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M - .MERCHANTS, U FATHER ROBERTON &CI L CUSTOM-STREET, HEATHIIR, ROBERTON & CO. having made special arrangements with various Manufacturers and Warehousemen are prepared to supply, in addition to the following list, every requisite of general storekeepers. CHEMICALS. TINNED PISH. PATENT MEDICINES BAKING POWDERS. SOAPS. OILMENS STORES- n ™£l? K S Manillas in wo?won CREAM WAR W. have a l» w assortment of these : „ SYA Y*PSIS I FLKXTRIC AND KIX (in iS .Jib. and Jib "BMNDARD « Th. most economical 50,,, in SALAD< OIL ST*' * tbrtß qU '""" HA W„ A ,"< n ? 1 " '' *fM ran* •mux ALBERT SARDINES B«l CHAM'S I 'ILLS f.- e from <„.,»„.l Ki<.«. , |riH,sT-PKI/|. AND OTHER BRANDS PICKLES X — "$&» KffiK^ NKS S?w V ?fi.WffiA K « ' JOHNSTON, BAIRD AND 00.'S PK«gi '' / "' OIQAEBTTES. tfm POWDERS. MUI.I.KT XKrOILEb soot UNO BVIUJ|. WmWAsS " " " , P&MEATS F.TC A , arpe assortment of INDIAN, CHINA, and CAPSTAN . : — lobS fflS£i B3f%b»y&Bic« stashes. tll^^-^;^^^K^! ecteil for o»w»» SKWffl? FARINACEOUS FOODS. . . _ _ So.T.T MARSHALL AND CO- mac-kV , OTW n, Bffl nn« _ " mAKAnim inliaxchuf „ ALBANY food CANDLES. CBI.KBRATBD scotch oatmeal Jj*#* T AMERICAN GOODS. TOBACCO. FANCY GOODS. FOOD 5= .™ LAZENBY'S PROVISIONS _«-*_ . — I*. latUr I. enwl ta qualhr to m, '" * APUICOTS. Mount Hamilton ™* Jgjj^ BROXBURN WAX * LAZENBY'S PROVISIONS. U.ltNrLQUIt_ market, ami the ptU fa » JJ»» B •; » aSS.T »"« Hv =Wl I »anv, 0 ™" AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY. SAUCES . n » a £ g J i! ffi«W |«— «* |i™" PRESERVED MILK. TIT A mriTTTic. PICKLES ~,,'!',; ptnerrrinWß market. I.KA * PKKItIVK AUNT AIIBKVS DATs" " GUI' EAOI.K _._ pn „_ WT , .. r ..u iJiiijn.. vi ~,,,. MATCHES. potted meats coioa PKii.n.cnoNs Yorkshire haricot beans urnv twist „„ m .?^?9 S£WB V HJFAI.ANDIA' biinu mad* in Auckland il RILL * co.s II AVoUltlNd h'SSKNITS " ~7."~~.,7,™ TOMATO ... Vv nv- mnice I) EM WHITE BOSK 1 p*rl«ti) liT l the quality excellent BRYANT A M»Y'B a» . j IllIES(uS» il,l) BACON AND HAMS. __ h,MA I_ — FUK*SSr and Tittle capstan gem p 1 NKsri.KS * V I.'LPKs (Curd Boxes) I i:Al>KllS ' ' TIIF. • MOKEPOIIK" BRAND is no* the »nml CHRISTCHURCH MEAT CO S ' LMON H.Alh. cruiser anuimsue OLD JUDGE SUNSHINE SKOALS I SSf I SXS" K" 1 "" t,ie """ hl?i " ? inCre "° d d«xpec. , A^SJ^^^^nS, ,.,,,,. " ' SSSSI MELROSE WRITE ROSE in !<*,,«, vin* — -

Publications. — ' ------- 3STO"W KL 353 .A. ID "X" f I , \B% . . \WIaS. TUB OK TUB JWdanb 88eeklg #etDO, COKSISTINO OF ©4-PAGES-04 j B yiTQW BEADY! AND IS Replete, as usual, with a variety of subjects covering an entertaining, instructive, find extensive field-features for which the CHRISTMAS NUMBER of the AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS has always been particularly remarkable, as distinguished from other Christmna publications. 6__v !!%§s£??*' Tlicro will be no increase in Price, and a _$*%! JP\ \j t P*"*? Single Copy may still ho obtained for the ftyX&L vJf e a _ small sum of ll ti a a . . . SIXPENCE. V AN ATTRACTIVE FOUR-PACE COLOURED SUPPLEMENT Contains on the first page an original and artistically-finished Picture, entitled, "A NOBLE DEED." Deeds of heroism, no matter by whom performed, always find a responsive thrill in British hearts, anil the long scroll of fame is blazoned with many a glorious deed done in this land of New Zealand. In our last Christina-; Number we depicted an act of heroic self -devotion on the part of an enemy ; this jear we illustrate a deed done under the shadow of immediately impending death at the hands of a blood-thirsty savage, by one of our own rare— mere lad—who, in his last moments, thought only for the safety of his