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Messrs. Cotterell and Turner's Weekly Report,—Local fruits, especially peare and outdoor grapes, continue to arrive in large pircels, and have been quickly disposed of at good price 3, except those that were damaged and of inferior quality. All fruits fairly plentiful, with the exception of apples of good colour for dessert and free of moth; this class of fruit is coming to hand very short of requirements. Below is our highest and lowest price for the past week. Apples free ot moth; Ribstones, 8s 6d to 10s; Cox Orange Pippin, Ss 6d to 9s 6d: Golden Russet, 4s 6J to 6s; Adams' Pearmain, 4s 9d to 6s 61; Symouds' Winter, 53 6cl to 7s 6d; Takapun* Kusset, is to 6s 3d: Shepherd Perfection, 4s 9d tn os 3d j Sturmer Pippin, 4s 9d to 5s 6d; Gladney's Red, 4s 6d tosi 9d; Reinetto ilu Cunads, 2s to 43 CI; Bismarck, 3s Sd to 4? 3d; Northern Spy, 3s (id to ss; Oltioemuri, 3s 6d to 63; Stone Pippin, 3s to 5s 6<l; Nickerjack, 43 6.1; Boston Russet, 4s 9<l to ss6d; Fivocrown Pippin, 3s fid to 4s 9d; Betty Ueeson, 'M 91 to 43 3d; London Pippin, 4s 6<l to 6s; Cornish Gillyflower, 3s 6d to 4s 3d; apples, varions sorts, more or less moDhy, 2a to 3j 6d case; pears—Bemre Diet, Id to 2d; Farelle, ldlb; Catt&lac, Id ; Maria Louise, 2Jd to 3Jd; Beurre Koac, 3d to 3|d; Beurre Uleargeaii, 2Jd to 3d ; Beurre de Cappermont, 2d to 3d: Baurre Ranee, Id to ljd; Vicur of Wiukfield, fd to IJd; Beurre de Aremberg, -Jil to 2Jd; Glout Morceau, 2Jd to 4d; Winter Nelis, Id to ljd; Beurre UerkniKn, to ajit; Charmontelle, ljd to Ud; Uvedale -St. Germain, Id lb; grapes, out-door, Jtl to 2d lb; hot-house grapes, 6d to la; quinces, 2s Gil to 3a box, £6 ton; Caiie Rooseborries, 4d to 5d lb; poraimmons, 6d to Is 6d dozen; lemona, local 4s to 7* 6d box; tomatoes, ljd to '4d lb; walnuts, 4jd to 6iil lb; melons. 2a to (is fid dozen; orauj;es, 4s 3d to 6s box; honey, bulk 2d to 2Jd, section 2? to 3s; pumpkins, £2 to £3 ton: potatoes, £2 to £4 5s ton ; onions, £o to £5 10s ton ; cocoanuts, Gs Gil to 7s 6d saak; peanuts, Ud to 2d lb; bauamis. 2s to 3s 6d bumli; Id to ljd in large parcels; passion fruic, Ud to 2d dozen. Union Steamship Company Upolu from Tahiti with oranges, pines, and bananas expected ou the 10th. We anticipate prices of apples, and pears will advance next week, as the mothy fruit must be about done, and would not advise senders to hold back too long as Tasmania shippers will commence Bending shortly, Mb. J. Jonks's Weekly Report.—Poultry arriving in large numbers; prices ruling lower than laat quoted. Fruit in good »umbers, with very good prices for free goods. Potatoes firming. Butter and eggs as lust quoted. Poultry: Roosters, Is 6il to Is 9J ; others in poor condition, Is 3d to Is 4d; hens, Is to Is sd; ducks, Is 2d to la 7d; geese, 2s 9d to 3s; turkey hens, 2s to 3s; gobblers, 4s to 5a Id each; chicks, 8d to 10d each j ducklings, 7Jd to Is each; pigs, 63 9d to 8s; others, 11s 7d to lflsUil; hens and broods, Iβ lid to 2s 9d each. Potatoes: Prime, £3 10s to £4; inferior, £2 lOs to £3; Oniuiis, 53 6d to 7s owt.; pumpkins, 2a fid to 3s owt.; citron and pie melons, la-id to Is9d owt; carrots, lsfid to Is 10d cwt; kidney potatoes, £4 5s to £5 ton ; Early Rose potatoes, £4 to £4 10s ton. Butter; First dairy, 6,}! lto 7d 11); second class, 5d to sid; keg butter, 5d to6id lb; factory butter, 7id lb. Cheese, 3d to lb; honey, bulk 2Jd lb, sections 3s r>l to 4s dozen. Bacon: Firsts, hams Okl to 7}d, seconds ad to s:'d, inferior 4d to 4"jd lb; sides, first s|d to 6|d, seconds 5d to 5Jd; rolls, 4Jd to sjd lb; shoulders. -Id to I.UI lb; middles, 4Ad to Sd lb; pigs cheeks, ljd to 2a lb; old Canterbury cheese, 2d to 2Jd ib; eggs, Is 3Jd to Is 6d doz.; presemd eggs, Gkl to 8d dozen; Canterbury sides, 7d to 7sd lb; hama, Ik\ to BJd lb, Fruit: Apples—first-class, free, ii 6d to 5s 9d; extra large cases, free, 7s case; ordinary, free. 2s 6d to 4a 3d; poor and inferior, Is 6d to 2s 6d ease. Pears—Beurre Diel, lid to 2d lb; William, 3d lb; cooking, Id to l£d lb. Quinces, id to Id lb; plums, 3Jd lb; grapes, 3d to 4Jd outdoor, and ljd to 2Jd inferior; hothouse grapes, 8d to 9d lb; tomatoes, ljd to Ijd; passion fruit, Ud to figs, Id to l?d dozen; medlars, Jd to Id lb; lemons, ojil to 6Jd dozen; oats is 6d to 2s 7d, Dun and Tartar 2a 7d to 2s 8d; wheat, 3i fid to 4s; barley, 2s 9d to 2s lid; maize, 2s 10d and 2s Ud; bran, £3 Ss to £3 10s; sharps, £4 5s to £4 10s; chaff, £3 to £3 103 too; watermelons, 3a to 7s dozen; rocktnetons, Is to 2s dozen; cabbages, Is 6d to 2s 5d sack, Is to 2s Id dozen. Our furniture sales were well atteuded, and competition keen for every line. Messrs. Esam and Arthur's Weeklt Report.—Sales have been held daily during the week of a miscellaneous character, there was a large attendance at the land sale on Thursday, both of speculators aud spectators. Produce market remains as at last report; oats have firmed somewhat, other lines uualtered. No improvement iu potatoes, demand is confined principally to Southern. Dairy produce is in fair supply, excepting eggs. Fruit supplies are diminishing, and consist principally o[ applee, pears, lemous, and outilbnr grapes." Wo "quote values' as follows :-PotatOßS, £2 to £4 ss; kumaras, £4 to £5 IDs: pumpkins, £2 53 to £3 ; white carrots, 2os; onions, {A to jd; oats, 2s 6d to 2s 7d. fresh buttfir, 4Jd to 7d ; salt butter. No. 1. 5d to 6d; No. 2, 2d to 3Jd ; cheese, 3d to 3Jd; eggs, Is Id to Is 4d ; honey, 2d to 2Jd; poultry, fowls, ls.2d to Is 10d; young fowls, 9d to Is; turkey gobblers, 4s to 6s fid; bens, 2s 4d to 3s; Pekin ducks, 3a 4d; fruit, apples, dessert, clean, 3s to 6s 6d; cooking, 3s to 4s 3d; others, Is6d to2s6d; dessert pears, Id to 'id; to ljd; hothouse grapes, 6d toߣd; outdoor, Id to 2U ; tomatoes, Id to 2d; c*pe gooseberries, 4Jd; passion fruit, Id to ljd; watermelons, 3s to 5s 9d ; rockmelons, Is to 2s 6d; walnuts, 5d to 6d; lemons. 4d to fid; bananas, ljd to ljd; figs, Id to ljd. Messrs. Artubr Toomas and (Jo report a large business done, supplies have been very heavy in most cases, particularly fruit aud poultry; both have suffered a decline iu value. Fruiterers complain of business being very dull, consequently they have been unable to operate to auy extent; the potato market has been firm so far as Southern are concerned, but no improvement in local can be reported, Onions are firmer, and iu good demand. Grain firmer. Butter is better value. Eggs lower. Cheese dull. Bacon aud hams in supply quite up to demand. We quote: Southern and Taranaki potatoes, £4 15s to £5; local, fair, £2 to £3 }o.i: others, 10s to £1, all cleared; onions, £5 103 to £6 for prime, 4s to 4s 6d for damp lots; picklers, Jd to fd; garlic, 2d; cabbages, Pukekohe, 4s; pumpkins, £115s to £3 ton; pie melons, £110s to £2 ; citron, £110s to £210s; carrots, £110s to £2; kumaras, £510s to £7: butter, dairy, 6Jd to 