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1 : , .Hi an W»teb at; 8.18 p.m. >• „ ' Manukau-rB.U a.m.; 8.87 p,v. Son—Else?, 4.29 a.w; nets, 7.7 p.ip. '• MOO^-rFul| l to-morrow, 3.3? p.m. . . ARRIVALS. ' : V -i : ' i jc:' •' <'•' Pnkaki, 8.5., 1444, Q. 11.I 1 . Pp3t v (rftm.Fiii, 'v Passengers iT-Mr, and fifo, Wiijnal «id two children, Mrj.'Poat. Messrs. Ward, Bl'QWll, .r i Kearny, Meaney.-»Uniou S.S. Co., «gei|tsM•' Clansman, p.s., 300, E. Step|ieqson, from vbil/ Mangonui, Whapgaioa, and Russell. Pap- #'•. sengersHisses Bowden, Calvert, Wrigley, if.f. Roberts, ' Shannon, T?PP, Tw,: Morton, •jr!;.: Alexander, Fyfe (3); Mpsdftmeft Fy(e, Mo!':S; Nanghtop, Uleve and boy, Shannon and three |P ? cbildrep, Holiday, Inappotor $ictyon, Maxf ' tor Clave, Mesurs. "Airay, Franklin, Fvfe, >3 Euston, Masefield, Burlier, Darro'if, Havis, Braithwaite, Wade, Oo(Te(2), Djirb.V, Clarke. S Hill, Te Tai, Johnston, Huntor, Uiddleton, and 10 steerage.—Northern 9.5. Co.. uifeuts, Stella, 8.8., 267, B. Kennedy, from thfl y " Great Barrier,-I<ey Q'Bxioti and Co.* p agents. OLEAREU'bUTWARIIS. | To Atiau, 8.8., 1652, W- J. Newton, for fiatit Coast aid Southern ports, Passengers i > Misses Pearson, Keating, Phillips, McQueen, Simcux, Geu. Tilly, Bridgowater, Qamoron, p Hey wood, Brown, Sutherland, Bingham, f Fuller ('2), Hi)rgreaves, Mesdames iilakiaton. S Holford and family, Wyberg, Arnold and infant.. Fuller and ohild, Hurley, Camqrou, ; Roberts and two children,, MoArthur, Patterson, Douglas, Thompson and infant, Derbyshire, Cottiiigliain, Messrs. fleers Day, Joseph, Ballhonse. Wiilliams, Patterson, MeArthur, Fuller (3), iskoy, Clark, Diguan, Stewart, Page, Greatorex, Rocking, Moore, Montague, Marshall, Ferguson, Morgan, l Sulye, H?at (2), Hight, Cameron, Captain Kennedy, Brigadier McPhee, Masters Browu, Benjamin. Maizenqori, and 15 steerage.-' Union S.S. Co., agents. j Clansman, s.a., 300, E. Stephenson, foy Tauranga.—Northern S.S. Co., agents, Wellington, 8.8., 279, E. McLeod, for Whangarei.—Northern 8.8. Co,, agonts. lona, 5.5.,220, J. Duthia, for Kuaotunu, |f Kennedy's Bay, and Mercury Bay. — Northern S.S. Co., agents. 0 ' Chelmsford, 3,5., 70, C. Hopkins, fop ;-f Whakatane.—Northern S.S. Co., agents, | departures. ;' Te AiiaH, s.s., for the South. • Clansman, s.s., for Tauranga. Wellington, 5.8., for Whangar6i. loua, a.s., for way ports aud Mercury Bay, s Chelmsford, e.s., lor Whakatjne,' UNION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Tq-day.- Takapuna arrive at Onehypgq. f At 8 p.m. Sunday. Rotomtdlitna arrives frpit} Sydney late; Upolu arrives from Fiji. Monday*.—Waihora arrives trom South: lakapuua leaves Ouehipiga a,t 10 £>. pi. ; RotQmahaua leaves for South at p.m,; Upolu leaves for Wellington. 'H'uKSDAY.