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New Zealand Herald Office, Friday evening. PROPERTY SALE. . There was a good attendance at Messrs. Samuel Vaile and Sons' auction rooms to-day, when residences in Park Avenue, St. Mary's Road, allotments at Ponsonby, etc., were offered for sale.f A nine-roomed house at St, Mary's Road, Ponsonby, with allotment 56 teet by 100 feet, with good view of the harbour, was started at £350. There was good competition for this property, and the bidding rose to £550, at which price a sale was effected. A freehold property at Park Road, consisting of 9 rooms, and allotment 50 feet by 165 feet, was offered, and started At £500. The last bid was £800, at which price the property was passed in, For three dwelling-houses in Upper Queen-street, each comprising five rooms and a scullery, with freehold allotment having 50 feet frontage, £350 was the best offer, which was declined. Several of the allotments at Ponsonby wero disposed of. The section at corner of Dignanstreet and Prospect Terrace with frontage of 61 feet to Prospect Terraco and 100 foet to Dignan-street was sold for 27s 6d per foot; the next seotion, with the same frontage to Prospect Terrace, brought '27b per foot; and a large allotment, 147 feet by 154 feet, with 20 feet entrance from Dignan-street, was disposed of for £90. The next section, with 49 feet frontage to Dignanstreet, and 280 feet deep brought £110s per foot. An allotment having a frontage of 44 feet to Jervois Road, and 100 feet deep was sold for £3 2i 6d per foot; the next sections with the same frontage and depth, brought £3 5s per foot; section 62,44 feet frontage to Jervois Road and the same depth as the others, was sold for £215s per foot; and the next section, having 40 feet frontage and a depth of 200 feet, brought £31256 d per foot. For the other properties the bids did not reach the reserves,

AUCKLAND PRODUCE MARKET. The fruit market has been heavily supplied, and the demand about equal. Owing to the delay of the Anglian from Sydney most of the consignments were in a very bad state. Island fruit met with a, good market, notwithstanding that the Hauroto brought over 13,000 bunches of bananas and 600 crates of pine apples, which is probably the largest consignment ever brought by one steamer to Auckland. All local fruit sold at high rates, with the exception of lemons, which were generally too coarse, having been kept too long on the trees. Poultry of all kinds were in great supply, but sold well where the quality was good. Probably on account ot the dry season very little is coming forward in a fit condition for tho table, The potato market is very firm, and the supply is not equal to the demand. Onions sold very freely at full values. Prime fresh batter was in better demand, and eggs were in excess of requirements. The bulk of local supplies of bacon and cheese are reported as not being up to the mark, with the result that great difficulty is being experienced in effecting sales. The following is a summary of the results obtained at the various auction sales in the city yesterday :— Field Produce.—Wheat: Local, 3s 6d to 4s 3d bushel; fowl, 3s 6d to 3s 9d. Oats: Feed, 2s 5d to 2s 6d bushel; seed, 2s 8d to 2s JOd. Barley: 3s bushel, Maize: 2s 6d to 2s 9d bushel. Potatoes: New kidney, 63 to 9s owt; medium, £6 6s to £6 103 ton;' Shepherds, £5 to £6 ss; Early Rose, £5 10s to £7; other sorts, 4s to 6s owt. Chaff: Oaten, £4 Ss to £410s ton. Garden Produce. — Onions, local, Jd to Id lb; cabbages, Is Id to 3s dozen; cauliflowers, 2s to 5s dozen; carrots, red, Is dozen; parsnips, Is dozen; rhubarb, 2s 6d to 4s 3d dozen; humerus, Ss to 6s 3d cwt; pumpkins, 3s to 5s 6d cwt; garlic, 2}d lb. Fruit.—Apples: Local, table, 2s to 5s 6d case; cooking, Is 4d to 2s 6d case. Pears, table, small, 3d lb; peaches, Did dozen; Grapes, hothouse, Is 4d to la lOd lb; bananas, 2s to. 3s lid bunch; gooseberries, 2Jd to 3Jd: currants, 4Jd to 9d: oranges local, 6s to 8s 6d case; oranges, poor man's, 5s to 7s case; oranges, Seville, 3s 611 to 6s per case; oranges, Island, 4s 6d to lOd case; lemons, 5s to Ss Oil 1 case; plums, ordiuary, 3|d to 5d lb; plums, Sydney, 3s Gd to 7s case; tomatoes, 3Jd to 6d lb; cocoauuts, 5s to Gs sack; passion fruit, 153 case; nuts, walnuts, 5d to 7d! apricots, Sydney, 2s 8d to 8s case; cherries, local, 6d to is lb; cherries, Sydney, 10s to 10s Gd box; pineapples, 6s to 12s Gd crate: peanuts, 2Jd. Poultry. - Fowls, Is to Is 8d each; roosters, table, Is Gd to 2s lOd; cockerels. 8d to Is 6d; ducks, Is to 2s; ducklings, Set tola Id; turkeys, gobblers, 63 to 10s; turkeys, hens, 2s 8d to Ss 6d; geese, 2s 6d to 4s;hen eggs, 8d to lOd dozen; duck eggs, 9d dozen. -Butter: Print, 4d to 6fcd lb; roll, fid to Gd; keg, 3d to 5Jd. Cheese, local, 2d to 4d; bacon, local, 2d to GU ; Southern, 3d to7d; hams, local, 4d to 8"Jd: Southern, 8d to B|d; lard, bladders, 4d to 4}d. Miscellaneous.—Bran, 4s owt; sharps, 4s 3d to 4s sd; pigs, 8s to 13s 9d each; honey, ljd to 2|d lb. PROZEN MEAT MARKET. Napier, Friday. Nelson Bros, have received the following cable from London this morning:-" Frozen meat market, to-day's quotations Beat Canterbury, 3|rl: Duriediix and Southland, 2Jd; Napier, and North Island, 2Jd." LONDON. London, December 17. The following are the latest quotations for consols and colonial inscribed stock, and a comparison with those ruling lost week :—

