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•' ; \f. ■:";:.'"" : " v". "•'-"■ ~'"'■' Medical. "'''.' *-"; >7 , 'o.;:- -'. : " " __ '--.-. i ■.■i.i r ' pern '—■ '""""""" "" ' ' " ■»_—*__»,., >iki.i m■■■■■ m■ '■ ■■—■■■ i ■ ■■»»'•■■■ hi » ■ ■mi —i|immi»'»i ■*■"""» STILL SCORING HEAVILY, Freshly prepared from the Celebrated African Kola Nuts (Cola Acuminata), FOR REVIVING the LIVER and BRAIN, and RESTORING VIGOUR The most successful "Pick-me-up" known. It makes the weak active and strong. Sad men and women are made Cheerful and Happy. FISHER AND CO.'S TONIC with Soda Water before meals is the most Beneficial Refresher and Appetiser m the World. Cyclists, Singers, and Public Speakers " swear by it." During sultry and oppressive weather it is a great Boon to the Ladies. Thousands of Ladies drink it when shopping in town. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. THE DRINK OF THE SEASON. UNINTOXICATING. It is an uneqalled remedy for all Stomach Complaints. A little taken every morning with Soda Water keeps the Brain, Liver and Kidneys in perfect order. SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF MIGHTY "ALOK" BY THE MOST EMINENT AUTHORITY IN AUSTRALIA. MESSRS. FISHER AND CO., 8 . Bridge-street, Sydney, Feb. Ist, 1898. Gentlemen—l have examined your preparation, Mighty " ALOK," and find that it contains, besides Kola Nut, only pure vegetable drugs having well-known Tonic properties.— Yours faithfully. A. HELMS. GUARANTEED NOT TO CONTAIN QUININE OR IRON, OR ANY INJURIOUS INGREDIENT. MR. J. L. JACOBSEN, Champion Chess Player of Australasia, forwards unsolicited the following Testimonial, which speaks for itself:— Schol of Arts > Sydney. , Dear Sirs,— a cure for brain weariness and lassitude, I have proved Mighty "ALOK" a Marvellous Tonic. A dose before commencing enables me to endure the arduous strain of match-play with little fatigue. I consider it a, boon to brain workers, and heartily recommend it to all Chess Players. "• ■"• wAOOBSMK. IT CURES INDIGESTION AND MAKES YOU EAT. A Splendid Preparation for Strengthening the Nerves and Heart. Agents for Auckland and District: MESSRS. SEEGNER, LANGGUTH, AND CO. m^mmmeummm^mmmm —-—n. «■ m n ■ g HBSB ! TSSSiSSSSSSSB ■__——-—! Medical- •' • Local Industries. ' Ooal. ACfflttß FOR LAMENESS "IN ■ ■ _*_ I?Rank Harris & 00.. mo ttouseholders. _-„_._««,« W ■"• MONUMENTAL I .O. HORSES. m masons. ■ -ZIY. ™.. . m MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. • . _^F'J?P! La) vxm ''- fill Etc - worked to any design. USE ONLY THE FAMOUS jmtulmirTfli'i 1i fl 111 ™ fell and supplied in Marble. ■ mmMtil2JJMii!m »■ m Granite, and Freestone. w iQm n"DT?Ti A J ft- ' " J§§*i We invito Inspection of onr ill Ab 1 IxKI-'iA J ~ mm.»■««% _ iU _/*«_ ■ Stock, the Woritrnansbip of jf' h>M®Mm & j-~--i which is our beat Advertise- f~i/~\ IT UmJiSn 9 __'^ l *«v -M»t Direct Importers of \J\J A 1 J? |r CHEMICAL ESSEHCEi Ml Sr^SSS' II rno LAMENESS IN HORSES. Iron Tomb EuiJiuys to Photo- -vrEWCASTLE -JTJOUSEHOLD OOAL. m fOP, UMEHESo IN HURSEo. from - New Designs. Photo- j\j j-g_" uIJ |_, I 1 mjrj 8 KS.SENCJB has been extousively used bv J&_jEMß*_?