comrades, and, when already stricken with one painful wound, sounded the alarm which saved many lives. Also is given an amusing Coloured Cartoon, entitled, EPISODES IN NEW ZEALAND HISTORY (Ifc.MonoL'si.v Df.IICTKI)). The various comic histories which have been written show how easily history lends itself to the humorous, and even amid the stern realities of New Zealand's story there litis been much to excite the visible faculties. To some of these episode.) our artist has turned a lively imagination not unsuccessfully. "Laugh and grow fat" has passed into a proverb, and if any of our readers, liko Cassius, "hath a lean and hungry look," let him study this page and rival Falstail'in graceful rotundity. Two Paoes of PARLIAMENTARY CHARACTER SKETCHES, Bv VyvyanJHcst (Being tho second of the scries), will no doubt prove equally acceptable as those given last year. Oil, wad some power the Riftie gie us To see oursels as Hirers see us, sain,' Burns, and this privilege Mr. Hunt has extended t.i sundry of the "gravo and reverend signers" who rule over our destinies at the Wellington " talking-shop." Here we have them, undisguised by the self-conscious smirk of the products of the camera, moved by high thought* for their country's weal, uttering burning words of patriotic > fervour ; or, if in a milder mood, dclicato fancies clothed in classical allusions ; in their proper characters as they live and move they stand before us in these pages. In addition to the Coloured Supplement the Christmas Number also contains EIGHT PAGES OF PHOTO-ENGRAVINGS, COMPRISING— "A Merry Christmas" " Yachting in Auckland" "Views of Auckland Hariiour" "Harbours of New Zealand" ~ "HtiA, Manckao Harbour" "Scenes on the Waikato River." as ANTICIPATED, The PRIZE COMPETITION FOR ORIGINAL AMUSING ANECDOTES Has on this occasion proved to be even more successful than those of preceding years A largo number of contributions have been received. The selections given will be ouiiil diverting and readable. An INTERESTING BUDGET of . . CHRISTMAS . TALES . . Some of them by well-known popular authors, selected from among hundreds oi narratives on account of superiority of style, uncommon occurrence of incidents related; and general excellence. OAGTIMP? - CHARADES.'RIDDLES, CONUNDRUMS rMO / lIVIC . CHESS and DRAUGHTS. &c. do. ... POETRY . MUSIC . Etc. NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS SCArr^rS ff»* D«% D _»»»_ D"« including) NEW ZEALAND. ACS- _» - GREAT BRITAIN jtifc 1 _■ sPKllil" Toitnco . THALIA, and SOUTH Tfj. and all other parte*** if. r BftS^__,j.. l j (1)| PACIFIC ISLANDS, II Ml 0 f the World, *'2Vll To be obtained at the WEEKLY NEWS Office, Auckland, and of all News Agents. All Orders for Extra Copies should be accompanied by value for same in ; Postal Notes or Stamps. Boots and Shoes. Musical. JELLING f\VWI CJELUNG f\¥E li a tone & flO 13 \J fo yJ (LATE R. HANNAn A CO.) REMOVING TO WHOLESALE Respectfully invite inspection of their largo L ft"*^ 0 " 0 shipment of ELUOTT-STREET. BOOTS AND SHOES STOCK MUST BE CLEARED. EX-S.S. TONOABIRO. NO REASONABLE OFKER REFUSED. PIANOS, ORGANS, AND ALL KIND! URAniIMI) OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR PRICE, STYLE, AND QUALITY , ATLLE g CQST pplcEi NOT to BE surpassed. SHOP to LET. „ enormous REDUCTIONS to CLEAE Tan Boots asj Shoes in Great Variety. reducing stock. '~ Every Purchaser will have the opportunity of Ladies English Canvas Shoes, buying wholesale at Retail Prices, From 3s lid. Sole Agenta (or John Hrinsraead & Sons CoJlard & Collard NOTE TUE ADDRESS : F Rosener Stcomeyer & Story, and Clara AUCKLAND CASH BOOT PALACE, -— • Corner Qukxn and Darby Streets. JJOFFMANN & gONS.

