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/ AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. f The market • still remains • dull, and little business is being transacted. Yesterday there were sales of Northern Steams at 6s lOd, and on the whole investment stocks were in fair demand.' Buyers of New Zealand Insurance advanced to 725, but sellers declined business at that price. - Other lines were in demand at lite' quotations. In mining there was very little ■ change »of importance. Monowais showed an improvement, : buyers advancing to 3s, at which , price business was done, the market closing with buyers 2s lOd and sellers 3s 3d. There were sellers of Kapai-Vermonts at 3s, but buyers declined to give more than 2s 6(i.\- Talisman Extendeds were exchanged at 6d, and Ohinemuris saw business at 3d." Grand Junctions had enquirers at ss'6d, sellers not being quoted. t Woodstocks had buyers at 18s 6d, and Talismans at 12s 6d, but no business resulted. v Bay Views (Cdromandel), were in ' good demand, sales being effected at 3d and .IJd, with further buyers at that figure. A telegram from the manager that ho was bringing some , good stone to Auckland accounted for the rise; • Coromandel Freeholds had an upward tendency, there being firm buyers at SM, sellers declining business at less than 7u. Other lines were in demand at late quotations.

associated stock AND MINING /: 'V .. i. BROKERS. />. . • Business in the following was : . yesterday transacted by the above Monowai, 3s; Imperial, Is lid; Bay View, 2d, 2Jd, 3d, 4d. • ./'•



KRUPP. MILLS TO BE ERECTED. | Tile development of the above company's mine at Whangamata has made considerable progress during the past month, the principal levels on the main reef having been driven to date 700 feet and 470 feet respectively. The western crosscut is now in a distance;, of 'nearly 300' feet, and will, continued to intersect tho main reef at a depth of 100 feet below the No.' 2 level, and iu the immediate vicinity of ~ the first pay shoot - discovered in tho mine. It is intended to sink shaft on this pay-shoot from tho surface to the level, ut which the westeru crosscut will intersect the reef, and to drive .westward from the bottom of this shaft, so as to make connection with the advancing crosscut and .'expedite its completion/. A small pumping and winding plant been purchased to facilitate the work of sinking the shaft, which will- not only expedite- tho completion of the crosscut, but will prove the bersistcnce or otherwise of the pay-shoot in depth, ■ ■ The design of • the proposed ' reduction works has now been , finally, settled, and plans and specifications prepared, and it is expected thai the work of erection ' will be proceeded' with immediately]on the completion of the road to be constructed by tho Thames County Council from Whaugamala harbour to the company's battery. It is intended to erect in the first instance a plant consisting of two rock-breakers of _ the Blake type, a ■ revolving oredrier, one No. 5 Krupp ball mill, and 12 percolating vats 20- feet in.diameter-and. 4 feet deep, together with the usual cyaniding and amalgamating accessories, including six berdaus. The plant will be driven by a 6-feefc diameter Pelton wheel, and the works arc to be lighted throughout by electricity. In designing the buildings Messrs. Bewick, Moreiug have made provision fo'i* the addition of a second revolving ore-drier and two additional Krupp mills, The Wliaugamata Proprietary will therefore bo the first company in Auckland tto crush - their quartz solely' by. means of , the Ki'iipp <> mill, The .. nominal * capacity of i: a No. 5 Krupp mill is said. to be ii tons per hour, so that • tho capacity of the mill in the first instance will, it is , considered, be at. least equivalent 1 to that of, a GO stamper - dry crushing mill, Tho requisite timber for the construction of the main and branch waterraces, reduction works, etc., lias been secured from tho Crown reserve, and all possible speed will be made in the construction of the various works.

_ The large pay-shoot developed in No. 1 level is of itself considered sufficient to encourage the company's consulting engineers, Messrs. Bewick, Moreing, and Co., to undertake the heavy engineering works above indicated, as it is confidently anticipated that other extensive pay-shoots will be met with as the main and eastern reefs are further developed. CHICAGO. A TRIAL CRUSHING. ;>v Thames, Monday. Two tons of ore from this mine have just been crushed as a trial parcel, for a yield of 6oz of gold, valued at £1610.'. Tho mine is situated in the Upper Tarani district, and is owned by a Christchurcli syndicate.

