; Barker, o and b Murdoch, 2; extras, 10: total, 55. Coromandel: Second —Strongman, b Carter, 1; Bcokwith, b Dawson, 0; Homo, c Moore, b Carter, 7; Murdoch, not out, 26; Buchan, run out, 4; Baskeville, run out, 7; Banks, o Dawson, b O'Connor, 0; Elly, b Whiting, 1; Keen, b O'Connor, 3; Campboll, b Dawson, 0; Edmonds, c O'Connor, b Carter, 6; extras, 9 total, 64. As the time limit had arrived in accordance with arrangement the match was docided on the first innings in Coromandel's favour.

THAMES CRICKET. [from our own CORRESPONDENT.] Thames, Saturday. The local cricket matches were resumed today, and were favoured with delightful weather.

In the senior contests Thames continued its match with Tararu, the former having a lead of 21 on the first innings. Tararu made 58 in the second innings, S. McGregor carrying his bat through for a score of 26. In each innings Tararu played one man short. Thames then went to the wickets for a second innings, and made 42 for the loss of five wickets, thus winning the match by five wickets. Carter (38, not out) was the highest scorer. Thames, however, played on, and were all disposed of for the same total, Graham bowling splendidly, and taking eight wickets for 15 runs.

In the continued match, St. Albans v. Foundry, the latter had made 72 in their first innings, and the former 62 for ' five wickets, which score was increased this afternoon by 41 runs, thus giving them a lead.of 31 on the first innings. Bowden brought his score up from 35 to 50 for St. Albans, but no one else managed to get into double figures. In the second innings Foundry collapsed for 33 runs, and St. Albans knocked off the runs required to win the matoh without a loss of a wicket, thus scoring a win by 10 wickets. A. Lang proved the most efficient bowler for St. Albans, securing four wickets for 13 runs. The junior matches resulted in easy victories for Tararu 11. v. Thames 11., and for High School v. St. Albans 11. CANTERBURY CRICKET. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Chkistchubo&, Saturday. Senior cup orioket was continued to-day in lovely weather. v Midland v. Lancaster" Park: Midland, 64-; Lancaster Park, 114 (Cant 34, H. C. Ridley 27). United v. Sydenham and Addington: United, 100 (Sims 26, Hair 22, not out) and 31 for one wicket. Sydenham, 63 (Love, not out, 26). SPORTS AT OHRISTCHURCH. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Christchuroh, Sunday. The Pioneer Amateur Bicycle and Athletic Club held a sports meeting yesterday. The weather was beautifully fino, but the attendance was not very large. The princi- ■ pal events were won as follows: — 100 yds Handicap: E. T. Harper, syds, 1. I Time, 10 4-ss. / Mile Walk: P. H. Stubberfield, 80yd&, 1. Time, 7m. 20 4-ss. J Half-mile Handicap: J. M. Lynskey, I scratch, "1. 2m. 4 2-ss.

220 yds Handicap: R. Treleaven, 12yds, 1. One Mile Mat: S. Penticost, s ccratcn, 1. Time/4m. 47 4-s*. ; M;120 yds Hurdles: E. T. Harper, owes 10yds, 1.% Time, 18 3-ss. •,-'.. 440 yds: J. M. Lynskey, scratch, 1. . 'Jime, 56 2-ss. '■■' '■ ■ ' -:.- ■""•I s Mile Novice Cycling: E. Hammond, scratch, 1. Time, 2m. 255.. . " : ; Half-mile Bicycle Handicap: E. Hammond, 4ydß, 1. Tims, lm. 6 1-5. ' • x Mile Bump Handicap: T. E.' Whitfield, scratch, 1. ' , ' The final heat of the two mile, event was declared void on account of the loafing of the competitors. Christ's College team won the club teams race. ';..'/ - - DARGAVILLE ATHLETIC AND : CYCLE CLUB. The above club's spring sports were held on the Dargaville recreation ground on the Prince of Wales' Birthday. The weather was perfect, and a good track was prepared for the running and cycling competitions. The Maropiu brass band enlivened the proceedings. The events throughout were well contested, a feature of the sports being the absence of any outside contestants, all being local men. Including the value of trophies, £60 odd was presented in prizes. There were about 700 onlookers present. The results were as follows:—

