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I HEATHER, EOBERTON & CO. having made special arrangements with various Manufacturers and Warehousemen are prepared to supply, in addition to the following list, every requisite of general storekeeper* If- ■■ ■ ■ ; / i ■ • • ' m llf HEATHER, ROBERTON & CO. having made special arrangements with various Manufacturers and Warehousemen are prepared to supply, in addition to the following list, every requisite of general storekeepers! ... 7i Illfc rum! tartar, ' w .h».,t, TINNED PATENT MEDICINES. BAKING POWDERS. ■„„,„„,„ SOAPS- , , OILMENS STORES. TEAS if PACKETS. . : CIGARS. ;-M W ■ TiSTARICACID " «1"8 a large assortment of these: ' HOLLOWAY'S PIUS ELECTRIC AND PUCENIX (in lib, jib, and lib "STANDARD.'' The most economical soap In SALAD OH. . PUSPAHAMA, m three qwOMM • hJvl™\ ! ms m l s ' *"* . ..., Mi f, CITHICACID MACONOCHIE'S HERHINGS COCKLES PILLS ins), made from the finest ingredients. Absolutely H J£ e ™** .„ (USTOB OIL UPTON'S HATANNA , Thes. include a jptondM Ms, ,<■ "• RORAX ALBERT SAnDI\F<! BEKCHAM'S PILLS free from Ground Rice. > " HOUSKHOI.D, 1 and 2 I.UCUA OIL siiSRIfAM ■ „ °'b'Sh-dass toods for private trade ■-.-: .4 k SOLPHUB TREFAmNESARDINES KAYB'S ESSENCE ~TnmjgTnM PATim AMnflft-c; ' ff' S n T ™ZE ASD OTHER BEASDS HCiaES S "x FROSSaWs CAYOURs' -EM * &POWDERS. gjtfg™" " " SSS JOHNS S^a ANDCaS M&P3 ™ ~ » intin, ~CIGAREIT.ES. M f ■ — a ss t Sm sss&aOT™ , starches. ■ ». a jrssEZLS*** * ci »sar' of^CHINA,and IS., ■■ 1 > FARINACEOUS FOODS. . , SSSBOT MARSHALL AND CO 'S WT wpbm^^ivMiaAiM *»*»»** . SSSgjgg , fl "I- SIS , CANDLES. _ celebrated scotch oatmeal g", AMERICAN GOODS. TOBACCO. - *--- 8 t!&Xr mTSfO0 ° 88MW LAZENBY'S PROVISIONS. _*>™™ A^fta^ 1 * "* » °T W* "T 35FU. Jiff™ G °° ' 1 SS |nW'»W S TheOnestnuaUtymade:- AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY. « & BOO* H, »„ S&BS? ' I J_ EUBEKA (a mining candle). akchssk¥&Bk« ciu' m' °d°L ■ HOLBROOK* celebrated Sauce TINNED APRICOTS "Z, II BLACKBIUDTffISI i f « lslantllraile INKS ; \?l PRESERVED MILK. &K EV SAUCE IHlcnovs •" SSJSeJ ." pIS cakds, te ,» *• perfectly and tue ualityeKellent »™J^Y- S Tαlii.B JELLIES (unriralleil) BACON AND HAMS. iUWAr " . TINNKD VEGETABLES DIADEM . WHITK KoSK :% MIIKMAID iii'£™, ( £ 11 ' Boxl!l 9 I'AI'KIIS THE "MOKISPOUK" BRAND is now the goneml OHRTSTrTTTTWTT KFAT f>iV<J SALMON FLATS, Cruiser and Thistle CAPSTAN OEM ,/J| GULOKN TALK ft™?F££ AFETy S M-.MON SQUASH favourite, the sales hating iucreased bcjoi.d expec- ibIOHUJM/ii M.C.AT GO- S TALLS, Cocktail OLD JUDGE SUNSHINE :fs IGULUNVALK LION SAFETY'S ' S J.KMON SQUASH talion. the sales haying increased bejowl eipec- «AFit BRAND quality implied, atrial solicited ," TALLS, Cocktail OLD JUDGE > SUNSHINE in 1 tallon linj -M UOLDfaH VALE LION SABOTS UUttlM , . Aα. 4c. talloil. WFIiBIiA.ND quality a trial solicited ," „ Supreme MELttOSE . WHITU ROSE in 1 csJlon tins •* __«_--——---!-----—--- ■__ , ' 'J

