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Provisions. — rA DISH FOR f J^f l mportod Fruits. J llStard with tftO luscious Fruits of Hew Zea!an 5 Produces the Richest Custard, M without Eggs. /ft — iih rjrd~s I The best resource for «# tin'VPD FRUIT is Delicious with BINIf Ills : I S3£S'—fog a constant variation In ' I i «* daily «»»• 1 (lb I Fruit to sold- ' (}i storekeepers can obtain s "PP'' es Bird 1 » Blanc-Mange Ponders, ' W trated °>o"' a^l

Manly purity ami" beauty are inseparably associated with Coticcra, the world's greatest blood purifier and skin beautitlcr. Bold everywhere. DrUl«h depot: F. S«>m Tendon. POTT I). AKDC. Corp.. *ol« Prop;-. Boston. Vi'-f* "How to Purify the lllood and Dcsutify the Skin, free. Champion Blood Purifier St!,lurry Hills, Sidney, K.S. W. lie •,!' Ibis unusual and most remarkable .•xpttici:cc: " After Ing a victim to typhoid, uraln and rhoumatlo fevers in 1892, my system was left in a debilitated condition. Besides being very weak I had numerous abscesses on the lower part of my back and splno from which a great number of pieccs of bone were taken. As fast as an ahsccss would appear and was lanced another would form. 1 was treated at two different hospitals without success, the surgeons in attendance informing me that I was suffering from blood poisoning. The abscesses continued to form and I was nover without pain until six months ago I was inducfd to try When I had taken the first bottle I found an Improvement and after finishing twelve bottles I now feel as well as ever I did in my life. The old abscesses have all healed, new ones have ceased to come and my health is splendid. Before using tlio Sarsnpnrill.i I weighed 154 lbs., and now after using a dozen bottles my weight Is 200 lbs. Is not this a suro sign that I have been taking the champion blood purifier of the world?" A WONDERFUL MEDICINE.

» -— — ~ C Medical- \ "FOR THE BLOOD inHEjM." j fOB iUMnotbe Fo°r Eczema, Skm manent cure. It Cures Old Sores Cures Sores on the Neck SmacS. or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy | Cures Bloodand Skin Diseases impure matter, . . From whatever cause arising • It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic pains It removes the cause from the Blood and Bones As this mixture is pleasant to tne taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold In Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in cases, containing six times the quantity, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of longstanding cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS ■ and PATEN 1 MEDICINE VENDORS thronghont the world. Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midlands counties DIIOG COMPANY, Lincoln, England. Trade Mark-" BLOOD MIXTDBB." , , CAUTION.—Ask for Clarke s Blood Mixture, and do not bo persuaded to take an imitation or substitute. EPSON'S CHEMICAL ESSENCE WILL CURE JMEXESS IN HORSES. as...a J EBSOH'S V. (PIEICALESSEHCn jl|ji TOR LAMENESS 111 HORSES. l! THIS KSSKNCE lias liccn extensively used by NP S'riVV' I 1) m ; .. fnit It is milil in itsopcratioo, but at 'i 1 m'' iwrma«e»tin Its effects. Whilst ' I Sirnnc i I,' Mli to answer the purpose required by '\ R, m ,i Mister, it ban the rare excelleocy of t ddns nn injury Wwr,andcanno»Memi.^ I! h CS.'lwtinwnlah which have teen re. ! coiTosive ae«ls ""d a" I«|»nrtwn> ot Merc. r>, I rcconuncntl it th« best aw' ration « ""j rf"™" tfnndinf. ami all nth L diseases requinm » iA;"„Vo /ccori to the direction' on the tattle, lie »lso found opt of the t inn ications possible to Sprain*. Bruises. Stiff. JSi Tho Joint", and other injuria of a jlixht Sire, where actual blistering ii not required. J| in Bottles at £s.. 3s. Ed„ and ss. each, TESTIMONIAL FROM N. MARQUIS, ESQ., M.R.C.V S., LONDON. I CONSIDER IT GOOD. AND CAN RECOMMEND IT. Timaru, June 3, 1893

