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AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. THE market was a little brisker yesterday than on the previous (toy. There were buyers of National Banks at 38s 6d, sellers asking 40s. Inquiries were made for National Insurance at 18i, but sellers asked 18s 6d. New Alburaias were done at 4j Id; at the close buyers offered 330i1, sellers boldingfor 4s 6d. Temple Bars were sold at 2d. Viotorias were done at 2a 0.1, but at last call sellers would not do business at that figure. Stanleys brought Is and h Id, declining to Is at close. Bunker's Hills were done at 2a 9d. Haur&ki Norths were sold at 33 4d, sellers asking 4s at last call. May Queens ndvauced to 8a Sil, with no buyers at that figure. Woodstooks remained steady at late quotations. Four-iu-Hands dropped a little. Barrier stocks were about the same; Great Barriers being at S3 3d, aud lonaa at Is. ASSOCIATED STOCK AND MINING BROKERS. The followiug sales were yesterday transnoted by the above :-Alburaia East, S\A\ Karaka Queen, 3Jd; Mchancs, 4d ; Templo Bar, 2d, ljd; Victoria, 23 6<l; Stanley, Is; Talisman, 16s; Wailii Consols, 4d, 5(1; Wnilri Extended, OJd; Hauraki North contributing, Is 10:1; Hauraki North paid-up, 3s 3d ; Pro-gross-Castle Rock, 7d; Wyuyardton, sjd. NORTHERN STOCK EXCHANGE. The following sales were recorded yesterday by the above:—Karaka Quuen, 3Jdj Mclsntics, 4d; New Albumin, 4s Id; Stanley, Isi Id; Temple Bar, 2Jd; Victoria, 2s 6d j Wnihi Consols, sd. WHANGAMATA U.M. CO. A meeting of shareholders in the Wlianganmta Gold Mining Company was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. Colbeok presiding. It was resolved (1) that the notion of the directors in carrying out the provisions of the deed of option over the company's mining claims and property granted on October 19, 1898, to Henry Reynolds, be ratified and continued; (2) that the directors be empowered to exeouto all documents necessary to complete the conditions of the deed of option.

NEW ZEALAND CROWN MINES (LIMITED). THE NEW TREATMENT. INTERVIEW WITH MR, R. R, HUNT. Yesterday a paragraph was published in tint l.liiiiAiiD relating to important ticvolopmeuts in the Crown Mines property. In order to obtain further particulars Mr. R. R. Hunt wae seen und nstrcd for information, which ho courteously acoordod. "The machinery which has arrived by the a.s. Mamari," he said in reuly to the firet question put to him, "consists of a Ricdler horizontal air compressor with cylinders 16 inches by 25 inches and 42 inches stroke, witli its parts, and an air cooler, circulating pumps, air receivers, etc. This is to be at once sent forward to the Crowu mine, to bo installed in a hugo cavity which has been blasted out, of the solid rock in the side of the Waitawheta Gorge. A similar cavity has been blasted out on the opposite side of the (Jorge for the two air reocivers, which will also be seut forward immediately. The Poltoii water wheel to drive this maohinery has already arrived from San Francisco; this will bo placed in the sumo cavity as the compressor. Tho new water-race, one and ahalf miles lons, is in a forward state of completion, the Kauri Timber Company being engaged now in sending iu the timber cut to shape for tho race. Thia contract of timber alone wiis £2250. Tho pumping and winding engines have also arrived from London, and, in a couple of months it is hoped to have the water running through the Hume, which, in its turn will drive the Polton wheel, while giving its power by belting to the compressor. Tho comprcssod air will cross the river by piping to the air receivers, and from thence will bo taken to the No. 6 level of the mine by tho new inclined shaft, where the pumping and winding eugiues ire being placed. The air compressor is capablo of prodncing 180 horse-power, and will not only drive the pumps and winding gear, but will furnish tho air requited for the rock drills, of which there will be a grout number. It is intended to do all the driving by power drillers rather than by hand, in order to expedite the opening of the mine. September, at the latest, it is considered, should see this machinery fixed nnd,in place. The sinking of the inclined shaft in the No. 0 level will proceed apace as so<m as the pumping and winding gear am in operation. At present all work below the j>o. fi level is suspended o.ving to the small pjmp now in use being unable to do the duty required of it. Below the No. C level, however the mine has been opened out and shows u reef 15 ieet wide. The ore as taken out fro'ii wall gives an average value of i's 15i per ton.' " What of tli'i battery improvements you have been nuking?" " Well the v at process which Mr. Daw has been improving, has proved a [treat success. He has been running five head of stamps with it for two or three months, and he olaiin that the results will revolutionise the process of treating the Karangaliake ores, and, indeed, all the ore in the locality. The process is one of wot crushing, with a solution of cyanide in tho stamper boxes. Ho practically does away with drying tho ore by fire, completely does away with the dirt nuisance, crushes two tons against ono ton by the old process and obtains a a higher percentage from the ore than was possible before. Tho details of the process me not yet mado public, as Mr. Daw considers they are the property of his directors. They, however, have cabled instructions to give the Wniht Gold .Minini; Company the benefit of the discovery. Mr. Barry, of the Wailii, has boen twice at the Crown battery, and has been shown all the ins and outs of the process, It will thus be seen that the Crown directors are not disposed to ptay do;: in the manger, but are liberally throwing open the new process to other mine owners. If the process turns out the success Mr. Daw believes it will, from his experience With the Five head of stamps for three months, it must revolutionise the treatment of ores in the Karangahake, Wailii, and Waitekauri districts." " Tho Crown mines are ailoptini; ic?" " Yes, The Crotfn battery of 40 stamps is being it once converted front dry to wet crushing; and a contract; has been made by Mr. Daw with Messrs. Seager Brothers, engineers of Auckland,, for 13 steel tanks to contain the extra amount of ore. The battery therefore will crush double tho quantity it did; that Is the 40 head of stamps will do, iu tho course df another month or tWO| the same work as 80 head did. Ih the meantime , , till the now plant we first spoke of k fit to work, the miuo will be opened out to its fullest extent, when it is intended by tlleCfOwn directors to put np another battery of at least 40 stamps, to be ready by the time the mine is opened out to provide tile Oho to supply it." " Can you say any thine as to tho cost of treatment by this hew process f " It follows if it costs a certain sum With » 40 stamp battol'V, all the dead c.harges, such as manager's salaries, metallurgist's charges, relit of mind, interest ou mtlnCV, etc, will simply be out down by half. Aha there must be ii further immense reduction in euoli charges directly the company can work another battery of 40 stamps; for this will probably be so constructed as to give a better duty than that which crushes two tolls per stamp per day. You Will, therefore, see tliab the future of the ihiho is distinctly hopeful, and steady advance may certainly be looked for in the future. Liko all others in the Peninsula, the stumps imtV in use iiro light; the how titles can be made heavier So that a better duty pet stamp may confidently lie expected." " You have also other large works iu hand, have you not!" asked our representative in conclusion.