I Merchandise. i.ivrem-f O. Nathan.) IN. Alfred Nathan l. 1). n at,,an * C°MERCHANTS * SHIPPING AGENTS. (fsTAiiusiiKn 1840.) AORNT9 FOR the shtw Sstlll.anl AlbionShippingCompany. Canadian nine Railway and Royal Mail Steam. ship law Canadian \tntrali in Steamship ( lluiidstt ivker A Co.. Limited, Steamship Owners, Mi>n«>iini<> mil Sydney ~ , The China Traders ln»uranre Co., Limited (Marine) Tin- DisiiHen.'C" (Litnitml), linlmr«h i Stirling Rondintt ("..'» na*lirWM«ky ~ , Moms, lii-qmt, llutumche .V Co. » ItramlltW, Jarnac Cocnac Messrs. T. I/>wii,li><i * fa '« Key Rum Mes>r<. Rt-.iil Bros.* P.? 11. id Biand of Bass's Ale »nd (lninne««'»Slonl P-lolpbo Wolfe s S<-hie,l»m Ar.'insilc Schnapps Sir Rotirrl Itmnett A ('<>.'« V'tn*girs, etc., l/mdon Mi -is. Bmii ' Birkeiibead Sttiiltßht Soap Tt'f FIB Sugar Co , Narna. Kill Japm Rli» Mill Company Ulogo. Ilunnann A Co., Starch Manutacturert, Antwerp M,-i». Perry INmsA: Son, I'imKilltr The Cliu-aro Bag and Paner Co. Allen's Celobrateil I.utiß Balsam National txplosive Co., Limited, London wi: supply all storekkepers RKQUISITKS. With the exception of Drapery and Ironmongery Anil make a specialty ol jl'Tr OOOBS. TEAS AND OILS, FROM CAI. i TIT A Hit K. FROM JAPAN jtA>, UtO.M FOUCUOW, CALCUTTA aud iKYLON. K.\uti Ciuin, Has. Kiinf.iis, M.ilie, »ml other Pro. ilme luhvutii :ie.iin>t for local tale or shipmerit. 15 (>in lone experience In the distributing trade, kll ,t wi.ti-tra>lr connection ''• e'e'V great centre ~( pr.- tin"l- " i >r u>.\nufACiure, i» .1 guar-iiitee that Wf ; in ,iyl«.* 1,. I). NATHAN & CO. f\V\{ IjIANCY rwEPARTMENT i\ a nun ion TO GROCERIES, tobaccos ' WlNr> SPIRITS, HKK.IIS, JUTE GOODS, tills, PAINTS. TEAS, Ac, Ar., We keep a larite aaiortuient of fi'Vtonery \" I Stationers Sundries, Playing Card" A- -p....n »n.i Austrian Cli ur>, PerAUibu!.%t«is A: CI •^k« p-rni,.i-r>, ('•■tiibs, Purses, Allures [■! „ my "a'iiil Drewtng OUs«»s f. niMin*. accor.lioin,Vl Ptt-nt Me.licine»(all well-known lines)) i' . V.-[ Mi.l Table Cutlery, Sctisors, Uvr.ii Flireil Forks and Sp.H>ns Fi«!>, Fish-luniks IV, el. Sewing, and Netting Twine T-\ --'upar, Wrapping, and C«p P*per »A.Mlr>, Bridles, Oir!ti«,T»rpiiilln», Ac Bnar Pipes, Cijareite Holders and P.iperi C i,l il lia,.t.«,l.citliet Laces ! T'-i~ Hid Flies, Scrim, Butter Cloth dii«kiii «"■•«» 1 M, ■ '.i, Jute, and Kl ix Kits '-~! l!"l Trllllks i l.'i M.lkpans, Dishes, Billies P«',r y..u~, Teipots, AC. I f ,iIK, Boxing GTures Kelts Mid Sheath*. PAckiiih' Needles T,..«->'- U iener.\l A.v>irlmeOt). 