ISGERTON G.M. CO. The above company's property at the Great Barrier is being worked on option by the New Zealand Mines Trust. Several reefs which liavo been discovered arc being opened 'Up, but the operations so far have not been sufficient to prove the value of the property. The No. 4 drive, on what is called the "14 by 0" reef, has been extended 17!) feet. The two feet cross reef is also being exploited, but at present it is smaller than usual. Paul's reef has been trenched on, and it maintains its size and looks well. The drive is being extended to cut the junction of the six feet and other reefs, and it is expected that the reef at this point will show an improvement. Driving on a small leader in the hangingwall is ' also being proceeded with, the operations being conducted under tile superintendence of Mr. Richard Newdiok. /■:' #

WEST COAST MINES. ..vO, Mr. N. A. Nathan has returned to Auckland after a visit to the West Coast for the purpose of viewing several mining properties there, and of starting batteries at two of the mines in which large interests are held here. Mr, Nathan,' who was accompanied to the claims by Mr. Jesse King and a considerable number- of local shareholders, first started the battery at the Great Republic mine, where the equipment now consists of 10 .head of stamps and four berdanq, with all necessary accompaniments. ■ Tho aerial train is about 1| miles lone, and rises from tho battery paddock 1500 feet to the upper terminal wheel. A new reef, four feet thick, was out in constructing the tramway above the shoot, and it is averred the stone is identical with the old Republic reef. Oil a previous visit, Mr. /Jesse King tried some pannings, and by pulverizing quartz chips forming the residuum found the dirt to be worth £58 per ton, provided the average was even. _ A Westport • contemporary, after speaking of_ the returns of the old company, •.—" With such promising evidence of a rich'auriferous country, wo hope our Auckland visitors will participate in the reward their enterprise deserves." 1 On the following day Mr. Nathan started the battery at the Golden Sand Gold Mining' Company's property, In the course of his remarks Mr. Nathan said from what he could hear the battery was one of the finest in the colony; the >. water supply< was good, and at the present time they could work ten head of stamps.;. He paid ? a tribute to .Mr. Jesse Ring,who, in the course of his remarks, said he had thoroughly prospected tho property in various places with the most satis-' factory results; in fact he had in his office at the present time a sample of gold he would not part , with for £20. , Mi-. Nathan's good ; services could not be passed over without a word of praise. "In response 'to a wish expressed ( by Mr, Nathan,',' says the .Westport News, "several gentlemen obtained splendid prospects in different parts of the company's property, excellent results being obtaiued in every case." Samples of stuff from the properties'named were brought to Auckland - for tests and , the assays ' have proved most satisfactory.

THE KARAKA BLOCK, V' v Sj The latest reports made by visiting experts to the new find on the Karaka block are that the find; at present, undoubtedly appears to be a valuable '.the stone now obtained being of about the average of 2oz to the ton. It is iutended to put in a level some ,60 feet below, the Ipresent cutting,''and so test the stone at that depth. - /'

: '.BAY VIEW G.M. : CO. •' t ;. :>i ij Yesterday, Mr. J. H. Harrison was advised by telegram: that the manager of the above mine' at . Corqmandel was bringing of stone £o Auckland.* , The manager described 1 the stone as " magnificent: the best seen outside the Huuraki spfccial." The quartz was on view dnriue the afternoon'at'Mr. J.' H. Harrison's' office, and' attracted a showed deal of attention. ..The quartz, (which. Was taken from the reef at the low level) showed gold- freely, but" it is ; rather a' stretch 'oft imagination to, call it " magnificent" atone. Still.' when crushed it .should yield well,' and ; if ; further quantities -of quartz of a similar, nature are obtained from the reef the prospeets of-the'mine slioald v he I considered satisfactory." > .

/ ;• COUNTY;ROADS TO MINES;: -' • ;. [BY TKLKGRAPH,—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] 4 i v. / Coromandel, Monday. ,t, It is quite ovident that more liberal grants must be forthcoming from the Government if the local authorities are to keep pace with the growing requirements of the field.; number ' of our most promising new finds are scarcely accessible to pack horses. VFor an important district highway, like: the Opitonui-Coroman-road'- a, paltry £250 is promised, at least £1000 should l ; hare : been granted as a preliminary.ilißiiiSP

