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Mr. Richard Abthcb's Weekly Report. —Business during the : ,week has what disturbed tbrouph ' the holidays. Southern table potatoes,- £4 to £4; 10s; seed, £o,to £6; pumpkins, £1 10s to £2: white carrots,. £1 as; red ■ carrots, £110s to £115s; mangolds, 17s 6d to £1; swedes, £1 to £15s j onions,' local, '£6 to ' £7: Southern, £8; kumaras,.£6 to £7. Southern.bacon aud hajns steady sale;, local, good demand for prime quality; cheese, steady demand; corned and fresh butter in demand; fresh eggs easier, slight drop in price. Prices realised viz.:—Poultry: Table roosters, as high as 2j 3d eacli; others, Is 3d to 2s each: yard fowls, Is 3d to Is 10d each; others, Is to Iβ Id each; prize strains, 2s 6d to 7s each; turkey gobblers, 4s to 7s each; hens, 2s 3d to 2s 10d each; ducks, Is 8d to 2s 3d each; small r>iss, 5s to 6s 3d each; fteah eggs, Is 3d to Is 6d dozen; fresh butter, 8d to 10-Jd lb; second quality, 6d to' 7d lb; corned ditto, 5d to 6d, and 3d to 4Jd fnr pastry; cheese, 3d to 4d; local bacon, 4}rt to 6d ; hams, 5d to 6Jd; Southern bacon, 6Jd to 7d; hams, Sid to 9d lb. Vegetables, very lieavy supply, good prices realised. Trait: Apples, first quality 7s to 10s case, special samples 14s to 15s 6d case, seeond quality 4s to 6* case; lemons, 4d to 5d dozen; Cape gooseberries, 5d to 6d lb, Maize, new 2s 9d to 2s 10(1, old 3s to 3s 2d: oats, 2s 9d to 3s buehel; bran, Ss: sharps, 53 (id. Messrs. Author and Gorrie report increased demand in fruit and most lines of produce/ Prime Southern potatoes are firm at £4 to £4 ss. Unions are in short supply. Fresh butter shows sharp advance, with demand unsatisfied. Eggs a little easier. Hams and bacon about same as last week, Prime Southern potatoes, £4 to £4 ss: inferior, £2 10s to £310s; local, £2 to £2 ss; pumpkins, £15a to £110s; carrots, £i 5s to £1 103; onions, no prime local nfferinc; Southern, £8 5s to £8 15s; oata, 23 8d to 2a 10d; Southern seed kidney potatoes, £5 to £5 10s. Bacon, local, 4Jd to 6d; hams,sd to 6£d. Lard, 4d. Cheese, 3d to 4d. Fresh butter, 9d to lOJd; salt, best, 5d to 7d; pastry, 2d to 4(1. Egss, Is 4d to Is sd. Honey, 2d to 2|d; section, 2s 6d to 3s. Dessert n pples, 9a to 12s, half-case 43 3d to 63 2d; cooking, 7s Id to 10a, half-cases 4s to 5s 3d; Cape gooseberries, 4Jd; guavas, ljd; lemons, 34<i to 8d dozen; local oranges, 4s to 4s 6d; Sydney mandarius, 8s 6d to 9s 3d, boxes 5s 9d to6s 2d; pines, B*6d to 10s; lemons, 5s case. Poultry: Table roosters, h-6d to 2s Id; fowls, Is 4d; chicks, 6d to 9d; ducks, 2s to 2s 4d; turkey gobblers, 4s 2d to 5s 7d; hens, 2s 6d to 3s 7(1.