1 'Uri's AxesAiid Uatcbeta 1 (,*l<uii9»< Irou ltuck«U Bill'.ai dTablea and Uequtsites |irusll«i f Bagatelle Boards Dohi Mils ITirney's liunmers I Black's spades Lunßr.Meii* Hir- :u. I other Mattresses \v ,:i Papers Viltei- / ! millers ! Em iii d ware » It <-ii.'.:er 1 Jir.l l I p. r'.uv^nti-AUi 1.....ur1'. I Wvln'aaudbcjtlie Stones | Country and Coast Buyers ?UiUug Aucfc and «ie ' muted to inspect ! L 1). NATHAN ft CO. pROCERIES, rnOBACCOS, &c WE KEEP ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP tfSKFUI tiOOlls Suitable (or the Town ami Country Trade Vi:. :- s.rr.ARS Fit r lis OIL"! I Oil MF.S's MTOltl^ CoKMLOCRS ASD INFANTS 100]) Ml' .'r> MA TCI ItS CASI.I.KS SOAIN PUKSKRVKI) MILK TINNED r ISH SI'ICLS CiiFFKU lAPER BAf.3 ALMONDS AND NATS LI-iTITS AND CAETS BRFAIj JAMs AM) JKLLIKS HAMS AM> BACON CHtK'iK PKKj'KKVKD MI'.ATS KOl'i; AND CLOTHES LINK.I a:«", All lb* Leading Lines l) TOBACCOS, Cir.AK>-, AND CKJAUETIEH. 1.. 1). NATHAN .1 CO. I fi 0 F P E E. We »re supplying to the trade a fine selection of Rhold Roast .not (ir,,tinil Cufleel, including genuine "iocba. Oui liiamis are— THE EMPRESS sI'I.TAN, KHEDIVE, and ORIENTAL In cr.irlati™i ~f quHllly U,r P.mprcsa being the best, and nt correspondingly higher pricfl At "e i!ni"'r: direct from the best Coffee producing r»unlri«s in lite wild, anil Boast and Oracle iitnbi best a|ipliances and expert kii..»leils>", these Coffees can be ri-lii-d upuii as of highly ! superior quality. We also supply |iuid Chicory m quantities as desired. L. D. NATHAN AM) CO. m 0 B A C C 0 S, & c. We have a full range of Choice, as under, viz — Derby, flat sevens Derby, double thick, pocket pieces Asct, Hat sevens I not, block sevens <J Am,it, double thick pocket pieces N» iv Venus, short sevens New Venus, D.T.P.P. Imperial Ruliy Twist \ Vl.iury, leven-, mils !• Aromatic.' I '••.Men Eagle, rods J < 'Id Judue, Melrose, and W. H. A D. 0. Wills < ui tobaccos, in tins and packets old Judge Cigarettes I hree Castle Cigarettes. „._ ... 1). NATHAN k CO. I 8 " A L T • I "C hi fl the following always on sale, viz. : j' J|]f.Hirs« Brand Pine Salt jd "'« Horse Drand Coarse Salt Bi tr» i', rsi . ril ,„| Dairy Salt, in baßs Adelam, Coarse salt, ll bags to ton wllocksalt U bile Rue. IL -')• NiI'HAN * CO. JNDIAIS AND CEYLON TEAS. We have in Stock "shall recilve by the aiiutu boat due m Anguie,, a very wide variety Mutt of INDIAN ant CEYI ON TEAS for BMe in bulk. 1 h«M lets are and will he selected with a view to i me tie-t requirements of buyers in tbli market, and we SU3JI be pleased to cire sample, mtd quotations. L, D. NATHAN & CO.

