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High Water at Auckland— a.m.; 4.9 p.m. „ „ Manukau— a.m.; 6.8 p.m. Sun— 76 a.m.; sets, 4.44 p.m. Moon-New, Saturday, 8.2 a.m.

WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin telegraphed yesterday "North to west and south-west gale, with rain; glass fall, and heavy sea." ARRIVALS. Taieri, s.b., 1668, James Shephard, from Westport.— S.S. Co., agents. Terranora, p.s., 350, Edward McLeod, from Opotiki and Tauranga—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Wellington, s.s., 279, E. Stephenson, from Whangarei. Passengers: Mesdames Morey, Telfer, Cunningham, Wyatt, Wilson, Burloughs, Misses Leath and Hill, Rev. Perry, Messrs. Teasdale, Atkinson, Maxwell, Drever, Scott, Jones, Arbon, Thomas, Ferguson, J. J. Wilson, jun., Grosvenor, Bryant. Brown. 4. H. Spues, Dodd, Sherson, D. McKenzie, Claik. Walker, O'Moore, N. Campbell, Pcrrm, Mou,, and six steerage.— S.S. Co., agents. Northern Chief, barque. 263, John Mackar, from Wollongong—Colonial Sugar Refining C Defiance, a &tine, 199, Eassens, from Newcastle.—M. Niccol, agent.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Wailiora, s.s., 2003, F. W. Macbeth, for Sydney. Passengers: Rev. S. and Mrs. Hickox and two children. Mesdames Mace. Elson. Fenwick Richardson and two children, Misses Lev McEffer, Fenwick, Aster, Richardson, Messrs. Consterdine, Blytn. W.Wilson. I E. O. Goodinge. Munvale. Colford, Gleeson 13) \\. and D. King, 5 G. G. Clarke, G. S. Langford, G. Cashel, C. Marshal, S. G. Lambert. 60 steerage, and original from the South. Union S.S. Co., agents. Terranora, p.s., 350, Edward McLeod, for Russell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui.-North-era S S. Co.. agents. Muritai, s.s.. 225. Joseph Duthie, for Kennedy's Bay. Kuaotunu, and Mercury BayNorthern S.S. Co., agents. _ Oliinemuri, s.s.. 70, T. Haultain, for Waiharara and Hohoura.-Northern S.S. Co., agents.

DEPARTURES. Waihora, s.s., for Sydney. Terranora, p.s.. for the North. Muritai, s.a., for way ports and Mercury Bay. Ohinemuri, s.s., for the North.

UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Mararoa leaves for the South at. 2 p.m.; Ovalau leaves for Rarotonga and Tahiti at 5 p.m.; Alameda arrives from San Francisco, and leaves for Sydney soon after arrival; Rotoiti leaves Onfhunga for the South, if mail arrives (7.10 a.m. passenger train)- , n „„ Wednesday: Takapuna arrives at Oneliunga from the South; Taieri leaves for Westport at 5 p.m. , • „ , Thursday: Flora arrives from the South; Takapuna leaves Onchunga for the South at 9 a.m. (7.10 a.m. passenger train); lipolu arrives from Fiji. , _„. . Friday: J Upolu leaves for Wellington Flora leaves for the South at Boon.

NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Wellington leaves for U'liangarei, Mangapai, Whangarei Heads, and Parua Bav at 10.30 p.m.; Waiotahi leaves for Tauranga and Opotiki at 7 p.m.; Chelmsford leaves for Wliangarei at 1 p.m.; Glenelg leaves for Opunake and Waiigauiu at 10 a.m.; Ngunguru arrives from \\ liakatane. Wednesday: Murltai leases for Great Carrier at midnight; Waitangi leaves for Mercury Bay, Tairua. Wbangamata, and Tauranga at 9 p.m.; Kanieri arrives from Waitara; Gairloch arrives from New Plymouth early, and leaves lor same port at 1 P Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames daily. See advertisements daily papers. IMPORTS. Per Northern Chief, from Wollongong; 392 tons coal. „ , „„ . Per Defiance, fiom Newcastle: 244 tons coal and 24 tons coke. Per Taieri, from Westport: 1963 tons coal, 14 sacks hides.

EXPORTS. Per Waihora, for Sydney: 352 bundles and 38 pieces timber, 10 bags produce, 10 bags bones, 120 sacks kauri gum, 30 cases vanilla, 93 bundles sacks, 276 sacks and 22 bales fungus, 607 sacks copra, 14 sacks becUe do mer, 78 cases fish, 6 sacks shark fins, 62 sacks sand, 66 sacks potatoes, 44 sacks pumice, 74 cases cheese, and sundries.