-Diujadee arrives from fesfc Coast ; Waihora leaves for Sydney at 5 p,'m, ' Wednesday. - Mtdijnapua arrives at Qn^hunga; Dingadee leaves for E^t Cpps^, ' NORTHERN S.S. CO.'3 MOVEMENTS, ' To-day—Gairloch arrives from New Plyinonth ) Banks Peninsula from Merely Bay and: Kuaotunu, Taivu#. and WhanEamata, and leaves again for Tairua and Whanga-i mata at 7 p.m.; Wellington arrives from Whangarei; Coromaudel leave? for Waiheka at 2 p.m. . SnNDAY.-Clanaraauarrivea fromTaurapgj, at 6 a.m.) lona arrives from Mercury Buy, Kuaotunu, and Kennedy's Bay; Kaqieri from W&itm; Waiotahi from Tauranga «ind Opo^iki; Glenelg from Opunake and WangaI' imi Monday.— leaves for New Plymouth at 1; Clansman leaves for Has* Sv- sell, Whangaroa, aud Mangonui at 7 p.m.; Waiotahi for Tauranga and Qpotiki at 4 p.m.; Douglas for Whan>;arei Town Wharl at 5 p.m.: Wellington for Whaugarel. IJaraden Point, Whaugurei Heads, end llangapai at 10.30 p.m.; lona leaves for Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay, and Kennedy's Bay an 9 p.m.; Banks Peninsula arrives from Tairua and Whangamata; Kar.ieri leaves foil Raglan and Aotea at 1 p.m.; Glenelg leaven forHokianga at 1 p.m. Tdesday.—lona arrives from Kqaotunu, Mercury Bay, and Kennedy's Bay) Argyle leaves for Waiheke at 9; and returns about 5 p.m.; Chelmsford arrives from Tauranga and Whakatare; Wellington arrives from Whangarei; Batiks Peninsula leaves for Kuaotunu and Mercury Bay at 9 p.m. ay.—Gairloch arrives from New Plymouth; Argyle leves for the Grerfc Barrier at midnight; loua leaves for Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay at 9 p.m.; Douglas f • arrives from Whaugarei Town Wharf, and leaves again for same port at 5 p.m.) . Chelmsford leaves for Tauranga at i p.m.; Glenelg arrives from Hokianga: Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Marsdon Point, Whangarei Heads, and Mangapai at 9.30 p.m. Thursday.— leaves for New Plymouth at 1 p.m.; Argyle arrives from the Great Barrier; Kanieri arrives from Kaplan and Aotea; Clansman arrives from Russell; Wellington from Whangarei; Waiotahi from Opotiki and Taurauga; Banks Peninsula from Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu early j lona arrives from Kennedy's Bay, Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu. Friday.— leaves for Waiheke at I a.m., and return) about 5 p.m.; Chelmsford irrives from Tauranga early. Thames Service. - Steamers leave for l'bames daily; for Paeroa daily, and for Corosoandel daily. See advertisements daily papers. IMPORTS. Per Pukaki, from Fiji: 1500 torn raw nugar, and a quantity ot fruit, peanuts, etc, EXPORTS. Per Te Anan, for the South : 5298 bags and SO sacks sugar, 77 cases and 3 hhds sugar and syrup, 110 sacks salt, 6 cases boots, }0 sacks lime, 157 bags flour, 149 bags and S cases potatoes, 50 boxes cornflour, II cases fruit, 4 eases cigarettes, 198 pieces timber, 22 cases lemons, 15 cases apples, 6 bale?, and I case leather, 20 cases waters, 27 cases meats, and jundrie:;.