" When the important works in hand are completed! ,, replied Mr. Hunt, it is intended to erect an electricall installation to light tip the mine by electricity, and* at thesahie time provide power for driving the battery by electricity from the Waitewheta Water-race, which power will be intended ils a supplema'utary one to tlits present water power, del'ivod frohl the Ohinemuri race. There is an idea, also, to convert the present horse traction in the tramway into electric traction. But of course all this immense am'oent of work will take time to accomplish, hut I think I have said eiiffiojalit to show you that in the neat 1 future the Ui'owii Will be in the front rank of gold producers," GENERAL MINING ITEMS. Mr. H. GilßUau, Jttbij yesterday received the following telegram Worn the mine itiatlajjef of the Noii|iafeil Gold Mining Coinpaily(T)ianles):-"Just.cufc Wade reef. Will break tlowu to-iiibrfdWi" Messrs. Park (Aiield - Odßtiiiehtiil Compithy) and Munich (New. Zealand Exploretidri)hare just returned frritii a visit of inspection to the Great Barrier.. Mr. S. 0. Fetliliiig, the Auckland representative of the Ot<>!!o syndicate states that the trial criishiag of 2cirt qiiHrtz from the Great Barrier Gold aiid Silver Company's reef, and which was forwarded to Diinedin for treatment, has given a return equal to £19 per idft. . Dr.:flelmi, 6f Sydiieyi Is atpfeaent engaged expei'ihientinil upon quartz from the same property, and hja.reportehould shortly be to hand.. * '; ~\" v 'V , ' < " r " i"''' ■''' " At a meetiug 6f the Marco Polo Gold Mining Company; Mr. ; T. ■ Masefield Wai appointed director to fill a vacancy oil the - ' ■•■''•• "