I ,-,.. Merchandise. j ' :— . I mJREXCK D. Nathan.] (N. AIMED Nathan - T T\ "XTATHAN & r<o., ; L, JLJt l> Kj \ MERCHANTS & SHIPPING AGENTS. ) ■ {Established 1840.) agents foe n««iuf Savill, am! Albion Shippiiij.' Company. • J^feri 'Pacific Railway and Royal Mail Steam- „ n ,,ihn-A«stralian Steamship Company •{StartParker A: Co Limited, Steamship Owners, «». f*lni Trailers Insurance Co., Limited (Marine) X Sirs' Co. (Limited), K.ltnbureh er lint lioniiini! i>.'s Gaelic Whisky Mem. Bisnuit, Dubonche & Co.'s Brandies, Jarnac ; ~ * P t l Lowiiilm & Cn.'a Key Hum {tors' Bead Bros.' IH'» Head Brand of Bass's Ate »ml GninnnWa Stout IlMollO Wolfe's Scliißclam Aromatic Schnapps ; Si? Robert Burnett 4 Co.'s Vinegars, etc., London 1 Mesrf. Lever Bros. , Birkeiiliead Sunlight Soap ; SiS«|!arOo.NM,i,i.Kiii Rice Mill Company Iliogo Hnmiiinn & Co., Stnrcli Manufacturers, Antwerp . 51™. Perry Davis A 5,,,,. Painkiller ; nieCJiicagoßagancl PanerCo. Allen's Celebrated Lung Balsam I Rational Explosive Co., Limited, London' WE SUPPLY AM. STOREKEEPERS RISQUISITBS. i With the exception of Drapery and Ironmongery i And make a specialty of I JOTE GOODS, TEAS AND OILS, FROM CAL i curi'A RICE TltOM JAPAN ; .'iRjS FROM FOOUUOW, CALCUTTA aud : CEYLON. : Ksuri Gum, Flax, Fungus, Maize, and other Pro- , duco advanced anainst for local sale or ship- ' ment, ■ (j,O.i|t lone evp&rieiice in the dlstribr. M ner trade ; 'inil wide trade connection in every great centre of ' production or manufacture, is a guarantee time we i an supply favourably. 1., I). NATHAN St. CO. : 'AUK TGIANCY T^BPARTMBNT \J JL -"- * IN ADDITION TO GROCBHIES, TOBACCOS WINKS SPIRITS, BEKUS, JIITB GOODS, i, . OII.H, PAINTS, TKAS, &C, 40., - We keep a larse assortment of 'jlilloliery ami Stationers Sundries, Playing Catd» American and Austria.. Chairs, Perambulators American Clocks Perfumers', Combs, Purees, Album •Chimney and Dressini; OU«s«s . Concertinas, Accordions, Violins , patent Medicines (all well-known lines)] Pocket and Table Cutlery, Scissors, Razor! -Plated Forks and Spoons . Fish Lines. Fish-hooks ■ Parcel, Sewing, and Netting Twine T«, Smar, Wrapningi and (zap Paper Saddles', Bridles, Girths, Tarpaulins, 4c. Briar Pipes, Cigarette Holders and Papers Colonial Boots, Leather Laces Tents and I'lies, Scrim, Butter Clotb Oilskin Coats .Manilla, Jute, and Flax Kill Steel and Wood Trunks : tin Milkpans, Dishes, BUM : Pannikins, Teipois, &c. ! : Footballs, Boxins«li.»cs ' Bills and Sheaths, Packing Needles Tinware (a general as.