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Pigh Water at Atickiand-*.5 &.m.; 5.M p.m. sign r»»«» • Man«kan-7.3 a.m. ( 7.27 p.m, Sun-Rises, 4.31 a.m.: set«, 6.42 p.m. Moon—New, Thursday. 6.48 p.m. WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin telegraphed yesterday i*- " Strong north-west to west and south winds; glass rise." '] ' DEPARTURES. „ ' , . Bakaift. *.»., 5628. T. 8. Weston, for London, via the SoHth.—New Zealand Shipping Com* "Z»Xm.. 2598. Edwin ' fbillipe, for Sydney. Passengers: lU. and Mrs. CusworUi and child. Mesdamw Keene and Fowler. Mis«« Bertha Keene. Hardwick. Messrs Hollinsnead. P. Sinclair. Evans. B. Sprott. Langton, Gra.ewood, Gordon, Walstead. MiPhee, G. tius* worth. G. Johnston. Wilson. M steerage, and ' original .from the South.-Union S.B. CO., Clansman, s.s.. 300, W. Farquhar. for Bussell. Whangaro*. and Mangonm.—Northern . B 'Weltingt a on*, n M.. 279. E. Stephenson, for Wha«garei.-Northern S.S. Co., agents. jt«fcft. jfeittrtwa tar tunu. Mercury Bay. and the Great Barrier - ■Northern S S. Co.. agents. _~ Waitangi, i£ I?7>. A. Stein for Whangamata, and Tauranga.— Hh. Co., agents. 125, George Laity, for »«,,_ Admiral, s.s.. 125, George Laity, for Whananaki.—Northhtrn S.S. Co.. agents. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. LONDON: Tomoana, s.s.. tia Melbourne and Sydney, arrived at Sydney November 13. • Hawke's Bay. si., via Melbourne and Sydney, due December 9. • Mimim s.s.. via Melbourne and Sydney, to sail about November 8 _ . Mjitatna, s.s., direct. Bailed, October 4. SHARPSES3: ~ , *„ * Kmcline. barque, sailed August I. MONTE VIDEO: - . „ „- . . Criffel, barque, sailed November 5. BAN FRANCISCO: Alameda, R.Ms.. to-day. ITBW T"ORK * j Star of England, s.s., via Melbourne and Svdnev. due about December 5. Bushmills. 8.5.. arrived at Wellington NoIn7r ! ad«i. 11 8.5.. via Melbourne and Sydney, sailed November 9. .... _ wo Star of the East, barque, sailed from Wellington, November 15. , . . -_ . Craignair. barque, via Dunedin and Wellington. «ailed September 25. _~..,." Hiram Emery, barque, via Wellington, sailed. SYDNEYZealandia, 5.8., Sunday. SAMOA : Alameda, R.M.s.. to-day. Hauroto. s.s.. Thursday. NEWCASTLE: , , Onathlambn, barque, early. FIJT: Wanaka, «.«., to-day. TONGA: Hanroto, 8.8.. Thursday. Aldebaran. barque, sailed November &- PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONDON: »*«_*.- Wakanui. s.s., direct, to-day. Antares. barque, to load. NEW YORK: Alice, barque, loaded. „..,„» Star of the East, barque, to arrive. SAN FRANCISCO: . _ Alameda. R.M.S.. December 8. SAMOA: . „ Hauroto, s.s.. November 28. I Alameda. R.M.S., December 8. BTPNF.Y: % Alameda, R.M.s., to-day. FIJI: Taviu;ai. s.s., to-morrow. TONGA: „ . „ Hanroto. s.s.. November 28. RAP.OTONGA: Ovalau, s.s., to-day. TAHITI: Ovalau, s.s.. to-day. UNION S.S. CO MOVEMENTS. To-dav: Rotoiti leaves for New Plymouth and Wellington on arrival of the San irancisco mail: Alameda arrives from San Francisco. Honolulu, and Apia: Wanaka arrives from Fiji; Talune leaves for Southern ports at 2 p.m. : Ovalau leaves for Barotonga and Tahiti! at 5 p.m.; Alameda leaves for Sydney shortly after arrival. . Wednesday: Mapourika arrives from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth; Tavinni leaves for Snva and Levuka at noon; Hawea leaves for Wellington, Bluff, and Port Chalmers. . , _... Thursday: Hanroto arrives from Fiji. Samoa, aVid Tonga: Mapourika leaves for "New Plvmouth. Wellington, and Nelson at 3 p.m. (train. 2.10). Friday: Taieri arrives from Westport; Moura arrives from Southern ports. Saturday: Moura leaves for Southern ports at noon.

NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Wellington arrives from Whangarei- Ngapuhi arrives from New Plymouth; Mu'ritai arrives from Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu; Ngunguru leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 5 p.m. Waiotahi leaves for Tauranga and Opotiki at 5.50 p.m.: Waimana leaves for Whakatane at midnight. Wednesday.- Maritai leaves for Great Barrier at midnight; Ngapuhi leaves for New Plymouth at 5 p.m.; Wellington leaves for Whangarei. Marsden Point. Mangapai. Whangarei Heads, and Parua Bay at 9.30 p.m.; Nguneurn arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf; Kanieri arrives from Waitara. Thame* Service: Steamers leave for Thames rnd r-->roa daily. See advertisements daily |iap.' : f... VESSELS IN HARBOUR Wakanui, a.?., at Railway Wharf. Talune, s.s., at Cueen-street Wharf. . Hawea, b.s.. at ilohson-street Wharf. Taviuni, s.b., at Quay-street Jetty. Ovalaa. 8.8., at Quay-street Jetty. Antarea, ship, at Railway Wharf. Alice, barque, in stream. Max, barque, at Queen-street Wharf. Empreza. barque, at -street Jetty. Linda Weber, brigantine, at Hobson-street Wharf. __ , Maungaroa, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf. IMPORTS. Ron Per Talune. from Sydney: 30 cases milk, 980 Backs manure. 91 inirots tin. 30 cases wine. 138 i ballats com. fibre. 47 boxes tin, 16 rolls lead, 20 cases oil. 20 casks lemon-peel. 200 bags rice. 9 cases boots. 60 sacks bottles. 23 bales cottons, 50 cases currants, 31 cases beer. 233 packages tea, 27 cases paper. 9320 ft timber, 28 cases paint, 150 bags tapioca, 50 bundles rattans, fro packages raisins, 21 cases marble, and sundries. EXPORTS. Per Mararoa. for Sydney: 1714 sacks maize, 100 bales flax, 4 bales wool, 38 cases cheese, 1 box Chili corn. 24 cases vanilla, 25 cases mullet, 2304 sacks copra, 112 sacks fungus. 4 bundles brass. 110 sacks sand, 50 sacks pumice, 3 boxes butter, 106 bundles and 46 pieces timber, 180 cases frozen fish, and sundries. The Union Company's steamer Mararoa left for Sydney last evening, with a number of passengers and a large quantity of general cargo. , Last evening the Northern Company s steamer Clansman left, for the North. The New Zealand Shipping Company's Steamer Rakai? took in the balance of her • explosives for the South at the powder ground yosterdav morning, and left for Wellington. Last night the Northern Company's steamer Wellington left for Whangarei. The Northern Company's steamer Muritai left for Kuaotunu and Mercurv Bay last eventag, and calls at the Great Barrier on the return trip. Last night the Northern Company 8 steamer Waitangi left for Tairua, Whangamata, and Tanranga. „ , . The Union Company steamer Ovalau leaves for the Cook and Society Islands this even--IDLast night the tugboat Admiral left for Whananaki for a raft of logs. . •_■ Yesterday the steamer Stella was floated into the Auckland Doci: for general overhaul. <; The Northern Company's steamer Waiotahi leaves this evening: for Tauranga and Opotiki Yesterday the steamer Kotuku left Kaipara for Melbourne with a cargo of timber. f This evening the Northern Companya Bteamer Chelmsford leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf. Yestcrdav the Island schooner Maungaroa berthed at the Qneen-street Wharf to discharge her cargo of copra from Rarotonga. TH» auxiliary schooner Medora was floated Into the Auckland Dock yesterday for oopperinc and general overhaul. . Yesterday the schoonei Awanui arrived at Gisborne from Tairua with a cargo of timThe auxiliary schooner Aotea left Port Awanui yesterday for Bay of Plenty porta and Auckland. _ . . . . Yesterday the barque Fortuna arrived at Kaipara from Port Pirio. THE ALAMEDA. The American mail steamer Alameda is due from San Francisco, Honolulu, and Apia this morning, and nroceeds on to Sydney a few hours after arrival. THE WAKANUI. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Wakanui will complete her loading at the Railway Wharf, and leaves for London this afternoon. The steamer is due a* London on January 4. THE ZEALANDIA. The local agents, Messrs L. D. Nathan and Co., are advised that the Huddart-Parker steamer Zealandia arrived at Sydney from Auckland at 8 p.m. on Friday last. The steamer leaves Sydney for this port to-mor-row evening, and is due on Sunday night next. THE INDRADEVI. The Tyser line inform us that the steamer Indradevi left New York on the 9th mst. for Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. Messrs. T. and S. Morrin (Limited) are the inward agents for the steamer. THE WAIPARA. The little steamer para, which was blown up a few days ago on the Oliarito bar. whore she became a wreck m 1898. had had an eventful career, meeting with rather more mishap" than befall th/ average steamer. Thei Marine Department's reports chronicle the fact that she was ashore in the Grey Eivsr in January. 1877. and in June. 1882; on the north spit of the Hokitika in \ April. 1893. and again in May. 1894: on the Hokitika beach while towing the Moana in September. 1896, and stranded at the same place in October, 1897; while in January, 1898. she was stranded at t*« North Beach, Okarito, and declared to bo a total wreck, -j

THE TOMOANA. , ■:;•'; __ The Tyser liner Tomoana arrived at Sydney from London and Melbonrne on the lata inst., tod comes on to Auckland Shortly. ; ; THE MARIPOSA, „j. The American mail steamer Mariposa.; which left Auckland on October 29. arrived at San Francisco on Friday last, time-table date. The Mariposa is timed to leave Bah Francisco for Auckland on Wednesday next, in place of the new steamer Sierra. THE CRIEFEL. # _ The bftfqtle Criffel. 1195 tons. eail*d from Monte Video for Auckland, on the sta Inst. * ■ ■ — THE WANAKA. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka is expected to arrive from Fiji to-day with a cargo of raw sugar for the Colohial Sugar Refining Company, and will proceed tap to Chelsea to discharge. _ THE TALUNE. The Union Company's steamer Talune. which arrived from Sydney on Sunday night, was inspected by the health .officer yesterday morning, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf. The Talune brought the following passengers .-For Auckland: Mesdames Keith and three children. Thomas. Findlay. G'lmore. Stanton. McMahon. Mobior. Tillam. Smith and child. MeUli and child, Peck and two children and maid. Wilts and child, Worden and child, Bedford. Kneebone. Laurie, Thornton. Rich, Spencer, McCallrtm, Tiller, Misses Keith (2). O'Brien. Allen. Hutchinson, Linwood (21. Tothill. Gnnter, Chalmers, Pearman. Bell, Jordan, Baucke, Bedford. Dr. Pearman. Dr. Baucke. Major George. Very Rev. Dr. Kgan. Captain Phillips. Messrs. Findlay. Gilmore. Stanton. McMahon, Muir, Miller, Matheson <2), Clark and child, Farley, Gankrodger and son. PouUnev. Goodall. Langkon. Tillam. Benson filler. Leonard <&\ Brittain (2). Heath-Cr-icke. Bntts. Menb (2t. Peck. Saxton, Worden. Wyatt. Bollard. Coker. Hemus, Kellv. Kneebone, Laurie. Rich. McCallnin. and 59 steerage. For Gisborne: Mr. T. Clive. For Napier: Mr. and Mrs. Wenlev. thre'3 children, and maid. Rev. J. C. Eecleg. and one steerage. For Wellington: Misses Adams and Fletcher. Messrs. A. Pringie and G. Fletcher, and three steerage. For Lvttelton: Mr. Gibb. For Dunedin: Rev. A. E. and Mrs Hunt. Mr. Rfdee. and two steerage. Mr. W. ' Sadler, the purser, reports that the Talune left Svdnev at 5 p.m., and passed through the Heads at 5.40 p.m. on Wednesday last. Bounded the