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' • • • : ' " General Grocery, Teas, Coffees, arid Oilmen's Sto '' "-'■"' she ablna Kraden'. miuranee Ca;UmltaA Orwdni) '\- YY- Vv • ;JP .. M; , :^0: . B*f « H .^ ; II ,H . il,■■?.■ . fiS '-.«■■.»,, a' Y- • £.; 4 - JTH ODaCCOS and Cigars ■' • V Norwich Union Fire Society ; .■•' '■';";■'■ •'<•••;■" *■ !; : " ,;v ." Y-Y/:"-- V.' :: '.'■'■■■...■y.-ji.;: j '■':■'■ • > " , ~ , ,__ _~ ______ * "'■•*/ \ • '"' T> ! *~- ' : rV* '-"' *•?-£', rSS^ ', : ''' BEST VALUE _ 3 J E. - c * .' .../ ««*Hm,-. „eßßre.'Bis4ult,Dnbouche&Co.'sErandles,Jarnac Cognac ?$ *. ■ / ___ - _ —^ ■'...;«■-*#•-■■ ..,...,,.,-.. i , , _■ -■• .-• .. . ■.-' Messrs. ..: lowndeß & co.'s Key Rum —«%r.--s«->» ••■ ■ <9a fiJ ;/ '^^^'''_^-' v fSA '' *;„.■«•-.■... . v v Billiard Tables and Billiard Sundries .-.. ~. : Messrs. Read Bros.' Dog's Head Brand of Bass's Ale and Guinness's Stout .-, g **| ' W~% gj| 2g| JHi ATI J7 |g£ -YY.\" : ''*''' "' * " •*• <-~:. .'•.., \v ".Y ; ", Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps - ■■> ■ ■. -■ . >W ■' .:?*'*»■.: W&BltM ' !sS2?" "'*'" riifl-nr ' PlafpHwarA amj't ■■-''V: Sir Robert Burnett & Co's Vinegars, etc., London t 7 - .--•• * , * _ " ".?'r'„. .; 0 ,; : . ..... < • UUiery, ridicuwdre, ana Lamps .'• rv '; "iKi Sugar Company, Navua,'?iji .' ; °* P TO BE EC-A-lJ FROM i-JjJj Q"JCvOG JUJ-OSc, . Bedsteads R..„ , Y""* : -V"<J : Messrs. Perry Davis & Son's Painkiller ! ; -'v.-- ■ •'' YY : ; .., * : ========2===—-= Y - ocuaicdUb, WOOIIIS, and 'Mats '- ' Y v Allen's Celebrated Lung Balsam ...... .»-.,.' Y YY : •'' ;. ———— ■;;•■•"■■•-' .•■--. „ ? , .'. .. "-, ~." ; _ '' : " ■Y ; YYI %"' '^The ApoHinarls Company, Limited ■ v » ... <> 5 ••--••,. pr. wind'ssarsaparma : UHOOV ADDRESS! 28. Flngfey-Strflßt, LOllflOD, BA AUCKLAND. . GENERAL CABLE ADDRESS: "SYLVIA." . Saddlery, Bicycles, Oils and Pal','

iv. ' , ' ' 'ii i = i" " i.M ■■..^ i ' i aag Dress and Fashion. ''----■-■ ' ' " " ■ PLEASE NOTE THIS. Largest Stock # I BLANKETS and FLANNELS, | BOUGHT BEFORE TEE RISE IN WOOL, and Selling at I East Season's Keen Prices. I Ladies' Jackets, Capes, Mackintoshes, j I Ladies' Selection, Newest Shapes Mackintoshes, I A Superb Selection, Newest Shapes and Styles. [ | DRESS MATERIALS, BLOUBING3, FLANNELETTES, ETC. | | Sheeting, Calico, and Furnishing Drapery, j | and Boys' Mackintosh Coats j (Sizes and Prices to meet all requirements. All sewn Seams and Guaranteed.) i I P.B.~Send for Patterns and Prices, ■ | I Sheeting, Calico, and Furnishing Drapery, J and Boys' Mackintosh Coats \ (Sizes and Prices to meet all requirements. All sewn Seams and Guaranteed.) \ P.S.-Send for Patterns and Prices, I ««»t»**«o**m«««9««»m«t I 1 (Late R. Hobbs), § 364, 366, 368, 370, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. I Dress and Fashion- » Merchandise. VERY INTERESTING mTJTI IMPORTER OF THE Teas, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines, Spirits, Oilmen's Stores, D/pfe. *& Fruits, Matches, Rice, Jute Goods, and Eastern, W i i American, and Genera* Merchandise. ra H H *" H FAMPV 00(10*5 Contains a Full Stock of Cutlery, E.P. Ware, Tobacconists' %$ @ BPB«nTaflffMT Sukdbies, Patrnt Medicines, Chairs, Stationery, Hardware, O&rAnTsvicNT Saddlkry, Novels, Billiard Tables and Requisites, Etc., Etc. SHOWING CHARMING warehouse and offices : CUSTOM STREET West, Bonded Stores : albert street. Gum Store: Little Queen Street. London Office: Dashwood House, 9, New Broad Street, B.C. MATERIALS FOR —- IN BOND OR DUTY PAID, TfVFUTNr WT?AT? EVERY DBBORIPTIoi? OF GOODS CONNECTED WITH THE GROCERY, PROVISION, AND uvjj«i 11 ur vv Jj a Jt, WINE AND gftßW TRADEg IN SILKS, GAUZES GRENA- Catalogues of Goods in Stock will be forwarded on application, CASH ADVANCES made against Consignments of Kauri Gum, Wool and other Colonial and Island DINES SILK LUSTRES, SILK . „ t Produce for Shipment to London " othor Markets. , t , , ' ' " lij "- ' We aro buyers of Fungus, Beeswax, Honey, Eggs, Butter, etc., at the best current market rates. STRIPES, CREPONS, NUNS' ADTUIID HATUIH'fi 2/- ptr lb. VEILING, Etc., Etc. THE MOST ECONOMICAL TO BUY! " RELIABLE " THE MOST DELICIOUS TO DRINK I SIX ONLY SINGLE DRESSES, ™*» o/ TEAS. 2/- per lb. The most beautiful ever shown, riiey have for years maintained their character for excellence, and Invariably give satisfaction. They are the cheapest, because they cent no more than Other teas, and yet they go furthest in the pot. " Reliable" ——■ Teas aro procurable everywhere, in airtight lead nackots, or in tins of full weight, ■££LS££S£ir EXQUISITE CEYLON. strong aromatic INDIAN. FRAGRANT BLENDED. LOVELY SOFT BROOHE SILKS, ' ' —* WINE AND SPIRIT We call attention to our Large stoek o(the Best Brands of TW wmrm? PTJT7AM Tmrnmrm -.».»...-.. WHISKY, BRANDY, RUM, and GIN; also, Imported Ale and Stout, IN WHITE, CREAM, BUTTER, DEPARTMENT. , for which we can quote Exceptionally Favourable tow . , , All the Leading Colonial Brows of Beer in Bulk' or Bottle. -4in to 27in, 2s 3d, 2s lid, punortln Ale and Stout—Our Celebrated "Black Horse "label is well known, and wherever tried it invariably meets with approval, repeat orders, and steady business. It boats anything in the Colony for Ss6d; WOrth 3s 3d Bright, Crisp, Sound Beer. Port and Sherry Wines, Claret, Madeira, Champagne, Liqueurs, etc., in Large ' Selection, and a good assortment of Australian Wines, o ii J a da Bass's Ale and Gulnness's Stout packed by W. E. JOHNSON & CO., Liverpool, highly recommended for OS 11a, 48 OCi. Quality, compotes with anything imported. W, & A. GILBEY'S WINES-Agency for the sale of this world-renowned firm's Wines and Spirits. t . ~ Oilbey's Ports and Snowies Ollbey's Dry* Gin Gilbey's Brandy Gllbey's Clarets Gilbey's Rum Gilbey's Madeira Gilbey's Schnapps Gilbey's Champagnes, CHARMING LOT OF OPERA ~ J"Tr!N"O '* a CLOAKS, FEATHER BOAS, j is the finest dark smoking tobacco manufactured in Virginia. fans gloves hose l °' WILLim COMPANY, Richmond, Virginia, U.SA ' "' ' ' The beat Aromatic Tobaccos in the whole world are T. 0. Williams'— Etc. "KUBY" "VICTORY" _ *' WELCOME NUGGET " » GOLDEN EAGLE. THEABOTEARETHETm NESTLE'S SWISS MILK NICEST GOODS WE HAVE EVER „„ fta . „ „ ... ~, „ , ' *"' * (Upwatds of Twenty Medals awarded for excellence) SHOWN. Delicious in Tea or