Mil. J. EDSON, Chemist, Auckland: Dear SIR.- Regarding your CHEMICAL I ESSENCE, I bog to state that I have had the * • opportunity of testing it in several severe 1 cases of Splint, Curb, and other bony exos- .] tosis. and have found it entirely satisfactory in every instance. I have also used :t in enlarged parotid glands, and it acts in a similar manner. I may state that tl.e remedy must be applied properly, or benefit will not follow its use. I consider it good, and c m recommend it to such as may require a remedy of the nature of your ESSENCE. (Signed) NEIL Marquis, M.E.C.V.S., London. j < ITS ACTION IS GENTLE, BUT AT THE SAME TIME THOROUGH. S.vmond-street, Auckland, August 2, 1892. MR. J. EDSON, ■ Dear Slß,—Your CHEMICAL ESSENCE ! 1 has been in use in cur stables for some time, ; and we desire to confirm all that your circular states concerning it. We have had occasion to use it on some of our horses for ; Splints, Curbs, Wind Galls, Thorough-pin, and other enlargements, which we nave found it most effectual in removing, and wo can confidently recommend it to anyone re- : » quiring a sate and effectual blister. 1U II action is gentle, but at the same time thorough, going to the seat of the ailman;, and not leaving the slightest blemish after the effects of the blister have passed ott. It can be applied to animals in the field without danger of blistering the mouth, through their gnawing .the part which frequently happens with the ordinary blisters. I W. AND G. WINBTONE. N.B.—Should there be any difficulty in procuring supplies in your district kindly communicate with the proprietor. Posted to any part of the colony for 3d extra. Sold by Chemists and Storekeepers everywhere. J. EDSON, Chemist and Pharmacist, l Medical Hall, 261. Queen-street, Auckland. >1 0i ' promptly. They are ' Cubebg, and aitrln- ' gent flaldi, nd cure ilk i the dlMasem 1 eight hour without Inconvenience. i r Each Capsule bears the name (MUff | M B Sold by all Druggith. n iBSa I E|faeiiltyta«pcctoraUo!i.Arttol,KtmatCoii^. | ETTKB. tod Ivalj Chmiltl. J rpEED'S CERTAIN CURE FOE CORNS - 1 Nothing Equals It. An Unsolicited Testimonial, received 12th July, 1898, from I! H. McCutcham, Esq.:-About 1890 I bought *t Hawera a box of your Certain Cure for Corns which I was informed was worth a hundred times its cost, and I found it in practice all that was claimed for it. On returning to London m 1891 my feet were so sorely tried by the flagstones etc., that I again required a corn cure, and bought all the best ones recommended to me, including the much advertised Watch" remedy, but the little oenefit derived mad? me regret my inability to fand an agent in London for "Teed'a Horn Cure." It should be known and used where* Ztl ??,"&' are , present—that is the world over. All Chemists. 19. rpHE WIFE'S welfare within her own X Control. Treatise posted Free Writs — Prof. Hermann, French Specialist. 41. East iem- Collins Place, Melbourne. fitr V°yNG MEN—Write to ma for valuable X free book concerning yourselves-Pro--BOT Hermann, Specialist, 41, East ColllM ■deni Place, Melbourne. vuuim 'ders ' (SUFFERING MEN: Particulars free how 1 430, O accidentally found a cure after siwcial. ista failed.— Bell, f1.P.0, MtiVoS

BEECH A UTS PILLS. * ' 0] fOII ALL £ Bilious and Nervous \ Disorders. ; is •DOB M BIOS HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH h IMPAIRED DIGESTION, g DISORDERED LIVER, s AND fl c FEMALE AILMENTS, J t ™ 11 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. ' 1 la Bam, W, > 9 lid. ""J & M each, tilth (ill diitcUoni. Is ljd box contains 6$ plllfc i Prepared only by the Proprietor, i Thos, BEECHAM, St. Helens, ENGLAND. J BEECHAM'S Tooth Paste,' EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CletniM the Perfumes the Breath. In Collapsible Tubes oi all Druggist! eOCKLE'B PILLS. FOR BILE. COCKLE'S PILLS. FOR LIVER. COCKLE'S PILLS. FOR ACIDITY. COCKLE'S PILLS. FOR HEARTBURN. COCKLE'S PILLS. FOR INDIGESTION. COCKLE'S PILLSI FOR SICK HEADACHE. COCKLE'S PILLS. IN USE EVERYWHERE COCKLE'S PILLS/ _ FREE from mercury. COCKLE'S PILLS. I IN USE OVER 94 YEARS. 3 fn Boies at Is. ljd., 2 s - Oi, 4s. U., lis., and 225. 1 Of all lleSiatae Vtnaso threigicra'. tli» Worll. i 3 VALUABLE BOOK FOR MEN about themi, V selves, 100 pages, posted Id in stamps.- ; Professor A. C. Webßter, Specialist, Eibibi-tion-Btreet, Melbourne. •- dj t ADIES.— guaranteed Herbal Powders ' Li Restore necessary correction few hours > v posted, Write Mrs. Learmouth, 450, 1 Bourke-atreet, Melbourne.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10969, 25 January 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10969, 25 January 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 10969, 25 January 1899, Page 6