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Printing Worksc Printing Of every conceivable description— from an Art Circular in colours to a modest Notice ; from a Poster to a Handbill Promptnssa in delivery a special feature. Lithography In all branches of this varied business—from a beautiful Chromolithograph to a .Not eh sad. The Herald Works are famed for high-class work in this Department. Glossed Labels a special feature. Engraving In Wood or Copper, by skilled work men, from a Visiting Card to a Brass Door or Name Plato. Die Stamping ind Embossing In Gold and Colours, neatly and promptly executed. account Book Manufacturing ______ —————?—«— ——. The output of this branch continue* to give every satisfaction, the productions of the Hjouxp Works being noted for durability and superior finish. Bookbinding general And Odd Volume Binding Is also a special feature. Periodicals bound in any style, and ah lowest prices consistent with good work. GOLD FINISHING a specialty. Stationery Manufactured Envelopes, etc., etc. Dating Stamps Rubber Stamps Of every description, by an improved method. Try them I Boxes jg Outers Cardboard , For Bottles, < Confectionery, Cigars and Cigarettes, etc., by modern American machinery. CALL at the HERALD Works, Qu«en-stre#t. RING UP Telephone No. 178 if you desire a visit from our traveller. WILSON & HORTON, AUCKLAND g '■,!" . ' 1 Oil aim Colourmen. NEW PAPERHANGINGS , , EX DELPHIC. W. PHILIiIPPS & SON, NATIONAL BANK iUJU.DINas. QUBBN-STBBET. .M now opening a Large Shipment of ' PAPEBHANGINGB. ? ATEST DESIGNS. ABTISTIO FBIEZE& , ' ' ;' : Etc,.' Etc. ': SPECIAL VALUE IN ALL GRADES. Tjrr. pHLLLLPPS AND OON, APEBHANGINGS, GLABB, PAINT, ARTISTS' 1 MATERIAL, AND PICTURE FRAME ;'; N;MOULDING WAREHOUSE. ,; '~ NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS. QUEBN-STBEET, :') '"■' ''-'''.V- :•''- : :*''~.":f~-'.:' ''', :"---17-'' '.k „'i "V- '' : ' ! i- -'"i

Sewing Machines. ' "" PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900. SINGER'S ; HAVE OBTAINED , THE "GRAND PRIX" (THE HIGHEST ArlgftD) for their CELEBRATED Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines of any make Repaired or Exchanged. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, . 285, Queen-street, Auckland, MBMPBMBMMM»iMMHBBBiBB*SBBBBSBBBfiBBBS' fSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Tea. TEA. i NIRVANA tfi : TEA. I mJLm wlii ill wfc Am m> NIRVANA TEA. * On Sale by Leading Grocers. SHOULD YOU BE UNABLE TO PROCURE IT; APPLY TO T, H. HALL & CO., Lower Queen Street, I . : WHO ARE THE SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS. Milk. The Best Food for Infants and Invalids in all Climates ALWAYS READY. NO COOKING REQUIRED. combined rasa esS «& -IS feU If DBT7T»Tfl7Q'n?n WITH WHEAT |l Sm am i W, B i m ttmUlvmihl). IN POWDER FOREVB. ■II B I I/ ■ ' KEEPS |||| I W INDEFINITELY. §11 Ll\ B . ci&RGSSGD SALE IN TEO3 H!rOߣiX>. Of all Chemists and Stores. Wholesale Agenta: Messrs. P. HAYMAN AND CO., " Flour Mills. NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING COMPANY, LIMITED. ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY ! , BUILD UP THE NORTH, NOT THE SOUTH ! /i we Purchase all the LOCAL WHEAT AND OATS Ire can get at full Market Rates, and use only LOCAL COAL for steam purposes, also give employment to a large number of bands in manufacturing our well-known Brands of Flour, Oatmeal, I Rolled, and Flaked Oats, Germina, etc. If this industry did not exist WHAT WOULD OUR GRAIN-GROWERS AND COAL MINERS DO ? So, when ordering Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, etc., keep the foregoing facts before you, and insist on having | " PREMIER " OR " CHAMPION " FLOUR AND "STANDARD" OATMEAL, ROLLED AND FLAKED OATS, - WHICH REMAIN UNBEATEN. All are Manufactured from the CHOICEST BLENDS OF GRAIN that New Zealand Can Produce. We Manufacture Oatmeal, Rolled and Flaked Oats DAILY, so the public can rely on having a FRESH ARTICLE, and the " Standard " Brand is known by its FRESHNESS AND SWEETNESS. I We also reoommend our PATENT GERMINA, well adapted for this climate and SEMOLINA AND WHEATMEAL. ' AH our Goods are packed in sizes to suit the $rade t P. VIRTUE, Manager. i