y •-GENERAL MINING ITEMS. ■4,Mr. E. L. Oppermapn has arrived in Auckland for the.purpose of : superintending ' the erection of machinery at the Gloucester Gold Milling Company's mine. . The new t ten-stamp ' battery I which : has been \ erected' for..* the { Hauraki v Associated Company on the Kennedy { Bay side of the Tokatca range is now completed, and a start will be made tq crush on Thursday next, the local directors and some; of the shareholders going'down on Wednesday to be present at the formal starting.-4- r-- • v. ; THAMES SHARE MARKET. [by telegraph^—our own correspondent. , . ... .. Monday, . Adelaide, . sellers 3d; Aiburnia -East,: sellers 2d; , Club, sellers 3d; Clunes; sellers 2d; - Kaiser;, (paid up), sellers sd; Mat* Reefs, sellers 2d; May 1 Queen Extended, sellers * 3d; v Mclsaacs, . sellers " 2d; New Aiburnia, < buyers' -2s. 3d; ' New ' Golden Point, sellers- 4d; '* Nonpareil, sellers 3d; Occidental, sellers; 3d; ' Puriri, sellers * 2d; Royal, buyers Is 3d; < Tararu Creek, sellers Is lOd; Crown, Mines, sellers, 235; Wentworth, buyers 2sd. • C, ' - / • r . NEWS'FROII THE MINES. [BY TELEGRAPH.— CORRESPONDENTS. ] • ' " Coromandel, Monday. ' ' ' . BAY VIEW. , ; " Work has been proceeding in the winze most satisfactorily. > As a result of recent operations, Mr.' Penman, the mine manager, brought in 601b of picked 'stone, which was taken to Auckland to-day. The stone shows a band of gold about an inch in width.; Mr. R. ;H. Harrison visited 'the property, and gives a most hopeful account of the prospects of the may, be noted that gold was obtained in this winze some, time ago, but owing to an influx of water , work had to be abandoned, until a low ' level drive was sufficiently advanced to drain it. .The reef is a fine body of ore, and should certainly prove payable. " " h ' ,'■! ,- , KARAKA BLOCK. . - The low level -drive is now in hand with a view of proving the new find at a greater depth. Some little time must'necessarily elapse ere the reef will be reached.' . J-' V ' .. ~ . GOLDEN:VALLEY. . : " . This property .is owned by a private syndicate. It .is situated botween the Welcome Find, Hauraki Special, and Hauraki North, and is - freehold land. ' A -considerable amount of prospecting has already been accomplished, with encouraging results, v It is proposed to commence development works at an early date,' and as a preliminary thereto Mr. Cussen, mining surveyor, has made a survey of the reefs in the locality, and laid off the site for the permanent shaft. : - :; ' ' ' FLOSSIE. . It is intended to have a trial crushing at an early date. A block is now being opened up.' The leader continues to show gold in the stone, i' 1 •V ; I JERSEY. . ; , ; Arrangements have been made for a preliminary crushing of two tons of ore at the Kapauga battery.' Tho road to the mine has been improved, but only sufficiently to enable the use .of packhorses as a mode of conveyance. tyiuz-z - i ADELAIDE. -: ■ ! ,'j. .• ■ Thames, Monday. The rise on the reef south of the 1 break at the low level hits attained a height of about 16 feet, and the quartz broken during the week lias shown nice strong colours of gold. Tho reef, however, is somewhat small, being not more than three inches in thickness, but it is anticipated;that its dimensions will increase as height is attained. Driving on the southerly course of the reef is al?o in progress, but at that point it is very small at present, and 110 gold was seen in it'during the week. Driving upon its northerly course has also been resumed with the hopes of meeting with a fresh run of gold, -V / . i ' MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. Vr s Haubaki North (Coromandel.' November' 3).—ln western drive, No. 2 level, good-pro-gress made. Reef formation is about threo leet. Rise reached height of 43 feet, andat that point"reef measures four feet from wall to wall, with a considerable admixture of pug. Gold seen all the way up.. Slopes also show gold all along.' So far no rich deposit met with, and 111 consequence crushing up to present is not equal to the last. Hauraki Main Lodes! (Coromandel, November 2).—Country changed to most favourable description -ill ; No. 1 crosscut;, now working ; iii splendid saudstone and veins of true quartz. '-, -. .. . , Tandem. (Waikorotniko). — Stoping from No. I"rise going west; lode two feet six inches wide; prospects better than usual; colours of 'gold frequently seen; reef, compact, being solid in formation. ,: Stoping from No. 1 rise going east: Reef here is one foot to. one . foot, .six' indies-:wide, and- prospects as ( usual, colours of gold being discernible. .J-;., ", ! ' ' .

