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[by tjoegbafh,—own cobbespokdexts.]. Thames, Friday. Shabsmabket,—Adelaide, buyers Is Id; Albarnia East, sales Is Id,-Iβ 3d, Iβ 2d,; sellers Is 3d; Bendigo, sellers Sd; Broken Hill, sellers Is 4tl; Caspian, fellers Sd';Club, sellers sd; Conseryatire, sellers Sd; Golden Horn, sellers Is 2d; Grand Triple, sellers (id; Kursnui Caledonian, sales, 6s 6d, sellers 7s, buyers 6s 6d; Karaka Queen, sates sd, tellers 5d ; Kuranui, sellers Is 10d ; Macazine, sales 3d, 3Jd, 4d; Mata Reefs, sellers 6d; Mclsaacs, sales 3d, sellers sd; Moanataiari Extended, sellers 8d j New Whau, sellers 9d, buyers 7d; Nonpareil, sales Bsd, sellers 9d; Rangatira, sellers 4d; Royal Sovereign (paid up), sellers 6d; Temple Bar, sales 3Jd, buyers 4d; Victoria, buyers & 3d; Waipuru, sellers Is; Germanic, sellers Is; Komata, sellers (id ; Komata Triumph, sellers Is Id ; Mariner, sellers Gil; Rising Sun, sellers Is 2d; Stanley, sellers Is Id; buyers IOd ; WaihiMonument, sellers 4d; Waitekauri Reefs, sellers 6d; Waitekauri Monarch, sales 2d ; Bunker's Hill, salesss 9d, os lid; Empress, sellers Sd; Moa, sellers 7d j Sybil, sellers 4d.

Darwin.—Driving upon the No. 1 reef at the Multum level in an easterly direction is now being energetically carried on. The reef continues strong and shows gold at every breaking down. Coromaxdkl, Friday. The property pegged out as described by Whiting and Skrine is the New Triumph. It does nob affect the Triumph Gold Mining Company's property, which is legally protected. _ BIG REEF G.M. CO. A special general meeting of shareholders iu the Bin Reef Gold Mining Combany (No Liability), was held at the office of the Manager, Mr. Wm. Clarke, Legal Chambers, yesterday forenoon. Mr. Arthur Wright presided, and on his motion resolutions were adopted empowering the directors to sell as a going concern the whole of the rights, privileges, property, ami effects of the compauy (other than uncalled capital), on such terms as they might deem fit; and to execute all necessary deeds to effectuate any such sale. The property is at present under offer to an English syndicate through Messrs. Pollock and Johnston, the terms being as under:—A company of 250,000 shares to be formed; a working capital of £50,000 to be provided for, the vendors to receive £5000 cash and 50,000 shares fully paid up to £1. JUBILEE G.M. CO. A special general meeting of shareholders in the Jnbilee Gold Mining Company (Limited) was held at the office of the manager, Mr. C. Grosvenor, Bank of New Zealand Buildings, yesterday afternoon, Mr. W. Lyell presiding. Resolutions were adopted authorising the directors to dispose of the property on such terms and conditions as they might deem fit; to execute all necessary deeds to effectuate any such sale, and to appoint an attorney or attorneys. SHOOTING STAR G.M. CO. A meeting of shareholders in the Shooting Star property was held yesterday at the office of Mr. H. Gilfillan, jun. Mr. A. Devore presided. It was aexeed to form a .company with a capital of £2000 in 40,000 shares ot Is each. The following appointments were made:—Directors, Messrs. W. Johnson, E. Bell, Jas. Smith, T. Henderson, and A. J. frescott; legal manager, Mr. H. Gilfillan, juu.; bankers, National Bank of New Zealand ; auditor, Mr. E. Waymouth; solicitors, Messrs. Devore and Cooper. SCANDINAVIAN. Notification was made yesterday thai the time of option for the Scandinavian Gold Mining Company's property had been extended to the Ist April, on payment of a further sum of £250. Mr. J. T. Julian has received by cable the sum of £750, being £500 deposit on option, and £250 for the further extension. This amount has been placed to the credit of the company in the National Brink of New Zealand, Auckland,