The Northern Company's steamer Terrajiora arrived from Opotiki and Tauranga yesterday morning, and left at night for ltuseell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui. Shortly after 5 o'clock last evening the Union Company's steamer Waihora left for Byduey. -. . „ , , Last night the Northern Company s steamer Muritai left for Kennedy's Bay, Kuaotunn, and Mercury Bay. The Northern Company's steamer Ohinemuri left last evening for Waiharara and Hohoura. This afternoon the Union Company s steamer Jlararoa leaves for East Coast and Southern ports. The Union Company's seamer Ovalau leaves this evening for Rarotonga and Tahiti. This evening the Northern Company's steamer Waiotahi leaves for Tauranga and Opotiki. „ The auxiliary schooner Aoiea will commence loading for coast ports and Gisborne to-day, and will leave about tho end of the week. Yesterday the barquentine Handa Isle arrived at Kaipara from Auckland to load timber for Sydney. „ , The Mission yacht Southern Cross will be floated into the Auckland Dock to-day for cleaning and painting. The barquentine Severn has been chartered to load coal at Newcastle for Auckland. The Norwegian barque Alastor sailed from Table Bay for Fiji on May 26 to load copra for Europe. On May 18 the barque Ganymede arrived at Table Bay from Melbourne and East London. The Northern Company's steamer Wellington arrived from Wliangarei early this morning with a number of passengers, a quantity of general cargo, and a number of sheep. She leaves foi the same place again to-night.

THE ALAMEDA. The American mail steamer Alameda is due from San Francisco, Honolulu, and Apia today, and proceeds on to Sydney a few hours after arrival. THE ROTOITI. The Union Company's steamer Rotoiti left New Plymouth for Onehunga at 3 p.m. yesterday. and will airive early this morning. The Rotoiti leaves for New Plymouth and Wellington immediately after the arrival of the Alameda from San Francisco. THE ARDANDEARG. The Tyitr lirer Ardandearg, which is due a® this pc 11 from Sydney on Friday next, has been fixed to load grain at Lyttelton for the Channel for orders. THE WESTRALIA. Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co.. the local agents, have received advices stating that the Huddart-Parker steamer Westralia arrived at Sydney from Auckland at 6 p.m. on Saturday, having met with violent weather.

THE NORTHERN CHIEF. The barque Northern Chief, Captain Join Mackay, arrived from Wollongong yesterday morning with a cargo of coal for the Colonial Sugar Refining Company. The master reports sailing from the New South Wales part oh June 22, anil met with northerly winds for two days; then an east-north-east wind for 12 hours, followed by calms and variable weather until the 27th, when a strong easterly fi-le and heavy sea were experienced, during v.bich the foretopmast staysail was blown clean out of the ropes. The weather moderated on the 29th, and strong westerly winds followed, continuing until arrival. Passed the Three Kings on the Ist inst, and Cape Brett at 8 a.m. on the tad, the harbour being ma te as above. The barque will go up to Cheljii to-day to discharge.

the MILDURA. it "■ M. twin-screw steel cruiser Mildura leaves for Tauranga to-morrow morning, and after ,j a snort stay there proceeds to Wellington, Where she will remain for about a fortnight. f' TIE DIRECT STEAMERS. Tile New Zealand Shipping Company's steaa mer Rimutalia nrived at Monte Video from :-i- Wellington on Friday last. g The Shaw, Savin, ;,nd Albion Company's V:'. - steamer Mamari, which was recently toned Sf.: ; into Monte Video with her shaft broken, left that port for London on Saturday after|j?P noon last. The steamer's cargo of frozen W meat is in good order. The New Zealand Shipping Company's ■ steamer Otarama, from London to Port Challi mers, pasfl2d the Cape of Good Hope on gg Jung 27. |r- THE DEFIANCE, pv The brigantine Defiance, Captain G. Kassens, arrived from Newcastle yesterday afterw- noon with a cargo of coal and coke for Messrs. W. .and 6. Winstone. The master U&v, reports having sailed from Newcastle 011 J|p£ Juno 21, and experienced a succession of northeast to south-east gales, until within 203 !■„' £ miles of the North Cape, when a strong northwest gale and very heavy sea was encountered, life? followed by strong westerly winds to arrival. B?b. . The vessel will berth at the Railway Wharf ggaw this morning to discharge. y- - : g|o j.'r ''A SIX-MASTED SCHOONER. . ' JWI Be ' °„ f Camden, Me., lias contracted i r Captain John S. Crowley, of .fe'fc a six-masted schooner of 300 ft heel, Mft overall, 420 ft from end of nt 10 Jll)boom . 10 carry 5500 tons " coal -and to coat bout 100,000 dollars. She 18 to be ready .in., about seven months. THE TAIERI.-A STORMY PASSAGE. fmU-lV*?™" 1 Company's steamer Taieri CapPfcj tain James Shephard. arrived from ' wiS fexVport last night after a stormy passage S i cargo of coal. Captain Shephard "e----fe&f ports leaving Westport at 1.60 a.m. on Th-ir* &W day last; O £?*••• Cape Maria-Van; Dieien Sc'iMfabeam-: at 8.55 p.m. on Sunday; rounded the North. Cape .at 1/9 a.m., and passed Cane f&fetfs- Brett at 10 a.m. on the 3rd, anchoring in the harbour; at 21 p.m. v Boisterous weather pre|M<;i§vailed- from.,Westport to the North Cape, foliMtitlowed by moderate westerly winds and fine , weather to port.