-ortment) •'Shim's Axes and Uatcliots, «»Vii»b«l Iron Buckets ! "Billiard Tables and Ueiiutsites BmslHTare i Bagatelle Boards I Door Mats Cheney's Hammers I Black's Spades ; Iron Bedsteads ' Wire and other Mattresses , Wallpapers ■ filters Tumblers Enauibtare Rochester Lumps •.PortiMiiteanx Butter Paper IVasuilaaiidScylueStonea Counliy aud Coast Buyers vl.illin(» aucfe anil lire invited to inspect ; L. D. KATHAN & CO. fiROUEUiES, rnoßACcos, &o \j 1 WE KEEP ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF USBFOL GOODS Suitable for the Town and Country Retail Trade; i Viz. :- J . SUGARS ' ' FRDITSj ■ . OILS I ! OILMEN S STOItKS ' I "■ CORNILOURS AND INFANTS FOOD ;■ . SAUCKS : UATOHES :: CANDLES , . soArs : , riIKSERVED MILK i ' TINNED FISH [ SI'ICBS . /' coyyi'.i! ! ■ ' PAWtll BA«3 >I , ALMUNIiIj AND NUT 9 i ' BISODITS AND OAIIIN BHIIAIi ■ JAMS AND JKI.LIKS ■ HAMS AND IiACOS I : OHEE3K i .' PRESEKVBD MEATS j ' HOPE AND CLOTHES LINES! Alsu, < i }'■ All the I.eailini! Linos in j I • ' TOBACCOS, OIGARb, AND OIOAIIETIES. It. L. D. NATHAN & <■>(). i ________ ' THE RING OF DYSPEPSIA CURE I Known popularly as \ ■ [ "K.D.C." ! • .The finest veuiedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion , ' Mown in the world. It creates an appetite and > ! tMoMs nausea and biliousness. j -We are sole agents or New . Zealand, and are . Applied with unquestionable proofs of the efficacy I »l this wointerf medicine. I ; "K.D.C." is not a physic but invigorates and ; ; »nes the stomach without weakening and destroy- ■ .'"! the tissues. I Sufferers horn the above distressing ailments will ■ *> "ell to ask chemists, drucpfats, grocers, and ~ tountry storekeepers, "K.D C." !? __ L. 1). NATHAN & CO. ) ; :QIDER! niDER ! C\ IDEB ;. -... .GOLDEN APPLE BRAND. ? I CHAMPAGNE CIDER. ■ JHavini; been appointed Sole Agents for Auckland ' rOTtnce for : : L Messrs. flrtcuer Humphreys & CO.'S I -. GOLDEN APPLE CHAMPAGNE CIDER, i •' Weshall always keep a full stock, bottled in quarts I . : •{'Pints, aud in wood. In quantities to suit purI ..TOcrs. \■; L. P. NATHAN & CO, j .fjHUD FRUITS. I ■■;:■ behave a full range of choice, consisting ofi ■..,Fniitva]e Brand of Californian Pears, Peaches ! :■ „ Apricots (assorted) . i i . jraitrale Brand of Callfornian all Pears \ C'l TOitvole Brand of Californian all Peaches ! mi M* Brand of Californian all Apricots > % Si! ttin ß Brand of Californian all Apricots I M- fees Peaches I g ■ or. Qeorge's Pie Fruits ; :,.. ™wpore Pine Apples-tlie famous Perseverance I g.;; brand i '''-'i'i L. 1). NATHAN & CO. - ' . ;..JNDIAN AND CEYLON TEAS. 'a!?.? , !' in Stock"and Shall receive..ty the I l f l lfb -boat due in Aiigiut. a very wide variety I I ,of mwAN and CEYLO TEAS for, ! : , itfl^ tew are and will be selected with a vjew lo •s,'«««iiiteii»nt» of buyers in this market, ami ■« suau be pleased to pive samples and quoUtions. ': . JL. D.NATHAN & CO.. , ,

