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■3? SC£9 First Award and only Gold Medal for Tea at the Auckland Exhibition. ©sTaicM L. D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors. ostrich

Medical. , Stomach, SSS 6 and e SSr Sold Throughout the World. N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. HEftv--- . ' _____ ___ ' P"" ■'■' - '" 1 " LIGHT-BROWN ° PBH-EMINBNTIiT SOPEBIOB FOB DISEASES OF THE ( THROAT, CHEST, SKIN, DEBILITY, RICKETS, RHEUMATISM, &0. EDGAR BHEPPARD, Esq., M.D., Bays: | Sib G. D. GIBB, Babt., M.D., says: " A pint of Dr. De Jonah's Oil iB of more I "It will sustain life when everything else value thftn a quart of any other." I fails." Sold ONLY in Capsuled Impebial -Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Sole Consignees—ANSAß, HARFORD & GO., Limited, 210, High Holborn, London. CAUTION.— Resist mercenary attempts to recommend or substitute inferior kinds. ; iMßMHi tmm I .111 ■ ■" wuu t mimmmmmm~—m~mm I ————•■ ■mill- ~~ Tea. John Earle's Teas ARE THE BEST. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. AGENTS WANTED. Guns. Ammunition, &c. Patents. "IT"""™"™ HUGHES, RAYWARD, & BALDWIN (Late "HENRY HUGHES"), * CHARTERED PA.TEXT AGENTS W^^^^o^^^ TRADE MARKS JjL V 8 J? Registered a! 1 1 ► ¥ D. EVITT, 1 /T\f&X)V* (A Jf a Hi Obtained GUNMAKER. Mr « ac -' ______ throughout foe V} »rld. FIREARMS AND AirmjOTnON OP EVERT AmMm OFFICBj 103 QUE _7 B TBSET. DESCRIPTION. _«««»,. 0..1T/. .. ..._.,.. ' BROOKE-SMITH. Manager. All Kinds of ________________________________ 6MOKELESS AND BLACK POWDER. ================================= ' ~ . —.——--— -_—,-, Local Industries. CARTRIDGES, —— ~0 SETTLERS. STOREKEEPERS, FAR BEEECH AND MUZZLE-LOADING A MERS. AND OTHERS. GUNS, — TO SUIT ALL BUYERS. IRELAND BROTHERS, CAETEIDGE BAGS, BELTS, GAME BAGS. TANNERS. LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. GUN COVERS ETC WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BADDLEBS. ALWAYS IN STOCK SADDLERS. IRONMONGERS, & GRINDER I IMPORTERS. IjrUJM Jlv_Jl AlIiD OASH buyers op hides, wool, sheep. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE AT THE 8KIN&. TALLOW. BEESWAX. ETC.. SHORTEST NOTICE. AT CURRENT BATES. FISHING TACKLE. WMTOD » s V^^, LANB " and high. BTB.EET. SEA AND RIVER TACKLE IN GREAT WORKS: PANMURI. VARIETY. AUCKLAND. N. Z. RODS. REELS, FLIES, LINES. HOOKS. "" " MINNOWS. SINKERS. ETC. "jl/fONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, ETC. . xyj See W. PARKINSON'S Splendid Stock of TV riTTTmm 1 CHOICE DESIGNS. Well-finished. iTV EVITT. At Special Prices. A ' W. PARKINSON. VICTORIA-STREET WEST. 236. QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. Wext Corner Hobson-street. Auckland. I Telephone 964. _,-,.„ . „ .. By Special Appointment to His Excellency Price List Free on Application. THE EARL OP RANPURLY. K.C.M.G w. h. hazard; a. s a* ,u k *. GUNMAKER, mm AND OYSTER MEHCHANT> ♦176, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. COLONIAL FISH MARKET (Opposite CustomN°Z. Be) ' ad at Eakino Island - Auckland, Eeeistered C!^^^^ ad6Mark-%-w 1J& With Fresh and Smoked and ever/ morning. With Fresh and Smoked Fiah every morning. I FIREWORKS, A TRIAL SOLICITED Telephone 658. P.O. Box 143. By the Leading English and Chinese Makers. " ' —~ ■ — ■ ■ A LARGE STOCK JUST ARRIVING, •«_ "r»4TTVv avt> -- ~„— T»_. WAJluJbi AND T OWE WISHING rpACKLE P%S. JL _ts_&. yacht and BOAT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FOR RIVER AND <3Eti_9_§a» UAI SEA FISHING. —*«**—- BUILDERS, — 77T7~Z CUSTOM-STREET WEST. AUCKLAND Oil and Oolourmen. - "■ _ STEAM AND GASOLINE LAUNCHES MADE NEW *O_ORDEE. - -r. a 1,-u ' *' SMALL PLEASURE BOATS ALWAYS PAPERHANGINGS mam. ALWAIS VS. DELPHIC. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOATS FOE SALE - OR HIRE. W. PHILLIPPS & SON, REPAIRS ON SHORTEST NOTICE. O^E B N.STREiS lil>nm ' EATEKS ANd"h7l.F-RATERS A Are now opening a Large Shipment of - _ SPECIALTY. PAPERHANGINGS. _-_sa. 7ATEST DESIGNS. ARTISTIC FRIEZES, /£F*^F^X BPEOIAIi VALUE IN ALL GRADES. -—■- T»Tnr,T,TPPS awti T PEACOCK. Ophthalmic Optician. 