Flour Mills and Biscuit Manufacturers. I THE FAVOURITE BRAND, a «Y> , , ,_,.u.».«'"«M r —j.'f.r..j. J »^^—■ _ . fcilk« ■ j ffa?. ■•■"•'V' '■■ '' y*~ ".' ~"_ ; T_' -V~'' ; L'' '" ":"-.' ".:.-'-'W' z -=" ~~ '--'■ : ' ■"■' fcs«a s<wrr?>x a). vj /kHj W« cks g rani o*& Bmp I 22 B <j AND OUR CELEBRATED BISCUITS. I nUADAFT 0 PH 3 Til W. H. RfIASSEY, Manager. Medical. , f I The Only Mineral Water known containing Salts of Iron perfectly m * Soluble, and consequently easily absorbed into the system. TH iv nn IH ysf Mineral Water opens a new era in supplying Iron in 1 B 9 M I S Mis Mineral Water opens a new era in supplying Iron In s UII I U a perfectly soluble form, and is especially recommended by the vV " " L Medical Faculty where there is weakness and debility; if also entirely CONTAINING SALTS OF IRON, overcomes the irritant effects and the usual symptoms formerly produced after the administration of Iron. It augments the number of absolutely red corpuscles in ie blood, gives strength and tone to the nervpus DIII7C 9 cm Mi C system, promotes appetite, assists digestion, and can be used in the, rUWt £ OULUDLC. msf delicate cases with advantage. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS, PRICE 3/6 THE PEPIHSTER MINERAL WATER COMPJW, I nilfli! Pft&l O AflA/miiMV Government Insurance BuUdinßs, QUEEN STR3RT, AUCKLAND LuUun bUN & l»Ulto!r«r}\ a Sol- Reoresentativcs for Austr»Jasi»u t ee Milk. I Soft Goods. MJp ' * BRAND , l| B,^ ,i S , W ' JUST OPENED The "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to i _.„ __ , S____??_OT| C ontain all the cream of the original milk. | Tllle and Hendersons !SufNSFfIMS In the process of manufacture nothing but; \%k' ft jM water is removed, nothing but the best mi iStSt refined sugar added. lIM 0 BTF 00 i 9 BDT^ I WM If I Avoid low-priced brands from which the !ff til 11 ylfliai lU. WjJp%5K*L " I cream has been abstracted, and ask for • KSffiiS| tllo "Milkmaid"'Brand, the best for all I purposes, _____ - — 21s the half-dozen If If T T ITI T""l 71" 1* 7"J O 84s 6d the half dozen \l I I i\ l"\ i\ ® __i 89s the " dozen BRAND s~>* IS" "W The Cheapest and Best ; Condensed milk irt __ Mark et. " Murray's " Brand contains only JH the richest milk and the "best refined sugaTlj an ci for general excel- _ lence in quality cannot be excelled, ij | | Ask for "Murray's" Brand, and %tJ O %Ja \J thereby insure getting D^r7rrodn C ' The Freshest! iX EW 7 '1&1&&** I,AIRY> The Cheapest! "EH? ER ! ij [TIC? Ks©St. ! ALL (IROOERB ALL THE YRAIt ROUND, U l! 3& E<?V"M) Ii 1 AUiOROOBRS Aid. TIIK YBAR HODND, And always of Quest quality. , — Each pat hears the Trade Mark, TTVTTTTinrTTTi 0 n rnoliANij- dairy S T MMliow hurtful to the eyes. , 1 SOME FINE ENGRAVINGS, ,„ the centre, surrounded by ■ The true remedy is properly-fittinK spectacles. Suitable for Wedding Presents. new ziialand association special attention is given to this by inspection Invited ] PEACOCK, Wholesale Depot, OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN, BHORTMND. TnE A ij ST raLIAN ART PIIOTOORAPII CO., WELLE-SLEY-STUKET, STREKT, .„„„,„,,-,. (FINE ART DBALBRS AND PICTURK- - FRAMERS, NEW ZE M ABgoaA " and other .letuw «' ;.. . | SIIORTI.ANU-STIir.K -irnvr I Iff Olipoblte Post Office. X (Next to Winks * UalD A^^-