North Cape at 8.30 am. on Snndav, passed Cane Brett at 1.50 p.m. the same day, end anchored in the harbour at 11 p.nT The Talune leaves for Bast Coast and Southern ports this afternoon. SHIPPING SALES. The nrieantine Lady Mabel has been sold. through Messrs. Nel«on and Robertson, of Svdnev to Messrs. Warhnrton and Son. at a' satisfactory price. This ve«*>l has been connected with the intercolonial trade for some years past. News from Hobart states that the baroue Natal Queen, known in the intercolonial trade, has been purchased by Messrs. Fac.v and Fisher, of Tasmania, who intend to retain her in the intercolonial timber trade. Contain Davi«- b»r late owner, has accepted the position of pilot under the Hobart Marine Board. . . The brigantine Carin. which reo«ptlv competed a trying voyage from Kainnra, to Warrnflmbnol. ha* been rmrchaserl by Messrs. R. Kennedv and Pops, of Tasmania, who int»nd to ke°p her in the intercolonial trade The flarin is a wooden vece«i of 231 tons, and wj»s built, at OrtviVen in 1876. The Adelaide Cnmnnpr'o steamer Flinders has been sold to Captain Collins, of Brisbane, and for the fntwo will he employed in the trade between Brisbane and Bnnrlaberg. PORT OF ONEBTtTNOA. Tbe Union CoTnnqnr's =teanie'- Rotoiti will l*,ave for New Plymouth and We>P»'n«rtpn with the Southern portion of the Engl'sh .and >roeri"in mails, immediately upon the ornva' of the A'-meda aft Auckland. The Northern Company's steamer Gairloch Ipnras for Wanga*nui at noon to-day. in place of the Oleieltr. , The Northern Company's steamer Nsrannni is expected to arrive from New Plymouth about 11 o'clock this mornipfl-. BY TELEGRAPH. CAPF """AN TiTRMEN. November 19.— s.s. Rakanoa passed west at noon to-day. KAIPARA HEADS. November 19.—Arrived: Fortuna, barque, from Port Pirie. Sailed: Kotukn, s.s., for Melbourne. WHANGAREI. November Sailed: Chelmsford, 8.5., for Auckland. GISBORNE. November 19.—Arrived: Omapere, s.a., from Auckland and coast ports: Gisborne, schooner, from Mercury Bay; Awanui, schooner, from Tairua. NAPIER. November 19.—Arrived: Te Anau. s.s., from the North. Sailed: Te Anau, s.s., for the South. MEW PLYMOUTH. November 19— Arrived: Xpapuhi, 8.8.. from Onehunga. Sailed: Ngapuhi, s.s., for Onehunga. LYTTELTON. November Arrived: Elingamite. s.s., Eiffel Tower, s.s., from Wellington. Sailed: Asterion, barque, for Kaipara; Elingamite, s.s.. for Dunedin; Moura, s.s., for Northern porta Passengers: Misses Hawkins and Hooper, Mesdames SeweJl. Fitohett. Smith. Horslev. Hamilton. McDonald, Hopkins and .child, Tatter. Messrs. Mason, Blick. Cooper, 'Howe. Hawkins, Smith f2>. Walker (2). Brook, Derrett. Horsley. Houlihan. McLean, Blackett. Tarawera, s.s., "for Wellington. BLUFF. November Arrived: Mokoia, 8.5., from Melbourne and Hobart. Passengers for Auckland: Messrs. McCallum, Percival, Price, Nicol. „ SYDNEY. November 19.—Sailed, on Saturday night: Westralia, s.s.. foi Wellington. THE MAORI. WELLINGTON. November 19.— steamer Maori, which leaves for London to-morrow, takes 12.835 boxes and 393 kegs butter, 1705 cases cheese; also, two boxes of gold, valued at £7049. _____ THE MAPOURIKA. WELLINGTON, November 19.—Sailed: Mapourika, s.s., for New Plymouth and Onehunga Passengers: Misses Burgess. Rees. Eyre, Mesdames Liddle, Rennie. Treloar and two children. McGuinness, Caotam Parker, Messrs. Heather, Pountney. Rose, Luckie, Hyde, Harrison, Liddle. Dunlop. Boyd, Harvey, McFarlane, Fraser, Revery, Palmer, Hales, Binnie. and ten steerage.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11534, 20 November 1900, Page 4

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11534, 20 November 1900, Page 4

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11534, 20 November 1900, Page 4