Messrs. Arthur Toomak and Co.'s Market Report.—The holidays have very much upset ordinary business, consequently both sales anil supplies have been smaller, the greatest injury beinc; done to the fruit market, which throughout suffered a serious drop in values. Butter haa beeu in excessive demand, and upwards of £800 worth has been disposed of, including all frozen stocks. The market continues to show an upward tendency. Eggs are more plentiful and lower in price. Bacon and ham unchanged. Cheese remarkably scarce. In table potatoes local market is unchanged, while Southern rates continue to advance, Southern kiduey eeed are very difficult to procure even at high values. Onion market is weaker, due to Southern and East Coast supplies, and bad keeping quality. Vegetables scarcer at higher rates. „ Poultry, limited supply. Pigs and pork plentiful. We quote; Southern potatoes, £4 ss; kidneys, £6; local early kinds, nominal, £4 to £5; onions, prime, £7 to £8; poor, unsaleable; kumaras, £5 to £6; new potatoes, 7s to 10s; pumpkins, £1 10s to £2 ; mangolds, £1; carrots, at station, £1 Is; ex store, white, £1. to £1 ss; red, £1 2a to £110s; maize, c.i.f., new, 23 6d; f.0.b., 2s 6Jd; ex store, 23 Sd; wheat, 4s to 4s 3d ; bran and sharps, £510s: oats, 2s 4d to 2a 10d : chaff, £3 10s to £4 2a 6d; swedes, £1 to £1 ss; butter, prime dairy, lid to Is Id; factory, fresh, Is 2d; frozen, 10d to Is Id; kegged lots, farmers, prime old, 6(1; new, 8d ; poor, 5d to 6d; milled, prime, 8W; eggs, Is 4|d to Is Bd, falling j cheese, prime dairy, 4M ; inferior, 3d; factory, 5d to 5Jd; honey, bulk, 2dj section, 2fd to 3Jd; hams, local, 5d to 7d; Canterbury, 5d to S£d; bacon, local, 5d to 6d; Canterbury, 4(1 to 7£il; beeswax, Is: hides, cow, 2Ad to 3|d. Pork:l()01bs to 1201bs, well cleaned, 3Jd to 3Jd; 1501 bs, 3d; 601bs to SOlbs, 3d to 3W; rabbits, Is 9d to2spair; hares, 2s to 2s"Bd each. Pigs: Good young, 7s 6d to 10s 9d; poor lots, 4s fid to ss; fair weights, 133 to 15s; heavy porkers, £12s to £110s. Fowls: Ordinary hens, Is2d to Is 8d ; small roosters, Is 2d to Is 4d ; good, Is 8d to 2s 4d ; poor lots and chicks, 10d to Is; ducks, 2s: turkeys, gobblers, 4s to 8s 3d; hens, 3s to 5s 2d; Reese, 3a 6d; pigeons, Is to Is 2d; pure bred fowls, 3s to 5a each. Bruit: Local apples, ordinary, 55.6 dto 8s 9d; superior, 9s 6d to 12s; Hobart Stunners, 9s 3d to 11s; Scarlets and Adams's Permain, lls to 12s; pears, 10s; pines, 12s 6d case; oranges, ,lsland, 7e 6d; local marmalade, '6s to'Bs; lemons, glutted, 5s to 8s case, 2a to 4s box; guavas, Ifdto 2,{d; Cape gooseborries, 6Jd; walnuts. 6|d. Mr. J. Joxes's Weekly Report.—Poultry in good demand. Butter in good demand, with very good prices. Local apples in short supply, with good prices. Poultry: Roosters, Is 8d to 2s; poor, Is 4d to la 6d ; hens, Is 3d to Is 7d; ducks, 2s to 2s 4d; geese, 2s 6d; turkeys, gobblers, 5s to 6s 2d; hens, 2s 6d to 2s lid; ducklings, Is 3d to Is 6d. Pigs, 8s 9d to 103 9d j. dressed pork, 2Jd to 3id lb; bacon, sides, 6d to 6jd; seconds, 5d to 5Jd j rolls, 4(1 to «}il lb; shoulders, 3d to 4<l lb; middles, 4Jd to 5d lb; pigs' cheeks, to 2|d lb; hams, first, 6Jd to 7Jd; seconds, s|d