HINEMOA-HAURAKI G.M. CO, A apecial general meeting of the shareholders of the Hinetnoa-Hauraki Gold Mining; Company was held at the office of (he company, Holison'a Buildings., yesterday afternoon. Mr, G. S. Graham presided. It was resolved, "That the directors are hereby authorised to sell the whole or any part of the property of the company, or to enter into any contract to sell or to grant the option (to be exercised within twelve months from the granting thereof) of purchasing the property, and especially to stipulate for the allotment and issue to the company of fully paid-up shares in any company to be formed; and to adopt and confirm, or vary and modify, the agreement already entered into with Mr. George Samuel Graham, and subject to which the property of the company was acquired by the company,"

MIDLAND REEFS G.M. Ctt A meeting of subscribers for shares in the Bright Smile was held at the office of Mr. A. Park Home, Queen-street, yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of forming a company. Mr. A. Wright presided. It was resolved that a company be formed, to be called the Midland Reefs Gold Mining Company (no liability) under the Mining Companies Act, 1894, with a capital of £3750, in 75,000 shares of Is each, divided as follows :—35,000 paid up to sixpence per share, 35,000 paid up to threepence per share, and 5000 reserved (nil paid up). The following, were elected directors:—Messrs. R. C. Can , . A. Wright, W. Parkinson, W. Handley, J. Wiseman, and C. B. Stone. Mr. A. Park Home was appointed legal manager, Mr. E. W. Burton the company's solicitor, and the National Bank the company's bankers, and Mr. H. J. Ross auditor. At a directors' meeting, held subsequently, Mr. A. Wright was elected chairman.

AUCKLAND SHAREMARKKT. Very steady business was done yesterday in the Auckland sharemarket. New Zealand Insurances were again transferred at 653 6d. Alburnia Easts came into notice again,. being done up to Is !2d, closing steady. City of Aucklands were dealt in at Is Id and Is 2d, and Victorias at 3s 6d aud 3s 7d, there being sales also of Great Barrier Gold and Silvers nt 5s 9d. Junes were about the same. Imperials reached 2s sales, Talismans were exchanged at 18s. with further buyers at 17s 6(1. Bunker's Hills closed hard, after sales at 5s 9d. _Four-in-Hands, Hauraki Norths (contributing), Progress ■ Castle Rocks, Alberts, and Sybils, all saw sales. There were still buyers of Rapangas at 10s 3d, without sellers. Unaccepted offers were made for" Woodstocks at 465, of WaihiSilvertons at 24s Gd, and of Moanataiaris at 153 6d. ASSOCIATED STOCK AND MINING BROKERS. The following sales were recorded yesterday by the above:—Alburnia East, Is Id, Is 2d, Is Id; City of London, sd; Golden Point, 4\d'. Karaka Queen, 4Jd, sd,4|d; Magazine, 2(1, 2M : Mata Reefs, 4Jd; New Alburuia, 6s 2d"; Tararn Extended, sJd,6d; Victoria, 3s7d; Central, 2s: Golden "Fleece, 4d; Hit or Miss, Is Gd; Rising Sun, lid; VictorVVaihou, lslOJd; WaihiSputli, Is 9d; Waitekauri King, ojd; Britannia, Is sd, Is 6d, Is sd; Bunker's Hill, 5s Bd, as 6d, 5s 9d, 5s Bd, 5s 9d: Hauraki Associated Gold Reefs, Hid; NewGolconda, Is: Harp of Taw, 9d; Great Barrier Gold and Silver, 5s 9d. 5s 6d, 5s 4d, 5s 6d; Golden Anchor, 6d: Juno, 8s 9d ; Phoenix, 2Jd; St. Patrick, 3d; Teutonic, 4Jd, 5Jd. . NORTHERN STOCK EXCHANGE. The following business was done yesterday by the above: — Alburnia East, Is Id; Bunker's Hill, 5s 9d; Golden Anchor, 6d; Golden Fleece, 3Jd; Huanui, Is Id; Imperial, Is 10d; Komata, 4sd; Karaka Queen, ad; Morning Star, 4id ; Magazine, 21d; Progress Castle Rock, Is; Princess flay, Id; Rising Sun, lid: TararuExtended,s}d,6d; Talisman, 17s 6d ; Victoria, 3s 6d; WaihiSilverton, 255; Zealandia, Is 3d. GENERAL MINING ITEMS. Next week a large number of men will be put on the Whangamata Proprietary by Messrs. Bewick, Moreing, and Co. The mine manager of the Bunker's Hill wired yesterday :—Gold showing in quartz broken down last night; breaking down again to-morrow. Mr. D. G. MacDonnell yesterday received the following :—Juno: Obtained 81b specimens from leading stope, back of low level; gold showing in face. THAMES WARDEN'S COURT. [by telegraph,—own correspondent.] Thames, Friday. The Warden's Court was resumed to-dey before Mr, H, iiyre Kenny, Warden, when the following business was transacted :— PKOSPECTINO LICENSE AT TAIRUA. Herbert Gordon, miner, of the Thames, applied for * prospecting license under the Mining Act Amendment Act of 1896, for 36,000 acres at Tairua, known as the Tainw Block IV., XII., and Xlir., Whitiaupa surrey district, and 11., V., and XL, Tairua survey district. The Und was defined as Crown land, occupied by the Kami Timber Cornpany under timber lease or license, and the proapectinglicense was applied for to exist orer a period of one year. The Kauri Timber Company objected on three grounds which may be briefly summed up under three heads - sawmill and buildings and dams erected in the creeks, flotage rights, and standing timber.- Messrs. Jackson Palmer and Clemton appeared for the applicant and Mr. MeCormick for the objectors. Mr. McCormick (for the company(raiscil aquestion of jurisdiction. He said the application was laid under section 2 of the Minim/Act of last session, which section hi quoted.