7Jd; factory, 8d to 10d: keg, 2d to6d; factory, packed and reliable, 7£d; eggs, Is lid to Is 6d; cheese, 2d to ,'ijii; factory, prime, 4d to 4}d; houey, tinned, ljd to 2d; section, 2s 6d to 3s; bacou, Southern shoulders, 4d to 4Jd; middles, 3d; sides, I\A ; hams, BJd. Fkit: Apples, thoroughly free frem moth, 3s ta G3 :)d ; others, Is to 2s 9d ; pears, prime, 2d to 2Jd; fair, Id to ljd; others, 2s to 2s 6d; Heal lemons, 4s to 7s Cd case; quinces, 2s 3d in 3s 6d case, £5 to £6 ton; &gs, Id to ljd dozen ; tomatoes, good, Id to lfd; grapes, superior, 9d to Is2d; fair, 4d to 6d; outdoor, ljd to sd: watermelons, 3s to 8s (id; rock, Mia; persimmons, 4Jd to 9d dozen; walnuts, 3Jd to sd. Poultry: Ordinary fowls, 8d to Is 4d; superior heavy, Is 6d to 2s; pure bred to 2s 3d; small, young, 5d to Is; ducks, Is to 2s Id ; turkey hens and young gobblers, 2s to 3s fid ; gobblers, 2a 6d to 6s 3d; pigeons, 6d to Is 2d. Pigs, young, 83 0d to 10s 3d; heavy, to 193 -, pork, 2Jd to 31d. Mr. Richard Arthur's Weskly Report. — Business has been exceptionally brisk. Furniture iu private houses sold at high prices, Localpotatoessellingmuoh more freely on account of scarcity of Southern, prime samples selling as high as £4; others, £215s to £310s 6d; inferior, at per sack; pumpkins, £2 5s to £3; onions, £5 10s to £6 10i ton, and §d tofd lb for prime samples; kumeras, £4 to £5 5s ton; red carrots, £1 las to £2; Southern bacon, 6d to 7d; hams, B|d to 9d; cheese, 3d to Id; corned butter selling a little more freely; fresh butter, heavy supply, brisk demand; fresh eggs wanted. Poultry: Very heavy supplies, prices rule low, table roosters selling from Is to Is 10d each; ordinary fowls, 8d to Is 5d each; chicks, 6d to Is; ducks, Is 5d to Is 10d; geese 2s to 3s; turkey gobblers, 3s to 4s; hens, Is 10d to 2s 6d; pigeons, 6d to 8d each; fresh eggs, Is 2d to Is (id doz., others, at any price; fresh butter, 6d to 7W lb; corned, 4d to 6d; honey, 2d to 3d; section, any price, heavy supplies. Vegetables, large supply, high prices obtained. Fruit: Dessert applee, first class, 33 6d to 4s 10d case; conking, 2s to 3s 6d case; poor and ordinary, any price; pears, Id to 2Jd lb • quinces, jd to Id; walnuts, 4Jd to %l; hothouse grapes, choice 6d to Bd, others 4d to sd, outdoor ljd to 2Jd; passion fruit, l|d to 2d dozen; tigs, ljd to Sd; Cape gooseberries, 5d to 6d lb; tomatoes, choice Id to ljd, ereen and ordinary Jd to $A aud at per case. Wheat, 4s fid; bran, 3s 9d; sharps, 3s 9d: oats, 2s 6rl; maize, fa.

Mr. A. McDonald reports business fairly brisk for the post week. Local potatoes are still a glut, but ihf supply must be nearly at an end. Southern potatoes are scarce for the week. Onions remain at about lost week's quotations, although some large orders have been executed for foreign shipment. The following prices were obtained during the week:-Prime local, £2 Uh to £3 10s j medium and other lots, £1 to £1 ton; cow, £1; sound onions, 6s to 7s; medium, 4s 6d to ss; pumpkins, best lots, 2s Cd to 3a Gd cwt; others, Is 3d to 2s 3d; kumaras, 5s to 7» cwt; beam, 4d to 6£d peck; pickling onions,|d to Id; carrots, Is 6d cwt. Oats, 2s 4d to 2s fid; wheat, 4s. Chaff, £2153 to £3 ton, Is 9d to 2s sack. Brau, 3s, 6d to 3s 9d; sharps, 3s 9d to 4s. Butter: Dairy, 6Jd to 8d; prime keg, yd to 6d; medium aud pastry, 3Jd to 4jd. Eggs, Iβ 4il to Is 6ii; Lard, 3id to Id. Honey, 3s 6d to 33 9ii dozen. Cheese s Factory, 4Jd to Sd; local, 3Jd to 4d.

