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*""" COBNSACKS ~ ALMONDS AND NUW AMERICAN CLOCKS FISH LINES, FISH HOOKB " STEEL AND WOOD TRUNKS DOORMATS ' PROPRIETORS T\ R. fll 0W N sVs*P*®R '.' " : WOOLPACKS RTsrTTTTS : ' ; PERFUMERY, COMBS TEA, SUGAR, WRAPPING AND TIN MILKPANS, DISHES, BILLIES CHENEY'S HAMMERS " • ; r ™ -~ r,,: =v JJ l' V • °* « fi, B^H / ORE BAGS' JAJIS AND JELLIES , PDRSES, ALBUMS CAP PAPER PANNIKINS, TEAPOTS, ETC. ' BLACKS SPADES 0» ' ' BARSAPJJMLI A EICE -— SSr HGQlra !{55 l r l * a,, *■ -— MEB the famous sARSAPAmuA, WWAN I .CHEESE- , ACCORDIONS, VIOLINS BRIAR PIPES BELTS AND SHEATHS ;. IRK AND 01HKR MATTRESSES cotTrßmn > ?1 t&SmmMm\ CHLNA [TEA TINNED MEATS PATENT MEDICINES (all ff ell.kno fl n CIGARETTE HOLDERS & PAPERS :/' PACKING NEEDLES "'ALL PAI Kite ~. y•• * riABIV CHRONIC COUGHING ' w . : iPlfe^^^f^^l-'1 : ■■' CEYLON -' ROPE AND CLOTHES' LINE ,; lines) r'; V • / , COLONIAL BOOTS '•■ TINWARE (a Genual Assortment) -: FII,TKRS - ' ©1 'PM iJshWfl - EFFECrUAILY CURBI* I■ : 1\ ' Jr''lS ' BAQO TOBACCO ' , >■ ' • POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY .- LEATHER LACES SHARP'S AXES AND HATCHETS TUMBLERS; .'; '. -..,,., --■■:y ■::.■.?.■...,.:.. p. :■,.,.-■ ■:■ , m^^^^^'^^ffl^^ : TAPIOCA CIGARS .■•■•'".'"'. .SCISSORS, RAZORS '. TENTS AND FLIES' GALVANISED IRON BUCKETS'' ENAMBLWARE ... BLEND Of • INDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA NO NOR*, ' PEPPER CIGARETTES GELIGNITE PLATED FORKS AND SPOONS SCRIM, BUTTER CLOTH BILLIARD TABLES & REQUISITES ' ROCHESTER LAMPS .:, , \i.'/ :; COFFEE KEROSENE DYNAMITE PARCEL, SEWING AND NETTING OILSKIN COATS - ' '"- BRUSHWARE PORTMANTEAUX TEAS, CLEARS THE BLOOD * ROM ALL I>ipij ßS ? ' ■■- ■•'■•'■ :: '■'■'■' ■''.'" * SUGARS BOILED OIL FUSE' TWINE ..' MANILLA, JUTE, AND FLAX KITS » BAGATELLE BOARDS BUTTER PAPER » J MATTER. -/'.,.,> '" : ,; ■, CANNED FRUITS RAW OIL —— ' ... . ,'.' ."' :, ' I.', — -V ——— —-r WASHITA AND SCYTHE STONES ~. "* *&<*:>- -— ,0,. ;■; 7 , ; V • ' OILS OLIVE OIL * UDREK9ED.KAUUS. -"" L ' ",__"' » B/RC ~, H , **.**, BOTTLED BEER -, ' "EMPRHbb The usa of the above world-wide **,»» r/ ,-^ :=v '.-■< ■:■: . j CORNFLOUR FINE SALT «. aifof.d nathas. ■ Q i\S ATpI ill\l & CO.- BRANDY ••SULTAN" tlon is the only certain specific for;ion 6 life anS"**-''' A BOTE is the Crack Brand in all the INFANTS'FOOD COARSE SALT e BNEST p. benjamin • ■ -«*■■-»»■_-«», 3 AUSTRALIAN WINES ■' H ■ -bo obtained retail and wholi,, ,^ : " -- -....*,£_/:'■ SAUCES ADELAIDE SALT ', (Established urn /, ' WHISKY .: -"KHEDiVE- ; % Solo Agents for Auckland and surro 7* " : ' ;; ta „»* w = „ GENKBAL MERCHANTS, SHIPPING AMD IHSUBAKCE AGENTS, '&, . ,„_S& !>'*„''' ' UerS6? ' , i SOAPS STATIONERY AND STATIONERS' AND GIN KURDS Of ' AN * CO., • PRESERVED MILK SUNDRIES KAURI dl 1M PI AY X, DDHni IPC RRnt/CDO HOLLANDS SHOHlUNdstreet • .-• KOM, 'L.D. NATHAN ft CO., TINNED FISH PLAYING CARDS * A UUIVI, FLAX & PRODUCE BROKERS, hock r< n1?-,- „ . 'tjckiand. / IMPOBIBM SPICES AMERICAN ft Austrian CHAIRS AUCKLAND. BURGUNDY L/WITJCiJUO. _ PAPER BAGS PERAMBULATORS " ™' , ........ LONDON ADDRESS 28, HMIWLT-rtWrti Moil, 1.0. GENERAL CABLE ADDRESS ;•" SYLVIA/ ■ • Machinery. "V '"~""" 1 ""' ._ . l)re SS .' ' "~^_. _ZZI Dress and Fashion. - ~^^^ : V :