Coffee, a Valuable Addition to Cocoa, —— Most Agreeable in Chocolate, Excellent for Custards, The Most Popular of all Infants' Foods, VERY SPECIAL- Aud can used for all purposes of Ordinary Milk. ■■ ——— ■iii.a From the Milk of Cows having an extensive range on the healthy and fertile sides of tho Alps, breathing the pure air and feeding on the succulent grasses of that salubrious region—the finest milk'-producine OUR DRESSMAKING IS SIMPLY country in the world. perfect. i ANDREW USHER & SONS, Edinburgh! — ■ 0, V. Q. (OLD VATTED GLENUVET WHISKY) CHARGES VERY MODERATE. AND INSPECTION INVITED SPECIAL RESERVE WHISKY, INSPEOUUN UN ViiM). In Casks, Bottles, and Flasks. <~ ■ A Large stock' is always kept on hand at ARTHUR H. NATHAN, CMB t om street, AUCKLAND,, 0- *I B ItCUPft'S U/HiSKV l' Mforman yyen,renast maintained its character as the most popular. -m. I & UOntliW VVniOl\l It can always be rolled upon as a specially good article in every way* ■d« Ui ARTHUR H NATHAN.,

jams. AsH Your Grocer For |nl \p Jt% AYAh It is THE BEST. 1/ <x ill . SEVILLE V^ m ORANGE It now holds the PREMIER POSITION. Coal. By Special Appointment to His Excellenoy Lord Banfurly. rv N ?> SALE. coals; BEST TAHPTRI. NEWCASTLE. HTKUBANGI, WESTTORT, AND NGDNGTJRU. Sole Agent for the Celobrnted Brunner Nut Coal and Greymonth Coke. FIREWOOD: Best Tea-tree, Cot and Split, as ordered. BRICKS: Dry-pressed, Plastic Buff and Red Facing, Firebricks. LIME: - First Prize Gold Medal, Hydraulic, Stone, and Shell. SAND: Tarring and all kinds Buildini. CEMENT: Local and Imported. CLOTHES PROPS, AND CHARCOAL, ETC. Pottery, Bqead Crocks, Jam Jars, Spirit and Acid Jars, Cream Jars, Filters, Butter Jars, of superior Quality. Drain Pipes, all kinds. I COKE: Best Newcastle and Greymouth, also Local, J. 'J. CRAIG, i QUEEN-STREET. Telephone 644. ■ COALBROOKDALE WESTPORT COAL. CHEAPEST AND BEST. The above Famous Coal can be Purcha«od either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Direct, from the WESTPORT GOAL CO.'S DEPOT FORT-STREET (Next Roller Mills). Town Offices: MINING CHAMBERS. EXOHANQE LANE, 103, QUEEN-STREET. P.O. Box 607. Telephono 1037. W.&G.Wi§T(M, COAL MERCHANTS, CUSTOMS' AGENTS, CARRIERS AND GENERAL FORWARDING AGENTS. We arc now prepared to pack and forward FURNITURE, GOODS, AND PARCELS TO ALL PARTS OF THE COLONY. at lowest rates, and have arranged a Mutual Agency with the following firms: WELLINGTON-Colonial Carrying Co. CHRISTCHURCH-J. M. Heywood and Co., DUNEDIN-Crust and Crust, And Agencies in all Towns and Ports in the Colonies. Experienced Men for Packing. Good Storago Accommodation. Prompt Attention and Moderate Charges. Timber. THESAURI TIMBER (JO. LIMITED, CUSTOM-STREET WEST. AUCKLAND. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, AND JOINER 9 Requiring utILY-SEASONED TIMBER Should Apply to the KAURI TIMBER COMPANY. LIMITED, Who have in Stock OVER 3 MILLION FEET OP SEASONED TIMBER. rWJF 0 *~ DOOBB WNING a BABHEB MOULDINGS TURNER! MANTELS . AND EVERY DESCRIPTION 0? J O I Iff BS I3L IT MANDPAOTCBED TROM THOROUGHLY-SEASONED TIMBER Architects and Intending Builders can have no Higher Guarantee of Good Material and Sound Workmanship than by seeing that all Joinery is branded K.T.00, MIU and Order Office Telephone, Mo. 612, J