Merchandise. q\ 0 b a G_O_ OS, &o. We have a full range of Choice, as under, viz - Derby, flat sevens Derby, double thick, pocket pieces Ascot, flat sevens Ascot, block sevens Ascot, double thick pocket pieces New Venus, short sevens New Venus. D.T. P. l>. Imperial lluby Twist \ Victory, .sevens, rods J-Aromatic . Golden Kagle, rods ) Old Judge, Melrose, and W. H. & I). 0. Wills Cut Tobaccos, in tins and packets Old Judge Cigarettes Three Castle Cigarettes. L. D. NATHAN & CO. S A _. L T. We have the following always on sale, viz, 1 Black Hurse Brand Fine Salt Black Horse Brand Coarse Salt Black Horse Brand liairy Salt, in 71b bags Adelaide Coarse Salt, It bags to ton Ked Rock Salt White Rock, Salt L. I). NATHAN & CO: TmiRE AND T>URGLAR.PROOF. JOHN TANN.S "TDELIANCE" gAFES. SOLE AGENTS FOB NEW ZEALAND 1 SARGOOD, SON, AND EWEN, VICTORIA-STREET, AUCKLAND; And at Wellington, Ciiristciiurcii, and Dunedin. Brewers. JjJHBENFRIED gROS., BREWERS, ALBERT BREWERY, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, BOTTLERS AND IMPORTERS, 43. QUEEN-STREET WJ3ABF. PRIZE MEDAL AND AWARDS At follow ng Exhibitions for our Well-known Bulk and Bottled ALE AND STOUT: Sydney International Exhibition, 1874, . Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880-81. Now Zealand Industrial Exhibition, Wellington, 1885 New Zealand and SoutbnSeaa Exhibition, Dunedin. 1889-90. In addition to above have been awarded at Tas uianiai. Exhibition. Launceston, 1891-92. FIVE FIHST AWAEDS FOII BULK BOTTLED ALES AND stout. Also, CHAMPIONSHIP GOLD MEDAL OF AUSTRALASIA AGAINST ALLCOMERS FOB; BULK AND BOTTLED ALE Having a Large Stock of ALE AND STOUT, Bottled in quart and pint bottles, specially brewed for the summer trade, which are now thoroughly matured, can with every confidence recommend same to connoisseurs as second to none in the colony. XXXX INDIA PALE ALE. DIAMOND BRAND. IN QUARTS AND PINTS. BOTTLED BY W. J. COOKE, DUBHAM-STREKT WEST, AUCKLAND.] DRINK SPEIGHT & CO.'S ALES AND STOUT, BOTTLED IN DUNEDIN, Delivered in lots of Two Dozen or more by the Auckland Agents, HIPKINS & COUXIS, . f ' 15, Lower Qceen-sikeet. . Telephone 861. . '.P.0.80x 310. • SE'CCOMBE'S SPARKLING ALES & UNRIVALLED STOUT, , MADE FROM THE . , BEST MALT AND HOPS AND ,•,: ~ 1 THK PUREST WATER IN THE WORLD Q.REAT NORTHERN;' BREWERY,' ; KYBER PASS,AUCKLAND/ ' ! ' \TMAS PRESENTS in JEWELLERY, . '". CLOCKS, WATCHES, KINGS "'■' . ..; ELECTRO-PLATE, Kic- ', , ■■-■ ' — JAMES TRINCE,"* '~.•: , ...: VICTORIA-STREET EAST. -:■■,;■■ ■ : '-.-''-- 'V'^'-.'v.:;-..-/'' I '-:':.■''-;■■■'•■'■ -'!i-!.";",(': ■/:/-■ • .'.■ ■;•-;■!,; :•■.•■■ ? ;. "' : ; : : : ■;,.■'■.- .'■■■, /■:■{• :■■ '■• r;':'.: ■■■-■■: ;~:-i::r}SJ : i;i ■/» S^^-^ : .'s«r^&'*

Dress and Fashion. [ i I DURING THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Are invited to visit our Warehouse and inspect our Enormous Stock of Novelties and New Goods in all Departments, and enquire Prices without being pressed to purchase. All goods are marked in plain figures. No second prices. No discounts Wholesale & Family Etop^s. Flour Mills and Biscuit Manufacturers. \ Dental. A. L. SMI T h, / CORNER OF HOBSON ■ STREET. (Opposite St Matthew's Church). Telephone 671. ' ' " ; 632 ■-■■ — °- a " p - ,1 __. ■'"' '' IBS WTT & TT Ci 'W RIGHT fcm? "" I v b»<^^ «"» H. C. Wright will attend at F. R, Fallwell's i'i R* 8,,,,-3-11 ''" Chemist, Otahuhu, on Monday Morning: and at J. C£! -—^j^yi^— I! K.? (V, ''■ C aw^wes . Chemist, Newmarket, on Monday E2 HI Hi ffl I **■* a So o SURGEON DENTIST ' SQOHTLAND.STUEET (Opposite Genewl l'ost . •.