213, XTT. pHn.LTPPS AND QOI*. JL. QUEEN-STREET. opposite City Hall.11 * * *' *■> The Sight Tested by most improved methods PAPERHANGINGB. GLASS, PAINT. ARTI&TB' '?•"»«, Spectacles accurately fitted. Artificial M»mwTjT»T i«m m ™,, -, „» *™ o yes of all colours in Stock. Nautical and MATERIAL. AND PICTURE FRAME Surveyors* Instruments in Stock and ReMOULDING WAREHOUSE. P aired - NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS, " ~" ~ QUEEN-STREET. *"Vskx p ER AMBULATORS, — • —— rse s *■' GO-CARTS, AND T. IT 1? TV "n T? T> C AT teEQ&BRQS/ Wlckerware. J. JLx JL I\ JJ Jll it OU IN MSG CHEAPEST AND BEST abolished I**). Wf&mk Mcleod BROS., PAINTER, GLAZIER. PAPEEHANGEB. V2t V„ QUEEN-STREET. — BranchKarangahape Rd. • SIGNWRITER, DECORATOR, ETO _ HT(~ I H-^TT?"F , "FT Q.O-CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS. . . m . j GOLD MEDAL AWARD Manufacturer Wire Blinds, Lead Lixhtfl, Glass jr Queensland and AncfeBiffns. Etc / Wm \ land Exhibitions. Cash di ß i«, x,w>. jt Mm, \or deferred Payments. MIXED PAINTS for House and Ship use. ■ I™? 1 '. Discount . *}' ! xs!is&£aSsß@L owe « to wholesale SPECIAL BLACK FOE SCHOOL BOARDS. I l buyers. . pHABLES QIHTH. N.B.—The above are executed at VERS QUEEN-STREET, • MODERATE CILiRGES. AUCKLAND.

mm*. „ „>_. ~ . ' Dress and Fashion. ■ aaEB _g__s__s___________CT n <@ .1 Splendid Opportunity for Ladies. I_'*fl'fi M !__ii iiiiil Vnrds i H Bttfll * § s Of]fS Yards Embroideries I i§ % J a 1 __ A %' M f&Z&s£&s*'i Have purchased the whole stock of Lack and Embroideries' from a Wholesale Warehouseman g _m m fig mß&s4 At 50 per cent ' Discoun t' I % r % i Wf&m SMITH & CAUGHEY win have a I, % J (M SPECIAL SALE fob one WEEK ONLV, 9• • i COMMENCING ON 1 § 1 sHHI' IViOMDAY, NOVEMBER 19. • !"%•] {•i^W* They will offer for sale some good washable British and Foreign Laces at about half the | &g| p present prices (for Cash only), in Manufacturers' strip? and oddments, Showy, Medium Eg W M m [ '&*oe&'sm and Rich Saxonys. Handsome Designs in Allover Piece Laces, very suitable for making Yokes, a «i _m 1 etc, in White, Cream, Butter, and Twine. |i ** J IMITATION TORCHON VALENCIENNES LACE and INSERTION to match. | a*& m EMBROIDERIES in enormous variety, made in the Best Quality Cambric and Horrockses, 1 ® •- & % and Dacca Long Cloths at prices worth your notice. Real Torchon, Real Maltese, Real ffi '«_ &■ E »§fe«^^ s il ' Duchesse, Real Bruges, etc. if »,. M ' ' ; "" I *$9* m BflraPi A LARGE AND tih'OICE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS FOR LADIES' I, y *■• 1 Hflttl NECK-WEAR. 1 Vi Sa^?i^P^? ; Lace Scarves will be offered the same week in 50 different makes and designs, at 1/-, It& $8 W> 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9, 2/11, 3/3, 3/6, 3/9, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6, 10/6, 12/6, § W . * «* 15/o ' lß/6, 21/ ' 22/6 each - I M A Novelty in Lisse Ruffles, in Magpie and Jackdaw, tipped with narrow Ruched ffl ,g. ..'«» M Ribbon, with Ralio Chenille drop fronts. The Fashion of To-day, 3/6 each. gg, p f| RObes in most exquisite designs, IJ, 2, 2J, 3 Guineas each. Marvellous value; very suit- a » « P?l^"^i^^^fetv»' 4 l able for Summer when worn over the mercerised cotton Dress Fabrics, producing M ' *© f a charming effect. I 4ft ml y£ifM&% : +^4) 3: & Lace Blouses, One Guinea each. 3 0 P New Pulley Belts, so much in demand for the present season, made in rich satin, M **, - ' ornamented in Black and Steel. | * Q- J RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS \ ft* £ 1 In all the Leading and Up-to-Date Colours. 