The Taiim Block was Crown land, subject to a lease and timber grant, the benefit of which was now Tested in the Kauri .Timber Company. Hβ ' therefore "submitted to the Court that the Block did not come within section 2. It was not land alienatedjtrom the Crown'prior to 1873," and it m not native laud; The lease put in evidence is dated lS7i--Mr. McComiick said that the present case was provided for by sections 29 and SO of the Act. Mr. Clemlon submitted that the Warden Bad jurisdiction under the Act. The whole matter turned on the word alienation, and he .went. on to define its! meaning as defined in the Native I.iuds Court Act of IS7O, which was in force in 1572. He further quoted from section a of the Act of 1596, and contended that the meaning was lands that were native lands at the time of alienation. Mr. Jackson Paltnei argued that sections 28 and SO, in providing for sur- • render on resumption, did not imply the exclusion of prospecting. Mr. McCormick hating rephed, the Warden said that the object of of the Act was to smut a new power to the amen to grant prospecting licenses over private property. There was always the safety valve of an appeal to the Supreme Court iu questions of this sort. On the whole, though extremely doubtful, he thought it was his duty to assume that he had jurisdiction to grant the application, and the Kauri timber Company could appeil to the Supreme Court to settle the question. At the same time ho . would advise the applicant to extreme caution, or in the event of the ultimate resumption, his position might be more prejudiced still, and he might have to fight any chance comer who couid raise the question of the Warden's jurisdiction. Mr. Clemlon stated that the applicant desired the whole block, and the Warden-thereupon intimated that he did not intend h> grant 36,000 acres. He would grant a prospecting license for 'about three times the area of an extended prospecting area, which in a previous act was limited to 610 acres. Mr. Clendon said the applicant desired ai area between two tributaries of the Tairua River, which ho pointed out on the plan. The area applied for was absolutely denuded of all tiiubei and no timber right could be affected. The Wniden said it would he necessary to attach a sketch plan of the area to the license. The applicant, having priority, could take his area anywhere he chose within the block. Mr. McCorinick said the objection" raised by the Company went drawn up under .the impression that the whole block was to be applied for, as there had been a great reduction in tho area asked for, the first objection on the ground of the company's sawmill and building would be done away with as the buildings were situated on another part of the block, The second objection as regards the Company's dams would also be dropped, as dams were no bar to a prospecting area. With regard to the objection re driving rights, Mr, McCortnick asked that the provision for the protection of the rights be inserted in all licenses. The Warden granted the application. The following note was made:—"License to bo issued for SOOO acres at the spot indicated at the hearing; a sketch map to be attached to the license; security to be given under Section 12 by bond of applicant and two approved sureties, amount to be settled by cminie), who may refer to the Warden if they cannot agree; e\cb party to pay their own costs." This is the first prospecting license under the Act of IS9O granted on the lla.ur.iki goldflelds.