Stock. Price. Variation. ~~ ' ' ~8 d. British 2|-2}p,c. Consols ~ 112 15 V Unchanged 4-N.S.W., 1935, Jan., July .. 121 10 010s lower 3J-N.S.W., 1918, Mar,, Sep. .. 108 10 05! higher 8-N.8.W,, 1985, April, Oct. „ 103 10 05s lower i-Vic., 1920, Jan., Julv.. ..112 0 0 Unchanged Si-Vic., 1928, Jan., July .. 100 60 53 lower 31S. Australia, 1930, April and October .:'' .. 5.035s lower i 3-S. Australia, 1916, Jan., July 100 0 030s lower i Queensland, 1915-24, Jan., July , ... .. ' ~u2io 0308 lower 3J-Queensland, 1924, Jan,, July 100 10 0 Unchanged 1929, May, Nov. 116 0 05s lower 3J-N.Z., 1910, Jan., July ' 109 10 0 Unchanged 8-N.i., 1945, April, October ■„ 10115 0 Unchanged Si-Tasmania, 1920-40, January • • mid July.. ~...-. £>•••.;. 110,0,0 Unchanged 3J-W. Australia, 1915-35, May f.- ' ■ '.[. and November,. ".' '■:."'"';., 107,0 0 Unchanged ;^\,•'■''. MONEY MARKET/.'. " r -, - "■>' i Three .'months', bills, are ' discounted at 215-16fch per cent. <' '■;'-' 1 . WHEAT., ,' r \" ( The English 'wheat market is quiet, and inclined "to - J weakness;! the Continental market is l changing a little for the worse, and i the t American -is '■ tending downwards. The 'American visible supply of: wheati is 50,215,000 bushels. California No. 1 is selling at if 1 17s ■ 3d: Russian cargoes, £117 a 6d London quotation, hard Duluth, £1 19s 6d. y

SUGAR: 7 '. ■■.'.' ? Sugar ib quieti •■ Java, 10a '9dj- German beet,w .irok,;" ' IRON.

' No. 1 best Scotch pig iron, f.'b.fei on Clyde, £2 5s IJd. ft«i --' ••,.' -i! . ; , WOOL. . ~. • The Bradford wool market is dull. , i Per New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co,

