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The illustrations in this week's number of the Auckland Weekly News are varied and interesting. A splendid picture is given of the Taranaki football representatives, together with several interesting views of the match last Saturday. A series of Auckland hunters and other pictures of general interes* also appear. The third edition of the .News is now ready. The mail steamer Warrimoo is expected to arrive at Wellington from Vancouver to-day wL n» 0om P ans steamer Takapuna leaves Onehunga for New Plymouth to-day m order to 7* up the Auckland portion of the mails and is expected to return to Onehunga late to-morrow night. The mails by the Warrimoo left London on July 16. We have received a large number of letters, including one from the Rev. W. J. William on the subject of" Drink at the ExKbition " but we must hold over publication till MonPr S m T-H Sh °f'- 11,l 1 ," 16 a ß° the Ci 'y Schools SS « kmdly granted ' on ce *™ con- & the use of the asphalted ground close to the drill-shed, as a parade for the Auckland Infantry Battalion. P We are sine nav > generously agreed to provide an incandescent lamp, and make the necessarv battalion of course, Being responsible for he gas consumed ? nd for tie up'-keep of the «3L i I ghfcl ingestion arising from n S'fr* at the "» «™ an «j U j shed Ehould sllt>rtl y now be at an end and more opportunity given for „ CSte M ay ? ing wlliie one of the wagf „ °?l eS f !l F ; Andn * and Son, was being loaded at the bottom of the wharf with a heavy case, the horses moved forward! and outbvTbV whOTO^ w ! \S \ m ' i lle another ™ leaped °",; The horses got startled, and began to lop up the wharf. Opposite the wat« Sl« SSMfI ?P ' P ° s . t afc the end o f *e Queen R steet M e ge ' ting into horse attach? fe « Messrs. Hellahv iwi . boltm g near the tmp had'S $8g W$ ™en Insurance K an V ra ffl the Britifh Mr V r,w? ys °. ffices ' » cab-driver age was done. ; P ™-' before W dam-

S The rainfall during the past week hai kSrlm® as follows:-Sunday, 1.92; ' Tuesday, .94; Wednesday, .10; : Thte'to.' t • .12 •' Friday, .15. The record is takeiS •" : ' nine o'clock each morning. . '_...-•'..,:;,-. x^T An inquest on the body of the man Ale/ - ander McClintock, which was found washed" : up on the shore ut Cheltenham Beach last ■ | Wednesday, was hsld yesterday at Gleew! Hotel by Dr. T. M. Philsou and a foLV -'>' Sergeant Wild represented the police. M - donee 'was given by Captain D. Shaw, W U . found the body; Mrs. Kent, deceased's land '<•■'•' ;; lady; and the sergeant. McClintock w:-h ;V last seen alive about half-past five' o'clock "'■'■' on Tuesday, when ho left his lodging m ;; ' Grey-street, saying he was going to look for' : •' ■: new lodgings. He lived in Grey-street: ' with his wife. Nothing was elicited which '' ■ tlirew light on deceased's death, or how 'he ■•' •'■ came to be where found. A verdict of*-' " Found drowned" was returned. V . •;.,,:■'.! An important case under the Land and *' Income Tax Assessment Act was recently •"■- '''■ dealt with by the Full Court in Sydney, The- v '' question which the Court was asked to de- '- ;t cide was as follows:—" Where lands liable Yy.:to land tax are subject to a mortgage' secur- r'J-V----ing a debt also secured by charges on other - ''•' ■'•:'' properties in the manner appearing in ■'"■'■"■■•'> case, does the right of deduction under the:- ; -; : first proviso to subsection lof section 10 ; '; of the Land and Income Tax Assessment Act of 1895 exist to the extent of the in- •*;." '■■ come tax leviable on the interest payable ; .-'--V-' on the whole mortgage debt, or is it limited'' : ' : - to a sum equal to the tax leviable on the ■ -' interest derivable only from that proportion ■:•-"-' of the, whole mortgage debt which equals".."?, the proportion of the value of the taxable ' J land with improvements to the total value V' of all the properties on which the debt is ■ secured?" The Court held that executors •'.— -' were entitled to a deduction from the land '-v tax payable by them equal in amount ■;'■''' to the income tax leviable for that,'year■''-•''; from the interest which they had paid upon : ' : .;•'' the whole mortgage. It was stated that." ;-.' : this decision will affect 20,000 cases. '!'