Dress and Fashion.- % Summer Clothing, p 'S® Have Purchased at a HEAVY DISCOUNT «C Sj from the KAIAPOI WOOLLEN COMPANY g is A Large Clearing Line of SUITS. fe s|j Being extra Stock, they will RUN OUT THE LOT at sfe § VERY LOW PRICES! 3F § Upwards of 500 Suits to select from. g I Boys' Kaiapoi Kolcker Soils, from 4|i each 1 35 Special Value in KHAKI CLOTHING and Boys' Serge Sailor Suits. JjE 3? This is a Great Opportunity for Buyers. afe Sg 364, 366, 368, 370, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. g ' Wines, Spirits, etc Merchandise. f N" * THE * ' «, THE K AUEIT IMBER rjo. Oil D U El HrlH rS B3 PI n dMm H H H BBn Iff H H OHB fIRTHrnN orfrWrKY limited, B#lia.BD blflli oustom-steeet west, auoklanu LIMITED. ' Telegraphie Address— Seccombe, Newmarket. Telephone— 475. ARCHITECTS. BUILDERS. AND JOULES ESTABLISHED 1856. MuL,Zs%£iM*m> ° AP,TAL " DIRECTORS': " * 2 °°> ooo ' TIMBER JOHN MOWBBAY Director). BhouJd npply to the L H. SECCOMBE. ALPBED SECCOMBE. KAURI TIMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, SEOEETAET-H. If. JEBVIS, JUN. Who haw «n Stock BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OF THE CELEBRATED OVER 3 million feet LION BRAND ALES AND UNREVALLED STOUT of seasoned timber. FLOOBINQ DOOES KHYBER PASS ROAD. AUCKLAND. lining s^hes ji-iiixiAjxi, xrixwo ■ uum/ i cuvixuaxw. MOULDINGS TUBNEBT .— L MANTELS Cable Address : "Beehive.* Telephone: 953. Aim ktbbt dbscbiptcon or The Campbell & Ehrenfried Co., Ltd. JLSsSsJL CAPITAL M , m ... ... ... JE300,000. Arohitactß and Intending Bnildere caa havt t?«m. n „ m rr> iqm no Higher Oaarajitee of Good Material and Established 1840. „ o|md Workmanßlli p than by aeeing that all 43, QUEEN-STREET WHARF. AND THE ALBERT BREWERY. QUEEN-STREET. JoiMry *■ ******* SJE^Sr J. LOGAN CAMPBELL, ESQ. (OHAIEMAN). AETHUR M. MYERS (MANAGING DD1E0T0B). Mill Hid Ordar Office Trtwhoaa. No. 512. SECRET ALFRBD 8. BANKABT. BREWEES. MALTSTERS, BOTTLERS, AND GENERAL ~ — MERCHANTS, Ask 18 PRIZE MEDALS 18- "»"- Including Grocer CHAMPIONSHIP OF AUSTRALASIA, i# For Against all comers, for our celebrated MM m m «■ jv Bulk and Bottled Me and Stout i v A ill. Brewed from the purest of water, obtained from a 8 *» depth of 1200 feet, and the best materials only. It |s Voslau - Goldec, Hungarian Claret, PL 16-year-old Special Liqueur Whisky. li now holds the Pale," PREMIER POSITION. and . " Old Dark." Guaranteed 10 years in Bond ; r ~* J , --« ~ —. — npo SETTLERS, STOREKEEPERS. FARWHISKY AGENCIES I MEES. AND OTHEES. Buchanan's "House of Commons Watson's . Tl > T . a X tt\ doathwwq "% * * Glenlivit; " Campbell & Ehrenfried's IRELAND BKOI H KKh, T3l lftrjApQ ''-VAT 11 ' tiTT'l TANNERS. LEATHER MANTJEACTtTEEBS. Special Blend BOBS ; Walker s "Kilmar- TOWI and betail saddlers. nock;"Dunville's "V.R.;" Power's "Irish ;" saddlers, ironmongers, a grlndery "Braemar;" Canadian Club ;" etc., etc. impobtebs. CASH BUYERS OP HIDES. WOOL. SHEEP- ; -«.»...••«••«•••«••••«««•••••••—— SKIN 6 tallow. BEESWAX. ETC.. Slit AflHiiiiimmEi>i n %M. tHntEVß'tf ItU WABEHOUSE: querent LANK AND Elf»H----II El UfllWfi OILL & ilHlltilrlSlLaJ WAREHOUSE: VDLOaTIANK AND HIGHBUam GOiPANY. LIMITED B»a E=Bt B M «BBfaß# STREET. | COMPANY. LIMITED a^Tla P n T e L

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11539, 26 November 1900, Page 2