"~«»«~»~»™™"'*"*~~~~*'*"~*"""~~~"~'""" ■ '•• Seeds, Manures, &ci i GRASS & CLOVER y\ SEEDS, WW SEASON'S CLOVKRS English \^ K \ AND Italian \ys\\ NATURAL QRASSIB, Ryegrass. \' „\ \'ff>\ <S PoTertyßay V J _ K \ «>% Ihwke'Blsayand \P\ \ %">, m Canterbury Ryegrass \J A Vl> — \virA v* Farmers' Dressed and V/^ 1 \ *$» Machine Dressed \ \ «^Q TaranaH Cocksfoot, \ \ %<j. Turnip Seed (various kinds). VcN \ 1% Three Stir Boneduat and \ .—A Manures.. \ \ Oats,Jnn, Sharp?, Malie, \ f*\ \ Wheat, etc. \W 0 AND 11, CUSTOM-STREET, AUCKLAND, BONED TO ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE. PYRAMID AND TRIANGLE BONEDUSTS. W.S.L. BRAND, BONE AND BLOOD. Also. SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. KITRO-POTASH CORN AND GRASS MANURE. „ ROOT, Etc.. MANURE. „ POTATO MANURE. POTASH AND KAINIT. NITRATE SODA, AMMONIA, GUANO, Etc. SEEDS-CLOVER, GRASSES, TURNIPS, Etc. Iff. S. LAURIE & CO.? . 29, CUSTOM-STREET, AUCKLAND. M A N_tJ_R E S. Now that Bonedust is so scarce and rising is price we would strongly recommend the rTHOMAS pHOSPHATE pOWDER, AND pORAL QUEEN riUANO, ' As offered in our List: ' A RTHUR VATES AND no., ' SEED MERCHANTS, ' AUCKLAND. B'i ii wmmmmmmmmmmmm i i i n il Plumbers &c. "p 0 E ; SALE. BEST ENGLISH .. CORRUGATED IRON? 5 to 10 FEET SHEETS. LOWEST MARKET PRICE. LEAD-EDGR RIDGING, S. 7. 8, and 9 FEET LENGTHS. 0.0, and H.R. SPOUTING, nil sizes. f£SB wmW 111 If GEORGE M C CAUL? Telephone No. 364, MANUFACTURING PLUMBER, AND IMPORTER OF ALL TRADE REQUISITES. WELLESLE7-STREET EAST (Opposite Library). HAS ALWAYS IN STOCK AND FOR SALE: BEST BRANDS OF CORRUGATED IRON. THE CELEBRATED CUPPED LEAD-HEADED NAILS. , SHEET ZINC. LEAD-EDGE RIDGING. SPOUTING AND DOWN-PIPE (ALL SIZES). CAST IRON ENAMELLED BATHS, SINKS, JAW BOXES. AND BASINS (With Patent Overflows and Pings). LAVATORY BASINS, AND ALL KINDS SANITARY WARE. NORTH BRITISH 3-ply I, R. HOSE. BHEET AND PIG LEAD. BLOOK TIN. TIN PLATES, SOLDER. AND SOLDERING / IRONS. SHEET. BAR. AND INGOT COPPER. GEORGE M C CAUL; WELLESLEY-STREET EAST. V ——.—U.I . ■ ... D rprjDEHOPE, PLUMBER AND GASFITTER. WELLESLEY . STREET WEST - (Three Doors above Elliott-street), Desires to thank his Customers and the publlo generally* for their patronage during the ' nast 23 yearn, and still -wishes them to remember that he will always keep a good stock of all trade requisites, and employ the best workmen in all branches of the trade, so that all orders will be faithfully carried out, and Y .' satisfaction guaranteed. ■;. Y'Agent for Williams and Deans' Burner Caps, Y ...Agont for Kent's Albo' Carbon Gas Burner. Agent for the " Qnadruplex" Ventilator. Telephone No, 20% '■:;'■'■ YYv'Y ; :^:-vv^> v^^r; ;^-''' ; . : .. ; -'VY-.'.:, .-■"•:■•.■'