THE "SWIFT" SILENT SAUSAGE MACHINE I^^^^M WITH ENAMELLED BOWLS (WAR. RANTED NOT TO CHIP) AND Itl WTw^ LATEST KNIFE IM- || R/^Wy These Machines are now in use | by many local Butchers, giving ,^^C^^^^^^^^^^M^ ENAMELLED FILLERS AND J?' -' ' ; Testimonials from local users can be seen at ' RICHARD H, HOPKINS 1 , BUTCHERS' OUTFITTER, FORT-STREET. AGENT FOR NEW ZEALAND, . , * MedicalI : I ' HACKING COUGHS CURED QUICKLY BY TAKING The safest and most rf(M IT IS Wh Price 1/6 and 2/6. effectual remedy for Wb the cure of Colds, )Qj THE UK All Chemists and Coughs. Sore Throats. Hi Ai " J W u Storekeepers. Bronehltls and all o) -oworp lb Chest and Throat J otkQL. V Troubles. / V. Take no Substitute. ' _^_________| Take DR. PASCALL'S VEGETABLE PILLS for Constipation and tbe Liver. 1/6 per box. I Wholesale Agents: Messrs. P. HAYMAN AND CO., Auckland. _ . . — _ 4 _~ ■ —■ I I .1.11 ...M. ■ |j]» Medicine for Infants, The Universal Eemedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Children, Delicate FoHeadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, -ales, and tie SickBilious Affections. ness of Pregnancy. Sold Throughout the World. N,8,--ASK FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. Furnishing. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, The Tonson QarSick Co., Ltd., Have a Splendid Large Stock of BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS BLANKETS Now Selling at Special Low Prices. Leading Line for Double-size Bedstead, at 14/11 and 19/6, is well worthy of your inspection. BEDSTEADS BEDSTEADS BEDSTEADS BEDSTEADS BEDSTEADS Our Loading Line of Double Bedsteads, with brass rail, heavy pillars and fittings, at 37/6 Spot Cash, is selling fast. Call and inspect before they are all sold. BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS BLINDS Our Venetian Blind, made from American Red Pine, at Sevenpence Halfpenny per square foot, is most extraordinary Good Value. Give us a trial. . % Good Value in Furniture k House Furnishing v '.'- TRY THE PEOPLE'S FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.

wis® a7® A W7* 7k a 7k /$ _______ m3.cmagg A7_ /# yfc [memorandum. I JJjp J x * Wholesale and Family Drapers. * Departments: | Auckland, Ist May, 1900. jj* * SILKS I in directing attention to the enormous i|JL VELVETEENS | Stocks of new winter goods which <% %? DRESSES . 1 are now on Exhibition in our various Depart- «b § * CURTAINS I m,^s ai] d $h° w Rooms, we haue pleasure $ m\. a pt)t?tc I in stating that in consequence of our London !lr A BLANKETS I r5 0/?era^ mly ' In fl *V fl - . A j> atmwt c | 0/? e /?eayy advances which have since A & FLANNELS I toAe _ place jn the Hom MarheUi mhm JL q rUKNIoIiIJNa I been fortunate in obtaining nearly the whole 1 <js\ FURNITURE | of our winter requirements at old ffi i HOSIERY I prices, the full benefit of which our JL f> GLOVES I numerous Customers may expect. We may 'A V UMBRELLAS 1 specially mention DRESS GOODS {always a A 0 RIBBONS 1 leading Department with us), FUNNELS, *I LACES 1 BLANKETS, HOSIERY, UNDERCLOTHING, W if SMALLWARES I WOOLLEN GOODS generally. 