1 Our Coromandel correspondent states that tenders will be called at an early date for the new School of Mines building. A sale of forfeited shares in the Byron Bay Gold Mining Company is advertised for April2l. The half-yearly general meeting the Barrier Gold and Silver Estates Company is called for April 20. A special general meeting of the Hastings Gold Mining Company will be held on May 1. The half-yearly general meeting will be held on the same day. The lmlf-yearly general meeting and a special geueral meeting of Hawke's Freehold Gold Mining Company will be held on Mayl. The half-yearly general meeting of the lona Qold and Silver Mining Company is called for April 20. THAMES SHAKE.MARKET. [Br TELEGRAPH.— OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Tiumks, Friday. Alburnia East, sellers 9d, buyers 7d; Argosy, sellers 7d ; Broken Hills, sellers 8d; Club, sellers 3d; Conservative, sellers 4d,' Darwin (contributing), sellers 4d; Grand Triple, sellers 3d: Kurauui - Caledonian, sellers 53 3d; Karaka Queen, sales 3Jd, 4d, sellers 4|d; King Solomon, sellers 2d; Kuranui, sellers Is 4d; Mata Reefs, sellers 4d; Mclsaacs, sellers sd, buyers 3J<I; Moanatniari, sutlers lla ; New Whau, sellers 6dj Nonpareil, sellers lid ; Occidental, sellers 3d; fararu Creek, sellers 4s; Temple Bar, sales 2Jd, sellers 3d ; Victoria, buyers 2s 6d j Royal,"sellers is 7d; Kaiser (contributing), sellers 5(1 j lona, buyers Is; Lone Hand sellers Is, buyers 9d; Welcome Find, sellers, 2s 0d; Wyuyardton, buyers 3d; Albert, sellers Is 8(1. THAMES WARDEN'S COURT. Thames, Friday, The applications which were adjourned from yesterday were called on to-day, and further adjourned to April 23. In the case of Charles Manuel v. the Tararu Creek Gold Mining Company, which was a plaint praying for the forfeiture of water-raco No. 87, the Warden said ho understood that tho company did not wish to retain their right to the water-race. A decree of forfeiture would therefore be issued. Hβ did not wish tho case to be cousulcred as a precedent, but as the company offered no objection to the rights being forfeited, he saw no reason why they should not be. NEWB FROM THE MINES. [BY TELEGRAPH,—OWN CORHESPONDENTS.] Tiiames, Friday. MOI3AAC3 (KARAKA), Very encouraging prospects are being met with in tho reef operated upon in the Australian section of this miue. NOHPAREIL. A body of quartz, which ia believed to be the Wade reef, was intorsected in the crosscut at the low level to-day, but none of the quartz was broken, as it was not sufficiently stripped. JUNO (KDAOTONU). k crushing of 16 loads of general ore and 571b picked atone has been completed at the May Queen Extended Company's battery for tho'exccllent return of 790z lldwt of melted gold. IfCRANUI-CALEDONIAN. A good class of ore continues to come to hand from tho junction of Darby's leader and the cross above No. 1 level, aud tho prospects generally at that point are of a most encouraging character. The work done upon the cross reef in a block westward of the junction has not yet resulted in any gold being seen, but the quartz bears a very encouraging appearance, and it is intended to crush a trial parcel from that point shortly in order to ascertaiu its value A good start has been made with the cleauimg up of the crosscut at No. 4 level, which connects the company's main shaft with tho Big Pump shaft. The work was only commenced on Monc'ay Inst, but already a distance of about 80 feet lias been accomplished. Tho total distance between tho two shafts is about 700 feet. It is probable that a cleaning up and retorting of the amalgam ou hand will take place on Wednesday next. Coromandel, Friday. WYNYARDTON, The reef maintains its best characteristics, being over a foot in thickness, and gold is showing more or less in the stone at every breaking down. Old hands hero consider that ft valuable find has been made. A lot of work can be done at very little cost, it being a kindly nice country for working. The timbering of the ground will be immediately necessary, also a small building over the new shaft is absolutely essential. KAPANGA. Some very good ore has bean taken out of the Kapanca 600-feet level dnring tho week. UNION BEAOH. The effects of Bunker's Hill dam in the main crosscut lias been to cause the water to rise in tho Union Beach old shaft. The concrete fouudations are being pushed otn with at the latter claim for the reception of the machinery, which is expected shortly. The poppet lees are in position. preeoe's point proprietary. Tho battery is now on the mine ready for erection. Dacre's freehold. The machinery on Dacre's Freehold (now Green's) has been carted on the grouud. It consists of a 12-horscpowerTaiigye engine for both pump and winding from the shaft. The poppet leg* aft-ready for erection. The shaft is down about 50 feot and iesitnated to the northwest of the Hauraki North, Itis in private hands, and the proprietors evidently mean business. OOIRASSIKB. This company have sent 1001b of picked stone for crushing to Auckland. HAIJRAIU SOUTH. Tho company are making rapid progress with tho foundations for tho machinery and new shaft, WELCOME FIND. Sinking in the shaft, and also driving on No. 2 level, is proceeding. There is uo telling now wlien the expected reef will be cut in this level. lIADRAKI NORTH. Mere they are waiting for repairs to the boiler. TOtm-IN-HANU. This company is working on a splendid tcef; the stone broken from the face. In my presence yesterday, showed good gold freely. In the lowest drive the haiißingwall leudor is expected to be met with auy day. The ground is heavily mineralised, and the pi'ospeots of the mine are excellent. HAUHAKI ASSOCIATED REKFS. The battery is now well under way; ibis a spleudid plant. FABDLOC3. This company have struck a new reef containing small dish prospects, The reef is about 2 feet thick. SOUTHERN MINING. [hv tblkurapu.—press association* t Donedin, Friday. Tli<! return from the Clyde Dredge for lasb week was 21oz8dwt6j?r, valued at £82 8s 9d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 5

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 5

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10413, 10 April 1897, Page 5