Southern bacon, 6Jd to 7d; hams, 8d to BJi; local sides, 5Jd to 6J; hams, 6Jd to 7}d. Fruit: Prime apples, dessert, 4s to 63; cookers, 2a 6d to 3s 6d; medium and mothed, Is 6d to 2s 3d; penrs, prime, lid to 1\1: medium, Id to IJd : quinces, fd to U<l ; passion fruit, to 2<i dozen ; figs, l|il to 2Jd dozen; grapes, hothouse, 9Jd to lid; outdoor, ljd to 3d: Cape gooseberries, 4d to 6d: tomatoes, Id to l|d lb; persimmons, 2s 6d to 33 6(1 case: watermelons, 2a 6d to 4s 61I; rockmelons, 2s to 3s. Fowls in plentiful supply; good roosters, Is 9d to 2s 6d: good heavy fowls, Is 6d to Is lOd; medium and Door lots, Is to Is 4d; turkeys, gobblers, 3s 6d to 7s: hens, 2j 9d to 39; geese, 2s &l to 3s; pigeons, 5d to 9d; canaries, 2i 6ii to 7s each, figs, email, 5s to 7s; medium, 7s 9-1 to 11s; dressed pork, 2Jd to3kllb.

Mr. Alexander Aitken reports during the week about the usual amount of produce, etc., was offered and sold. Potatoes: Prime samples aro scarce, inferior are plentiful, poor demand for them. Onions: The demand is better, values firmer. Cereals: Oats are higher, maize advancing, other lines without alteration. Auction values are as follow :— Potatoes: Prime samples, £410s to £5; others, £1 to £2 Is, and .13 low as 103 per ton. Onions, £7; kumaras, £515s to £6 ton; oats, 2s 7d; Danish, 2s 3d; maize, 2s 10d to 3s : wheat. 3s 6d to 3s 9d; bran, £3 15s; sharps, £4; chaff, £3. Dairy produce; Supply plentiful, demand brisk; factory rolls, 10.1: bulk, 9d: dairy, 6d to7d for prime; pastry, 3d to Id; keg, Gd; eggs, guaranteed, Is 4d to Is 6d; Coast, Is 3d; Southern hams, in cloth, 9d ; bacon; 7d; bare hams, 8d; bacou, 6Jd; honey, demand poor, bulk 2J:I to 2fd; cheese, loaf 4|il to ad, large, farmers' 3d to 3Jd. Fruit: Supply plentiful. Pears, best dessert 'J.VI to 3d, others Id to Ud, culinary § J to $d ; quinces. Jd to Id : passion fruit, lid to lfd dozen; lemons, 5s to 5s 6(1 case; tomatoes, Id to 2d Hi; figs, lid to 2d dozen; grapes, hothouse 4f d to 7(1 lb, outdoor l}d to 2d lb; walnuts, 4Jd; Cape gooseberries, sd; apples, free from moth, dessert 5s 6d to 6s, culinary 43 6d to 4s £M, mothed Is 9d to 3a, according to quality; watermelous, large 63 dozen; medium, 3d; small, 2s 9d to 3a. Poultry in large supply. Demand much weaker owing to butchers not operating. Roosters, large, Is Cd to 2s; medium, Is to h sd; cockerels, 8d to lid; hens, small and poor, 8d to 10d; large, Is to Is 9d ; ducks, large (in good condition), Is 6d to 2s 3d; small and poor, 10d to Is 3d ; geese, Is 9d to 2s 9d; turkeys, gobblers, 3s to 7s 6d. according to size; hens, 2s to 4s; pigeons, 6d to Is; hens and broods, 2s 6d to 3a GJ; canaries, 3s 61 to 7s 6d. Pigs, geod demand; weaners, 10s to Hβ; medium, 18s, MESSRS. ALFRED BOOKLAND AND SONS' WEKKLY REPOET. At Remuera, on Thursday, dairy cattle near profit were yarded numerously. All sold at prices about 20s each lower than those ruling last year at this time. Prices ranged from £4 to £6 each, and store cattle without alteration in value. Pat and young calves yarded numerously, and were better worth than last week; 70 sold. Fat cattle in average number, 207 sold, mostly light and medium weights. At first, bidding was free, and a slight advance was obtained, but prices fell, as the sale proceeded, to late quotations, with the exception of heavy cattle, which were better worth throuehout. iSteers were from 16s to 17s ; cows, 12s to 15s per lOOlh. Prices for steers were from £5 fa to £8 12s 6d; cows, £3 to £5 15a each. Sheep fairly represented; 1050 sold. Choice quality better worth, and medium at late values. Prices for wethers were from 7s 6d to 12s 9d; ewes, 63 6d to 9s each. Fat lambs were in moderate supply; 130 yarded, which were required, and brought from 7s to 10s 3d each. Pigs, in moderate number, but of excellent quality, sold freely at fully late values,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 3

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AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 3

AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 3