.•..>": The police authorities state that they have' ')£s': not been successful as yet in tracing out Mrs, ■. ;."-V- ; McClintock, the wife of the schoolmaster] . - '•- whose body was found on Wednesday morn- .'..-'■ ing on Cheltenham Beach, and who left the .;. : . boardinghouse at which they were staying, the same morning her husband left. ' . .'■'/'•',' At a Hospital and Charitable Aid Board . :'- meeting at New Plymouth, it was stated V- V, that ft patient in the hospital who had been . '{-. for years past dependent to a certain extent 1 vVj on the Board, had handed over six half- v: '. sovereigns and one sovereign to a church of y'-' which she was a member. Several members':■-re-considered the Board had first claim on the ;'; money, and authority was given the chair- :'!;■:•' man to make inquiries into the matter. '•■?•;?'.' The late Mr. W. M. Maskell left a superb''','H collection of specimens and microscopic pre- '?•):>'< parations of insect blights, of which braiuh :•!';■:?';' of entomology he had made a special study, -'v and was recognised as the best authority on - ;-. it. The collection is at present at the Colo- .- : . :;: ■ nial Museum, but inquiries respecting it with . • a view to purchase have been received from '■'■'■ the Government of the TJnited States, India, y'-y Australian colonies, and elsewhere. It seems ; ly.-'"! a great pity, says the Wellington Post, tht );■:'! the collection cannot be preserved for this l:;. '■ colony, together with the valuable manu- : : scripts relating to entomological research 7 ;;-?; which Mr. Maskell also left for the benefit;.??' of posterity. ' &||j A meeting of the Auckland Provincial ?•;;..; Electoral Committee, whose objects are the ';."H registration of electors, and the scrutiny of'•??;■ the electoral rolls, the selection of suitable ??, candidates in opposition to the Goverum ■nt, ;..'-'. and the promotion of their return to Parlia- ,;'-:'; ment, was held yesterday, and after an in-'L; ■;■; teresting discussion on matters political, 'any;?*? adjournment was made for a week, vhn the ;??..; committee's plan of action will lie mnciiW ';';,';••' and discussed. .- ;.,. '■'?■&;. Our Whangarei correspondent states that y?yi at a poll of the burgesses taken there, it was ?;'■.; decided by a large majority to have a water ?'?y supply. Twenty-six inches of rain have V.l Ifi fallen during the'last eight weeks. i. 'I;;.!: Attention has frequently been called in '■?);£ these columns to the condition of the North-". ? £ cote Wharf, and it is gratifying to note thaty ';£* steps are being taken by the residents o't, >'. Northcote to bring the matter under the- C ??: notice of the Auckland Harbour Board. ; A . meeting is called for Monday evening, in ;;'"£>; Terry's Hall, to appoint a deputation to wait ' -". on the Harbour Board and point out the. .Y/V necessity of the wharl accommodation being H [ made suitable to the requirements of the?;?i increased population of the district. ... ... ; V The mass meeting of workers in connection with the agitation for railway extension '■£'&. toTaranaki, whicn had to be postponed last \.?y Saturday on account of the weather, is to be '; {•> held to-night (It the firebell, foot of Grey-?;?, street. The meeting has been arranged by ;'•; V the Trades and Labour Council. Inspector Hickson is at present on a visit . of inspection to the Mercurv Bay police sta*??? tion. • ' ;??y? A movement has been initiated by Bishop ".iy!; Cowio and the clergy of the Anglican Church .' .i in Auckland to present Archdeacon Dudley-;.?':■ with a testimonial, in recognition of his ser- j:; : . vices to the diocese. Tho state of Archdeacon yyr : . Dudley's health necessitates a holiday, and it is honed that the testimonial will be of suffi- ;:.-'' . ; cient value to enablo him to make ft trip to England. Tho matter has been enthusiastically taken tip by the vestry and parishioners .-' of Si. Sepulchre's, and already a number of ■..'■ handsome subscriptions have been received. --;;- /■'■ It is intended that the contributions from the ..'■' parish shall be reported separately from the y general contributions, but it is anticipated y,that the fund will be largely assisted by the ; ;.v ■ many friends of the Archdeacon outside the ■ _.;.