•• Empress ; (Coromandel,' November I),— Have driven second stope nine feet for week. Reef in scope two feet thick; a prospect of gold can bo got by dish washing arid by pounding.', On lianjiiißwall face interlaced with a network of small atrincersand mineral,veins. Bay View ' (Kennedy's Bay, October 30). Country still keeps hard, but showing more mineral. Stone coming to,hand is of.a blueisli nature, slightly charged with bright mineral, but no gold showing., A hl;t *,v;V- >. '■ '!■ QtIEEJf Victoria op Habraki, (Cabbage Trenching, but so far have cut nothing -of importance. 1 ' Have' started to trench where- Vizard's winze was, as tliero is a large body of stone, and from some of it can obtain colours of gold. Cuvier Li jht (Cabbage Bay, October 30.) -Driving on 1 No. 1 reef, which looks well, and continues about three feet wide. Shows gold by pounding the stone. Cut through leader three inches wide running into reef. if . Jersey '(Cabbage ' Bay, i October 30). Leader still continues to look well. Have ton ; of' ore carried- out, and also 181b, of picked stone on . hand. ' v ( / - Gasman. (Thames, October j 29).—1n the crosscut there is a considerable improvement. Small leader half an inch wide was intersected, containing a good deal of bright mineral and copper blend. ' Face at present interlaced with silica veins. ' ' \ '

J Vkite Cliffs (Great Barrier, October 30). lave extended crosscut, total 60 feet. Country. continues .of firm and ■ excellent character and should have the reef to hand shortly, i , „ ■■ ■ .. City of Gisborne (Cabbage Bay, October 30).'— advancing drive now in progress have mot. with a break, which has entirely cut off reef. Up to break country tight, but be better beyond St. t Hacraki No. 2 (Coromandel, 1 October 30), -West crosscut further advanced five feet; total 325' feet. Water is still coming through the face, but no quartz yet. No, 4 reef: Five feet driven here ; total 23 feet, Reef again pinched in face, but country continues good. Eastern crosscut: Footwall drive on big;,reef, total, driven 23. feet. j" Another stringer passed through; but reef proper not reached t yet. Hanginswall drive on big reef Total driven eight feet. •; Quartz looks well, but no visible gold yet in stone. 4'Omega*. (Waitekauri,' November 2).—Low level extended • seven, feet during ; week. Total 372 feet. . No change to report. N uinerous quartz stringers, but so far no reef.'v*; f Renown,(Thames. October 30). —Have now done 800 feot : of driving, 500 feet of trenching, 'and a lot of surface work, without obtaining : any .payable.results. >: Reef '• found after driving 630 .feet in different levels: searching for it proved to be from 30 to 40 feet in thickness, and a nice kindly ore body full of silica, and carrying a little'gold, yet nothing ' payable. 'All small streams on Renown holding' carry-alluvial gold,' though not in payable quantities,.and , any reefs discovered give traces of bullion by assaying. Ivanhoe (Kafangahake, November 4).'— Low level crosscut is now in 480 feet; about 50 feot past strike of .reef. Have also driven 18 feet oust from end of oroascut, finding no indications of reef in that direction I stopped this " drive. Have ' commenced ' driving on cross course oil west, side of main drive, 35 feet 5 back' from end; of l crosscut, ,as ; cross course'. may) have r thrown i reef : out of its

proper course.'i-'Vi-j -, Waihi Sooth j (Waihi, November j 4).-Tventy-one.feet week: total, 42. Ground very, hard and flinty until yesterday. Large brown sandstone head running nearly parallel with us across the face. . It is very healthful looking country.': ; Mucb damage was done to the' roads' and tracks iiiHWesfclAfid•'County' by'the recent floods. 'It is estimated that £1500 will' be required to pub'; the Kin' road ; in*' order i ; Thefie were about'loo slips"along the Seven Mile Taipu track, - Pack-horses are unable to get nearer than four miles from the Soveu Mile , township; |jj Contractors,' miners,' and othors are . compelled* to pack on their own backs for J that distance all' food or. tools required,' passing a dangerous f slip. It •will, take; ten men (a month to repair the' damagas. ' '• ■■■• v'Zion (Wiutekami). — Drive ' further extended 20' ftet. I? Comitry'rockall that could be desired, heme a nice Kindly sandstone, fM .Waihi Extended (Waihi, November 5).Drive passing through much better, channel of,country, whilst stringers of quartz and mineral '; scams i intermixed with sandstone, and judging by its appearance , I believe that quartz lode ought not to be far-ahead. ■si White' Cuffs ; (Great Barrier,l November 6).—Extended crosscut .total 72 feet.;.' Have passed through t\>o small leaders about three inches thick, but'have not cht main reef. According to ' measurement have another . five feet to drive. $ CuiRASSI£B. (Waikoromiko, November 5). -Have driven 15 feet on reef ( which is five feet thick. breaking into footweill colours of gold observable in 'gtoneTMfef^aa^