London, December 17. Tallow: The market has a hardening tendency. ' ■ __. ■■:.•- . AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. Business Done.—Walhi Consols, ljd. BVYfcos.-Houtb British Insurance, 495; New Zealand Accident Insurance, 20a Gd; Thames Ga*, 309; Oisboine Gas, 36s Cd; Duvonport Steam Ferry, 345; Northern Steamship, 0s 4il; Hikuranpi Coal, a< «d; New Zealand Drug, £2 shares, 47e (Id; New Zfalaild Drug, £1 10s shares, 35a J Northern Boot, 8s; Union Oil, 17s Oil; Wellington Woollen, 84s! MHy Queen-Uanraki, 5s Cd ; May Queen Extended,id; Moanataiari,Os9d; Monvirai) Ss; New Albui uia, 8j 4d; New Whau, Id; Victoria. 7d: Grace Darling 2s; Imperial, 9Jd; New Zealand Talismau, Us 3d; Ohlnemuri, 2d; Portia, : Talisman Extended, 3d; Walhi Consols, lids Wailii Kxtended, (id; \\'aibi-Silverton, '8« ; Walhi Sonth, 41ti; Woodstock, 16s Cd; Cnroinandol Freehold Proprietary, 4d; Four-ln-Hand, 6(1; Hauraki No. 2, Id; llanraki New Zealand Associated Gold Mines, 3d; Welcome Find, 6d. Scuehs -New Zealandlnsurance, 70s i National Insurance, 17b; South British Insurance, Bis 3d; New Zealand Accident Insurance, 2ls Cd; New Zealand and River Plate, 15s: Thames "as, 40s; New Plymouth Gas, £8; Northern Steamship, M • Ilikuranri Coal, 93; Tauplri Coal, 238; Not them Boot, AlbiirniaEast,3d; Argosy, 3d ißie Reef, 3d; Broken Hill, 3d; City of Auckland, 3d; Golden llorn,4d; Kaiser, paid-up, 4d; IWeer, contnbnt. ins, 3.1; Kuratiul,9d; Kuranul-Caledonian. 2s Oα: May Queen Intended, 3d; Monowa, 3s Oils New Allmnih, 3s 0d; New Golden Point, 8.1; New Whan, 3d ; Nonpareil, 3d; Puru Consolidated 23 Cd ; Royal, Is sd; Scandinavian, 4d: Sheridan, is; Tararu Cieek, Is 2d; Victoria, fld; Waiotahi, 40s: Barrier Reefs, paid up, Si; Great Barrier Gold and Silver, 3s 6d; lona, 7d; Great Mercury, 2a; Juno, 3d; Jupiter, Od; Kapal-Verraont, 3s; Kuaotiimi, 3d; Waltaia, Ss: Alpha, Ss; Crown 21s; Grace Darling, 8.1; nit-or<;HiiMittl, 3d; Imperial, Is ; Ivanhoe, Sd; New Zealand Talisman, 12s; Olilnemtnl, 3d; Oliinemuri Syndicate, 6s (id; Portses, 10d; BWng Sun, 7jd; Stanley, 4(1; Talisman Intended, fid i Vic Waihoii, 4d: Waihi, old, £8 ss; WMhiConsols, 3d; Waihi Extended, 8(1; Waiht Orand Junction's; Waihl-Hilrerton 10. ;. W» hi Kouth, Gel; Waitokauri, 403; Waitek»uri United, 6s; Waitekauri Union, 3*; Young New Zealand 6d; At as, 6d ; Fiery Cross, 2d; Sceptre, paid up, 10d: Sceptre, contributing 4jd ; Britannia, Bil: Hunkers Ml, Is 2.1- Coromandel Freehold Proprietary. 6d; Culnwtier 3d; Four-ln-Hand, Oil; Great Kapaiiga. 3d; Hauraki N0.2. 3d; llauraki Smith, 3s 0d; Hanmkl New Zealand Associated Gold Wines, Old; llauraki Main l.odes, 6d; HarkmiView, Sd; Pro. gress-Oastle Hock, 0d; Tandom, 3d; Tokatea Consah, is; Welcome Find, Gil; Zoalandia, 2d; Albert, 7d. M hwwXl Ohairman.B i p.m., Friday, December 17,1897.

S| I.UI., »..— 1, - CALL AND DIVIDEND UST. CAUS: Made. £ ■'. •!■ " M - „„ Comstock .. .. Deo.0 - 0 0 OJ.. Dec. 3 Atobii .. ..Dec. 3 .. 0 0 3.. Jan. 12 Tandem .. .. Die. 16.. 0 0 »}••«»• }| Adelaide .. .. Dec. 16 .. 0 0 1 .. Jan. 12 CItyo Olsborno .. De».l«.. 0 0 0 . Jan. Freedom .. .. Dec. 10 .. 0 0 OL. Jan. 12 Phccnix .. .. »ec. 12 .. 0 0 0$.. Jan. 16 dividends; • Mount l.yel! Mining and Railnay Co. .. 0 * ° •■ jM ' '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10629, 18 December 1897, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10629, 18 December 1897, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10629, 18 December 1897, Page 4