The Northern Company's steamer CUna. man arrived from Mangonuj, Whaugwoa, md Resell yesterday morning, with ft. osrgo »{ kauri gum, eto. She left {0; Tatu'angn in the evening. Yesterday afternoon the Onion Company's steamer Te Anau left for East Coast and Southern ports, The Northern Company's steamer Welling, ton leit for Whatignrei last night. Lust night the Northern Company's stsamer lona left for Kqaottinu, Kennedy 1 !) Jiay, and Mercury Kay. The Northern Company's steamer Clielmsi' ford left for Whakutaue yesterday afternoon. Yesterday the barque Ulan MacUod, ccmmenqed loading kauri gum for New York. Tie schooner Queen is loading at the Railway Wharf for Hokianga, for which place »be sails to-day. The auxiliary schooner Jdedora leaves for Whaogaroa, Awanui, and Ohora at 5 p.m., »-day. Yesterday the New Zealand Shipping Com. pany's steamer Rakaia left Napier torLytteU :on. To-day the barque Kathleen Hilda will ha floated into the Auckland Dock for cleaning and painting. The ship Taraimki jailed from Napier for London yesterday. To-night the barque Devon will be towed down from Baguall's Mill, Turua, aud sail for Melbourne, On the Ist instant, the barque Lotos ' sailed from Suva, for the Azores, with a full cargo of copra. The French warship Amiral Perseval left Suva for Noumea, on the 7th instant. Oil the 9th instaut, the barque Excelsior tias sold hy public auction, at Su»a, Captain Calder being tho purchasor, at £545, The Vessel i roceeds to Sydney, shortly, The steamer Stella arrived from the Great Barrier, lust night, with a large raft of logs. THE PUKAKI. The Union Company's steamer I'ukaki, Captain C. K. Posii, arrived from Fiji at 0 p.m. yesterday, l tinging a cargo of raw sugar, fruit, etc. (1/ the round trip Mr. 0, iloArthur, the thief officer, reports :-"The Pnkaki. left Auckland 011 November 30 and called In at Russell the next day to coal, leaving at 4 p.m. on the Ist liisfc. Suva was reached at 6 a.m. on the 6th and next day the steamer proceeded to Navtia. Called at Lanoala Bay, Levuka, Ba, and finally left Suva for Auckland at 9 a.m. on the lMth. srrivjiifl as above. Fine weather prevailed during the ruu to Suva. On the Bth and 9th very neuvy rain, followed by fine weather dunnjr the stay in the group. Fine weather and light winds were met with qn th« passage up. The Pukaki is discharging at Chelsea and leaves for Oamaru and 'Timaru on Tuesday evening, to load prodnoe tor Auckland. The Pukaki leaves for Fiji . again about January 5. THE UPOLU. The Union Company's steamer Urqw was to leave Fiji for tni? port qp Tuesday last, and may be expected to urrivti to-mor<W-. • .THE ROTO M AH AN A. -: The Union, Company's , steamer' wtqipa- ■ haua, from Sydney, is expected to arrive late to-morrow night or early on Monday mOrning. . She leaves for east C<jasfc and Southern Ports on Monday afternoon. " . . ;.«< r. THE MARIPOSA... ' - T/;e rmail steamert .\laripo3a, -which. left , this port on November 28, arrived , at San Fr»ncieco on Thursday last, contract date.

;. ■' • THE FLPTWINO LEAKING. : • /a' Thei Fiji Times, of the Bth instant says :~ Thesohooner ' Fleetwjug, of 'AuolcjAD^'. Captain Tyrol, arrived from Futuna, on Friday evening, in a leaky condition. For some time pasttherapilhag been tiding out qf the port of Yavau, Touga Group, under tlie |«l* pioes of Messrs Vine?, Uttii|g, ana l'erstop, £*$'' on" a ' recent voyage outward from Futuna the vessel sprung a leak, which necessitated her putting pack t? again,' where she lauded tome forty passengers, Who were op rpnte to Vavau. " Tlie leak was discovered between the sealing a.nd stopped, and the vessel put to sea, again when fresh leakage commenced. ■ Her master then determined to rmi'fpr Fiji and have hja ship put into a seawoythy condition, As ipost of her cargo, \yhich comprises some twenty tons $ com and a, stock of trade I'M been damaged by seaway, a ?«rvey will be held on it for the bepofit (if whom it may concbj'ii. The le<ik(ige lias been caused by a quantity of oakum working out of the seams at the beam of the, Vessel.