120 yds Maiden: P. J. Hook, 1; A. Marriner, 2; R. Miles, 3. One-mile Bicycle (novice):, Roy Cook, 120 yds, 1; W. Lynch, 40vds, 2; F. Fowler. 55yds, 3. i^ Native Race, 200 yds: W. Harrison, 14yds, 1 J. Stanaway, syds, 2; G. Dixon, 14yds, 3. Public Schoolboys' Handicap: A. Foy, 1; L. Cheriton, 2. One-mile Bicycle Handicap: H. Childs, 100 yds, 1; W. Lynch. 200 yds, 2; R. Cook, 2£oyds, 3. Dargaville' Handicap, 100 yds: P. Nathan, 4vds, 1: J. Stanaway, siyds, 2; A. Marriner, 11yds, 3. Half-mile Handicap: J. Martin, 65yds, 1: E. Birkctt, 55yds, 2j_ W. Turbott, 58yds, 3. Two-mile Bicycle Handicap: H. Childs, 170 yds, 1; W. Lynch, 330 yds, 2; R. Cook, 460 yds, 3. ..,,.-. Ladies' 'Bracelet, 300 yds: J. Stanaway, 15yds, 1; A. Marriner, 30yds, 2; R. Miles, 36yds, 3. Three-mile Bicycle Handicap: H. Childs, j 230ycls, 1; W. Lynch, 420 yds, 2; A. Shep- | herd, llOyckj 3. One-mile Handicap: J. Martin, 80yds, 1; W. Turbott, 65yds. 2; F. Field, scratch, 3. Quarter-mile Handicap: J. Stanaway, 20yds, 1; P. Nathan, 16yds, 2; R. Miles, 45yds, 3. Throwing the Cricket Ball: S. Christiansen, 76yds, 1. Five-mile Bicycle Handicap: H. Childs, 300 yds, 1; S. Leabourno. scratch, 2; A. Shepnerd, 225 yds, 3.[Own Correspondent.]