y Albert (Tairiia, November - 6).— Country in No.* 8 i tunnel • is ■of ■ a more . promising character, but is still . rather \ hard. Start made with crosscut to open "out quartz formation !iu this 4 level. Prospecting ; tunnel extended .20 feet,- penetrating a similar class of sandstone as previously reported. ' ;: % $Adelaide (Thames,- 1 November 3 6). Rise on { new leader pushed on ; with. ? Leader is about three inches thick, arid in breaking it down' some nice colours of gold were seen. Driving' smith on leader ; also ? in', progress; Leader very small at present,' but may improve as driven upon. V j? Nonpareil (Thames, November Work confined to stoping on Liverpool reef, and in all stopes little gold seen, while couptry is becoming more favourable. The fifth stope is along within 20 feet of the eastern end, the reef showing a thickness' of mine inches, the sixth stope being.within 10 feet of this western end, and colours of gold freely seen through quartz. Seventh stope*tartea, and in breaking down, colours of gold seen; with some of most favourable minerals, " ft

Welcome Find (Coromandel, Novembers). —No. 3 level: Fair progress made with crosscut. Quartz stringers passed. • No • other change. No. 2 level: Drive on Just-in-Time No.' 2 lode ■ extended through good, ; firm blocky rock. '. Lode averages about- six inches in width.'. Stopes on southern lode': Seen a little gold iii general ore. r Lode* is from two to six inches wide, and looks most promising.: TAmihana, (The. Wires, Hikutaia, November 6).—Country tight, and of favourable nature. Leader about 12 inches thick cut, of very promising 'appearance, showing 'some nice minerals and a. little copper. Intend driving on it.'> - v . ; fc Express ; (Waitekauri, -. November fl).— Country in '• the > tunnel becoming* sliglftly more congenial for driving. >.-1 ,- Ormond . (Karangahake,' November' 6).— Two chains trenching done. j 'No reefs met with yet. . / .- ,j ' .. Wealth of NATIONS (Karan'galiake, .November, 6). — Chain of trenching 'further south across the linos of reef done.

New Wit (Thames,> November 6).— Work continued on Chines reef and r driven about 30 feet on reef cut, but as yet \\ve have not , seen-any gold. Driving low level on Sons of Freedom reef continued, and good progress' made. Reef still continues' about three feet wide, and there is more copper pyrites showine in quartz as drive is extended. "Harbour - View (Coromandel, 5 November 6).—Rise extended total of 50 feet from No. 3 level. By next week it will be up to No.. 2 level and there will then be large block'of ground to work out. , . - ■' Temple Bar (Thames).-Have out No. 9 reef in low level. , Have cut into it one , foot. It will take three shifts to get hangingwall before starting to drive upon it. , . ~ Waitekauri Kino (Waitekauri).— on above property is in 86" feet; present contract driven 46 feet. ) Hauraki -; Main Lodes (Coromandel, November. 8). — No. 1 crosscut advanced to 161 feet, No.' 2 to 75 feet, No, 3 to five feel. -.; : • • ,■-

" New Golden Point (Tapu).— rise above intermediate level on Bull's reef, which measures 15 inches in width._ This rise will open up large block of land directly opposite and underneath the old shaft; There is probability of meeting with rich ore similar to that obtained in higher levels. . ' COPPER AT WHANGAROA. The development of Mr, R. Bull's claim at Omaunu is still proceeding, although -the recent returns from the Thames School of mines have somewhat damaged the ardour of the district as to the value of the lode. A shaft is being sunk alongside of the reef, and Mr. Bell purposes to drive on to the reef and. determine the nature of the ore at a lower level. It seems to those who are unacquainted with the dark and mysterious ways of mines and miners, that it is an -ex-' traordinary thing for several different assays ol the same stone as was sent to the School of Mines to; turn out from' 20 per cent, to 341 per cent.,' while the School of Mines return-shows from 10 per cent, to 12 per cent;'lt' is, however, probable ' that the School of Mines lias a better plant for the treatment of gold than for the treatment of copper, and possibly we may yet hear that the,ore may be worked profitably.-[Own Correspondent.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10595, 9 November 1897, Page 6

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10595, 9 November 1897, Page 6

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10595, 9 November 1897, Page 6