-" ■■"' " ' ■" " "''" i"' Wines, Spirits, &c. Cable Address : "Beehive.* Telephone: 953,. The Campbell & Etonfried Co., Ltd CAPITAL £300,000. Established 1840. 43, QUEEN-STREET WHARF. AND THE ALBERT BREWERY. QUEEN-STREET, J. LOGAN CAMPBELL, ESQ. (CHAIRMAN), ARTHUR M. MYERS (MANAGING DIRECTOR). SECRETARY: ALFRED 8. BANKART. BREWERS, MALTSTERS, BOTTLERS, AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. 18 PRIZE MEDALS 18! Including Against all comers, for our celebrated Sulk and Bottled Ale and Stout Brewed from the purest of water, obtained from a depth of 1200 feet, and the best materials only. ♦Voslau • Goldec, Hungarian Claret, 16-year-old Special Liqueur Whisky. Very old Cognac Brandy, "Old Pale," and "Old Dark." WHISKY AGENCIES? Buchanan's " House of Commons;" Watson's "* ** Glenlivit ;" Pease's " 8.0.5." " Canadian Club;" Walker's "Kilmarnock;" Dunville's f'V.R.;" Power's "Irish;" " Braemav ;" etc., etc. ..... •••oasS««o'>««eO«o»««Qt9»S«e«aaoaa«>— COMPANY, LIBITED. . . THE . . LIMITED. Telegraphic Address— Seccombe, Newmarket. Telephone— 475. ESTABLISHED 1856. CAPITAL - £200,000. DIRECTORS: JOHN MOWBRAY (Manaeln- Director). I. H. SECCOMBE. ALFRED SECCOMBE. SECEETAEY-H. It. JERYIS, JFN. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OF THE CELEBRATED LION BRAND ALES AND UNRIVALLED STOUT. KHYBER PASS ROAD, AUCKLAND. Stationery. ■ iu.iii I I II ii t a i««»«p»»mmwp»ct i 1... . . V WILSON & HORTOIV, J "HERALD" _fT ' Printing Works. jgf*vs\ PRICES S \s -/3"11 gizes and grapes. JN/ Xl Flour Mills. NORTHERN ROLLER MILLING COMPANY, LIMITED. ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDUSTRY! BUILD UP THE NORTH, NOT THE SOUTH ! As we Purchase all the LOCAL WHEAT AND OATS we can get at, fall Market Rates, ant! use only LOCAL COAL for steam purposes, also give employment to a large number of hands in manufacturing our well-known Brands of Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled, and Flaked Oats, Germina, etc. If this industry did not exist WHAT WOULD OUR GRAIN-GROWERS AND COAL MINERS DO '1 So, when ordering Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, etc., keep the foregoing facts before you, and insist on having " PREMIER " OR " CHAMPION" FLOUR AND "STANDARD" OATMEAL, ROLLED AND FLAKED OATS, WHICH REMAIN UNBEATEN. All are Manufactured from the CHOICEST BLENDS OF GRAIN that New Zealand Can Produce. We Manufacture Oatmeal, Rolled and Flaked Oats DAILY, so the public can rely on bating a FRESH ARTICLE, and the " Standard " Brand is known by its FRESHNESS AND SWEETNESS. - We also recommend our PATENT GERMINA, well adapted for this climate and SEMOLINA AND WHEATMEAL. All our Goods arc packed in sizes to suit tko trade. P. VIRTUE, ' Manager. The Best Food for Infants and Invalids in all Climates. ALWAYS READY. NO COOKING REQUIRED, 9 ivii-kiiyii %J nm pure milk, m m sk m —mm gras^. COMBINED SI ffl A I H| B™ BP i nDflny/tnompn WITH WHEAT ji SI || ) I I I | rl\fllJllil!iOllil), IN POWDER FORM. B 111 ■■ 8/ KEEPS' ' 111 ; ;If - INDEFBMBTELY. , |||| LlVi LARGEST SAIjE IN THE WOR&D. ■$$''■ - : "''•/"'■' i'i '<■'" Of all Chemists and Stores, t-': ?%&.,.;. ,-J;£iQ , )gj ,j 1 ,- .;*i.,yl .' •■-' A.-X '■; ' ' '", ■ i' v .., M'J $<ii i.-j;,//.- ■•

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11371, 14 May 1900, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11371, 14 May 1900, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11371, 14 May 1900, Page 2