The following miscellaneous applications were (trautert: F. H. Whalley, water-race, Quavti Creek, Tjinui, granted to the Tairua Amalgamated Prospecting Company ; F. W. Abbott, waUr-race, ffharekaroiva Hi»er, granted to Ptolemy Gold Mining Company, subject to I.eylaud and O'Brien's water rigbts; r. W, Abbott, machine site and water-race, Wbtngiuvata, grunted to Ptolemy Gold Mining Company subject to l.eyland and O'Brien's water rights; J. Stevenson, water-race awl machine site, Pnngateriiika Creok; Patrick Quin. Lan, water-race, Tairua; K. Benn-tt, residence site, Matii Creek.

Tlie following applications wero adjourned to February 4.-T.J). O'Toole,water-race, Jlaunßaparai Creek; J. Thomas, water-race, Owena Creek; J. Stevenson, water-race anil machine site, Para; Kdwin Edwards, C. Kay, acd L. Steele, residence sites at Tairua,

The following special claims were recommended to be granted:—J. McGuirc, Maggie, Whangamata; J. McHae, Inverness, Puriri (objected to by A. Mclaughlin, and objection withdrawn); F. Marshall, Ayrshire Lass, Tapu; V. T. Ward, Kiraihia Kxteuded, Tairua; A. G. Allen, Daniel No. 2, Waioino; C. E. Cormick, Mandolin, Puriri; Albert Cuff, Prince of Wales No. 2, Waiomo; H. A. Bishop, H'eai Not, Whangamata; 11. A. Bishop, Try Again, Whanfjaniata. The following were adjourned to February 4 :—William Prebble, Ahuriri, Whangamata; S. T. Georßn, Governor, Tapti; Albert Rhodes, Prince of Wales, Hikutaia; F. Croaghton, Capitol, Tapu; 11, A. Bishop, Swan, Wliangainat&i 11. Gentles, Peninsula, Tairua; and a number 61 applications were adjourned till February IS. USE OF TUNNEL. An application by C. l'rescott to use a tunnel at the Hape Creek, and objected to by Adolph Knhn, was refused; and a similar application by John Fogarty, objected to by A, T. Bates, was adjourned till February 4. ■ DEFENDED CASES. H. Gordon, General Gordon special claim and Khartoum special chiro, objected to by W. H. Taipan and other natives. Both were withdrawn, counsel's fee of £2 3s being allowed in each case. W. Shaw, Agamemnon special claim, objected to by H. Lowe. This application was witbdJawn, and costs £16153 were allowed the objector. H. Lowe, Best and Next' Best, both objected to by W. Shaw. The objections being withdrawn, both claims were recommended, with costs, £8 3s. PLUM, F. T. Shaw v. W. Callaway, for forfeiture of the Black Bess special claim, for failing to employ the proper number of men within the past three months. As the defendant did not appear the application was granted, with costs, £7 17s. STATEMENT BY HIE WARDEN. The Warden this afternoon made the following statement in regard to the method of procedure re application for residenca'Sites in the YYb/irigamata township:-" Yesterday a completed plan of Whatipiinata township was received from the Survey Office, but before any residence sites can bo granted it will be requisite to net rid of Mr. Stevens' special occupation license. I understand that he will offei no opposition, and possibly may surrender at once. As soon as the occupation license Is declared void, I shall give one month's notice that persons can peg out sections in the township and apply for thorn, and at the sittini: of the Court, when giving that notice, I shall dismiss the whole of the applications then pending for the ground in that township, so that all may start fair and peg out the sections'they desire after inspecting the plan." ___^_____

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 3

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THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 3

THE GOLDFIELDS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 3