•:.■ parish. A meeting of those who;.desire' to : y.v contribute to the general fund is to beheld ; , : on Monday afternoon, in the diocesan office, > Victoria Arcade. i " .:.> An old colonist of 36 years' standing, Mr. John O'Neil, passed away at the ripe age of . ;. 73, at Birkenhead, on Thursday last. He -y-y had resided and been engaged in fruitgromns ... ,■■.; at Birkenhead for the past 17 years. He.had ■ been suffering from dropsy for some time, .; so that his death was not unexpected. He , : y leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn .. their loss. ■■\iifijM

The Hospital, commenting on the Uzielli • . case, says The conviction of Dr. Collins, for causing the death of Mrs. Uzielli by an >.■ "illegal operation," or, in other words, by■■• ■ ■■ procuring abortion, may well serve toccal f : attention to one of the'gravest social scan- v ; . dals of the close of the century. It has long , ■ been notorious, as a matter of common talK . and knowledge, that many married women -~ of the idle and wealthy classes have so far lost ■ V. ;. not only the maternal instinct, but also the ■ ■ sense of duty by which that instinct might.;../ ■;. be replaced, as to shrink from the cares and -;. responsibilities, or, in plain English, from; .'v the trouble of bearing and rearing children. .>■ Among the industrial classes also, if we may ;';'"■ judge from columns of advertisements which ;■;;.;.- appeal in certain inferior newspapers, the ■■;.._ . same feeling has been gaining ground ; and■•■■•■• the jury which convicted Collins had ample'/.;. justification foi the rider which they »P - ,';v pended to their verdict, and in which they -, r ;.. expressed their "deep concern at, and con- . : demnation of the growing tendency on the part of a certain section of the community) . • who, as proved by the evidence in this case, : ;;:■•>, avail themselves ot their marital rights, but •'',_;.; try to evade the responsibility arising there- ■ ;.•;._ ; from." As long as women'of fashion aflo.:/ station set the example of avoiding child- -; - ! bearing, and as long as the wives of :;0 the comparatively poor are content «>: •,:■;{ ■ follow it, there will be no lack of persons ■ .-.• | who will offer to provide remedies ■ ft* . v-v;. " female irregularities," and who will be pre-; -■.■-■_ ' pared, after e sufficient amount of money ■>:;■ has been extorted from theii clients in ex- ..■.>■> • change for inert drugs, to proceed to opera- . ■ tive measures if they can obtain sufficient. t , i payment. The present state of the law, j|| I which holds the operator and the woman to ; ....' ! be equally guilty, is logically unassailable V ;:. ; l, but, as it practically prevents eithei from . ■ ■;. i giving information against the other, it •.-_.;> > seems calculated rather to defeat than to fur- •.; > ther the end. of justice. These two persons -. s would usually be the only ones who wouia : : : i possess complete information as to the facts; • ,i i ,and circumstantial evidence, in such cases, i would usually be wanting, and would seldom ■ ..-.. be trustworthy. Two qualified medical men, ,^. • 1 Ady and Collins, have been sentenced with-;.•... i. in the last few mnnt.'is, both of them '' : vj.'j •./ ' - i previously been removed from the Medical i: Register by the Council; but no one who a r; ,. ■' at all conversant with the conditions ,01; ( ., ; ■ modern life can for a moment doubt -tn» - i . thdß6'who have been punished have borne w ~,? via'.;. small proportion to those who nave i;,v;. i ".escaped.. , "• '_. .:■ ■■• j[ .-'".;. i, ■ There was o:ily one prisoner in the lock-up .• iV. last evening, a man for drunkenness. .;' v-; .;■■; ! ]'■■': Art mualins, ; pink flannelettes, 2Jd; «* ■tonnes for next to nothing ;' sheeting, ' W ■■iD.B.a,(%:lwL. ...- .•..;,■• ->:■ .''■' :■:■ '■-. 'w-.';i , ■"'■' ■■ ■■■■■ ■.•viA - :;•;.-'■ -: : - '-'- :;. v,:;:,, .■ . ~,

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10836, 20 August 1898, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10836, 20 August 1898, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10836, 20 August 1898, Page 4