Merchandise. Tllli KIN(J OF DYSPEPSIA CURE Known popularly as "K.D.C." The finest remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion known i l the world. It creates an appetite and , removes nausea and biliousness. We are sole scents or New Zealand, ami are •supplied with unquestionable proofs of the efficacy id this vvoudei f medicine. " K.D.C." is not a physio but invigorates and tones the stomach without weakening ami destroying the tissues. Sufferers fro.n the above distressing ailments will do well to ask rhenists, druggists, grocers, and country storekeepers, for " K.I) C," L. D. NATHAN k CO. BANNED FRUITS. We have a full range of choice, consisting of— Frullvale Brand of California!! Pears, Peaches and Apricots (assorted) Fruit vale Brand of California!! all Pilars Fruit vale Brand of Cilifornian all Peaches Kruitvale Brand of Californian all Apricots Cutting Brand of Callformali all Apricots Tiki Pea. lies St. (icorgu's Pie Fruits Singapore Pine Apples— fnirous Perseverance brand L 1). NATHAN A CO. "171 0 R (J A L K BEST ENGLISH I CORRUGATED IRON, 5 to 10 feet Sheet?. * LOWEST MARKET PRICE. LEAD-EDGE RIDGING, 11, 7, S, and Ofeeb lengths. 0.0. and H.R. SPOUTING, all sizes. ica jPQKSu&J 4^tMH*< IiKDIIGH McCAUI. (TKi.ErnoNK No. 3641, MANUFACTURING I'LUMBKR. AM) IMPORTER OF ALL TRADE REQUISITES WE EY-STIt K EAST lOrrosnn Library), has ALWAYS IN STOCK AND FOR IAI.K: BRST BRANDS OF CORIIUOATRD IRON HIE CW.RBHATKD CUPPED LEAD-HEADKI) NAII.s SHEET ZINC, I.EAD-KDHK RIDQINO, SPOCTINO AND DOWN.PIPE (ALL SIZES). CAST IRON ENAMELLED HATH'I SINKS JAW BOXES AND BASINS (With Patent Overflows and Plugs), LAVATORY BASINS AND AM. KINDS SANITARY WAKE NORTH BRITIBH S-PI.Y I. It. HOSE. SIIKKT AND PKI I.KAI), BLOCK TIN, TIN PLATES, SOLDKIt. AND SOIDBRING 1 BUNS SHEET BAIt, AND INGOT COPPEIt GEORGE M C CAUL, WKLLESLEY-STREET EAST, RICK ROVERS OF BEST ENGLISH ! MANUFACTURE. I ON SALE BY ii JT. H. fl ALL * V 0 Lower Queen-street. mO DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND .STOREKEEPERS. JUST ARRIVED, A SHIPMENT OF PRESERVITAS. ' The only genuine presorver. Prices furtuer Reduced. Also, a Shipment of GENUINE PARCHMENT PAPER, 'I his Is now duty free. . Special quotations on application to the i»E«nt A. J. W™' M * c AUCKLAND. PhotographyriEORGE pREOORY, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHIC, 45, COItNER OF QUEEN and WKHBSLBY-STJIBBW. 5 o ENAMELLED CABINETS gS I IVORYTYPES, 3 FOB 68. '• One 6 by II Opal Enlargement and One Down Cabinets enamelled or mat) lot lis, 1 PROMPT DELIVERY.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10328, 31 December 1896, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10328, 31 December 1896, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10328, 31 December 1896, Page 7