-.-.:• SURGEON DENTIST AWn HTTP PI7T 17PP A Tl7n PTQrTTTTQ (Fortoyea raW UhthelateMr.W.H.Skeet) XI IN JL/ UXV \-/jLLjJLJjAiI,JL xLjJ JjJLOvUXIOc May be consulted at bis Booms, adjoining Messrs ■ ■ Champtaloup and Cooper, •■• ..'■■•■ ■ ' I . SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DPNTTST >: ■ '• W. H. IVIASSEY, manager. , Wtall4 . r .—■ —-— ; —.^-,—~—■ ■ , — M ..,,, . ~, ■ PA EBO A, _ _ ■ ' ■•'■>. i "-,-. . • At Mr, de Castro's Pharmacy. *M , ]i v S*'^^'?^?^v^^^^^^^^*^^^^-*^ fc ~t ' \/UUriu'MEr< S CHRISTIArt ASoO ■"■""~—~~~~~~~—^ ——^^^ mm^mm «_» '*'«lKSiicSwwim'Sßi>£m<MiwSS^na3^CTßte > . ■ JL CIATION ' ■ V'V T\ T?T> T iMr a n , art t»r ■ ■ ■*■ ui<mwi.i. |J) HJb II i!j rl Jl U K B. aALL IN, ■ ' ~. :.;;•.-:■ ■ • OOKNBEOI'AMEIITitinWKr.I.EStKYSinEErS. J} ~-. . , . ' > "" *. S "" '-.- -~' " . HeadinjMMom ' cbinfortalily fnrnishod. All 'th\ SUEGEON DENTIST, by EXAM., ■ i Jsl^^&£-ißS>sr»&«s£s.^^^E^^^fe to _ " , i IMilinß Papers, Hevioiva, ' Magazines, etc., on the Wlnstone'n Building • J °'~° :! s ! y a ''*«P* J =SSß^;^^^^^^^^ges9*fc^ , ; ' • t*M«sr Mi)iscriptlon,2scd per quarter. The Library "uuiuut< cunnings, ■■•! .■- ■'■ -"■"'-"."' "?JTv"lT''' , ''feilj) jontains upwards of 3000 vols. in the, various de • • , ... Uppef Syraond3-s,treef ( , i^^V^T—- i. . t' " psrtinenti.of literature; subscription,, 24; ed per pit in nun Mnn'wnATP ' N,— j<-JTg-Uj?-kW. HART '•' ■ j. Utter/ Tea and Co wee Provided in Social • CHABGKS MODBRATE. '. •" -. ..■-■■■- . ■■. ■ ■.'■: ! . •;. ■•' — !- * ~ -- » : Boom, KnpLoyjjENT]ioiH|)i{fGHOii3E : N.8.-Will attend •: at : Pultekghe .(Gopdyrin's WTT AT> f V ■■■ tO TT ARC r\ AT Qrv D TPT? ai lEBS - ' ■-■' '■ '■•■ - Boarding-house) every Sale Day. ...;■•,.., rl A \\i I. l>*» iiUliO U JN-O 1 J.t Hi Hi 1 Meeting »b Young Men on Mondays, 8 p.m. —. • '■•' J.M..M.V "* V ■ ' :■' ■"■■•-- ~.-..«.>•. ;........■.. --- 4 ... Evansehstie Serrices,. TnuitSDAYS,at 7.30. Bible -»-,.„.„„ , >„„■„ ■.-..--.. ■.-■■■■ ~, .■"'••'■''WnnTiTilHAU WTRIi 1 MJITTPTSSS ANTI BUIIIITWB MAWTITi , ARTTn?K"R ~ : ' : leMlikaiid I'rajer Saturdays, at 7.30. Bible T> PASS PLATES- loraouee Doors and . -.. WHUilClOailia, Hlllfl llilMOO iLIU I)I!IUUIJ!itr,ffIAJ!IUJ!iI.UIUJIMi I , V ;. Claw, Sunday, at Sun. Sunday Evexing Seb JO Garden Gates engraved irith N»nie in black Tv'-riViiirim TMI T» t> mTOtt ' ; 'AW s in Hff »'mwrjT A TO- «i Oitt llali, S p.m. • >.;•,. -. ; ;."■;.• letters, by new machine process, and mounted or DIRECT • , IMPOKTER OJb. .ALL MAT-EIIiALS. STBAStfUIIS and (especially YouNO handsoniei wopdenrnouit, witk bolts,: ready for ' ...