3 ■ % >sa v Special Exhibition of the above Goods. Inspection cordially invited 1 |? J I Dress and Fashion. Milk. SPECIAL NOTICE. AWCCII Ifllll. Enriched 20 per w **k Cream. STERILIZEDB. J. M. KEMP, NOTSWEETENED - A Perfect Substitute OF PARNELL., for Fresh Milk. « HAS REMOVED TO HIS NEW PREMISES IN QUEEN-ST. «. Bes t Food te «, to aiidß lau ALWAYS READY. NO COOKINQ REQUIRED. . (Next Bank of New Zealand). If 4% W% 1 1 jffi |# 5 O FULL iihsiysi pABTIY PURE MILK, ra m » | — BB3MB BMfik. *"*'*"* _ . ——___«__ with wheat ll jfi Jh | If |__ Bra PREDIGESTED. XfS McBRIDE Merchant Tailor, Yl in ,powder- FORM. bjhi 1/ , *%&* iVi UO mil L/C, Outfitter, & Importer. /x &CEEIPS llf 1I 1 M ! •»••»%««»••»»««•♦««»»• | «- m M 1% INDEFINITELY. Iwlli 8% » THE ENTERPRISING BEGGAR. "",■¥■■ BBBi B . ■ When you've dwelt upon the demerits of your Clothes by word of mouth, &SRGEST IN TI3CB -SSTORXdO. And you find the price is high and quality low ; i Of all Chemists and <s//>r*»c Tried all the various Tailors in the town, East, West, North, and, weimsis ana atoms. Let the never-failing McBRIDE have a go. Wholesale Agents: Messrs. P. HAYMAN AND CO., Auckland. He's an Enterprising Beggar, and he's always up to date, I And his many thousand clients oft remind him ,„„ IM ' , « M » MMM^M , MM ,« MMMM -_--_________ That the Gent who sticks to MoBRIDE keeps in a very dressy state, j ~~~ ' — ~" -'"""' ' "'~" JIJIIM '!!iM!i While his rivals la& dejectedly behind him. " I 'Cycling. Tweeds and Serges, Worsteds, Woollens here by tons, i — ' - ■■ ■ A million stylish patterns to help you on your way ; 1 ■ — -— — ■ — _^___ Hats and Gents' Outfitting to dress and keep you up to date—" Guns," § mas—hrftr- ifiißßafaamm-iiii n .«, 1f , A8 «„ r » S o^yo^ m^Z:^M v . BODOE WHSTWORTH BIGYGLES. GI-- Is/L °BKID 33, New Zealand Agents : X 39, 41,43, VICTORIA ST. (Next Victoria Hotel), AUCKLAND j X* E. REYNOLDS & CO., Auckland. , m| *"° 21, HAWew*, A Agents wanted where not represented. E I———w^WW nimiatiswnmagasaiuaaMaaMmmmmmmm Mam a I ■ — I

Merchandise. I ALWAYS FAVORABLE. \ Wb The general opinion concerning the new product m ii Van Houten'a Chocolate for —which has now ' SB Ma been on sale to the public for some months, —is highly M EB favorable. The public recognise that this Chocolate M Kg ranks as highly among chocolates as Van Houten's m B Cocoa does among cocoas; in other words, that Van m, B Houten's Chocolate excels in delicious flavor, and in Wl M wholesomeness of composition. ||| m Every day much harm is done by the excessive ||| ■ i consumption of cheap confectioneries and chocolates J_ff la of inferior quality, doubtful taste and doubtful com- m$ m Why not abstain from these altogether, and II m substitute the digestible, wholesome m I MN HOUTEN'S CHOCOLATE (for Eating)? I A Sold in Tins of Croquettes and Tins of Drops. P| 1&, Also in Square Tablets and Small Bars. iff I BUILT UP ON NATURE'S PLAN. I I RESEMBLES MOTHER'S MILK IN COMPOSITION AND § PROPERTIES, IT MAY BE GIVEN FROM BIRTH. r M ELLIN'S FOOD is of the highest value for the weak and sickly babe, as well as for the strong and vigorous. Adapted for use in all Climates. Las well as for the strong and vigorous. Adapted for use in all Climates. 8 Samples and Pamphlet may be obtained of G01.1.1N & CO., Wellington. £j I! New Meat Extract Label. IS New Meat Extract Label. If Th e g al >uine Liebig Company'i Extract is now labelled wflb the initials of Liebig's ExtTact of I Meat Co. in addition to the blue signature • The genuine Liebig Company'i Extract is now 1 labelled wfth the initial of Liebig's Extract of Meat Co. in addition to the blue signature V^ The new label is intended to assist the public in § distinguishing between the Company's Extract and 1 the many imitations with which the Company has I __ LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT. | Furnishing Goods. SPECIAL _m________«ot«_____________ ■ g______H__n______r THIS WEEK IN Furniture, Trimmings, and Drapery. >K WINDOWS & SHOW ROOMS Specially arranged for Display of GOODS x** JUST OPENED!! 5 INSPECTION INVITED. loflsou qmi„ck go., LIMITED, The People's Furnishing Warehouse," QUEEN STREET. A.XTGJsm.A.jsrxy.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11536, 22 November 1900, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11536, 22 November 1900, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11536, 22 November 1900, Page 2