AUCKLAND CLUB. Saturday, the first really fine clay since the 10th inst., found a large number of players on the above greens. The following games were played: — No. 1 Rink: Mackie, J. Jones, Weetpfahl, McCallum (skip), 27, t. Loser, Schisolika, Steele, McKenzie (skip), 15. No. 2 Rink : Dingle, Holland, James, Hand-cc-ok (skip), i 25, v. Mennie, Haslett, Culpaa, Lambert (skip), 10. No. 3 Rink: Carnio, Geddes, Coleman, Thomson (skip). 18, v. 11. King, Kayll, Prime, Perrett (skip), 12. No. 4 Rink: Elliott, Bell, Sprockley, Denniston (skip), 13, v. Milroy, Hipkins, Shackelford, Crawford (skip), 23. No. 5 Rink: Lewis, Thompson, Cameron, Gorrio (skip), 22. v. Pollard, MnMastor, Brigham, Hegman (skip), 20. No. 6 Rink: Scott., Jowitt, Campbell, Towsey (skip), 17, v. W. S. Jone3, Green, Hosking, Dean (skip), 19. No. 7 Rink: Mahoney, Smart, Butler, Dr. Hooper (skip), 18, v. Allen, Roach, Shaw, Tudehope (skip), 18. No. 8 Rink: Rankin, Cooke, Dixon, Dr. Hamilton (skip), 25, v. Pirio, Casey, Thornes, Oliphant (skip), 11. PONSONBY CLUB. There was a good attendance at tho green on Saturday. No. 1 Rink: J. Becroft, W. Murray, J. Edmiston, A. Coutts (skip), 17, v. Kemp, E. Leighton, M. Ross, A. J. Hurndall (skip), 20. No. 2 Rink: J. Dickinson, F. Noton. .T. W. Stewart, T. Watson (skip), 24, v. H. Munro, E. Dation, J. McLeod, Squ'irrell (skip), 25. No. 3 Rink: T. Ussher, W. Littler, J. Hutchison, J. Buchanan (skip), 17, v. D. J. Wright, J. Ziman, A. Sutherland, J. Newell, (skip), 18. No. 4 Rink: A. Jones, G. S. Lee, J. Dudar, D. Stewart (skip), 19, v. J. Coutts, R. Keals, G. Webb, J. Blades (skip), 20. No. 5 Rink : J. R-ees, R. Rickster, 7. Stichbury, T. Brown (skip), 18, v. T. Steadman, H. N. Smith, J. Warren, A. Littler (skip), 14. No. 6 Rink: W. B. McDonald, J. E. Robinson, A. Bartlett, J. Court (skip), 27, v. J. C. Robinson, J. Christie, J. Montague. R. Ballantyne (skip), 14. No. 7 Rink: J. Greenhongh, Ayers, J. Bocroft. (skip), 20, v. H. W. Wilson, T. H. Hudson, A. S. Russell (skip), 22. MOUNT EDEN CLUB. i There was a good attendance on the green on Saturday afternoon, when the following games were played: — No. 1 Rink: H. 0. Brown, Ferguson, Garland, Johnson (skip), 21, v. Hudson, Esam, Burns, Ross (skin), 19. No. 2 Rink: Pooley, Morran, C. Baker, Thwaites (skip), 24, v. Shipherd, Hooton. J. R. M. Stewart, Brimblecombe (skip), 15. No. 3 Rink: G. Gov/, Walton, Seabrook, Coe (skip), 22. v. Rendell, Worsley, Eady, Gray (skip), 16. No. 4 Rink: T. Hosking, Mahonv, Murdoch, La Roche (skip), 26, v. Lex Walker, Owen, J. James, Tregaskis (skip), 23. "benton" challenge buckles. C. Baker, Lex Walker, Garland, Brookes (skip), 24, v. Esam, Robins, Simpson; Ross (skip), 25. Afternoon tea was provided by Mesdames C. Baker and Hudson. REMUERA CLUB. There was a good attendance on Saturday, and the green was in splendid condition. The following games were played: — No. 1 Rink: Ranson, Macky, Dingwall, Rev. Beatty (skip), 31, v. Bodle, Rees George, Maxfield, R. Hull (skip), 22. No. 2 Rink: Marquand, Walsh, Heron, Cozens (skip), 19, v. Lennox, Finlayson, Sibbald, Rose (skip), 27. No. 3 Rink: Saunderson, Caldwell, Kingswell, Holden (skip), 28 v. Buddie, Perkins, Harvey, Laxon (skip), 14. No. 4 Rink: E. B. Vaile, Ching. F. W. Court/J. Brown (skip), 30, v. Hardie, Murdoch, Ruddle, Rev. Munro (skip), 14. Afternoon tea was provided by Mesdames Bodle, Gamble, and Kingswell, assisted by other ladies. NEWMARKET CLUB. Tho Newmarket Bowling Club's green was in fino fettle on Saturday afternoon, and notwithstanding the strong counter attractions at tho Domain there was a good attendance of members, and some very interesting games were played, with very close finishes, the margin in no case exceeding three points. Tho following are the details, and it is a coincidence that the points separating the respective sides were identical with the number of the rink played on: — No. 1 Rink: A. Anderson, J. Von Sturdier, R. A. Kerry, C. G. Lawrie (skip), 20, v. J. Cahill, T. Cottle, W. G. Fletcher, H. C. Haselden (skip), 19. No. 2 Rink: Dr. Laishley, J. S. Kilgour (skip), 21, v. W. Southwell, S. H. Wilson (skip), 23. No. 3,Rink: J. Knight, W. Southwell, G. H. Laurie, T. H. Wilson (skip). 23, v. G. W. Baslnv.. Dr. Laishley, H. W. Brookes, J. S. Kilgour (skip), 20. , The Match Committee selected the following players to represent the club in the Auckland Bowling Association's Pennant Flag and Champion Fours Matches:—J. Cahill, W. Southwell, G. H. Laurie, H. W. Brookes (skip), and C. G. Laurie, H. C. Hasolden, T. H. Wilson, J. S. Kilgour (skip). ■ DEVONPORT CLUB. A fair number mustered on the Devonport .Green on Saturday. . Afternoon tea was 'dispensed by the Misses Harvey. The following games were ' played: — No. 1 Rink: T. Jonas, D. Harvey, Dacre, H. Niocol (skip), 26, v. Best, Renshaw, E. R. Jones, Stewart (skip), 8. No. 2 Rink: Armstrong, McGlashan, Mitchell, Eagleton (skip), 20, v. Syms, Williamson, Lelievre, Brookes (skip), 11. No. 3 Rink: Bockaert, Murchie, J. Miller, Harrison (skip). 28, v. Ker, J. C. Macky, Entrrcan, M. Niccol (skip), 13. No. 4 Rink: Phipps, Ralfe (skip), 21, v. Lamer, A. Harvey (skip), 11. THAMES CLUB. The Auckland bowlers have received an invitation to the opening of the Thames bowling green on Friday next. Probably a rink each will be sent by the Auckland district clubs. _

BOWLING ANALYSIS. Overs. Mdns. Rims. Wkts. Dcnby 13 0 71 2 McNeil 13 4-' 31 3 Burgess ... 5 1 16 *■ 1 Mills ... ... 7 0 37 1 Smith 3 0 14- 0 Thomson ... 6 0 21 0 Barron ... 3 0 13 1 Wynyard ... 2 0 12 0

BOWLING ANALYSIS. " Overs. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Kallender ... 7 0 24 0 Fairburn ... 15 0 93 6 Fish ... ... 5 0 31 1 Kyd ... ... ... 3.4- 0 12 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 3

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ATHLETIC SPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 3

ATHLETIC SPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 3