\k grapho A" d plfcS. forwarded MAXIMUM HEAT, COMBINED •__«_, ' feEKSfflfeFree on Application. MAXIMUM HEAT, COMBINED WITH ('{ill ha* proved iuilf unvvt Hjß«_ot*fitira»eii>u3ili>rs<; __________ _____ > lIM BiiaU-rt -iaiit ttisu-U to te option, but at R7?Tf}~T BURNING and Kif th* e-iaa time pun~iu>u*iu Us ofvet*. Whilst „,__,_«_i.vui j tJ-Ut*—_ iiuisiixiiu. »__ [Ul'l e*j»_j wrlJTto "_»■!» WeP-Tpono Tfiuimi hy Bj__B__g____SßßgOTret>w imTrirmr rrrkDnw lIS _Z~wmt Wister. j» ha* -«<w e-c_u«nc.T oi! gf m MINIMUM WASTE, E W doloff uo ni»t_-y to tips I«alr, aud «_uot j g? -; __ _ _ Moderate E-tea. H — SUB iHrawata-M&JT ..,.., . I rUHtMLO operate uatoa. I DEMVBBED TO ANY PART OF THE S«S iKc o-v-Wnm U*Uwoui_le which have been r. l , i 88 r_S SB __£_#_l-O _ $$ ~,r, mm ., II o^SSS^i^^J^^^yrW a Ug»« I 1 WIIMI--.V • m deuvbbEGD TO ANY PART OF THE I M Ham, _3 *feo n~* '*•* Hln entirely free trad M §§ _•___ w«—~- --- |ESi-£-s£_S_s_-l I ___ UNDERTAKEN I ™ OTOT I)H «tj»»£»4<u_3e«, «_3 •U«j'i» <_••»«!« requiring it. ra . *—**•«»_• * » « »!.»?, I y SI, A I iT? lj MSSws®»^"" gUt I I-« n. UUUIVi-i I QUEEN.STBBET, AUCKLAND. Ij|^ r to BOTTLES AT2S., 38. 60., AW 58, _E*6H- n . f .| i JUNCTION QUEEN - GRKY STREETS. 9 ' ~~~~ "° TESTIMONIALS. _______ _. „«-,-,-,_»' July 11. 1900. ST IT M QAEPENTBB, From Messrs. Ambury, English, and Co., _. " Dairymen and Formers, Auckland. \St7~~^L- ■^'fiC%^-aT^ S -f*"t_k ft'»-_-Sl Mr. J. Edaon. Chemist. Auokltwid.-Dear Sir, i« Mi -We have had your Chemical Essence in use j iMfi k^_3^^9^|^__l_— S2?=&__j GOAL MBBCHANT. for the past ten years, and have great plea- i l£*-4_g^^^'^t>^w> Si °^ •*£_?' sure in testifying to its effectiveness. ,We j ~— \_*S-» — _>—" ' ' —-a-*-S in;^? r s P toU t^ V ni U ot| 3 er a X^ f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERS, ! ■ hS'Sinff on' macadam_ed roads. In 156, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND AND NEWMARKET. one case wo had an animal so badly strained Manufacturers of in its forelee that it was looked upon as EVERY REQUISITE THAT CAN BE MANU- I useless, but after being properly dressed twice FACTORED IN THE TRADE. • ' with Edson's'Chemical Essence, and turned A Large Assortment of Bags, Portmanteaux, out, was restored to soundness in a snort Braces. time. We look upon this preparation as Waist and Lumbago Belts to select from. , „ , , — being the best and most effective remedy tor „ • t TCfimir«l And Ke-strune lameness in horses we have ever need. We Tennis Acquets Repaired and Ke strung, nOKE! O KE! POKE! would advise those who need such a remedy. ttwpttt prmpnw \j . \J and hare not tried H. to test it by using it. . USEFUL PRESENTS: v and, if properly applied, we are confident tho A Choice Assortment of Ladies and Gent, 3 results will bo satisfactory .-Yours faithfully, Purses always on hand, AMBURY. ENGLISH, AND CO. <*«££ Cgfa Music Cases. t and ___ AV(mm) GAS COM PANY Prepare,! by- rT) « (W ffIIM _TED) . CHEMIST J ™ PHARMACIST.' MEDICAL T° SE .SfSSS™* Can now Supply Householders with HALL, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. MERS. AND OTHERS. «-»TTirr OP (Established 1859.) r ~" f BiiißT qlj Aljil * ur SOLD BY" CHEMISTS~AND STOREKEEPERS IRELAND BROTHERS, fl 0 K E. EVERYWHERE. TANNERS. LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. m __„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERS. On receipt of Orders at the WHOLESALE AGENTS:— SADDLERS. IRONMONGERS. A GELNDERY KEMPTHOENE,PBOSSEE,&Co. importers. 'office, 26, wyndham-street. gHABLAND & Co. cash buyers of hides, wool, sheep. ~~ ; a I r &STEEKi . biuNB, ATs™s2m» ETC " OOALBiiOO KDALE jOil_i____S PlLLS WAREHOUSE: and high. WCgTOftDT Cflfti, ll^rtft»i_i h « WORKS: PAN MURE. It __!#■». ■ ■■■ 9 ; AUCKLAND. N. Z. . OHBAPEOT A»D BEST. without vhirfj non« weoenuioel. Ho ljdy "hooM M ——- - without tbtra.Ordar of all throughout the WoirW. ■■ , . o A N » O fi D **• * IwTO P»tXSOO« C0«I C»U bo PorohWied I «^sSJsr n A: s A N F O B D, : — ■ FISH AND OYSTER MERCHANT, WHODffIAMS OR RETAIL ITiBEE BOOKS-For.both of vital in- COLONIAL FISH MARKET (Opposite Custom. TH»«rt fwwn th^ j terest oonceroln_ yourselves and your house), and at Rakino Island. Auckland, *""** ran * nB ragg t0Manaser ' "_ K - z - WESTTORTC(«LGO_ S SOEPOT _. : ! ".'