1 tpttvimtmpq 1 Ribbon, Lace, and Fancy Depart- A JL TRIMMINGS | wgflfe m myj bejng mpjdjy fM — J^ |\ FANCIES i A/EM/ shipments. /ft V JAPANESE GOODS | Special attention is incited to the A 3 TOYS 1 tof/ft Costume, and Millinery Depart- *1 1 W? MILLINERY I mnis ' w^are /?ow; m^er en^' NEW 7^F 0 n>IL,KI I MANAGEMENT. a Jfc MANTLES I We have been fortunate in securing the jf i LADIES' UNDER- 1 services of madame stokes, who has Jl j\ CLOTHING I had large experience in the Management of A & BABY LINEN 1 Mantle and Millinery Show Rooms in Christ- S& 0 GENTS' OUTFITTING 1 church and Sydney, also London experience. J HATS " I We therefore confidently invite inspection W JL TWEEDS 1 °f tnese Departments. While the styles JL a WOOI t Tjixrcs 1 w/ be found up to date in every respect, it A Wt WUULLJ-JNo 1 will also be found that our Prices have been t* »\ BOOTS & SHOES I fxed upon mh a /eye/ fIS e/?flte MtQ ft c|» TAILORING, ETC. 1 / m 6 the ems competition. A SMITH & CAUGHEY, | A Manufacturers, Importers, and Gash Drapers. JL i i Merchandise. I MELLIN'S FOOD is Entirely Free from Starch and Cane Sugar. j ! MELLIN'S FOOD is adapted for use in all climates, and can be obtained of all dealers, I j_^_T_gg agg __________a_a__B^ Samples and Pamphlets to be obtained from uOLLIM" AND CO., Wellington. he Bes ' for ' nfan * B and Invalids in all Climates, W\ "■■' inlffiiMM ii iltKm Jl ALWAYS READY. NO COOKING REQUIRED. I cemt^ofTui 1138 been described as pre-eminently «>" I JSSu Ifl ft j |L I j MDIGESTEO, 0 The constant and universal question that is echoed from 1 BARLEY |tf jJU j | | I I SIWI__D. g every ado, is "Why?" Ask any of your friends why they I HALT - IWII lin | ism V 0 prefer Van Houten's Cocoa to any other, and one will H ffl. immediately tell you "it has the highest nutritive value;" I IN POWDER FORM. 11 1 1 |# 7 th T Vlllr£ply '' itismoreea %%stedandas S imilatcd /|_l fcfCBDC Ell m M than other cocoas;" and a third will probably answer" it is If omi KEEPS ill E ! m IJ P«fect in flavor, and ricl! in healthy stimulating properties." »«_« INDEFINITELY If l\ |%$I reply to the question "Why?" The Lancet says- Ml IWUBPIWITfcLYi Bill ffflß I% 1 I * JuSXn'reS rhtT Pr ° POrtion ° f ihe I MRGEST BUB IN THE WORLD, s » famn hy is k th ° best for children, for mothers, and for B 0/ all Chemists and Stores. 1 Because it » rich in that digestible Albumen which f SALT. SALT. SALT T° SETTLERS. STOREKEEPERS. FAR. | nourishes thebody, and in the Phosphates which build up I - 1 MEM. AND OTHERS. | bones and tissues; because it repairs waste; and also 1 I I ' 1 because you can get out of ft more strength and nourish- 1 : Si TRFT A DDATIIWDD M ment than out of any other. U i TONIC LKJiLAJNiI 15IU) 11 1 JkltD M —.. -——-________ IS i /TONlc\ TANNERS. LI3ATITER MANOPAOTDRER3. ffl i,a, f -T ~ m TflOlE' l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BADDLERB. ■ Eg HAVE YOU TRIED 1 . fllT TABLE ' SADDLERS, IRONMONGERS. * GRINDERY I VAN HOUTEN'S Eating CHOCOLATE P J !■ m — , 1 VAN HOUTEN'S Eating CHOCOLATE P 1 • — ra. o "wwwuniur JWf i SALT CASH BUYERS OP HIDES, WOOL. SHEEP. - ••-»*■■. skins. TALLOW. beeswax, ETC., ' V _®"K ' j.lm_- AT CURRENT RATES. BSTIkW ' JOST THIS SALT WILL NOT CAKE OR GO HARD. WAPPnnnw. vntTiw"! »vi? ivn m nT , >®> _-_-!_--<_/ Packed in Mason's Fruit Jars. WAREHOUSE: VULCAN LANE AND ELm • • ■^Slasai_i^^^>«^^_ M (Each Empty Jar is worth Sixpence.) STREET. 911 and Is per Bottle ' L WORKS; PANMURB. > " ; * •-, . .. , .'■ 6'jld by. all Storekeeper*. ■ , J AUCKLAND. N. Z. ■'•■'"•

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11372, 15 May 1900, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11372, 15 May 1900, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11372, 15 May 1900, Page 2