to 6d lb. Butter, firsUlass, 10d to lljd lb; seeouds, 7d to B|d; inferior, 3d to 6d lb; ke? butter, 6d to 7d lb; Canterbury bacon, 7d to 71d; hams, BJd to Sid; cheese, 3id to4dlb: honey, 2|d to 2H lb; section, 3s 6dto3s 9d dozen; eggs, ls~sd to Is 6Jd dozen; potatoes, £4 to £4 03 ton j kidneys, £5 10s to £5 15s ton; pumpkins, 2a to 2s 6d cwt; citrous and piemelous, 2s to 3s cwt; carrots, Is 3d to Is 6d ; kuinarae, 5s to 5s 3d cwt; mangolds, £lton; onions, 8s to 9a; inferior, 6s to 7s cwt; garlic, 3d lb. Apples: First-class ordinary cases. 8s to 10s case; extra large cases, 12s to 13s 2d case. Lemons, 6d to 10d dozen; oranges, 3s to 5s 3d case; guavas, Hd; walnuts, 6d to 7$ lb; dates, 3}d to 4d lb; oats, 2s 7d to 2s 9d; bran, £5 5s to £5 7s 6d; sharps, £5 5s ton; barley, 2s 8d to 2s 10d ( ; wheat, 3a 6<l to 3s 9d, and for (irst-nlass samples 4s 3d bushel; chaff, £3 5s to £3 10s; maize, 2s 6d to 2s 8d bushel; crushed maize, 2s 9d; hares, Is 8d to 2s j rabbits, 6d to 9d each; several pens pure-bred fowls, 2s to 4s each. Messrs. Coterell and Turner's Weekly Report.—The jubilee festivities made such a demaud upon stocks that the market is now completely bare. Our stocks being so low on account of orders from outside markets, in addition to the local requirements, that an auction sale was not held this day. Such a scarcity may not be witnessed again for many years. Below are our highest and lowest prices for the past week, all sold privately. Sydney mandarins, 9a box; passion fruit, 9a box; pine apples, 9s box; Tahiti oranges, ex store, in large Uses, 7d and Sd dozen, 5s to 6s box; bananas, £12 to £15 ton; peanuts, 2d and 2Jd lb by the sack; cocoanuts, 7s to 8s sack; Hobart apples, 9j fid to 123 6d; local, 10a to 14s; pears, 2M to 4d lb; lemons, 7s to 10s accordto size of box, half-boxes 3s to 4s; medlars, ssbox; Cape gooseberries, 6d lb; guaTas,2d to 2Jd; persimmons, 9d to Is 2d dozen; tree tomatoes, 3d lb; walnuts, (id; oranges, local marmalade 5s to 7s box. Potatoes, local £2 tou, Southern £4 to £i 5s ton j pumpkins, £110s to £2 ton; piemelons, 2s 6d to 4s 6d cwt.; onions, £9 ton. Honey, section 3s dozen, bulk 2d to 2Jd lb j salt butter, 61d to

Messrs. McDonald and Co. report bnsiness fairly brisk for the past week, notwithstanding the jubilee celebrations. The following prices were obtained:—Southern potatoes are firmer at from £3 10s to £3155, ex wharf, 3s 9d to 4s 3d ex store, kidney seed 53 6d to 6s, new kidneys f d to Id, Shepherds $d to |d ; kumaras, 4s 3d to 6s. Onions: Prime samples, £7 to £8, medium and grown 33 to 4a 6d : pumpkins, Is 6d to Is 9d; carrots, £1 Is to £12s 6d ex station, Is 3d to Iβ 6(1 ex store; sharps; 4s 9d to ss; bran, 3s 9d to 4s 3d; wheat, 3s 9d to is ; maize, old 3s, new 2s 9d to2slod ; oats, 2sßdto2slod ; chaff, £3 to £3 as; dressed pork, 3|tl to 3Jcl; rabbits, Is 4d to Is 10d; hares, Is 9d to 2s 6d each. Butter dairy, 8d to lid; factory, rolls, Is to Is Id; bulk, IOJd to lid; prime kef?, 6d to 7d; medium and pastry, 4sd to 5Jd; eßgs, Is 7d to Is lid; bacon, Southern sides, 7d to 7*d; hams, 7M to Bid; local sides, 6|d to 6sd; ham 3, 6d to 7£d; shoulders, 4Jd to sd: cheese, factory, 4Jd to sJdj farmer's make, 3id to 4d; honey, section, 3s 6d to 4s; bulk, 2|d to3fl; Urd, 4d to 4Jd. Fruit: Apples, prime Port Albert, 9s to 12s; Hobart, 10s to lls; lemons, 6d to 8d; Cape gooseberries, 4|d to sd; peanuts, 2|d to 2*d; poultry, good table roosters, Is 9d to 2s 6d; cockerels, Is 3d to Is 8d: good table fowls, Is 6d to Is 9d; medium, Is 2d to Is 4d; ducks, Is 10d to 2s 4d; geese, 2s 6d to 3s 3d; turkeys, gobblers, 3s 9d to 63 3d; hens, 3s to 4s 6d; pigeons, 8d

to 10d; canaries, 2s 6d to 3s M • pin, large sizes, 9s to lis 6d; small sizes, 6s to 9s. Mb. Alexasdeb Aitkev reports under date 25th June, as follows:—The produce market generally has shows a much firmer tone during the past week,.and lam very glad to report a very large volume of business in consequence. Potatoes firmed up in sympathy with Canterbury prices; I cleared a line of nearly 500 sacks. Butter also showed a brisk market; and I shipped through various agencies a very large quantity of ken and factory butter, principally for Sydney and Fni. The Island trade is much more brisk than usual, and is assisting materially to strengthen .the local market. My auction values are as follow :-Potatoes. Canterbury Derweuts. £4 to £4 103; seed potatoeskidney, Ashleafs, £7: Lactones, £6; Bath aud llukes, £6 10a: Early Rose, £7; Shepherds, £6 to ±7: onions, Southern (in good condition), £8 10a; local grown, £5 to £7; piemelons, £210 ato £3; cereals, no change; oats, best feed, 2s 10d; local, 2s 6d ; maize, new, 2s Sd (ex store); old, 2s 10d; sharps and bran, £5 ss; chaff, oaten, £3 10a to £3 15s (sacks extra); kumaras, 43 6d to 53 cwt. Dairy produce a fair supply: Factory rofls, Is Id; farmers' prime, 10d to llfd; medium lots, 7d to 9Jd ; prime ken, 7d : pastry, Id to sd: eggs, guaranteed, Is 6Jd to Is 8d; pickled none; Canterbury hams, Sd to Sid; ditto, bacon sides, 6|d to 7tl; local hams, fijrl to 7d; sides, 6d. Cheese : Farmers' loaf. 3Jd to 4d; factory, 4?d. Lard, 4Jd to sd. Pork : Dairy fed, 31 i to 3Jd ; roach, 2sd lb. Rabbits, Is 6d pair ; hares, Is 6d each. Apples : Hobarts, 11s 6d to 14s; locals, best dessert, 12s 6d to 14s, very scarce; inferior, small kinds, 6s 6d to 7s. Lemons, 6d to 8J dozen, 6s to 7s 6d case. Oranges: Tonenu, ss; Tahiti. 8d dozen. Peanuts, ljd to l£d; walnuts, scarce, SJd to 6(1; cocoanuts, 6s 6d sack; Brazil nuts, 7id; Barcelona, 6d to 6JJ, Grapes : Hothouse, Is (id to 2s; outdoor, none. Poultry; Good supply ; market tinn. Table roosters, Is 10d to 23 6d; mixed lots, Is 6d to 2s; hens. Is to 2s 2d; ducks, 2s to 2s 7d; turkeys, gobblers, 4s to 6a 9d; extra Urge, 7s 6d to 9s 6d; turkey hens, poor, Is 9d to 2s 4d; large fat, 3s to 43; chickens, 6d to IOd ; pigeons, Bdj canaries, 3a to 6a 6d. Pigs: Splendid demand, and supply fair; suckers, well bred, 53 to 6s 6d; weaners, 63 3d to 12a 6d; porkers, 17s 3d to £14e 6d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10479, 26 June 1897, Page 3

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AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10479, 26 June 1897, Page 3

AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10479, 26 June 1897, Page 3