.'_——J- " ' " 3POOT^3TB__B 2= — Registered C S jT< Trade Mark. (N«t Bator Mills). gKEATES QYCLES. Townees: yV\ COCKAEr/SdUNLOP «™« CHA ffi ß « BXOHAKOK /jLjj Still Maintain the Lead. A TRIAL SOLICITED. 7Vf7T 1901 MODELS Now Ready. Telephone 658. P.O. Box 143. MB. -STREET. Accessories— — , , _, P.O. Box 6Cff. Telephona ~_ UP-TO-DATE. • P.O. Box 507. Telephone 1037. V Best Makes of Free Wheels Restaurants- ■ ■■ __=-% __£-- an _ Brakes in Stock. ___ ... ___ — — • Acetylene Lamps and Carbide. ~he cjTRAND /"IAFE Watchmakers and Jewellers. Large Shipments of the Latest Just to J. 0 1. V> —— Hand. And "OAKEB'S <WATCHMAKEE) ASSIGNED REPAIRS. LADIES' AFTERNOON TEA ROOMS. •*-* STOCK Re-tyreiner. Re-enamelling,, Re-plating, Etc., Ia being SLAUGHTERED at A SPECIALTY. oc-vatp<? a ism T-»nrKAERT T. Tlle abore splendidly arranged Dining TTTTCxTT BliAOlv. S» OKEATBS AND gOOiiAiiiti. Rooms are now open to the public, and the _~*JVA-U_ UJJXivii. yj, httpfm oti?pivt ' Proprietors will spare no effort to make this OTTIn nan QUEEN-STREET. , Restaurant second to none in the colonies. mXV D-S-C- ---— — i in ths Dining Rccms will be served a Machinery. I _~ is luncheon three courses, some of the reductions: — - a, iu Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, unequalled at s, nTT . ~..„„„T ~ „„„„„„,,,,„„ TT tt,-™, „ ■m.ATt>r,AW"fl Tti-nnui? anti no an y restaurant in the City, from 12 o'clock GOLD HUNTING BOTHEaHAM*S LEVER-Ba-AIRBANKS. |i|ORSE, AND QO., to 2 p.m. Tea will be served from sto 7 ker's price PVfrp°Sn Si,w« „,«. J ""■*• P.m. Soup, Fish, Grills, etc.. Ala carte, from ROLLED GOLD LEVER-Baker s Price, £210 a, U.S.A. GOVERNMENT POWER J? to Is 6d. GRILLS IN 8 MINUTES, at any ctt V £S w WATERBURY-Balter-R nrir« *i CONTRACTORS, hour of the day. Ladies will mid every at- . „_ w L —uajter s price. £3, tention to their comfort. A3 particular care ™.]. DIAMOND RING-Baker's nrice £14 MARINE AND STATIONARY OH, ENGINES, has been taken in arrangements for the BMI b»"«" w,j *""" liaKer s price, £14, AFTERNOON TEA ROOMS, it being intended FINE OPAL AND DIAMOND BBOOCH-Ba-HOISTS, AIR-COMPRESSORS. MINING to give every inducement to make these ker's price. £16 15s. now £10 12s 6d. , --„ S?£ m 8 a «l,^?, l^ ble r.s. e . B ?T ,^«T^r F r ß ii-TSSS FINE SAPPHTRE AND DIAMOND BROOCHMACHINERY, ETC. } V MI be I,IFj BEAUTIFULLY-FITTED Baker's price, £15, now £10. LADIES' LAVATORIES ATTACHED. The DOUJ-uX SILK GOLD MOUNTED ALBERTProprietors also desire to draw attention to Baker's price, £3 ss. now £2 2b 6d. 1 the facilities offered for specially-arranged i WATERBURY ALARMS—Baker's price, 10», ETuVYNm,™ ANTi /~in ! Private Dinner Parties, with perfect atten- now 6s 6d. i J& ANO #ju., i dance and privacy. Mr. a. Stilwoll will be * , i pleased to personally arrange for same. I am also offering VICTORIA-STREET. AUCKLAND, TO ok c a n o,t als l o d irraS 3 *for Ball? A SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON MY OWN GOODS AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. ? an ? U °A 8 _ *£* ? 8 '^_jL*fc^ a * t __^ I DURING THE SALE. , — foi in the »ost and most liberal manner. WATOHB S AND JEWELLERY CAREFULLY STOCK ON HAND AND ARRIVING. ' STTLWEUL AND ™JJAN fo | REPAIRED AND GUARANTEED.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11535, 21 November 1900, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11535, 21 November 1900, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11535, 21 November 1900, Page 7