STEAMSHIPS FOR AUSTRALASIA. . In reference to the new monthly service from Liverpool to Australasia, the Marine Engineer of" May 1 says:— Messrs. Harland and Wolff (Limited) have also tlio Afric; of the White Star line, on hand. This Bteamer has returned tc this port in order to be fitted with improved refrigerating machinery, which could not be got forward in time to bo placed in the ship when she was built by the firm. She is also getting some minor alterations anil overhauls, and will soon be on her station again. Alongside of her is her sister ship the Medic, which is also being fitted out." The Medic is described in Lloyd's Register as a four-masted steamer, built of steel, and fitted with twin screws. Her registered tonnage is 11,850 tons. She is 550 ft in length, with a breadth of 63ft, and a depth of 44ft. _ Her engines are on the quadruple expansion principle, with eight cylinders. The high-pressure cylinder lias a diameter of 22iin. The lirst intermediate cylinder is 31} in in diameter, and the second intermediate is 4Gin, while the low pressure is 67in, with a stroke of 51in. The engines develop 641 horse power nominal, which is equal to about 3500 indicated. The Medic lias been specially built to pass through the Suez Canal, her draught being less than 30ft; the maximum depth of water in the Canal. Iter beam is proportionately large, in order to secure stability, and therefore it is impossible that she can develop a speed approaching in the least to that of the trans-Atlantic greyhounds of the same line. The Question of coal has also a bearing upon the rate of speed, for if a high rate of speed were attempted the steamer would have no room for cargo in addition to the enormous amount of coal which she would have to carry on the long stretch between Colombo and Albany. The Medic will doubtless carry a supplementary mail in the same way as these mails are now carried by the French and German mailboats. but the P. and O. and Orient Companies hold the regular mail contracts for the nest seven years. The wool-carrying capacity of these steamers is estimated at 24,000 bales, and of frozen meat equal to 90,000 carcases mutton. Special provision has been made for the safe carriage of fruit and dairy produce, and the refrigerated chambers are insulated with silicated cotton. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. G.iirlocb, s.s., W F. Norbury, from New Plymouth. Passengers: Hisses Webster, Potter. Perry. Main. Walker. Winks. Higgins, Brims, Mesdames McGregor, Colson, Messrs. Mair Perry. Colson, Gordon, Stone, Potter, Evans, Dabinett, Webb, Bairow, Whitaker, Gamble, Hankie, Leighton, and 13 steerageNorthern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Gairloch, s.s., W. P. Norbury. for New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Black and- McI.eod, Captain Ward, Messrs. Young, Martin, Magnus, Jarrett. and six steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. The Northern Company's steamer Gairloch arrived early yesterday morning from New Plymouth, and left again at 1 p.m. for the same port. BY TELEGRAPH. KAIPARA HEADS. July Arrived: Ilanda Isle, barquentine, from Auckland. MARSDEN POINT. July Arrived: Talisman and Will Watch, ketches, from Auckland.

WHANGAREI. July 3.—Sailed: Chelmsford, g.s., for Auckland. WHANGAROA. July Arrived, last night.: Greyhound, auxiliary schooner, from Auckland. NEW PLYMOUTH. July Arrived: Rotoiti, s.s., from Onehunga. Sailed: Rotoiti, s.s., for Onehunga. WELLINGTON. July Sailed: Flora, s.s., for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Passengers: Misses Parnell, Somerville, Pearccy (2), Dalrymple, (2), Mesdames Ross and Lawless, Messrs. Cos, Spencer, Robinson, Bourlte. Dalrymple, and 10 steerage. Mokoia, s.s., Rotomahana, s.s., for the South. LYTTELTON. July 3.—Sailed : Tekoa, s.s., for Timaru. PORT CHALMERS. July 3.—Arrived: Hawea, s.s., from Auckland. NEWCASTLE. July 3.Sailed, yesterday: Hauroto, s.s., for Lyttelton.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11106, 4 July 1899, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11106, 4 July 1899, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11106, 4 July 1899, Page 4