» Br 'Mbiwmpfr

„ , m Plymouth, December IS,-rArr|vo(l: Qiiirlooh, s.s,, §.?., from Qnehunga. Sailed: Gairloch, 5.8., to? Oueliunga ; Mahiimpua, H'i lor Wellington. " RAPIER. December 18.—Sailed ; Taranaki, ship, for l<ondou, n WELLINGTON, „ lf«,® w.--Arrived; Anglian, s.s., from Sydney, via Auckland and the East Coast; Jiiknpimu, 9.?.i fi'pm Nelson mid Pintail; Waih'ora, 8.5., from the South; Mururoa.s.s., fl'flW Melbourne, vja the South; Penguin, S.S., from Lytteltop, S.ulod: Ohau, s.s., for VMM s.s., tar Auckland, via tlfe feast C(»st ; Penguin, 5.8., Auglian.s.s., for the South; Maiatoa, s.s., for Sydney; Takapuna, s.s., for Uuolllingit, via Taranaki. P^engers;—Misses Bright, Milroy (2), Jacqbsjon (2), Parlor, Gjlibnm, Tyer, Brown, Clayton, MulKeu, Jackson. Campbell, Mesdenies Ake.i'Si Jeffrey. Wood, Sharp, Pudney; Potrie, Hardy, Sir E. Gibbes, Messrs. McGregor, Bull, mil, Jejfi'fy, i'eilding, Carroll, Wright, Heath, Maurier,' Petrie, Jones. Mm, Pollnvd Millar, Hardy, \\ OPd, 'WrjglH, Stcplioiison, Druminpnd, e'l.tou. Glovpr, Buddlo, c.viniibell, Wallagher, Derreft, Masters urdie, Gibbes, Tabor, and &i SteerjW, s.s,, for Sydney, via tlio Last Coast and Auplv{miil. Passengers: -Misses Howell, Skerretr, Nelson, Robertson, Goodwill (?), Tibbs, \lcmla|pos Sutton and family. Holt, Goodwill, Ga|li Mannerman and three sons, Naftvui, Messrs- Munokton Clayton Goodwill, Allien, Bulb Chancellor Sinclair, Tuke, Tibbs, lawless, Tonioan^ n i CHALMERS. .Pc?epibe^ij.-rSat(ed • Enterprise, buigtmtmpi t°|' NiWr:, Flnrn, ss„ for Auckland, viij tlie Last Coast. Piissopgors: Misses hitpe, Melville, A||?n, McKay, Downes (2), "roadway, ihoippson, Hayes, Maofarlaue, Sables, Anderson, Cook, Brown, Neville (2), V#worth, fifdble?, Bimiio, Ben. Son, Mormon ami child, Thirkell, Cottee, if.ii OD rT l , 0 "', McArthur, Bayley and m Ojnar, Lady Grant, Messrs. Samson, Grant Copies, G. Clark, J. Drysdale, H. H. rat;le, McLennan, J, G. Hewitt, Cunningham Graham, Brodrick, Ward, A. Bathgate, W, MWh'm, Maxwell, Johnson, Masters y s fier and Mop, Rev. C. A. Eraer, the rollard Opera Conipany (45), aud 13 steerage. ~MmavW LOSDON, Oecoinher 17.—The New Zealand bnippitig Company s staanier Ruahine, from New Zealand, arrived at Plymouth yesterday. „ , SYDNEY. December 18.~Arrived; Tasmania, s.s.. from Auckland. ' ' '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10319, 19 December 1896, Page 4

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SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10319, 19 December 1896, Page 4

SHIPPING New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 10319, 19 December 1896, Page 4