-■..1 .■:i. 11 1. .-..'.;;.-... ..i rrm«m? CTTPPTTPTi i ; ■ .- 1; -,■ i i ■'.. i Men) cordially invited to visit the Rooms, where fixing; can bo obtained at the Heraip Works, ••:..:-■:.::' -, " . "'. ■■,*"» ayrruusiu.y ,- ,-.; :■ ;..;■■,., \-:. ■ .: : • •.... full inforrjation may be obtained Openfroiaßa.ui Wyndliam-streel;. - rreeforaßE-letterrlsite, coinI .:,,.■ Price List forwarded on application, iop,ni, - put?-,ma, ■:■■'■.,■,.■ ~ ■ • i • ;■■■■".;■ "'■;*.■= ■■■ ■ ..■ ■:>■■•?--;■. ■..-.;■,■'■-'■.■.■-. ■■■-.-■■'- ■'.- :■':■--■ ■■■,-.'■'-.:■■-,;.■■■'.■.■"■'■- --- -;.'•- ■■"..'' ; ,.. i ■': - "-■"■ >'■•■■ '■" '-■'-'..-. ■•■■ ■' :-■ ■: • ■-■- -• ;■■■;• .-■ -,- .. "■ ■ - :.■' : .. ? -::.-::. - * ■'-'-■ ■- ■' ■■■<'■' ---'-■■-,-' ■:-■■■' *..:■-- --,: ..; '■ -■ ■:- .■■£".;"

I Gunsmiths. i - ——— - —-——————— —————— > fIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! D. EVITT, GUNMAKER, AND IMPORTER OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, FISHING TACKLE, FIREWORKS, &0. AGENT FOB JAMES PAIN AND SONS, PYROTECHNICS, LONDON. A Large Assortment of Pain's Fireworks just received for the coming Season, and selling at English Prices, Assorted Boxes ! 2s 6d, ss, 7s 6d, 10s, and ufwabdSi CHINESE FIREWORKS IN great variety Gun Repairs of Every Description Donh in First-class Style at the Shortest Notice. FISHING TACKLE. Sea and Riveb Tackle in great variety. ROD AND REEL REPAIRS EXECUTED IN THE BEST STYLE. D. E~v i T t, GUNIIAKEK AND IMPORTER, 166, Queen-street, Auckland, Plumbers &c, Jl 0 B g & L'B BEST ENGLISH CORRUGATED IRON, 5 to 10 feeb Sheets. LOWEST MABKET PRICE, LEAD-EDGE^RIDGING}, 6, 7, 8, and 9feeb lengths. O.G. and H.R. SPOUTING, all sizes, GJBOMB MAUL (Telephone No. 361), MANUFACTURING PLUMBER, . AND IMPORTER, OF ALL TRADE REQUISITES, WEdLESLEY-STRBK'JC EAST (OPPQSITB LIBRARY), . HAS ALWAYS IN STOCK AND FOB SALE: BEST BRANDS OF CORRUGATED tnON THE CJUJIBHATEI) CUPPED LEAD-HEADED NAILS i SHEEI ZINC, LEAD-EDOE lUDQINO, SPOUTINO AND DOWNtfIPE (ALL SIZES). CAST IRON ENAMELLED BATHS SINKS JAW BOXES AND BASINS ' (With Patent' Overflows anil Plugs), LAVATORY BASINS AND AM. KINDS SANITARY WARE NORTH BRITISH S-pi.v I. H. HOSE, SHEET AND PIG LEAD, BLOCK TIN, TIN .' PLATES, SOLDEIt, AND SOIDEHIN.O! IRONS SHEET BAIt, AND INGOT COPPER GEORGE M C OAUL, WELLESLEY-STREEI , EAST, ' ' Coal, Firewood, etc. TjWBNITURE REMOVED TO ALL PARTS, CITY AND SUBURBS, INCLUDING BIRKENHEAD & DEVONPORT. (JCORIA, tor Paths, Roads, and Con- ' ■ crete. "EIENCING?osts, Rails, and Paling. r<OALS-Taupiri, Newcastle, and, other ' »: Principal Mines: TTIIREWOOD— to »ny length, T>RICKS, T IME, |bana ri ; dOIL AND - QJHELL, CABGO OF NBWp/isrL'E COAL'daily expected W. & Gγ. -WINBTONE,-CUSTOM-STREET. ','"> ; r

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10347, 23 January 1897, Page 7